#but also. a capitalist 🤮
akajustmerry · 7 months
What's happening in Palestine truly brought out the worst in people. I've been blocking people left and right. Folks try to give positive examples of rebellions from the past like the end of apartheid and the Haitian Revolution,some ghouls respond by saying "Well,those are not good examples because look how poor and corrupt those countries are now", annoying white homonationalist gays don't shut up about how it's bad to root for Palestinians because they "push gay people off roofs and behead them" (Pinkwashing really worked on their pea sized brains,some of them even went on sponsored trips to Tel Aviv 🤮)even f*cking radfems found the video of a 13 year old girl who gave interviews twice in three years and say "Well why is she wearing a hijab now????I won't root for people who put a hijab on a kid!!!" The genocidal ghoul who is unfortunately the president of the USA says "I mean civilians die in wars it's inevitable and idk if Palestinians are telling the truth so idk the numbers of dead people" while dumbass USamerican liberals STILL talk about "harm reduction" I mean,how do these people not hear how repulsive they sound? How can anybody's support for people who are the target of a literal GENOCIDE be conditional? My god I knew westerners were drowning in racism and Islamophobia but the depth of their hatred really is vomit inducing. I pray we all get to see a free Palestine and the fall of all war mongering capitalist empires that funded not only Palestinian,but also Afghan, Iraqi, Yemeni, Libyan,Syrian and so many more people's suffering in our lifetime. I pray it won't be exhausting to just exist as people from SWANA in the future. I pray they all thrive and not just survive in the future. I have hope because how can I not when Palestinians themselves still do,and it feels shameful to momentarily lose hope when I'm just a privileged woman following updates from the comfort of my home.
You articulated so much of what I'm feeling too. I think what makes it worse is how so much of the propaganda we're seeing is the same kind of propaganda the West used to justify the invasion of Iraq, Iran and Syria. All of it has been debunked. Yet people fall for it again and again and again and SWANA people die for that. The truth is right in front of people but they refuse to see it because they've become so comfortable not seeing Brown and Black bodies as human. It feels crazy. And yeah it is utterly strange to see people you share a culture with being massacred day in day out and to feel utterly destroyed by that, only for people to claim it's a lie, and then to also rmr what we feel is trivial to what people in Palestine are enduring. And as you said, they have hope and rage and so must we.
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tomorrowusa · 10 months
Before getting too excited about Twitter's new competitor Threads, keep in mind that it is a Facebook product. Facebook/Meta has plenty of its own issues.
[T]he tight integration among the Meta-owned apps can also serve to remind users they could be giving away the same personal data that's collected from many of Instagram's 2.3 billion monthly active users and from those on other Meta platforms, such as Facebook. Meta's privacy policy says the app may collect and share information about purchases, location, contacts, "financial info," health and fitness, and browsing and search history, and then share that data to advertisers. In addition, the Threads and Instagram apps, according to Apple's App Store, "may include handling" of "sensitive information," which could include race, sexual orientation and religion.
It may be worth waiting for a less data-hungry alternative.
"As Twitter faces turbulence from controversial policy changes, Threads appears to have emerged at just the right time. However, if people are looking for an alternative to Twitter that respects their data privacy and right to civil discourse, they will have to keep searching,"social mediaand online privacy expert Mark Weinstein told CBC News. "Similar to Meta's other products like Facebook and Instagram, it appears that Threads will earn revenue via data harvesting and surveillance capitalism," he said.
Trading one crazed filthy rich surveillance capitalist overlord for a slightly less crazed filthy rich surveillance capitalist overlord may not be the answer we seek.
Some additional words of caution.
For now, only Instagram users can create a Threads account. Another wrinkle is you can't delete a Threads account without also deleting your Instagram.
So you need to start an Instagram (Meta) account if you wish to use Threads. 🤮
Tech monopolies need to be broken up rather than augmented.
What would be optimal is a Twitter replacement run as a nonprofit and containing a "poison pill" which would be activated if a malevolent oligarch with political ambitions tried to take it over.
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
The capitalists love to talk about the victims of Communism, but is capitalism ever brought on the same trial? How many martyrs,how many deaths never accounted for? And for what for? To preserve a system that is almost dead? To preserve an honor that never was?
