#black folks responses so lmao if i see him im out
papirouge · 5 months
My sister is really into watching trad wife content like classically Abby? I think that’s her name. I don’t really know who is she. But my sister basically changed her whole personality to follow this woman’s life advice
Turns out though as I learned, her brother is Ben Shapro (that guy that talks weird and made that video about the WAP song and how his wife never got wet for sex , not sure if he was joking because his voice is just very flat) But they’re both very supportive of Zionism and my sister began defending Israel and the genocide in Gaza because of this. Im currently not talking to her because she’s been so disgusting towards Palestinians
If she's under 25, consider this like a fad, like the meninist nlogs of the early 2010s. And like meninist they will come around as they age and cringe when looking back at it lol
The trad movement is just the pendulum shifting back from the mid 2010 #girlboss era. You can bet that in a few years from now, a new version of glirboss will pop out as an opposition to the trad/anti feminist movement and its consequences. I'm very curious where those women will be. Either washed out from their toxic relationship dynamics, bitter for still being not picked (à la Pearl and other MRA girls). I'm sure gen alpha will see this mess and be like "maaan I do not want to be like that, I want to be a free and emancipated woman!!" ....and the pendulum will shift again. Rinse and repeat.
If she's older than that well.... there's not much you can do for her. One of the perks of aging is realizing you can't save everyone and that other people's mistakes (yes, even family members) aren't your responsibility and that's ok.
I have very complicated relationship with one of my sister and very seldomly interact with her and I'm fine with that.
Ben Shapiro is a Jew so it's not surprising for him to root for Israel imo. His DailyWire drama with Candace Owen and how they dropped the ball on her was very entertaining to watch lol I think it's extremely telling that those folks had no issue with her dunking on Blacks, and supporting Kanye "slavery was choice" West, but God forbid being remotely critical of Israel 👀
FYI Kanye backtracked his statements about the Jewish community lmao I mean, homebro has ugly sneakers to sell, he knows what he's doing.... 🙃 still no excuses to the Black community for his slavery comments though #iykyk
A moment of silence for all the people who genuinely believed he was born again after his Christian era. Dude got back to his vomit in a QUICKNESS smh
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enbycupcake · 6 years
anyway if you post ezra miller i'm gonna unfollow you lmao
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obscureoperations · 3 years
i have yet another prompt for you because i cant stop thinking about this sweet man and of course, im a goth hoe. So, Martin with a goth crush or s/o. I feel like he'd be interested by them especially since the people in his town would also treat them p bad because it's mostly full of old folks. would he know what goth is? I kinda feel like when he first sees them he thinks they're a vampire too lmao. would he be intrigued by them and stalk them about?
Oh nice! I think Martin would be intrigued right off the bat, their appearance certainly drew attention. He would probably notice them the second they entered Cuda’s shop. He couldn’t tear his eyes away out of sheer curiosity. He could clearly see how some of the old women would sneer at you and whisper under their breath. For the most part you remained completely un-phased. If anything, their attention seemed to amuse you. You carelessly stroll past Mrs. Belini, whose lips were already curled into a bitter sneer. The old bag was practically vibrating with anger over the fact that you barely spared her a second glance. “Cuda! You really need to mind who you let into the shop! This is an old person’s town after all, how would it look?!” 
“Mrs. Belini... calm down. She is just like any paying customer. She has a basket... she fully intends to shop.”
“That’s not the point you old crone..Just look at her state of dress..It’s clearly upsetting the other customers!” 
Martin briefly scans over the near empty aisles. The few customers that they had were completely preoccupied.
“I just think that you...as the owner should...”
Belini’s voice begins to fade into the background.
His attention was fixed on you as you leisurely select your items. Not a care in the world, the basket rests comfortably on your arm. You seemed to have all the time in the world.  He had never seen anyone like you in real life... or at least not up close. You looked like one of the people who would stand out in front of that dance club on the far end of town. Though not quite as intimidating. Clad in black from head to toe, not a varying shade in the mix. Inky hair cascades down your back,straight cut bangs barely conceal kohl rimmed eyes. Your skin was pale, almost lily white. Long slender legs clad in fishnet, the boots you wore gave you about a quarter of a foot’s more height.
