#bilan musical 2022
semena--mertvykh · 1 year
Bilan musical 2022 : 100 titres
Et prendre conscience, d'un coup : je me suis sentie tellement bien à l'UVSQ que j'ai passé toute l'année à danser ; partout, tout le temps - dans mon salon le matin, en me désapant pour aller prendre ma douche, en faisant ma vaisselle, ou quand j'arrivais tôt le matin, sur mon lieu de stage, empruntant les couloirs souterrains depuis le parking pour rejoindre ma caverne aux archives, esquissant un pas de danse en sachant que personne ne me verrait (et m'arrêtant, le rouge aux joues, si j'entendais quelqu'un pousser l'une des portes à battants).
Chaque titre qui a marqué mon esprit, durant ces quelques mois, ravive pêle-mêle une masse d'impressions et de visions mêlées, une bouffée de réminiscences sensorielles qui imprègne chaque chanson d'une couleur affective inoubliable. Je reparcours la petite centaine de titres indispensables qui me restent de cette période et chaque nouvelle écoute me renvoie une impression de fête, d’énergie increvable, de pulsion obstinée :
-- la perruque de Tyler, the Creator ;
-- les invocations musicales d’Yves Tumor, transcription sonore de son espace mental où le gloubiboulga de références qu’il a dans la tête ressemblerait étrangement au sabbat de sorcières qu’abrite la mienne ;
-– les Flowers cancéreuses, proliférantes, fascinantes, inquiétantes, de Julianna Barwick ;
-- le Feels Like Summer de Childish Gambino, découvert en pleine canicule, sa déploration de la catastrophe climatique troussée comme le tube de l’été, tout en chaloupements et chœurs énamourés et effets de reverb ;
-- Run The Jewel et leur beat absolument irrésistible sur Goonies vs ET, qui me rappelle toujours ce que j’avais répondu, ado, à mon père, en pleine Brosmania (« Si t’as pas envie de danser là-dessus, c’est que t’es vieux ») ;
-- la brume mordorée s’élevant sur les reflets dansants d’une eau calme, un matin où le son porte bien : c'est My Father In Hong Kong (toujours un plaisir de prendre des nouvelles de Gold Panda, sirène solitaire dans l'océan electro qui travaille l'harmonie en modifiant la tonique, à intervalles, au lieu de fonctionner par aplats de chants/contrechants successifs) ;
-- les miaulements d’Amaraae sur Feel A Way, qui me rappelaient opportunément que çà fait tellement longtemps que je n’ai pas fait de sexe, que je suis probablement redevenue vierge entre temps ;
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-- Roisin Murphy et sa deep house grandiloquente (We Get Together !), et ce moment où je fonçais tranquillement à 130 sur l’A13 et où, en approchant du tunnel de Saint-Cloud, contre toute attente, le gars qui roulait loin derrière moi, sur la file de gauche, m’a gentiment fait un appel de phares pour me prévenir du radar (ami conducteur, où que tu sois, je te salue et je te souhaite des plaquettes de frein aussi neuves que les miennes) ;
-- la Jeanette que Kelly Lee Owens a dû composer pour une petite fille, tellement j’y entends cette qualité perdue depuis longtemps, et que je chéris chaque fois que je la retrouve chez un artiste : la candeur (alors pourquoi j'ai l'impression qu'elle l'a composée pour ma voiture ?) ;
-- et tout en haut du podium : Fashionista des Chai, en parfaite résonance avec les pistons de ma voiture tricotant le kilométrage à toute allure, dans une synchronie à deux temps avec la pulsation de mon propre cœur – une blanche pour moi, une triple croche pour eux – et je n'ai pas d'images plus juste ni plus succincte de l’osmose vécue l’année dernière avec ma voiture, femelle centaure que j’étais devenue à rouler quatre heures par jour, seule usagère du Périph à prendre encore son pied au stade terminal de l’embouteillage – seule conductrice à avoir la banane d’une oreille à l’autre, de la Porte d'Auteuil à la Porte de Vincennes ;
-- même la suffocation qu’expose Astrid Sonne et son The Air Is Unfit – mise en son d’un cauchemar technologique peut-être, où ne rôderait entre les machines clignotantes qu’un fantôme vengeur s’abattant sur le visiteur imprudent pour l’étrangler – même ce bref corps-à-corps avec un ennemi invisible était une belle mort, à la lumière de cette année-là.
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garnetrena · 1 year
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My Deezer 2022 year!
