#big data in agriculture market growth
ramkumarss · 10 months
Big Data in Agriculture Market Size, Share, Analysis, Growth
Big Data in Agriculture Market Size is valued at USD 718.3 million in 2022 and is expected to reach a value of USD 2,181.7 million by 2029
The global Big data in agriculture market size was valued at USD 718.3 million in 2022 and is poised to grow at a significant CAGR of 17.2% during the forecast period 2023-29. It also includes market size and projection estimations for each of the five major regions from 2023 to 2029. The research report includes historical data, trending features, and market growth estimates for the future. Furthermore, the study includes a global and regional estimation and further split by nations and categories within each region. The research also includes factors and barriers to the Big data in agriculture market growth, as well as their impact on the market's future growth. The report gives a comprehensive overview of both primary and secondary data.  
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View the detailed report description here - https://www.precisionbusinessinsights.com/market-reports/big-data-in-agriculture-market                          
The global Big data in agriculture market segmentation: 1) By Solution : Hardware, Software, Services.
2) By Operation on Data : Capturing Data, Storing Data, Sharing Data, Analyzing Data Others.
3) By Application : Chemical Analytics, Weather Analytics, Financial Analytics, Administrative Analytics, Crop Production Analytics, Social Analytics, Farmland/ Equipment Analytics Others.
4) By End User : Farmers, Agriculture Regulatory Bodies, Weather Forecast, Agrochemical Industry, Farm Equipment Industry Others
The primary factors of the Big data in agriculture market drivers are the rising adoption of urban farming practices. The Big data in agriculture market report helps to provide the best results for business enhancement and business growth. It further helps to obtain the reactions of consumers to a novel product or service. It becomes possible for business players to take action for changing perceptions. It uncovers and identifies potential issues of the customers. It becomes easy to obtain the reactions of the customers to a novel product or service. It also enlightens further advancement, so it suits its intended market.
The Big data in agriculture marketresearchreport gives a comprehensive outlook across the region with special emphasis on key regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. North America was the largest region in the Big data in agriculture market report, accounting for the highest share in 2022. It was followed by Asia Pacific, and then the other regions. Request sample report at - https://www.precisionbusinessinsights.com/request-sample/?product_id=26699                     The important profiles and strategies adopted by Big data in agriculture market key players are IBM Corporation (U.S.) Oracle Corporation (U.S.) Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP (U.S.) International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (Colombia) NTT Data Corporation (Japan)., covered here to help them in strengthening their place in the market.
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suniastrology · 9 months
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Current and upcoming astrological events August/September 2023
What to expect…
At the moment we are under Full Moon phase (Full Super Blue Moon in Pisces), where emotions may be high, some tension could be around and we are easily influenced from others feelings and emotions. Projects may see results or endings. Good time for spiritual practices and healing.
Mercury (in Virgo) is in its retrograde motion since August 23, 2023 therefore, problems with traveling and transportation may occur. Communication issues and misunderstandings are likely. Be careful with communication devices and vehicles (from damage, breaks) as well as data, important documents, personal information, passwords which could be lost or stolen. Avoid signing contracts, if possible, if not double check the content for possible mistakes or misleading information. It is a good time for study and research. Mercury will turn direct on September 16, 2023.
Another retrograde planet is Uranus (in Taurus) since August 28, 2023 which suggest that it is a period of personal reflection and rather inner growth, and awakening. This could lead to important realisation and alternative prospective in our lives where we can make major life changes where necessary. Uranus will turn direct on January 27, 2024.
On September 4th, Venus is moving direct, finally…It will be a good time in terms of finances, love and relationships. It is also an appropriate time for beauty procedures and even late summer holidays. On this very same day, however, Jupiter goes Retrograde (in Taurus) which may cause delays when it comes to big- future orientated projects and ventures.
Long distance travels may also slow down or disrupted in one way or another. We may reflect, revise or reassess our believe system and philosophy of life, on a personal level and as a collective. However, this could be a great period of higher learning – further education, university study/degree; religion and philosophy or natural science. It is also a great time for spiritual practises, especially in nature or doing some charity work in food banks/supporting people with basic material needs. Jupiter retrogrades in Taurus could also talk about slowing down the economies, property market and land/agriculture businesses in a global level. On December 30, 2023, Jupiter will turn direct in the same sign.
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL VIRGOS!!! Wishing you great health and successful birthday year.
Keep in mind that these are GENERAL ASTROLOGICAL TENDENCIES and how exactly this energy will influence you it’s depending on your personal horoscope, but most definitely you will feel these astrological events in one way or another, especially, in some areas in your life. And remember, that singe astrological event does not represent the whole picture in a personal or on a collective level.
Best wishes
suni astrology
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vivekavicky12 · 7 months
Decoding Data Science: Unveiling the Vast Landscape and Career Opportunities
In the era of big data, Data Science has emerged as a transformative force, reshaping industries and driving innovation. This blog aims to unravel the essence of Data Science, exploring its multidisciplinary nature and shedding light on the extensive scope and promising career opportunities within this dynamic field. Whether you're a beginner or looking to specialize, understanding the types of data science courses available is crucial. Choosing the best Data Science Institute can further accelerate your journey into this thriving industry.
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What is Data Science?
At its core, Data Science is the art and science of extracting valuable insights and knowledge from complex data sets. By employing a combination of scientific methods, algorithms, and domain-specific knowledge, Data Science transforms raw data into actionable intelligence. This multidisciplinary field encompasses statistics, mathematics, computer science, and more to analyze and interpret both structured and unstructured data.
Scope of Data Science:
Job Opportunities:
Data scientists are sought after across diverse industries such as finance, healthcare, technology, and e-commerce.
Roles include data analyst, machine learning engineer, data engineer, business intelligence analyst, and data scientist.
