authoratmidnight · 10 months
Thinking about how Hunter is so empathetic and kind and, what if he didn't land in Arachnian lands when he fell into the Inner World? What if Corona wasn't the first person he met?
What if this kind boy, who just wants to help people, was found by the Invectids first?
Hunter lands in or near the Invectid lands and is found by some troops who, having no idea what do with this human catch him and take him back to Mantid (Hunter just goes along with it b/c, not like he can fight).
At first they naturally think that he's a spy, but after a lot of questioning it soon becomes very clear that no this little human is not a spy, in fact he knows basically nothing about the Invectids, the war, the Inner World. In fact he swears he's from the Outer World. Obviously they don't believe him at first but between Mantid and Aqune they manage to confirm that he, in fact, telling the truth.
And oh, oh this is so perfect for Mantid. Hunter is a clean slate and such a bleeding heart.
And like, if a Hunter Steele who had been fighting the Invectids could be swayed be hearing the Invectid's plight and Mantid's lies, then imagine what that would do to a Hunter fresh into the Inner World?
So that's what he does, he allows Hunter to wander the Invectid lands, tho not without Aqune as an escort, and he feeds him his twisted version of the truth; that the Oracle Sun took her light away, how the Invectids have lived in darkness and just want the sun back. And like, it's not like he's (completely) lying, Hunter can see that the land is shrouded darkness and that they're suffering. And the longer he spends there, among the Invectids, among the civilians, the more sympathetic he grows towards them (even if some of them, like Buguese do not like him). He wants to help them, they deserve the sunlight as well after all.
Mantid is smart though, he keeps Hunter close to him, because Hunter is also sharp and he knows that if he lets him loose to early he could lose this valuable pawn. So he just, keeps filling his head with half truths, and Aqune and Hunter's own eyes being able to back up what he says only further convinces Hunter.
Ofc Hunter asks a lot of questions, like, have they tried just asking the humans? Or explaining their plight? Surely if they knew how bad it was they would help?
And naturally, Mantid has all the right answers. Of course they've tried asking, but humans have never liked Invectids so they refuse to share, they chase them away. They're so cruel to them, they don't care what happens to them. That's why they have to resort to stealing from them, even though they don't like it.
Hunter is smart though and does begin to think that something is off about all this, and that maybe the Oracle didn't willingly take her light away, but something or someone drove her away. He doesn't necessarily think it's Mantid (yet). He does bring this up to Aqune once, tho Buguese, who's always close by, takes this a slight against Mantid and how dare he speak of Mantid like that. Even though Hunter never mentioned Mantid and wasn't even thinking about him. Like dang Buguese what does that say about what YOU think of him?? He's not happy to have this pointed out and drops the subject fast haha.
Shadow- Hunter does eventually get Shadow. He is a Spider Rider so he needs a spider. Since Mantid keeps him in the Invectid lands for a while it is a bit before he gets his spider. I'm leaning towards the idea of him finding Shadow wounded either near the Invectid lands or on a rare trip out with Aqune and Buguese (Buguese being stuck babysitting these humans is too funny to me). Aqune shows him how to recall a spider into his manacle and they bring Shadow back to have his wounds tended too. So basically, Hunter kinda sorta kidnapped his spider (oops). Shadow spends most of his time inside the manacle, and learning about things via Hunter. He is shocked to see another Battle Spider and rider, but it does lend credibility to what Hunter says.
Obviously this would all, ultimately, culminate in Hunter realizing that Mantid has lied to them and him and is partly responsible for the Oracle's light vanishing and having to escape him and the Invectid lands to Arachna and hopefully plead his case and convince the humans to trust him.
Which is a whole nother thing for a whole nother post i think.
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karigarihakase · 2 years
Just some musings
-This is Soaker’s alt
-I don’t really expect Twitter to die imminently and think people are freaking out for nothing. But in the event it actually does, I may use this account. Actually not a big tumblr fan but I do appreciate no character limit.
-Big fan of kids anime. Forever love Spider Riders (Buguese/Aqune OTP) and prone to ranting about it at random intervals but the fandom is deader than dead. Other favorites include Drive Head, Pikaia, Shinkalion, Pazudora, Girls x Heroines (toku but close enough), Battle Spirits, Gyrozetter, Earth Granner, Precure, Aikatsu, Pretty Series, Sanrio stuff like Fairilu/Jewelpet/Onegai My Melody, Duel Masters, Digimon, Doremi, Time Bokan 24, Inazuma Eleven, OG Bakugan, Yuusha... honestly I could go on and on. If it’s a kids anime I probably watched it, and if not it’s probably on my to-do list. TBH I don’t care for the Pokemon anime in the slightest but I love Pokemon themselves. Have too many favorites spanning all gens to list.
