ephrom · 2 years
Are Lily Orchard's Stalkers In The Room With Us Right Now?
Lily Orchard has a surprising amount of stalkers. Not only that, but she's really good at determining who is and isn't a stalker on the spot. Here is her declaring two anonymous people on her tumblr stalkers in the last week--because they both called out her constant mention of vague "stalkers" as the reason everything bad happens to her in life.
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Now, I'm not going to say that Lily Orchard has never been stalked. However, Lily has such a vague definition of "stalking" that the term is basically meaningless. Back in the day (notice how I am admitting this was years ago), she used to label ForNoGoodReason a stalker--make no mistake, he was a dumbass and a creep, but not a stalker--for the crime of making videos talking about her. However, making videos on somebody--even obsessively and constantly making videos on somebody--is not stalking. Under that definition, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were stalking Richard Nixon by covering Watergate for The Washington Post. This is a behavior Lily began engaging when I stopped watching her, and has only gotten worse since. Take this video Orchard posted three months (notice how I am very clearly saying when this video came out) at time of writing.
In this video, she lists six people as stalkers--none of whom she says by name, by the way. Yeah, despite this video serving the purpose of "drawing attention to her stalkers," she doesn't actually allow people to know who these people she wants to draw attention to are.
I'm still fairly new to the Lily Orchard drama sphere all things considered, so I'll break this down the best I can by telling you what she names these people and who they really are.
Karen is @britts-galaxy-brain
Carol is both Jess and Zena
Katie is @segasister
Ellie is Lizzy Orchard, her ex-fiancé
Skylar is Patchwork Hearts
Val is Cypher from @whyyoulyinglily
Mark Twain once said that no man has a good enough memory to be a liar, and Lily is such a liar she is unable to remember her own story from paragraph to paragraph. Within the same minute, Segasister I mean Katie I mean Segasister hates Lily both because she said Voice of Reason was wrong regarding My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and because she called out pedophiles in the brony community. Jess and Zena I mean Carol I mean Jess and Zena are grifters trying to content farm her one minute, and the next they're nothing more than aggressive Vaush fans.
Of course, if anybody knows even the basic facts about these situations, we can find that Lily is just lying at various points. For example, the content farming Jess and Zena I mean Carol I mean Jess and Zena were engaging in actually amounted to two videos before this came out.
Meanwhile, Brittiany I mean Karen I mean Brittiany is so transphobic that when they were friends Brittany was actually encouraging Lily to pursue a transgender identity despite fears that actually becoming a woman would be unrealistic. Oh, also, Brittiany began talking about her experiences with Lily between five and six years ago--I'll admit, I can't remember exactly when--not eight years ago, I know, I was there when it happened.
This isn't even getting into the number of claims she makes without the slightest amount of evidence--again, because the nature of the video demands she not use any or else risk shining a light on the people she made this video to shine a light on. For example, she claims out of nowhere that she has a hunch that Patchwork Heart I mean Skylar I mean Patchwork Heart was celebrating her being raped in 2018. If this claim were true, that would make Patchwork Heart I mean Skylar I mean Patchwork Heart a terrible human being--and Lily just throws out this guess without giving it any kind of support. (For reference, I have since talked to Patchwork Heart and she does not seem like the kind of person who would celebrate somebody being raped.)
However, what have these six stalkers done with all their years of harassment? Not much, according to Lily. You see, despite being obsessed with her to the point where they want to show up to her house, Lily has to admit that these people have done nothing to her other than stress her out. She even says she can't sue them for defamation because they haven't done enough damage to her. Remember, it wasn't one of her stalkers who found her address, it was a fan who did that to send her a Nintendo Switch.
Side note: This video is great because Lily spends basically the last seventy five percent complaining about her stupid and obsessive her fanbase is. We all know that if her critics acted like this, she would talk about this constantly. Meanwhile, the people who criticize her are supposed to be the biggest sources of stress in her life?