Educational Landscape:
The educational landscape for Data Science is expansive, with universities and online platforms offering a plethora of courses, degrees, and certifications.
Specialized programs cover machine learning, big data, data engineering, and business analytics to cater to varying skill levels.
Industry Integration:
Organizations are increasingly integrating data science into their operations, influencing decision-making processes.
Data-driven strategies impact areas like marketing, product development, and overall business strategy.
Government Initiatives:
Governments recognize the importance of data science in driving innovation and economic growth.
Initiatives and policies promote data literacy and skill development, aligning education with industry needs.
Diverse Applications:
Data science finds applications in diverse fields, including finance for fraud detection, healthcare for predictive analytics, marketing for customer segmentation, and agriculture for precision farming.
Its versatility is reflected in its broad spectrum of applications.
Competitive Salaries:
Skilled data science professionals command competitive salaries due to the specialized nature of their expertise.
Salaries vary based on factors like experience, location, and the specific role within the data science field.
Global Contribution:
Data scientists contribute globally, collaborating on projects addressing societal challenges, healthcare advancements, and environmental issues.
The global nature of data science fosters a culture of collaboration and knowledge exchange.
Continuous Innovation:
Data science stands at the forefront of technological innovation, driving advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning models, and predictive analytics.
Professionals engage in cutting-edge research, contributing to the ongoing evolution of the field.
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Career Opportunities:
Data Scientist
Data Analyst
Machine Learning Engineer
Data Engineer
Business Intelligence Analyst
Data Architect
Quantitative Analyst
Research Scientist
Predictive Modeler
Data Science is not just a field; it's a dynamic force shaping the future of industries. With a vast scope and diverse career opportunities, it offers a compelling journey for those seeking to immerse themselves in the intersection of technology, analytics, and innovation. As organizations continue to recognize the value of data-driven insights, the demand for skilled data scientists is set to soar, making Data Science a promising and rewarding career path. Choosing the best Data Science courses in Chennai is a crucial step in acquiring the necessary expertise for a successful career in the evolving landscape of data science.
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From Scarcity To Success: Santa Catarina's Contribution To Brazil's Tech Ecosystem
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Santa Catarina, located in the south of Brazil, is keen to elevate its position in the country's innovation landscape, leveraging unique factors that set the state apart from others. The epicenter of the state's innovation scene is its capital Florianópolis, known for having the highest startup density per capita in Brazil. With a population of just 500,000, the city has emerged as the driving force behind the state's technological surge, focusing predominantly on B2B models where companies design systems for other organizations rather than end consumers.
Florianópolis has been the birthplace of successful ventures that underwent some of Brazil’'s biggest M&A deals such as RD Station, a digital marketing firm acquired by software giant Totvs, and Neoway, a big data company purchased by B3 – both for around $340 million in 2021. Beyond these, the state is home to established tech firms predating the startup boom and also hosts emerging companies and global giants like Mercado Livre, Zoho, and Zucchetti.
"Given its challenges, like the lack of significant oil or mineral reserves and the absence of vast agricultural lands, coupled with natural adversities such as droughts, floods, and hurricanes, Santa Catarina had to pivot towards an alternative economic foundation to ensure growth," said Marcelo Fett, a veteran of the sector and the first Secretary of Science and Technology for Santa Catarina.
The creation of the secretariat supports the collective aim of the catarinense ecosystem to accelerate the state's tech industry, which currently consists of 22,125 tech firms with a combined turnover of approximately $4.5 billion, accounting for 6% of the state's GDP. This positions Santa Catarina as Brazil's sixth-largest tech hub.
The goal now is to double this contribution by 2026 through measures like credit provision for entrepreneurs, expansion of student loans and financial incentives for research-driven enterprises within the state, with details to be unveiled later this year. “[Santa Catarina] is a state that has a lot going for itself, especially when it comes to tech, and needs modernization to go even further”, said the state governor, Jorginho Mello.
Continue reading.
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book-my-crop · 2 years
How Agri-Tech is Transforming the Agriculture Sector?
As a result of the proliferation of online agritech companies in India, India's agricultural sector is undergoing profound change and development. The future of agriculture in India has the potential in the burgeoning agri-tech sector, which is expected to generate $24 billion in revenue by 2025. 
Currently in India, the agricultural sector is experiencing a transformation. Indian agriculture has gone a long way from its early days of merely guaranteeing the nation's food security to its current position as one of the world's top producers. With 58% of the people engaged in agricultural activities, India is still primarily an agrarian economy. Currently, the agricultural sector and related businesses account for roughly 17–18% of GDP. Agriculture and related businesses have tremendous room for expansion. 
The term "agri-tech" has become the latest fad in India's agricultural industry. Inc42 reports that there are one thousand agri-tech startups in India as of 2020 and that these businesses have raised over $400 million in funding between 2014 and 2020. Similar studies estimate that by 2025, India's agri-tech sector might generate $24 billion in sales. There is just approximately 1% of agri-tech penetration in India at the moment. This means there is a tremendous amount of room for growth and potential in the market. There is a new era dawning in Indian agriculture, and it is being ushered in by the agri-tech startups and direct-to-consumer enterprises operating in this market. It will also play an important part in modernising agriculture and ensuring food security for India's projected 1.6 billion people by 2050.
The Agri-Tech Boom:
The term "agri-tech" refers to the intersection between agriculture and technology. It is the practice of incorporating new methods and tools into farming in order to boost output, quality, efficiency, and return on investment. Recent innovations in robots, big data, artificial intelligence, and other techniques have propelled the agri-tech revolution. The Indian agri-tech business is thriving, addressing the country's agriculture sector's innumerable needs, issues, and concerns. Animal husbandry, cattle management, poultry farming, and dairy farming are all areas where online agritech companies in India are addressing challenges. 