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Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
Oggi, 01/06, è la Giornata Internazionale dei Bambini. Ringrazio il Compagno Liu per aver ricordato un eroico bambino Cinese: Song Zhenzhong, ricordato con il buffo e tenero soprannome "Carota" ❤️
⚔️ Durante la Guerra di Liberazione della Cina, dal 1927 al 1949, tra il Partito Comunista Cinese e il KMT, i Nazionalisti Cinesi - fortemente anti-Comunisti - istituirono un campo di concentramento sotto il nome di "Istituto di Cooperazione Sino-Statunitense" a Chongqing, per detenere e torturare i membri del CPC catturati 😡
😭 Zhenzhong, che aveva solo otto mesi (❗️), fu imprigionato in questo campo di concentramento insieme ai suoi genitori, membri del CPC 🚩
😭 In questo brutale campo, i membri del CPC furono torturati e maltrattati in ambienti chiusi, bui e umidi. Il piccolo Song visse in prigione fino all'età di otto anni. A causa della malnutrizione, era molto magro, e mai nella sua breve vita poté assaggiare lo zucchero 😭
La madre, in prigione, intinse il dito nel sale e glielo fece assaggiare, dicendogli che era zucchero, per farlo felice. Iniziò anche a studiare in segreto, grazie al Compagno Luo Shiwen, Ex Segretario del Comitato Provinciale del Sichuan, arrestato dal KMT. Purtroppo, fu fucilato dai reazionari nazionalisti 😡
🇹🇼 I funzionari della prigione tentarono molte volte di indurre il piccolo Zhengzhong a tradire i suoi genitori, cercando di corromperlo col cibo, ma lui non si fece mai tentare ⭐️
😭 Nel 1949, un mese prima della fondazione della RPC, i reazionari del KMT uccisero il piccolo Song Zhengzhong, che morì quindi a soli otto anni ❗️❗️❗️
😭 Divenne il più giovane martire della Rivoluzione e del CPC 🚩
🤮 Le autorità del KMT, che fuggirono a Taiwan, e fondarono il regime-fantoccio, non hanno mai sostenuto realmente i Tre Principi del Popolo, non hanno mai difeso la Democrazia in Cina, e hanno le mani sporche del sangue delle persone 😡
🐰 Mai dimenticare 🫡
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
Today, 01/06, is International Children's Day. I thank Comrade Liu for remembering a heroic Chinese child: Song Zhenzhong, remembered with the funny and tender nickname "Carrot" ❤️
⚔️ During the War of Liberation of China, from 1927 to 1949, between the Communist Party of China and the KMT, Chinese Nationalists - strongly anti-Communist - set up a concentration camp under the name of "Sino-US Cooperation Institute" in Chongqing, to detain and torture captured CPC members 😡
😭 Zhenzhong, who was only eight months old (❗️), was imprisoned in this concentration camp together with his parents, who were CPC members 🚩
😭 In this brutal camp, CPC members were tortured and abused in closed, dark and humid environments. Little Song lived in prison until he was eight years old. Due to malnutrition, he was very thin, and never in his short life could he taste sugar 😭
The mother, in prison, dipped her finger in salt and made him taste it, telling him it was sugar, to make him happy. He also began to study in secret, thanks to Comrade Luo Shiwen, former secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Committee, who was arrested by the KMT. Unfortunately, he was shot by nationalist reactionaries 😡
🇹🇼 Prison officials tried many times to induce little Zhengzhong to betray his parents, trying to bribe him with food, but he never let himself be tempted ⭐️
😭 In 1949, a month before the founding of the PRC, KMT reactionaries killed little Song Zhengzhong, who then died at the age of eight ❗️❗️❗️
😭 he Became the youngest martyr of the Revolution and the CPC 🚩
🤮 The KMT authorities, who fled to Taiwan, and founded the puppet regime, have never really supported the People's Three Principles, have never defended democracy in China, and have people's blood on their hands 😡
🐰 Never forget 🫡
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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vtori73 · 2 years
Hmmm... probably shouldn't try writing this right now while lacking a decent amount of sleep BUT I can no longer escape complaining about it so I'm just going to DO IT...
Anyway, so, I keep seeing posts by people sharing counter arguments to posts complaining about people not reblogging their work and just... I'm not sorry to say this but none of these counters i've read so far make any sort of good arguments and kind of just prove the point that a lot of us artists/creators are already very aware of and that is that a LOT of y'all feel entitlement to our creations (regardless of if ur an artist or not).
