#bta jin crack
rightsockjin · 4 years
Hi, can i request 21 and Yoongi please?
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Here you go! I hope you enjoy!
Summary: Collage AU! Yoongi and you are in the same psychology class and he really can not stand you...
Rating: K+
Genre: FLuffY flufF Fluff... It’s fluff. but like a lil..
This was really fun to write and I can’t wait until I get to write the rest! Please send in an ask if you want to request a prompt! 
Prompt list
She’s just so obnoxious,” he said through clenched teeth.
“Then stop talking to her,” Joon said with a shrug as he turned the page of his book.
Waves of frustration ran through him. He didn’t really think that Joon wasn’t looking at him. He knew he was overreacting but he needed to blow off steam.
“I can’t,” he groaned for what felt like the millionth time.
That was what Joon was made up of.
Whats and whens and whys.
Yoongi, being the introvert he was, usually wasn’t fond of people like this but Kim Namjoon had been an exception.
He’d never tell him that though.
It was too fun to roll his eyes at his -
*cough* friend *cough*
He did just that before running a hand through his dark hair.
“If I had a 500 won for every time you ask a question-“
“You’d be rolling in money- yeah I know,” Joon said, still not looking up. Carefully, he highlighted a sentence.
Yoongi watched as the perfect yellow line appeared against the slightly beige page filled with poetry.
Namjoon was anal about things like his notes and books and writing.
Yoongi on the other hand, wrote like a kindergartener and didn’t give a single shit.
Still... It was kind of satisfying to watch him highlight words.
“Still, I don’t see why you keep in contact with her if she gets on your nerves.”
Yoongi scoffed.
How many times must he explain?
When he didn’t continue, Namjoon finally glanced up through his lashes as if this would be enough to egg him on to continue.
Yoongi raised his eyebrows, daring him to ask another question as he crossed his arms.
With an exasperated sigh, Namjoon grabbed a bookmark from his pence bag that was carefully coordinated by color and stuck it between the pages before he closed it and set it aside on the table they were sharing to study.
Study, being a loose explanation for their presence on campus since Yoongi had only set his multiple psychology books on the surface of the table and hasn’t touched them since he sat down half an hour ago.
“I‘ll bite,” Joon said, a smirk on his face as he straightened and pushed his glasses on the bridge of his tiny nose.
Yoongi smiled and waited for his Fr-Joon to ask him to continue.
Hey, he may be an introvert, but he had feelings and emotions that he wanted to get off his chest and Namjoon was a fantastic listener.
He never took his sarcasm to heart.
This is one of the many reasons that Yoongi liked...
“Because of what, Yoongi?”
A dopey smile graced Namjoon’s face as he rested his round cheeks on his knuckles.
This is what he was talking about.
Full attention bitch!
“Because,” Yoongi said once again as if it was an inconvenience to speak at all, “she’s the smartest person in my psyc classes! I refuse to acquaint myself with anyone who isn’t level with my intellect.”
Namjoon rolled his eyes tapping his long fingers against his dimples cheek.
“Big words for such a small man,” he said before breaking out into high pitched giggles.
“You know what isn’t small?” Yoongi challenged.
“Your ego-“
“My dick- awe come on man! Just once let me have my fun,” Yoongi groaned slamming a hand on one of the biggest and heaviest books he had.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the library aid glare in his direction.
He smiled and waved cheekily but shrunk into himself slightly before he turned back to Joon and his infuriating smile.
“You look like a big baby in those overalls,” Yoongi said when he couldn’t think of a good comeback.
Namjoon smiled and leaned back, his hands threaded in his hair.
“That’s the aesthetic I was going for.”
Stupid tree hugger.
Yoongi opened his mouth to say something else.
Probably something about his obnoxious habit of tapping his pens on the table when a chair was pulled up on his left quickly followed by one on his right.
Hoseok and Seokjin
Or as he liked to refer to them in his head-
Icarus and Narcissist
-weren’t exactly his friends rather, they were Namjoon’s friends but he tolerated them on most days as long as they didn’t come on too strong.
Today was one of those days that they got on his nerves instantly.
“Yo,” Hoseok half yelled, getting an annoyed “shh” from the library aid, his chair turned so the back was facing the table and his legs were spread on either side.
“How’s it going,” Seokjin added.
“Did your class end early?” Namjoon asked, looking down at his watch in confusion.
“Nah,” Hoseok answered looking at Seokjin mischievously.
“We snuck out of the lecture half way through.”