Financial difficulties, difficulties in the supply chain, difficulties in farming under extreme weather, and gaps in supply and demand are all being addressed through innovations in the sector. Today's agriculture ecosystem startups are using cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning (ML), big data (big data analytics), and blockchain to address market inefficiencies, thereby transforming the industry and improving farmers' bottom lines.
When it comes to agriculture, how exactly is agri-tech changing the game in India?
There has been a technological breakthrough in Indian agriculture. The agri-tech industry is reshaping India's agricultural landscape with the help of a variety of innovative technology. 
Market connections, farm inputs, precision farming, Farming-as-a-service, as well as financial services are just some of the sub-sectors that may be found among agri-tech startups. In the sections that follow, we'll examine how each of these industries is shaking up the home front in modern times.
-     Market Connections:
By connecting farmers with buyers and sellers directly, startups in this space are increasing farmers' income. This explains why farmers in India are embracing market connection solutions so enthusiastically. Book My Crop an excellent online agriculture store in India, is a distinct platform that brings farmers and buyers together for the agro-trade.
-     Farm inputs:
Here, a variety of data elements are assisting farmers in increasing their production and productivity. Smart farming sensors enabled by the Internet of Things (IoT) are assisting farmers in collecting temperature, data on soil quality, ammonia content, humidity, etc. It can help them keep tabs on the soil in real-time by measuring and reporting on factors like temperature, moisture, soil pH, electric conductivity, as well as the content of organic matter. Monitoring the types of microenvironments available to cattle is also helpful in the animal husbandry sector.
-     Precision farming:
Historically, India's agricultural output has lagged behind international standards due to its subpar agricultural methods. Precision farming, though, is altering the landscape completely. Precision farming is a method of farming that employs novel strategies and cutting-edge technologies, such as the study of topography and weather forecasts and the use of automated irrigation systems. Using Internet of Things (IoT) sensors or geospatial technologies and combining analytics to deliver timely insights, supplies farmers with farm-specific data regarding soil, the ever-changing weather conditions, terrain, pests, etc. It aids in the management of farming systems, frequently in real-time, and contributes to making farming more systematic as well as scientific.
-     Farming-as-a-Service:
Among the many options provided by farming as a service are the rental of machinery on demand, pesticide spraying, as well as field levelling. Pay-as-you-use or subscription-based access to cutting-edge, enterprise-level technology used in agriculture and adjacent industries. Some answers are tech-driven breakthroughs, while others are just reimagining old methods in a more systematic and effective way.
-     Financial services:
For decades, Indian farmers' access to capital has been a major issue. The online agri market faces a number of challenges, and new agri-tech businesses are working to solve them. Technology advancements in secure banking systems, micropayments, real-time market prices, mobile banking, as well as remote monitoring are all being put to use to improve the efficiency, safety, and dependability of financial service solutions provided to farmers.
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swatiblog · 4 days
Digital Farming Market is set for a Potential Growth Worldwide: Excellent Technology Trends with Business Analysis
Latest released the research study on Global Digital Farming Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Digital Farming Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Digital Farming The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are Deere & Company (U.S.),Kubota Corporation (Japan),CNH Industrial N.V. (U.K.),Hexagon AB (Sweden),Topcon Corporation (Japan),CLAAS KGaA mbH (Germany),Trimble (U.S.),AGCO Corporation (U.S.),AgEagle Aerial Systems (U.S.),Bayer AG (Germany),IBM Corporation (U.S.)}
Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://marketresearchforecast.com/report/digital-farming-market-1668/enquiry-before-buy
The Digital Farming Marketsize was valued at USD 24.1 USD Billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 57.40 USD Billion by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 13.2 % during the forecast period.
The Global Digital Farming Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:
Infrastructure: Sensing & Monitoring, Communication Technology, Cloud & Data Processing, Telematics/Positioning, and End-use Components,Product: Agricultural Equipment and Drones/Robots/Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,Technology: AI/ML/NLP, IoT, Blockchain, and Big Data & Analytics,Application: Yield Monitoring and Mapping, Smart Crop Monitoring, Soil & Fertilizer Management, Smart Irrigation Monitoring System, Weather Forecasting, and Others}
Data Sources & Methodology The primary sources involves the industry experts from the Global Digital Farming Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industry’s value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects.
In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources – Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Company's Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weight-age.