A few notes:
-I can't live without music and it shows 💙
-I listened to music for 200 hours, which is a little bit more than 8 full days
-I mostly listen to new songs
-I'm among the 5% of people who first listened to the new album of Stromae
-I'm among the 1% of people who listen to Hayley Kiyoko the most (Lesbian Jesus ❤️)
-my The Great Gatsby playlist was quite popular (thanks to everyone who listened to it!!)
-The Encanto brainrot is very real
-...except for "Middle Of The Night", which is for me a Raeda song, so that's the The Owl House hyperfixation
-My favorite artists of the year are Lana del Rey, Orelsan, Marina and the Diamonds, Taylor Swift and Hayley Kiyoko
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gaymer-hag-stan · 1 year
2004, 2007, 2008 - Rigged. Ruslana, Marija Serifovic and Dima Bilan all won because of Eastern European bloc voting
2005 - Rigged. Helena Paparizou won because of Balkan bloc voting
2006 - Lordi shouldn't win because they promote Satan worship through their music
2014 - Rigged. Conchita Wurst won because of LGBT voting / they're trying to force it down our throats
2015 - Måns shouldn't win because he's homophobic / Heroes shouldn't win because it's a copy of Descendants of the Sun (correct me if I'm wrong on this one; people were definitely saying that it was too derivative of a popular song at the time, I don't remember if that was its name)
2016 - Rigged. Jamala's win was political
2017 - Rigged. Salvador Sobral won because of his heart condition
2018 - Netta won because she was a joke entry. The contest is of poor quality / She is promoting overweight body types as the new standard (I'm not even joking, people actually said that)
2021 - Måneskin should be stripped of their title as champions because Damiano did cocaine
2022 - Rigged. Kalush Orchestra won because of the war
2023 - Rigged. Loreen won due to Sweden celebrating 50 years from their first win next year.
Can you STOP and take a moment to realize how ridiculous you all sound?
And yes, these are all things people actually said at the time, in case you don't remember or forget easily (or out of convenience)
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noa-ciharu · 1 year
Speaking of Eurovision...
As a fellow ESC watcher I would like to ask what your twelve all-time favourite ESC songs are and maybe explain why exactly these if you don't mind •////• 👉👈
And have a nice day~
Oh damn just 12? Thats too difficult 😭 If you don't mind instead I decided to pick a country and then select one of their best songs ♥️
Helena Papariziou - my number one (Greece 2005). Maybe it's just nostalgia, but to me this is Eurovision-est eurovision song that ever won. Fast rhythm, very Greek vibes, catchy tune, nice choreography and voice, what's not to like?
Hari Mara Hari - Lejla (BiH 2006). What to say, beautiful ballad in native language, very powerful voice, in my honest opinion this song should have won back in 2006. But then again, I'm a fan of his music so maybe I'm just biased
Go_A - Shum (Ukraine 2021). What every country should do: send a mix of folklore and modern music in native language. Honestly if I had to choose a country that overal has best entries without a doubt it'll be Ukraine, they never disappoint. What's hard to choose actually is which song of theirs was the best. I can't decide but Go_A's Šum definitely goes into top 3. Also in begging everyone listen to Shady Lady, their 2008's entry
Conchira Wurst - Rise like a Phoenix (Austria 2014). Hands down one of best ballads in English sent in last 20 years. Definitely a deserved win, no matter what public at that time said cuz of her appearance. The 'but I'm gonna fly' part never fails to give me goosebumps. I feel like that song could be trans anthem
Elena Born and Stig Rästa - Goodbye to Yesterday (Estonia 2015). The classic. Very simple yet striking duet, idk how to describe it but there's something rly captivating about the song. Ans they look like they're so in love 🥺
Can Bonomo - Love me back (Turkey 2012). Add to endless list of songs that should have won over Euphoria 🙄 it's a very unique song, very catchy too. Also this is the last year Turkey took part in esc :< I miss their performances 😭
Željko Joksimović - Lane Moje and No name - Zauvjek Moja (Serbia & Montenegro 2004 and 2005) - I tried to choose only one but couldn't ;-; that's how 00s music on Balkan was like, it fills me with nostalgia. Sadly national song content in 2006 was one of reasons why union between two countries collapsed so it's more of pensive nostalgia for people here
Anxhela Peristeri - Karma (Albania 2021). This song was criminally underrated 2 years ago :< powerful ballad, perfect voice, strong tune - idk why she didn't rank higher? Albania always sends good song in their language and gets little points, it's unfair :/
