#btw if u like this drawing reblog it <3 i want the world to see my terrible terrible woman ok?
goldpilot22 · 2 months
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lil threnody portrait :) I gave her sharp teeth
flashbang version under the cut
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snailythefan · 7 months
Hi Snaily! How have you been? Im here for a pretty serious ask.
My boyfriend has been drawing for a while, I honestly think he's doing real good. But recently he's been feeling down about his art, he doesn't know why he should bother improving his art if his style is *basic* to some people, and it hurts a lot for him. He knows he should be drawing for fun and not force improvement to stress him out, but there's only so much I can do as his loving partner who doesn't draw at all.
So... what was it like for you, Snaily? When you started drawing many years back, how did you not feel like shit looking at how it could be better but you don't know how? What advice can you give to a beginner artist?
(You can answer this privately if you want btw, and ask me for his art if you need to see them. Much love <3)
hi peng!! always nice to hear from u! I'm gonna reply to this publicly because to be honest i can't resist to give this kind of advice to any and all beginner artists (but i am putting it under a readmore because as you know i love to ramble and this will get LOOONNNGGG and will Truly be The Ramblings of a Mad Man (gender neutral))
firstly, since I hear that he feels hurt by the idea that people out there might find his style "basic". That's a rookie mistake (that literally everyone makes when they start getting Serious about Art). The mistake being Caring Profoundly About an Outside Audience that's Ever Watching and Judging.
Which I literally cannot blame him or anyone for it, ESPECIALLY in this modern social media landscape where newer artists feel like they gotta get GOOD at the VIRAL RAT RACE so you gotta get that sweet, sweet validation in the form of likes, reblogs, retweets etc etc.
So that's my first tip I suppose: don't fall for the entrapment of being obsessed with getting any and all sorts of SWEET VALIDATION during your art process. This is hard to condition yourself to! I myself fall prone to it! It's actually kind of natural. Even if the validation you seek isn't online, surely you're expecting it from your peers or teachers or family members or whoever gets to look at your sketchbook (or you know, your medium of choice).
You want people to notice your art and all the effort you put into it. It's okay! DO welcome those who do!! But never NEVERRRRRR NEVERRRRRR commit the mistake of placing the value of your art on how much praise it gets from others. That's a one trip road on having an Absolute Bad Time. THE ONLY PERSON you should be looking to make happy with your art is YOURSELF first and foremost!!! Always!!! This is the Golden Rule!!!
So people (imagined or otherwise) think his style is """Basic""". Okay! That's literally not a crime anyone can arrest you for!! So what if you're LITERALLY starting and your art looks """basic"""!!!!!!! WHAT IS THE CRIME HERE!!!! CAN'T MY MAN JUST CREATE IN PEACE!!!! LET HIM COOK!!!!!
If he's starting out, i think it's pretty expected of him to just have a "basic" style you know? He shouldn't be ashamed of it! The best chef in the entire world right now didn't start making The Most Delicious Food To Ever Grace Anyone's Plate on DAY 1. They probably started with a goshdang sandwich. Many of them maybe. Until they could make the Perfect Sandwich even in their Sleep and only until then they felt ready enough to explore Further Possibilities In The Kitchen.
(Is this metaphor working? I sure hope it is!)
"How did you not feel like shit looking at how it could be better but you don't know how?"
Well that's a fun question because to this day I get extremely frustrated whenever I realize my Art Level isn't up to my standards. But THAT'S OKAY- even in my case!
If you're Serious About Art (as in, you LOVE making art) you'll constantly feel like you're having to catch up to artists that are doing MILES better than you. Which happens to everyone. Truly it's only the curse of having A Good Taste In Art (so you automatically Set Standards For Yourself based on what you personally consider Great Art).
So again, something to not be ashamed of. But also something to Learn To Live with. I get it!! I truly do!! You see some guy online who apparently is only 14 and they're already making compositions with complex perspectives and an amazing sense of color theory and you'll want to bite off your hands!!!! But you can't let that stop you!!
You're just gonna have to learn to Fail, Constantly. Failing Gracefully! Sucking At Art Again and Again!
You might think this conflicts with the Golden Rule (i mean, if you're not happy with your own art- then what's the point yeah?)
But it's all about Love babey. Loving the process of failing constantly, because deep down you REALIZE you're learning how not to suck little by little.
