#bro before i saw that you'd already read this is how you lose the time war i was gonna rec that for SURE
searidings · 1 year
Wow 108 books, that's amazing!!! I definitely need to check out the bold/italicized ones on your list at least
My goal for this year was 52 and I'm trying to make it in these last couple days lol do you have any specific recs that are shorter? Or maybe good audiobooks for variety? I just listened to This Is How You Lose the Time War in a sitting from like 8 pm to 2am and it was so good and visceral I felt like I was going insane
hmmm idk if you like sci-fi and/or if you've ever tried becky chambers (who i would recommend regardless) but to be taught, if fortunate is a charming little sci-fi novella that restored my faith in humanity in the most touchingly beautiful way
for great audiobooks i will NOT stop screaming about the locked tomb series by tamsyn muir, the narration is EXQUISITE like these are not short books nor are they straightforward but i'm not a big re-reader yet as you can see from my list, i read/listened to that series 3 times in one year (twice in a month) because they're just That Good
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vitzi9 · 10 months
Can I request as ethan landry as a bf? thanks!
(Toxic relationship with female reader)
Toxic Ethan Landry as a bf
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bro why is he so pretty. i could stare at this gif for hours
Masterlist if you want to read my other things.
Thanks for all the request you've been sending me! I'm working on them don't worry.
TW/CW: ghostface Ethan, murder, manipulation, stalking, voyeurism, obsession, sickness, throwing up, food poisoning
I hope that's what you wanted. I have difficulties with headcanon because I feel they're all the same? I don't know how to explain but it's hard to find new ideas that no ones ever mentionned before. Still, i liked writing this. (27/07/2023) (2 232 words)
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Toxic Ethan Landry who has access to all your private life on your phone. It's his morning journal at this point, he just kinda read what you liked, retweeted or sent.
He'll spend minutes filtering the accounts you follow to see if you started following someone he doesn't know. Or if someone followed you, which is worse in his opinion. Most of the time, it's porn account with big tits but Ethan still doesn't like it because he's scared you'll fall in love with them. (he knows they're fake accounts, he doesn't care)
Toxic Ethan Landry who already thought about sending you a dick pic to see what your reaction would be. (he never did it, he probably never will either)
Toxic Ethan Landry who made multiple fake accounts to dm you on different social media to test your loyalty. And you, on the other hand, tell him how you're confused because you usually don't get any dm?? And suddenly you get plenty ? You don't even have a profile picture on some social media and you still get dm?
"The world finally understands how pretty you are!" he tells you. But it's him, him and only him. He blocks every guy he deems too pretty so you never see them. So you never get tempted to leave him.
He's happy you don't answer to any of his dm and sad because that also mean you don't answer him.... He's confused.
Toxic Ethan Landry who made a 'fan account' of you just to see how you'd react to someone with as much devotion, to test the water. You have no idea it's him and when you learn about it, you're a little creeped out because what the fuck ? A stranger did that ? And it's just picture of you in your classes from different point of view. You looking at the board, you writing, you dozing off.
Of course your boyfriend would help you file a complaint. He goes to the police station with you, supporting you. And, oh, detective Bailey is in charge of your case ! He's so nice with you, asking you to calmly explain him the situation and he even lets your boyfriend stays in the room with you. You don't understand why a detective and not a normal cop is taking your complaint but you're happy someone is simply even taking it.
And when you go back home hands in hands with your boyfriend, you feel a little better because you have hope you're protected. And your tension lessen thanks to Bailey who didn't judge you and stayed patient.
"I'm happy you like him, love." Ethan tells you fondly and you don't quite understand but you just think he's happy you feel at ease.
While Ethan is just really fucking happy he finally introduced you to his family and is delighted you like his father.
Toxic Ethan Landry who saw the text Mindy sent you. Because he reads every one, and especially those you send Mindy, of your messages. She was trying to prove you Ethan was Ghostface, she didn't have any proofs, he knew that. But you've been friends with her longer than you've been with him, she had that advantage in which you'd trust her if she was convincing enough.
And she was reminding you about how weirds things keeps happening to you ever since he's in your life. Some of your friend's contacts in your phone have been deleted, you lose your keys at least once every week just the day where your roomate isn't here and you have to go sleep at his place instead, he keeps giving his opinion on things that are directed to you. It's not even big things, it's Tara asking you if you saw one certain film and if you want to go see it and Ethan's all like "I heard this movie wasn't really good! Don't worth seeing it." And Mindy always snaps at him because "damn, nobody asked you?"
And that, right now, is why her fucking girlfriend fucking died.