-Became a hardcore Tomica collector as a result of falling in love with Drive Head and discovering Hyper Series through there. Then the main line... then TLV... It’s a very slippery slope. Buses are my favorite to collect.
-I also like collecting gacha and trading figures of anime characters and other cute things. Occasionally Nendos but scales are way out of my price range. They make TLVs look cheap.
-Also longtime Gundam fan (G was pretty much my gateway drug to anime) and love mecha shows in general.
-As my current url implies, I’m a devotee to the Number One Genius Scientist in the World Dr. Karigari and I also adore Sasagawa and ship him with her. I also love to bully them both, and have plushies of them as my trademark.
-I’m very much a live-and-let-live person and I don’t enjoy confrontation. But I guess in a related sense I’m generally pretty shy and quiet. So please don’t take my silence as a sign of dislike. I’m interested in hearing what others have to say.
-Used to do a lot of writing (fanfic and original) and translation projects (JP -> EN). Kinda fell out of all that due to IRL stress, but just might fall back in one day.
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fakehappy96 · 4 years
Invectids really be siphoning goddess juice to power their LEDs
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soaker87 · 6 years
I feel a little bad that I lack the creative energy to make more fics or art, but I can commemorate Buguese/Aqune day by updating my web shrine for the first time in about 8 months. Better than the time it took me 6 years to update.
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spiderridersftw · 7 years
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Assorted shots cut from the English dub.
(Episode 23- part 1)
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y01te-moved · 4 years
this might be a controversial opinion but i think buguese shouldve been allowed to say fuck.
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karigarihakase · 10 months
"I suppose I can continue tomorrow," Karigari said. "Mantid must be suspicious as to why I holed myself up in here all day. It's a shame I couldn't guess what Buguese's actual hobbies are."
"Besides pining over Aqune?" Sasagawa asked, teasingly.
Fact of the matter stands, the man has literally no other hobbies. It’s both sad and hilarious.
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fakehappy96 · 4 years
if buguese was the last of the big four does that make him the big one
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soaker87 · 7 years
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I want to go through my disaster of an image folder, but it’s just too much of a disaster. But I stop to look at pictures of these two and die a little, because I’ll never get over how cute they are together.
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spiderridersftw · 7 years
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Assorted shots cut from the English dub.
(Episode 23- part 2)
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spiderridersftw · 7 years
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Assorted shots cut from the English dub.
(Episode 26)
Apparently, Grasshop getting smacked around is fine in the dub, as long as it’s not the face. The last one was just a pan shot cut short.
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spiderridersftw · 7 years
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Assorted shots cut from the English dub.
(Episode 25)
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spiderridersftw · 7 years
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I was doodling because I’ve been playing way too much Pokemon Shuffle lately. Terrible at it, but it’s stupid addicting. I probably didn’t get these to scale, but I have no idea. I don’t watch the Pokemon anime, so I was just guessing based on how big I think they would be. ><
Buguese has an army of Scizors, all nicknamed “Machine-Sector”. Probably some Durants too... nicknamed “Machine-Sector”. He’s not exactly creative. Desperately looking for a Genesect to add to his collection.
Aqune just attracts cute, gentle legendaries that want to help her keep the Inner World green and beautiful. She doesn’t even catch them, just befriends them.
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soaker87 · 7 years
Buguese x Aqune Headcanons
I’ve been keeping a list of these for a while. I’ll totally ignore some of these based on the kind of fic I want to write, but these are some general ones. I probably have more I'm just not thinking of.
Yes, this is all senseless shippy stuff, but I really wish there were more headcanons for this series (and more fic), so only fair to throw mine out there.
-Aqune always had feelings for Buguese in the back of her head, but was also in love with Hunter, so she put that aside. That and, given her circumstances, she doesn’t think starting any sort of romantic relationship is practical, period. She starts to realize how much she loves Buguese after he saves her in ep.49. Of course, she doesn’t have much time to think about it/dwell on him then, because as far as she knows, he’s dead and the entire world might be destroyed next. Post-series, she has a lot more time to think about it, and is completely aware that yes, she’s in love with Buguese.