It's also an exercise in letting Spite guide you. So what if you're bad!!!!!! What if you've somehow committed the crime of being A Bad Artist!!!!!! The cops will never catch me fucker!!!!! SEE HOW I DESECRATE THE HOLY ACT OF "CREATING GOOD ART" AHAHAHAHA!!!! LITERALLY NOBODY CAN STOP ME!!!!! <- the attitude to Have. Yes you gotta be prepared to be Unhinged and to have active Disdain towards 4th Plane Entities that are probably judging your art quality. (Unless my experiences aren't universal and nobody else feels a salacious self-satisfaction whenever they draw something that looks like an affront to The Universe, knowing they can just Try Again).
Anyway those are the benefits of sprinkling a little Spite alongside all the Love for the process of Making Art.
At the start you might feel like you're only making bad art. So! Own it! unironically my life philosophy is that everyone should make more BAD ART!!! ARTISTS OF THE WORLD UNITE TO MAKE MORE BAD ART, YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR CHAINS!
that's for the mental approach at least.
So, what about the technical side? How do you actually take all those feelings of inadequacy and wrangle them into something productive that will help YOU get better at the art you want to make?
with the warning that i am a self taught artist so i might not the the perfect person to ask, but truly the most IMPORTANT skill you want to hone is OBSERVATION and COPYING WHAT YOU OBSERVE.
Basically you're gonna study the artists you like! You're gonna stare REAL HARD at the details in the art they make! And THEN. You're gonna try to copy THAT! Hell, you might even want to TRACE what they do at first** (**THIS ADVICE IS FOR PRACTICING. DO NOT TRACE AND THEN POST ONLINE FOR OTHERS TO GO "hey man wtf this is just you tracing X Artist" DO NOT!!! DO THAT!!!) just so you get a feel for what they have in their art that You Don't and learning how to slowly replicate that.
That's how I learned the ropes at least. Literally printing manga panels and then tracing over them during my Peak Weeb Years. Ah little snaily, how time flies. Another thing i liked to do was watch speedpaints of artists i liked but at like -2x speed. So it was a slowpaint and i could STEAL THEIR SECRETS <- another valuable art skill
Anyway, that's what I think it's the most important (to observe!)
...but also you might want to either take art classes OR watch a buuuuunch of tutorials on youtube for The Basics (basic anatomy! shading! values! color theory! perspective! gesture drawing!!!)
You feel like shit about your art? Fine! Then realize your life is your own and you have the absolute power to change that directly!! GO ON YOUTUBE AND LEARN THOSE BASICS!!!!!! don't be like me and struggle this much with perspective after years of making art!!!! (Though in all fairness, even those good at it struggle with it lol)
So! I am all out of advice for a newer artist.
Peng if you could forward this to your bf i would be very grateful. Good luck to you two!!! Thank you for reaching out!! And remember!! Never give up!!!!!
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arabellameyer · 5 months
Hello everyone! How are you? I'm Arabella, and I love to worldbuild, learn about nature, draw, and a bunch of other stuff. If you have any questions about my worlduilding, let me know! Please keep conversations appropriate (no sexting or asking extremely personal questions). Here there will be reblogs of/art of some stuff you might find disturbing (body horror/gore), but I will label it as such (gore, blood, tw, nsfw, etc). It's part of my worldbuilding as you'll see here over time. But it isn't the only part of my worldbuilding, so don't worry about missing out on much. I do not tolerate any porn so none will be here. I've heard too many stories of people dealing with porn addictions and how debilitating it is, so I'm not even going to chance looking at it, lead alone reblogging it.
Filing system down below v
When I reblog stuff, I'll put it in a file system that is similar to my pinterest pinning system (same titles and such). Here's how it'll go...
(btw if any of these tags are of no interest to you, then feel free to block them)
Animal reference
Animal pose
Animal behavior
Art reference
Human pose
Guide or Art Guide
It just looks pretty - I like it because it looks nice :)
Storytelling or Cinematic - the way it sends a message is interesting, and I'd like to use it as inspiration
(BTW level 1 animals are animals found irl)
Level 2 - Like irl animals that have one little thing changed about them, like their color or number of eyes.
Level 3 - Mix of 2 or more animals that is hard to distinguish what the original animal is (like a cat/snake mix, was it originally a cat or originally a snake).
