#brain: so which ship would you like xiao? the canon popular one? the non canon but still popular one? or the spicy one?
velinxi · 2 years
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How can I let you know? I'm more than the dress and the voice?
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humanlighthouse · 3 years
Your answers are always so nice! Then, I'm going to ask for the hot topic of the very moment: Liu Sang for "GIVE ME A CHARACTER I’ll break their ass down" game! On an other note, did you watch "tomb of the sea" or TLT3?
Thanks for sending questions in the first place!! It’s always a lot of fun answering those ^^ I..........did not watch either of those. I will most likely NEVER watch Sha Hai because I don’t like senseless angst and Xiaoge is half of my interest in DMBJ so 8 minutes of screentime won’t cut it lol I will definitely get around to watching TLT3 someday but I’m just not...emotionally ready to face it? They’re the closest to the characters as they are in my head and it’s WEIRD to see them on screen! (don’t judge, my brain is strange 😭)
Okay, Liu Sang now! 
How I feel about this character: I like him, for the most part! He is fun and prickly, also incredibly competent. His introduction was fantastic, I was sold on him instantly. I don't particularily enjoy the trauma bits, they feel a little overdone to me, and his adoration of Xiaoge makes me cringe SO OFTEN. Thankfully he grows out of this. I love his character arc and the happy polycule friend group at the end of Reboot make me Very Happy.
All the people I ship romantically with the character: KANJIAN. Kanjian, my beloved. They are perfect for each other. I will not take questions on this, but I will take the opportunity to hype @foxofninetales 's amazing fic The Language of Flour once again, because I've read it like fifteen times and I was crying with laughter at every one of them.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Pangzi!! I love all of their interactions. I also really appreciate how his relation with Wu Xie grows throughout Reboot? He and Xiao Bai also make a fantastic team, one fic on my WIP list has them leading the search team for the missing Iron Triangle and people get the wrong idea about them because they become Instant Bffs but it's Dumb And Sappy wlw/mlm solidarity. I'm just happy he gets friends??
My unpopular opinion for this character: I.......profoundly dislike seeing him paired with the Iron Triangle and/or PingXie? No shade here, it's just very much not my thing. I know it's super popular and there are probably some excellent fics about that but I will regretfully abstain from reading them 🙏 I also tend to think that he has suffered enough and should be wrapped in very large fluffy blankets and possibly the bare and muscular arms of the local himbo and allowed to take A Nap, which the whump-fanatics will probably disagree with :p
One thing I wish would happen / had happened to this character in canon: I would love more interactions between him and Huo Daofu! Also possibly Xiao Hua. They should get to have tea and complain about their stupid, fashion-sense-deprived friends. Snarky bitches rights ✊
Thanks again friend! <3
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valen-but-not-tine · 4 years
rwby & hwbf5
Favorite character: Yang Xiao Long, no hesitation. 
Second favorite character: Ruby Rose. this was a little harder to choose but I feel like Ruby is the best embodiment of why RWBY means so much to me, which is best summed up with a line she had back in v1 her conversation with blake in shining beacon pt 2 really struck a chord with me blake: the world isn’t the same as a fairy tale Ruby: well that’s why we’re here, to make it better
Least favorite character: this is actually hard to answer just bc the first answers that come to mind I am now at a point where I’m able to step back and say the writers have improved drastically, and if they were to rewrite v1 now, every issue I have with them would probably be a non issue (Jaune Arc and Sun Wukong). like I feel like my big issues with them were in how they were written not in what they were, which arguably how they were written is how they are, but before rwby they were known for a show where they dub over halo for the animation and let’s plays, they’re not the monopoly that is Disney, and because they have improved in writing and this show means so much to me, I’m willing to give them some leniency. 
now that I’ve given a large paragraph on why it’s not those 2 I’m gonna say Taiyang Xiao Long, I project on to Yang a lot, and he reminds me of my dad a lot, so a lot of my issues with my dad get thrown onto those 2.
The character I’m most like: Did I mention the reason Yang is so unshakable as my fav is that I relate/project onto her a huge amount?
Favorite pairing: Bumbleby; Yang and Blake. I’m very picky about romance stuff, but this pairing means a lot to me. it’s the first queer rep I’ve found that I didn’t go looking for/know about going in, it found me. I’ve been following rwby since it was just the trailers, while I haven’t always been active in the fndm I’ve been here long enough I remember the first discourse where some people had their expectations shattered when it turned out to be a school anime (for the first few volumes at least). That would have been 9th grade for me, and the slow realization that hey this is happening hit me like a train over and over again bc I just couldn’t really believe it at first. 