Enquire for customization in Report @: https://marketresearchforecast.com/report/digital-farming-market-1668/checkout?type=corporate
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vinnaasblog · 5 days
Natural (Bio-based) Resin Market Will Hit Big Revenues In Future | Biggest Opportunity Of 2024
Latest added Natural (Bio-based) Resin Market research study by Market Research Forecast offers detailed outlook and elaborates market review till 2030. The market Study is segmented by key regions that are accelerating the marketization. At present, the market players are strategizing and overcoming challenges of current scenario; some of the key players in the study are SABIC (U.K.),BASF (Germany),Braskem (Brazil),Arkema (France),Ashland Performance Materials (U.S.),Danimer Scientific (U.S.),Minima (Taiwan),NatureWorks LLC (U.S.),Avantium (Netherlands)} etc.  Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://marketresearchforecast.com/report/natural-bio-based-resin-market-1389/sample-report The Natural (Bio-based) Resin Marketsize was valued at USD 5.29 USD Billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 10.85 USD Billion by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 10.8 % during the forecast period. The latest edition of this report you will be entitled to receive additional chapter / commentary on latest scenario, economic slowdown and COVID-19 impact on overall industry. Further it will also provide qualitative information about when industry could come back on track and what possible measures industry players are taking to deal with current situation. Each of the segment analysis table for forecast period also high % impact on growth. Market Growth Drivers:
Increasing Demand for Eco-Friendly Plastics from Packaging Industry to Propel Market Growth
The Global Natural (Bio-based) Resin segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below: Type: Starch Blends, Polylactic Acid, Bio-Polyethylene Terephthalate, Polyhydroxyalkanoate, Bio-Polyethylene, and Others,Application: Packaging, Textiles, Automotive & Transportation, Consumer Goods, Agriculture, and Others}
Have Any Questions Regarding Global Natural (Bio-based) Resin Market Report, Ask Our Experts@ https://marketresearchforecast.com/report/natural-bio-based-resin-market-1389/enquiry-before-buy The regional analysis of Global Natural (Bio-based) Resin Market is considered for the key regions such as Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America and Rest of the World. North America is the leading region across the world. Whereas, owing to rising no. of research activities in countries such as China, India, and Japan, Asia Pacific region is also expected to exhibit higher growth rate the forecast period 2021-2030. Definitively, this report will give you an unmistakable perspective on every single reality of the market without a need to allude to some other research report or an information source. Our report will give all of you the realities about the past, present, and eventual fate of the concerned Market. Thanks for reading this article, we can also provide customized report as per company’s specific needs. You can also get separate chapter wise or region wise report versions including North America, Europe or Asia. Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) Market Research Forecast Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166 [email protected]
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palmoilnews · 9 days
GRAINS-Wheat heads for weekly loss as traders gauge Russian supply hit CANBERRA, May 31 (Reuters) - Chicago wheat futures rose on Friday helped by a weaker dollar but the market was still set for a weekly fall, as traders weighed whether crop losses in top exporter Russia were big enough to hold prices at 10-month highs. Corn and soybean futures also rose slightly, with both set to end the week lower after data showed that U.S. farmers were making speedy progress in planting their crops. FUNDAMENTALS The most-active wheat contract on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) Wv1 was up 0.8% at $6.84-1/4 a bushel by 0059 GMT but down 1.5% for the week. CBOT soybeans Sv1 were up 0.3% at $12.13-1/4 a bushel but down 2.6% this week and corn Cv1 was 0.6% higher at $4.51-1/2 a bushel but down 2.9% from last Friday's close. Wheat surged to $7.20 on Tuesday, its highest since July last year and up 37% from a mid-March low. Russian analysts have cut their harvest estimates by around 12 million metric tons due to dryness and spring frosts, with dry conditions also threatening crops in Ukraine, where the harvest is about to begin. Also, expectations that India could restart wheat imports are further tightening global supply. Weather charts have been projecting rainfall for some areas of Russia and Ukraine, prompting some investors to take profits and bringing prices down. But analysts are unsure how much the rain will improve the crop outlook. StoneX analyst Arlan Suderman said his firm's lead forecaster expects no overall help for the bulk of Ukraine and southern Russian winter crops. The Russian shortfall and India's potential imports put a dent as large as 17 million tons in available global wheat supplies versus initial ideas, equivalent to about 8% of the U.S. Department of Agriculture' s 2024-25 world wheat export forecast, writes Reuters columnist Karen Braun. Elsewhere, European Union trade ministers agreed to impose prohibitive tariffs on cereals, oilseeds and derived products from Russia and Belarus from July 1. The European Commission kept unchanged its monthly forecast of the European Union's main wheat crop in 2024/25 at a four-year low, but raised its stocks outlook on bigger than expected supplies left over from this season. Most of Australia's main cropping regions are likely to endure a dry June but should grow significantly wetter from July, the country's weather bureau said, boosting the outlook for crops. Planting for Argentina's 2024/25 wheat cycle began in recent days, two weeks behind schedule due to delays in the harvesting of the previous season's soybean and corn crops, the Buenos Aires grains exchange said. Monsoon rains hit the coast of India's southernmost state of Kerala on Thursday, two days sooner than expected. Commodity funds were net sellers of CBOT wheat, corn and soybean futures contracts on Thursday, traders said. MARKETS NEWS MSCI's global equities gauge fell on Thursday and bond yields dropped with the U.S. dollar as investors analysed weaker than expected U.S. growth data and Federal Reserve comments for clues on the outlook for interest rates and the economy.
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trendingrepots · 13 days
Agrochemicals Market - Forecast (2024 - 2030)
The global agrochemical market revenue crossed $267.6 billion as of 2023 with a CAGR of 4% and will continue to leverage a better economy in the forecasted period 2024 to 2030. According to a finding of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) of the United States of America, pests and pathogens cost nearly $40 billion to the plants and forest crop production in the U.S. every year. This statistic is reflective of the need for agricultural chemicals such as insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides on a large scale. The residential and commercial gardens are also affected by the resultant economic loss. As a result, they incorporate agrichemical sprays and fertilizers to eradicate pest issues along with promoting plant growth and crop yields significantly. APAC is a massively populated region; therefore, it relies on farming and cultivation practices to balance the increasing food consumption rate. However, the rise in infested agricultural fields is a major limitation to the regional agricultural economy. Ricepedia reports that Asia, alone, produces and consumes 90% of rice in the world. Asian agricultural countries use modern farming techniques with a stronghold in agronomy. Besides, there is a surge of government-subsidized agrichemical inputs available to the local farmers. All these collectively influence APAC’s contribution to the global agrochemical market. This resonates with the fact that APAC held a major regional share of 32.50% acquiring huge profit in the year 2023.
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IndustryARC’s expertise highlights, “Increase in the number of invasive species is a perennial threat to the current agricultural productivity which majorly upheaves the global agrochemical market demand to eliminate the threat of crop loss.” Non-agricultural indoor plantations, residential gardening, nurseries, and others have subsequent involvement in the mounting agrochemical demand which is projected to grow at a CAGR of 3.86% during the forecast period of 2024-2030. Pests and diseases are a constant threat to wheat and maize cultivation throughout the world. Consequently, there is a greater dependency on pesticides, adjuvants, and fertilizers to inhibit the growth of pest infestation. Wheat and maize farming segment is evaluated to increase at 5.20% CAGR through to 2030 and is foreseen to expand largely over this period.
