#bruce wayne experiencing mental illness: i am irreconcilably evil
mysterycitrus · 6 months
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Headcanon A:  realistic
in his head, rattling around like whispers in the dark are the words if you slip once, if you tighten your grip, if you falter, if you fall, you will be a killer. he hears it as he stands at the gallery with damian, as he watches cass dance, as he sits through duke's debate club, as tim sits beside him in the cave, as dick smiles at him, again, the same as he did when he was robin. you will kill your children. it's what you really want, isn't it? to make people hurt. to make them feel the way you do. he doesn't, obviously. the thoughts are intrusive. they hold no power in the daylight. he knows this. he knows he knows he knows.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
sometimes bruce just... doesn't remember people's secret identities. like, he knows them. he has them on file. he has built a flamethrower robot with the face of their first love to cause maximum emotional damage should they ever go rogue and steal a nuke, but otherwise? the league recruits so many similar sounding people that he just can't bring himself to give a shit. what's that new guy's name? who cares. his costume is ugly and he looks like a hedgehog.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
his greatest fear is watching the people he loves be gunned down in front of him, again, while he is helpless to watch. but what he fears, truly, buried so deep that even crane could not draw it from him, is that everything he's done to dick, everything he's said, all the times bruce has pushed him away and made it hurt, is hanging over his head like the sword of damocles. dick's anger is loud. he simmers then explodes, but there are some things that remain unsaid. how close is he from turning away from bruce entirely? what if bruce loses him while he still breathes? why can't bruce stop doing it?
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
one time as bruce wayne he spent an afternoon flirting with ronan farrow at an event, because he was so afraid that ronan was going to start asking him questions about like... why he keeps mysteriously disappearing and how all his kids keep dying. it was fine. he played it cool. he had to hide from michael lewis in the bathroom.
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