#but also theyre like the kids of Circe which is really interesting so im wondering if theres anything there that i could include
spookberry · 1 year
all this valentine got me thinking, do u have any ideas fora Spelldon design?
I've been working on a design for him actually! I've been struggling to decide on what kinda style he wears cuz like... there isn't much of any information on him. I see a lot of people lean into making him kinda nerdy? button ups and sweater vests but idk I think it'd be interesting if he was bit a cooler
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mattelektras · 7 years
dc/marvel characters that are your favorites but are very underrated. name a few and maybe a reason why you like them? :)
i have a lot of z list favs i love this question
silver sable!!!!!!!!- one of my ultimate favourite characters. emotionally stoic girls are my type. characters w white hair are my type. assassin/mercenary girls are my type. girls whose families are famous for killing nazis are definitely my type
maya lopez- such a unique character with such an intricate origin with fisk and daredevil. it would have been so easy to write her as Just Another Assassin that matt has the hots for but she was her own character and she progressed so far
ben reilly and kaine parker- they have so many stories about over coming being peter’s clones and i wish they’d get something else because they’re so clearly NOT peter fucking parker. my sons whom i love
THE ENTIRE NEW WARRIORS TEAM- they got blamed for starting the first civil war and then they just kind of got abandoned with that guilt and no one ever really acknowledged how traumatising it would be for a bunch of kids to be trying to help people and to then end up killing them. robbie literally kept himself in a suit that constantly hurt him afterwards because he felt like he deserved it, they lost so many of their own team members who are still MIA today
elsa bloodstone- monster slayer???? how fucking cool is that..... exists to murder and drink tea afterwards
selene gallio- QUEEN OF DEATH the oldest mutant, uber powerful.
clea- another ultimate fav!! put up with dr strange enough to marry him. literally queen of the dark dimension at one point, which is basically where all of stephen’s biggest enemies come from. and she just lived there. she deserves a story that shows how powerful she actually is
lady bullseye- another bitter assassin girl. she became what she is because bullseye unwittingly rescued her from trafficking and idk i think being inspired to be a bad guy to protect herself is something that makes a lot of sense 
satana & daimon hellstrom- hot bitchy brother sister team that literally rules hell. literally the children of satan and they get used like..... once a year
so many legion people but to narrow it down- nura nal- her power is sleeping and that’s neat. but she’s also considered to be one of the smartest members of the legion, which is a HUGE team so thats a very bold statement to make. she’s gorgeous and etheral but also knows math and could kick anyone’s ass & dawnstar- literally looks like an angel!!!! used the money she got from attending legion academy to better her homeworld’s defenses. her power is tracking which seems pretty useless at first glance but the way she uses it makes it actually incredibly cool
lady shiva- assassin girls!!!! she pretty much just travels the world looking for people who think theyre the best at fighting or martial arts etc, then she kicks their asses. she’s not exclusively a villain, she just does what benefits her which is something i love
a lot of lantern girls..... mostly star sapphires like carol and fatality. their power is love sure but the embodiment of their power is a giant ethereal pink murder monster called the predator. love seems like a shitty power but the star sapphires make it so cool and also a little fucked up
bleez... my fav lantern girl... she used to be a princess w huge feathery wings who was a little arrogant but she had reason to be because she was hot and rich. then she was raped and tortured. enter the red lantern ring and now she uses her hate and anger to destroy anyone that’d hurt her. im all about negative character development and female characters that fuck up anyone hurts them
silver st cloud- a batman love interest thats pretty much faded into obscurity since strange apparitions. and even then she didnt get a lot of content. but she was rich and pretty and SMART. she realised when something was up with bruce even if no one else did, and no one listened to her!!!! she figured out that bruce was batman by herself but she pretended not to because she knew it was important to him
circe- murder wonder woman with pink hair. both very good concepts. she wants to make the world better by killing men
cheshire- she has a lot of issues and isnt the most morally admirable person in the world but despite all of that she loves her daughter and idk i like that her weakness isnt a love interest or a man
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