Namjoon scrunched his nose in distaste while shooting the library aid an awkward smile at Hoseok’s loudness.
“That is so irresponsible Hobi! Don’t expect me to stay up with you two all night for the next test like I did last time-“
“Oh don’t start with the lectures Namjoonie,” Hoseok groaned.
“We just snuck out of one, we clearly don’t want to listen to boring people drone on and on and on....”
“I hope you have fun failing your next exam.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Hoseok said clearly unbothered, “you said that last time as well.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes. He’d never told Namjoon but that Hoseok really struck a nerve with him.
He was always relying on Namjoon to make sure he passed his classes since all of them were in the same minor- music.
He never did anything on his own and in general, Yoongi couldn’t help but feel he was using him.
Maybe he was jealous.
But nope that wasn’t it Yoongi didn’t do feelings aside from annoyance.
“Whatever,” Joon said, turning his attention back to Yoongi, “anyway, can’t you just- I don’t know, talk to her minimally?”
“Talk to who?” Seokjin asked curiously.
“Her?” Hoseok added, his eyes wide.
“Does Yoongles have a girlfriend?”
“Thanks a lot,” Yoongi said, staring directly at Namjoon with a ‘look at what you did’ expression.
Namjoon shrugged and blushed.
That was another thing.
Namjoon didn’t have a single filter.
“I don’t have a girlfriend,” Yoongi clarifies.
“I have a nemeses,” he said, his fist clenching on the table and his eyebrows connecting.
A slight silence followed after that.
Then like dominos, Hoseok burst out laughing, closely followed by Jin and then finally by Namjoon.
Yoongi felt his cheeks warm as the boys raucously laughed. Hoseok slapping his leg, Namjoon covering his mouth and Seokjin rocking in his chair.
“Wha-well she is! She’s like... top of my class! It’s always between me and her and it’s gone to her head!”
“Ah- Uh- a nemesis?” Hoseok asked between explosive laughter.
“Or like arch-enemy,” Yoongi said with a thoughtful sigh, accepting his fate as the boys laughed louder.
Even Namjoon, who was just as anal about following the rules- which Yoongi guesses had something to do with the pretty Library aid was laughing his full belly laugh.
“An arch-enemy?” Seokjin asked for clarity.
Yoongi nodded.
“She’s like my mortal enemy,” he finished.
That felt right.
It was a couple more seconds in which the aid glared in their direction and their laughter died down.
Yoongi waited patiently for them to quiet so he could continue. Might as well. They all knew now.
When they finally did, Namjoon noticed the way the aid was looking at them and blushed, hiding in his oversized hoodie.
“Don’t you think that’s a little over the top?” Seokjin asked, whipping a tear from the corner of his eye.
“No.” He answered simply.
And he wasn’t.
You were everything he couldn’t stand.
You were inquisitive like Namjoon.
You were overtly loud like Hoseok.
And you were as full of yourself as Seokjin.
And on top of that, you were a genius?
You had all of their worst qualities, and
Namjoon cleared his throat then, drawing his attention back to the group.
He looked flummoxed.
“Maybe we should go eat or something... I’m starting to feel bad for the people studying.”
“Yeah,” Hoseok giggles looking in the direction that Namjoon kept glancing in.
“It has nothing to do with the death glares that glasses is giving us, right?”
He pointed over at the aid who was indeed shooting daggers in their directions
“No!” Namjoon said instantly.
“It’s just that the library is supposed to be a quiet place for studying-“
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist English boy,” Hoseok said.
Yoongi scoffed.
“The best you could come up with was English boy?”
“Well I’m not an English boy,” Hoseok answered dramatically swooning.
“Clearly,” Namjoon murmured, putting his stuff in his satchel.
Yoongi began to pack up as well. He really had planned on getting some reading done while he was hanging out with Joon but he quite obviously got side tracked.
He’d have to do it later.
“So where do we wanna eat, gang?” Hoseok asked, standing up.
“I think I’m gonna pass,” Yoongi said, realizing that he hadn’t started on the paper he was supposed to do yesterday either for his music theory class.
“Awe no,” Hoseok moaned grabbing Yoongi’s shoulders, “it’s all of us or none of us!”
Yoongi huffed and pushed his arms off of him, “then I guess it’s none of us. I have a shit ton of homework to do and you people distract me.”
Namjoon crossed his bag over his chest and squinted at him.
“But hyung,” Namjoon began, “you’re the one who asked to meet in the first place.”