Don't get the connection? I'll try to explain. Let start with breaking down some of these counter arguments I've seen. The flimsiest one being accusing people of 'guilt tripping' & yes I do think it's flimsy argument/accusation. For one, the artist is NOT literally forcing you to do anything you don't have to ACTUALLY share anything but for the artist it means a lot and could lead to them making actual money that they NEED but can't get elsewhere because we live in a capitalist society. If it bothers you, guess what, you can UNFOLLOW them (it's free) and artists shouldn't be made out to be the villains because they are being honest that the shares/engagement are just THAT important for them (unless they are literally harassing u but that's diff, let's all acknowledge that a diff thing... good? Good!). I don't really see it all that different from panhandling, sure you might find some artists who aren't actually poor poor BUT I would hope most of us are aware of by now that only a very very small percentage of artists are actually living lavishly and at most are making decent enough for what they do. Also, I know we all LOVE to complain about this age of influencers and how things have to involve engagement, likes, etc but for fucks sakes don't be dicks and forget SOME people DO need that bullshit because they can't get their shit out there otherwise & if their shit isn't out there they can't make money, and we need money to fucking live in this nightmare world!!!! You could also just BUY from the artist instead because you know what's even BETTER then online bullshit? ACTUAL FINANCIAL COMPENSATION!!! 'oh but I don't have money, I'm poor too, I can't right now, I would rather give to someone I know who REALLY needs it, etc" all valid responses (that you should keep to yourselves because we don't need to know ur business) BUT you can't have ur goddamn fucking cake and eat to, if you can't support us financially THATS why/when we ask for reblogs/reshares, etc because guess what?... Yeah, you guessed it, it's FREE to do that shit, sure likes are... SOMETHING I won't argue they aren't BUT at the end of the day it doesn't get the artists work to others, it doesn't help spread their artwork to others who might actually be able to pay/hire the artists for their skills.
... okay, so yeah I hope that all makes sense, if not... oh well this is as coherent as sleep deprived me can be. Moving on, I'm going to tackle the next argument which is "likes are engagement too, they mean something TOO ME!!!🥺🥺🥺" ...Ugh 🤮🤢🤮 yeah, this argument is... also bad. Why? Well for one it makes it about someone else, just because YOU are okay with only likes doesn't mean everyone else is especially since not everyone needs the same amount of engagement/support as others since some or even plenty of y'all arent ONLY making income from ur creations/art and have other venues of support unlike some other artists who rely on their art to bring in money. &, I KNOW we are all aware that's not how social media works, social media doesn't put much worth into just likes which is what most artists mean when they complain. They aren't LITERALLY saying your likes mean nothing to them and that you might as well have just spat on them & their work you FUCKERS but I feel like we should all be aware that's what these artists meant, right? Right? Well, y'all should if y'all pay any attention to social media/artists (and please, PLEASE don't try to lie and say yall don't because I know that's bullshit with how much commentary & criticism I see on this & that regarding social media & the claws it has in all of us and our passions/livelihoods etc whatever).
I... think I had another counter argument to a counter argument but I honestly don't recall either so for now I'm just going to wrap up this horrible post. So... you all like to go on & ON about supporting artists, about supporting individuals and not corporations, about supporting indie titles TRUE indie work... and yet... And yet, when these artists & creators go on to complain about no one reblogging/retweeting/sharing, etc their work that they have worked very long & hard for that they are trying to use to stay afloat in our capitalist society y'all are quick to go 'oh y'all are so mean to guilt trip us & this artists who clearly doesn't need engagement for xyz reasons says they appreciate just likes so why should we!!!" I've already known this for awhile, and it's not a hard pill to swallow either, it's just a fact of life that people don't actually want to support artists, it has to be easy, or quick or something, it has to be in the way y'all want to support us, otherwise y'all won't bother and instead of leaving it at that y'all dare to COMPLAIN about US, and it's... its entitlement, pure entitlement to us, to our creations and I just wish yall could acknowledge that, just... be honest with yourselves, with us... please.
Anyway yeah... this was directed at specific posts I saw, and maybe I'm being harsh but I'm just tired... so so tired & not just because I'm lacking sleep but also I'm just so tired as an artists and dealing with seeing day in and day out of basically almost NO ONE caring at all about us or our work. I'm just so tired of all of y'all and maybe next time instead of complaining about x mainstream media thing maybe just... go partake in it instead? I mean, at least those creators/artists were already compensated & don't actually really need y'all's shares, follows, etc, all y'all got to do it consume the media, which is what y'all actually wanted... right?
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higheldertala · 2 years
praxeus salt commentary
aw look it’s everyone favourite capitalist booklicker pete mctighe
an episode written by pete mctighe AND ch*bnall, this is my own personal hell right here.
the point of that voiceover was…?
great more c*ps(!) 🤮🤮🤮🤮
location hopping! such fun(!)
a c*p, and now vloggers, could you think of any more annoying side characters?
why would you camp there in all that trash??
why would you want to touch a dead bird?
im pretty sure jake is trying to kick in a pull door.
where did yaz get the skeleton key from?
i do hate that we’re just dropped into the plot all the time.
i would definitely use something more than a tshirt to pick dead bird, have some gloves at least.
gabriela just left all of her stuff by the trash river. guess it wasn’t important and didn’t have her money, passport, phone charger or anything important in it.
hey the comms devices are back, yay! finally something practical and useful.
