#brought to you by seeing several comments on a news article about a mummy
My gift for @captainofthekryptonspacemarines for Steggy Secret Santa 2018
I am very sorry for how extremely late this is. It is difficult for me to write with a lack of motivation and I have been busier than usual these last few months. But I finally got it done. I really hope it was worth the wait and I hope you enjoy! :)
You said you enjoyed domestic life fics so that is what I wrote. Also, some there is some Star Wars stuff because you said you liked sci-fi. :)
The Perfect Gift
As a child, Christmas was always one of Steve's favorite days of the year. He and his mother had very little, they were already poor when the Great Depression came and then things just got worse. But his mother always made sure that Christmas was special. Every year she bought Steve a new comic book, replaced some old art supplies, and got him a chocolate treat. Steve knew that she had to take extra shifts on top of her doubles already as a nurse just to earn the extra money. And he would be eternally grateful for that.
Now, around a hundred years later and having a family of his own, Steve made sure to make Christmas for his family just as special as his mother had made it for him. Every year, the Rogers-Carter family would cut down their own Christmas tree. Peggy and their two children always loved to see Steve lift the tree up with ease and carry it to the truck (borrowed from Tony of course) and throw it into the truck bed.
Often, the two little gremlins that Steve and Peggy called their children would wrap themselves around Steve’s legs like monkeys trying to hold him back with no avail.
They’d take the tree to their home in the suburbs of Washington D.C. and spend the evening decorating it with various ornaments. Some store-bought and some homemade. Sarah, Peggy and Steve’s daughter and eldest child had her father’s knack for art. Steve and her would make various ornaments for the tree, ranging from little drawings to larger clay figures that Sarah loved to craft. Their younger son, Michael, got the job of choosing what would go on top of the tree. He always chose a small replica of his father’s shield over a star or an angel.
The day before Christmas, Auntie Angie (as Sarah referred to her) would visit and bake cookies with the children. Sarah liked to bake them in the shape of her mother’s fedora and Michael liked frosting them to look like his father’s shield. Michael liked to sneak their dog Dodger cookies under the table while he thought no one was looking, his little giggle giving himself away each time. Steve and Peggy usually noticed but never minded as long as their son was happy.
Peggy was always unsure what to get Steve for Christmas. Steve’s gifts were almost always homemade, putting his amazing art skills and creativity to good use. For their first Christmas together in the modern age, Peggy went the comedic route. She knew Steve loathed Captain America merchandise, having his superhero identity plastered all over items ranging from clothing, stuffed animals, and mugs to the X-Rated items for the more adventurous fans of his had always made him a bit uncomfortable. But for Christmas, she had bought him a surprisingly well detailed Captain America bobblehead and a Halloween costume of his original USO uniform. She giggled as he unwrapped it, joking to him about how he could finally dress up as his favorite superhero. The laughter the gift gave them both was a gift in and of itself. And as much as Steve didn’t like Captain America merchandise normally, he loved it coming from Peggy. He still kept the bobblehead on his office desk till this day and kept the costume in storage because he would cherish anything coming from her. Peggy had to admit that she rather liked some of the items though. She owned several articles of Captain America clothing, an adorable stuffed bear version of Steve, and one of her favorite mugs donned his shield insignia.
Nature did Peggy’s job for her on their second Christmas together. The sonogram picture of their first child was sure to take Steve by surprise. Steve ended up being open-mouthed and awestruck. Peggy being pregnant was the best news he had gotten since the news that she was staying in the modern day to be with him, timelines be damned. “Best gift ever,” Steve had said and she couldn’t have been happier.
The couple decided against getting presents for each other on their third Christmas. Deciding instead to focus on the new addition to their family. Peggy did break the rule slightly however, buying herself some lingerie to model for Steve.
“There was no rule against buying ourselves a gift, my darling,” Peggy said, stalking towards him slowly.
“From this angle it looks like this is a gift for me too,” Steve had replied with a wide smirk on his face. Finally getting to spend some one on one time with his gorgeous wife after months of only fleeting moments in between the cries from a hungry baby. Sarah always chose the worst moments to decide it was time to eat.
“I wouldn’t mind seeing you in this if I’m honest.”
