#buff columbian
birdgenetics · 1 month
The Columbian Gene!
Columbian is one of the gold extenders found in chickens. Columbian is a dominant gene that extends more of the pheomelanin over the bird and restricts the black to the neck, tail, and primary feathers (and sometimes male saddle feathers).
It originated from Asian "Shanghai Fowl." Buff Brahmas and Light Brahmas are some of the oldest breeds that the gold and silver columbian coloration is found in. Buff Cochins also have the gene, though they have other gold-extending modifiers as well.
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The term "columbian" which would go on to become the name for the gene was coined at the 1893 Columbian Exhibition, or World's Fair in Chicago. Columbian Wyandottes were shown at the exhibition, and named after it.
Columbian is a lot more specific of a term than "Buff" or "Light" fortunately, but it still is a bit confusing.
"Columbian" really denotes a e^b/e^bCo/CoS/- which means that it should really be called silver columbian, since it has the silver gene.
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"Buff columbian" really denotes a e^b/e^bCo/Cos+/- Unlike buff, which has additional modifiers, it should really be called gold columbian.
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Columbian can on a wheaten base as well, it is found in light Sussex and Sundheimers. (No, I don't see more Sundheimers than light Sussex, but I have pictures of Sundheimers and not light Sussex because Sundheimers are rare and so of course I have to take a picture.)
The only difference between partridge-based and wheaten-based columbian birds is that wheaten-based males don't have any black saddle-striping.
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Both of the birds above were Sundheimers. Wow! New importation! (I know, it really looks a lot like a feather-legged light Sussex.)
I really do love silver columbian colored birds. They feel comfortably domesticated. Sometimes I wonder why some mutations are bred for when they often seem less beautiful or less practical than wild type in my eyes. But silver columbian hens just look like some chicken who contributed to a farmer's livelihood 100 years ago, just free-ranging and laying eggs and I love them for that.
The Columbian gene is needed for so many of the patterns we find in our chickens.
I don't have any examples of what e+/e+Co/Co would look like. I'm not sure if people just found that the pattern was uneven and unappealing or if it has never been tried.
However, quail d'Anvers are e+/e+Co/CoMl/Ml (Ml is melanotic). Which is pretty amazing because there aren't a lot of duckwing-based patterns out there. Just look at this fabulousness.
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Here you can see that despite being a gold-extender Columbian did something even silver can't do: it removed the salmon-colored breast from a duckwing bird. Gold extender and autosomal red remover? Wow, columbian wears many hats!
I also think that it's interesting that both male and female plumage have gold-colored breasts, yet the color has an impressive amout of sexual dimorphism due to the lovely intricate pattern on the females and the striking contrasting pattern on the males.
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There are a lot more Columbian based patterns out there but I am going to cover them another day.
But I had to include quail because silver quail happens to be one of my two favorite colors.
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uwmspeccoll · 2 years
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It’s Fine Press Friday!
Last week we presented a Limited Editions Club production of Gustave Flaubert’s The Temptation of Saint Anthony, translated by Lafcadio Hearn. This week we present the same text, but as presented by Lewis and Dorothy Allen, long-time proprietors of the Allen Press in Kentfield, California, in their 1974 publication printed in an edition of 140 copies. The imagery is from various world cultures, and the Allens use their favored handset Menhart Unciala for the text and Solemnis for display, printed damp on mould-made French rag paper using their classic 1846 Columbian handpress. The Allens hand-bound the edition in a binding cloth using a 15th-century Persian motif  hand-blocked in Venice, Italy at the Fortuny Fabrics shop. 
Our copy of is yet another donation from our friend Jerry Buff.
View other posts on books by the Allen Press.
View more Fine Press Friday posts.
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What kind of chicken is beeper?
Im going to get serious for a minute
Beeper is a low/hatchery quality buff bantam brahma. Specifically she is Buff Columbian (which is what those cute black markings on her neck and tail are)
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Beeper is a poorly bred chicken, she is very productive and non broody despite being a breed that is supposed to be used for meat and brooding. She also has a pale face and white ear lobes when they are supposed to be solid red. I cannot stress enough that Beeper is a bad example of her breed. Of course she is perfect to me she is my precious little beebeebee but i will not praise her hatchery.
Here is some likely beeper relatives compared to a high quality version of Beeper
Beeper relatives from the hatchery she likely came from. Stressed birds not bred to standard bred instead towards egg production above health and type. Notice they share her pointiness and white earlobes
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A show bird, notice the more stoutness and red earlobes and face. Brahmas should have a strong brow like the bird below and NOT very be pointy like Beeper and the birds above. They should be a bird with GIRTH. The bird below likely goes broody often and doesnt lay a ton, and with right management could live a very long life.
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I cannot stress enough how i love Beeper but the sad truth is she is not well bred and will likely suffer from that in the future. If it wasnt for me stepping in she would have passed away due to poor care because hatcheries expect losses as a part of the buisness and do not encourage care to birds who struggle. Beeper was left upside down on her back at the farm store before i stepped in.
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isleprince · 3 months
What does your muse's name mean?
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origin: hebrew | meaning: man of god
A boy’s name of Hebrew origin, Gabriel is an angelic choice for baby. That’s because Gabriel is the name of the Archangel, who features prominently in both Christianity and Islam. In the Bible, Archangel Gabriel delivers the news of Jesus’s birth to Mary, while in Islam, he inspires Muhammad to write the Quran. Given this origin story, it’s perhaps unsurprising that Gabriel means “man of God.” While this makes it popular among parents of faith, the name isn’t only associated with religion. If you’re a literary buff, you may love that it evokes Columbian novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez, author of such epics as One Hundred Years of Solitude and Love In the Time of Cholera. With such namesakes, baby Gabriel—or Gabe, for short—will never be short on inspiring role models.
tagged by: @ssolessurvivor (thank you!)
tagging: @dutyled, @ofsnarkandmagic, @ofteaandmagic, @apurekindness, @diemauer, @lcve0n, anyone who wants to do the thing
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kifu · 7 months
Long chicken rambles with pictures as I try to figure out what I'm doing next year.
