#btw you should watch the NTL version!! it’s a great one
manderleyfire · 9 months
jane eyre adaptations ranked from the hottest to least sexy??? WINKWINK
— 2006; HORNY they’re HORNY, your honor! (almost an ideal JE adaptation generally (and definitely the hottest one))
— 1973; both leads are questionably suited for their parts but the chemistry??? ILLEGAL. (also it has the sexiest st john ever!! repressed and inflamed!!!)
— 1983; im such a slut for height difference, sorry not sorry.
— 1943; it’s very loosely based on JE but the YEARNING is there nonetheless!
— 2011; love making but make it cinematic
— 1997; samantha morton tries her best and at least it’s not boring… i guess????
— 1996; …. nothing sexy about it except for ten seconds of amanda root (and the very best adele!)
i haven’t seen the 1934s, the 1952s hindi one and the 1970s tho (and of course those that are unavailable to stream!)
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