‘chat chat chat chat’ yeah don’t we know it(!)
‘hesitation, must be valuable’ yes, we know need to say it out loud though do we?
‘except i don’t go around announcing im police’ well that’s a fucking lie isn’t it yaz?!
the doctor just appearing out of nowhere is comical honestly.
we’re just letting anyone into the tardis these days aren’t we?
sorry not to like police grief or anything, but has any of ch*bnall’s characters ever cried when a loved one has died? swear this never happens. is crying not allowed or something?
allowing yaz to stay behind is like fine but letting random vlogger tag along is a bit irresponsible.
‘it clearly is, cos you’re in it’ i can’t remember the doctor ever being this snarky to someone’s reaction to the inside of the tardis?
would love to see the tardis medbay, or just other rooms in the tardis really.
so wait, ryan just picked up a dead bird unprompted, why would you do that?
why would you stay outside? surely you can watch the birds through the window.
‘what’s the matter with you people’ this character is suppose to be annoying right? honestly with ch*bnall’s side characters you can never tell.
so im the same age as ryan and we never dissected animals in science at school obviously i can’t speak for everyone but im pretty sure that’s not a thing anymore. im pretty sure rose mentions this in school reunion back in 2006 so god know what ch*bnall think kids do in school nowadays.
this might just be fanfiction and maybe there’s no actual canon evidence for it, but i refuse to believe the tardis wouldn’t have a medbay where they could treat adam.
the doctor using suki’s laptop to analyse adam’s blood, she couldn’t have done this on the tardis because…?
hey it’s that fun camera shot where the camera goes in and out focus on the characters in a completely non jarring way(!)
yaz thinks she’s being brave but she actually being dangerously reckless in an attempt to look good to the doctor, which would be fine if this was ever established in her character.
also very weird after being kidnapped thrice this series, that yaz is now willingly transporting herself to an unknown place.
‘didn’t teleport into an active volcano, result!’ oof that line delivery.
‘you’re poisoning yourselves as well as your planet’ again not an individual responsibility. the average person doesn’t actually have a say on how plastic is produced and disposed of.
i don’t get why suki suddenly becomes the villian. why couldn’t suki tell them the truth? the doctor is helping her, why turn on her? also this reveal of character actually being bad person all along has happen thrice now in 6 episodes. there’s such thing as overdoing it.
i can’t believe they’re just leaving adam to die on the floor like that.
‘thanks for coming to get us eventually’ yaz you volunteered to go off on your own what are talking about this? i guess this is suppose to be banter? but uh they really don’t have that kind of relationship.
‘look at you, going off on your own and not getting killed’ the doctor really said well done you’re not dead i…💀
yaz having a strop because she didn’t get teleported to an alien planet is so funny. also when is this ever been her character?
love how ending implies the doctor could have saved adric at any time, but fuck them kids right?
also love how gabriela just completely forgets her friend/ partner died and acts like everything is okay.
concluding thoughts: id give it a zero just for being written by pete mctighe to be honest, but actual opinions um yeah mid i guess? the location hopping is so annoying and the plethora of side characters are also annoying, there’s ends up being like 10 characters and i don’t care about anyone. and in true pete mctighe fashion the problem of plastic pollution is blamed on the individual rather than on capitalism and those in power. and the ending is a bit of a cop out and devalues the stakes of any story if the doctor is able to materialise, at the last ‘millisecond’ around anyone who is in danger.
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started dating this guy that i really like (but don’t really understand why because we’re so different) and literally after our SECOND DATE he tells me we might not see each other for a whole month WHY IS DATING THE WORSTTT 😪
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purrfectly · 3 years
doing IS-0027: Orientation to FEMA logisitcs and they open up with this dude saying:
FEMA is a customer-service agency. We do emergency response but we work foe our customers.