My biggest problem that I'm encountering is I have so many ideas and so little space, right? I have the pen that I built this fall, that's to be sectioned off into two separate sections that can hold about five to six chickens each. It's currently my overcrowded oldest grow-out pen that I need to dig out all the straw from so that the ground can actually drain. It's a mess in there and straw is detrimental, just fyi.
That's two larger breeding groups. I also have my cock block pen in the barn, which can hold around seven or eight birds. That's my younger grow-out pen at the moment, also where all the birds that for some reason can't brave the grow-out pen go so that they can get some fluff back to their feathers. Originally, the cock block was designed to be split in half, but I will not be doing that. I kind of like it just the way it is.
I have a chicken tractor that I built a few years ago. It can hold about a trio. It currently has my bantam hold backs.
I miiiiiight be able to make room for two or three pairs and maybe another trio. Maybe. Bantams go in rabbit cages for breeding season, so they're not an issue.
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So first project bird that I have is with my big boy. I love love love this cockerel. He's half cochin, half sussex. I have one matching pullet to go with him, and if I have the room, another younger pair of him with shitty quality black. The purpose of this project next year is to create a speckled sussex pattern onto large fowl cochin - or a proper mille fluer cochin. I believe when I did the math, I have a one in eleven? chance of hatching out just the chicken from him and his lady. They're both mottled, so that's one less recessive that I have to worry about. They carry for partridge. They both also have one copy of columbian pattern AND mahogany, it just doesn't express on black.
Honestly, thinking of it now, I think I'm wrong in my earlier math. Chicks have a 25% chance of hatching out partridge, and then a 75% chance of at least one copy of columbian and then of mahogany. I certainly don't need them to be homozygous in either of the dominant expressing genes. That's a mere 14% chance of hatching out the visual color I'm after. That's a one in seven chance.
I might have issues with foot feathering, putting f1 birds together instead of back to a cochin, but that theoretically puts me at a 10.5% chance of hatching the color with foot feathers, which is still better than one in eleven. (Though I explicitly remembering coming up with 14% so I think I just remember the fraction math wrong. I don't think my math was wrong, just faulty memory.)
ALL THIS TO SAY - I want no less than a trio of phenetically mille fluer cochin out of this pen. Then I say goodbye to all my f1s. *cry*
Because ohmydear just look at that cockerel. He's gorgeous. Very striking, even if he makes a shitty cochin.
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Next project that is of utmost importance involves Mr. Wyandotte sir. This cockerel - oh I went through SO MUCH trouble to get him and he's just amazing. I LOVE how well he's growing up, especially since I got him, and I'm so so so excited for the project he'll be involved in.
So the thing is, I don't have any gold laced cochins. None. Zip. I am NOT messing with dominant white and silver so ... I'm putting him over a couple partridge hens. My partridge are not good quality, but they'll get the project started. At the very least, their offspring will have some feathers on their feet and their combs will be split to single.
Using a cock with homo dominant white will result in dominant white pullets and cockerels. I'm just going to have a mess with lacing (and breeding out leaking black). HIS lacing isn't great, but buff laced is a project in wyandotte as much as it will be for me in cochin. I'm not sure how dominant white plays in hetero form, but I'm sure I'll find out next spring.
Hopefully I get some choices in pullets and cockerels out of his pen and get to keep the best lacing, because they'll be het in EVERYTHING. Pattern, melanotic, columbian - but thankfully those are ALL dominantly expressed. What really works for me on this is that both wyandotte and cochin work their laced varieties on the partridge base, so ... I don't have to mess with extension genes on this project.
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A less important project, but a project that I have an f1 cockerel for anyway, is blue laced silver. This boy is a result of a silver laced cochin over a blue laced red wyandotte. So he's het silver, which causes some CRAZY gold leakage. But considering his mother should be MAHOGANY as well, it's not gold leakage as much as RED leakage.
This boy has better lacing than ANY other laced bird with feathered feet. Quite possibly any laced bird on the property.
I know I've talked about this boy and stressed over the future possibilities with him before.
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I think I want to put him over both silver laced girls that I have. Theoretically, I make half boys with his level of leakage, and half boys with the proper homo silvering and (please) no leakage. And half silver pullets, half gold pullets. Then half of ALL THOSE, blue.
So, keep anything blue and silver, of course. But I'm really tempted to keep everything not gold, but RED laced with blue as well. Which will be all pullets, but ... no, I think I will. I'll keep the blue laced red and maybe blue laced gold because THAT WAS AN ORIGINAL GOAL.
My problem with the silver laced is that my pure silver laced cock died just a couple weeks ago. Out of the blue, he just dropped dead in the main flock. So fuck - I might just keep anything silver laced, idfk. Just get rid of the yellow laced (ie het silver) cockerels, I dunno.
(By the way - that sussex hen beside the silver laced hen is one of the probable mothers to big boy. That's the color I'm seeking in that project pen.)
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Next big big project is chocolate. I have one older boy growing up that is out of my mauve splash cochin hen, and I have one older boy growing up that is out of the chocolate orpington. I have my chocolate hen that's actually really nice now that she's grown her feathers in. Finally. I miiiiight have another cockerel in the youngest hatch that's out of that mauve splash hen, but it's mostly a brooder full of pullets. Which are useless to me in this project. How often do you hear complaining about hatching out a ridiculously disproportionate amount of pullets? I also miiiiight have a chocolate cockerel out of the orpington hen and then mauve bantam cochin. If that is a boy, I'll keep him on reserve.
I actually am a little impressed with how the type is coming along on this blue cockerel. He's leaky as fuck, which is incredibly annoying. For one, he's out of two solid birds, so where did it come from? And breeding out leakage is one of the last things I want to do in my chocolate project. The amount of leakage on him suggests that he's NOT from the mauve splash hen, but I have absolutely nothing else that he could be out of but an even better blue hen. Ironically enough, the black that's most likely out of the orpington is almost as leaky, so I'm not sure what's going on here.
I'll know within a couple hatches whether or not he's split for chocolate. If I hatch out zero chocolates, he gets eaten and I substitute in the orpington cross cockerel(s).
