totallyblooktacular · 8 months
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like the idea of character pages. not particularly good at executing them myself.
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ladies-of-fiction · 1 year
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c1nnamonn · 1 year
i meant 2 send this earlier but . ✍️ ayano perhaps if ur still up for doing the ask game..
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i will never say no to drawing ayano i like her :)
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atvbs · 1 year
maybe 12 and 37 for that 70Q ask game ?
12 - have you stayed up for 48hrs?
i genuinely do not remember but as of rn that would kill me if i tried so most likely not-
37 - is it easier to forgive or forget?
once again its dependent on the situation but most often i tend to forgive bc thats what ive been taught to do. but on god some of those fuckers do not deserve it.
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herearedragons · 8 months
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Queen - Under Pressure
(Cringetober day 15: Song Lyrics)
It's done!!!
This idea was in my head for a long time, and I finally had the time and excuse to make it. I might have kind of put all of my feelings about DA:I and the Inquisitor and my Inquisitors in particular into this one.
Really happy with how it turned out!
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shaykai · 11 months
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Adina doing Aqun’s vitaar for art fight :>
Both Aqun and Adina belong to @herearedragons
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les français, ce peuple de haters (complimentary)
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mystery-salad · 2 years
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Sometimes we just have to get my and @ascalonianpicnic​‘s lesbians together and just-
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exantivancrow · 2 years
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meet my ocs from Patroclus’ universe! (l-r/t-b)
zolah kondrat, of the merchant’s guild in kirkwall, and contact of varric’s—
tatenen aqun, of the rivaini embassy in ferelden, and soon-to-be girlfriend of josie’s—
silvain “butler” (pavus, eventually), agent of leliana’s at halamshiral—
sekhmet adaar, valo-kas mercenary and red jenny—
[ picrew ] tagging some mutuals if they haven’t seen this one yet! [ @creativegoblin @rock-teh-elf @alistairkisser @berrybaby ]
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totallyblooktacular · 5 months
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On Reconciliation
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hareryuu · 2 years
I recently got Kaito so here's a cover I threw together with him (and drew art trying to imitate the style of the original video for!)
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attractthecrows · 11 days
man I miss Haalide. i gotta dust her off again. Here's A Middle Aged Tal-Vashoth Saarebas who is so so so done with all of your bullshit
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Two covers
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h3lgertime · 2 months
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Ok that’s enough for today hopefully
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herearedragons · 1 month
tag the oc that's most likely to get stuck in a time loop and what kind of time loop it would be
#I feel like Kyana has time loop potential but idk what the exact loop would be#maybe the loop is the entirety of DAO and she keeps getting companions killed/locked into their Bad Endings#and the loop only stops when she manages to get them all to survive the Blight#something something she needs to learn to be a good leader and care about others#unsuccessful loops reset via the archdemon killing her (even if the dark ritual was performed)#Selene gets the classic 'your love interest keeps dying and you try to stop it' time loop#to escape the loop she must Let It Happen (and then it turns out it's fine and everyone survives)#Secret gives me the vibe of someone who knows they're in a time loop but has given up on trying to solve it#she's just going through it. trying everything. keeping herself entertained. trying to stay sane#sometimes she clues Varric in on the looping. sometimes she doesn't#actually maybe her time loop rule is that someone else has to save her from it. nothing she does by herself will work#idk what the exact reset point would be#I'm thinking the Arishok fight maybe. or Meredith#I don't think it would go as far as the Fade#also. after writing Homecoming I did have the thought of a time loop story#with Dorian as the one being trapped and trying to prevent Neil from dying/becoming possessed#maybe in his case he's not really trapped. he can stop anytime he wants but he keeps choosing to go back#the reset point is something Solas-related maybe#herearedragons meta#oc: kyana amell#oc: watcher selene#oc: secret hawke#oc: neilar lavellan#oh. actually. Aqun would be pretty fun to put in a time loop#that runs over some part of DAI and/or Trespasser#Adina is his time loop buddy (the person he usually tells about the loop because she immediately believes him)#idk what his reset/escape condition would be though#maybe in his case it's something purely mechanical#like there's no lesson to be learned it's just a magical anomaly he's trapped on#and on a meta level the 'lesson' is accepting that not everything has a Purpose or a Reason
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petchic101 · 1 year
DA Qunlat
I separated all of Dragon Age's known Qunlat into Nouns, idioms ect
Titles/Types of people
Arigena: One of the Triumvirate; female, leader of the workers. She is responsible for ensuring her people's physical needs are met and public health.
