#browncoats kin
shittykinaesthetics · 2 years
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Shitty Simon Tam aesthetic: for a twink, he’s very unsure of himself. just absolutely paralysed with indecision at every possible juncture unless he’s doing something medical. someone help him
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Earthborn Coalition - Humans That Are Pretty Chill
By far the most famous of human societies in the multiverse is the Imperial Commonwealth, who are doing their best to make everything bad forever. They have unintentionally given rise to a dissident faction that had split apart from their former territories and established a small but growing power base, with the stated intent of eventually retaking Earth from the horrific monsters that have rendered it uninhabitable.
This is the Earthborn Coalition; a group of world-states originaly part of the Commonwealth but having left them and declared total war upon their former masters for moral and practical reasons; moral, for they are a cruel and evil lot that must be stopped for the good of the multiverse, and practical because they are giving humans a bad name and making the job of survival harder.
The coalition is barely fifty years old, an infant in the scheme of things; during the Endowed Fleet’s earliest conflicts with the Commonwealth, some of the human-derived gods who were revered by the Fleet (such as Vulkan and his kin) were troubled by the state their people had fallen to, and sought to elevate. Through mortal incarnations, suitable clerics and paladins, and no small amount of intrigue and persuasion, they successfully reintroduced ideals from a more free and open time to the humans of the Commonwealth, and set off a civil war.
With help from the Fleet and other factions too eager to destroy the Commonwealth, many worlds split off and managed to hold onto independance, keeping their erstwhile allies at a distance in favor of self-rule. This has evolved into a loose-knit coalition, with shades of a federation. They have abandoned the xenophobia of their forefathers, but they are still very insular and isolationist. Not very interested in interstellar affairs, they prefer to tend to their own worlds and protect their own interests without bothering anyone else, or being bothered in return. Nevertheless, their interest in repopulating lost human colonies and reuniting what is left of their species means they have to come into contact with others; to this end, various mercenary companies have formed to do just that, exploring the multiverse and learning the skills to deal with the much larger denizens of the multiverse, mainly diplomatically.
Still conservative, the Coalition distrusts AI and robots in general (though granting them rights, should any choose to become citizens) and there are few aliens within their domain, though reasonably large populations of dwarves, elves and other human-derived species may exist there. They do not ban modding or cybernetics, but very heavily regulate it, and only the most mild mods are legal to acquire there. Fertility mods are the most heavily used, owing to the need to repopulate their species.
This does mean that they have a higher proportion of empowered individuals; already, enormously buxom women of gigantic size and power are rising to high office, though quite smaller than aliens and nonhumans of equal strength, and are minded to be high-tier paragons of virtue to live up to.
Culturally, they still tend to the style of the Commonwealth; they bear some similarity to space era evolutions of Victorian fashion, but are largely dominated by a synthesis of Imperial Japan and Roman Empire-like aesthetics, both in terms of architecture and fashion. Their people hail from all human ethnicities and nations from ancient times, but three Commonwealth lands began the uprising and were largely descended (genetically and culturally) from certain regions of Earth and thus the core of the Coalition is descended from those peoples: Central African, Japanese and North Asian, and Pacific indigenous civilizations.  Individual worlds have developed new fashions and looks. Technologically, they have largely abandoned the obsessive love of the human body in favor of more practical designs and machinery; they prefer to use Earth-based artifacts, out of nostalgia, but they will use whatever is available.
Religiously, they are worshippers of the Primarch pantheon, the gods derived from humanity: Vulkan, Magnus the Red, Sanguinius, Corus Corax, Fulgrim, Jaghatai Khan, and the others. The God-Emperor is held most sacred but revered in an abstract, distant way. Notably,
The Coalition is intended to satisfy potential readers who may not be happy with my deep distrust and bordrline forthing hatred of humans just existing in speculative fiction, and I won’t make bones about it; I hate Humanity Fuck Yeah and the cultural imperialism implicit in current versions of Humans Are Space Orcs, and a lot of this setting has been specifically worded to make it inapplicable.
if you’ve gotten the impression that humans suck and are completely meaningless non-entities in this cosmology, well i was kind of going for that.
however i realize that’s not fair and is kind of mean-spirited, and so i’ve brought these guys in to fulfill a missing niche; that of humans and beings very similar to humans who are originally from Earth, oppose the Commonwealth, are capable of doing the cool modding and hyper transformation things other characters in this setting do, and aren’t explicitly written to be as horrible as possible.
They’re mainly a take on post-Earth sci fi societies from various fictions. They’ve got a bit of the militaristic vibe you see from a lot of those, with some hints of the Browncoats from Firefly (Despite my distaste for the subtext of the Browncoats), but they’re primarily intended to be a relatively moral and practical reworking of the Imperium of Man from Warhammer 40k. No grimdark here, and they’re a much smaller power, though growing fast; basically look at the more pragmatic and common sense interpretations of the Imperium’s best people, and you have the basic ideal of the Coalition. There’s a bit of Star Trek’s federation in there, though they haven’t QUITE hit that high point yet. they’re getting there.
If you want humans as characters, or to bring in characters who work best as humans or benefit the most from not being reimagined as non-humans (such as those whose identities are very firmly rooted in it, or if it would be whitewashing to make them nonhuman), the Coalition is a decent origin for them.
The idea is that they’re not exactly eager to be around others, due to their cultural baggage, so they’re isolationist. But they’re not hostile, so this is a decent origin for humans who have ‘not a fan of nonhumans, but not raging murderers’ as a thing: Zarya from Overwatch is a decent example, as are the less fanatical Imperial characters like Ciaphas Cain from 40k, or some of the more stand-offish Alliance members from Mass Effect.
a key point is that they are a small power, and they will STAY a minor power. they are not going to become an uber-powerful force of super sapients who will conquer everything forever with Human Spirit or something like that, because i HATE THAT. so damn much. the bulk of their power is based on economics and, well, weaponized nostalgia; they will be pretty important to people who value Earth, and they want to go back to their homeworld, so that’s good story hooks for them getting help to retake lost human worlds or trying to establish colonizing rights on those worlds that were once human but now have been claimed by others.
kink-wise, they’re intended to be more disinclined to it and tihnk it’s kind of weird/gross. its not illegal, at least within limits, but it’s not approved of. probably not a lot of vore-themed ability users, but a lot of hyper pregnant breeders. they’re bustier than the Commonwealth; men and women alike tend to be thicc meat tanks, and the use of careful modding is slowly making them larger and bulkier than real life humans. humanity 2.0, big and stronk.
they can come from pretty much any background or ethnicity, and their ancestors might come from any nation; i imagine that the ‘average’ Coalition citizen is probably from the broad demographics mentioned above, but this is hardly their entire population; name a region, and there are people descended from there in large amounts.
in the long term, they will probably remain an independant power with a cool indifference to the politics, not so much allies as trading partners to both Fleet and Stinger worlds. Most likely open to the Protheans and not the Decepticons or Yellow gems; they dont like talking to people who view humans as beneath them, even if its somewhat benign. They tend to be roughly honorable, and won’t have anything to do with the more outright evil factions, such as the Cartels.
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