hashtagonlyingotham · 5 years
#onlyingotham I’ve been living in this city since birth and have just realized having a criminal record at all can keep you from a job. Guess I won’t be moving to #metropolis like I thought? Seriously, they don’t have the ‘see how much you can stuff’ game there? I’ve managed 18 cans of soda before without getting caught. Shitty #blueboyscout lovers.
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hugintheraven · 3 years
Obvious issues with Post+
This is not an extensive list, this is stuff I though up in 20 minutes while finishing dinner. The full list is just 30 lb book that I use to repeatedly hit Staff.
I sub to someone on a per-post basis. They go on a Homestuck kick and post 10 Homestuck fanarts at $1 per post. I have #Homestuck blacklisted through Tumblr’s feature and never see the post. Do I still get charged? If yes, then I’m getting charged for content I specifically don’t want and don’t see. If no, they just posted 10 posts to their 300 subs and got $200 per post BEFORE fees, and will rightfully feel screwed.
Someone posts porn and charges for it. Just, ALL of the issues. The images/acts are illegal in their home country but not the US. They’re underage in certain states/countries but not others. They don’t do anything that violates the TOS but are clearly having sex. Stolen images. Images they have the rights to but are of other people who didn’t consent to them being shared. Sex work focused-sites have trouble solving these issues, so far Tumblr hasn’t even tried.
Fanfic is illegal to charge for. Does Tumblr want to try to spot people writing fanfic? Do they want to pay lawyers to defend charging for fanfic? What if someone comes out with an Xkit extension that lets you find/replace on your dash and then you write a bunch of stories to your followers starring Kralc Tnek, BlueBoyScout, and make a separate post where you tell them to dl the extension and find/replace certain names. 
Also, Xkit in general. Whatever Tumblr does has to accept that a huge portion of the userbase interacts primarily with a modded version of their website. Glitches are funny until they cost you money. Then they’re a big deal. If a popular Xkit extension interacts oddly/badly with paid posts, people will blame Tumblr for being so badly programmed that we need a 3rd party extension and it still doesn’t work, not Xkit who are doing this for free.
Going viral is suddenly profitable. We’ve joked about how becoming popular on Tumblr mostly gets you anons threatening you with induced appendicitis, now there’s a reason to make a free post that pisses everyone off and gets a million notes. That can’t be good for the culture.
Also the “can’t block subscribers” thing is clearly a nightmare.
Stolen content. We joke about screenshots of posts on twitter and people remaking popular posts on here, but those are real things that are part of the culture. Not to mention the whole genre of “popular conversation post drawn as a comic”. What’s allowed, and more importantly, how the hell will Tumblr enforce that rule?
Tumblr users are tech-savvy socialists who run on spite. Are any of us going to willingly take part in this?
Tumblr has never had a feature that isn’t broken and now they want to be a payment processor.
Anything involving money has to be perfect or you’re likely committing a variety of financial crimes.
Tumblr can’t reliably deliver asks.
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apollokreed · 6 years
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Action Comics just hit #1000, the first comic book ever to reach this many issues. Today, Clark turns 80! Swipe to see more of my favorite variant cover art! Didn't have time to take shots of my goodies today but maybe tomorrow. 💎 . . . . #thaticethronethough #dccomics #newdcday #actioncomics #action1000 #actioncomics1000 #thetrunksareback #superman #clarkkent #kalel #lastsonofkrypton #manofsteel #blueboyscout #manoftomorrow #420week
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hatesbrunch-blog · 7 years
❝ I believe you’re capable of much more. ❞
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clark looks at him so earnestly that barry has to double check that the words are directed towards him. he fidgets, fingers in his lap and picking absently at the nail on his thumb. he would rather this, though. honestly. “you should have been me before,” he muses, as though it’s some sort of joke. it had been, maybe. a private one with himself when people asked how he held up four jobs and managed to get from place to place without being exhausted. “this… this is a lot better. better than i could have asked for—” it’s still surreal to him. when he goes to work and he is actually remotely involved in the field that he wants to be. he just has to climb the ropes, take some time to figure it out and how he can advance. he will. “i’m not a fan of change… but i like this.”
various starters@blue-boyscout | accepting
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i-amkrypton · 10 years
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((The fact that this is finished is a miracle in itself. I had to learn to use my new tablet while also doing christmasy things so that this got done at only 7 is a shock. 