“You’re a perv, Peg.”
“And you wouldn’t have it any other way.”
The years kept going by and Peggy kept having to be creative come Christmas time. One year Peggy had gotten a new compass made for Steve. This time the compass opened to a picture of Peggy holding beautiful little Sarah. Steve absolutely loved it. The compass always pointing north and always pointing home.
Steve tended to go the homemade route. He liked to put his art skills to use and make something personal and unique.
A few years ago however, Steve got the chance to do something a little different. Tony Stark, with the help of Hank Pym, Hope van Dyne, and Scott Lang had finally unraveled the key to time travel using the Quantum Realm. They had wanted an excuse to monitor the effects a miniscule change could have on the modern day. How they were going to do that was beyond Steve. But since Tony was planning a trip back in time anyways, Steve enlisted his help in getting a nice gift for Peggy.
“You want me to do what?” Tony had deadpanned, a little baffled at Steve’s seemingly silly request.
“Like I said, I just want you to buy some lipstick from London. The brand she used went out of business ages ago and I know how much she misses it.”
“Couldn’t have been too good if they went out of business.”
“I’m serious, Tony. I’d really appreciate it. It would be the perfect present for her.”
“Fine! I’ll consider this assisting the elderly. But you owe me. You are coming to all my charity events from now on.”
“Deal.” And they shook on it, Tony adding after the fact, “Time travel is invented and we’re using it to get ancient lipstick for God’s sake,” Tony muttered sarcastically.
“Well if you want to go back and stop the Nazis and HYDRA be my guest.”
“That would have too many repercussions. Who knows what the present day would look like if I changed something so drastic.”
“Then stop complaining.”
“Yeah yeah yeah, if this causes the world to go to hell it’s on you.”
Tony had returned from the past safely with a case of “Victory Red” lipstick in hand as expected. A part of Steve was kind of hoping that this subtle change to the past had some positive present consequences but to no avail.
Peggy had been shocked by the gift and even more shocked by the explanation. Ironically she made the same comment that Tony made about time travel being used for such silly purposes but she would be eternally grateful for such a thoughtful and spectacular gift. Her years of experience in rationing were sure to come in handy once again. They were both pretty sure that Tony wouldn’t agree to go back and get more when she ran out. But they did both got a good laugh at the idea of sending Tony back in time to get more lipstick as if it was a simple errand to the corner store.
Other years Steve had drawn beautiful drawings and portraits for her. Peggy had a place for each and every one. On the wall of her office in Avengers Tower hung a large and detailed painting Steve had painted during the war. It was of the Paris skyline, the lights from the Eiffel Tower illuminating the sky. Steve had drawn it after the Liberation of Paris in 1944. It hung in a museum until Steve came out of ice. He had taken it back and replaced the one in the museum with a copy. Now Peggy had the original and cherished it every time she gazed upon it.
Steve and Peggy were amoken Christmas morning by Sarah and Michael jumping on their bed.
“Mommy! Daddy! Santa came! Santa came!”
Their children’s eager voices brought smiles to their faces, even if they weren’t particularly happy with being woken up at seven in the morning on a holiday.
“Alright alright gremlins, calm down a bit my loves.”
“Mummy, come on!!” Michael begged, tugging on Peggy’s arm trying to get her up so they could open presents.
“Sweetie, the presents will still be there in an hour.”
“Or two,” Steve added, trying to negotiate for some extra sleep. Christmas Eve was one of the few nights that they got all to themselves. The kids agreeing to go to bed early on the promise that Santa would come if they did. And Steve and Peggy were sure to capitalize on this opportunity, making love late into the night, or more accurately early into the morning.
“Please mummy!!” both the children said in unison, using their best puppy dog eyes.
Steve and Peggy both shared a knowing look upon realizing that they would get no more sleep.
“Fine, my loves. You can each open one present before breakfast. We’ll open the rest after.”
“Thank you mummy! Love you!!” Sarah and Michael both exclaimed before running out of the room excited that their favorite day had finally came.
“What about me!?!?” Steve yelled after them
“Love you too, papa!” They yelled back, their voices getting quieter the further they got away from the master bedroom. The children's response caused a chuckle from both Peggy and Steve as they rose out of bed.