Mindy keeps insisting that he's weird, that sometimes you can't make it to your friend's parties because he's all clung to you and keep begging you to stay. Or she mentions how you told her you felt bad because you always lose your homework and you often end up copying on your boyfriend. Her main argument is that he's using "passive control" over you.
"Never trust the love interest" she'd repeat. "you won't dare leave him because he's making it look like he's nice and you'll feel bad for leaving him when he's a literal demon"
And Ethan starts to freak out because you genuinely start to see everything she highlights. But he still has times, because he knows you love him. You're simply starting to have questions.
Questions Ethan can't answer.
Toxic Ethan Landry who know you want to have a good, serious conversation with him. He knows you'll ask him about the deleted numbers, he knows you'll ask him about the lost homework, or simply all the things you lost in general. And you lost damn lot of things because of him.
And each time you come back home, ready to talk, Ethan's already here. You guess your roomate let him in. He's always doing a chore before you, doing laundry, cooking, vacuuming or sometimes he just sleeps (well, he makes it look like he does anyway). And you always feel bad for wanting to talk to him when he's so nice to you.
Because he doesn't have to clean your home, it's yours, not his. But he still does it. Because he's your perfect boyfriend.
"Ethan, I wanted to... you say, setting your bag on the nearest table. You have to talk to him, it's been haunting you for days ! He looks at you, eyes bright. He came back from his classes two hours ago and he's cleaning your windows. The floor, you noticed, has been vacuumed and mopped. He only wears a shirt and a boxer, because he knows it alters your concentration and just eases your anger in general when you see his ass. Even more when he's doing chores, he looks like he's your husband. -Yes sweetheart ? Something bothering you?" with a bright smile as he's always happy to see you get back home, and he knows he won again because you change subject.
Toxic Ethan Landry who, strangely enough, never argues with you. Because somehow, he's always agreeing with you. Or, at the end of the day, you changed your mind.
"I want to take somes vacation", you'd say. And Ethan despises your idea because that mean you'll leave him alone for some time. But he won't tell you, because he's your perfect boyfriend.
"Yes, that's a good idea. You deserve a break."
But suddenly, you can't go because your roomate announces you that they won a prize on internet on a contest they don't even remember participing in. And they won a ticket for a trip to another country. So you can't leave because you'd leave the apartment empty, something you can't do in such a big city like yours. So now you have to wait before leaving.
So you announce the new to Ethan, a few hours later. He already knows it, of course. He's the one sending the damn ticket and he's the one putting a mic in your phone.
But you look so sad when you can't go on vacations so Ethan reassures you, telling you that as soon as your roomate comes back, both of you'll leave on vacations for a week, just the both of you. And you want to leave so badly that the idea of Ethan bringing you in another country is making you dream so you agree.
Or when you're on the verge of leaving because Ethan couldn't prevent you to do so sooner, bad news are thrown at you. You're trying to do one last laundry to put one or two clothes more in your baggage when the washing machine stops working. Then the fridge is acting weird, the TV is disconnected and if everything does not prevent you of leaving, you're being robbed while you're out.
Now, you just can't leave. That'd be too dangerous to leave your apartment (your roomate!) alone, even for a week, especially for a week.
You're angry, of course. Insulting whoever decided to break into your house and Ethan supports you throught it all. You're telling him how it's always hard to leave a few days because you have the strange impression the fate against you. And maybe you're right.
Ethan is happy because that mean he gets to sleep at your place more often, 'just in case someone try to break in again'.
Toxic Ethan Landry, who, hates when you go to parties. You always offer him to come with you but he refuses. He hates parties because everyone is always drunk out of their minds and they're just all semi-naked and he hates the thought of you seeing someone else's body.
He does come, of course. He wouldn't think of leaving you alone.
Well, Ethan Landry doesn't come, Ghostface does. He's anrgy enough of thinking you'd leave him alone while you're out with your friends to kill whoever is on the way. He's mad at you, but he can't be for long. He grabs the first fucker aside form the group he sees and plunges his knife in him withtout waiting. All he needed was a witness to run away telling everyone what happened, so you'd have to leave the party.
And that's what happens. Everyone runs everywhere, they're pushing each other yelling, and he hopes no one hurt you because other wise the night will be much longer than expected. He already hid his costume in the bag in his car by now. He searches for you and eventually, he finds you.
You're with your friends, you don't understand what's happening but you're leaving too. It warms his heart seeing you here. It's as if you're seeking refuge in his presence. So he endulges you and joins you, your friends recognize him so they just let you go. You're drunk. He knew you'd be as you don't go out much, so when you do, you completly let go. He still doesn't like it but it eases him the work. He won't have to explain why he's already here when you haven't even called him.
