#brian cox is hot
petits-moutons-noirs · 9 months
most. inspiring. piece. i’ve. read. all. year. this unlocked some shit in me (n i need to grasp it better…);
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“The drink they’re making now looks like bong water with tiny floating tennis balls inside. Munchie brings her hand to cover her mouth when she laughs, and her chin tucks frequently. Mixie’s inscrutable squint is imitated by die-hards on TikTok. Of the choice not to speak in their videos, Munchie expresses fatigue. ​‘Honestly, the internet is too loud. The feed is too loud. TikTok is too loud. I’m scrolling and I just want everyone to shut the fuck up.’”
Too many gems, but tldr they get it. gaming-life-cosplay. vision. intent. observation. patterns. connections.
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dirtgrubroy · 1 year
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name something more ground breaking, iconic, changed the trajectory of history etc.
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hauntedandmurdered · 4 months
Brian Cox was the first one to play the character Hannibal Lecter.
Mads Mikkelsen was the one to play him last.
Anthony Hopkins is the one who owns the role forever.
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Feelings in order:
Wait Liz Hurley is in Sharpe
Wow Liz Hurley is always saucy isn't she?
Wait no Sharpe don't forget Teresa!
Oh he didn't forget
Oh he's going to sleep with Liz Hurley anyway
Oh wtf no Teresa shoot the bastard
Nooooooo x 1 million
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dykecrawler · 10 months
maybe i dont want to be saved maybe i want to trust and believe in the good of mankind maybe i want to see love and kindness in all of us
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
The vast blue supergiant stars like Deneb are extremely hot and extremely luminous.
"Human Universe" - Professor Brian Cox and Andrew Cohen
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mysharona1987 · 6 months
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Brian Cox looking hot in his youth and still sorta hot in his older years.
I never doubted Kerry was genuinely into him, even if he was 84.
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The fact that aside from Brian Cox no one in succession is really a big name actor is so funny cause everyone in the fandom is going "ohmygod he's so hot" and the photos are just like
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maturemenoftvandfilms · 6 months
Have you seen Brian Cox's BBC Maestro content? In the previews that I have seen, he seems to be manspreading a lot to the camera. Really hot. Wish I could watch the whole thing.
No. But I'll watch it eventually.
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nikadd · 2 years
i only care about drama and having fun on the internet which is why i propose that jensen ackles should guest star on succession. im thinking he should be a beto o'rourke-type hot texas presidential hopeful democrat running against the roys' far right choice (you tell him he's gonna be texan and he would sign up asap)
here are my ideas for how the characters would have scenes/storylines with him:
logan: wishes that man didn't exist. i want the word "euthanize" to come out of brian cox's mouth.
connor: is 100% sure that he's a communist.
kendall: they went to college together. kendall keeps bringing up college-time memories and events in a very awkward and swagless way. jensen's character also has daddy issues so they gotta talk abt it at some point in some fucked up way. i think they should get drunk and just sit against a wall and talk shit about their fathers.
roman: on a recon mission to find out what's the deal with this dude bc roman's in a pseudosexual relationship with that nazi guy and so he has to protect his interests. a yet another homoerotic scene set in a public bathroom.
shiv: trying to use her democratic connections. they probably fucked a long time ago. she thinks it might work on him but no dice.
tom: somehow bothered over everyone talking how hot that guy is. has come up with a few choice fanciful words and descriptions for him. as he's team logan rn, has to deal with that dude but also delegates some of it to greg.
greg: is somehow almost recruited into jensen's character's campaign staff????? like he's having his west wing moment.
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daylander1000 · 10 months
HotD vs GoT (season 1) ?
