#billy could’ve been such a badass with Steve and Eddie in the upside down
maltedmilkks · 1 year
friendly reminder that if the party had taken the same measures they did to save will from the mind flayer with billy then max would have never been cursed by vecna and we could’ve had a bad ass brother sister fighting duo in s4 attacking vecna :)
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piratefishmama · 1 year
God. I just wanna know what Dustin could’ve told the Hellfire boys about Steve ya know. Like how could he have talked their ears off about him being a badass without bringing up his upside down related heroics? I mean did he tell them that Steve Harrington repeatedly saved his life but that he couldn’t go into details because it was classified information? Did they all roll their eyes at his obvious dramatics and overflowing imagination and tried to humor him?? And now Eddie tries to recall everything Dustin had said, everything he had dismissed and takes a moment to really understand the implications.
Eddie Munson would love to be able to say that he’d believe just about anything. He was an open minded kind of guy, nerdy, loved the fantasy genre, believed in aliens because it made sense for aliens to exist since the universe was just so infinitely big, and it’d be just so very stupid to think that Earth was the only little marble to hold sentient life among it all.
Believed in big foot purely because it’d be fucking hilarious if the guy actually existed but was just like. A really big hairy nudist that liked to terrorize locals. He’d seen a few bears in his time, not the grizzly kind either.
He loved his cryptids, Nessie and all her lake lookalikes was one of his favourites, just this really big water dinosaur thing that was actually probably just a whales dick breaching the water in all those photos, but whatever. It was funny to believe that it could be, even if his belief stemmed mostly from the idea that he could loudly declare with his whole chest that he believed in them to watch gleefully as people tried to convince him they weren’t real.
Harmless mischief really.
He would love to be able to say he believed just about anything.
Anything, he’d believe anything, anything except for whatever the fuck his new little sheep kept spouting about one infamous Steve “The Hair” Harrington after Eddie made the foolish mistake of innocently asking why Steve Harrington’s unmistakable Beemer was parked outside on the curb a little too loudly, mostly to himself.
“He drives us home.” Mike had answered the rhetorical question as he shrugged his bag over his shoulder, offering no further explanation.
“He does what now?” Eddie had to press for more, then it was Dustin who did the oversharing. And it was Dustin who never stopped sharing.
It was like he’d opened pandoras goddamn box only instead of all the worlds suffering it only contained Dustin’s endless gushing stream of stories that the others just politely ignored since Dustin only ever aimed them at him. So yeah, the analogy fit, it was still mostly suffering.
Steve took on a whole pack of wild ravenous dogs to protect them once, not demon dogs, Dustin was careful with that, but dogs that cornered them in the junkyard while Dustin had been trying to find the one that ate his poor cat for some such reason or another.
He’d embellished a little of course, the dogs totally had rabies, Steve was basically a hero who put his life on the line to protect them all. Eddie just scoffed in disbelief, as if Steve would risk putting a single hair atop his glorious head in danger, no sir.
Not even for a bunch of kids.
Then there was the Billy thing, may the douchecanoe rest in peace, Lucas even piped up there, mentioned that Steve had gotten his ass handed to him sure, but it was entirely to keep Billy away from him. Steve had put himself between monsters and those kids multiple times that night. Eddie could… sort of believe that one.
Steve was a douchebag sure, but he had turned up around that time with a real fucked up face like he’d gone toe to toe with a brick wall a few times and nobody really knew why.
The Steve had won a fight against a Russian soldier story was a fun one. Dustin wouldn’t elaborate on that one, said it was hush hush, it’d just kind of come out that one while Dustin was adamantly declaring Steve’s badassery, much to Eddie’s own adamant disbelief, but Dustin had quickly changed the subject anyway, not that Eddie was going to pry for more information on a made up story.
Usually he’d love to watch a lie spiral out of control until the edges inevitably frayed and it all fell apart.
But listening to one of his favourite little sheep go on and on and on and on about Steeeeeeeve Harrington, about how badass he was, about how cool he was, about how he looked after them, about how he took them to the arcade, and kept them safe from all kinds of dumb shit, about how he gave him advice that got him his girlfriend (Eddie hadn’t believed she was real at first either until Mike and Lucas had in unison piped up that actually, she was.) that Steve had been cool enough to drive him to the snowball and help him get ready, that he was basically like a big brother he didn’t know he’d needed, or an extra mother.
It was exhausting, and annoying as shit listening to him try and convince him to talk to Steve, get to know him, maybe make friends because “you’d both get along so well! I’m telling you I’m RIGHT about this, trust me! Why does nobody ever trust me? You trust me right?”
"Pfft, sure thing, shrimp." Nope.
Whatever, it wasn’t like he’d ever have to talk to Steve.
Until he does. Until he sees a sweaty, damp, dirty, and bleeding Steve "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK" Harrington bite a demon bats tentacle tail off. Until he sees him splat that same bat into the floor over and over again until it's brains are nothing but a smear, and then watches as that same bat is then torn in half by pure brute strength and wow all those conversations come rushing back to Eddie like a tidal wave all at once that he can only look upon in somewhat flush-faced awe because,
"Holy shit. You really are a badass." Stupid Dustin, always right about shit.
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hadesismybaby · 2 years
I’m still angry.
Noah’s video made me think about Eddie’s death again. 🙃 And I’ll use this medium as a therapy session.
I’m not going to say how daddy Hopper could’ve cleared his name or How Eddie was already a hero. 
No, today I want to talk about the writing of that scene. One of the things that pissed me off was how lazily it was written. Almost felt like they said: “Yeah, he can die now. IDC” 
Why Eddie ran outside again? To get them more time. More time for what? My beautiful baby didn’t know what was happening in the house.
Some people also use the excuse it was because the demobats would get through the portal. I’m sorry what? When was established that? Dustin didn’t seem to think so when he cried and begged Eddie to go through the portal. You guys want to know more than Dusty-bun? Be real. Even if that was true, they could throw a molotov inside the upside down trailer. 
Oh but what about that badass scene with Eddie fighting then? That was cool. Yeah that was cool, and we could have the same moment without his death. Same way Nancy, Robin and Steve got saved by Murray torching the Demogorgons in Russia, Eddie could have been saved as well… Same bullshit reason he ran outside, but this time Murray torched the assholes when Eddie was fighting them. Boom Eddie lives. 
I’ll even give in and tell one idea of how my precious boy could’ve died, without much of a rewrite. Let’s use Billy’s death as an example.
Billy really died defending something and someone, he was um between Eleven and the Mind Flayer. That was a true hero’s death, even after all the shit he did (and said).
So same situation, demobats invade the trailer via vent. 
This time only a few of them enter via the other vent (maybe 3 or 4), but they don’t have the time to use the rope and escape.
Eddie pushes Dustin out of the way and fight them alone, protecting the kid from any attack, they notice more are using the vent, and he won’t be able to fight all of them there. 
The throws the mattress on top of Dustin, tells him to don’t get out until he says so, he’ll tell when it's safe. Dustin protests but agree after Eddie uses the same tone as he used before on the cafeteria. 
Eddie fights a few more of them before opening the door and running, getting their attention, leaving Dustin alone in the trailer. 
From here on, the same happen… Eddie fights them outside, Dustin goes after Eddie… bla bla bla we all cry. 
It is not perfect, but I’m also not a professional writer. It just pisses me off how a person with zero writing experience can come up with scenarios where his death is at least understandable. 
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