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I know that I'm putting at least two of my nice hens under him. I'll probably give him the mottled hen and the typey black pullet I have growing up. I don't know if I'm going to put the chocolate hen under him. If I have the space, I'd really rather she got paired up with the nicest blue cockerel that I have. I don't want to work with mauves, but I'm not about to be a chooser. I'll be getting mauves out of the blue cockerel anyway.
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I have three blue cockerels and a splash cockerel growing up. I somehow got every one in on this picture. The lovely raggedy guy front and center is the cockerel I hatched out of the blue hen this year. The other three, I bought. I technically have the one I hatched up for sale because his comb is an absolute mess, but he has some very promising type.
I don't know if I'll be using a single one of these boys next spring, but I want them around to see if I can use them to improve on the type I already have grown up. But I do know that if I have the space, the best one will get paired up with my chocolate.
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My black boy is the main man from this year. He's filled out SO MUCH these past couple months since I took him out of the breeding pen. He's almost impressive. I love how much his chest comes forward, but I would like to see a lot more depth to it. His tail has filled out immensely this year, but he still needs so much more depth to it. He's still better than most cochins I see around me. But this is the boy to beat in my programs.
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He's getting my barred hens, even though Basketball is probably done laying for life. He also gets my blue pullets. There's at least three really nice ones growing up. And when I say that, I think I mean that the blue hen pictured above is the best cochin I own. She also forgot what hygiene is, but the amount of mass she's gathering as she grows - and how forward and deep her breast is already - I'm excited for her specifically. And I really think my barred hen(s) have a lot to offer in the cushion department. They don't necessarily have the depth of cushion, but they're way fuller than anything else I have. The barreds just really lack foot feathering in comparison.
But his pen - his pen is where I crunch down on TYPE. No funny color business (though I would kill for a barred cockerel out of that pen ...). Just black, blue, and ... yeah that's probably all that'll hatch out of his pen.
IF I had space, I'd put the typiest cock with the blue hens. Whether that be black boy or one of the blues growing up now - even though that's really difficult to judge when cochins take tonever to grow up. And I'd put the next typiest cock with the barreds. So that I could keep it separate and actually know what the hell I was hatching out. I don't think I have that luxury.
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Last big project is the partridge. And the partridge shouldn't even be a project, but their type begs it so. I have three partridge cockerels growing up - all of them better than their sire. I'll keep one. I have ... three? partridge pullets growing up. They're really just around because I haven't sold them yet. I sold all of my oldest partridge grow-outs from this year to pay for rabbit feed. I also have three partridge hens. The wyandotte gets two of those partridge. I want one or two under the partridge boy.
Because I also have a good handful of black pullets growing up out of the black boy and the partridge hens. I think I also have one cockerel, but he can go. I'm going to keep the typiest two and put them under the partridge cockerel. Sell everything that hatches out black, and hope that my partridge type improves and that the melonizers don't totally mess with the partridge pattern.
I also really would like to put the blue laced red wyandotte back under a partridge. I hatched out zero blue things out of her and my partridge from this year. My dad hatched out two. I know for a fact he's keeping the pullet, but even if he's not keeping the cockerel I can bet that he's gotten rid of him already. I really do want blue laced red cochins. So between this pen and the pen of silver laced blue things, I actually have a decent chance of making a blue laced red pen for next year.
OHMYDEAR. I forgot about my wheatens. Fuck. I have two gold wheaten maran pullets that I got from FFH to make wheaten cochin. I need to put THEM under one of the blue cockerels. Ha. Oh shit. They'll make 100% blue or black birds that carry for wheaten, but it'll just be like the f1 sussex cross from this year. I'm not a huge fan of gold wheaten. HOWEVER, I have a couple different directions that I can later go with wheaten: silver wheaten (or better yet, take the next step, add mahogany and have salmon cochin) AND FURNESS. Furness would be a project. A really big project by isolating the melanotic gene from the laced birds, and then adding that over top wheaten, but absolutely theoretically doable. But quite honestly, I'm ahead of myself. I'll be happy with gold wheaten in two years from now.
Big pens are absolutely going to the type flock and partridge flock. But I just need to figure out how I'm safely separating these guys to get started next spring.
(I just don't want to think about winter, let's be honest.)
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mr-laveau · 1 year
The similarities between our freelancers (name, things they do) is slowly scaring me
Call me Penny-wise cuz I'm apparently scaring the hoes/j
I do seem to get that a lot tho😅. Fern is typically a pretty common name choice for enby peeps so I get where that comes in but in terms of what they do... I'll need elaboration on that cuz fern does a lot. If anything, I could this opportunity to talk about things I've done for my FL that I don't think many other people have if it calms the nerves!
My FL is in fact of Caribbean descent, they're Trinidadian! Their mother is Columbian/Venezuelan and their father is afro-caribbean, born and raised in Trinidad! This makes fern afro-latine/Hispanic! They speak with a Trinidadian accent and they're a pretty fast talker at that.
They're (I'm sure this isn't new to the fandom) is polyamorous! While canonically FL does date Gavin, my FL just skipped that route and grabbed all the boyfriends in DAMN and dates anyone else I ship them with (Sam, Darin, Lovely and etc)!
Fern is a cheerleader at DAMN! While I'm not entirely sure there would even be a need for cheerleaders at DAMN, I just like that because it makes their dynamic with Hux even sweeter and I feel like they could use the extracurricular doing something else that isn't staring at a book.
They also have a huge thing for the vintage aesthetic! They walk around with older stuff they got from their family like cassettes, walkmans, they use two phones, a regular smartphone and an older button phone + etc! They're very curious about things that were around long before them and are a history buff!
I dunno, these are just a few fun facts and nothing deep just cuz I saw the chance and I felt like sharing em! These probably aren't new either but I do like them and I don't think many people have these kinds of hcs so;
fuck it, we ball!
Anyways, have a great day!