In fact, can we just talk about how Lily talks about her fanbase in this video more generally? This is a topic for another post, but Lily saying her fans "can't take no for an answer" just shows you what kind of community she fosters. Lets not forget that this is the same woman who said that she told her fans she was fine with NSFW art of her OC because she thought that would mean they'd make less of it.
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This should go without saying, but if you have to play reverse psychology regarding sexual boundaries--that's not exactly a good thing. Again, why is it that Lily keeps talking about the damages her critics keep doing--which she admits are basically non-existent--when her fans are doing shit like this?
In another post, she says that her fans are morons who cannot do the most basic forms of critical thinking and expect her to figure things out for them.
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It's funny that in that video, she says that online cults cannot form. Even ignoring the fact that this is just wrong, it seems like a good chunk of her fans want a cult leader.
Anyway, I have no idea how to end this post--so here's a funny tweet from Nezziemonster, somebody with a very funny Twitter that you should follow.
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osean-kitty · 1 month
Damn the anti-Poppy&Zena blogs really split into two camps over shit that could've probably been avoided through communication.
Tempted to call this situation "ToonKriticY2K split 3.0 + Knuckles" edition.
I'm not getting involved because between the two camps, I'm not siding with CO and Britt because I have some issues with the both of them stemming from Courtney's comments about their nephew and niece and Britt defending it and accusing me of supporting Lily because of it 🙄. Not like I have been anti-Lily Orchard since 20-fucking-16 but whatever help you smoke that Putin grade Copium Britt.
And because I got stuff put higher on my priority list than online drama that can be put aside for later to focus on taking down actual predators.
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fennec-archives · 3 months
This blog is meant to archive every post Lily orchard makes in regards to her victims, posts by Courtney in the event of deletion or removal, and general snark. This comes with obvious trigger warnings for the following:
Rape, coercion, incest, molestation, COCSA, racism, antisemitism, and ableism.
Lily orchard has been highly predatory and irresponsible with her platform in the past. She used to encourage her audience that she gained from speaking about children’s media to send her sexually charged messages and asks. Several have come forward saying they were minors when she encouraged them to ERP with her. She claims this is not the case, and points to the hastily slapped on “minors DNI” in her bio. However, this is a more recent development, and was only added after she got heat for being a fucking creep by a YouTube creator with a medium-sized platform.
Many people have begun archiving her posts and compiling evidence, however this blog is intended to catch as many slip-ups and deletions as possible. I also want to make dunking on her fun and validating for her victims. The fastest way to take power from someone like her is mockery.
If you have an interest in looking at victim statements and evidence, I suggest going to the following blogs:
@pleasetiemyshoelaces @britts-galaxy-brain
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Hey guys, remember that fucked up fic Lily pulled from ao3 tilted "Broken Champion"? I don't think she did it because of the torture porn accusations. She did it because it has another hint of her molestation of Courtney during their youth in it. She's trying to cover her ass, just like with the "Violate" arc in her pokemon comic that she tried to bury.
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Another instance of Lily writing about molestation/rape of an unconcious woman but framing it as "just trying to help" and it being "the only solution". To add insult to injury, the victim is thankful for the assault and rewards the perpetrator with a kiss.
Lily has tried for years to convince herself and others that her molestation of Courtney must have been "romantic", mutually assured, and had noble intentions. If she had her way, she would have married Courtney, HER SISTER, without them having a say in it.
@opinated-user @pleasetiemyshoe @britts-galaxy-brain
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poppyandzena · 4 months
This list is NOT the fullest extent of Poppy and Zena's victims and ex-associates. This list consists of victims who have made public statements and are comfortable discussing it. This list is subject to updates whenever necessary.
Milena | @transpersian | #milena
An ex-poly partner to Poppy and Zena est. early 2023. The relationship consisted of months of abusive behavior towards Milena. Zena was the perpetrator of emotional abuse most of the time and Poppy enabled it. Milena's story highlights manipulation perpetrated by Zena and Poppy's possessive nature.