He couldn’t understand what was so offensive about your look. Yes it was different,but was that necessarily a bad thing? In a pallid town like this, what was the harm in a little more absence of color? He continued to watch as you moved about the store, more and more questions forming in his head. Where did you come from.. were you new? What was your name... what did you do? All questions began to muddle together the closer you got to the counter. He quickly glances away, busing himself arranging the desk. Placing a new stack of bags on the rack. Anything to avoid looking at you.
“Is this the check out?”
Your voice was not anything like he expected. There was a playful lilt in the tone, an almost airy sort of whisper. It reminded him of the wind as it moved through the branches at night, over the rafters into his bedroom window.
“Yes. “He offers quietly as he begins to scan each of your items. He can feel your gaze boring into him, it was unwavering, yet it wasn’t entirely uncomfortable. He tried to steady his breath, he didn’t want to appear too flustered. He begins to carefully scan and place your items into the bag. His eyes honed in on your hands, lightly poised resting against the counter. Long glossy black pointed nails absentmindedly tap against the tile. How could you wear those things, couldn’t they break during the day? During mindless tasks? With his gaze pointed on your hands, another thought flashes briefly through his mind… He stills himself, wishing it away completely.  
“Are you new here?” You ask almost suddenly. Heat begins to rise to his face.
“I am. I’ve been here for about a month.”
“Cool... So am I. I’ve been here for like two days...”
His head snaps up suddenly, the moment his eyes land on your face he’s taken aback. Not ghoulish in the least, the way Mrs. Belinis complaints had implied. Hauntingly beautiful were the first words that came to mind. You reminded him of one of the ladies in an old comic book he used to have. Always depicted somewhere near a graveyard, skin tight black dress that left next to nothing to the imagination. Like that, but better-- your eyes were large and searching, the ink around them drew him in further. Your skin was smooth and clear, at least three shades lighter than his own. If it was makeup, he would be none the wiser. It seemed to illuminate under the fluorescent light, it gave you this almost ethereal glow. 
He nods his head, quickly reaching for more of your items, placing them in the bag. He didn’t know what to say. “Oh that’s nice.” Was a bit underwhelming, but at this point his brain wasn’t running on all four cylinders.
Gosh she’s pretty… like really pretty. 
His hands unconsciously begin to shake. It wasn’t the blood this time he was actually nervous. Every second that he didn’t reply felt like an eternity. Why couldn’t he come up with a simple response? He felt almost frozen in your presence, but not in a bad way. He wished he could just look at you for a moment and not have to speak
“What’s your name?” You ask suddenly, nearly causing him to drop the scanner.
“M-” He clears his throat. “Martin. My name is Martin.” That was alright. He didn't stammer, at least not too much.
“Nice to meet you Martin… Im y/n.. I’m gonna be here for a couple of months, hopefully I’ll get to see you around.”
And with that you were gone, change left on the counter as a tip. He was already thinking of ways he could find you. You paid in cash so there was no check or signature, but surely he could figure something out. He already decided that it was important. The thought never crossed his mind that you were going to be the next one. Far from that.  If anything he wanted to see you walking about, alive and animated. He was already fascinated. How were you so impervious to their jeers? Where did you come from, he had to know. Why did you dress like that in real life? “Vampira! That was her name.”  Did you think you were just like him?
He would follow you the next couple weeks, learning nothing new asides from your address, and the fact that you would stroll through the cemetery on some days.Fingers ghosting along the tombstones with a certain mournful look in your eyes. Pausing to rest against them in the middle of the day. You were his new favorite person to watch, with no other intent than to ensure that you got home safely. The day that you strolled into Cuda’s shop with the sole intention to see him, was pretty much burned into his brain. You bypassed Mrs. Bellini almost fast enough for her head to spin. You paused directly in front of the counter. 
“Martin, I really want to show you around town. Can we go out?”
I want to delve more deeply into this, maybe in the form of head cannons. But not tonight.
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