The agrochemicals market is increasingly influenced by the trend toward sustainable agriculture. This shift entails developing and using products that minimize environmental impact while maintaining agricultural productivity. This trend is driven by consumer awareness, regulatory pressures, and a broader societal push towards sustainable practices. Companies are focusing on eco-friendly fertilizers and pesticides, soil health, and water conservation methods. This shift also includes a greater emphasis on integrated pest management and reduced chemical use, balancing agricultural needs with ecological preservation.
Digital agriculture is revolutionizing the agrochemicals market by enabling more precise and efficient use of agricultural inputs. This trend involves leveraging technologies like AI, IoT, and big data analytics for targeted pesticide and fertilizer applications, minimizing waste and environmental impact. By providing farmers with real-time data on crop health, soil conditions, and weather patterns, digital tools help in optimizing resource use and decision-making. This technological integration not only boosts crop yields but also supports sustainable farming practices through informed agrochemical application.
Agrochemicals Market Growth Drivers:
Frequent incidences of new pests, pathogens, and weeds in farming, plantation, and residential gardening discovered in the past decade. Significantly, there is a huge requirement for effective agrochemicals for reducing economic and crop loss. Also, the application of chemical growth agents such as adjuvants and hormones helps in healthy crop yields. Consequently, the global agrochemical market experiences huge demand thereby gaining a lucrative economy.
While chemical pests and pathogen inhibitors pose a threat to ecological sustenance, organic agrochemicals are on the rise in modern farming across the world. There is a rise in the organic farming method owing to its suitability for regulating the spread and growth of agricultural pests and diseases. Concurrently, the increasing usage of natural pesticides and fertilizers provides a greater scope of opportunity for the global agrochemical market.
Agrochemicals Market Companies:
Bulk supply of agrochemicals throughout the world is facilitated by different companies such as The Mosaic Co., Agrium Inc., BASF SE, DowDuPont, Israel Chemicals, PI Industries, Bayer AG, Sumitomo Chemical Co., Syngenta AG, and Yara International. R&D investment for developing innovative techniques and products also complying with environmental sustainability and government regulations are key to the success of these market leaders.
Sumitomo Chemical Co. is a leading chemical product distributing company in Japan with a prime focus on petrochemicals and plastics, pharmaceuticals, health, and crop-related services. Their main involvement in the agricultural sector is promoted by crop protection chemicals which include insecticides, plant growth regulators, fungicides, herbicides, and so on.
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trendingreportz · 13 days
Brazil Industry 4.0 Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Brazil Industry 4.0 Market Overview
Brazil Industry 4.0 Market size is forecasted to reach $6230.29 million by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 10.91% during the forecast period from 2022-2027. Industry 4. has become vital for all organizations owing to paradigm shift towards real time or near real-time process monitoring in the industrial sector. The growing emphasis towards high-speed machine-to-machine (M2M) communication on the factory floor coupled with the increasing investment in plant digitalization is set to drive the Brazil Industry 4.0 Market growth during the forecast period. In addition to this, adoption of various advanced technologies including augmented reality, cloud computing, enterprise resource planning, internet of things, robotics and others; across industry verticals such as oil and gas, transportation, energy, mining, utilities and so on, is set to drive system integration service market growth. Increasing penetration of industry 4.0 across the globe combining artificial intelligence, big data and analytics, 4G, 5G with operational technology as a part of addressing worker safety, optimizing field operations, and boosting maintenance productivity along with process efficiency in industrial environments is considered vital in driving the growth of Brazil industry 4.0 industry.
Report Coverage
The report: “Brazil Industry 4.0 Market Report– Forecast (2022-2027)” by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments in the Brazil Industry 4.0 Market.
By Offerings: Hardware, Software and Services (System Integration Services, Testing & Certification, Maintenance and Operational Services, Consulting and Others).
By Technology: Artificial Intelligence, Machine-to-Machine, Big Data and Analytics, Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality, Autonomous Robots, SCADA, Simulation, Horizontal and vertical System Integration, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Internet of Things (IoT), Digital Twin, Advanced human-machine interfaces (HMI), Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) and Others.
By End-User: General Manufacturing, Transportations & Logistics, Medical & Pharmaceutical, Metal & Mining, Oil & Gas (Upstream, Midstream and Downstream), Automotive & Tire, Aerospace & Defence, Food & Beverage, Electronics & Semiconductors, Power (Power Generation, Power Distribution and Power Transmission), Construction, Agriculture (Seeding and Weeding, Monitoring, Fertilizer Application, Harvesting, Pruning, and Others), Water & Wastewater Treatment, Paper & Pulp, Chemical and Others.
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Key Takeaways
Big Data & Analytics held a significant market share in 2021 and is estimated to be the fastest segment during 2022-2027, owing to the shift of Brazil towards Industry 4.0, with industries such as oil, gas, minerals, and agriculture through the adoption of big data & analytics.
The market of Brazil Industry 4.0 is estimated to witness a significant upsurge during the forecast period, owing to the increasing adoption of advanced technologies such as predictive maintenance, data analytics, digital twins, artificial intelligence and others in the Oil & Gas sector.
This industry is consolidated with top market players including Iastech Automação De Sistemas Ltda, Simatec Tecnologia em Automacao Ltda, Techplus Automacao, Automind Automação, Greylogix Brasil among others.