After that, everything is back to normal. You're both in pajamas, cuddling in bed. You're fast asleep and Ethan loves it. And when you wake up the next morning, he simply tells you that your friends called him to come pick you up. That he doesn't know what happened but he's happy you're safe.
Toxic Ethan Landry who, when thinks you start to avoid him just a little too much, is pissed the fuck off, and is obligated to poison your food. Because your stupid little friend Mindy is always in your fucking business when she should be crying the death of her fucking girlfriend and leave you both alone. And she's telling you that Ghostface attacked again, that your boyfriend's behaviour is just too weird and Ethan doesn't realize it but he fully death glare her when she talks now. Because you always defended him until now, he thought he was safe.
But you start having doubts.
And if it wasn't for his damn family's plan Mindy would be long gone by now. Because she just loves ruining your life, right ? But he'll talk about her to his dad later, because you're calling him. For the first time in three days. Three only (or three too much) because he didn't last long being ignored by you and he decided to act.
Food poisoning, a classic he must say. But it works. He's already packing his bag to come see you when he answers your call.
"Hi Ethan, I didn't want to bother you but do you have medicine? He hates that you didn't want to bother him, because before you'd have called him because of a headache or because you're hungry. He knows by now, your stomach hurt like hell and you probably threw up once or twice. He's sorry but it was the only option. "Aw, you're sick baby ? I'm coming. you can hear him move in the other side of the phone, you're assuming he's putting some clothes on. Did you eat ? I bet you didn't. I'll find you something to eat, okay ? Try to sleep, love. I won't be long."
When he arrives a few minutes later, he feeds you, gives you medicine and ensures your fever doesn't increase. He doesn't like seeing you in pain. But he's glad you called him. Because you were distancing yourself from him. And you know damn well you just can't do that.
And he hates to think like that but somehow, you deserved it. Because you should trust him and not her. Because he's your perfect boyfriend who'd never do harm. Because he's the love of your life.
But it'll taught you how you can't live without him. He thinks he'll have to change plan now. It seems being too nice makes you think he's weak.
But he's everything but weak, especially when you're concerned.
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steampunkagumon · 7 months
The first "I love you" - Vandals x reader
TW for Riot's section (for implied/referenced child abuse) also getting dangerously close to co-dependency there, buckaroo
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Bro was comin' off the ketamine
Like, need I say more
There's whole viral videos about the things people can say when they just start waking up from anesthesia
So you decide to mess with him and go “Oh, I like Timmy now.”
“B-but I gave you Goldfish!”
“He gave me a cookie.”
“Whoa, a whole cookie?…”
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His frustrated screams can be heard clear from the hall. You peek your head into the computer lab to check on him, and find him fuming over some code he's working on
“I've been staring at this for over a week, and I can't find the line that's making everything go all screwy! UGH, this is a disaster…”
You walk over and give everything a quick glance, and you immediately spot the problem. Maybe a word was misspelled or something was set to “:true” instead of “:false”, something simple that he would normally feel stupid for missing.
He taps a few keys, and everything's working again! He pulls you in, planting a big kiss right on your cheek, before hugging you and practically sobbing into your shoulder. “YOU SEXY RUBBER DUCK, I LOVE YOU!!!”
yep it's the comic I reblogged the other day
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One Discord convo I distinctly remember is it getting debunked that Riot is autistic bc Pyro doesn't know if he's autistic and didn't want to misrepresent
Point is, I think their sexualities (demi) would also match up for similar reasons
So you'd have to get to know each other and really form a bond first, which is fine bc I think he'd really appreciate you as a friend
But once he falls he falls HARD
When you two are hanging out, it's almost always at your place. You only ever go back to his when his uncle isn't home
And, one day, you do learn why that is
You walked him home that night, and as you were leaving, you heard them get into an argument about him coming home so late. There was an impacting noise, a grunt, and the sounds of various metals falling and breaking
You asked him about it the next time you saw him, and he told you everything. But before you could run off and do something about it, he stopped you, grabbing you by the wrist, begging you not to tell anyone
“Why not?!”
He was quiet for a moment. “'Cuz I don't wanna go… A-and if I can wait to say anything about it 'til I'm 18, they can't put me in the system.” Tears welling up in his eyes, he hugged you as tight as he could. “I don't wanna lose you! I love you, dammit!”
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Y'know that antisocial's fear of accidentally saying “you too” to the waiter when they bring your food?
It's like that
You wrap up a call with your mom as you get your noodles from the food truck and absent-mindedly say “Gotta go, love you!”