“It’s really not that hard,” you said as you spread your perfect color coded notes all over the table that you and Yoongi were working on.
Then your computer
And your pens that were sorted by thickness and color.
And your textbooks.
When you were done, Yoongi only had about a quarter of the space you had. 
Given, he just had his laptop and a single notebook-
No pen though.
It was still rude how you had taken the entirety of the space available for BOTH of you.
“It’s rooted in the way that humans tend to identify with colors and pictures. We can’t help but to interpret art in a way that speaks to us which is why it’s so useful for therapy.”
“I know that,” Yoongi snapped with a roll of his eyes, “I just don’t know if it’s the most useful strategy when it comes to someone who’s never been in therapy before.”
He bit at his thumb in thought.
“Why wouldn’t it be? It would take a lot of pressure off of the psychologist and the patient so they don’t feel cornered into talking about their feelings.”
“Well what if the patient is uncomfortable with their art work? Or they have no interest in drawing or music? How would you go about that?”
Art therapy was great.
Honestly, that’s the branch that Yoongi wanted to study and had chosen the topic for that exact reason.
He just hadn’t expected you to choose it as well.
Now, he was trying-
And failing
-At trying to discredit the practice.
“You have them look or listen instead. Then they can just write what they feel. It’s simple Yoongi.”
He grunted, leaning back against his chair.
“Okay fine. Put that into the powerpoint,” he conceded.
“I will.”
You booted up your computer and he lost himself in the sound of the keys you pressed.
On his screen, he could see the shared PowerPoint and her cursor moving. He’d done maybe two of the slides on it because you were so over the top controlling that he’d given up trying to contribute.
“Hey Yoongi,” you said as you continued to type.
He peeked up at the sound of your voice from behind his screen.
“Can I ask you an uncomfortable question?”
Yoongi’s blood ran cold.
She seemed to take his lack of negation as confirmation.
“How long have you been in love with me?”
How long had he-
Had he-
Were you kidding?
Yoongi laughed. Obviously it was a joke.
But you stopped typing and looked over at Yoongi.
Your hands were folded on the table next to your notebook.
Your glasses rested on the tip of your nose.
Your bun was messy. Strands of hair framed your face.
The top button of your white shirt was undone.
You weren’t amused.
“Wait,” he leaned forward, slapping his hands on the table and leaning forward, “you’re not serious are you?”
With a single finger, you pushed the black frames up slowly.
“I am.”
How could someone misread him so badly?
Yoongi took a deep breath.
“Y/N,” deep breath, “I am not in love with you.”
With a soft smile that sent his stomach in a frenzy and a scowl on his face you leaned forward.
“Has anyone ever told you that there is a fine line between love and hate?”
“That’s just a theory,” Yoongi said instantly leaning back. If that’s all you were going off of then you had no basis to your hypothesis.
“A theory grounded on the intensity of emotions and the predictability or lack thereof of human psyche.”
He scoffed.
Not Yoongi’s.
He only held disdain for you.
While he really hadn’t thought that you would notice his clear dislike of you, he was a little confused as to why you would think it would lead to him falling in love with you.
This wasn’t a romcom.
“Look, Y/N,” he chuckled, “the only feelings I have for you are-“
Don’t say it.
You raised an eyebrow at that.
A pretty smile-
What? Where did that come from?
A smirk tugged at your lips.
“We’ll see how long that lasts.”
Yoongi couldn’t take it any longer.
He’d had enough.
You hadn’t spoken to him ever since your presentation.
And it was a great presentation!
He even spoke and everything!
People were shocked.
He was pretty sure almost everyone in that class thought he was mute.
He had even been extra nice right before so that you won’t give him a bad peer review.
So. *Inhale*
Why in the name of all that is holy did you suddenly decide to not speak to him or even so much as glance at him?
He walked into class that day and had been kind enough to save you a seat.
Out of the pure kindness of his heart mind you.
Kindness that he displayed for no one.
And yet you had bypassed him entirely and sat way in the back without so much as a friendly hand wave.
What a bit-
*tire screech*
In the end, he supposed it didn’t matter.
You’d been a pain in his side since you both started your degrees and it would be much easier to destroy you if you weren’t friendly.
If it was a war you wanted it was a war you would get.
....but why hadn’t you talked to him?
Had he hurt your feelings?
Maybe he shouldn’t have told you that he hated you.
Well not that he hated you more like he just thought you were beneath him or something like...
He surmised that girls tended not to like when men told them they hated them.