Milena, very helpfully, has created documents not only for her own experience, but for other victims. I highly encourage you to follow her.
Courtney Peet/Orchard | @pleasetiemyshoe | #courtney
Courtney briefly collabed with Poppy and Zena on their YouTube channel. Courtney was interviewed about the trauma their sister Lily Peet/Orchard inflicted onto them. The interview was unsatisfactory as Poppy is a terrible host.
Courtney had to endure attempted manipulation at the hands of Poppy and Zena, but especially Poppy. While exerting a position of power as the platform for Courtney's experience, Poppy tried to rope Courtney into a relationship. Poppy became possessive over the dissemination of their story, trying to control Courtney's server and how other victims of Lily interact with each other. One of the most egregious acts Poppy did was allegedly send Courtney sibling incest pornography about a day after the interview, trying to fetishize the exact trauma Poppy was profiting on.
After fighting for more control of Courtney's server, the collaboration has fallen apart. Poppy shared a timeline of the events to her mod team of around twenty people, including information that she had Courtney's nude photo. Upon finding out, Courtney lashed out against Poppy, and Poppy censored screenshots to make it look like Courtney randomly attacked Poppy and deadnamed her, neither of which are true.
Poppy has compared Courtney to her rapist sister, and even claimed Courtney had an incest fetish to poison the well.
Poppy has also allegedly sent Courtney unsolicited photos of her genitals multiple times under the guise of "showing off her SRS recovery."
Brittany | @britts-galaxy-brain | #britt
Britt is an outspoken victim of Lily Orchard. Poppy and Britt were in conflict because Poppy wanted to control Britt's language in calling Lily Orchard a predator and a pedophile. Keep in mind Britt has known Lily for many, many years prior to Poppy and has the screenshots to prove their claims. Poppy has tried to smear Britt as transphobic due to this. Poppy was also sexually persistent with Britt in DMs despite Britt's reluctance and lack of enthusiastic consent.
Dormiyu | @dormiyu , @dormiyusaur | #dormiyu
Dormiyu is an ex-member in Poppy and Zena's server. Between 10/27/23 and 11/02/23, Dormiyu was invited to Poppy and Zena's house. Dormiyu came alone by train, therefore not having easy access to return home early. It is alleged that Poppy purposefully exposed her chest to Dormiyu (at the time 18 years old). Poppy downplayed Dormiyu's discomfort as "asexual bullshit." Zena also downplayed and laughed off Poppy's sexual impropriety against Dormiyu.
Poppy's mutuals have been very cruel to Dormiyu upon the revealing of this information.
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opinated-user · 8 months
Apparently Lily said on stream that you're actually brit in disguise, which doesn't really make sense since I'm pretty sure brit's tumblr is already a lily-focused alt. Why would they need another one? But whatever the case, you're definitely brit because she said so and also everyone else is using sockpuppets, not her. I wish I was making this up.
wait, she mentioned me by name or some variation of "every LO critical blog out there is Brittany in disguise"? either way, that's very funny. @britts-galaxy-brain i didn't know i was actually you! why didn't you tell me before?
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asunnycoffee · 11 months
Wait when was lily racist to Asians?
I’ve made an entire post discussing her racism regarding us;
There isn’t a specific incident. It’s just how she treats Japanese people themselves, with how she literally never talks about us unless it relates to Anime.
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weaselbeaselpants · 6 months
kind of related but not- I'm genuinely sorry to be posting so much or about Lily Orchard, guys. Prior to Courtney coming on and telling us her story I was mostly just taken aback and angry with Lily as "one of those critic types" in my circle of vision.