-Buguese has been in love with Aqune for a fair bit of time. It’s just expectations that she would obviously hate him or at least never prefer him that makes him push all that aside, best he can. It’s too much a guilt trip to think of a relationship working out. Especially during the time of the series. Also, he’s busy fighting a war and more-or-less expects and even hopes to die, so it’s really out of the realm of possibilities for him.
-Buguese, being the workaholic he is, is obviously torn about being in a relationship with Aqune even in a post-series setting. Of course he wants to, but he’s well aware that there are still a lot of Insectors that don’t like humans/vice versa. If he starts a relationship with a human while he’s emperor, at least publically, it could be potentially messy. Aqune really wouldn’t mind a “secret” relationship though, so long as they could be together. She also thinks, on the flipside, it could be helpful to show the world a human and Insector united. Since human/Insector couples are probably rare to non-existent. Even if there are a few, if the human is a Spider Rider and the Insector is the leader of their race, that’s got to be monumental.
-Although their relationship is a “secret”, it’s not a very well kept one. At least, the Spider Riders know, as does Grasshop because Sparkle told him, though he could probably figure it out anyway. Stags figured it out, and probably Beerain. They just have the consideration to keep quiet about it, Grasshop with some persuading, probably, because he has a big mouth.
-Before Buguese and Aqune officially hook up, Aqune spends a lot of time healing him. And it’s a lengthy process, because of how close Buguese came to dying. Even though Buguese doesn’t like accepting help, not being strong enough to fight if another conflict emerges is a bigger problem in his pessimistic mind. And if it’s Aqune doing the healing, he can put up with it. Obviously.
-Buguese is actually the one to confess first. He’s really paranoid that Aqune will eventually stop visiting, and just stay with the Spider Riders forever. So he just wants her to know before the “inevitable” happens.  Aqune wanted to confess in the past, but she’s afraid of being rejected. She already felt kind of sad over Hunter choosing Corona (though she was happy for them), even though she wasn’t sure she liked Hunter that way anymore. And well, she had a lonely existence. Even though she has a lot of friends now, the thought of outright being rejected is daunting.
-They have a private wedding pretty quickly, with the intent on having a more public one when they can. Buguese still doesn’t want a lot of guests, because he doesn’t find parties practical for any reason, but if it will make Aqune happy, he’ll allow it.
-Aqune, naturally, does the cooking. Buguese tries, with disastrous results. (He’s still a better cook than Corona. It’s more that he has a lack of delicacy.) Aqune actually has a big appetite, and she’s really happy to not have to ration things. So she likes to cook a lot for her and for others. Buguese is still more practical and tries not to eat tons, even if he technically could. (Especially cactus. He loves cactus). However, when it comes to Aqune’s cooking, he finds it harder to resist. Aqune becomes interested in learning all sorts of new recipes. She often goes out to buy different kinds of fruits and vegetables, because they’re better for Insectors, who don’t like meat. She has the time, because Buguese often has political things to take care of. But he’ll come with her when he can. Buguese can get a bit too protective, and fears she might end up in trouble. Aqune doesn’t feel threatened, but she finds this more cute than annoying. She likes the affection.
-Still being a handmaiden, Aqune likes to go and help at Oracle shrines. Buguese is less enamored by this hobby than the cooking.  But he has hobbies that she doesn’t like (namely, he does a lot of sword-work practice, wanting to always be prepared), so he feels he can’t complain too much. Aqune does sometimes come to train with Buguese, just to spend the time with him. She isn’t really concerned about further threats though, and doesn’t wish to fight ever again.
-It’s extremely hard for a human and Insector to have kids. After much trying, Buguese and Aqune have one daughter. And it’s an extremely rough pregnancy for Aqune. She can’t get out of bed much. But it’s worth it in the end. They make a mutual decision not to try any more, for Aqune’s well-being, even though she wanted lots of kids. Their daughter isn’t too healthy at first, but she’s very fierce and adventurous. She gets better over time, as her body becomes stronger. Aqune encourages her to make a lot of friends with both the humans and Insectors, and get out and enjoy herself. (Well, by that time, if their relationship was a secret to anyone, it would be super hard to keep.) Buguese is naturally over-protective, but with limits. He wants her to be happy too. Just, he’d be happier if she took more after Insectors than humans. She actually does take after him the most. She’s stubborn, can be kind of arrogant, and loves to fight. (Play-fight really. Neither parent wants to think of her in an actual battle.)