I've seen many comparisons between the two and according to some critics (quite a lot of them tbh) HotD is superior or has a potential to be because... reasons. Now, while I do believe that, while comparisons are always odious they sometimes make, but this one is really weird and unjust because a lot of people are still disappointed with how GoT ended (personally, I wasn't happy with how some things played out either, especially in the last two seasons, but I am definitely not that upset four years later and actually remember the show as a whole more or less fondly) and this disappointment together with anti D&D discourse probably clouds the judgement. However, they seem to ignore that GoT had 8 seasons and was mostly well liked and praised until the last two, while HOTD has barely begun and already has many problems writing-wise imho. Will those same people, after HOTD ends (and there is no way that everyone will be satisfied with the ending) retrospectively start to hate everything they are praising right now, I wonder? I do sincerely hope that HotD will improve and that every new season will be better then the previous one, but based strictly on the first seasons (I recently rewatched GoT s1) it's GoT >> HotD.
What do you think?
I didn't like GOT. I didn't watch it properly. I tuned in to see how they did some of the bigger moments like Red Wedding and Purple Wedding, and I watched the last two seasons just for asoiaf closure, and honestly, I liked the GOT ending, more or less.
Not Dany being killed by Jon, or Arya vs Night King, or King Bran, but Dany burning the whole place down. Her arc's sort of going there in the books imo. I'm a simple woman—I'm in this for the dragons and for Drogon burning things. I wanted to see Stoneheart and Young Griff and those storylines, but I will take Drogon burning things.
I truly don't get the pretense that HOTD is better than GOT or that Codal & co are in any way better than D&D. I'm giving them less points actually because they saw how GOT unraveled and they've made zero improvements. D&D at least have an excuse—Martin promised to have the books finished when they started. They signed on to adapt, not finish asoiaf on their own strengths. It's a complicated thing that even the creator is struggling with after a decade. They tried, at least.
Codal and co are already floundering in S1. They've already lost narrative coherence. Even the characters aren't coherent. And yes, you can use a time skip to just wave a "People change" flag at all the inconsistencies but come on.
In their defence tho, "And then all the hyper-intelligent special rare sentient magic dragons killed each other in the stupidest ways ever for no real reason" is not an easy story to tell without an extreme amount of hand-waving.
I don't think F&B should exist. I think Martin should have looked it over a couple of times like "Hot six-year-old? Jumping from one dragon to another? WTF is this? This ain't it. Nope."
Honestly, I think HBO just has a bunch of media people on the payroll hyping them up so they can use the emmys for free advertising. Brian Cox is up for a lead actor Emmy with a grand total of three episodes? It's not TV, just HBO living by HBO rules. If they say it's better then it's better. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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retropopcult · 2 years
"Dancing in the Dark" is a song written and performed by American rock icon Bruce Springsteen. It was the first single released from his 1984 album, Born in the U.S.A. and spent four weeks at #2 on the Billboard Hot 100 (it was kept out of the top spot by Prince’s When Doves Cry).
Springsteen wrote "Dancing In the Dark" in a single night, after Jon Landau convinced him that the album needed a single. Adding uptempo synthesizer riffs to his sound for the first time against his characteristic hard-driving backbeat, the mix of the two was a resounding success as the single sold over one million units n the U.S. alone and became his biggest hit, helping the album become the best-selling album of his career.
Directed by Brian De Palma, the video was shot at the Saint Paul Civic Center in Minnesota, in June of 1984. The first night was a pure video shoot, the second was on the opening date of the actual Born in the U.S.A. Tour.  Springsteen and the E Street Band performed the song twice during that show to allow De Palma to get all the footage he needed. It is a straight performance video, with Springsteen not playing a guitar, allowing him to invite a young woman from the audience, performed by Courteney Cox, to dance along with him on the stage at the end. Although De Palma had told him who he was supposed to choose, Springsteen thought she was just a pre-selected fan attending and did not know until afterward that she was a professional actress. Cox has stated that she was one of many that Springsteen could have selected and that she was secretly hoping to not be picked, since “I was really nervous and I’m not a very good dancer.”  When she got pulled up on stage she says she resorted to “mirroring Bruce’s movements ... you’ll notice I just do what he does.”