“Make sure they open the Star Wars Lego set. That will keep them busy for bit.”
By the time Steve and Peggy made it down to the living room, the kids had already chosen a gift to unwrap. It was in fact the lego set. Peggy had a feeling they would go for that one as it was one of the bigger boxes under their tree.
“Share please, my darlings!”
Seeing their children playing together warmed Peggy’s heart.
Steve went to make breakfast while Peggy helped Sarah start building the Millenium Falcon.
Breakfast made by Steve was more of a feast. Steve’s super-soldier metabolism ensured that he always would need a lot to eat. And his children never having to worry about food was what made him proudest in life. Between growing up poor and then needing to ration, food was always scarce in Steve’s life before the ice. Knowing that his children would never feel empty bellies warmed his heart. He cooked a smorgasbord of eggs, pancakes, waffles, bacon, and sausage for his family. Steve’s many years of Captaining were as useful in the kitchen as the were on a battlefield. Multi-tasking quickly so that his family could all enjoy their favorites.
After breakfast, the kids were eager to get back to opening their presents. Sarah chose first, choosing a long rectangular box to open.
“A lightsaber, papa!” Sarah burst out with excitement. Star Wars was her favorite right now. She wanted to be just like Rey. The lightsaber handle was made from genuine vibranium. Upon activation, the handle would project bright blue light like a hologram giving an authentic look to the prop. The lightsaber would also emit a low buzzing when you swung it. Sarah could barely hold the heavy handle but the smile on her face was brighter than the saber itself. She rushed off to her room to change into her Rey outfit. Steve and Peggy knew they had gotten the perfect gift for their little daughter.
All the gifts were opened by mid-morning and the kids were playing excitedly. Sarah still enraptured by her lightsaber and Michael engrossed in the newest Batman video game. Their dog Dodger was enjoying his new bone very much as well.
While the children played, Peggy and Steve snuck off to go get their main gifts for each other.
Steve gave Peggy her gift first. She had to admit his wrapping skills had gotten quite good.
“I didn’t have much time to work on this but I hope you like it,” Steve said nervously, eager to see what his wife thought of his gift.
Peggy unwrapped the gift carefully, opening up the small box to reveal a homemade comic book. The cover boldy read “THE ADVENTURES OF DIRECTOR CARTER AND CAPTAIN AMERICA”. Below it Peggy and Steve were drawn gracefully standing proud in the midst of a battle.
Peggy spoke slowly, in awe over how amazing a gift she had received. “Steve, this is incredible. My darling you are so talented.” Peggy added while flipping through the pages. The compliment caused a faint blush to rise to Steve’s cheeks as well.
“You really like it? I know comics aren’t really your thing.”
Peggy responded with action rather than words, firmly kissing Steve before whispering, “I love it. I love you.” against his lips.
“I am quite glad you put my name first as well, I must say.
“As it should be. You do wear the pants after all.”
“Sounds like you are just trying to get mine off,” Peggy teased back.
“Not while the kids are awake.”
Peggy giggled a tapped Steve on the chest, “Open yours. I hope you like it.”
Steve unwrapped the gift carefully. It was clearly a painting and he was eager to see what of.
“I wasn’t able to draw it myself obviously so I enlisted Maria’s help. Did you know she could paint this well?”
Steve in fact didn’t know that Maria Hill was a painter but he was glad that he did now. The painting was a recreation of The Incredibles poster but with their family. Peggy knew The Incredibles was Steve’s favorite Pixar movie, mainly because they reminded him so much of his own. Steve was Mr. Incredible of course, with Peggy as ElastiGirl, Sarah as Violet, Michael as Dash, and even had Dodger in place of Jack-Jack.
“This is outstanding Peg. Thank you so much!”
“You’re quite welcome, darling. I only wish I could have made it myself.”
“I could teach ya if you’d like. We should have some free time. I don’t think the kids will be bothering us too much for the near future.”
“Alright then, you better be as good a teacher as you are a husband.”
“We can start tomorrow. You know, I think the kids might be napping, I don’t hear them.”
Smirking wickedly, Peggy caught the slight tease in Steve’s voice. “Well then, maybe we should take this time for an afternoon fondue.”
