#book of hours (game)
aeolianasio · 8 months
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reads like warning text in cultist simulator/book of hours that i would simply ignore
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cuddledemon · 8 months
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Found some principles in the wild (at a flea market)
Bought myself the Forge one
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4denthusiast · 28 days
People keep saying the librarian in Book of Hours is more of a normal functional person than the cultist, and that may be true, but my librarian at least has somehow acquired a hundred-odd occult skills and 15 languages and gotten to the point where they can write a history of their choosing with enough force that it becomes the truth (or at least one truth), but still hasn't worked out how to clean their dirty laundry from that time they fell ill while moving in a decade ago. There are a bunch of these little things that it feels like there must be some way to do with their own unique mechanics but nothings I've tried seems to work. I spent an excessively long time trying to collect serpent eggs in the forest before working out how to get chicken eggs too.
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ambrosiafaery · 9 months
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tfw when you forget to check the date and Skill Upgrade Day lands at the first day of the season
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froshele · 9 months
wondrous realization: the existence within the cultist sim/book of hours universe of occult examples of cinema made by scary bigwigs in britain implies the existence of the same in the colonies.
the colonies... including india, which from the pov of the librarian and cultist will not be independent for at least 17 more years.
the first feature film made on indian soil was made in 1913, and by the 1930s, bollywood was concretely taking shape and doing its thing.
all i'm saying is that at around the same time as chris illopoly was camping out in brancrug and blowing his nose into the curtains of the barber's tower, it's not impossible that somewhere very far away another young adept was having a very different time, equally intimately involving a camera.
the bush around which i am beating is that at least some of the allegedly horrific occult filmography treasured and feared by types such as the aspirant therefore consists of ... probably benign musicals in hindi, and moreover that some of these musicals are filmed by people who got suppressed for the completely banal reason that they summoned and choreographed 20 percussigants, due to they couldn't afford to pay a chorus line, and Sharmaji ka beta (that most feared and admired of adepts) said he'd do it for love of the craft
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hush-house-yard-sale · 9 months
The Hush House Card Catalogue
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@baja-blasted @terephin (please ignore the crabs)
//So the software I'm using to keep track of my books, lore bits, etc. is called Seatable! It wasn't my first choice for this project, I'm more familiar with Airtable (I've used it professionally), but Airtable's free plan doesn't let you color-code :c
//Seatable is a website that looks a lot like google sheets, but instead of building a spreadsheet, you're building a database. I knew I wanted a database rather than a spreadsheet for my card catalogue because it became pretty apparent early on that a spreadsheet would mean a lot of duplicate entries and be a lot more work to maintain, as well as monumentally more work if I wanted to use it for reference.
//My database isn't finished, and so I'm not really comfortable making it public, but I'm happy to walk through some of the things that I like most about it, that made me choose to make a database rather than a spreadsheet.
//The main things that were really important to me was being able to have (and filter by) multiple items in the same column, having lots of cross-linking between the different sheets in the base, and having different views depending on what I was looking to reference.
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//These are my different tables right now, and the way they work is that each table has the most detailed information on each item, e.g. Books has the most detail on books, and Skills has the most detail on skills. But I have columns in each table that allow me to crosslink between them.
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//So for each book, I have listed the skill and memory they give, but instead of writing each out individually it links to the corresponding entry in skills/memories
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//And then over in the memories tab it has all the detail on the aspects, which wisdoms it can be committed to...
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//...and every book this skill can be found in and every item it can be used to craft. And those boxes can be expanded so they're easier to read as well!
//I can also group and sort things in different views. My default view for books, for example, splits them into two categories—whether I've read the book or not—and then sorts the books in each category alphabetically. But I also have one that groups them all by mystery and then sorts them from low to high, and I have another that groups them by topic. Each of these views also omits columns that aren't relevant to that particular view, for example, if I'm searching for books by mystery to give to a visitor, it's important to know the author because it's fun to give people books they themselves have written, but I don't really care about what memories that book gives, or when I'm trying to connect lore dots, it doesn't matter whether or not the book is cursed and I don't need to include books I haven't read yet (and thus don't have topic tags for). The rows on the topic one are also bigger so I can better read the blurbs.
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//Well, the topic one actually groups by location, because when I group it by topic, it splits it into every combination of my topic tags, rather that giving me "here are all your books about the mansus" "here are all your books about Longs and Names" so I've stored them all in different places in the house depending on what books I think are relevant to one another.
//It's still in progress, I don't have everything written down yet, and I want more data for workbenches, and I want to try and see if there's a way for it to, say, auto-match skills/souls to workbenches for committing to the tree or crafting certain recipes. Also my color-coding is in shambles bc I'm waiting for a friend to recover from covid so that they can make me a greasemonkey script to make it a little less... corporate...
//But yeah! I like it a lot, and it works really well for my purposes. I highly recommend trying it out, and I'm happy to answer questions!
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after 53 hours of playtime, i somehow managed to figure out you can use inks to help with reading books. (yes it took me that long)
and the one question i have is: what is the Librarian even using the ink for?? does she like take margin notes in it? how does having an appropriate occult ink on hand make it easer to understand books 0_0
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ruffed-grouse · 9 months
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terephin · 7 months
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Each of those notifs is a book. (It's 8, since quality went bye suddenly)
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Also look at my rainbow table. It's gorgeous.
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nieloxychen · 5 months
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The Artist - 'Picasso? I'll give you Picasso.'