-Buguese eventually re-builds The Ultimate Machine-Sector/Dark Opal, without the condition of needing the Oracle’s power to run. (He still likes building machines, in general.) He likes to take Aqune for rides in it. Aqune is actually scared of flying, due to trauma of falling from a ship in her past. (Her mask made it not an issue previously.) But she starts to get more comfortable with it thanks to this.
-Flying aside, they probably don’t go on a lot of traditional dates. They both prefer quiet, intimate time. Rather than congregating where a lot of other people are, they spend time cuddling in a locked bedroom at the castle. Aqune loves being buried under Buguese’s cape. It’s so warm and comforting.
-Buguese is torn over how to tell Aqune what he does know about her past. (He doesn’t know everything. Just that he found her in the forest, and they met once before, when he attacked her village. She saved his life, and she was treated as an exile as a result.) He thinks she may hate him, and rationalizes that it’s not a happy story anyway. He probably tells her this soon after they actually hook up. Mainly, he’s so pessimistic he’s still trying to figure out how the relationship will quickly come to a terrible end. Aqune is a bit startled by it, but says that since she doesn’t actually remember it, it doesn’t have the impact it probably should. However, she insists she isn’t angry with him, and is glad that he was willing to tell her. Of course, after hearing this, she wants to go to Nuuma and try to awaken these memories for real. Buguese takes her, still wanting to be sure she doesn’t hate him, and also thinks he can try to build better relationships with their nation (Yes, he’s that much a workaholic). And Aqune is really glad to help with that. When they go, Buguese is disliked for obvious reasons, but she’s incredibly defensive of him.
-Aqune asks Buguese to tell her about his own past, in which he admits he doesn’t really remember much either. He never actually put much thought into it, so this surprises even him. In fact, Buguese was artificially created by Mantid. He is actually slightly younger than Aqune. It’s just that he always had an adult body since his creation. Like the super-soldiers Mantid created. (Okay, I base their pasts heavily on Teletoon Corp stuff, but I just find this idea amusing.)
-Aqune’s earrings were a present from Buguese. Because she definitely didn’t have them before being with the Insectors, based on the flashbacks.
-Buguese is usually the one to wake up first, but he’s pretty used to going on minimal hours of sleep. He’d rather let Aqune sleep in if she has nothing to do.
-Buguese actually has a separate house outside of the castle, that he and Aqune use sometimes when they want to get away. Actually, he always had it, he just almost never used it because he was too busy and stayed in the castle. Aqune used it more than him in the past. (She always knew about it and was allowed to use it.) There’s actually barely anything in the house. Just some basic furniture and appliances.
-Buguese is still jealous of Hunter, and worries at least in the back of his head that Aqune would choose him. Of course Aqune catches onto this and assures him it’s not true, but he can never quite get over his dislike for Hunter. He’s just petty like that. Of course, he’s still civil towards Hunter.
-Aqune loves being princess-carried by Buguese. Buguese loves carrying her. She’s actually pretty light.
-Aqune likes to play with Buguese’s antennae. She just finds them cute. Despite the fact that Buguese has human-like senses, the antennae still function as a sensory device. So, it’s sort of an accidental turn-on for him.
-Aqune and Buguese make out a lot. Typically when no one else is around to see. But still, a lot. They’re actually very affectionate with each other. They like to hold hands too.
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spiderridersftw · 7 years
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Assorted shots cut from the English dub.
(Episode 12)
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spiderridersftw · 7 years
megablackcandlelight replied to your post:
                   I… I just read somewhere that “nothing was...                
   Of u got a chance what background would give the characters of the show   
All of them?
Well, Hunter we talked about the other day. As I said, I like that he came from our world as it was in 2006. That he has two parents (no siblings) and was not on good terms with them because they never believed in the Inner World and probably tried to discourage him from looking for it. But other than that, he's basically normal.
Corona we know mostly from the show. She was Aqune's sister (the younger of the two- and they're not twins) and she trained in Nuuma to be a handmaiden. She ended up falling out of a ship that was attacked at was found by Sina and Mina. My own piece of headcanon is that she didn't have Venus when she was in Nuuma, just a manacle. She probably found Venus later on. Because if she did, Venus probably would have just told her about her past. Her memory wouldn't have been lost.