It sucks -and yeah I know other critics don't want to hear this+Lily will use this fact as an excuse to discredit ppl's complaints abt her. but I think a lot of us were initially exposed to Lily because they knew of andor were fans of her cartoon criticism content. In my case I knew Lily from her days of Bronydom and have watched her make more and more meanMEAN material even w it's not about internal fandom dramacallouts. Back in those days and up to last year I could say of Lilly the same thing I'd say for a lot of people who annoy me online: I think she's a bully. Which is still bad, it's just not 'criminal', inherent. Comparing her to Rebecca Sugar, Lindsay Ellis, Contrapoints or VivziePop would be stupid as she really doesn't have even half the portfolio or wherewithall as any of those people -or even Zena and Poppy, not that they're angels. Lily was/is annoying because she'd use other people's genuine concerns and talking points. There's a certain takenupbyaltlight-term that I begrudginly would love to use for Lily that REALLY hits the nail on the head with her, be it as a fan, a critic or an activist. But I won't use it. Not because it's untrue, but because it's used by the same people who write her kiwifarm pages and misgender her and clearly couldn't give a crap about her if she didn't make them "lol"
But then, I actually looked at some of Britt's receipts and skimmed bits and pieces of what remains of Stockholm (I think you all already know this but @britts-galaxy-brain the links are missing now). For years, I'd known and listened to others honestly harp on Lily as some kind of counter-initiative for her going after their fav foalcon people. I assumed it was more of the same. It's not. Lily 100% wrote cp and is trying to hide it. No not fiction abt young adults that delves into erotic and sexisms; not stuff with aged-up child characters being big boobied of themselves thru the gaze or r34 artists. She wrote cp.
Essense of Thought's and that one hour long video talking about Stockholm were the first real horrifying revelation. Then I read through Brittney's saved messages from Lily and 'Tara'. Then I saw Patch's video.
THEN, Courtney came out and told everyone on here and her server everything we needed to know. I don't abide by everything Courtney says, especially about her abusers but I mean they're her abusers and please stop asking her to like the children who're valued more than her in the lives of her abusers, or at least maybe vent openly not to Courtney directly about your fear for those kids Cameron has. Yeah, I'm also concerned but idk there's got to be a better way to handle this. Anyway, as previously stated, I believe Courtney, Britt, and Patch. There's no way that those people have faked that stuff. I've heard kind of stretched explanations being true, but there's no way Stockholm was "edited by pedos" like Lily's saying it was I know I'm missing a few folks in there but I believe a lot of people have been genuinely victimized by LO and aren't just acting out of transphobia, bigotry.
Of what I can attest based on what I've seen, I KNOW that Lily Orchard wrote 'fluffy' foalcon and is saying she didn't, and also that the woman hates the word "queer".
Of what has been shown to me, I fully BELIEVE Lily Orchard is an abusive, sockpuppeting predator. Not only that, she's hiding behind other predator's existence to lie to her audience of other abused people to convince both them and herself that she couldn't possibly be a predator.
In 2013, what was 10 years from now, there was a controversy in the MLP fandom where a minor rose a (not undeserved) stink abt the askblog Princess Molestia and how it was making light of r*pe, intentionally or not. To counter this, a bunch of mouthbreathing bronies took it upon themselves to prove they weren't creeps by threatening the underrage sa victim, making r*pe porn of her while other mouthbreathers basically said "yeah put she's [the minor] annoying so it's the same kind of evil we're doing, really". Centrists.
Why this matters to me is (CW. CW. CW) you can find a post from Tara Callie, who was almost certainly one of Lily's alts at the time, admitting she found the r*pe art of Pinkiepony "hot", all the while Lily herself was publicly denouncing Pinkie's treatment by the fandom.
Lily Orchard is an awful human being. She does not have intrusive thoughts or fears of acting on those intrusive thoughts sometimes, like me and other people do. She has sexual and violent urges that she hides enough form the public to not make her followers suspect anything. She's twofaced and takes out her probable self-hate by attacking other predators. She's all deflection and lies. I can not believe a thing that vile woman says. Neither should you.
The biggest means of fighting her I think we all can do of is refusing to use her critical tag w we talk about her. Spam her "own tag". Enough hiding and denying who this terrible bigoted abusive woman really is.