And you stand there with your fancy bluetooth earpiece like a deer in headlights at the realization of what just happened
There's a chuckle from the window
“I love you too.” *winks*
And you see, that's where the trouble began. That smile. That darn smile.
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You work as a barista at the coffee shop in town, and you're probably the best one there at handling bigger orders
You see this guy reading the order off his phone, absolutely winded. You can tell he's already had a rough day, so you slide the card back to him. “Consider it on the house.”
You'll probably get in trouble for that but who knows?
It genuinely surprises him how fast you get the order done, that he might actually be on time for once, and it just kinda… slips
“I love you. —!”
Hand slapped over his mouth and his face turning bright red, he took the drinks and ran. You didn't think much of it, though. Just laughed it off and went on with your day
0 notes
stayxlix · 1 year
Ooh ‘the eighth’ sounds sexy Welcome back to season 3 ( or 2?) of Julian’s play-by-play commentary hehe🤭 Sorry in advance for how long this ask is gonna be.
“You will come across many soulmates in your current lifetime. But that doesn't mean you will get to keep them.” WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?😃Pls don’t raise my blood pressure from the get-go. Anyways concept photos ate as always. Bottom left one is my favourite. The minsung one is kinda unsettling tho… foreshadowing maybe👀
Btw Minho best not give me a hard time this chapter I literally do NOT have the capacity to deal with his beef rn. Idk why I think mc will win Jeongin over tho. But hey, we’ll see! I’m literally weak with excitement!! Oh and 15k + wordcount is crazy btw I’m so proud of you <3
“Out of all of the memories he had ever made, Felix had pushed most of them away. He buried them so deep that sometimes, he wondered if he would even be able to recall them if he tried.” *takes a long breath* that… hit home.
Wait so Chanlix are all the way from district 2?? Damn. This concerns me so much because the life they have now in district 6 must be lowkey paradise compared to what they probably had before. I’ve been wondering if the rebels have family. But we’ll see.
“…using Jeongin's homemade "thunder bombs" 퉤 퉤 퉤! 소리꾼! (TWE TWE TWE SORRIKUN)
“Not everyone had as much to offer as Minho, who was beyond skilled in his knowledge of healing.” Now I feel bad for going off on him in my reaction vid :((((( Also ngl Hyunjin's perception is impressive. The way he's already figured mc and lix out. Could never be me💀 I'm so blind when it comes to this kind of thing.
Hold on….“Remember what we all agreed on, before you get too attached.”
HOLD ON…. “The same thought that had been replaying over and over again in his head since he saw that damn family crest around your neck.”
I HOPE THEY’RE NOT PLANNING TO KILL ME HELP– I really hope they didn't make a pact to end me💀💀✋
“So what if he wanted to know how you looked with your lips wrapped around his *[dinky-donk]* instead.” I have so many inappropriate things to say…. (This was WILD)
“Felix wasn't like Jisung, who could charm his way into convincing whatever semi-interested human being he stumbled across in god knows where to fuck him.” You sure about that bro? Let’s not forget chapter 1😃
“Terrified for this moment to end because once it did, you would be forced to come to terms with the permanence of the decision you had made tonight, and what it meant for not only your future, but the future of every innocent person that you passed by, sleeping soundly without any idea that a war had just begun.” SO WELL WRITTEN! SAURRR WELL WRITTEN MWUAH
“and then, to your surprise, he left your side without a word.” UHM???? EXCUSE YOU???
“But that wasn't the only reason.” PURRR MC GO GET THAT *[retracted for the sake of modesty]*
“…and sometimes Jisung who just likes to be wherever Minho is.” You’re so real for this BAHAH💀💀
“He took a few steps closer, inviting himself into your personal space once again.” TRYING TO KEEP IT TOGETHER RN BUT I’M SLOWLY LOSING MY SANITY
“Oh, I dont know. The fact that you can't seem to keep your tongue out of my mouth?” I LOVE MC WITH EVERY BONE IN MY BODY UGH JCKVJDNSL
“After all, every time you'd kissed, he had been the one to initiate it.” THAT’S THE THING!! TELL THE MF!
“Felix was the king of sending mixed signals and you had half a mind to call him out for it…” DO. IT.
“Felix brought his hands up to rest against the wall on either side of you, closing you in.” I don’t want to keep reading I cannot keep reading I’ll d!e if I keep reading I-
my sweet Jules🥹💕💕💕 can I first just say that your enthusiasm for this story is so much more appreciated than you will ever know. like words cannot even BEGIN to express how i felt when I saw your asks pop into my inbox yesterday, but i will do my very best. i’m finally sitting down for the evening to answer these (and have been looking forward to it for two whole days) so lets get started..(i'll make sure to comment as much as i can without revealing any spoilers🤭)
"I HOPE THEY’RE NOT PLANNING TO KILL ME HELP– I really hope they didn't make a pact to end me"
and already i'm reminding myself..NO SPOILERS
“...Hyunjin’s perceptive is impressive...”
especially when it comes to lix.🫢 and don’t feel too bad about going off on minho just yet….