Igneous I imagine came from a family of knights who served the royal family for generations. He might have siblings. He probably grew up in the castle. I'm assuming his parents died when he was young in battle. I don't know if either of them were Spider Riders, or just knights. Maybe one of them was a Rider, and that's how he inherited his manacle. I see Igneous and Lumen as long-time childhood friends, because they both grew up in the castle, even though Igneous is a few years older. I think he's about 16. Lumen is canonically 12.
Lumen and Sparkle, I like what I had in this one fic I wrote (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12347070/1/Kingship) In summary, they're descendants of King Arachna III. Their parents were both Riders. They died and so Lumen and Sparkle inherited the manacles. I think that Ebony belonged to Lumen's father originally. Hotarla could have been a royal present for Sparkle, or was possibly the child of Ebony and their mother’s spider. Also, Sparkle doesn't really remember her parents at all, because she was too young when they died. She’s kind of sad about this, and often asks Lumen to tell her about them.
Magma we know about for the most part. He grew up as a Brade fanboy. His family died in a fire because of an Insector attack. He met Brutus, because Brutus saved him from that fire. And then he spent his time as a wanderer, searching for Portia, until he wound up in the Forest of Bewilderment. I don't have any real headcanon for him, because the canon is actually pretty good at explaining his past. (Which doesn't mean I wouldn't love to see more details about his childhood and family.) I think he’s 17, making him the oldest Rider (excluding Brade.)
Brade has been a Rider for many years, and is actually hundreds of years old. He preserved himself as a ghost, as we know from canon. But he's probably fought with every generation of Spider Riders since the first one.
For Aqune, well we know in canon that she trained to be a handmaiden and was related to Corona. I headcanon her as two years older, which would make her 15. Like what I said with Corona, I don't think she had Portia most of her life before she was with the Insectors. But what I do think is that she might have been given Portia shortly before leaving Nuuma, because she states that she always had Portia when she was with the Insectors. If it was on the last possible day, that would clear the issue of Portia not knowing anything about Aqune's childhood, any more than Aqune does. I also include some details from the Teletoon Corp version in my headcanon, because I find them so intriguing. That is, Aqune met Buguese once before being with the Insectors, and healed his injuries, saving his life. It adds an interesting dynamic to their relationship. Then when they met in the forest, Buguese actually knew who she was, and knew she was a handmaiden.
For Buguese, I wrote an entire fic involving his backstory recently. (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12527902/1/The-Oracle-s-Records) Like with Aqune, I incorporate what was said about him in Teletoon Corp and some early information on the Japanese site. I think it's basically more canon than head-canon, since one of the Japanese official sites said this about him (it doesn’t exist anymore). That is, Buguese is an artificial Insector (mixed with some human DNA) created by Mantid explicitly to serve Mantid, like the super-soldiers from ep. 41. So I think that means he never had parents or an actual childhood, having been born with an adult body. From that, I headcanon that he's actually a lot younger than he looks. That maybe he wasn't created until recent years. Regardless of when he was created, I say he definitely wasn't born when the Insectors still had sunlight, which would make him hundreds of years old. That's because he acted like he'd never seen the sun before when it actually was restored. Also, what I included in my fic was that he was based off of an Insector who fell in love with Spirit Oracle and once betrayed Mantid. (They’re not the same person, nor do they have the same memories. The body was just a basis.) So it was basically revenge on Mantid’s part.
The rest of the Big Four I think were natural Insectors. Certainly Grasshop was. I imagine they didn't really know each other until Mantid founded the Big Four. I also think that there have been multiple incarnations of the Big Four throughout history. To be honest, I haven't thought too much about their pasts. Except Stags, who I figure spent most of his life training and disciplining himself, and rarely ever interacted with other people. 
Mantid I think was a soldier of the Oracle but not a Spider Rider. King Arachna III was the first Spider Rider, and when he became a Rider, I think the war between humans and Insectors was a big deal. Because Mantid escalated the war. I assume there was always conflict between the two races, which was why the oracle needed champions all throughout time. But there weren’t always Spider Riders. Mantid, as we know from canon, turned on the Oracle after Lorraine died, and hated the Oracle for “distorting his humanity“, as he put it in the Japanese version. He made himself into an Insector by messing with Insector DNA, because they have a longer lifespan than humans. And because it was easier to get their trust that way.
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