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thezfc · 10 months
I feel like w/the influx of serious television like The Bear, Succession, & the shift from major franchise blockbusters if he doesn’t branch out soon (as in have one of those development hell projects actually leave purgatory 😭) he won’t be a hot commodity in Hollywood anymore. I mean men age out too, far later than the women 🙄 but without hit projects backing him I don’t know how much PR pap walks & announcements of in dev. shows he can churn out before producers & directors move on to someone else.
Matt Smith seemed to have a renaissance career wise after Doctor Who with/HoTD & the memes that morbius spawned. David Tennant is constantly doing a highbrow BBC show & he’s co-leading Good Omens on prime.
I also wonder why Tom hasn’t worked with Branagh or Del Toro again. Both directors love to reuse actors. Especially since Del Toro had a netflix show drop just last year and Branagh’s third Poirot movie is coming out next month I believe?
But that’s just it, if he can get the right project it would be huge. You mention Succession, pretty much all of the actors that are in that weren’t famous besides maybe a Brian Cox has been around for a long time and Matthew MacFayden who did Pride and Prejudice so long ago and child actor Kieran Culkin. Now they are swimming in Emmy noms and, I assume, scripts.
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bustyasianbeautiespod · 8 months
The Them taking out the Horsemen narratively and thematically important for GO’s view on humanity and love and community… but I do always find it a little underwhelming tbh. This is also true for me in the book, but the book makes the visual parallels between each of the Them and their respective Horseman clearer so it made more sense. In the book we also have the Them gathering play versions of the Horsemen’s summoning items.
And no for sure “cheek” was about the “gentlemen” comment. You bring in Brian Cox for the absolute gravitas and you make him do that, smh.
Speaking of the ladies, to your point about Pepper being a feminist but her hold on what that means is unclear… do they kind of write Anathema like that as well? Is it ok because basically everyone except Adam is an idiot, so the women should be silly as well? Like even our main ethereal girlies are wildly incompetent and that’s what spurs the whole story (but hot, important to remember they’re both insanely hot and in love, and so they are forgiven because I have principles).
What I’m saying here is thank you for making a 3+ hour ep that I am 1/3 of the way through lol
HI!! agreed on the underwhelmingness in both show and book. it's more disappointing for it to be eh in the book bc you'd think that gaiman - who has written a lot of quite good children's books - would be able to capture the whole power of belief/fairytale logic idea behind that scene while imbuing it w actual intrigue, but ig that's just not rlly the tone the book was going for? and i like that they braided a crown out of grass and got a stick sword and everything! and that wensley swung the play scales around like a weapon it's a fun visual!
THANKS FOR THE CONFIRMATION. he literally made death sexist. he made DEATH sexist. that wasn't even in the book he just wanted to make death sexist. DEATH!!!!!!!!!! spn-ass writing (i don't even know if death is sexist in spn but uriel feels sexist sometimes and it's like. that is an entire angel who hates humanity and the earth so so much that he actually wouldn't develop an understanding of gender or the patriarchy imo)
yeah, i do think anathema is written similarly to pepper regarding her beliefs- she feels them very strongly but some are misguided or based on misinfo. it does make sense that everyone's incompetent bc i think gomens is about how it's not the best of humanity who save the world, it's some cringefail weirdos with a passion for something and who are trying, which is quite nice! but it does feel different when wensley's quirk is saying "actually" a lot and pepper's is... being a feminist? like everything is political but anathema and pepper's things are more directly political. and it is perfectly fine to make fun of feminists/lefties who don't rlly know their shit through specific instances of character writing if the show at large still values feminism and leftism, but given how the women are written (also HE MADE DEATH SEXIST????) and the things grey and i mentioned about the use of north africa in ep 2, gomens also falls short there. it's all a mixed bag though - obv pepper's "i do not endorse everyday sexism" is part of her Hero Moment, so we are supposed to admire her for her beliefs there, but we're clearly supposed to laugh at "another deluded victim of the patriarchy" and the did-you-just-assume-my-gender-esque exchange during the bike convo in ep 1. and obv you don't have to Make An Unambiguous Statement through clapping and cheering every time one specific char says things, but when you make one character The Feminism Character, it does feel like you're making a statement even in places you aren't. but again, this rlly would all be fine and forgotten if the women were written better
damn that got long but i loveee that you called aziraphale and crowley "our main ethereal girlies." they rlly rlly are. and thank YOU for this ask!!! it was a joy to answer <3
- Crystal :)
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measuringbliss · 2 years
My review of Succession S1
Okay, here's the thing: the show mostly sucks for me. I'm not talking "fun" sucks, I'm talking "when it's not effective, it's boring as fuck and misses the mark at every corner". The performances are great! The cinematography is fine although the color palette is dreary and a lot of scenes are just too dark for my poor screen. The soundtrack is uninteresting: you've got a few songs, but then the one lyricless track is the opening, and it gets derivations about once or twice during the episode, sometimes slower or whatnot. It's uninteresting, it's flat, it's *there* and that's it.