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chya-nimations · 11 months
OC MasterPost - Noa Veiko
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Basic Information:
Nicknames: N/A Age: Varies, but typically drawn in mid-late teens Height: 6′2″ / 188 cm Birthday: September 4 Personality Type: INFP 1w2 Build: Athletic Eye color: Violet Hair Color: Black Skin tone: Medium with neutral undertones Other features: N/A Ethnicity: Japanese, Columbian (Vanta’s side) Greek, Norwegian (Atlas’ side) Blood type: B Handedness: Right
-Volleyball -Floral patterns -Working out
-People who assume her sex/gender because of her looks -People who underachieve by choice -Being late
Love Language:
Acts of Service
Favorite Color:
IQ: 128
Shy, goal-oriented, self-conscious
Noa’s a rational girl, except when it comes to rationalizing people’s perceptions of her.  Even when no words are said, every look her way feels like a “she’s too tall” or “she’s too buff” in Noa’s eyes.  This intense and constant awareness of social perception is draining for Noa and often leads to pressing social anxiety and insecurity.  Overwhelmed by a desire to feel viewed as feminine, Noa rarely strays from a full face of makeup and girly clothes.  Despite her dainty aesthetic, Noa loves athletics and frequents the gym.  She firmly believes being a Jack-of-All-Trades is the ideal way to thrive in life, and loves exploring new activities, whether it be volleyball, learning ASL, or picking up info about her loved ones' hobbies as she listens to their stories.  She has high standards she puts on herself and others, and while she can get a little passive-aggressive when people let her down, she’s much harder on herself than she is on anyone else.
Mom (Vanta):
Noa often feels like the shy version of her mom.  They’re both overachievers with perfectionist natures, and because of that, Vanta often cuts her slack when Noa gives others in the household a hard time.  Vanta sees the world through similar eyes to her daughter, just a foot and an inch lower.
Dad (Atlas):
Noa gets a bit easily frustrated with her dad.  Blaming his genetics for making her tall and broad and getting constantly stressed by his lack of ability to leave the house on time when the family is going places together, she often feels a disconnect of understanding of each other between her and her dad.  However, she understands that at the end of the day, her father loves her deeply, and would never want her to feel stressed or insecure on purpose.
Hana Veiko:
When Noa has a problem, whether that be in school, relationships, or even style, she goes to her big sister Hana.  The two are alike in their goal-driven attitudes and admiration of all things girly, so Noa feels understood most when around her.  Despite having the biggest age gap, Noa feels closer to Hana than she does her other siblings, and puts her oldest sister on a bit of a pedestal.
Nagi Veiko:
Out of the five siblings, Nagi and Noa are by far the shyest, and they connect on that similarity.  Being social and putting themselves out there for criticism is something that is anxiety-inducing for both of them, and Noa feels understood by her brother in that regard.  Due to Hana’s busy schedule that she enforces on herself, she sometimes doesn’t have time to sit and help Noa with her homework.  During those times, Nagi will usually step in, feeling happy that his little sister sees him as a positive academic role model. 
Niko Veiko:
Noa and Niko bicker a bit more than your average pair of siblings.  Noa often feels that by spending all his time partying and socializing, Niko is wasting the years that are crucial to obtaining a stable career and future.  She sometimes gives her big brother a bit of a hard time when it comes to his partying habits, but the two will still sometimes carpool to the gym together, and sometimes even compete with each other in regards to weightlifting and stamina.
Melody Veiko:
Despite being the closest to Noa in age, her and her sister don’t have a ton in common.  Noa often struggles to understand Melody’s lack of passion for academic success, and while they don’t hate each other, they don’t spend a ton of time hanging out with one another.
Noa meets Noah after she signs up for an ASL class in her sophomore year (2nd year) in high school.  Noah had recently moved from China to study abroad with the intention of leaving his family and home country for good and was taking the course to learn the differences between CSL and ASL, so he could communicate in his new community.  After teaming up on a partner project in class once they learn they have matching names, they both develop feelings for one another.  However, because of their height gap and Noah’s apprehensions about how Noa might feel about having a Deaf boyfriend, it took him a long time to build up the confidence to ask her out.  However, he eventually caved in, feeling too strongly about her to pass up the opportunity to see where their relationship may lead.  Noa happily accepted his date offer, and the two become an official couple.
Pollen (Hay Fever)
Food Palette:
Noa loves traditional foods from all the cultures that make up her ethnicity.  She eats a lot, but while she mostly enjoys savory dishes, she loves to indulge in sweet treats like ice cream and cupcakes.
Music taste:
Examples: Wallows, Bôa, Dodie
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Body Type:
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alpacaexpeditions · 10 days
Discover the Best Lima Peru Tours Package with Alpaca Expeditions 
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Are you dreaming of an unforgettable adventure in South America? Look no further than a Lima Peru tours package with Alpaca Expeditions. Lima, the vibrant capital of Peru, offers a unique blend of history, culture, and modern attractions. Whether you're a history buff, a foodie, or an outdoor enthusiast, a tour package to Lima will leave you with lasting memories. 
Why Choose Lima for Your Next Adventure? 
Lima is a city that beautifully marries the old and the new. Its historic center, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is a treasure trove of colonial architecture, museums, and churches. A stroll through the Plaza Mayor reveals the grandeur of the Government Palace and the stunning Cathedral of Lima. Nearby, the Larco Museum offers an impressive collection of pre-Columbian art that provides deep insights into Peru's rich history. 
Exploring Lima’s Culinary Scene 
One of the highlights of any Lima Peru tours package is the city's renowned culinary scene. Lima is often hailed as the gastronomic capital of South America, and for good reason. The city boasts several world-class restaurants that have earned spots on the prestigious list of The World’s 50 Best Restaurants. From traditional dishes like ceviche and lomo saltado to innovative fusion cuisine, Lima's food scene is a paradise for food lovers. We ensure that your tour package includes dining experiences at some of the finest eateries, allowing you to savor the diverse flavors of Peru. 
Adventure and Nature 
For those who crave outdoor adventures, Lima is not disappointing. The city’s coastline is perfect for surfing, paragliding, and beach relaxation. Miraflores, a district known for its scenic beauty, offers stunning views of the Pacific Ocean and is ideal for leisurely walks or bike rides along the Malecón. With us, your Lima Peru tours package can include guided excursions to these beautiful coastal spots, ensuring you capture the essence of Lima's natural charm. 
