sibylsleaves · 26 days
Hi, yes I'm here for the parenting differences/conflicts between established Buck and Eddie, pretty pls.
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ok so the way i see it, you have the confluence of two pretty big shifts in the Buckley-Diaz family dynamic: one is Buck and Eddie starting a romantic relationship and the other is Chris becoming a teenager/starting high school.
I feel like the fact that these two things are happening around the same time (in my version of when Buddie get together, which is like s8 or soon thereafter) creates some excellent story fodder. We've already seen how Chris growing up/becoming a teenager has generated some new conflicts for them as a family in 7x01. A kid growing up and becoming a teenager means:
having to figure out and set new boundaries and ENFORCE those boundaries against the potential of Teenage Rebellion
greater independence which means more possible ways for them to fuck up and get into potentially bad or dangerous Situations
MUCH more complex processing of interpersonal conflict and emotion (and we know Christopher in particular has a LOT of things he needs to process!)
All of this is completely uncharted territory for all three of them and I could see this leading to some fun conflict in a number of different ways!
(readmore because this got long again lmao)
Like first maybe Chris does some typical teenager exploration and like, idk, tries alcohol for the first time. Eddie finds out and decides to handle it in one way, and Buck like actually disagrees with the way he wants to handle it but doesn't say anything because, right like, Eddie's Chris's dad he's not going to overstep. Then the situation escalates because maybe Eddie's tactic DOESN'T work and now Buck has to like gently bring up a different tactic and Eddie's like why didn't you say this sooner and Buck is basically like, well I didn't want to overstep? And they have to have an explicit conversation about like what Buck's parenting role actually is now that he and Eddie are together and Eddie is like, I want you to actually BE my partner in this like you're NOT just some new person trying to step into the role of parent, you've known chris since he was seven and I trust your judgement about this stuff. I WANT you to tell me when you have a different opinion, like I WANT this to be an equal partnership where we collaborate.
Or, maybe as part of this or maybe not, Chris opens up to Buck about something that's going on with him that he hasn't told his dad, because sometimes it IS easier to talk about stuff with someone who's not your dad (I know we're all like "Buck is Chris's parent" but like he's not ACTUALLY Chris's dad) and then Buck has to navigate like, does he need to keep Chris's confidence or does he need to go directly to Eddie with this? Like what's actually the right thing to do in the situation? (Also Buck HATES keeping things from Eddie so like, that would be tough for him too).
Or maybe there's a situation where Buck is being overprotective of Chris and Chris, being a teenager, actually gets annoyed with him about it and they have a fight. We've never seen Chris and Buck have real conflict and I think it would be a great opportunity for them to move into something that is a little closer to a parent-child relationship where Buck has to occasionally actually put his foot down with Chris and Chris has to actually express anger/negative emotion toward him.
I could definitely see Buck and Eddie both going to Bobby throughout navigating this, because not only is Bobby like the most Dad guy ever but he also had to figure out how to navigate parenting step-children. But of course Bobby's experience of that was very different, because he didn't know Athena's children before he started seeing her, whereas Buck and Chris have all this history completely independent of Buck and Eddie's romantic relationship.
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lover-of-mine · 15 days
i think you’re doing fandom exactly correct. the block button is there for a reason!!!
Exactly, no one should be forced to interact with anyone, just block whoever you feel like to make your experience better.
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sibylsleaves · 26 days
oh! do either of them get jealous? (not bad jealous, but horny/possessive or funny/mark-my-territory vibes)
i do think there is a little part of buck's brain that gets jealous literally anytime eddie's attention is on someone who isn't him. I just think about that post that referred to Buck's behavior in 7x04 as puppy resource-guarding behavior and like. LITERALLY THAT. He wants to pee on Eddie's leg so bad.
I think once they get together that when people hit on Buck Eddie is more amused than anything. like he's WELL AWARE that Buck is hot and he's also well aware that no has ever been as down bad for someone as Buck is down bad for him. So I think Eddie's almost smug about it when he sees people checking Buck out/trying to shoot their shot and just sits back and lets Buck be like "uh actually i have a parter and...he's standing right over there" and eddie will just give them like a little dorky wave. like hi yes. it's me. im the partner. we also have a son together btw.
now, do i think they have some fun with the general concept of possessiveness during sex, ABSOLUTELY. but i don't think it's necessarily connected to like, actual instances of jealousy in real life.
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sibylsleaves · 27 days
ALSO do they want/ eventually have more kids?
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I think so, yes. But I'm not really sure how it would play out. Like do they decide to do IVF with a surrogate? do they wind up fostering/adopting like Henren? I'm not really sure and I could see it happening in a multitude of different ways, but I think it's something they both want and I think they heavily involve Chris in the decision-making around it. And part of the reason I think they should have more kids is because I think Chris would be such a wonderful big brother and he deserves to have siblings!!
I could also see it happening maybe before they've fully made the decision, like they meet a kid or a baby on a call and through the magic of tv logic, wind up adopting them.
I definitely think it's a huge adjustment for all of them, but especially for Chris and Eddie because for so long it was JUST the two of them. But yeah I definitely think Buck wants more kids and I think Eddie would as well! Especially as Chris grows up and gets closer to college and adulthood, I think they both ready to raise another/more kids together. And it's not even really a scary decision because they already know they're great at it
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sibylsleaves · 26 days
...i would like to know about the clothes sharing pls
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LMAO I did warn you my thoughts aren't actually very interesting, but I do think Buck and Eddie share clothes once they get together and definitely at first there's like a little thrill associated with seeing the other person in their clothes but pretty quickly it just becomes commonplace slash even annoying.
Like Eddie's like Buck for god's sake please stop stretching out all my henleys. JUST BUY YOUR OWN and Buck is like Eddie have you seen my navy button down I want to wear it to dinner at Bobby and Athena's tonight and Eddie's like oh....it's in the wash....I wore it last week to poker night....sorry 😬
However I do think Buck never gets tired of seeing Eddie in his hoodies. Eddie has never been a Hoodie Guy but after he and Buck are together he steals them all the time and wears them around the house when Buck turns the AC up too high (and yeah maybe Buck turns the AC up too high just so he can see Eddie in his hoodies...buck think of the energy bill...)
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