The old reference caused a laugh from the both of them before Steve added, “You are never gonna let that go, huh?”
“Oh no darling, never.”
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St. John Chrysostom
Or, The Imposition of Verity
Summary: Bishop Monroe allows himself to be bribed by Henrietta. Susan will not stand for it.
Rating: T -  Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.
Mentions of violence. Reader discretion is advised.
Words: 2044
Notes: East End should help anyone understand better what I’m going for with this, but you should get it just fine either way.
I’ve been around infrequently, but I still like comments! Just saying.
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The method of beginning an examination by torture is as follows: First, the jailers prepare the implements of torture, then they strip the prisoner (if it be a woman, she has already been stripped by other women, upright and of good report). This stripping is lest some means of witchcraft may have been sewed into the clothing-such as often, taught by the Devil, they prepare from the bodies of unbaptized infants, that they may forfeit salvation. And when the implements of torture have been prepared, the judge, both in person and through other good men zealous in the faith, tries to persuade the prisoner to confess the truth freely; but, if he will not confess, he bid attendants make the prisoner fast to the strappado or some other implement of torture. The attendants obey forthwith, yet with feigned agitation. Then, at the prayer of some of those present, the prisoner is loosed again and is taken aside and once more persuaded to confess, being led to believe that he will in that case not be put to death.
Here it may be asked whether the judge, in the case of a prisoner much defamed, convicted both by witnesses and by proofs, nothing being lacking but his own confession, can properly lead him to hope that his life will be spared when, even if he confess his crime, he will be punished with death.
It must be answered that opinions vary. Some hold that even a witch of ill repute, against whom the evidence justifies violent suspicion, and who, as a ringleader of the witches, is accounted very dangerous, may be assured her life, and condemned instead to perpetual imprisonment on bread and water, in case she "I give sure and convincing testimony against other witches; yet this penalty of perpetual imprisonment must not be announced to her, but only that her life will be spared, and that she will be punished in some other fashion, perhaps by exile. And doubtless such notorious witches, especially those who prepare witch-potions or who by magical methods cure those bewitched, would be peculiarly suited to be thus preserved, in order to aid the bewitched or to accuse other witches, were it not that their accusations cannot be trusted, since the Devil is a liar, unless confirmed by proofs and witnesses.
Others hold, as to this point, that for a time the promise made to the witch sentenced to imprisonment is to be kept, but that after a time she should be burned.
A third view is, that the judge may safely promise witches to spare their lives, if only he will later excuse himself from pronouncing the sentence and will let another do this in his place....
But if, neither by threats nor by promises such as these, the witch can be induced to speak the truth, then the jailers must carry out the sentence, and torture the prisoner according to the accepted methods, with more or less of severity as the delinquent's crime may demand. And, while he is being tortured, he must be questioned on the articles of accusation, and this frequently and persistently, beginning with the lighter charges-for he will more readily confess the lighter than the heavier. And, while this is being done, the notary must write down everything in his record of the trial - how the prisoner is tortured, on what points he is questioned and how he answers.
And note that, if he confesses under the torture, he must afterward be conducted to another place, that he may confirm it and certify that it was not due alone to the force of the torture.
But, if the prisoner will not confess the truth satisfactorily, other sorts of tortures must be placed before him, with the statement that unless he will confess the truth, he must endure these also. But, if not even thus he can be brought into terror and to the truth, then the next day or the next but one is to be set for a continuation of the tortures - not a repetition, for it must not be repeated unless new evidences produced.
The judge must then address to the prisoners the following sentence: We, the judge, etc., do assign to you, such and such a day for the continuation of the tortures, that from your own mouth the truth may be heard, and that the whole may be recorded by the notary.
And during the interval, before the day assigned, the judge, in person or through approved men, must in the manner above described try to persuade the prisoner to confess, promising her (if there is aught to be gained by this promise) that her life shall be spared.
The judge shall see to it, moreover, that throughout this interval guards are constantly with the prisoner, so that she may not be I alone; because she will be visited by the De and tempted into suicide.
~ Malleus Maleficarum (The Hammer of Witches), Section III, 1487
Bishop Monroe watches the retreating back of Countess Henrietta, with the distinct aftertaste of having made a deal with the Devil.