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Cultural Immersion 
We take pride in offering immersive cultural experiences in their Lima Peru tours package. Visit the bustling local markets, where you can interact with friendly vendors and purchase unique handicrafts. Experience traditional music and dance performances that highlight Peru’s vibrant cultural heritage. Alpaca Expeditions' knowledgeable guides provide fascinating insights into the local customs and traditions, making your trip both educational and enjoyable. 
Tailored Tours for Every Traveler 
Whether you're traveling solo, with family, or as part of a group, we have a Lima Peru tours package to suit your needs. Their customizable itineraries ensure that you can explore Lima at your own pace, focusing on the attractions that interest you the most. From historical tours and culinary journeys to adventure-packed outings, we have something for everyone. 
Why Choose Alpaca Expeditions? 
We are renowned for its exceptional service and attention to detail. Their experienced team provides an unforgettable travel experience, ensuring that every aspect of your trip is seamless and enjoyable. With us, you can rest assured that your Lima Peru tours package will be a perfect blend of adventure, culture, and relaxation. 
In conclusion,  
as Lima Peru tours package with Alpaca Expeditions is your gateway to discovering the wonders of Peru's capital. From its rich history and delectable cuisine to its stunning natural landscapes, Lima offers something for every traveler. Book your tour today with Alpaca Expeditions and embark on a journey that you'll cherish for a lifetime. 
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Universal Collision: Meet the Adventurer Support Assists!
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Name: Mountain
Class: 5★
Summoner/Duo: No
🎂Birthday🎂: No
Weapon Type: Fists (EX Weapon: Freedom's Price)
Current character status: Released
The son of a top Columbian construction CEO, Mountain and his entire family were put in prison after they were framed by a rival corporation. He enlisted in Rhodes Island upon his escape.
Mountain possesses a physique naturally fit for combat, and he is currently active as a Guard Operator and on the frontlines of a variety of missions
Bring it on, you scoundrels! - Strength of user +50% (1 Turn) and grant Singular Focus on self (3 Turns) and Physical resistance +35% (3 Turns)
Earth-Shattering Smash - Earth type blunt attack on all enemies x2 (2XL) and power of user +40% (3 Turns; Max Stack: +120%) and inflict stun
Left Hook - Blunt attack on a single enemy (XL) and attack again for each stunned enemy
- Guaranteed Critical
Sweeping Stance - Physical Resistance of user +30% and Strength of user +20% and HP regen +10% per turn (Max: +300%, +200%, +100% respectively) but Speed and Type resistance of user -20% (3 Turns) and grant Hold Ground on user
- If frontline consists of Fists users, user gains Guard instead
(Passive) Roaring Bash EoT Buff: When in Roaring Bash Zone, Increases Fists and Hammer damage +15% \ +30% \ +45% \ +60% (1 turn)
- effect's power is based on number ( 1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4 ) of Blunt moves used during the turn.
- double moves from Copy status are counted twice. Attack again moves are each counted.
- End-of-Turn, counters, knocked back or dead allies' moves are not counted.
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gokitetour · 2 months
Top 5 ancient sites in China to visit
Take a trip back in time as we explore China's ancient sites, which hide a rich cultural legacy and history dating back thousands of years. China is home to several historical monuments that continue to enthral tourists from all over the world, including the magnificent Great Wall and the mysterious Terracotta Army. Get ready to go back in time to dynasties long since passed and civilizations that have left a lasting impression on the rich historical fabric of China as you explore its varied landscapes. China's historic landmarks provide a window into the nation's colourful history, whether you're drawn to the elaborate carvings of ancient tombs or the soaring pagodas of Buddhist temples. Come along on an exploratory voyage with us as we solve the secrets surrounding China's historical treasures, each place serving as a testament to the creativity, inventiveness, and tenacity of its founders. China's historical attractions, which range from the imperial magnificence of the Forbidden City to the tranquil serenity of the Longmen Grottoes, are guaranteed to astonish and amaze in equal measure. Gather your belongings and get ready for an unparalleled journey as we set off to see China's historical monuments. China's historical riches are waiting to be discovered, whether you're a history buff, a cultural seeker, or just interested in learning about the glories of the past.
 Here are some ancient sites in China to visit.
1. China's Great Wall: The "Great Wall of China," which is located an hour outside of Beijing, is one of the most well-liked, breathtaking, and well-known tourist attractions in China. One of the seven wonders of the world, the wall is the longest wall in the whole globe. This wall is around 5,000 km (3,100 mi) long, extending from China's western border to its eastern shore. Near Beijing are the portions that have been integrated, renovated, and preserved the most. An iconic representation of China's historical and architectural resistance against the "Mongol Invasions" is the wall. During the summer, "Mutianyu," one of the Great Wall's sections, sees the highest number of visitors. The Gorges area is passed by an exciting and terrifying cable car journey that is available to guests.
2. The City of Forbidden: This iconic location is called the "Forbidden City—Imperial Palace" and is located in Beijing. The common people were not allowed to enter this city or palace, which was constructed for the use of the Chinese emperors. China's "forbidden city" is a lavish and breathtaking display of the country's traditional architectural style. The roofs of almost 8,000 of the apartments are golden. The exquisite patterns of the rooms are painted in shades of red and yellow. This location was a Ming and Qing Dynasty palace that was home to 24 emperors. One of the world's five most significant palaces, Forbidden City accurately captures the history and culture of China.
3.Heaven's Temple: Situated in the southeast of downtown Beijing lies the Temple of Heaven. The reason this location is called the Temple of Heaven is that it is a collection of religious structures where the Heaven Worship Ceremony was performed throughout the Ming and Qing dynasties. The total size of the temple is around 2,700,000 square meters. This temple's architect and design have been conserved to provide insight into the religious customs of the pre-Columbian Chinese cultures. A lengthy wall encloses the two distinct structures that make up the Temple of Heaven. The round northern section of the temple is enclosed by the wall, which represents heaven. In contrast, the southern portion of the temple is a square, which represents the earth. Furthermore, two surrounding walls split the temple into its inner and exterior halves.