Brazil Industry 4.0 Market Segment Analysis - by Offerings
Brazil's Industry 4.0 market is segmented into Hardware, Software and Services, based on offerings. According to the Brazil Industry 4.0 Market report of IndustyrARC, the Hardware segment held the major market share in 2021 of $1659.71 million and is estimated to reach $2978.08 million in 2027, with a CAGR of around 10.19% during the forecast period 2022-2027. The growth of this segment is mainly driven by the increasing adoption of industry 4.0 across industries and a growing inclination toward digitalization along with increasing investment. Furthermore, Industry standards that achieve higher levels of security to enable connected solutions in the factory are driving the need for hardware security. This is expected to boost market growth. The increasing popularity and high penetration rate among the end-user industries play a major role in offering incentives to the market players to take various strategic steps. For instance, in February 2021, ABB introduced the SWIFTI cobot, which combines a payload of 4 kg and a reach of up to 580 mm with the advantages of safe collaborative operation and convenience of use. This will offer up new opportunities for increased efficiency in a variety of sectors ranging from manufacturing to logistics and beyond, allowing more organizations to embrace automation. Such developments fuel the growth rate Brazil Industry 4.0 Market in the forecast period 2022-2027.
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Brazil Industry 4.0 Market Segment Analysis - by Technology
By Technology, the Brazil Industry 4.0 Market is segmented into Artificial Intelligence, Machine-to-Machine, Big Data and Analytics, Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality, Autonomous Robots, SCADA, Simulation, Horizontal and vertical System Integration, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Internet of Things (IoT), Digital Twin, Advanced human-machine interfaces (HMI), Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) and Others. Big Data and Analytics segment held the major market share in 2021 of $474.28 million and is estimated to reach $834.86 million in 2027, with a CAGR of around 9.84% during the forecast period. Brazil is gradually moving toward Industry 4.0, with industries such as oil, gas, minerals, and agriculture expected to be early adopters of Big Data services. According to Software.org, 21 to 24 percent of Brazilian small and medium-sized businesses believe digitization will aid in the development of more personalized products and services. Such high penetration of advanced technologies and inclination towards digitalization will give incentives to the market players to take various steps to expand their business. Hence, the above-mentioned factors will drive the growth of this market during 2022-2027.
Brazil Industry 4.0 Market Segment Analysis – by End-user
Based on end-user, the market is segmented into General Manufacturing, Transportations & Logistics, Medical & Pharmaceutical, Metal & Mining, Oil & Gas, Automotive & Tire, Aerospace & Defence, Food & Beverage, Electronics & Semiconductors, Power, Construction, Agriculture, Water & Wastewater Treatment, Paper & Pulp, Chemical and Others. The metal and Mining segment held the major Brazil Industry 4.0 Market share in 2021 of $434.20 million and is estimated to reach $831.47 million in 2027, with a CAGR of around 11.40% during the forecast period. The value of digital technology in the mining industry is growing as companies look for ways to reduce geological uncertainty, market volatility, and operational hazards. Big data analytics and the internet of things (IoT) offer a unique opportunity to rethink existing processes and create new value. The metal and mining industry is now involved in connecting previously unconnected operational technology (OT), devices and systems, and information technology (IT) for data exchange and operational efficiency via IT/OT convergence, integrated sales and operational planning, agile supply chain, digital EHS monitoring, and performance parameters. According to the Ibram association, the mining industry in Brazil will invest $40.4 billion by 2026. This will help to improve the mining business in Brazil and, eventually, the Industry 4.0 market in Brazil. Such factors will drive the growth of this market.
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Brazil Industry 4.0 Market Drivers
Increasing proliferation of technologies like predictive maintenance, data analytics, digital twins, artificial intelligence and others in Oil & Gas sector fuels the growth:
Over the last few years, the oil & gas sector is undergoing a transition as leading players in this industry are adopting advanced technology to reshape their operating landscape and reap the benefits of improved productivity, higher efficiency, and increased cost savings. In order to decarbonize and optimize operations, the Brazilian O&G industry has started to take advantage of advanced technologies including cloud services, digital twins Internet of things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), among other digital services. Apart from that, the adoption of video surveillance complemented by advanced analytics and machine learning to improve operational efficiency as well as health and safety in the O&G sector can be considered vital in driving the Brazil Industry 4.0 Market growth forward. For instance, in November 2021, Brazil’s Petrobras, the leading oil, natural gas and derivatives exploration, production and distribution company, announced the plan of investing $68 Bn from 2022-2026 to boost oil production in the subsea pre-salt area by leveraging the advanced technologies to fulfill the demand of the customers. Such steps create a positive impact on the growth of this market.
The burgeoning demand for establishing a digital infrastructure in the mining sector is accelerating the growth of this market:
The Brazilian mining industry is opting for technological innovation to remain competitive while driving safety and transparency standards. Mining is of major importance to the Brazilian economy, having more than 3,000 mines spread across the national territory. The Brazilian mining industry is facing significant challenges due to plummeting commodity prices, lessening global demand and increasing safety and security risks. To reduce the effect of such challenges, miners need to improve safety, scale operations, improve operational processes, and enhance production, thereby driving the need for new business models and operating models. Leading mining companies in Brazil are harnessing the high computing power of digital technologies, including cloud-enabled mobility, big data-powered analytics and the industrial Internet of Things (IoT). This in turn drives the growth of this market. Furthermore, the increasing usage of robotics and penetration of automation with assisted and remote-control equipment and autonomous drilling and related process in the mining industry, to deliver safer and more effective mining performance, is fueling the growth of this market. In June 2021, Japan’s ITOCHU Corporation announced signing an MoU with the Brazilian CSN Group with the aim of promoting decarbonization and digital transformation (DX) for Casa de Pedra iron ore mines in Brazil. Such events trigger the growth of this market.
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Brazil Industry 4.0 Market Challenge
The lack of investments in digital infrastructure in Brazil is creating hurdles for the market growth
Even though the Brazil Industry 4.0 Market is growing rapidly, but the lack of investment for developing digital infrastructure in Brazil creates challenges for the growth of this market. The implementation of Industry 4.0 in Brazil is still a challenge owing to the lack of investment in IT infrastructure in the country. IT readiness and appropriate telecommunications infrastructure are necessary for Industry 4.0 to thrive across Brazil. The research conducted by CNI shows that the alarming point is that only 33% of companies in Brazil claim that no new investment is needed. Another survey report of CNI states that innovation benefits the production chain and the country, demonstrating impacting results for the companies involved and for the country's economy, but the reality in Brazil is approximately half of the companies are still considered industry 2.0. To shift it from industry 2.0 to industry 4.0, a huge amount of investment is required. Hence, the lack of investment creates challenges for this market.