Level 4 - A change in the original species causes a majority of people to fear it, like deep fear it. Creepy
Level 5 - Like levels 2-4, but with a horror aspect to it (like snakes that look like intestines).
I've made guides for my leveling system and I'll post them soon, so don't worry if you're confused ;)
Scene idea - idea for a plot point or fun story in my world
Characters - catch-all
Johann the discoverer
Mama nova
Void deer
(I'll add more as time goes on)
Memes - general tag
Remember - has some relevance to it, whether or not it's a meme (just sorta a catch-all for anything that I want to remember. You'll see what I mean if you search through there.)
Scenario - meme that describes a scene, and I don't know where else to put it
Food for the funnies - this is where I put the stuff I actually laugh at. Not just a breath out of my nose, but a true laugh.
Derpy - •u•
Fever dream - lol those memes that make no sense or come out of left field
And that's how babies are made - I'm not even going to explain this one lol
Stay flexy - exercise ideas
Cute - catch-all for anything adorable :3
Cute animal - specifically cute animals
Cute plant - specifically cute plants
Recommend or Recommendation - smth I should check out (to buy or look @ again)
Pins or Enamel pins - enamel pins I like the look of.
Watch later - if I like the look of it but don't have the mental energy to completely peruse it, then I'll put it here.
Ok so that is my filing system lol. I know it's pretty long but I plan on using the references and stuff I find here.
I know I said this before, but I love talking (raging extrovert), so if you wanna chat or dump a writing idea or creature idea on me, then go for it! Heck, my commissions are also open (not getting them done immediately, tho) if you're interested (no guarantee on the quality. Just know I am still learning the fundamentals of art). Anyways, if you're reading this far, then you're one of the real ones (also, what's your favorite color? Mine is blue, but I like them all tbh) 💪. Thanks so much for reading this. I'll have a side blog here shortly where I'll post only my art so that you don't have to go through all my reblogs, lol. Anyways, thanks so much, and have a blessed day <3
P.S. this is my art-only side blog. Here, have a mouse 🫴🐁
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homocrafting · 1 year
hi sorry if this message is sudden. Im deep in cold medicine so its not going to be coherent.either. But i reblogged ur richarlyson fanfic and brooooo uts fhcken awesome. i cried. idk if its some hidden sense of brazillian pride or whateves but i rlly love ur interpretation of himmmm. can u share hcs about richarlyson as a person and or post your snippet to ao3?
AAAAAA TYSM THIS MADE MY DAY!!!! everytime someone says they cried/almost cried bc of that fic I gain 5 points of strenght btw. this is a good thing
I might post it to ao3 soon!! just gotta get Tge Willpower for it, I'll add the link to it in the rbs of the og post when I do
hcs abt richas under the cut bc I love read mores (starts off as just more general stuff then gets into hcs abt him)
Richarlyson is such a fun character bc he's like the main character, just a little guy, the dude who dies to start the main character's story, and the symbol of hope charactersare given in their time of need, all at the same time
he's the main character in the way that the world revolves around him. like, he showed up, 5 people became obsessed with keeping him alive, safe and happy, his older brother (Bobby) tries to steal his spotlight, some people wanted him dead from the moment he was born, one of his fathers wants him to be a killing machine, he knows 3 languages, you see my point. and now, like, so many people are working on keeping him safe. he's the only uncracked egg, that has to mean something
he's just a little guy because he is just a little guy. he makes cute drawings for his dads and hangs out with his friends and has a bunch of siblings and is learning the flute and has a gun. he's 5 days old and he already lost a life
if he dies it's the beginning of so many terrible arcs. what is Forever's grind for if not his son's safety- to end the world, to get phil to love him? who does the emerald in Felps's house belong to? what's the point of the football field? what's the point of all the training? what if you lose a third (?) chance.