4. The City Wall of Xi'an: When someone enters Xi'an, the "City Wall of Xi'an" is one of the most notable sites they will see. The Ming Dynasty Emperor constructed this wall to protect the city. One of the oldest and biggest city walls in use for military defense is the one at Xi'an. Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang stretched the wall further. The current height of Xi'an's city wall is 40 feet (12 meters), its width is 40 to 46 feet (12–14 meters), and its thickness at the bottom is 50 to 60 feet (15–18 meters). The wall is approximately 8.5 miles (13.7 kilometers) long, with 98 ramparts spaced every 120 meters. To keep adversaries away from the wall, the troops stationed at the Ramparts have sentry houses. The four gates of the City Wall are called "Yongning Eternal Peace" in the south, "Anding Harmony and Peace" in the west, "Changle Eternal Joy" in the east, and "Anyuan Forever Harmony" in the north. One of the gates with the most exquisite decorations is the Yongning gate.
 5.Summer Palace: Beijing is home to the Summer Palace, a masterwork of Chinese landscape architecture. The Summer Palace is a collection of breathtakingly designed buildings, gardens, and lakes. This location was constructed in 1750, destroyed during the war in 1860, and rebuilt according to the original plans in 1886. It has an exquisitely blended natural topography of hills and open water with man-made structures including pavilions, halls, temples, palaces, and bridges. The summer palace's well-planned gardens, which showcase the artwork and culture of past Chinese civilizations, are its most notable feature. 
China's ancient sites offer a captivating journey through history, culture, and heritage. From the iconic Great Wall to the enigmatic Terracotta Army, these treasures stand as testaments to China's rich and storied past. For those eager to explore these ancient marvels, China tour packages offer convenient and hassle-free options to experience the best of the country's historical sites. With expert guides and well-planned itineraries, travelers can immerse themselves in the wonders of China's ancient civilizations. As you bid farewell to these timeless landmarks and the echoes of centuries past, you carry with you memories of awe-inspiring sights and profound insights into China's enduring legacy. Whether it's your first visit or a return trip, China's ancient sites leave an indelible mark on all who have the privilege to explore them. Pack your bags, secure your China tour, and embark on a journey of discovery through the ancient sites of China. From the grandeur of imperial palaces to the serenity of sacred mountains, China's ancient treasures await your exploration, offering a glimpse into the rich tapestry of the country's history and culture.
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birdgenetics · 1 month
There are believed to be multiple mottling alleles, all of them recessive to non-mottling. They cause different chick down patterning and varying amounts of white. I am not going to cover all of the alleles, all you need to know that mottling is mo and nonmottling is Mo+
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There is some debate as to whether the less even pattern found in exchequer birds is a different allele or if the neat, v-shaped white mottles could simply be achieved through selective breeding. My thoughts? Probably both. Uneven mottling can be turned into neat mottling through selective breeding, but there are some alleles that are messier than others.
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It is believed that mille fluer is buff columbian but with extra modifiers, specifically melanizers like the pattern gene and melanotic to create spangling.
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The interruption of pigment production by the mottle also helps create this neat spangle. It takes longer for a bird to produce pheomelanin than it does eumelanin. So the mottle interupts pigment, then the bird produces eumelanin, then pheomelanin. That is why the double laced wheaten pattern that you find in dark Cornish gives black edges around the mottles on Spangled Cornish.
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The bird works with what it has. If there is no melanin present in the feather at all, the bird will not produce a black edge around the mottle, as evidenced by this red mottled Ancona photographed by Breeding Chickens with Sander.
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The black in the spangles can also be diluted, to blue or white using the blue and dominant white genes. This cute "Golden Neck" d'Uccle is genetically mille fluer with the dominant white gene.
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Mottled is unique in that a mottled bird changes with every molt. The initial chick down looks pied, as seen by these mottled Cochin chicks from Murray McMurray hatchery.
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Pied is gene present in many species that give an animal colored patches on top and white patches on the bottom. (See pied guineas, peafowl or pied ducks.) But mottled is not the same mutation as pied. Pied remains the same pattern throughout an animal's life.
The first chick molt gives the same impression
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(photo from One Hundred Dollars a Month.)
However, with respective juvenile molts the white becomes more and more evenly distributed over the bird until you get the first adult plumage: the first time the mottling is evenly distrubuted over the whole bird.
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With each respective adult molt the bird gets more and more white but distribution continues to be relatively even. (different bird but you get the point)
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Now lets cover some oddities. The Ayam Tulak has what looks almost like pied plumage and based on the pictures, the pattern may remain constant throughout its life. However, there are none here in the US and its inheritance is unknown. I would like to know if it is allelic with mottling or if it is true pied (or something else.)
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White crests in Polish (this one being a white-crested chocolate) is also theorized to be allelic with mottling.
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If you look at the chick down, it is very similar to mottled chick down.
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Also, while most of the white distribution on white crested blacks is on their crests, some do have a few tiny mottles on their bodies. Personally, I have seen a white crested black with some mottles at a show.
White crested black is recessive to nonmottled but codominant with at least one other mottling allele.
White crested Polish when crossed with Tolbunt Polish (Tolbunt is gold laced with mottling) produced white crested black and white crested mottled chicks.
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cancuntravelinsider · 3 months
Exploring the Best Excursions in Playa Del Carmen
Playa Del Carmen, nestled along the stunning Caribbean coastline of Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula, is renowned for its pristine beaches, vibrant culture, and rich history. However, what truly sets this destination apart are its myriad excursions that cater to every type of traveler, from adventure seekers to history buffs and nature enthusiasts. In this article, we'll delve into some of the most captivating excursions in Playa Del Carmen, offering unforgettable experiences for visitors.
1. Snorkeling in the Riviera Maya:
The Riviera Maya boasts some of the world's most mesmerizing underwater landscapes, teeming with colorful coral reefs and diverse marine life. Embark on a snorkeling excursion to explore these vibrant ecosystems up close. From the renowned Mesoamerican Barrier Reef to the serene waters of Akumal Bay, there are endless opportunities to immerse yourself in the beauty of the Caribbean Sea.