What else could he do? He might believe in Susan’s rights to the estate, but there is no law if there is no muscle to enforce it, and a natural daughter was a puny creature. Even with his assent, she would never hold onto the property.
Well, he consoles himself, if God had meant to make her a Countess, He would not have kept her parents apart. He saw fit to give Henrietta an advantage, and so his representative on Earth would comply.
As he turns to leave through the labyrinthine halls of the Duke’s house, he comes to face Lady Susan herself, who stood on his path to the door.
The cleric’s face blanches, and he manages to say, “Lady Susan. A pleasure in seeing you once more in such short notice.”
“Save it, will you, Monroe?” She spat. “I know you find me slow, but I am still not deaf. I heard your discussion with my dear stepmother.”
“Oh.” He breathes out. “Well, I am sure you can understand…”
“I understand it just fine.” She cut him off, and then sneers. “If it was money you desired, Monroe, you should have come to me. After all, what difference it makes from which hand it comes? If it is yellow and shiny, then it is gold.”
“I am not an item on an auction, Lady Susan!” He protests angrily.
She chuckles, crudely. “Good, you are not worth the bid. If anything, I see your position as my father’s executor as yet another glaring testimony of his overall incompetence managing a noble estate.”
Monroe scoffed with derision. “Should we bow to your superiority, then? What makes you think you would do any better at being a countess than Henrietta?”
“Why would I not? It is not like she possess any skill I do not, and Mr Marlcaster had made it clear he not only abhors the idea of inheriting Edgewater, but also that he does not have any aptitude at it.” The brunette points out, off-handed.
“You are a woman, Lady Susan! A commoner woman if it was not enough.” The bishop points out, as if it was obvious for it to be his complaint.
“So?” She questions, petulant. “I understand Henrietta is also of low-birth, and I am pretty sure someone would have noticed by now if she was a man.”
Monroe opens his mouth and then closes, gaping at a response. Finally, he makes up his mind by saying, “Regardless, the Countess has power, she has means of making things happen.”
At that, Susan laughs scandalously.
“Oh, the country folk! So naïve to the things that happen just outside their pathetic little turf.” She says as her laughter dies down. “Henrietta would not know what power is even if it hit her on the head. What does she have? A bunch of pathetic esquires from diminutive estates around Grovershire, all of them old mummies who shall be dead soon enough. While I…” She trails off.
The man of God frowned, but Susan hands him a letter before he could say anything else.
It read:
“Carlton House, London, June 7th, 1811.
Milady Susan,
It pains me to hear about your father’s passing. We were probably acquainted, I met most of the Lords of the realm due to my position, but we were far from intimate. I hear, however, he was very well-liked by his peers. I wish to impair you with my most heartfelt condolences, and to invite you for tea as soon as you find yourself able to return to London.
I would also like to offer you my support, in any way I am able, on the contentious concerning your inheritance. I received word from your godmother about the conditions imposed by your father for your ascension, and she seemed quite distressed about your stepmother’s machinations and her inability to help you.
I assured her on my response, as much as I assure you in this missive, that there is no reason for concern, I will (gladly!) lend all the weight of the Crown on your favour. Sleep, my lady, with the certainty you shall become peer of the realm before long.
Moving on to business, your suggestion concerning the trade deficits with the Russian Empire have been most well-received by the Privy Council. Our ministers are convinced that, by throwing a few advantages to the Steppe people, they shall be our most faithful allies. The French will not resist trying to move their borders towards the extensive East, and the Winter shall do the rest for us.
Our ambassador to the Czar’s court is on his way to tell him the good news as I write this letter to you. If I ever doubted a woman could be as witted as a man, you, milady, has convinced me otherwise. I am blessed with your steady advice, and I can only hope my daughter can count on someone as skilled as you when her time comes.
With hopes of this letter seeing you in good health,
Your most devoted servant,
Monroe holds in a breath as he reaches the end of the letter.
“This, this…” He stutters in nerves. “This is from the Prince-Regent!”