“You sure about that bro? Let’s not forget chapter 1”
i’m💀 omg lix doesn’t see himself this way alright.😂😭 (however right you may be)
it means so much to me that you always take the time to mention the concept photos and i will never ever forget when you said that each chapter has a different color that you associate with it. that touched my heart more than you will ever know.🥹🤍 and the word count honestly at the rate I was going I was terrified it was going to be something like 18k lmao but thankfully we were able to condense a bit.😂
THE THUNDEROUS LYRICS.😂 ty for including this lmao i HAD to include a thunderous reference somewhere because it may or may not be my fav skz song of all time and I will fight anyone who tries to tell me it isn’t a masterpiece
(ily lmao) this was a last minute addition like an hour before i posted the chapter🤭 so the fact that you included it here made me giggle. and if i’m being honest our mc really has become very special to me too. i had absolutely no idea when i first started writing this story how attached i was going to become to her but i really have grown to hold a special place for her in my heart so once again thank you for this.💕💕💕
going to head on over to part 2 now....(mostly because i need to cut myself off or i will spend all night on this one ask alone because there is so much to unpack with your commentaries and you know i absolutely love you for that<33)
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astrxlis-archive · 2 years
Hi Fox! Just dropping by to say hi, to let you know I'm still here! |・ω・) <3
How are you doing these days? Also, before anything else, the theme is looking great!💗 I'm glad you found time to decorate it, it's gives off a pleasant vibe! I did checked your pc theme earlier too~ ☺️ Hmm... I don't have much to say at the moment, but have you tried Sumeru already? Do you have any thoughts on it? Personally, it's really a refreshing experience compared to Inazuma with thunderbolts and scary environment~ Port Ormos OST is my favorite !
I wonder if you're interested in pulling for Sumeru characters? (Or interested in leaks) I adore Dehya a lot, she's the Woman however I'll try to sacrifice primos for Kokomi this rerun if 50/50 would be merciful to me~ New academic year has just started last month for me, and I could only hope to be able to get through properly this year without trying to escape anything (:3_ヽ)_ I wish the same for you too, Fox! I can't wait for your efforts to be repaid back to you who always try their best ^_^*
I still remember that I have to let you know once I've written anything but that isn't going to happen right now 😆 I missed talking with you, however I may not be able to talk as much as I did before ( ´^` ) Literally have no battery left😅 Well, maybe talking with you will recharge me maybe 😚 Do you have any tips for constantly doing interactions with battery still recharged? 😆 See you around !
— 🍰.
my live reactions when i saw your ask
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i recognized your hello instantly KFNDJBDJS HI 🍰!!! IT'S NICE TO HAVE YOU BACK!! ❤️ please ignore the duplicated paragraph, idk what's going on.
i've been... it's an uphill battle. i don't know if you were around when i took my long break from tumblr? but yeah. but how have you been??? thank you for the compliment on the theme ❤️ it was a scara one up until yesterday on mobile – given your dislike for him, i'd say you have impeccable timing coming back 🤣🤣 the green bg was a great suggestion from your part for the pc theme. i may change the sidebar pic for a xingqiu one on october, but we'll see.
i've been... it's an uphill battle. i don't know if you were around when i took my long break from tumblr? but yeah. but how have you been??? thank you for the compliment on the theme ❤️ it was a scara one up until yesterday on mobile – given your dislike for him, i'd say you have impeccable timing coming back 🤣🤣 the green bg was a great suggestion from your part for the pc theme. i may change the sidebar pic for a xingqiu one on october, but we'll see.
i have!!! man, i love sumeru. liyue feels comforting to me, but sumeru feels like home. maybe it's the rainforest. the ost is amazing, especially at night. i agree with your thoughts about inazuma lol there's less climbing too, and the enemies are fun. i didn't think id have fun fighting fungi or running from the animals, but here i am. i haven't done the entire archon quest yet, though. have you?