2. Mayan Ruins Tours:
Delve into the ancient history of the Maya civilization with a tour of nearby archaeological sites such as Tulum and Coba. Marvel at the impressive pyramids, temples, and ceremonial structures that offer a glimpse into the fascinating world of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. Knowledgeable guides provide insights into Mayan culture, architecture, and beliefs, making these excursions both educational and awe-inspiring.
3. Cenote Exploration:
The Yucatán Peninsula is dotted with thousands of cenotes, natural sinkholes formed by the collapse of limestone bedrock. These mystical caverns and freshwater pools offer a refreshing escape from the heat and provide unique opportunities for swimming, snorkeling, and diving. From open-air cenotes surrounded by lush jungle to cavernous sinkholes adorned with stalactites and stalagmites, each cenote has its own distinct charm waiting to be discovered.
4. Eco-Adventure Parks:
For adrenaline junkies and nature lovers alike, Playa Del Carmen is home to several eco-adventure parks that combine thrilling activities with environmental conservation efforts. Visit Xcaret, Xel-Há, or Rio Secreto to zip-line through the jungle, float down lazy rivers, and explore underground rivers and caves. These parks offer a perfect blend of adventure, relaxation, and ecological awareness, making them ideal destinations for families and solo travelers alike.
5. Sailing and Yachting Excursions:
Experience the ultimate luxury with a sailing or yachting excursion along the sparkling Caribbean coast. Whether you're seeking a romantic sunset cruise, a snorkeling adventure in secluded coves, or a lively party aboard a catamaran, there are endless options to suit your preferences. Sit back, relax, and soak in the breathtaking views as you sail the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea.
From underwater adventures to ancient ruins and ecological wonders, Playa Del Carmen offers a diverse array of excursions that cater to every traveler's interests. Whether you're seeking adrenaline-pumping thrills or tranquil moments of relaxation, excursions in Playa Del Carmen this captivating destination has something for everyone. Embark on an unforgettable journey and discover why Playa Del Carmen is a must-visit destination for explorers of all ages.
For more information and to plan your Playa Del Carmen adventure, visit Cancun Travel Insider today.
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Nothing to say really, just that I love Sugar's feather colour (wheaten? Buff?). She looks so cute on that latest picture!
She is wheaten as are all buff birds :) she also has some Columbian which is why she has a few black feathers
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catastrophic-crisis · 2 years
Note that if most/all of them converged in one place it would likely be Columbia or Kazimierz. Many of them travel.
Jupiter: Pioneer Vanguard; Dollkeeper Specialist Alt
Morgan: Lord Guard; Iberian Sankta or Aegir (yes, despite the lion imagery) - Talent One buffs allies in faction, buff extends to all units in stages with water
Rem: Musha Guard; Columbian, presumed Lupo but implied to be hiding species - S1 reduces block to zero and self-heals (see Utage's Space Out); S2 is sudden rapid attack button (your Chi Xiao - Shadowless-es and whatnot) (yay what can be seen as a dual-use skill that can be used as a heal button), the fact that they have a handgun implies that they can qualify for another class
Solomon: Ambusher Specialist; Columbian, one mother is Victorian - S2 stops attacking, super slows all enemies within range like a melee decel binder skill, and debuffs to set up allies for killing, talent has high percentage chance of dealing poison damage on hit
Poser: Arts Guard; Zalak with ears modded, currently in Kazimierz, speech indicates either Columbia or Rim Billton - Poser would be the Operator name.
Bee: Robot Executor Specialist; Raythean operations platform - attacks normally but is forced to retreat after burst (ASPD + range increases to 3x3 for missile barrage) (tempo is whack whack whack BRRRRRRR [death noise])
'Thae: Summoner or Artificer Supporter with Duelist Defender alt; no bug option so Sargonian Savra or Petra. or Durin Durin I haven't read Summer Carnival
She doesn't really go by Mad Scientist G but I never actually gave her name. Part of this is that she's gone through several identity changes for "you can't find me" purposes on top of the "figuring out myself. genderly" before she started really running around: ST Medic that deals damage on skills, Sacrificial Specialist Alt; mysterious deadpan Anaty swag
Eviltopian (Red): Merchant Specialist; Caprinae with horns sharpened - can play a little like an Executor Specialist
Eviltopian (Blue): Swordmaster Guard; Liberi - S1 heals an ally on next attack + ATK increase (see Blem's Surging Brilliance), talent ignores set amount of DEF after X amount of hits done on a single enemy, which upgrades to Fragile percentage during duration of S2 (kit is purposefully a little confused. it shows character)
i feel like I forgot somebody. I'm skipping background characters like ULTRAVIOLETce (pronounced ultraviolets) and various robos
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kifu · 5 months
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So I confirmed a thing that I've been suspicious of.
Partridge, at least in cochins and wyandottes, is partridge based with dominant pattern gene. I feel like this should be obvious. Silver patridge, after all, is called silver penciled. Yknow, the word I was looking for when I was drawing my birbs.
SO that blue boy there (pictured left) that's heading my blue laced silver project (which is have other thoughts about, gimme a moment) is 100% partridge and 100% pattern gene. He's het for melanotic and Columbian only. Well, and silver (and blue), but.
I only have two pattern genes to worry about!!
I mean, a lot more than that. He's a right mess. Can barely tell there's cochin in him.
Which ... brings me to the point of ... maybe I should try putting a blue cockerel (*ahem* splash cockerel) over a silver laced hen.... I wonder if the type advantage would override the bullshit train of all the genes. Keep cockerels because they're het for silver. Cull pullets because don't need. Keep blues. Het recessive for partridge, het hidden dominant for pattern, Columbian, melanotic, silver.... a right mess.
But have you seen the type on the cockerel I'm working with? My silver laced hens are kinda crap, too. I NEED to work on their type by crossing them to a typey black/blue at some point ANYWAY. Just. Wouldn't it be so funny if my blue laced silvers had better type than an APA color?
So, like, I dunno. Maybe I'll mess with the splash over the silver laced hens later in the season. I would love to soften their tails.