My issue is the story. It's centered around the two most uninteresting, unfun, déjà vu, boring characters of the show. The dad who's a jerk, hates everyone and whose kids are terrified of? Scandal did it better. In seven seasons, Papa Pope was overly used but at least he was still somewhat interesting. After two episodes, I was already sick of Brian Cox and his grumpiness. Oh, his kids are trying to overthrow him? Bet they're gonna fail again and again. Oh, he's above the law? That's something I've never seen. /s
And then you've got Kendall, who plainly sucks. He sucks, he sucks and he sucks. Oh, the son who's got a heart but who's too weak-willed to face his dad? Who has been in rehab once and gets back into his addiction mid-season? Who honestly believes everything's going to work out his way when he's incompetent af? Who causes his own demise? OH MY GOD. HE'S SO UNINTERESTING. SHOW MORE OF THE OTHER CHARACTERS. Show me bitchy Gerry, who fakes her loyalties whenever she needs to, only tries to get the best deal and generally acts like your lesbian aunt who's done with humanity. Show me Martia, the step-mother who obviously has plans for her son to inherit the riches, doesn't try to hide it and throws random (and accurate) French in her sentences just because she can. Show me Connor, who's Trump but hot and naive. Show me Siobhan, who's doing her best boss bitch impression without really believing in it and turns against her family for her political carrier. Show me the Evil Bitch of the West, as Siobhan calls her, her mother who's deliciously bitchy and funny. Show me literally any other characters than those two who don't provide anything exciting or new or fun to follow! Ep 9 was my favorite episode because it's just every characters planning stuff and being bitchy with each other. It works! It's great! But then Ep 10 is flat, predictable, slow, full of missed opportunities, it's a slog and I shouldn't feel the need to press forward whenever Logan or Kendall are on screen.
Fuck this. Scandal was better. Succession seems like an intellectual show because the characters mention stock markets, have ambiguous discussions and it spends far too many scenes on Kendall's relapse, but at least Scandal knew that Olivia and Eli Pope weren't the *only* characters, it knew to make things thrilling even to the point of ridiculousness, and it had a banger soundtrack too!
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libraryfag · 1 year
my parents have forced me into watching the bbc war and peace show and we're currently 5/6 episodes in and here are my thoughts
i was super bored at the start but im getting more and more invested as the series goes on
Pierre is just like Marius Pontmercy forreal
speaking of which i like Paul Dano in this a lot more than in the batman, but i love how he has to be incredibly pathetic at all times
Brian Cox and Kit Conner are there as well which i find hilarious
I'm convinced that the designer of uhm Certain Dresses wanted to specifically hurt me in some way, as they're an insult to 19th century fashion
I'd heard of the incest before but i wasn't expecting That Much
it makes a lot of sense that this was made by the same people as Merlin.
Helene is hot in the same way as Morgana
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