Because really, her thoughts on glubshitto or whoever from Owl House are HARDLY the worst of it. Not even.
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melishade · 8 months
This is more of a PSA announcement if anything. A warning of people you should DNI. Like at all! Because this situation is getting so fucking ridiculous the longer I learn about this shit.
There was this Youtuber that I followed: Lily Orchard. I used to follow her for years. I started following her...between the fourth and fifth season of My Little Pony Gen 4. So since I was in high school. I followed her for at least a decade. I looked up to her and her work for years and thought she was a good role model.
I was wrong.
I've heard rumors about some of the accusations and chose to ignore it when I was younger, thinking it was slander. But it wasn't true. I had actually found out about all the shit she's done just a few months ago from @asunnycoffee and it is absolutely horrid. I mean there's:
Racism Sexism Homophobia Transphobia Brownfacing Lying Support of slavery through her written fanfics Grooming of her fans (BTW she's thirty) Stalking Harassment Hard Implications of Incest in her work Manipulations Gaslighting Emotional abuse Mental Abuse Complete and utter narcissism of this bitch. And so much more that I'm certain one of it could violate some international law.
She's like a fake liberal Catilyn Jenner. But as far as I know, Jenner didn't fucking molest her sister. Because that's exactly what Lily Orchard did to @pleasetiemyshoe AKA Courtney Orchard.
I can't believe I actually looked up to her I feel so fucking sick
Now because I am new to this and really just an outsider perspective learning about this, I'm going to botch any and all explanations of this in detail. Luckily there is a masterpost of all the shit that Lily Orchard has done in detail. https://www.tumblr.com/lily-orchard-gossip-blog/692978295298572288/a-quick-summary-of-lily-orchard?source=share
And there are a bunch of trigger warnings to this and it will be in the tags if you cannot handle it. That is fine to avoid.
But instead of Lily, ya know, owning up to her mistakes and possibly explaining her side of the story, she's done nothing but double down and accuse everyone that come out to expose her for her shit behavior as 'stalkers', 'TERFs', 'Racists' (even though she's fucking brownfacing. Which by the way, fuck her. I already deal with blackfacing enough as it is and she wants to appropriate a culture for views. GOD WHY DID I LOOK UP TO HER WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!) She will slander anyone that doesn't agree with her and do everything in her power to destroy them. And she will use her fanbase to do so. If the fans so much as harass, slander, misgender, and tell people to off themselves that have critiqued Lily in the past, she does nothing. She lets this shit happen. And usually when a creator or a person of power doesn't say anything to stop their fans from doing heinous actions, it's basically giving permission to the people to fucking do it. A perfect example of this is how Trump weaponized his own people to attack the US Capitol.
And it's not just Orchard. It's also her wife Mikaila Orchard, and a former ex now friend, Ginger. Both have followed Orchard's behavior, refused to call her out on anything and have also actively used their platforms to harass people that Orchard deems as an enemy.
And I wish I was fucking joking about any and all of this fucking nonsense, and if I'm wrong I would take it all back! But there are so many people who've come out against her and explained how much of a shit person she is including:
@as8bakwthesage (BTW check out their art it is lovely. And Sage I'm on a transformers forum if you want to join. We have fun.)
@asunnycoffee (A sweet delight. Who's 18, BTW! So Orchard is not above harassing fucking teenagers! And she's not above grooming them either!)
@pleasetiemyshoe (Her sister. She also posts pictures about cats. But the stuff she talk about with her sister gets really fucking intense. Proceed with caution.)
Lizzy Orchard (Which in summary, was Orchard former girlfriend. Orchard claimed Lizzy abused her when really it was the other way around. Lizzy was harassed and bullied off of tumblr and Orchard took her last name which is weird because why the hell would you take the last name of your abuser.
