#brig o’ broin
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Happy Pride fellow vermin! Go forth and be gay!
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Brig the Beast and Mad Lad Lorcan. Fierce competitors in the ring.
Art: @bajingoarts
Author: @suzie-guru
From the Comic Ratterrock! Support the comic on Patreon!
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Lorcan can hit me with the Regal rizz any day
Also Soairse is so real for that, actually me when I saw Brig’s design
No I don’t have a type I swear
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Brig is VERY confused about all the thirstiness she’s inspiring, and when Brig gets confused she gets growly and snappy. You lot best be careful…
Art by @bajingoarts! Join her Patreon and get more of the Brig Rizz (The Brizz).
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I'm curious, if the cast have any hobbies they do in their free time or to relax?
(The world is too chaotic, hope they all have a peaceful day😔)
Thank you so much for sending this, the crew definitely needs those moments of relaxation and fun…
Locke loves playing his viola, playing music is very therapeutic for him, releasing the tension and giving voice to the emotions it is so very hard for him to speak about. Like the violin it’s an instrument that elicits haunting sounds and sadness, but it’s darker and richer in tone. He gets so ticked off when people mistake it for a violin. 
He likes reading nonfiction books, with the exception of a few novels, and also enjoys attending concerts where he can close his eyes and sink into the music like water…but because his work is so important to him, he doesn’t really make time for himself to do such things. 
Once upon a time, he loved playing chess with Regal. 
Regal plays the piano, a versatile instrument adept at both classic and contemporary music. Playing is very therapeutic for him, releasing tension and turmoil and allowing him a way to “speak” to the emotions so many would be horrified by. 
He loves to read a variety of different things, nonfiction and novels and plays and poetry and essays, and enjoys attending the theater as well. However, due to his work, he’s very busy and hasn’t had much time to himself. 
Once upon a time, he loved playing chess with Locke. 
Sorcha adores reading, and her absolute favorite book is “The Phantom of the Opera” - she’s very proud to have a first edition in her personal library! She is very much a patron of the arts in general, always looking for new art galleries and museums to explore, theaters and shows to attend. She also loves being wealthy enough to be able to shop at high fashion stores for all sorts of treasures to adorn herself with, and all the owners are thrilled that a beauty like her wears their wares…
Lorcan’s biggest passion is boxing, he’s an absolute legend in the ring and loves to lose himself in a good match, facing off with a worthy opponent. He also loves swimming as well but doesn’t get to do it too much, which is a shame as it really helps with his aches and pains. For quieter moments he likes to whittle and play cards. 
Rilla’s biggest passion is dancing, a love that her mother passed onto her, it is her joy and her escape from whatever weighs her down. She also LOVES designing and sketching dresses and clothing, and would love to bring her creations to life but she’s never been able to find someone to teach her how to sew. She also is known in her social circle to be a dab hand at crafting some stunning flower crowns. 
Lu loves to write, especially stories about magic and fantasy and girls finding themselves through challenges. She visits the library and bookshops whenever she can. She also enjoys watercolors, especially landscapes and flowers. 
Brig was taught to box by her father and she’s been a devoted boxer ever since, and is an absolute beast in the ring. She finds working out to be very relaxing as well, a good way to center herself and enjoy the burn of her body. 
Bogdan loves composing music, he’s very talented and likes to take his inspiration from the natural world. He’s also avid about charting the stars, and spends much of his time studying the skies.
Casimir will actually be gaining a hobby in the comic! But as for right now, he loves playing cards and gambling, especially when the stakes are high…
Clifford likes good old fashioned English hunting, shooting after crickets and beetles and birds (they aren’t sentient in this world). 
Thank you again for sending this! As we introduce more characters I’m gonna come back to this post and reblog it with their favorite hobbies, this was a wonderful character exploration exercise. And it doesn’t even touch on what the couples like to do together…
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Yall can have the men, I want to smooch Brig. I love me a woman who could actually snap my spine <33
10/10 would be her housewife
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Ooooh, the fangirls are out and about and this pleases us SO much. To quote Baji about Brig, “I made her for the gay girls.”
Brig, meanwhile, is both very prickly and very flustered at so much attention. “Didn’t any of y’hear me when I said I bite?!”