Charlotte Perrilli - Hero (Sweden 2008). Yes I can't believe I'm saying this but there is an underrated swedish entry. I've hear this one back in 2008 and it stick with me ever since. Catchy 00s pop song
Andromache - Ela (Cyprus 2022). This one didn't even qualify ;-; honestly it was one of my faves from last year but it was so obvious she was nervous on stage. Plus song isn't really much of Eurovision material so I sort of understand why she didn't qualify but I adored the song nonetheless 🥰 love hearing Greek language
Dima Bilan - Never let you go (Russia 2006). His voice 🥺 song is so beautiful idk what to say really beside I'm an absolute fan (plus that imma go dig up more of his music). I do like Believe from 2008 too but prefer this song
Paula Seling & Ovi - Playing with fire (Romania 2006). What to say, very catchy song, I like it alot. Love them 90s vibes. Defo one of best Romania sent in last 20 years
Toše Proeski - Life (Macedonia 2004). Alright, I feel like I've bored life out of everyone with Crno i Belo from 2012 so time to bring another underappreciated Macedonian entry. You don't understand, this man was a legend in ex Yu countries 🥺💔 still is to this day
Cascada - Glorious (Germany 2013). Shes one of my fave 00s pop icons, imagine my delight when I heard she's on eurovision 😭 her songs are my childhood ♥️ I just wish she ranked better, idk why only 22th place for such amazing song
Doris Dragović - Marija Magdalena (Croatia 1999). Absolutely best Croatia ever sent, powerful voice, catchy tune, native language - absolutely perfect song in all terms
Alexander Rybak - Fairytale (Norway 2009). One of rare winners I 100% agree with. Violin is amazing there as well as his voice. Breath of fresh air into song context with mixture of traditional and modern I'd say
Monika Liu - Sentimentai (Lithuania 2022). So underappreciated 😭 the style, the elegance, the simplicity, the catchy tune - idk why she didn't get more points tbh
Sirusho - Qele qele (Armenia 2008). As someo3n said in comments - everyone over 18 on Balkan knows this song and that's the case with me too 😂 ethnic flavor, catchy rhymes, one of that years faves for sure
I think I covered around 13-14 counties here, especially some from eastern and central Europe that might get underappreciated. Maybe one day when/if I have time I could choose my fave song from all 50ish European countries (if I'm insane enough)
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bbcblackjack · 2 years
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Soo my dear friend @yukiakaren did made me do this :D my answers are under read more :)! She saw AlexESCRomania’s video on YouTube of this challenge made by @escshane on Instagram.
Day 1: Favorite ESC song of 2022: Okay so Italy - Mahmood&Blanco - Brividi is like my top fave! I just loved it since Sanremo and it just keeps getting better at each listening. 
Day 2: Least favorite ESC song of 2022: Latvia - Citi Zēni - Eat Your Salad   Lyrics doesn’t really make it for me. I like sound and guys seems super nice but yeah song is no for me.
Day 3: Most underrated ESC song of 2022: Super duper easy answer: Azerbaijan - Nadir Rustämil - Fade To Black It’s literally best ballad of the year. Also Nadir have such a strong vocals like wow!! 
Day 4: Most overrated ESC song of 2022: Super easy to say again Sweden - Cornelia Jakobs - Hold Me Closer So basically it feels super Swedish, like they make high quality music every year. I’m not gonna deny it, but like it doesn’t make me feel anything? It has good production and good singer.
Day 5: Biggest grower of ESC 2022: I have to say it is Slovenia - LPS - Disco Like first I didn’t even remember such a song existed, but slowly it has grown on me and I honestly kinda like it!
Day 6: ESC 2022 song that makes you happy: Spain - Chanel - Slowmo I love latin vibes and it makes me want to dance! It just makes me happy because of that. 
Day 7: ESC 2022 song that maked you cry: I do’t cry easily but I have to say  Italy - Mahmood&Blanco - Brividi. When they did perform it at Sanremo I got shivers and tears in my eyes.  
Day 8: ESC 2022 song that needs to be played loud: I have to say Estonia - Stefan - Hope, I don’t even know why but I feel this song is something which deserved to be played out loud!!!
Day 9: ESC 2022 song that gives you inspiration: Inspiration for me gives  Estonia - Stefan - Hope
Day 10: Best male vocal of ESC 2022: Okay gonna have to say Azerbaijan - Nadir Rustämil - Fade To Black
Day 11: Best female vocal of ESC 2022: North Macedonia - Andrea - Circles, I just vibe with her sound! 
Day 12: A country that surprised you: I have to say it is UK - Sam Ryder - Space Man! I never thought UK would really send such a good song which can end up in top 10! 
Day 13: A country that disappointed you: Switzerland - Marius Bear - Boys Do Cry Last year their song was just so so good, so idk this feel like... nothing after that. I know we shouldn’t compare to last year but it is something which happens kinda automatically. 