Arishok: One of the Triumvirate; male, leader of the army. He is responsible for defending his people and expanding Qunari territory. The Arishok is sometimes mistaken for a king by outsiders.
Arvaarad: "One who holds back evil;" a Qunari who watches over the saarebas (Qunari mages) and hunts Tal-Vashoth.
Ashaad: "Scout.’
Ashkaari: "One who seeks," or "one who thinks;" scientists, philosophers, or those who have found enlightenment. Ashkaari Koslun uses this title.
Athlok:Laborer. The mind, the earth.
Aqun-Athlok: One who is "born as one gender but lives like another."
Bas: Literally, "thing;" foreign to the Qun; purposeless. Often used as a neutral term to describe non-Qunari people, in the same manner as "foreigner" or "stranger". Also used after a weapon name to denote it is intended for mages. (Example: Saartoh-Bas Kos Katoh)
Basalit-an: A non-Qunari worthy of respect.
Basra: Rude term for non-Qunari people.
Basra Vashedan: Used to refer to non-Qunari ideas, and sometimes, people; "foreigner trash."
Bas-taar: Keeper of bas. A role within the Antaam.
Basvaarad: Literally, a keeper for a mage who is a "bas." This usually refers to templars, but not necessarily; Hawke was considered a basvaraad "worthy of following" by a Qunari saarebas. Essentially, a non-Qunari who assumes the role of an arvaarad.
Ben-Hassrath:"Heart of the many," part of the priesthood who serve as spies, reeducators, and the defenders of Qunari unity. They are the enforcers of the Qun's law, and infamously severe to those who transgress against it.
Beresaad: Literally means "those who reach ahead." The vanguard of the antaam, sent abroad to interact with the outside world. Though they are soldiers first and foremost, they also function as the Qunari's diplomats, surveyors, foreign trade administrators, and investigate foreign lands and cultures on the Arishok's behalf.
Besrathari: A recruiter and trainer of the Ben-Hassrath.
Hissrad:"Keeper of Illusions;" liar. Iron Bull's name/title while he was stationed in Seheron.
Imekari: Child.
Imesaar-bas: Used to describe a child that was tempted and corrupted by demons.
Isskari:A title/rank in the Ben-Hassrath; Duties include the retrieval of magical artifacts.
Kaaras: Navigator.
Kabethari: "Simple person." Term used for those living in recently conquered lands and captives who haven't yet been indoctrinated into the Qun.
Kadan: Literally, "where the heart lies;" friend. An all-purpose word for a "person one cares about," including colleagues, friends and loved ones. Also means "the center of the chest."
Karasaad: Mid-rank infantry soldier. In Dragon Age II – a melee Qunari warrior.
Karashok: Infantry private. One appears in Sten's dream, the latter states the former was decapitated by darkspawn. In Dragon Age II - a melee Qunari warrior. In Trespasser - a foot soldier.
Karasten: Infantry commander; corporal.
Karataam: An infantry platoon. Ketojan was separated from his during the events of "Shepherding Wolves."
Katari: "One who brings death."
Kathaban: Leader of the Qunari naval forces; the admiral.
Kith: A small military unit, comparable to a squad or company.
Kithshok: Leaders of the Qunari army of Seheron; a general; They also are in charge of negotiating trade between the Qunari and foreign traders at ports.
Kossith: The name for the Qunari before the founding of the Qun.
Qunari: People of the Qun. A religious description, not race specific.
Qunoran vehl: A mentor, one who is an example to others. A Qunari can only be declared "Qunoran vehl" by the Arishok, and only after their death.
Rasaan: "Emissary," or "chosen heir;'" the Ariqun's successor, and as such, acts as their representative abroad. Also serves as the spiritual adviser to the Arishok, and accompanies him on expeditions.
Saarbrak: A role within the Ben-Hassrath.
Saarebas: "Dangerous thing;" the Qunari word and title for their mages. A "bas saarebas" denotes a non-Qunari mage.
Saarath: A title/rank among the Saarebas.
Sataari: "First guy on the ground." A type of shock trooper in the Beresaad.
Salasari: Triumvirate.
Sataareth: Literally "that which upholds;" an enforcer, defender, or foundation.
Salit: Meaning unknown; a prominent rank within the Ben-Hassrath.
Shokrakar: Rebel.
Sten: Infantry platoon commander.
Taam-kasari: "The one with the battleaxe." A type of shock trooper in the Beresaad.
Taarbas: A title/rank of Qunari, apparently clerical in nature; duties include cataloging inventory, and locating the weapons of Qunari fallen.