Brazil Industry 4.0 Industry Outlook
Technology launches, acquisitions, Partnerships and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the Brazil Industry 4.0 Market. In 2021, the market of Brazil Industry 4.0 industry outlook has been fragmented by several companies. The top 10 companies in the Brazil Industry 4.0 include
Iastech Automacao De Sistemas Ltda
Simatec Tecnologia em Automacao Ltda
Techplus Automacao
Automind Automacao
Greylogix Brasil
Icone Tecnologia e Automacao
Automaton Automacao
Company 8
Company 9
Company 10
Recent Developments
In June 2021, Schneider Electric, a global leader in digital transformation and energy management and automation, inaugurated a new industrial automation laboratory in Brooklyn, south of São Paulo which was made in partnership with Westcon Instrumentation Industrial to simulate the industrial internet of things (IIoT) and industry 4.0 applications with augmented reality demonstrations.
In May 2020, Siemens announced its partnership with GreyLogix to produce respirators in-house for use in healthcare facilities in Brazil to help fight the coronavirus. The equipment featured Siemens solutions, with emphasis on the controllers and HMIs of the SIMATIC line and the power supplies of the SITOP line, and at the same time, GreyLogix ensured that the equipment produced followed the necessary medical requirements.
In March 2020, Schneider Electric announced to invest in the Titled High-Performance Machine journey based on Industry 4.0, by providing a series of training and workshops to support machine manufacturers and end users who want to improve performance and productivity and reduce costs in production processes in Brazil.
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businessindustry · 24 days
Precision Farming Market Regional Analysis by Forecast 2032
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Precision Farming Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Precision Farming Market share, size, trends, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Precision Farming Market?
The global precision farming market was valued at US$ 9.65 Billion in 2023, and is expected to register a CAGR of 9.7% over the forecast period and reach US$ 22.2 Bn in 2032.
What are Precision Farming?                                                                                                                                                                            
Precision agriculture, also referred to as precision farming, is an agricultural management strategy that employs technology to enhance the efficiency, sustainability, and productivity of farming operations. This method integrates satellite imagery, GPS, sensors, and other advanced technologies to collect data and make informed decisions regarding crop management, irrigation, fertilization, and pest control. By precisely customizing these practices to specific areas within a field, farmers can optimize yields, minimize waste, reduce environmental impact, and enhance profitability.
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What are the growth prospects and trends in the Precision Farming industry?
The precision farming market growth is driven by various factors. The precision agriculture market is rapidly expanding due to the growing uptake of cutting-edge technologies in agricultural practices. This market includes various technologies like GPS, drones, sensors, and farm management software, which empower farmers to enhance their operations. These tools play a crucial role in boosting crop yields, minimizing resource wastage such as water and fertilizers, and reducing environmental harm. The market's growth is also fueled by the increasing global population and the necessity to improve food production efficiency. Furthermore, government backing and incentives for adopting precision agriculture methods are contributing to the market's expansion. Hence, all these factors contribute to precision farming market growth.
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
North America
United States
United Kingdom
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Australia & New Zealand
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
Rest of MEA
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
Deere & Company
Trimble Inc.
CNH Industrial N.V.
AGCO Corporation
Raven Industries, Inc.
Ag Leader Technology
Topcon Positioning Systems, Inc.
TeeJet Technologies
DICKEY-john Corporation
Lindsay Corporation
Valmont Industries, Inc.
Descartes Labs
Farmers Edge Inc.
Iteris, Inc.
View Full Report: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/Precision Farming-market
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rohitpalan · 27 days
Intellectual Property Software is booming, with a 12.7% CAGR predicted to reach US$14.9 billion by 2032.
The market for intellectual property software is expected to expand at a pace of 12.7% throughout the course of the forecast period and reach US$ 14.9 billion by 2032, according to a recent report from FMI. The market for software related to intellectual property is projected to be valued US$ 4.5 billion in 2022. According to the report, the growing necessity for intellectual property software is a result of the potential harm that unlicensed public usage may do to a company’s entire business strategy and financial performance.
Sales of software related to intellectual property are expected to rise significantly. Furthermore, it is anticipated that by 2026, software with intellectual property protection would sell for US$ 7.7 billion more.Increasing sales of intellectual property software are also projected to contribute to the growth of the intellectual property software market share.
To gain a competitive advantage, effective intellectual property software tools are required in the market. Companies are being influenced by the extremely competitive business climate to invest in technology that ensures businesses and sales of intellectual property software policies are strictly matched to ensure the smooth operation of the organisation.
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Enterprise management of intellectual property software is gaining popularity throughout the world as businesses realise that unauthorised public use can harm not just the company’s overall bottom line but also its whole business strategy.
The intellectual property software industry is growing due to an increase in application and understanding of intellectual property rights among end-users. The expansion in the intellectual property software industry is fueled by an increase in demand for a secure and well-documented system inside a company.
However, problems such as the difficulty of maintaining software and the high cost of investment, as well as a low rate of awareness and data security, are impeding the intellectual property software market growth.
Furthermore, advancements in information and communication technology, as well as increased awareness and acceptance of intellectual property software in emerging nations like India, are expected to provide significant market potential.
Component, deployment, end-user, application, and geography are all used to segment the intellectual property software industry. The market is divided into two components: software and service. The market is divided into cloud and on-premise deployment modes. The market is divided into two types of end-users: individual and commercial. BFSI, IT and telecom, automotive, education, retail and agriculture, healthcare, and others are sub-segments of the commercial segment. The intellectual property software industry is divided into patent management, trade management, licensing, and other applications. It is divided into four regions: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Caribbean.