He’d been rude.
But it wasn’t his fault...
After all, isn’t it rude to assume someone is in love with you?
Conceded at the very least.
He knew you were full of yourself, what with your hanging mirror key chain and selfie studded phone case, but that was just too far.
To assume that because someone didn’t like you...
They were in love with you?
You were clearly in the wrong field.
Yoongi must have scoffed out loud because Hoseok, whom had been the first of the Fr-
Of the boys to show up, looked up from his pizza menu quizzically.
“What’s on your mind Yoongles?”
“For the millionth time, Hoseok-”
“I doubt it’s been a million times-”
“Please,” he sighed, “don’t call me Yoongles. My name is Yoongi... call me hyung if you want-”
Hoseok made a high pitched noise somewhere in the back of his throat and put a hand over his chest.
“I thought you would never ask!”
He launched himself across the table and wrapped his arms around his neck, his cheek pressed against him.
“Tha’usen’t a’question...”
it was then that two sets of footsteps neared their table near the back and Yoongi felt his cheeks burn.
“Get off me,” he said in a monotone voice, using his palm to push Hoseok’s face off of his.
Joon and Seokjin stood side by side watching the two sitting men with confusion written all over their faces.
“Okay who died,” Jin asked looking at Hoseok’s now down cast expression.
“My Love for Yoongi hyung,” he said melodramatically.
Yoongi rolled his eyes and scooted towards the end of the booth so Joon or Jin could slide in.
It was Jin that sat next to him.
Joon slid into the opposite side only for Hoseok to wrap himself around his strong arms.
“You love me don’t you Namjoonie?”
“Sure,” Namjoon said, patting his friend’s head.
Hoseok shot Yoongi a smug glare as if he was meant to be hurt by his actions but he couldn’t care less.
He shrugged.
Clearly not taking kindly to being ignored, Hoseok cleared his throat
“Keep your balls blue Hyung...”
Namjoon scrunched up his whole face and pulled his arm from Hoseok’s grasp.
“Dude,” he said, “we’re about to eat!”
“Where did that even come from,” Seokjin questioned, looking Yoongi up and down as if the answer was written on him.
“I have no idea,” Yoongi answered with a slightly embarrassed shrug.
“Yoongi hyung’s been muttering about that girl in his class for the last 10 minutes. My guess is he’s frustrated.”
Joon and Jin turned to look at Yoongi who looked at Hoseok disgustedly.
“How many times do I have to say that I DON’T like her?”
The three men blinked at him in confusion.
“When have you ever had to clarify that?” Namjoon asked with his eyes wide.
Ha-hadn’t he?
Yoongi realized his mistake.
He’d told you that.
Not the guys.
Well Fuck.
“I just meant that I shouldn’t have to clarify that.” Yoongi said, trying to ignore Seokjin and Hoseok’s excited looks.
“Don’t push my buttons,” he warned just as a waitress approached with a fake smile and tired eyes.
“We won’t,” Jin assured making Yoongi relax slightly.
Then under his breath
“Looks like someone else already is.”
“Hey, Y/N,” Yoongi yelled after you as you hurried out of class.
You had a stack of books in your arms and your bag seemed extra heavy.
Your hair was pulled up and out of your face again.
You seemed to be in a hurry.
You didn’t stop. Maybe you hadn’t heard him.
He called out to you again but you seemed to be walking faster.
He sped up.
So did you.
But you didn’t slow and then you got lost in the crowd.
Yoongi stood in the middle of the sidewalk totally confused.
With a sigh, he walked back to his car and drove home for the day.
Yoongi grabbed your wrist loosely so that you could pull out of his hold if you wanted.
He didn’t wanna like...
Freak you out or something.
To his surprise, you didn’t pull away.
You stopped walking.
He had a whole speech planned out.
He’d written questions
He had his journal in his hand color coded and everything!
At Namjoon’s suggestion.
So why is it that now that he was looking into your eyes that he froze?
“Yes?” You asked with the most monotone expression he’d ever seen.
He opened and closed his mouth in confusion.
He looked like a fish out of water.
Why was he so thirsty?
He felt like he’d eaten a whole box of saltines.
As he looked at you he realized...
Had you always been this pretty?
He blushed profusely.
He let go of your hand.
He said nothing.
And now HE took off in the opposite direction.
Yoongi wasn’t used to feelings.
As it was he didn’t even like the idea of calling the boys his...
*clearing throat* FrIEndS.