Taardathras: A title/rank of Qunari; duties include animal husbandry. Current examples are female and raise/extract venom from dragons.
Taarlok: A title/rank of Qunari.
Tal-Vashoth: "True Grey Ones." Former members of the Qunari who have departed or been exiled from their people and home. Many are violent rebels and turn against the Qunari, and are a menace in the north where they raid human and Qunari settlements alike. Others simply want to live their own life.
Tamassran: "Those who speak." A priestess who is charged with educating the young, interviewing captives, and assigning Qunari their roles within society. Exclusively a role for women.
Vasaad: A title/rank of Qunari.
Vashoth: "Grey Ones;" those of the qunari race that were born outside the Qun. It also refers to those who have rejected the Qun but not turned against it. The term tends to be used interchangeably with Tal-Vashoth, but the Vashoth are not rebels.
Vidathiss: A rank within the priesthood; a re-educator for captured and conquered peoples.
Viddasala: "One who converts purpose." A high-ranking member of the Ben-Hassrath. Leader of the "Dangerous Purpose" branch of the Ben-Hassrath triumvirate, which handles the conversion of foreigners, the reeducation of Qunari dissidents, and the collection and quarantine of magic.
Viddathari: A convert to the Qun.
Viddath-bas: Person turned into a mindless laborer with qamek.
Aban:The sea.confirmation needed
Asaara: Wind.
Asaaranda: Thunderstorm.
Athlok: Laborer. The mind, the earth.
Issala: Dust.
Kasaanda: "Sundew;" a carnivorous plant.
Kos: "A type of energy associated with nature;" refers to nature damage from a mage's staff.
Meraad: Tide.
Sataa: The world.
Tic: Cold; refers to cold damage from a mage's staff.
Vat: Fire; refers to fire damage from a mage's staff.
Asaarash: A special breed of horses from Rivain that are used by the Antaam.
Ataashi: Dragon; literally "glorious one(s)", "great thing".
Dathras: Cattle; a root word for many qunlat animal names.
Dathrasi: A type of animal. Used as a derogatory term against indulgent individuals, comparable to the pig. The Arishok calls all the nobles in the viscount's throne room this before Hawke enters the hall.
Qalaba: A type of cow that the Qunari breed known for its stupidity.
Antaam: Literally "body;" a name for the Qunari army. Also means "cuirass."
Asala: Soul.
Athlok: Laborer. The mind, the earth.
Defransdim: Male genitals.
Anaan: Victory
Aqun: Balance.
Ataash: Glory.
Basra Vashedan: Used to refer to non-Qunari ideas, and sometimes, people; "foreigner trash."
Herah: Time.
Hissera: Hope.
Hissra: "Illusion"; Also used to refer to deities.
Issqun: Mastery.
Kata: The end, death.
Kost: Peace.
Qun: The central philosophy of the Qunari peoples.
Shok: "War" or "struggle."
Adaar: A ship-mounted cannon; literally "fire thrower." Also means "Weapon" as Iron Bull puts it while talking about his name to a Qunari Inquisitor
Antaam: Literally "body;" a name for the Qunari army. Also means "cuirass."
Aquaam: Glove or light vambrace.
Asabas: Light or reinforced hat.
Asalaa:  Helmet.
Baqoun: Meaning unknown; used to assault Minrathous's walls during the Storm Age. Based on context, it's most likely a type of cannon or projectile siege weapon.
Beres-taar:  Shield.
Gaatlok: A black, non-magical explosive powder unique to the Qunari. It's not as powerful as magic, but can be used by anyone. There is no literal translation, the word derives from "death," "earth," and "glory."
Mertam: Light boot.
Nehrappan: Belt.
Notas: Gauntlet or vambrace.
Saartoh-bas: Mage's staff. Additional adjectives indicate the type of damage it deals. (Example: Saartoh-Bas Tic Eva deals cold.)
Saartoh Nehrappan: A leather-wrapped rod attached to a harness. In modern parlance: "a strap on."
Sataam: Boot or greave.
Taam-kas: Greataxe, or battle axe.
Taar: Prefix used to describe heavy armor. Derived from the word for "death".
Taaras: Light mail or doublet.
Qamek: Substance used by the reeducators to turn those who refuse to convert into mindless laborers, functionally lobotomizing those subjected to it. It's automatically used on captured mages, who are viewed as being beyond salvation. In Dragon Age: Those Who Speak, it resembles a flaming orb.
Saar-qamek: Poison that causes madness.
Valo-kas: Greatsword.
Vitaar: "Poison Armor." A warpaint used by the Qunari that is toxic to other races and has a metal-like quality once applied to the skin.