Least favorite pairing: there’s a lot I could say here, there are so many ships in rwby, most of them mediocre, some of them straight up bad (abusive, tauradonna, whatever the shipname for cinder/emerald is). but I’m gonna go straight for an unpopular opinion, Renora is the epitome of a comp het, they remind me of my first boyfriend before I realized I was somewhere on the aro spectrum. as of right now the only time I actually like it is when it’s poly with Jaune (and Pyrrha). It wouldn’t bother me that much but it’s so prevalent. Like maybe I should be grateful they’re not giving us any of the other painfully straight ships, white knight, blacksun, Ruby/Jaune, but even those aren’t as bad (to me personally and my tastes) bc they don’t look like they’re going to be canon, so it’s just ship and let ship, but renora as of right now just reminds me too much of we’ve been best friends forever and “he was a boy, she was a girl, can I make it anymore obvious.”
like if anyone reading ships it all the power to you, as long as you’re not shitting on other ships or seriously shipping something abusive I don’t care that much, I’m just very picky with romance and renora hits a lot of boxes that tic me off
Favorite moment: The talk with Yang and Raven in the Vault under Haven. Listen I chose my name, so my name’s meaning has a lot of meaning to me, The root Val, it’s the same root as valor, means strength (also worth but that’s secondary, or at least secondary in my choosing Valen) hearing Yang tell her mother she doesn’t know the first thing about strength. “yeah I’m scared. but I’m still standing here.” it means a lot to me.
Rating out of 10: 100 
I’ve been here since the beginning to watch RWBY grow and improve, it’s shown itself to have staying power in my heart, and from v1 it’s “thematic goal” is one I try to live by (shown in Ruby and Blake’s talk in v1e3 shining beacon pt 2) and the world building really sticks with me, love me fantasy super powers and magic.
Hot Wheels: Battle Force 5
Favorite character: Tezz Volitov. he’s weird to describe bc normally his character archtype annoys me, but it’s different with him. he’s an arrogant asshole but he’s my arrogant asshole.
Second favorite character: Agura Ibaden
Least favorite character: Grimmian. he just annoys me. he’s nothing without Krytus backing him up, and while we don’t know what he was doing before he tried (and failed bc he’s not good at fighting, driving, or scheming without krytus) to take over the Vandals, but he should’ve stayed there. Grimmian is a pawn with nothing that holds my interest. Kalus kept Grimmian around bc Grimmian was necessary for the plot(not really tho they could’ve given us the vandals falling apart and turning against themselves with one of the characters we already had who had expressed interest in taking lead). Oh my god he’s Starscream if Starscream were incompetent. except starscream doesn’t need a patron that hates and plans to dispose of him when he’s no longer useful in order to try to take power. he’s never successful but at least he tries on his own. As far as we know Grimmian had no ambition without Krytus manipulating him.
The character I’m most like: This is harder to answer than for rwby, but then again rwby has the character I relate/project onto the most out of any thing. Probably Agura or Tezz, there’s a reason those 2 are my favorites after all.
Favorite pairing: I know my rwby opinions didn’t show this but I’m not much of a shipper, one of the things I like about this show is there isn’t much unnecessary romance. If I had to say I guess Sherman and Tezz. Pair the brains together.
Least favorite pairing: Agura and Stanford. it’s the stereotypical guy and girl fighting so that means they’re in love. like the show doesn’t make that a thing, but I know if hwbf5 were more popular the fanbase would’ve. oh and Zoom and Vert (well zoom and anybody) “there’s no canon ages!” yeah sure but I can still watch the group interactions and how they treat each other and be uncomfy about it if I wanna.
Favorite moment: every time Tezz is on screen. Tezz’s introduction “I am the rebel army” all of the lord of the kharamanos episode. actually now that I’m thinking about it that episode is probably what sets tezz apart from his normal archetype for me.
Rating out of 10: this is my comfort show of all comfort shows, I have no joke, it exceeds any rating system. Oh I’m having a bad time and terribly anxiety ridden? no I’m not cause it’s hot wheels time.
That’s a lot of words I hope that’s what you wanted!! thanks for the ask!!
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