This picture is based in a perfect world where everyone could be in the same room and not kill eachother.
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richbastardbat · 10 years
blueboyscout started following you
"I'm almost afraid to as what you've done now." 
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apollokreed · 6 years
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Action Comics just hit #1000, the first comic book ever to reach this many issues. Today, Clark turns 80! Swipe to see my favorite variant cover art! Didn't have time to take shots of my goodies today. Maybe tomorrow... STAY TUNED! . . . . #dccomics #newdcday #actioncomics #action1000 #actioncomics1000 #thetrunksareback #superman #manofsteel #blueboyscout #manoftomorrow #420week
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blue-and-black-hero · 11 years
3, 6, 9
3: Three's company, who are the MUN's two best friends?
This awesome lady, and a friend of mine who isn't on Tumblr.  He's been a really, really good friend to me.
6: Dinnertime! MUN's favorite food(s) ((Who could pick just one?))
Meat.  I love meat.  Carnivore to the core.  Hamburgers, pizza, steak, BBQ.
9: What makes the MUN shout "NOOOOO" and slam on their keyboard (repeatedly)
People making mountains out of molehills, (example, unnecessary social justice.  I've seen people go out of their way to find a problem with something that didn't have a problem to begin with)
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darkmeditation · 9 years
#16, Kal/Rae
Mini Ship Fic |ACCEPTING
16. Things you said with no space between us
((It’s a long one. More under the cut))
To the world, she was cold. They had only ever seen her as the emotionally stunted quiet girl in the back of the Titans lineup. And in a sense, it was understandable how the two had grown closer after she left the group of young adults.
Kal did, after all, have a thing for the dark and brooding types.
Despite being several years her senior, Kal had always intrigued her. He had a sharp wit, and a gentle disposition that made it easy to talk to him. The pair were often seen holding heated discussions at great length about the morality and psychology of being deemed a ‘super-hero’. And it had been a common occurrence for them to even sit up while one or the other was on watch in their respective comm rooms and keep each other company over the satellite connection. 
The two had spent so much time talking over longer distances, that nobody was surprised when Raven announced that she would be leaving the Titans in order for her to focus on more personal matters. She wanted to write, she wanted to settle down and really live for a while before returning to heroics down the line.
It had been Kal who supported her when she initially wanted to branch out, though the others were wary. Wally and Richard had both expressed concern, stating that she was acting grossly out of character from the girl they’d come to trust. But she insisted.
They could see the shimmer when she was around the older man, and they relented. It was odd for them, seeing her so close to someone that wasn’t a member of the team.
Raven had always been one to avoid being the center of anything. Normally, she hated it. But with Kal, she had seemed so open to the attention. She would never flinch away when he brushed by her, nor would she even bat an eye when he happened to catch her under the mistletoe at Bruce’s Christmas party.
Two years had passed and Raven had grown up considerably since moving to a solo career. She still held some of her old habits, but her friends could see what good all of this was doing for her.
and had missed the openness of her mother’s old ranch. 
So when she asked if she could accompany Kal back to the Kent family farmhouse, he was more than happy to show her around. Not to mention, Ma Kent was absolutely elated to be able to cook up a big meal to welcome one of her boy’s friends. Ma was even more thrilled when Raven had accepted her offer to live on the farm and help her out when Kal had to be away.
Raven would be able to have a horse again. It was her first thought, but the loudest by far was the fluttering in her chest when she realized how close she would get to stay to him.