i am simping for the entirety of sumeru characters (minus nilou and nahida) (bro, dehya's eyes got me dead). i got kazuha so i'm not guaranteed and i'm really interested in getting tighnari, but i've been scared of losing him to keqing (again). if i do lose, the only other confirmed character i'm gonna go for right now is scara/wanderer in 3.3, and the others i'll try to get on their reruns if i'm still playing. i hope your 50/50 is kind to you!! 🥺 also yes!! i'm interested in leaks if there's any you'd like to talk about? 👀
funny you talk about academics 😅 i had to take a gap semester, so i'll only be back next year, but thank you for your wishes ❤️ i do wish you the best!! but take breaks if you need to!!!!!! how has the new academic year been treating you so far?
dude, writing happens when it happens, so don't worry; i'll be excited to read whatever you write whenever you write it, even if it's five years from now. as for talking and social batteries, i unfortunately can't help you there because i have no clue either 😂😂😂 it's alright if you can't talk as much, or if you take longer to reply and don't write long messages. i rambled a lot on this one because i got excited, but there's no need to reply to everything. i'm just thankful to know you're back.
see you!! 💖
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leelysian · 4 years
Changbin as your older brother AU 💖✨
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genre: fluff, bullet point fic
word count: 2.3k
warnings: swearing
Disclaimer: I do not personally know Changbin. This work is purely fiction and my own idea. I took inspiration from his on screen persona. Please do not translate or re-upload my work.
A/N: hi :) Sorry if this is kinda bad. I’m running out of ideas for this series(?). It’s really hard to write these aus for the members when there’s limited knowledge about them and when you’re trying to make everything seem different without making it seem like they’re all one dimensional and cut from the same cloth. Thank you to everyone who has been reading these older brother aus and thank you for being patient. Please leave some feedback, it really keeps me going. ❤️
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☆ Let’s start with you as babies.
☆ Changbin would for sure as kiddy questions like “How did the baby get inside mummy’s tummy?” “When will baby come out?” “How does baby poop?”
☆ Your parents either answered him vaguely or somehow dodged his questions.
☆ Would sleep in your parents bedroom close to your mum to protect her baby bump.
☆ Would be hella excited to feel you kick in your mum’s tummy.
☆ Would say cute things to the baby bump. “Come out quickly baby I can’t wait to play with you.” “We can play with *insert favourite toy* together.” “We’re going to have a lot of fun together.” I am close to tears
☆ Doesn’t care about the gender.
☆ When you were born, he was extremely excited to see you but little Binnie patiently waited till your parents had their moment first until they ushered him to the hospital bed.
☆ He was wide eyed as he held you as if scared to hurt you. He smiled when he stroked your cheek with a finger and smiled wider when you grabbed onto his finger.
☆ Tried to help your parents take care of you but most of the time failed.
☆ *tries to put pants on you* *gets kicked in the face instead*
☆ The only thing he could properly do was cuddle you as he fed you a bottle and somehow you ate properly if he was the one feeding you when you were being fussy.
☆ *you two fall asleep while he’s holding you*
☆ Adoring/curious stares.
☆ Fed you a bit of lemon for jokes when you were starting to grow teeth and had the time of his fricking life when he saw your reaction.
☆ I’m talking the kind of laughs he does with his whole body.
☆ Helped you learn how to walk patiently. Just laughed when you fell on your butt.
☆ Taught you how to high 5 at a very young age.
☆ You talked to him a lot. Not like he understood what you said because it was mostly babbling but it was fun for both of you.
☆ You broke a lot of his toys. He’d get upset until he got new ones.
☆ The one toy he never shared with you was Gyu, his plushie.
☆ Fast forward you’re older and know how to walk and talk coherently, Changbin is a kid.
☆ Changbin wants cookies but they’re on the top shelf and your mum purposefully put them there so neither of you could reach.
☆ “Changbin what are you doing?” 
☆ Changbin: 👀
☆”I’m gonna tell mum~”
☆ “NO DON’T. If you help me, I’ll give you a cookie then you have to promise me you won’t tell mum.”
☆ Your smart ass contemplated for a few seconds before you agreed, “Ok what do we do?”
☆ “If I lift you up can you grab the jar? Don’t drop it.”
☆ “Yes.”
☆ Somehow both of you managed to retrieve the jar unscathed. Why none of you thought to grab a chair and do it, I don’t know.
☆ One cookie turned to two then three until the jar was half empty and your dad caught you. 
☆ Everyone except you two with crumbs around your mouths in the room:️  
☆ Your dad walked in with brooding eyes. He grabbed a cookie and started eating quietly, “It’s a secret.”
☆ All three of you smiled happily and continued munching on the cookies.
☆ Until a while later your mum walked in and gasped, “YOU ATE ALL THE COOKIES?! *insert dad’s name* YOU WERE IN ON THIS TOO!”
☆ The three of you gulped nervously until you said, “No mum look! We saved a few for you!” The three of you smile innocently.