He’d never really had friends before anyway and he’d been just fine.
Feelings weren’t part of the equation ever.
It was business.
They were in similar classes and that was that.
So why did his hate for you, suddenly not feel so bad?
So heavy?
Why did Yoongi feel like he could fly?
Without thinking, he must have made it to the dorms because the next thing he remembered, he was standing before Seokjin’s door panting and sweating.
When he opened the door, he was surprised to see both Joon and Hobi-
-in the room.
They looked at him expectantly.
Like they already knew what he was going to say.
But they couldn’t know.
Though... Namjoon was highly receptive. He had a way of reading Yoongi that he’d never considered and was always ready to listen. He’d always made time for him even when his perfectly made schedule didn’t match Yoongi’s request to meet up.
Hoseok smiles at him from one of the beds. His body was stretched out across Joon’s lap.
There was a little sun sticker on his nose and two stars on his forehead.
Yoongi couldn’t help but smile back.
Hoseok may be annoying but he sure as hell knew how to make Yoongi smile and forget his current situation.
“Yoongi?” Seokjin asked.
“Did you...” with wide surprised eyes, “run here???”
His perfect nose twitched in concern.
“Hey hyung,” Yoongi said with a tiny bow.
“Can I come in?”
“Yeah,” he answered, clearly surprised at Yoongi’s honorific.
He opened the door wider and let the flushed man in.
The room was small.
It felt cramped with all four of them in there.
Especially with Namjoon’s long legs but no one mentioned it.
“Is something wrong hyung,” Namjoon asked with concern on his features.
Ugh. Feelings.
“I Uh- no...”
“You know,” Jin began closing the door and sitting on the bed opposite Joon and Hobi-
“For a psychology major you really don’t do a great job of analyzing your own feelings.”
He had a point.
How was Yoongi supposed to help other people when he couldn’t even help himself emotionally?
He cleared his throat, realizing that they were all looking at him expectantly.
“This is a safe place hyung,” Hoseok said with a smile, sitting up as if this made it more official.
Yoongi has to admit...
his... friends...made him feel safe.
With a deep, pained breath, Yoongi began.
“You guys know that girl I’m always complaining about?”
“Your mortal enemy ™️ ?” Hoseok asked excitedly.
Like a puppy.
A cute puppy.
Yoongi smiled.
“Y/N... yeah... uh she’s been ignoring me lately.”
Seokjin places a hand on his shoulder so he would look at him.
“What did you do?”
Yoongi scoffed
“No-nothing! I didn’t... okay well I did tell her I didn’t really like her but I mean- it’s not like it was news? Isn’t it obvious I don’t like her?”
The room was dead silent.
Yoongi expected his friends-
Hey that was getting easier to think about-
-to instantly say that it was clear as day that he hated your guts.
Instead, all the boys, his friends, avoided his gaze.
“Isn’t it?” He pressed in concern.
“Hyung,” Namjoon began with a pained expression, “if I'm being honest... I always thought you had a crush on her.”
Wait what?
“Yeah,” Hobi joined in as soon as he realized he didn’t have to be the one to break the ice, “you’re always saying how intelligent she is. How you only associate yourself with her. Damn you barely associate yourself with us! The fact you want to speak with her is kind of huge!”
“But... but I- No! That’s only because I need someone to be partners with in class!”
“Then why,” Seokjin cut in, his voice firm, as if he had the winning argument and he knew it, “do you insist on talking to her outside of class all of a sudden?”
Yoongi was ready.
He opened his mouth ready to explain exactly why he wanted to speak with her after class when-
He had nothing.
Not one thing.
There should be no reason for him to want to speak with you outside of class.
He should only be putting up with your smart... cute...-
mouth in class.
He closed his mouth and looked down at his thighs.
“Dude... have you ever considered that maybe... just maybe... you hate her so much because you’re attracted to her?”
Yoongi looked over at Namjoon. His eyes were soft. It was just a question.
Namjoon would have made a good psychologist.
Yoongi thought back to all those times he’d been irrationally angry
Like that time he’d gotten a lower grade than you by one mark.
Or that time you had corrected him in front of the entire class when he had answered a question in class.
Or even recently, worse still, when you began to ignore him.
Under the anger were other feelings.
Surprise in like a good way.
“Wait let me get this straight,” Yoongi said as his heart raced.
The boys waited with baited breath.
“You’re telling me that you think I’ve fallen in love with my self professed mortal enemy?”