Blake (Lily threatened violence on Blake's fiancee)
Josh Scorcher (An MLP fan. He and Lily used to be friends and there was a fallout)
Patch (IDK if Patch is on tumblr or not)
Poppy and Zena
And that's from what I can remember! That's over ten people that is ringing out warning signs to avoid Orchard at all costs. If it was one person, I'd be skeptical. But 10?! 10! That should be enough to avoid her at all costs! Another perfect example of this situation is when 30 women came out against Cosby and said he SA'd them. Again, when it is multiple people telling different stories that come to the same conclusion, then it's not something that you can deny.
Orchard is a terrible, human being, and you need to avoid her at all costs, and Mikaila and Ginger. These are the names of the channels you should avoid (because sometimes she'll use other people to spy on accounts that critique her and make alt accounts herself to spy on others and make herself look better:
lily-orchard mikaila-orchard lily-orchard-fanart sucky-boi (an alt account) lexyr-kryo (not an alt of Orchard, but the user misgendered Sage and I don't take kindly to that) ginger-snap-talkin-nonsense (Gringer has been known to harass Sunny, who is 18) So block those accounts and follow the others that I mentioned above. Please boost this post as much as you can to help other people avoid them. Although there will be some heavy stuff in some of those accounts, so please proceed with caution. also there's evidence that she wrote an incest story called Stockholm
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ephrom · 2 years
Everything I Don't Like Is Kiwi Farms Fault: The Lily Orchard Story
Before we begin, I just want to say I have no love for Kiwi Farm and view them being taken down as nothing but a good thing. They've gone after people I care about--albeit many of terrible things you hear about are hyperbolized or the result of a handful of bad actors--and their lack of dedication to civil decorum really shows. However, once again, Lily has to collective her enemies into one massive blob out to attack her--even when they have nothing to do with each other. Hence a thread she posted to Twitter just today to talk about how Kiwi Farms has harmed her.
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For those who don't know, Kiwi Farm threads of people always started with an introduction post that described everything that was known about the person up until that point. I mention this because the introduction post for her thread on Kiwi Farms mentioned both the catfishing (which is a reference to Tara Callie) and the "pedo fic" (which is a reference to Stockholm). Therefore, it could not be Kiwi Farms who began these claims--because otherwise they wouldn't have been in their introduction post.
I believe the Kiwi Farms thread on her began in 2015 at the earliest (at least, the active one--somebody created one before that was deleted years ago and only had three pages worth of content and not anything particularly interesting), and the claims of her catfishing had been going on for long before that point. Tara Callie was so suspicious that even @britts-galaxy-brain began to believe that Tara wasn't real when she was friends with Lily. Meanwhile, again, the claims about Stockholm began when Stockholm was first published in 2014.
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This is just a repeat of the claims she made in her stalking video I talked about yesterday. If you want more information on that, here's a link to that post.
With that said, this is not to say that the story has remained fully the same. For example, now instead of being worthless shut ins who haven't caused anything other than stress, Lily's stalkers are the reason she was raped in 2018.
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Also, these people are awful, vindictive, and abusive--but they're also just mad that Lily had an opinion on a cartoon or something.
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Never mind the fact that Lily says here that Kiwi Farms is a website dedicated to stalking and harassing LGBT people.
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Meanwhile, back when she made a video on her stalkers six months ago, two of the people she listed were transgender (Jess and Zena, who she turned into one person for some reason, and Patchwork Heart), one is non-binary (Segasister), and another is a lesbian (Brittany). Although this is a person who she calls the ex of a transgender woman who she was engaged to a transphobe, so I'm not sure what to expect at this point. Not only that, but so Brittany, despite Brittany being accepting of her when she first came out as transgender that she encouraged Lily to pursue the identity if it would make her happy despite Lily's fears.
In fact, I think I need to go back to this video real quick because it's incredibly telling.
First off, I would like to both apologize to @segasister for missing this flaw and thank her for pointing it out.
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Now the incident I believe she's talking about regarding the brony fanbase tolerating pedophiles is the ToonKriticY2K one (even though I don't think he met the definition of pedophile, but that's a different topic). Never mind the fact that Segasister was also manipulated and fucked over by ToonKritic--that's just not supposed to matter. Just like it doesn't matter that somebody who's not white would be friends with two white supremacists who Lily has combined into one person for no fucking reason.