he's Quackity's hope, also, I guess, to be the parent he tried to be but never could, even if all he has is 1% of his custody
Due to being the youngest egg, the others have varying types of Older Brother behavior with him
Despite whatever his siblings do, Richas still loves them
He's been taken to Tilin's grave quite a few times now, and each time he just gets... really sad. It doesn't make him value his life the way they want it to- instead, it convinces him he can't, by any means, let himself get killed, otherwise his dads will end up like 1% dad quackity (very very sad), and his siblings will mourn him and that won't be nice
he's an incredibly sweet kid- this isn't an hc as much as it's an Actual Real On God fact, I just think it's very important
because he is such a sweet kid, the lessons about hurting other things are the ones that he dislikes most
he loves tax evasion it's his favorite crime to commit
he picks up other people's habits very easily! things like tics, stims, speech patterns, etc
he's scared being manco will make his dads like him less. no matter how many times they tell him it's fine, he feels he has to compensate for it somehow
his gun is like a comfort object to him, and staying away from it for too long makes him very uncomfortable
despite being scared of bulls, he doesn't hate them, not like Leo hates whales, for example. Killing that bull he had gotten phisically close to wasn't pleasant
as he grows, he tries to put on a bit of a tougher persona because of, especially, Cellbit's expectations, although all the other dads' also contribute in different ways
ultimately, he sucks at keeping that up, and 99,9% of people can see right through him
he cherishes his first stolen emerald so so much
he uses braces due to his bad leg! that leg stops at the knee, and Forever is working on a prosthetic for him
he loves watching Forever work on the prosthetic, and will often comment on things he wants on it
he has a hard time understanding romance, due to having 5 dads who aren't in love with each other, Chayanne's dad being one of his dad's crush (he THINKS that's it), whatever cellbit and roier have going, etc
he forgives very easily
he doesn't really... like his definetly not a captivity room. he thinks he understands why he has to sleep there, and the attempts to make it more cozy worked a little, but it's too dark and quiet and small in there. there's barely any space to shoot his gun and soon there won't be space for paintings
somewhere, he has a whole ass habitat for his pet jabuti
he loves Dapper's (I think it's Dapperd I forgor) zoo
he has flute lessons with Tallulah every 2 days or so
and I thiiiink that's all for now? I've taken way too long to answr this already sorry :( but I hope it was worth the wait
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frogb · 3 years
HI UH... i was tagged by @faceless-dude and @dannydouni AND LIKE GIRL.... y’all are way too sweet🥺🥺🥺 thank u so much..,,,...,
the rules: tag five or more people that you are thankful for in your 2020, that you’re thankful exists in a world that’s hard to live in. whether that be through random reblogs on your posts, or people you have had full blown conversations with. whether it’s just seeing them on your dash, or interacting with them.
@dannydouni is first ofc :] YOURE THE SWEETEST!!! you’re always so kind and caring and you go out of your way to make people feel loved and cared for,,,, and you’re just generally amazing!!! you need to be kinder to yourself because even if you don’t see it you’re one of the most wonderful people out there. i’m super lucky to be friends with u and i hope we can see each other again soon <3 ilysm!!!
@adhdyuuji hiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! i’m really really glad i got tumblr bcuz it gave me the chance to meet u and become friends with you!! you’re so sweet and kind and funny and a lot of fun to talk to!! i’m really glad we’re friends :)) and i wanna talk with u more but sometimes it’s hard cuz of my anxiety 😢 so i’m sorry!! but i’ll try my best to talk more!!! ilyyyy
@catboyyouko HI <3 u r epic. i love u :)) youre always so much fun to talk to and i love getting messages from u they make me happy!!! i’m rly glad that we’re friends and that we started talking n stuff,, thank u!!! i always love seeing your art it looks so professional!!!! i hope one day i’ll be as good at drawing as you kshdkdshs nyways ilysm!!!
@starrynarwhale hello :]!!!! you’re very sweet and wholesome and i rly like talking with u <3 sorry i keep forgetting to download idv btw 😢 we’ll see if i remember today lmao, anyways!! you’re rly cool!!!! and fun to talk to!! and i’m really happy that we’re friends :) i wanna talk to u more but. anxiety </3 so we’ll see if i can get over it and talk to u more lmaoo (ALSO. i’m gonna try n make something for frog gon friday this week so😼) and lastly, ilyyyy!!
@quellfy HIIIIIII you’re unbelievably sweet and kind!!!!! thank u so much for being my friend and just being amazing in general <3 you’re very good at helping people and making them feel better and i admire u for that :)) ALSO ur art is so cute... omg...and finally i’m really happy that we’re friends!!! i love talking to u ilysm 💞
@faceless-dude hiii your art is fucking fantastic!! the amount of details u put in each of your drawings is just <3 yeah. also you’re rly fun to talk to!!! even tho we don’t talk that often i enjoy each of our little convos :) thank u for taking the time to talk to me!! i hope u get that job u wanted <3 gl!!! ily
@kur-upira HI!! ur very sweet n talking to u is lots of fun!! :] i’m glad we got to be friends, ALSO UR ART... IS SO GOOD😢😢 i love ur art so much it’s so nice to look at!!!! idk how you’re that good with watercolour but i can only hope to be that talented one day </3 and i think i’ve missed a few of ur drawings so get ready for a like/rb spam 😼 ilysm!!!
