#btw i’m not dissing your opinions hope it ain’t coming off that way
d0d0-b0i · 1 year
listen in my mind Ruby had a proximity crush on weiss but never pushed it then met Penny and fell hard and then the fall happened and weiss realized she was in love with Ruby and then Penny came back and Winter was there so they drifted apart and then vol 8 happened and now we're here
i agree to an extent ! personally i have never seen v1-3 as having any form of romantic portrayals between weiss and ruby (therefore i think the only one at the time actually crushing would’ve actually been weiss), and only potentially a “it would be nice” kinda deal for ruby regarding penny considering they didn’t really hang out much due to The HorrorsTM.
and then the fall of beacon happens, and there’s an absence for all three of them. ruby has lost her entire team essentially, witnessed the death of two of her friends because she was just a little bit too late, leading to her hyper focusing on getting to mistral and keeping the rest of jnpr alive, because that is the only thing she knows to do.
weiss, stuck in atlas, forced to reminisce on her teammates, her family, that she doesn’t think she’ll ever see again; under the hand of her abusive father :(. and, unbeknownst to us, penny is right there in atlas as well. unable to communicate to anyone that she’s alive due to the loss of internet or w/e (or maybe pietros still working on rebooting her, shrug. whatever the case, she was right there, which oof lol).
then rwby reunites and yes, yippee!! but still not a lot of time to notice feelings such as romance, due to the new horrors of salems truth and being stranded in the snow. honestly; i do not think there was anything but subconscious feelings, if any at all! build up, yes, but understanding and coming to terms with them? this is ruby “essentially blocked off less important emotions so i don’t break” rose and weiss “every romance i’ve seen in my life has ended in failure” schnee! no way in hell.
then vol 7. oh boy. they finally have some time to think. and now penny is back as well! feelings start blossoming, although i still do not think it’s reached it’s apex. rwby as a show is a slowburn for romance unless someone dies (>_> fairgame n arkos come to mind), so like. i think the sad part of it all is that it still never fully blossomed for any of them until penny dies again. the knowledge that she can’t come back. gone forever(?). rubys reactions in v9 come to mind. that absence sure is making the heart grow fonder lol (and my girl is haunting that subtext so much its not even funny). and weiss is probably so fucking sad that it happened again, right as she was getting to know penny proper, and now she doesn’t even know how to help her bff, her partner. :(
sorry for the ramble. i’m having many Thoughts which is very dangerous for me
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