I'm never good at knowing when to end posts when it comes to Lily. Here's a funny tweet from Doodletones.
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marbleddice · 8 months
What Lily thinks @britts-galaxy-brain is like with alt accounts:
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By Allie Yang
10 August 2023
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Two of our galaxy’s most famous stars were recently photobombed by what appears to be a celestial question mark.
The symbol was spotted in a new image from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) of the forming stars Herbig-Haro 46/47, which are well-known and have been frequently observed by astronomers.
These two stars can provide clues about how our own sun may have formed.
They’re relatively close to Earth, about 1,400 light-years, and relatively young, only a few thousand years old.
In fact, they’re still in gestation and have not technically been “born” yet, which is marked when the stars start shining from their own nuclear fusion.
The image is the first of the twin protostars from the NIRCam instrument on JWST.
It was captured using infrared light, which penetrates space dust more easily than visual light, and it is the highest resolution image of the objects ever seen at these wavelengths.
The telescope’s astonishing sensitivity allowed the glowing red question mark to be captured in the lower center of the image.
The object is far outside our galactic neighborhood, possibly billions of light-years away, says Christopher Britt, an education and outreach scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute who helped plan these observations.
His best guess is that the question mark is actually two galaxies merging.
“That's something that's seen fairly frequently, and it happens to galaxies many times over the course of their lives,” he says.
“That includes our own galaxy, the Milky Way … [it] will merge with Andromeda in about four billion years or so.”
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The hints pointing to two galaxies are found in the question mark’s strange shape.
There are two brighter spots, one in the curve and the other in the dot, which could be the galactic nuclei, or the centers of the galaxies, Britt says.
The curve of the question mark might be the “tails” being stripped off as the two galaxies spiral toward each other.
“It's very cute. It's a question mark … But you can find the colons and semicolons, and any other punctuation mark, because you have 10,000 little smudges of light in each image taken every half hour,” says David Helfand, an astronomer at Columbia University.
The sheer number of shining objects we find are bound to create some serendipitous images, and our brains have evolved to find those patterns, he says.
Astronomers have seen similar objects closer to home.
Two merging galaxies captured by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2008 also look like a question mark, just turned 90 degrees.
Helfand says the question mark seems to be two objects, the curve and the dot, but could be more that just happened to line up.
They could also be completely unrelated objects, he says, if one is much closer to Earth than the other.
Britt warns that estimating distance based only on colors in the image can be tricky.
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The red of the question mark could mean it’s very far away (light waves stretch as they travel through the expanding universe, shifting to redder wavelengths) or that it’s closer and obscured by dust near the object.
It would take more investigation to identify exactly how far away the question mark is.
This could be done by measuring photometric redshifts, determined by the brightness observed through different filters, but this would only provide an estimate for the distance, Britt says.
Spectroscopy, which analyzes light from the source to determine its elemental makeup, could provide a more exact distance but requires a separate instrument to measure.
Given the number of intriguing targets spotted by JWST, the question mark may never receive this treatment.
For now, the source of this symbol in the sky remains a cosmic mystery.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
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Okay...does Lily want to really play that card? Does she really? Because fun fact for anyone reading this post: people HAVE tried to call the police on Lily! Because @britts-galaxy-brain literally confirmed they tried to report Lily for her Sankaku, but guess what? The person on the phone wasn’t interested and basically rushed Britts of the phone. 
“Don’t make attention seeking youtube videos about it.” as Lily put’s it, is literally at this rate the only way people have to make sure people KNOW Lily is dangerous, because the cops either don’t really care or just aren’t equipped to deal with the situation. And Lily is no idiot, because she knows this. She was among those calling out Troonkritic when he was being rightfully exposed and called out, but sadly, nothing was done about him when it came to the law outside of the internet, because even with evidence when he was reported, he’s still out there free as a bird. Fucking hell, as Britts pointed out on this reblog, Mamamax is a big example of someone who literally finds evidence of pedo’s and takes all of it to the police, only for nothing to be done cause its online. 
