#but WOW gorgeous work
willowser · 1 year
i have this image of modern au denji saving you from a terrible date LOL
he works at some high-class restaurant with his tucked shirt and tie—a job that aki got him—waiting tables and occasionally cleaning dishes. and you're there, in a nice dress, on a second date with a man you don't really care for, that is a bit pig-headed about how much money he makes and worries way too much for how people perceive him. he's not bad, but the conversation keeps coming back to him and all his accomplishments and there's little he appreciates about you and suddenly you find yourself excused to use the bathroom.
except you just hide. around the corner, with your back pressed into the wall as you try to summon the motivation to get through the rest of the night. you don't know how you'll do it, really, until this guy is coming out of the kitchen to your left with a tray in his hands and he looks right at you, a little surprised that you're there, and then he smiles and nods. when he returns from dropping off his food, he comes to stand right beside you, leaning against the wall like he's not on the job, and he tells you—
"you look beautiful in that dress."
and you're floored ??? because who even ARE YOU ??? but he's so open and honest 🥺 and even if his face is a lil blushy, he just—says it. no shame. after spending the last hour with a guy you're not sure even remembers your name, it's nice to hear, and he's cute with his pretty, sparkly eyes and crooked smile 🥺
he can tell you're clearly not enjoying yourself, so he just nods to the kitchen at your left. "there's a door to the back, if you wanna ditch."
under normal circumstances, would you bail on your date? no, probably not, wouldn't have the guts, but there's something about this guy and his lil open mouth smile and unabashed goo-goo eyes that has you thinking fuck it. odd that a stranger would give you such a confidence boost, but now you wonder why you're subjecting yourself to some half-ass treatment, why you've been settling for guys like the man at your table.
you can do better than that—probably—and somehow this waiter is reminding you of your worth.
so you do allow him to lead you through the kitchen, and he couldn't care less about his coworkers staring at him, couldn't care less about the strawberry-blonde girl washing dishes that shouts, "denji, get over here and help me!"
you have this brief moment of panic once you get out into the alley that this is a trap you've fallen right into, but he—denji—just stands beside you on the sidewalk, staring down the road like he's watching for a cab.
"i don't—" embarrassingly enough, you're just now noticing how empty-handed you are. "shit, i don't have any of my stuff."
"oh," he shrugs, no problem. "i'll get it, you just find a ride. i don't have a license or else i would—y'know."
it's just so strange, that he's so giving. like he'd go out of his way to help you just because he can. not because he expects any money or for you to sleep with him, he's just—helping because he could. because he thinks you look beautiful in your dress.
he doesn't say anything about your date when he returns, just hands you your phone and jacket and wallet with his same lil smile. and you've got a taxi waiting with the door open and he just stands on the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets, making sure you get in okay, and the final straw is when he says—
"congrats on your job thing, by the way."
job thing, that you told your date about, who didn't even blink at your good news. wherever he was—denji—whatever table he was helping, and he still heard you.
you keep the cab door open, one foot in and—under normal circumstances, would you do this? probably not, wouldn't have the guts, but he's so—
"hey," you say, leaning against the doorframe with a smile that makes his face redder under the streetlamp. "what time is your shift over?"
and this guy—denji—just grins, already tugging at his tie. "whenever you want it to be."
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fryday · 5 months
there should be a cap on the number of ways someone is allowed to be attractive because phil lester is capable of all of them and it stresses me out
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sporadicinked · 7 days
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daughterofsarenrae · 5 months
Absolutely horrible timing for me to acquire a fish but look at him. I couldnt just leave him for some dumbass customer to chuck him in a tiny shitty unheated tank. Meet Kal (better pics to come later hopefully)
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frnkiebby · 4 months
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i very much have need~🎃
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tariah23 · 11 days
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crispywizardtale · 7 months
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First of all Willi is gorgeous.
And now to my little ramble... it's the eye contact for me and the parted lips and the small eyebrow raise which you can barely see but I see it all too well! The way he dropped his gaze to his lips... He looks hazed and and lost in Focuses eyes or actually his presence, he is so I love with Focus and you can really see even if they have like 2 minutes of screen time all together
Focus not breaking the eye contact while having the biggest smile on his face. Tell me you are whipped without telling me you are whipped... and that small and slow blink... I can't do this
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I know that Willi can kiss but I still had to pause when he kissed Focus because damn boy... I never kissed anyone so I won't talk about kisses much but that FELT deep! If I'm being honest Willi probably has one of the best kisses in Thao bl industry I said what I said
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Between that hand that was on Focuses neck that moved to his leg and that other hand on his back I don't know which one is driving me more insane... Or perhaps it's the the fact that Focus is actually sitting on his lap??? Or or the fact that Focus had to groud himself by putting his hand on the wall???????
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This one is just a gif I have nothing to say about it I have so much to say but I can't put it to words
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Just gonna say holy shit Focus... But also his abs.. he looks amazing which isn't a surprise if his partner is Willi who love gym. I also wish we got more of this cut because Willi was about to put his head on his tiny waist and I just love seeing that
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My God Willi that hand of your... that had is... from touching the lower belly to climbing up to his shoulder and back... there is something just so attractive about it and it's making me go insane. I am also not sure why they made Willi so wet they just started the activity he shouldn't be sweaty already but who am I to complain Willi looks even better
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THE BITING?!?!?!?! THE BITING?!?!?! He was insane for that and I love it even more but not only the tiddies but the collarbone later...
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I wasn't gonna include this gif but I had to when I rewatched it. The fuck me eyes Focus is giving and the parted breathless lips but also the moment he felt that Willi will pull him in he was ready.. Parting his lips even more and closing his eyes even before their lips touched. And the strong pull that Willi did on the back of his head which took him by surprise by what I see... I am not sure if that hand flying to Willis upper hand was scripted or not but to me it's more like Focus was trying to find balance after the neck pull...
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Now this part was actually amazing, Focus being breathless and throwing his head back as Willi is kissing his way down?! And Focus flexing and moving away from Willi's lips????? That is some amazing acting! It's so realistic
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And finally the collarbone biting while Focus has his hand pulling on Willi's hair and then Willi getting ready for another kiss... damn I was so not prepared but I enjoyed it. Willi can deliver amazing NC scenes hopefully this post won't get reported I spent over am hour on making this post
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jynjackets · 4 months
enzo’s ig needs to be put in the louvre
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dany36 · 3 months
oh my god "managarmr, sequestration primal II" is FUCKING FANTASTIC WHAT THE HELL lmao i remember the boss battle theme being so good but i was too busy trying to survive that insane-ass ice wolf's attacks that, now that i'm able to listen to it with headphones on...GEEZ!!!!! this is one of the best boss battle themes i've ever heard! if it wasn't for the fact that i need to get through the whole OST so i can pick out my favorites (currently on ruined city vallion battle and OOF another excellent one ahhhh that flute at the end with the brass!!!) i'd be looping the hell out of this song right now!!
also BLESS the people who upload a game's OST to youtube so i can rip them....the true MVPs
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snapbackslide · 8 months
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terra-tortoise · 1 year
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which of these scries do we like better?
update! toxin time (:
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sporadicinked · 4 hours
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yume-fanfare · 2 years
"have i just complained about mitsuba every update for the past m- ah no that is not what happened last month ehe"
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Oh very sad things I asked my boss if I could have red hair again and he very much was like yeah no unfortunately not here
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me after watching blue lock ep 10
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jsjshs esther—
tbh i haven’t watched ep 10 yet bc i always have to go pirate mode to watch bllk
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ihophashbrowns · 1 year
i didnt get the job :/
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