She had insisted that she be the one to tell Kal too. The two had gone out for a nice dinner alone, not their first. But now, as they walked, they had let their hands come close. It was subtle at first with Kal’s thumb grazing over the back of her hand, and then with Raven snaking her slender fingers through his much larger ones. 
Before long, he had wrapped his hand around her waist, escorting her into the restaurant as if it were the most natural thing in the world. He had been slowly coming to the conclusion that perhaps it was.
“Kal,” Raven looked across the table at him, her once stoic face now glowing with happiness. “I’ve got wonderful news.” She could barely contain her excitement, dark eyes almost watering as she explained how his mother wanted her to stay for much longer than initially planned.
He was easy to read, but she respected his privacy and stayed out of his mind as she spoke. 
“That is,” oh boy. Now the nerves were starting to get the better of her. “If you want me to stay.”
Kal’s face remained still as he stood from the table and moved to tower over her. With one swift movement he pulled her to her feet and into him. The warmth of his embrace left her shocked, at first, though slowly she managed to raise her own arms and return the gesture. 
The entire walk home, they were inseparable. Kal had her tight against his side, and they both walked with a bit more vigor. It would have been simpler to merely fly or teleport back to the farmhouse, of course, but they wanted to spend the time together. They would be seeing a lot more of each other now than they every had in the past.
It was intimidating for the both of them, in a sense. Kal had always been so careful in the past. He feared ever hurting those he cared for, and a part of him knew how fragile Raven’s mental state was. She could take care of herself and he very well knew that. But he also knew of the suffering she had gone through. So to see her this elated over something so small as moving to a new town, his town, made his heart sing. 
A very strong part of him wanted to jump the gun and ask Raven right here and now what he’d been contemplating on and off for the past year. But he held off. He had to do things right. 'I have to ask Ma what she thinks,’ Kal mused. He was careful not to be too specific though, knowing the extent of her powers. 
When the two arrived back home, the truck was gone. An envelope was pinned to the screen door with Kal’s name on it. He opened the note gingerly, and chuckled to himself. ‘Or maybe I don’t have to ask at all.’ He carefully tucked the envelope into his back pocket and led the girl out towards the stables.
“There’s something you need to see,” he sounded excited yet nervous at the same time.
“Is everything alright?” Raven kept in step with him, despite him pulling at her arm like an excited child. 
Bright eyes glanced back at her, and without him saying so, Raven knew that all was well. She met his gaze with a smile and the two carried on. 
They had been out to the stables before; Kal had been quite surprised when he found out that Raven had known how to ride horses for many years. It was one of the many things about her that he had shared with his mother on those late nights when he was back at home, needing guidance. And it was his mother that had suggested they set up a permanent place for two new additions to the Kent farm.
A bed for raven, and a stall for the foal.
The young woman’s eyes widened as they came down to the end of the empty stables, a new nameplate custom painted on the very end stall.
“Nightwish,” she said, running her hand over the carved letters. The realization set in, and Raven couldn’t contain herself. 
“Ma named her for you. A mare at the neighbor’s farm just had her. Black and white spotted beauty.” He kissed the top of her head as she began to cry. “She’ll be back monday. You can thank her then.”
They had spent the rest of the evening caring for the few other horses and dealing with minor chores before settling in to enjoy a nice calm night alone. 
‘Tomorrow’, Kal thought as he drifted off to sleep with Raven curled up on his chest. ‘I’ll bring it up tomorrow.’
And bring it up he did. They had the day to themselves again, and Raven had been helping him clear out a workspace in the larger of the barns on the property. It would be her new space. A quiet desk away from the house with a place for her to meditate, write, and store some of her larger books.
She was sweating, and there was hay stuck in her braided hair, but she was happy. 
Kal rarely used her real name. She spun to face him, only to see that he was still holding onto the note his mom left for him yesterday. “Is everything alright?”