“Glad to see your reading is not impaired.” The noblewoman sneers. “You see, Monroe, I often enjoy showing people how much of a good ally I am for one to have. I show them the advantages, the heights they can achieve by having a wilful and intelligent woman like me on their side, and I am sure you have noticed by now I have plenty to offer. I find that it is the best way to get to respect, loyalty and compliance.
“You, however, Monroe, have shown me you cannot be trusted, that you can only respond to the most basic impulses of the human soul. So, I decided to try something different tonight.”
Susan takes a few steps closer, slow and calculatedly, just like a ferocious predator in the wild. As she approaches the bishop, three figures, all large, burly men, come to her sides, helping her close on him.
“Recognize me as my father’s heir. Tonight. At the ball. If you do so, I shall only remove you from your position and send you to a mildly-disagreeable posting in Jamaica.”
Her face, then, turns into a deep and menacing scowl. “If you do not, if you foolishly choose Henrietta, rest assured that as soon as I have my rights legitimated, and you know I will, I shall burn your parish to the ground.” She then lowers her voice and whispers to his ear. “And I will make sure you are locked inside when I do.”
“I… I… understand, milady.” He stutters in fear.
“Now, to show that I mean what I said, my friends here shall escort you back to the party.” She smirks, wickedly. “If you fall down a flight of stairs, well, I suppose it is an inevitability, wearing such an obtrusive religious habit.”
Monroe whimpers, and Susan turns her back to him.
“Have a good night, Bishop.” She says as she leaves. “I am sure I will.”
Taglist: @catlady0911; @mrsernestsinclaire; @snickette; @tornbetween2loves
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lastsonlost · 7 years
Now you all know how I feel about ACCUSATIONS. Even if I don’t like them HE IS STILL INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY NO IF ANDS OR BUTS PERIOD!
However MULTIPLE accusers ain’t a good look. So if that said on with the shit show.
ScreenJunkies, the home of “Honest Trailers,” suspended Andy Signore, creator of the popular online series, after multiple women came forward accusing him of sexual misconduct.
“We have been conducting a thorough investigation into allegations made against Andy Signore and are preparing to respond to those allegations and take appropriate action. Given the additional statements that were made today, we feel it is necessary to suspend Andy’s employment while we continue our investigation.  We will take all necessary action once the investigation is fully complete,” Defy Media, owner of ScreenJunkies, said in a statement Friday.
Signore has not responded to a request for comment.
One woman, April O’Donnell, a ScreenJunkies fan from Wisconsin, told TheWrap that Signore tried to sexually assault her repeatedly, and threatened to get her boyfriend, Joshua Tapia, fired from his job at ScreenJunkies if she spoke out. She said she and two other women went to the ScreenJunkies human resources department in July to complain about Signore.
Another woman, Emma Bowers, said that when she worked as an intern for Signore, he came across pin-up photos she had done in the past and wrote to her about “jacking it to you in your undies!” Signore then asked Bowers to come
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over so he could do that in person.
“You can read a book for all I care,” she quoted him saying.
Bowers added that her interactions with Signore killed her interest in pursuing a career in costume design — the field where she hoped her internship might lead.
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“So yeh, it’s not just Weinstein,” she wrote, referencing Hollywood titan Harvey Weinstein, the subject of a bombshell New York Times expose about his history of payouts to women who accused him of sexual misconduct. “I wish I’d fought more, wish I’d screencapped his messages, but I was young, scared, and dumb. So I didn’t. Girls in Hollywood get taken advantage of so much. I just want people to believe me when I say this happened.”
Another woman, Devin Murphy, tweeted “DM’s and an email he sent to me that scares me.” In the DMs, he repeatedly urges her to dress up in a costume.
Signore’s Honest Trailers pokes fun at popular movie and TV trailers. In the past, the series has skewed films like “Ghostbusters,” “The Mummy” and “Logan.” It launched in 2012 and its YouTube page has amassed over 157 million views. Screen Junkies, the channel that hosts Honest Trailers, has over 6.2 million subscribers. Signore is also the creator of Screen Junkies and the SVP of Content at Defy Media.
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home to such dishonored alumni such as mr.  Christopher ( KIDDY PORN) John Goldberg.