Darvaarad: A location under the supervision of the Ben-Hassrath that quarantines magical artifacts.
Uukluk: Mentioned by Sten when arriving at Soldier's Peak, where upon he is unimpressed with what he considers drab and a castle like every other. "This is where the Wardens trained and lived? I imagined it would be like a tiered uukluk, with battle rings and many levels."
Viddathlok: A temple of healing and recovery; Ben-Hassrath also take unruly captives here for re-education.
Asala-taar: "Soul sickness;" a Qunari combat ailment that seems analogous to a combat stress reaction, or even post-traumatic stress disorder. It is an epidemic in Seheron, where statistically two soldiers contract it for every one casualty. Sufferers are usually removed from combat and reassigned among the priesthood and workers.
Maraas: "Nothing" or "alone."
Maraas-Lok: A kind of strong Qunari alcohol; possibly also the verb "to drink."
Mashev: Either the name for a kind of gruel or a command to eat
Ralshokra: Said to be a military challenge where the higher ranks are fought for and defended to the death. The term originated in Orlais during the Storm Age, first used in a popular children's story intended to demonize the invading qunari race. In reality, the Qunari have never engaged in this barbaric practice.
Taamsala: Amulet. By itself, used to describe a generic amulet, but usually succeeded by a designation of skill level such as "eva," "iss," or "katoh."
Vashedan: Crap (literally "refuse" or "trash."); A common profanity.
Eva: "Basic," or "beginner." Used after an item name to denote it is intended for neophyte users, or is of cheap quality. (Example: Valo-Kas Eva)
Gatt:. Meaning unknown, a nickname given by Iron Bull to a Ben-Hassrath agent. The terms derives from gaatlok, and refers to his temper.
Iss: "Experienced." Used after an item name to denote it is intended for veteran users, or is of moderate quality. (Example: Valo-Kas Iss)
Katoh:  "Ending" or "achievement." Used after an item name to denote it is intended for master users, or is of masterwork quality. (Example: Valo-Kas Katoh). The Iron Bull uses this as a "watchword" (safeword) when romancing the Inquisitor.
Maraas: "Nothing" or "alone."
Raas: "Nothing;" used as a hyphenated adjective. (Example: Imekari-raas would mean "Child Nothing.")
Saam: Something;" used as a hyphenated adjective. (Example: Imekari-saam would mean "Child Something.")
Saar: "Dangerous." Most commonly associated with saarebas. Also used as a prefix to describe light or cloth armor.
Taashath: Calm.
Tal: "True," see Tal-Vashoth.
Vashedan: Crap (literally "refuse" or "trash."); A common profanity.
Ash: "To seek."
Astaarit: (It) "rises."
Ebost: "Return" in "Return to dust!" Can also be translated as "You all are."
Issqun: Mastery.
Itwasit: (It) "Falls."
Maraas-Lok: A kind of strong Qunari alcohol; possibly also the verb "to drink."
Sata-kas: Maul.
Tallis: "To solve."
Aad: Translation unknown; used as a suffix in many Qunari military ranks.
Ari: Exact meaning unknown; used as a prefix to denote singular or leadership, and as a suffix to denote a group.
Kas: Suffix denoting a weapon intended for melee. (Example: Valo-Kas Eva). Derived from the word for "soldier."
Nehraa: "For," as in "For the Qunari!"
Ebadim: "They all are."
Ebasaam: "We all are."
Esaam: "Can be found in" or "exists in the location of."
Itwa-adim: "They all fall."
Itwa-ost:"You all fall."
Itwasaam: "We all fall."
Rethadim: "They all protect."
Rethost: "You all protect."
Rethsaam: "We all protect."
Say: With.
Asit tal-eb: "The way things are meant to be." or "It is to be." A driving principle of the Qunari philosophy.
Ataash varin kata: "In the end lies glory."
Ataas shokra: "Glorious struggle". used as a greeting by a Tal-Vashoth leader to Tallis.
Ebasit: "It is."
Ebasit kata itwa-ost.: "It is ended. You all have fallen."
Ebatot tal-eb noms. Asit hera iss-nal tal-eb. As-eb vashe-qalab!: We were told there would be cake. Midweek was when it was to be. This is akin to qalaba excrement! (More colloquially: "This is bullshit!")
Ebost: "Return" in "Return to dust!" Can also be translated as "You all are."
Hass ebala-varaad nehraa: "For those I watch, of which I am one."
Maraas imekari: "A child bleating without meaning."
Maraas kata: "Nothing is ended."
Meravas katara: A combination of "so shall it be" and "(you) die."