'Dada was a start. The Surrealist Manifesto? A step along the road, but only a step. The road goes nowhere, unless it goes into the Wood; and that's a road we can only walk in the dark. Wait, no, not 'in the dark'. 'In blood.' 'Hip-deep in blood.' Oh shut up. Give it to me, I'll write it - '
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cuddledemon · 8 months
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Once in 9 seasons British people can witness mysterious and mythical weather - sunny sky
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strikeslip · 10 months
countdown to this blog becoming a Book of Hours blog
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ambrosiafaery · 9 months
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my librarian, who has mastered every wisdom, but is still too stupid to cure their maladies
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froshele · 9 months
You know we pick on the Aspirant but I think we don't do it comprehensively at all, because even among cultists I think they truly are special.
Nobody else is entirely normal compared to the librarian either. It's just that they have solid reasons to be doing their thing:
1. Exile has the world's most dramatic relationship to his father possible and is hopping continents and cities instead of working it out, sure. But it's (partly) because he's an Antaean, and Duffoure Senior really and genuinely forreal sucks.
2. Dancer is ... in a possibly survival based position that they choose not to leave for better things despite knowing that it's full to the gills with horrific occult threats to wellbeing. To be fair, they are within rights to prefer that to the attention of their patrons, but basically on the we respect sex workers and, what, adult entertainers website I don't really need to elaborate on the fact that whatever Dancer gotta do is whatever Dancer gotta do. At some point it may switch from getting that bag to becoming a chorus dancer for the Thunderskin, or to becoming a full time esoteric furry, but to be honest go sib go I refuse to fault the Dancer for anything they're my favourite. They were in what may be read as an inescapable pipeline and they won that shit, no notes, pack it in everybody.
3. It is a beautiful day and Priest is a terrible priest, actually I'm unsure of what Priest's deal is, I think Priest might just be Priesting correctly. Their religious framework sacralizes their despair and mania, which like, ok, not healthy maybe, but it gets them through the day without chugging opium!
4. Detective and Physician are just ill but functioning guys with jobs who happen to have totally justified brushes with the Mansus and make some rash decisions.
5. Medium??? Is a totally legitimate businesswoman don't even fret about it :)
Aspirant, though. Aspirant isn't forced into their life nor has it thrust upon them nor do they respond in any sense normally to being willed a bunch of occult stuff - they're just, like... Like That, from the jump, from the moment they as a surly hospital janitor have access to occult concepts. And the Like That that they are is totally divorced from their mechanically represented condition; everyone else has the same condition. Nobody else seems to make the same choice for the same reason, Just Because They Can -- the ending text is the same but I think the context, right, the context really does a lot of quite heavy work here.
Everyone else is /capable/ of pursuing one of Aspirant's victories, but, um, they don't really... I mean their heart's not in it, nobody seriously reads it as canon when they do. I bet you didn't even remember it was possible to ascend under a different Hour as the Dancer!
Which brings me to this: nothing at all has happened to make the Aspirant talk or think in their very instrumental and personally cruel type of way. Their existence as a menial hospital worker is far from as precarious as some others', their main gripe seems to just be that it's not very stimulating.
There's no backstory causing it, they're not undead, they seem to have not been working before because they think it's beneath them, they don't metaphysically or personally /need/ to be doing what they do. They do what they do /specifically because they crave that mineral,/ that mineral being for some reason immortality and phenomenal cosmic power.
And they WANT it. They want to be an unspeakable bodiless radiance or an ithastry-golem or one of the Grail's heaps of awful devouring minions more than anyone should have strength to want anything. It's a fixation for them, an obsession, possibly a symptom of their mental illness, since we have to manage what is actually a very strongly crafted but probably unintentional representation of bipolar with schizoaffective traits.
From specifically the point of view of ludonarrative integration I think it's fair to diagnose everybody in that game with a dread-fascination cycle in some capacity with some form of something in that general region. But Aspirant is probably the one with the worst coping mechanisms, and the one in the most need of help -- everybody else has friends or coworkers or voices to talk to at least, and something else to do in their life. The Aspirant... paints ominous pictures and smokes opium.
Exile grieves their dead, you get a card about it and heaps of exposition and all. BYT seems to be doing the whole thing kind of half as a bit at least at first, and I guess you could say they deliberately don't get too close to anyone. Physician is academically curious and honouring a patient's last wishes. Detective is just doing their literal actual rentpaying job. Dancer likewise, at first. Priest. Ghoul, if you want to get deterministic about it. But Aspirant just does all the culty horrible things the others have to be professionally inured to doing, /for no initial reason and with no training at all/ except a desire to cope badly with The Wolf, Despair.
Aspirant is just ... Aspirant. They just... are Aspirant. They're the most Cultist of all the cultists, even the other POV guys in that game.
Whatever Librarian does calmly and from a hinged mental state, no matter how eldritch, has nothing on Aspirant, who woke up one beautiful day [arning, burning, yearning, burning, yearning, burning, yearning, burning, ye] and completely uprooted their entire life to become an antisocial, occult hermit who isn't even very good at it
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hush-house-yard-sale · 9 months
I am the Librarian of Hush House, and this journal is a record of all the junk I found while cleaning it out.
Fifteen centuries of knowledge were accumulated here, before the fire. Now after a lifetime of my labor (and that of my neighbors) it has been restored to its former glory. Above all else, I have learned this—not all that is discovered need be kept. Thus, before I depart for a better history, a history of my own making, I shall lighten the shelves of anything unnecessary, to re-establish a fund for acquisitions and replacement of the books in the collections, as well as for the maintenance of the house.
Cocoa and Curse removal are quite expensive nowadays. You understand.
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itbeleeeee · 8 months
I can't believe I'm going to make a spreadsheet for Book of Hours. Like oh my god I am a spreadsheet guy I love my spreadsheets but did I think I was going to for this game?? No, no I did not but I guess I have to if I actually want to try and find some semblance of completion. Cogs in my brain go wrrrrr
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