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In 2016, the vocal progressive and male feminist stepped down from his position as editor-in-chief of the Alamo Drafthouse-owned publication Birth.Movies.Death following allegations of sexual assault and multiple instances of sexual harassment.
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According to the report, Goldberg had 53 pornographic images of small children between the ages of 4 and 14 years of age on his mobile phone. Additional images and video were also found on his home computer.
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Matt Hickey was an anti-Gamergate journalist who accused the movement of being “future rapists”. In fact, here’s his exact quote:
“#GamerGate is a bunch of women-hating future rapists!”
Matt is now facing 3 rape charges from women who allege that Matt sexually assaulted them. Matt has also been sued by an attorney general for running a fake porn agency scam. He set up a fake amateur porn organization and then tricked women into having sex with him, who thought they were auditioning for a porn video:
Anti-#GamerGate journalist Matt Hickey is not only facing multiple counts of rape charges in the state of Washington, but he’s also being sued by the Attorney General’s Office in Washington on consumer protection grounds. The suit came up after the Attorney General Bob Ferguson had the case brought forward where it was discovered that Hickey had been running his fraudulent porn recruitment agency for more than a decade in order to trick women into sleeping with him.
Devin was an editor in chief and writer for Birth.Movies.Death who stated that “The losers in #GamerGate are mad at women because women want nothing to do with them!”. You can read his article about Gamergate HERE.
Excerpt from the article:
Arguing with these people (Gamergate) has been eye-opening. A lot of these kids – and they are, without a doubt, largely kids – are simply ignorant. They don’t understand the world, and that includes everything from how gaming websites work to how people interact as adult, sexual humans….. They’re outsiders, losers, weirdos and freaks. And most of them aren’t just male, they’re white males…… They do it because they have been raised in a world where women are not humans but prizes, and so they can’t see them as individuals…..
Matt stepped down as editor in chief of Birth.Movies.Death in October of last year, after several women came forward to accuse him of sexually assaulting them:
The accusations surfaced on Twitter after Faraci shared his views on video tapes of Donald Trump bragging to “Access Hollywood” host Billy Bush about groping women. The movie blogger tweeted that he was “terrified” of the Republican presidential nominee and labeled his running mate, Mike Pence, an “ideological monster.” Faraci’s condemnation was widely retweeted, but one woman took issue with his statements, tweeting under the handle @spacecrone, “quick question:  do you remember grabbing me by the p—y and bragging to our friends about it, telling them to smell your fingers?”Other women offered their own stories of Faraci’s inappropriate behavior. He did not deny @spacecrone‘s accusations, tweeting, “I can only believe you and beg forgiveness for having been so vile.”Alamo Drafthouse Cinemas owns Birth.Movies.Death, which offers up casting stories, reviews, and trailers for cinephiles. The company declined to comment. In an exchange with Variety, @spacecrone said that Alamo Drafthouse founder Tim League spoke with her about her allegations and was “empathetic.”
Robert Marmolejo
Robert was a member of Zoe Quinn’s “crash overide network”, which was intended to fight against Gamergate and other forms of “online harassment”- in reality, the members of this group harassed more people that they people they were supposedly fighting against.
Robert, who commented on Gamergate last year, saying “we need to take action against #GamerGate and the ideology that spawned it!”, has been accused of rape by at least 20 women:
A male feminist deeply involved in Zoe Quinn’s Twitter-partnered “anti-harassment” organization, Crash Override Network, has been accused of harassing, stalking, and abusing female victims, in a series of tweets and leaked chat logs from the organization’s supporters….. Robert Marmolejo, who is reported to have helped manage Crash Override’s social media accounts, allegedly used his position and connections to abuse around twenty women online….Marmolejo, who was previously an active anti-GamerGate activist, and had repeatedly labelled conservative actor Adam Baldwin, and YouTubers TotalBiscuit and Sargon of Akkad as “misogynistic”, “sexist”, and “anti-woman,” deactivated his Twitter account after a series of apologetic tweets confessing to having “f**ed up.”Anti-GamerGate web developer, “Internet Abuse Specialist”, and feminist Izzy Galvez, who also happened to have been a member of the secret Crash Override group, tweeted on Saturday to confirm the allegations.“If you’re catching up: Over 20 women have come forward & revealed that Rob/UnseenPerfidy had sexually harassed them over DMs, Skype, etc” announced Galvez.