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How would the characters react to being kissed?
Locke: Locke has zero social skills in even the most humdrum matters, so kisses in general? He would leap away as soon as someone leaned in and scramble under a table to escape. “I—I have a thing! A thing that’s happening! And that I need to get to! Goodbye!”
And that’s the polite response. The other one involves more teeth. However, if he wanted a kiss from a certain someone…well, his reaction would be quite different.
Regal: Padraic is a suave and smooth man who is very good at maintaining his composure - it takes a great deal to ruffle him. Even when taking this into account, his reaction would depend on who was trying to kiss him.
If it was a lady, he would be very gentlemanly but discourage her from such affections, unless there was something vital to him that could be gained from encouraging her attention. If a man tried, well…he might be a bit more amiable, provided he was a tasty little morsel that Pads could sink his teeth into. He’d smirk and arch a brow, his rich voice a purr. “You’re a bold one, aren’t you? That can be amusing…”
If you’re not to his liking, however, walk away when he gives you the chance to…and while you still have blood in your veins.
Sorcha: Much like her eldest brother, Sorcha is cool and collected and very much able to slip into the role of both seductress or sweetly seduced. If she can gain something from the person who kisses her, she’ll bat her lush lashes and those rose petal lips will curve oh so beguilingly. “Hmmmm, that’s one way to get my attention…now, pet, how are you going to keep it…?”
However, if she finds you tiresome, you’re getting a slap, and that’s the gentle response. Pray you don’t get the blunt one.
Lorcan: Lorcan is such a gregarious and lusty man, if you planted a kiss on him he’d happily spin you into his arms and dip you into a deep kiss that will send your shoes popping off. He’s never met a lad or lassie who he hasn’t enjoyed, and he’s charmed them both. “Ain’t y’just the finest thing on two legs, eh? You need a strapping fella like meself to keep ya company? The fee is more of those sweet kisses, love.”
Soairse: If a lovely lady asked for a kiss, she would awkwardly accept with a very adorable flush on her face. If they took one she would try very hard to lecture them on consent but still be very flustered.
If a man kissed her, she’d straight up deck them. “MY BODY MY CHOICE, AND I AIN’T CHOOSING YOU MATE!”
Rilla: She’s had kisses from lads and lassies, and she loves a sweet smooch from someone she fancies. But only as long as she liked them! Boors who force their attentions are just that, boors.
But with someone she liked, she’d blush prettily and bit her lip flirtatiously and hit them with her big dark starry eyes. “Goodness, you’re sweet! And I do have a sweet tooth…”
Brig: From a pretty lass? She’d roll her eyes and gently push them back, but smirk a bit. “Careful, missy…doncha know rats bite?”
From a man? She’d tear his lips off and keep them as a trophy.
Luella: Luella is a reserved soul, so any kind of intimate attention would startle her. After she gathered herself, though, and if the person happened to be someone she likes...
She’d lower dark lashes on flushed cheeks before chancing a soft but sultry look, licking her lips a little before she spoke. “You…you’re welcome to try that again…”
Bogdan: Bogdan has no time for petty pleasures and delicious distractions, and would firmly reprimand any party who would attempt to kiss him - he is a very busy man, and he will not let his carefully maintained reputation as the Duke of the Night Court be marred by rumors of stolen kisses.
If one Miss Sorcha Regal was the party attempting it, however…well, it’s a good thing that his study and her dressing room have such sturdy locks.
Casimir: Of he likes them and they kiss him, Casimir will bite them (playful/passionately).
If he doesn’t like them and they kiss him, Casimir will bite them (OUCH/OH GOD PLEASE LET GO PLEEEEASE).
Clifford: Clifford would calmly step back and smile very charmingly. “Aren’t you the rascal, hmm? I’m a married man, can’t have that, can I? And as a highly respected agent of the law, I’ve got a reputation to think of…”
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Part Two for Ratterrock voice claims!
An enormous thanks to @bajingoarts for putting these TikTok’s together!
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Brig and Lorcan in boxing gear?? Hello?? Marriage please-
I bed of thee, I am *weak* in my goddamn knees for these two I swear-
I don’t think anyone would blame you!
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