So to anyone reading this post: don’t let Lily play this card. She’s not stupid. She knows exactly why a police visit won’t be coming to her any time soon. But still doesn’t stop her from trying to do this GOTCHA to people to try and make them look like liars. And if you try to say she’s right, know your playing right into her hands here. 
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crimsonpoddlll · 4 months
@lily-orchard-gossip-blog @pleasetiemyshoe @opinated-user @britts-galaxy-brain
These are bad platforms. Search on investigative websites. L1ly got tricked in platforming them. I blocked her and a few followers no email to use to private message.
Tumblr media
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opinated-user · 2 months
@britts-galaxy-brain here is the clip where LO gave birth to the Brittanyverse. i had actually forgotten that MO was there for this and reaffirms this theory lol
warning: LO is coughing and sniffing through a lot of this.
according to her, because on tumblr you can have multiple blogs this means that i have to be Brittany.
because nobody else in the internet cares to talk about LO, i guess.
there's really no more logic than that being used. she doesn't even try to say that we write similar (we don't), that we talk about the same things (we don't, beyond LO) or that anything about us is even remotely similar beyond the two of us having pokemons as our pfp.
just like her claim that other trans women are terfs for calling her out, this was always just nothing that she still wanted people to take seriously with nothing but her word to back it up.
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asunnycoffee · 9 months
Mate I say this genuinely from the bottom of my heart, stop engaging with Lily Orchard and her friends, even if you believe the (frankly Shakey) claims against her there's genuinely no reason for you to bother, it's not your fight, it's really not your business, just live your life without dragging your own sword of Damocles behind you constantly.
Excuse me?
“Shakey claims”?
I’m sorry, SHAKEY? There is nothing but evidence pointing towards that venomous cunts behavior. Nothing that would make me believe otherwise. All it took me was Britt sending me the chatlogs and I wanted nothing to do with Lily Orchard.
Look at this post: https://www.tumblr.com/britts-galaxy-brain/718333457953144832/my-response-to-lilys-rant-about-me?source=share
Look at Courtney’s entire damn blog:https://www.tumblr.com/pleasetiemyshoe
After that, come back and tell me what “shakey claims” there are you fucking cunt.
“just live your life without dragging your own sword of Damocles behind you constantly”
Oh yeah let me just casually stop getting pissed at the woman who’s content encouraged my hyper sexuality, destroyed my childhood as a result, and consistently makes feel like I’m crazy even when I’m no longer interacting with her. The same woman who’s wife lured me into getting closer with her. The same woman who only liked me for my ethnicity and consistently sexualizes Asians, which would’ve further encouraged my hypersexuality if I was a remaining viewer. The same woman who just thinking about being directly around her again is enough to make me vomit. Yeah let me just stop panicking at the idea of her taking her power over me again. Yeah, let me just stop feeling like everything that went down between us was my responsibility even though I was barely a legal adult and that her wife totally wasn’t interacting with me when I was seventeen years old. Yeah, let me just do that.
You fucking hear yourself? I interacted a singular god damn time with Ginger after I was done with that bitch and I regret it, I’ve made that clear. But who the actual hell are you to tell me how to act? Who are you to call my experiences that I lose sleep over “sword of Damocles”?
I’m sorry that I feel pure rage for the woman who could’ve actually gotten into legitimate contact with me if I’d allowed her. Really fucking sorry that I feel so disconnected from my younger self, the one who did nothing but sexualize himself because of her content, that I don’t even recognize that as me in pictures.
I’m just oh so sorry that I, a victim of stalking that STILL has me worried for my life, did not appreciate being accused of stalking people based off of ONE reblog.
Come off anon and tell me this to my face. Fucking try it you piece of shit.
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