He crossed the short distance quickly, taking her hand in his own and staring into her eyes. They had always been close, but nothing so close as this.  “I have something else for you,” he breathed, heart racing to match hers. 
Gently, he pressed the slightly crinkled envelope into the hand he was holding and then kissed it. “Ma wanted you to have it too.”
“You’ve already done so much for me, I couldn’t possibly...” With some prodding, she finally opened it. “Is this..?”
He dropped to one knee, never letting his eyes move from her. “It was my Grandma’s. I know it’s not much but I-”
Raven cut him off by lurching forward and wrapping her arms tightly around his neck before bringing her lips down over his in a fierce kiss.
Both of them seemed to be fumbling as they continued to hold each other, their hands now finally exploring previously unknown territory for fear of overstepping bounds.
Kal had to force himself to steady long enough to slip the ring on her finger before picking her up and hungrily kissing her deeper. 
With breath catching, they stared into one another’s eyes, knowing that this would be perfect for them. Another note could be detected in Raven’s look, and Kal leaned close to ask her. “Are you sure?”
She replied with a throaty whisper in his ear. “We can fix the desk tomorrow.”
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saviorsongoku-blog · 11 years
blueboyscout replied to your post: does this blog even exist anymore? I don’t even...
//Hope the vibe comes back a little stronger! I’d love to talk/rp with you one day.
outofgi; Bro we can RP whenever. I'm just a little slow at replying, so whatever you want to do I'm down.
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a-legendary-price · 11 years
Seeing that team of... goofballs running around in their familiar routine caused Kakarot's left eyebrow to twitch. With a groan, he smacked his face with an open palm and sighed against the headache he could already feel growing. "By the gods,...."
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kentsboy-blog · 11 years
Hey Pa- what're we gunna do today? You do have the day off, right?
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house-of-kent · 11 years
blueboyscout started following you
"Clark, son."
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"Good to see you, M'boy."
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terrorofdetroit-blog · 11 years
The flying man's appearance is met with wide eyes of awe and wonder from a starstruck Headmaster. If this is a dream no one wake him up.
"I see him, Masterson... But I'm having a difficult time believing..." Meltdown's shock is equal but he refuses to slip to the fanboy's level of reaction. His largest concern is that this is the famed Superman... And they are wanted criminals. 
"He's- You're- This is so wicked sick! SUPERMAN. This is HUGE!- I mean- Hi. Henry Masterson. It's so cool to meet you."
"What are you doing in Detroit?"
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darkmeditation · 9 years
Ultimate fuckin' crack pairing, but y'know. Kal x Rae
((omg i know who this is and i fully support this plan))
Name: Amelia Rae Kent
Gender: Female
General Appearance: She has her daddy’s hair, and her mother’s eyes. She’s strong, like her father, particularly around the jawline.
Personality: She is a social butterfly, much to the surprise of both parents. She loves to read through her mother’s old books and bug her daddy about his home planet. 
Special Talents: Basic Kryptonian powers
Who they like better: Granny Kent
Who they take after more: Raven
Personal Head canon: When Amelia was five, she got her Daddy to take her trick-or-treating in matching costumes. This was the year she was dead set on becoming a ballerina when she grew up. Raven has used this picture of Kal in a tutu on every christmas card sent to the League since then.
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The Search is over blueboyscout
"After years of searching, I have finally found you last son of Krypton" Tyrell smirked, twenty years he had been searching, twenty years the planet Dheron had been held at gunpoint for his failure, now he would complete the task that was handed to him, to the people of Dheron, he would finally destroy all the remnants of Krypton. "It would appear you lack the cowardice that the rest of this pathetic race seems to have inherited, you would think after years of evolution that they would have become a unified species instead of  warmongering cowards." 
Tyrell was prepared, he would not fail again, "do you know of me Kryptonian?" he asked slowly a smirk forming on his face. "Or were you sheltered from the history of your world?"
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