Jamie Killstein
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Jamie is a male Feminist American writer, radio host, and stand up comic who accused Gamergate of being about sexism, instead of ethics in journalism.
Jamie was booted from his podcast last month, after several claims of him sexually abusing women were brought forward.
Comedian and lauded male feminist Jamie Kilstein has departed the podcast he co-hosts amid allegations of manipulation and abuse from multiple women.On Monday morning, liberal independent podcast Citizen Radio and its co-host Allison Kilkenny announced that Kilstein would be leaving the program. Later that day, however, Kilkenny clarified that Kilstein’s departure from the podcast was a result of allegations of him preying upon, manipulating, and emotionally abusing women.In a Facebook post slightly detailing the decision, Kilkenny, who is also Kilstein’s ex-wife, wrote that “murmurs” of Kilstein’s abuse lingered in the past, but because of anonymity, she was “never able to learn the full scope of what happened.”That was until a few days ago, Kilkenny wrote, when “one of the women” who came forward was someone who had worked for the podcast, though she doesn’t mention how many women came forward initially. Kilkenny wrote that she asked Kilstein to leave the show, seek therapy, and apologize publicly. She said he has declined to do the latter, so she decided to clarify the situation in the post instead.“Without making this about me, I want you all to know I’m furious, crushed, and horrified by all of this. I always believed Citizen Radio was a genuinely safe space, and I’m trying to make it that way again,” Kilkenny wrote. “I’m so, so sorry for letting anyone down.”
Juan M. Thompson
Juan Thompson is a former writer for The Intercept who was later fired for fabricating and publishing fake stories. Juan wrote an article for the Intercept in 2015 accusing Gamergate of being a hateful group that threatens violence against “marginalized groups”.
He was later arrested by the F.B.I for making bomb threats against 8 Jewish community centers. The except below is taken from his Wikipedia page:
Thompson was arrested by the FBI in March 2017 for allegedly making bomb threats against at least eight Jewish community centers in the U.S. According to officials, Thompson phoned in and emailed many of the threats under his ex-girlfriend’s name within the preceding two months, in an effort to frame her. Thompson also allegedly made at least one threat under his own name, under the pretense that his ex-girlfriend was framing him. He had also emailed the Anti-Defamation League in his own name in late February, pointing to his ex-girlfriend as the perpetrator of all of the bomb threats.
Leland Yee
Leland is a former democratic senator of California who made a career of attacking violent video games and blaming them for youth violence. In 2005 after the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas ‘Hot Coffee’ mod was unearthed, Yee passed two California assembly bills that restricted the sale of mature video games to those under the age of 18 and where these games could be advertised.
Leland, who accused gamers of “violence against women”, was also a big fan of Anita Sarkeesian, who he described as “courageous”.
I commend Anita Sarkeesian for her willingness and courage to take on this important issue. For far too long, the video game industry has glorified violence against women and often depicted female characters as nothing more than sex objects. Such sexism is unacceptable and teaches our kids the wrong lessons. Those who have criticized Ms. Sarkeesian with such offensive comments should be ashamed. It is time for the industry to stop perpetuating stereotypes and further demeaning women.
Leland Yee was sentenced to jail on Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016, to five years in prison by a federal judge for weapons trafficking (ironic). Someone who dedicated his life to complaining about violent video games is literally responsible for putting deadly weapons in the hands of bad people.
Here’s an except from a Washington Post article about Leland’s sentencing.
Yee served as a state senator and was plotting a secretary of state campaign when his political visions were curtailed by a federal indictment in March 2014. The arrest swept Yee and his associate Keith Jackson, 51, up in charges alongside some of the city’s most notorious characters, notable among them Chinatown gangster Raymond “Shrimp Boy” Chow.This Wednesday, Yee received a five-year prison sentence for accepting bribes and trafficking in arms. After initially denying culpability, Yee pleaded guilty to the charges last summer. These acts were discovered by undercover federal agents investigating organized crime in San Francisco’s Chinatown. Jackson, a former school board president who helped Yee facilitate the bribes, received a nine-year sentence.
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