☆ Your mum sighed and smiled exasperatedly. “This is the last time.” A chorus of agreement sang throughout the room yet nobody meant a single word.
☆ Most of the time you two were hyperactive and played around so much you’d be knocked out cold by the time it was around 9 pm. 
☆ Your parents had to lug you to your shared room.
☆ You two played tag a lot, he was really fast so you’d always get tagged very quickly.
☆ Running. So much running. You’re the hyper kids.
☆ Rock paper scissors. Winner flicks the loser’s forehead. Changbin always took the penalty but never really doled it out on you, if he did it wasn’t too hard. 
☆ Changbin could easily win, but sometimes he slowed down purposefully to let you win for a change.
☆ Giggles. Giggles everywhere. Giggles all the time.
☆ Pillow forts in your room. 
☆ Tickle fights.
☆ Cuddling together while watching cartoons.
☆ You thought he was cool.
☆ He liked you thinking so highly of him.
☆ Made him want to be even cooler for you.
☆ He’d ruffle your hair playfully.
☆ He’d pinch your nose. “AAAAHHH”
☆ He’d pull your hair.
☆ Such a joker. It was harmless fun.
☆ Once you doodled on his school notes. He got mad and stopped talking to you.
☆ He rarely got angry at you, sure you two bickered sometimes and sometimes got whiny at each other.
☆ You apologised with a treat you got, instead of eating it by yourself, you gave it to him as a peace offering. 
☆ He didn’t eat it himself, he shared. “It’s okay just don’t do it again. These are important. You’ll know when you get older.”
☆ “Ok. I’m sorry.”
☆ Things became alright again.
☆ Fast forward you’re tweens/teens/young adults.
☆ The dynamic is wild.
☆ You two would always goof around like idiots.
☆ Changbin annoyed you a lot.
☆ “Y/N look over there!” you’re stuck in visible confusion. *smacks your head and runs* 
☆ You’re eating chips. “Y/n what’s that?” “What’s what?” *steals bag* 
☆ “When are you gonna stop tricking me?”
☆ “When are you gonna stop falling for that?” 
☆ You get pissed.
☆ Then it escalates into a wrestling match until ultimately you get hurt and start nearly crying in pain.
☆ You’re watching tv peacefully. Changbin walks in with a nerf gun/water gun. “REACH FOR THE SKY!”
☆ The living room turns into a warzone or a set for mission impossible.
☆ You ‘borrow’ his clothes. “Y/N STOP STEALING MY SHIT!”
☆ He ‘borrows’ your charger. “GET YOUR OWN CHARGER CHANGBIN!”
☆ He casually strolls into the living room, sits next to you with feet propped up on the table, snatches the remote when you’re not looking and changes the channel. 
☆ “Well too bad. I don’t wanna watch it.”
☆ Another wrestling match for the remote.
☆ You hide his glasses. Basically keep them with you.
☆ “Hey y/n have you seen my glasses?” “Nope.”
☆ He looks EVERYWHERE. 
☆ You keep them on top of the tv when he’s away. “Hey Changbin found it on the tv.”
☆ “That’s weird I don’t remember putting them there. The heck?”
☆ “Maybe you’re just losing your mind. Already becoming an oldie?”
☆ “I may be old but I can still kick your ass.”
☆ You’re the younger sibling that either grows up to the same height as him quicker or grows taller than him somehow.
☆ He hates it. You thrive on it. “Hehe shortie. Can you even reach?”
☆ So he started working out to tone up.
☆ You’re barely able to lift a heavy box. He picks it up with ease. “Do you even lift?”
☆ He’s washing the dishes. You leave your dish for him and sneak out. “Y/N! I SWEAR-”
☆ You have a lit music taste because of him. 
☆ You’re sleeping, he’s up early. You need to go to school. Instead of waking you up like a normal person, he pulls the blankets completely off of you and tackles you. “Y/N WAKE UP!”
☆ You two are eating. He’ll finish eating seemingly at the speed of light and stare at you eating. “I’m not sharing.”
☆ “I didn’t say anything.”
☆ awkward silence
☆ You pass your food to him. “You owe me, pabbit (pig + rabbit)”
☆ Both of you forget about it later on.
☆ He’s hella clumsy.
☆ He’d definitely break a glass or plate or vase.
☆ He’s the type to fix something just enough to make it seem not broken so the next person who uses it would think they broke it.
☆ Anything to not get his ass handed to him by mummy dearest.
☆ You do this thing to annoy him which is basically mock/copy him when he tells you something. 
☆ “Hey you know-” “Hey you know-” “you know that-” “you know that-” this continues a few more times until he screams and tackles you.