Meraad astaarit, meraad itwasit, aban aqun.: The tide rises, the tide falls, the sea is unchanged.
Na'thek: Meaning unknown but based on context possibly "As you wish."
Noms daar vat:Said by an Antivan Crow pretending to be Qunari. She loosely translates it as "The sweet bread is burning."
Panahedan: "Goodbye." Literally, "take refuge in safety."
Shanedan: Literally, "I'll hear you." A respectful greeting.
Shanedan, pashaara. Ebost antir vantaam vasheb-sa karatoh: I hear you. Enough. You're tired of the excrement your superior has been giving you. (More colloquially: "Give it a rest, why don't you?")
Shok ebasit hissra. Meraad astaarit, meraad itwasit, aban aqun. Maraas shokra. Anaan esaam Qun: "Struggle is an illusion. The tide rises, the tide falls, but the sea is changeless. There is nothing to struggle against. Victory is in the Qun." Extract from the Qun from Qunari Prayers for the Dead. Sten can be overheard reciting these lines while caged in Lothering.
Taarsidath-an halsaam: "I will bring myself sexual pleasure later, while thinking about this with great respect."
Vashedan: Crap (literally "refuse" or "trash."); A common profanity.
Ashkost kata!: You are seeking death!
Ashkost say hissra!: Seek peace with your gods!
Ebost: "Return" in "Return to dust!" Can also be translated as "You all are."
Ebost Asala, Tal Vashoth!: likely an insult or threat. Roughly means "Your soul is dust, Tal Vashoth!"
Ebost issala!: Return to dust!
Fazha thrin: Meaning unknown but based on context possibly "Leave us."
Katara: (You) die, as in "Die, thing!"
Katara, bas!: Die, thing!
Mashev: Either the name for a kind of gruel or a command to eat
Parshaara: "Enough."
Sten, shok basra vashedan taam!: Said by an Antivan Crow pretending to be Qunari. Possibly a call to arms.
Teth a: A call for attention, or warning.
Vinek kathas: An order to attack or kill. Another possible meaning is "Seize them."
Battle Cries
Anaan esaam Qun!: Victory in the Qun!
Ataash Qunari!: Glory to the Qunari!
Nehraa Beresaad! For the vanguard!
Nehraa kadan!: For my brothers!
Nehraa Koslun!: For the sake of the prophet!
Nehraa Qun!: For the Qun!
Specific Sentences
Arishokost. Maraas shokra. Anaan esaam Qun: "Peace, Arishok. There's nothing to struggle against. Victory is in the Qun." Spoken by Fenris upon Hawke's first meeting with the Arishok.
Arishokost ebra sala. Seerkata tost eb na shoh: The Arishok will see to it. That, or everyone dies.
Asit zabuk-toh maraas eblok. Kappan maraas tal-eb: It's because of the priests' hats that I never go to the temples. It has to be fur caps or nothing.
Bas ebadim qalaba, ebsaam asit tal-eb: These foreigners are cattle. Our way is better and inevitable.
Bazvaarad? Ebasit vash-issra sataa: Foreigners controlling mages? This place is a fecal illusion.
Defransdim vasebra nehraa issala shok: I'm now struggling with discomfort among my small friends. (In response to the assault by the previously mentioned foot?)
Ebadim astaar, Qunari itwa-toh. Asit tal-eb: They will rise, and the Qunari will cause them to fall. That's how it will be.
Ebadim beresaad hissra-toh ataash. Vashedan katoh-qalaba: Those beresaad think they are so special. Foolish glory animals.
Ebadim vashedan Tal-Vashoth, ebra-hissal eva-lok defransdim: Those excremental Tal-Vashoth can go do something explicit with my intimate friends. (Philliam surmises that tone of phrase indicates this means genitals.)
Ebasit Ben-Hassrath maraas-toh, tal-eb iss mer-toh ari-van: The Ben-Hassrath will make you disappear if you don't shut up.
Ebra Karasaad vashetoh saar-qalaba kata: The soldier above me has excrement for tactics and will die like a cow.
Ebsaam ver-toh kata, ir-vah vashtoh notas-taar: We're going to lose people in combat if we don't get better gloves than this excrement.
Kadanshok defransdim vashedan!: You will struggle with your wounded intimate friends! (Seems dockside in nature. More colloquially, "I shall use my foot to assault you in the genitals.")
Sataareth kadan hass-toh issala ebasit: It is my purpose to do what I must for those I consider important.
Var-toh katashok, ebadim maraas issala toh: They will struggle, and we will turn them into nothing.
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