@honoraryredditdudebro helloooooo ily!!!! you’re rly funny and i wanna talk to u more but. anxiety😒 so uhhhhhh yeah,, sorry lmao,, but yeah ur rly nice!!!! i like talking to u it’s fun :]
@sakura-kitten HII!! we haven’t talked much but you’re so sweet 🥺🥺🥺 and nice,, i love seeing ur doodles they r so so cute <3 if u ever wanna talk pls just dm me!!! i’d love to talk more :]
i know i tagged more than 5 people shut up. i can do what i want🙄 ANYWAYS I LOVE EACH OF U SM <3 if i forgot anyone i promise it’s not because i hate u it’s because i’m very tired i just woke up😔
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aj-draws · 6 years
So. A 300 follower milestone deserves some kind of big surprise, right? Well, you are very correct.
Starting tomorrow, my blog will officially undergo the ‘Squad Takeover’!
What in the world does that mean?? Basically, for five days I have chosen to let the Heart Squad take over/run my blog (each person getting one full day to do so). 
Here’s what the schedule is gonna look like: 
Monday: Sienna ( @danyulsdimple )
Tuesday: Izzy ( @izzyfandoms )
Wednesday: Lea ( @bubblseri )
Thursday: Piper ( @phlying-squirrel ) 
Friday: Sly/Gillian ( @sly-is-my-name-loving-is-my-game )
Am I terrified? Yes. Am I kinda crazy for doing this? Definitely. Will this be entertaining? Dang, I hope 😂😂 
To my followers, I just want to say a quick thank you. There’s no other fandom I’ve ever been in that has given me as many opportunities as this one-whether it’s personally befriending people online, or being able to post my art and writing in such a kind, accepting community. All you gotta do is sit back, relax and enjoy the show!
To the Heart Squad, haVE MERCY ON MY POOR BLOG 🤣👏👏🙌🙌 This is actually happening and I m s h o o k but I trust you guys which is most likely a mistake I’ve just gotta hope you won’t do anything too crazy. (Btw I’m gonna change my password daily and tell each of you in the Slack chat once it’s your day) 
I’m really sorry if it makes me seem overprotective but here’s a few rules n stuff (which hopefully aren’t too hard to follow?):
1. Please don’t look through any of my PMs (or send any messages)
2. Please don’t reblog/post anything NSFW related on my blog (cursing is fine tho)
3. You can send asks/submit stuff to people, just no private messages 
4. Please don’t go through/change anything in my drafts or any scheduled/queued posts (I schedule a lot of my art in advance so pls don’t edit/delete anything there)
5. Don’t go beyond the post limit (looking at u Sly haha I don’t want to torture my followers that much)
6. Don’t post on any of my side blogs, only on my main
7. If anyone messages me, please don’t answer them. (I’m too lazy to tell all of my friends that I won’t be able to message them, so they might like ask me about hw or something so just don’t respond.)
8. You are allowed to change everything on my blog, except the colors (if u change it I probably can’t find the right shade afterward pfft) and the description. That includes the header, icon and title. (I’ll just change it back when this is all over)
9. Try to remember to tag anything you post on your assigned day as #squad takeover. This includes both posts and reblogs (If you forget once or twice, that’s totally fine, I’m going to be editing the tags on all the posts when this is all over anyway.)
10. Honestly, other than the obvious ‘don’t be mean to ppl’ lol u can do whatever you want. Wanna write a short and purposely rlly crappy fic and post it? Go right on ahead. Feel like submitting a weird meme to someone without any context? Man, why not?? Want to mimic me, draw a stick figure and post it? I’d literally burst out laughing, so heck yeah!! Just remember to have some fun, you guys <3
Hope this won’t be too much of a train wreck lmao 😂😂 Welp, I’ll see you guys in five days, just in time for October’s Movie Night!! Love ya 💜💜💜
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