☆ You did this thing where you literally jumped on his back when he was unaware and you'd stick to him. The scream was worth bursting your eardrums. Worked every time.
☆ He was built he could carry you.
☆ Another thing is copying his actions.
☆ He yawns, you yawn. He scratches his nose, you copy. He stretches, you stretch. He shifts, you copy. 
☆ “STOP COPYING ME!” “Stop copying me” “I said STOP COPYING ME!” “I said stop copying me!”
☆ “I hate you.” “I love you too bro.”
☆ His friends like you and a lot of times you hang out with him and his friends.
☆ He wears the weirdest stuff just for shits and giggles.
☆ “Hey y/n.” “What?” you look at him and burst out laughing.
☆ Where he got a shark head mask, you had no idea. You had tears running down your face as he started to sing and sexy dance to baby shark.
☆ You two say the darndest things.
☆ “I just realised- if vampires can’t go out in the sunlight then wouldn’t the moonlight kill them too?
☆ “How?”
☆ “Moonlight is just the sunlight shining from behind the moon dumbass.”
☆ “Oh shit you’re right.”
☆ Another example of this would be:
☆ “The hospital is the only place you leave without entering.”
☆ Both of you:  👁️👄👁️
☆ You’re eating watermelon. You bite some of the white bit.
☆ “I just realised the worst part of the watermelon tastes like a cucumber.”
☆ awkward silence “wait you’re right.”
☆ “Anyways, here you can wash the plates.”
☆ “Y/N!”
☆ Will use everything in his cuteness arsenal to get what he wants.
☆ You hate to admit it actually works sometimes.
☆ “Y/n~ pleeeaaaseee get me some cookies.”
☆ “No.”
☆ He keeps whining and rocking or shaking you. “PLEEEEAAAAAASEEE”
☆ “FINE!”
☆ Who’s really the older sibling and who’s really the younger sibling?
☆ “You know you could’ve just gotten them yourself with the time it took you to annoy me into getting them for you?”
☆ He just smiles toothily. 
☆ “If you could choose between a giant me or 5 mini me’s which would you choose?”
☆ “Neither I’d rather die.”
☆ “Y/N! WHYYYYY” he whines and shakes you.
☆ He’s always there for you when you need him the most. He’ll always comfort you with tight hugs. 
☆ He’s the type of person to make silly jokes and make you smile or laugh to make you feel better instead of sort of brooding with you.
☆ This is only acceptable with him, if anyone else tried to be goofy when you were upset it wouldn’t work.
☆ Because it’s Changbin’s thing. Only he has that power.
☆ You rarely see him upset. He’s always smiling, joking around and acting cute.
☆ One time, really late at night you saw him in the kitchen sitting with a glass of milk. He hadn’t noticed you. 
☆ This was off putting because you rarely saw him this quiet. He’s always laughing and loud.
☆ He was staring off in the distance, the glass gathering condensation from being out of the fridge and into warm temperature.
☆ “Can’t sleep?” He was startled and shook his head no. “What’s on your mind?”
☆ “It’s nothing.” You sat with a glass of water. “You know you can tell me, right?”
☆ “I know I just don’t wanna bother you.” he said and this confused you. “Why would you be bothering me? That’s absurd.”
☆ He shrugged, “I dunno, seems like all I do is annoy people these days.”
☆ You pat his back. “Hey, that’s not true. Well it only applies to me because you’re my sibling. That’s a thing. Is there anything specific you’re talking about?”
☆ He stays quiet for what seems like the longest time until he unloads. 
☆ You’re not good with words like he is. You try your best to listen and give sensible input. 
☆ Changbin admired that about you. Despite being younger, you were sometimes mature and understanding. You were authentic, you never tried to be something you weren’t.
☆ Which is why he always valued your words. 
☆ Afterwards if he had anything on his mind, sometimes he’d vent to you.
☆ You the ability to make his insecurities disappear simply because he feels stupid for the way he thinks when he talks to you. 
☆ You make his problems miniscule, not in a belittling way but in a way that makes him realise how things could be different or done differently.
☆ Your sense of perception was something amazing.
☆ This is why Changbin believed you were the best sibling he could ask for.
☆ But little did he know, you wouldn’t be able to function properly if he wasn’t the goofy, silly, clumsy, idiotic Changbin who exists today.
☆ He’s just the right type of flavour you need in your bland life.
☆ don’t be shy put some more.
☆ He’s the right balance of a clown, a baby and a guardian angel.
☆ He’s extremely caring, loyal, kind hearted and annoying.
☆ You’d change absolutely nothing.
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