Day 14: Favorite ESC 2022 duo/band: Simply Italy - Mahmood&Blanco - Brividi
Day 15: ESC 2022 song that makes you dance: Because I meantioned Spain earlier I’ll say Romania - WRS - Llamame
Day 16: Your ESC 2022 guilty pleasure: Well I don’t even understand concept of guilty pleasure so it’s always hard for me to reply to these, but I would say Norway - Subwoolfer - Give That Wolf A Banana
Day 17: Favorite Eurovision winner: Oh my god this question is so so hard. I love so many, but I need to say Russia 2008 - Dima Bilan - Believe. That song just means a lot to me. 
Day 18: Favorite Eurovision non-qualifier: Switzerland 2018 - Zibbz - Stones It should have qualified!! Like their stage and energy was just wow!!
Day 19: Favorite Nordic 2022 entry: I'll say Finland - The Rasmus - Jezebel
Day 20: Favorite Balkan 2022 entry: Favorite Balkan entry is queen herself Albania - Ronela Hajati - Sekret
Day 21: Favorite Eastern European 2022 entry: Ukraine - Kalush Orchestra - Stefania those lyrics and music! I just loove it!
Day 22: Favorite Western European 2022 entry: Umm maybe I’ll say Netherlands - S10 - De Diepte so I won’t say Italy 24/7 :’D
Day 23: Favorite song from 2022 national finals: Soo I don’t usually watch many nationals but I do watch melodifestivalen every year and Omar Rudberg - Moving Like That was absolutely my favorite, he didn’t go to finals but I’ll still say him ._.
Day 24: Favorite ESC 2022 national final: SANREMO!!!! I just loved it soo much. It was so much fun as well!
Day 25: ESC 2022 entry that is personal to you: Italy - Mahmood&Blanco - Brividi
Day 26: ESC 2022 song with best lyrics: Ukraine - Kalush Orchestra - Stefania
Day 27: Your ESC 2022 runner-up: Soo after Italy my second favorite would be Ukraine - Kalush Orchestra - Stefania
Day 28: ESC 2022 songs that describes how you currently feel: Austria - LUM!X feat. Pia Maria - Halo I’ve been in this constant hype for Eurovision for the past week already (watching fan channel streams daily, listening to Eurovision music 90% of the time and other good stuff like that), that’s why I’ll choose the hypest song of the punch. (Oh man, the post-Eurovision depression is gonna hit extremely hard this year, I can already imagine it…) < lol I just ended up leaving my friend’s @yukiakaren answer because it fits to me as  well ahahahah
Day 29: Biggest dark horse of ESC 2022: I would say it is UK, because no one really expected them to send good song but they did! And like general audience who doesn’t follow all Eurovision stuff will be blown away!!
Day 30: Country you think will win ESC 2022: I will say it is Ukraine or Italy
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sexydeathparty · 2 years
Russia Will No Longer Compete In Eurovision After Ukraine Invasion, Organisers Confirm
Russia will no longer participate in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest following its invasion of Ukraine, organisers have confirmed. 
The European Broadcasting Union has said the country’s involvement in this year’s contest “would bring the competition into disrepute”. 
The body said the decision was made “following a recommendation earlier today by the Eurovision Song Contest’s governing body, the Reference Group, based on the rules of the event and the values of the EBU”.
On Thursday, the EBU said that Russia would still compete in Eurovision, but it faced pressure from a number of countries to expel Russia. 
The EBU has issued the statement below regarding Russia's participation in the Eurovision Song Contest 2022 Find it online here➡️https://t.co/5xXIYUNmXO#Eurovision#ESC2022pic.twitter.com/OGjQKtiZfm
— EBU (@EBU_HQ) February 25, 2022
Finland and Estonia said they both would withdraw from the competition if Russia remained part of it, while broadcasters for Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and The Netherlands all spoke out in solidarity with Ukraine.
Ukrainian state broadcaster UA:PBC also called on the EBU to suspend Russia’s membership and ban it from the 2022 contest.
In a statement, the EBU said of the U-turn: “The decision reflects concern that, in light of the unprecedented crisis in Ukraine, the inclusion of a Russian entry in this year’s Contest would bring the competition into disrepute. Before making this decision the EBU took time to consult widely among its membership.
“The EBU is an apolitical member organisation of broadcasters committed to upholding the values of public service.
“We remain dedicated to protecting the values of a cultural competition which promotes international exchange and understanding, brings audiences together, celebrates diversity through music and unites Europe on one stage.”
Russia had not yet announced its act for 2022. It last won in 2008 with Dima Bilan singing Believe, and in turn hosted the 2009 contest in Moscow.
This year’s competition will take place in Turin, following Italian rock group Måneskin’s victory in 2021.
