We’re reading...
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Woes of the Pharynx by @vulpesmellifera
The British Government felled by a cold.
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How Many Have you Had by @bitemebat
My third entry for the Mystrade Prompt Challenge on tumblr.
Dialogue - "How many have you had?"
Circumstances - In a hotel, on a dull afternoon
We’ll talk about these lovely fics on Sunday 29 November at 19.00 (UK) on discord. DM me for an invite.
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Thanks for the birthday wishes guys!!
@jazthespazz @bitemebat @gallifreystands
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just-a-copper · 5 years
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bitemebat replied to your post “bitemebat replied to your post “@adventure-tyne - When you’re home...”
Nah, how could you be? It was a lovely surprise. And I bet Myc got quite the thrill from being Mr. Super Spy.
Please don’t give him ideas...
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bitemebat replied to your post: A 'read more' would've been nice.
Hey! I’m not sure how familiar with my fic recs you are, but I always do my long fic lists this way; I post the initial post as a full post tagged with “long post”, so that I can reblog it as a full long post the next day and that way I will have a version for those who don’t want / need a read more. Then THIS first post will turn into a “read more” version that will be reblogged upon Final Reblog and I will have link to the full version for those on desktop and browsers.
Sorry, read more is legit garbage on desktop, so many prefer the full version.
I just usually don’t get so much visibility on the first post, so I’m shocked LOL.
I’m sorry I disappointed you :( I’m just trying to appease everyone, and this is the only way I can do it.
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bitemebat reblogged your photo and added: “bitemebat: adventure-tyne: bitemebat: adventure-tyne: ...”
*waves* Hi Myc!!!!
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m-birthday-buddies · 6 years
Happy birthday @bitemebat!!!
dear @bitemebat your fantastic BB @eys93 has prepared your birthday present:
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enjoy your birthday!!!!!!
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cuchabra · 6 years
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@bitemebat He used to!
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It was lost in the fight, though. But thanks for noticing the friendship necklace!!
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adventure-tyne · 6 years
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bitemebat replied to your photo “look at my dads <3”
they clean up nicely
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kaijutegu · 6 years
bitemebat replied to your post: Ahhhhh just got the notification that my mystery...
@kaijutegu - Sorry for putting this here, but I can’t send you a message! Is this part of a subscription service, and if so, which one? Is it Bone Box? I’m interested in one myself, but have seen mixed reviews.
I’ve got inbox turned off, so no worries! It is in fact Bone Box, and I’ve really liked all the ones I’ve gotten. I think I’ve put a couple unboxing videos on the blogge, search for bone box or skulls unlimited and you should find them, I think!
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The Mystrade Advent Calendar: ~ Day 10 ~
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Hi everybody! It’s day ten (double figures!) and we have two new pieces of fiction for you to enjoy.
Firstly, thanks to our lovely @redgreyandpurple (on AO3, known as Siriusblue) for her gorgeous vignette December 25th.
Read it on AO3.
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We’d also like to thank @bitemebat (known on AO3 as Sanguisuga) for writing her fantastic new fic Thawing the Ice Man.
Read it on AO3.
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Thanks to both our contributors - make sure you leave them kudos and comments over on AO3, and we’ll see you tomorrow for further festivities!
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queerzaza · 6 years
bitemebat replied to your post “The hell? How could she punish you for having a chronic illness? It...”
Do you have any kind of FMLA that you can apply for?
it would be unpaid and i can’t afford tht. i’m just gunna have to accept it.
doctorwhorcruxes replied to your post “dayum. my boss found a way to legally punish me for having chronic...”
what! That's awful. I am sorry :(
thanks dear friend, i’ll keep my head up.
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phipiohsum475 · 7 years
bitemebat replied to your post “Motivation”
4, plz!
Thank you! Here’s a ‘thank you’ paragraph:
“Well, then,” Greg replied with a honeyed tone. He let his hands start at John’s knees and drift slowly towards his hips. He glanced up to John, but John was gripping the armrests, knuckles turning white, eyes on the ceiling. Greg almost paused; then he felt the thickness of John’s cock and realised that John wasn’t looking away because he was repulsed, but in fact, already incredibly aroused.
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bitemebat reblogged your post and added: “just-shower-thoughts: Spy movies show people being killed by injecting...”
Or insulin.
Or water.
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ngaijuuyan · 7 years
11 Questions!
1. Always post the rules.
2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you.
3. Write 11 questions of your own.
4. Tag 11 people (or however many you want)
I was tagged by the amazing awesome @bitemebat, you’re the best!
1.Your favorite artist? (Can include amateur, e.g. fan artists) Alfons Maria Mucha. And my favorite fan artist is OhFuckMystrade and sashkash. :)
2.Your favorite monster/cryptid? Ugh! It's so difficult to decide, maybe vampires, or mermaids, or werewolves, or any fantasy creatures...
3.As a kid, were you the type to imagine that you were a long-lost member of a royal (fae) family, and you were just waiting for them to come take you away? Well, at that age I didn't know there actually has a REAL royal family, yet. But I would imagine myself as some kind of animals, with my younger brother. :D
4.What do you watch/read when you’re feeling down/sick? I will choose some angst or hurt/comfort things.(I know...)
5.Favorite movie director? The Nolan brothers and Timothy Burton.
6.If you could live in any fandom universe, which would it be? Harry Potter! or How to train your dragons.
7.If you could travel back in time to any point in human history, what would it be? Middle Ages, Age of Discovery and Victorian.
8.Milk or dark chocolate? Dark, not a big fan of sweet stuff.
9.Comfort food? Anything cheesy...literally ;)
10.What do you do to treat yourself? To go to my favorite restaurant or cook a big meal for myself.
11.And because I like Sabela’s ender - Say some fun or peculiar fact about yourself! Ermmmmm, I like to eat and cooking, a lot. And some of you may know I'm an amateur painter and I often draw or reblog animals things(usually kitten or puppies or birdies), but I actually never, ever have any fluffy pet ever. Hmmm, maybe that's why I drew them constantly.
And apologize for not come out any questions, I’m really not good at it. :p
But feel free to ask me so more! Enjoy!
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cuchabra · 6 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then send this to the last 10 people that reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity!!!
1- Drinking coffee and listening to the rain tap against my window
2- Knowing that I will soon move with my best friend
3- Drawing
4- My neighbour’s dogs recognize me and always come to say hi when I come home
5- People liking my art, and finding new art from amazing people!
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adventure-tyne · 7 years
bitemebat replied to your post “@just-a-copper did you check with mr mycroft about xmas? … asking for...”
yeah yeah
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