Hoseok blinked at him then from out of nowhere, he pulled out a sticker sheet and peeled one off.
He aggressively placed what looked like a smiley face on his forehead.
“Gold star for hyung!”
“That’s not a star Hobi,” Namjoon said with a roll of his eyes.
“Well I don’t have any more stars! I only have smiley faces!”
Yoongi groaned, reaching up to pull the sticker off but one pleading look from Hoseok and he retreated.
Hobi smiled.
“ I don’t know if you’re in love per se... I think maybe you have a crush on her? It’s just always felt like behind all your complaining there was-“
“Love,” Hoseok interrupted.
Namjoon glared at him turning to look at him.
He was met with a little tree sticker on his nose.
Namjoon stared at it surprised and effectively shut up.
“Yoongi hyung’s in love,” Hoseok singsonged.
Yoongi felt his cheeks reddened deeply. He held his face in his hands to cover it up but his ears were a five away.
“Look how red he is!” Jin said beside him.
“Oh my God it’s true!” Hoseok said with a gasp.
“Do you really like her Yoongi?” Namjoon asked.
This was what hell was made of.
It was later that same day that you guys had class together again.
This time, Yoongi knew what he had to do.
When time was called for the class to be dismissed, Yoongi was prepared. He packed everything quickly and ran after you without calling out your name.
This way you couldn’t run.
Was that creepy?
That sounded creepy.
He tapped your shoulder and as if in slow motion you turned.
A pink aura surrounded you.
Your eyes sparkled.
Wow... you’re really pretty.
Focus Min Yoongi!
Smooth Casanova.
“I asked what you wanted.” You answered with a concerned expression.
“Oh... right,” Yoongi said, rolling his shoulders back and taking a deep breath.
“I just wanted to apologize.”
You raised your eyebrows,
“For what?”
“For... for telling you I dislike you.”
“If I remember correctly, you mentioned contempt.” You said, your arms crossed but you didn’t seem mad. Just curious.
“Right. Well it was wrong of me to say. You are very smart and capable if it wasn’t obvious from our perfect score on the presentation.” He complimented
“Right, yeah, I know,” you said.
“Well if that’s it then I have to go.”
Yoongi reached out for you, grabbing your hand with his much bigger one.
A fierce blush blossomed across his cheeks when u didn’t pull away.
It felt nice to hold your hand.
“I... I also wanted to say that...” this was it.
This was the movement everything changed.
Do or die.
Fight or flight!
You knew.
He could tell in the way you smiled at him.
The way you raised a perfect eyebrow.
You knew.
It had come down to this.
Yoongi thought back to that day when you had first proposed the idea that he might well be in love with you.
And then he wondered…
Had you been ignoring him…
To prove a point?
It was a fact, psychologically, that distance made the heart grow fonder.
It wasn’t just a saying.
It was a genuine way for couples to appreciate what they had.
A common practice suggested by therapist.
Had you...had you just forced him to come to terms with his-
He cleared his throat.
“You... you were right... about um... your-your theory.”
He couldn’t look at you.
Yoongi was never one to show his true feelings.
Did he even have any?
But damn it they were bursting for his every pore at that moment.
He felt you take a step closer to him.
His heart stopped.
He looked up at you slightly.
You had a pleasant smile on your face.
You tightened your grip on his hand.
Your face was getting closer.
His blood pumped through his veins at inhuman speeds.
He could smell your summery perfume.
Your lips were inches away.
Yoongi has kissed girls before.
But something about the prospect of kissing you had him feeling like it was his first kiss all over again.
His eyes fluttered closed.
He puckered his lips.
But the kiss never came.
He opened his eyes only to see your face, still very close.
A smile on your mouth.
The mouth he thought should have been on his.
You reached up with your free hand and plucked something from his forehead.
You showed it to him.
The sticker.
Hoseok’s smiley face.
“You had this on your forehead,” you clarified.
He was mortified.
He’d forgotten...
“My friend....”
“My friend put it on me earlier and I guess I forgot about it....”
You shrugged, placing the sticker on his cheek instead.
“Cute,” you said before you got on your toes and placed a soft peck on the places you’d set the sticker.
Did you just-
Was that-
You kissed-
“Do you maybe wanna get an ice cream? We can talk more if you’d like?”
Yoongi nodded dumbly, letting you lead the way.
You smiled up at him.
He smiled down at you.
He reached up and touched the sticker with tender fingers.
He’d have to thank Hoseok later.
Yoongi fucking loved stickers.
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