#bob lamey did commentary for the pacers games in the late 70s and early 80s says wikipedia
aidaronan · 2 years
The Pudding Run
“Hey Sinclair the eldest.” Eddie sits down next to Lucas in the hospital room. “Hey Red.”
“Please ask them to get me another pudding cup,” Max says, slamming an empty one onto her tray. “None of this other shit is even edible.”
“I’ll see what I can do.” Eddie looks over at Lucas, thinks about the guilt that spirals inside of him. It won’t leave him alone now that everything has calmed down. Frankly, Eddie was kind of a dick. “Actually, you wanna go on a pudding run with me, Sinclair?”
“Yeah, okay.”
Eddie stops down the hall from Max’s room. He shifts from foot to foot and chews on the inside of his lip. It’s only right, but that does’t make it easy. 
“Look, I’m sorry,” Eddie says. “I’ve always had a thing about jocks, or I did before you and Harrington. But that doesn’t make it okay.”
“What are you sorry for? We won. Vecna’s dead, and Max is safe.”
“Not that,” Eddie says, and he wants to hide behind his hair, but he has to do this. He knows he does. “The big championship game. I should have postponed Hellfire. Not only that, I should’ve fucking been there as your friend. I sit around and tell people not to conform and change who they are, and then I pretty much dicked you over for having another hobby, and then I asked your friends to choose. It was fucked up, dude.”
“Oh.” Lucas nods. His eyes go a little distant. “Man, that game seems like ages ago.”
“It does. A goddamn lifetime, man.” Eddie blows out a breath. “But I was thinking... Maybe next Hellfire meeting after Max gets out, we all watch your game tape instead of playing. It’s not the same, I know. But...”
“That would be really cool. Can I do commentary like I’m Bob Lamey or something?”
Eddie smiles, still feels guilty, but he should, shouldn’t he? “Lucas, dude, I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.” “Cool!” “Yeah, you are, man. The coolest. Now let’s go steal Red about 30 pudding cups. Roll stealth check.”
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