#bleach movie
qweaenr · 22 days
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BLEACH - Gotei 13: Squads 1-5
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bombomderps · 1 year
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Diamond Dust Rebellion light novel. p. 36-37
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bunny-what · 12 days
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The ending of this movie wrecked me! I was crying and I got a lump in my throat😭😭😭
Movie: Bleach memories of nobody
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give-a-rating · 2 months
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coconutgirl28 · 2 years
The DiamondDust Rebellion 💎
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@emeraldbabygirl we have to watch this again before it gets Ip Man’d
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toyatominaga · 1 year
Okay here me out….a Bleach movie based around Soi Fon as the protagonist!
What would it be about?
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walks-the-ages · 1 year
S o
We're rewatching Bleach 1: Memories of Nobody
Did Uryū make Ichigo a blanket at some point??
His blanket/duvet (?) Is one big Quincy cross lol
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claidi · 2 years
Ranking the Bleach movies:
1. Hellverse: Best movie of the lot. While this was a very simple movie, I thought it distilled Bleach well. Lots of hype, well animated fight scenes, and Ichigo powering up with yet another kind of power. I liked that this one was actually about Ichigo for once and it did a good job of showing him really breaking down. Also, it has more of Ichigo's friends than the captains/lieutenants for once.
-Most Memorable Funny Scene: Airdropped Orihime for healing
2. Fade to Black: This one was a good time. Seeing the results of everyone forgetting Rukia and Ichigo was compelling. It also had a creative way to handicap Ichigo since he spends almost the entire movie trying not to fight everyone. This also successfully showed off almost everyone during the finale. The memory logic was very Kingdom Hearts.
-Most Memorable Funny Scene: Kenpachi's reawakening and joining the final battle. I don't care if movie 2 did it first. It was hilarious.
3. Memories of Nobody: A serviceable movie. It was great to see background characters walk around in Karakura. This definitely used it's animation budget and looks a lot better than the show did at the time. It had some fun moments but makes sure that everyone forgot the movie even happened by the end, so unfortunately I can't say it was especially memorable. Villains didn't do it for me.
-Most Memorable Funny Scene: Ichigo putting his foot down at stealing a hair ribbon. He is a good boy and won't put up with that XD
4: The DiamondDust Rebellion: This felt like a filler arc. Most fights were off screen/finished in one blow. Nothing really makes sense plotwise. It was also really obvious this movie was made before a lot of characters had shown off their special attacks in the anime. Definitely my least favorite.
-Most Memorable Funny Scene: Ichigo randomly upgrading from getting impressions of his opponents when fighting to seeing their important flashbacks
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tutenhub · 2 years
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qweaenr · 1 year
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BLEACH - Kurosaki Ichigo 2/2
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handsome-kakigori · 1 year
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—and then Ichigo’s revenge during ss arc
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Their dynamic is so versatile, your honor 😤
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I’m suing Netflix for emotional damage. They’re taking Bleach Hellverse off the platform today. That was my comfort movie. 🥲
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stream-cero · 2 years
Bleach: The DiamondDust Rebellion
Cuando un misterioso artefacto conocido como el Sello del Rey es robado de la Sociedad de Almas, Toshirou Hitsugaya, capitán de la décima división se decide plenamente a recuperarlo. Durante la escaramuza con el misterioso grupo de ladrones, Hitsugaya desaparece misteriosamente llevando a la misma sociedad de Almas a sospechar del joven capitán. 
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futzfuck · 2 months
I think an overlooked bit in Monkey Man is how bleach is used as imagery and association. Bleach is often use is to remove stains from clothes/surfaces, disinfect things, and just generally clean stuff. I think this plays a lot into the revenge narrative central to the film, as well as offering a comparison/contrast to the villians’ methods of “removing India’s scars”
When the Kid first shows his hands he says they look that way from bleach and chemicals and calls them his CV. Now, without the mention of bleach this scene is still impactful within context, bc the Kid is indirectly saying that his life is defined by his trauma and the death of his mother (and maybe even his inability to save her). Hands are also a reoccurring symbol throughout the film in an of themselves. But back to bleach. I think mentioning bleach is important bc it depicts bleach as corrosive and something higher ups don’t want to engage in. “Give me the job no one wants to do, and ill do it.” No one at Kings wants what the Kid wants, and no one there is willing to cleanse the city and the establishment of its own corruption.
There’s also the fact that Kid’s pseudonym comes from the brand of bleach he uses at his job. By naming himself after the bleach he uses, Kid associates himself with an aggressive way of cleansing, which is kinda the whole message of Monkey Man as a narrative. It’s telling that the closest thing to a conventional name we have for the Kid just reinforces his purpose within the story.
Finally, the Kid bleaches his monkey mask before he goes to Kings for the final act. I think this is symbolic of him stripping away his persona of “Kong” that he used as a fighter from the mask, replacing it with the identity of Hanuman he has come to inhabit. The lighter fur looks more like the fur Hanuman is shown to have throughout the movie, both in the children’s book and the puppet in the stage play. It could also symbolize the Kid “cleansing his mind” of what remains from before he was saved by the hijras, and fully embracing his purpose.
Am i thinking about this way to much? Obviously but i don’t care bc its fun lol. Love this movie.
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ichiruki · 8 months
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Come on Barbie let's go partyyy
by nora 🌸
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