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Explained: What Are The New 'Severe' Sanctions Boris Johnson Has Announced?
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What Does Putin Actually Want From His Attack On Ukraine?
from HuffPost UK - Athena2 - All Entries (Public) https://ift.tt/d94rT2H via IFTTT
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davanlo · 2 years
2021, le bilan ! Bah, finalement ...
2021, le bilan ! Bah, finalement …
L’an passé, je dressais déjà un bilan non-musical de mon année écoulée. Vu que je commence à penser à 2022, il est temps de cloturer les comptes avec 2021. En 2020, en dehors d’une masterclass à Dison, je n’avais pas eu grand-chose à me mettre sous la dent, musicalement. A défaut d’autre chose, je m’étais fixé comme objectif de grossir les statistiques de visites de mon site. Pour atteindre les…
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semena--mertvykh · 1 year
Bilan musical 2021-2022
Catégorie Grand n'importe quoi
Effet Covid ou pas, on a été gâtés cette année.
Juste, petite parenthèse : j’adore être emmenée dans des endroits où je n’ai pas l’habitude d’aller, musicalement parlant ; c’est même la raison pour laquelle je continue, année après année, à écouter autant de nouveautés ; si c’est pour entendre ce qui berçait déjà mon adolescence, je vois pas bien l’intérêt d’avoir des oreilles (le premier qui me dit pour les lunettes sort).
Mais quand même. Même moi, il y a des limites à ce que je peux apprécier, en matière de conceptuel. Syndrome pré-dépressif, grosse flemme, envie d’essayer autre chose sans savoir quoi ? Les questions se sont bousculées, dans notre cerveau de vieille gardienne de phare bretonne de 90 ans, pour tenter de comprendre ce gros coup de mou qui semblait avoir saisi une partie de la scène indie, à mesure qu'on empruntait l'autoroute la nationale la départementale le chemin vicinal de l'expérimental relou, en se retenant de ne pas exploser la limitation de vitesse.
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Médaille d'honneur : Lingua Ignota avec The order of Spiritual Virgins
=> vocalises en roue libre + piano grandiloquent. Je savais pas qu’une chanson pouvait faire rire.
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Médaille en chocolat : Lingua Ignota avec Many Hands
=> le délire Retenez-moi je suis en transe se confirme. Tout un album dans la même veine, çà va pas être possible. Et je ne parle pas des clusters frénétiques sur les cordes à vide, en mode Hein, moi, apprendre à jouer ?
Au repêchage : Aya et tout "Im Hole"
=> les morceaux se succèdent, aussi palpitants à écouter que le voisin d’à côté qui fait chauffer son diesel. On se demande à quel moment çà va démarrer. Rien que de taper les titres à rallonge prend la tête. The Only Solution I Have Found Is To Simply Jump Higher vaut quand même le détour, rappelle le Sakamoto aventureux de "B2-Unit" ou "Esperanto".
Lot de consolation : Spirit of the Beehive avec Entertainment ex-aequo avec Tirzah et Colourgrade
=> à quel moment le mot songwriting a disparu du dictionnaire déjà ?
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semena--mertvykh · 1 year
Bilan musical 2021-2022
Catégorie Mauvaise humeur : Ruyichi Sakamoto et Heartbeat
Je n'aurais jamais pensé être déçue un jour par Sakamoto-san ; et pourtant, je me suis fadé son travail avec Fennesz
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sans parler de tous ses LP de pianochiant qui ne vont pas empêcher Trotignon de dormir.
Et puis j'ai ouvert cet album, que le manque de curiosité avait jusque là tenu dans les limbes du jaipasletemps (le manque de curiosité, une vraie qualité en l'occurrence).
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Mention spéciale à Heartbeat-le-titre.
=> Pas la version All Star super classe et super triste, avec Ingrid Chavez + David Sylvian en guests (et un sample de John Cage, pardon hein) ;
=> Pas celle qui porte LA épitaphe de ma vie sentimentale - que j’ai torpillée comme j’ai torpillé tout le reste, avec détermination, panache et un intense sentiment de libération ;
And I killed the captain / Sank the fleet to liberate the heartbeat, baby
Non non ; une version dance toute pourrie, avec boîtes à rythmes en fer blanc récupérées au fond du sac du DJ du dimanche, dans un bar lounge parisien – le genre où ils te matraquent avec un mojito coupé à la flotte à 24€99 – juste pour produire un bruit de fond à 400 Hz pendant qu’un pubeux de chez Young & Rubicam te baratine sur ses stock options en se demandant si tu acceptes d’être prise par derrière dès le premier rencart.
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