is there a worse look than this??? They just went and found the most shitty capitalistic framing im--
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
Looking at the ridiculous map this guy must a fun of the new order the last days of europe as much as me,unfortunately he decided to copy the nazis instead of Yazov
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Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
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Oggi il collettivoshaoshan vi propone un gioco per spezzare la monotonia,un bel trova le differenze tra una mod di hearts of iron 4 dove i nazisti vincono e la mappa che rappresentano il sogno bagnato dei liberali
Today the shaoshan collective offers you a game to break the monotony, a nice find the differences between a mod of hearts of iron 4 where the Nazis win and the map representing the wet dream of the liberals
🤡 Günter Föhlinger, nazista Presidente del "Comitato Austriaco per l'Adesione alla NATO di Austria, Bosnia, Kosovo, Ucraina e UE - 2023" ha pubblicato, su Twitter, una mappa che rappresenta il sogno bagnato degli imperialisti USA: una Cina balcanizzata, divisa in colonie filo-occidentali legate alla penetrazione capitalistica straniera 🤮
🤮 Oltre all'immagine, che dimostra ancora una volta come la NATO e coloro che sono legati ad essa siano un branco di fascisti suprematisti, servi del Capitale USA, Föhlinger si permette anche di minacciare la Cina, dichiarando che tale balcanizzazione avverrà qualora la Cina «non dovesse smettere di collaborare con la Russia» 🤡
⭐️ Spiacente, sig. Föhlinger, la Repubblica Popolare Cinese continuerà a crescere e svilupparsi, il CPC raggiungerà l'Obiettivo del Secondo Centenario e il Guójiā Ānquánbù non dimenticherà tali esternazioni 🚩
La NATO i suoi lacchè rappresentano, ad oggi, il più grande pericolo per la Pace nel Mondo, e - storicamente - il Patto Atlantico è stato costituito da membri del più grande male della Storia dell'Umanità: il Terzo Reich
➡️ Si consiglia caldamente la lettura dell'ottimo post: "🇫🇲 COME SI SONO ARTICOLATE LE CARRIERE DEGLI ALTI UFFICIALI DEL TERZO REICH DOPO LA SUA CADUTA? E SOPRATTUTTO, DOVE?" dei Compagni del Comitato per il Donbass Antinazista 👍 💕 👏
➡️ Sul Tema della Balcanizzazione della Cina, il Collettivo Shaoshan ha pubblicato il post: "COSA INTENDE L'OCCIDENTE QUANDO PARLA DI DISGREGAZIONE DELLA RUSSIA E DI SEPARATISMO ANTI-CINESE MASCHERATO DA DEMOCRAZIA?", di cui se ne consiglia la lettura 📖
🤮 Ah, Föhlinger non sogna soltanto la balcanizzazione della Cina, sostenendo di tutto, dal terrorismo jihadista uiguro nello Xinjiang al neo-colonialismo britannico a Hong Kong, passando per la teocrazia lamaista nella Regione Autonoma del Tibet, ma si eccita anche all'idea della balcanizzazione della Russia in 41 "stati" | Letteralmente il progetta Nazista, in pieno stile Nuovo Ordine 🤮
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🤡 Günter Föhlinger, Nazi Chairman of the "Austrian Committee for NATO Accession of Austria, Bosnia, Kosovo, Ukraine and the EU - 2023" posted, on Twitter, a map representing the wet dream of US imperialists: a balkanized China, divided into pro-Western colonies linked to foreign capitalist penetration 🤮
🤮 In addition to the image, which once again demonstrates how NATO and those connected to it are a bunch of supremacist fascists, servants of US Capital, Föhlinger also allows himself to threaten China, declaring that this balkanization will take place if China «shouldn't stop collaborating with Russia» 🤡
⭐️ Sorry, mr. Föhlinger, the People's Republic of China will continue to grow and develop, the CPC will achieve the Second Centenary Goal, and the Guójiā Ānquánbù will not forget such utterances 🚩
NATO and its lackeys represent, to date, the greatest danger for World Peace, and - historically - the Atlantic Pact was made up of members of the greatest evil in the history of humanity: the Third Reich
➡️ Reading the excellent post is highly recommended: "🇫🇲 HOW DID THE CAREERS OF THE SENIOR OFFICERS OF THE THIRD REICH ARTICULATE AFTER HIS FALL? AND ESPECIALLY, WHERE?" of Comrades of the Anti-Nazi Donbass Committee 👍 💕 👏
➡️ On the theme of the Balkanization of China, the Shaoshan Collective has published the post: "WHAT DOES THE WEST MEAN WHEN IT TALK ABOUT THE DISGREGATION OF RUSSIA AND ANTI-CHINESE SEPARATISM MASKED AS DEMOCRACY?", which we recommend reading 📖
🤮 Ah, Föhlinger not only dreams of the balkanization of China, supporting everything from Uyghur jihadist terrorism in Xinjiang to British neo-colonialism in Hong Kong, via the Lamaist theocracy in the Tibet Autonomous Region, but he also gets excited about the balkanization of Russia into 41 "states" | Literally the Nazi design, in full New Order style 🤮
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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