I'm not culling him until I like what I see in the brooder out of him. But I am a little bit curious to see how poorly crossing a laced variety to a full extension bird would go, too. Because it's a easy as moving the hens from under him to under the splash (or blue). Just saying. Play the waiting game for the new boy's babes.
However, I will NOT be playing that game with the buff laced wyandotte (pictured right). Only playing that with silver laced. Wyandotte's getting a couple partridge hens and I am SO EXCITED. Type will still be shit, BUT at least the partridge are typier than my silver laced. So that's a little something.
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lowestflightfares · 2 years
7 Famous Landmarks in South America to Visit
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From ancient Mayan ruins to iconic beaches, Andean peaks, Amazon rainforest, and Patagonian glacier, South America set the world ablaze with its incredible adventure. Whether you are a history buff, looking for the ruins of Machu Picchu, or want to get assimilated with wilderness, South America is a gem to be discovered. Look for cheap flights to South America, and discover the natural and artificial landmarks in the Southern Hemisphere.
Iguazu Falls, Argentina
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The spectacular Iguazu Falls against a backdrop of dense rainforest, is one of the most iconic destinations in South America. The falls is straddling between Brazil and Argentina, offering the most awe-inspiring sight. This 269-foot tall waterfall is made up of at least 275 thundering cascades.
The legend has it that a God wanted to marry a native girl against her wishes. The girl, however, eloped with her lover to River Iguazu, and out of agony, the God separated the rivers, so the couple would condemn to fall eternally.
Interestingly, the National Park near the falls boasts rich flora and fauna, and makes for a great escape from the urban hustle. You will be astounded by the sheer scale of this thunderous waterfall, which is three times the size of Niagara Falls.
Salar De Uyuni, Bolivia
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Bolivia’s evocative site, Salar De Uyuni, is the world’s largest salt flat, which measures around 4,674 sq miles. Due to its crystal clear surface, it is considered the earth’s mirror, as on a dry day, it turns into a striking reflective canvas.
This largest salt flat was left behind by prehistoric lakes, which evaporated long ago. Today, this otherworldly terrain serves as a lucrative attraction. Despite its remote location, tourists come here to admire the mesmerizing views of the salt flat.
Furthermore, driving across the surface is a surreal experience, but it is not that easy to drive on the surface. However, now it has become a salt extraction center, which extracts and processes approx 20,000 tons of salt.
Machu Picchu, Peru
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Machu Picchu, set in the Andean mountains, is surrounded by lush vegetation and steep cliffs, and is the most spectacular archeological site in Peru. This 15th-century incan city is undoubtedly one of the most interesting places to visit in South America.
However, reaching this Incan city is not that easy, and you need to follow the Inca trail for four days. There are 150 buildings and 100 staircases, most of them are carved from a single slab of stone. The buildings were built in the classical Inca style, with polished dry-stone walls. However, nobody knows how those giant rocks were taken up to the mountain.
In addition, this remains of an ancient pre-Columbian town makes for a beautiful sight, and has been designated as a UNESCO world heritage site. Unfortunately, there’s no written record of the site, and no Europeans visited it until the 19th century.
Nazca Lines, Peru
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Nazca Lines in Pampa Colorada is spread across 500 km of rock-strewn, red plain. It is one of the world’s greatest archeological mysteries, as nobody knows why and how these intricate lines were created 2000 years ago. These geoglyphs in the Nazca desert were created between 500 BCE to 500 CE.
By the end of 2020, 80-100 new such lined figures had been found with the help of drones. Interestingly, the figures of these lines were created in a way that one can identify them from space, though they are also visible from the nearby hills. Endless questions remain behind the creation of these figurative lines.
Some of the designs discovered in the area are similar to hummingbird, condor, spider, heron, monkey, dog, lizard, cat, human, tree, and flowers. Although it is a debatable topic, a German mathematician Maria Reiche believes that the lines are related to astronomy and agriculture. But the evidence was not enough to convince the scholars. Today, this beautiful site makes for a great tourist attraction, and one can reach the city only by bus.
Christ The Redeemer, Brazil
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Christ The Redeemer, in Rio de Janeiro, is one of the best places to visit in South America. The statue of Jesus Christ guarding the Brazilian city since 1931, is one of the most iconic landmarks in South America. This 125-feet high and 92-foot wide art-deco sculpture welcomes more than two million tourists from all over the globe each year.
In order to reach the statue, which is situated atop Corcovado mountain, 2,300-ft above, one can hike up the mountain. But all your exhaustion will perish in a minute, once you see this majestic statue of Jesus Christ, and the surrounding landscapes of Rio de Janeiro.
It was constructed between 1926 and 1931, and since then it has become a popular tourist spot in Brazil. Being situated on the top of a large mountain, the statue is prone to lightning strikes, and gets hit several times in a year. In 2008, the statue was damaged by an enormous thunderstorm.
La Mano Punta Del Este, Uruguay
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These giant, monster-sized fingers, protruding from the sands and soaring towards the sky, is one of the best South America beach vacation spots. It was constructed by Chilean artist Mario Irarrazabal in 1982, and since then it has become a symbol and most recognizable landmark in Uruguay.
The five finger-sculpture represents the relationship between nature and human beings. This one-hand sculpture in the sandy beach, makes for a great place to click some insta-worthy pics. Visitors come here to enjoy a beach day and 
Moai, Easter Island, Chile
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If you are visiting Easter Island in Chile, you probably want to see the monolithic figures carved by the Rapa Nui people between 1250 and 1500. The giant-head moais were cut from the hard tuffs, which were created by the ashes of Rano Raraku volcano. Almost all moais found in the area have overly large heads, and were considered the living faces of deified ancestors.
It is one of the worthwhile South America famous places that needs no introduction. Tourists visiting the sculptures feel like stepping back in time as they pass through the giant-head sculptures. It gives them the opportunity to know about the region’s historical and cultural scenario of the period.
Bottom Line
South America is undoubtedly a treasure trove full of impressive beauty and mystery. With incredible landscapes, diverse culture, rich heritage, and beautiful people, South America indeed makes for a great place to be discovered. Plan your next vacation and discover the offbeat trails of this beautiful region.
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