Manufacturers in the intellectual property software market get a big platform from which to serve the whole demand for intellectual property software. The worldwide sales of intellectual property software are seeing increased competition. With growing competition, new competitors are offering a variety of options at reasonable pricing, fulfilling the demand for intellectual property software more accessible to customers.
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Key Takeaways: 
The worldwide corporate intellectual property software market is growing as companies place a greater emphasis on safeguarding and managing their intellectual property portfolios.
As more companies focus on tactically organising their intellectual property software assets and safeguarding them from unlicensed use, corporate intellectual property software is gaining appeal.
Furthermore, frequent product customization by end-users benefits the enterprise intellectual property management software market, as it protects and safeguards the most important aspects of intellectual property software and treatment, such as inventions, patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property software contracts, in a systematic manner.
However, despite all of the benefits, these service providers face a number of hurdles and impediments in the early phases, the majority of which are related to the high cost of establishing services in an organisation.
During the forecast period, 2016–2026, the worldwide enterprise intellectual property management software market is expected to develop at a healthy rate.
Competitive Landscape 
Anaqua, Inc., Patrix AB, IPfolio, SimpleLegal, Pattsy, FlexTrac, Lecorpio, WebTMS, and CPA Worldwide are some of the prominent players in the global intellectual property management software industry (Patrafee).
To cope with infringement, China’s central government has created a specialist intellectual property software section in courts, and it is devoted to simplifying trademark enforcement operations. In addition, India is developing a digital infrastructure in accordance with its national IP strategy. This strategy will preserve intellectual property software while also safeguarding and promoting patents.
CPA Global unveiled its customer-centric approach in November 2019 to improve intellectual property software outcomes through better data-enabled intellectual property software decision-making and increased intellectual property software productivity throughout the sector. CPA Global now operates in two major business divisions: Software and Tech-Enabled Services, after the purchase of ipan/Delegate Group.
Buy Complete Report: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/checkout/14591
Key Segments
By Component:
On Premise
Development & Implementation Services
Consulting Services
Maintenance & Support Services
By Application:
Patent Management
Trademark Management
Intellectual Property (IP) Portfolio Management
Intellectual Property (IP) Licensing
Intellectual Property (IP) Reporting & Analytics
By End-use:
Individuals (independent Inventors)
By Region:
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East and Africa
South America
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swatiblog · 26 days
India Agricultural Biologicals Market Will Hit Big Revenues In Future | Biggest Opportunity Of 2024
Latest added India Agricultural Biologicals Market research study by Market Research Forecast offers detailed outlook and elaborates market review till 2030. The market Study is segmented by key regions that are accelerating the marketization. At present, the market players are strategizing and overcoming challenges of current scenario; some of the key players in the study are Coromandel International Limited (India),SOM PHYTOPHARMA (INDIA) LIMITED (India),UPL Limited (India),PI Industries Ltd (India),Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. (Japan),Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited (India),Ajay Bio-Tech (INDIA) Ltd. (India),Biotech International Ltd. (India),IPL Biologicals (India),T. Stanes and Company Limited (India)} etc.  Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://marketresearchforecast.com/report/india-agricultural-biologicals-market-1144/sample-report The India Agricultural Biologicals Market size was valued at USD 446.26 USD Million in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 1120.78 USD Million by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 14.06 % during the forecast period. The latest edition of this report you will be entitled to receive additional chapter / commentary on latest scenario, economic slowdown and COVID-19 impact on overall industry. Further it will also provide qualitative information about when industry could come back on track and what possible measures industry players are taking to deal with current situation. Each of the segment analysis table for forecast period also high % impact on growth. This research is categorized differently considering the various aspects of this market. It also evaluates the upcoming situation by considering project pipelines of company, long term agreements to derive growth estimates. The forecast is analyzed based on the volume and revenue of this market. The tools used for analyzing the Global India Agricultural Biologicals Market research report include SWOT analysis. September 2023: FMC India launched biological crop protection solution Entazia biofungicide in the country. The product has been formulated with Bacillus subtilis, which helps to control bacterial leaf blight in rice.,July 2023: Dhanuka Agritech Ltd., an India-based agri-input manufacturer, launched DEFEND, a new insecticide for the Indian market. The product contains Triflumezopyrim 10% SC, which provides protection against hoppers. ,June 2023: IPL Biologicals backed Unnati Agri, an agriculture supply chain and financial services startup, to focus on climate-ready products. The company invested nearly USD 3.5 million to expand its sustainable product portfolio across India.,October 2022: Chambal Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited (CFCL) partnered with The Energy and Resources Institute's (TERI) SMART Agrisolutions and launched “UTTAM SUPERRHIZA” and Mycorrhiza-based biofertilizer.,August 2022: Tosla Nutricosmetics, a Slovenia-based company, expanded and completed the construction of a new production facility aimed at increasing the production of collagen supplements. }
Influencing Trend:
Subsidizing Agricultural Machinery to Propel Market to Next Height
Market Growth Drivers:
Increasing Adoption of Precision Farming Techniques to Propel Agricultural Sprayer Demand
The Global India Agricultural Biologicals segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below: Type: Biopesticides, Biostimulants, and Biofertilizers,Source: Microbial and Biochemicals,Application Method: Foliar Spray, Soil Treatment, Seed Treatment, and Others,Crop: Row Crops, Fruits & Vegetables, and Others}
Have Any Questions Regarding Global India Agricultural Biologicals Market Report, Ask Our Experts@ https://marketresearchforecast.com/report/india-agricultural-biologicals-market-1144/enquiry-before-buy The regional analysis of Global India Agricultural Biologicals Market is considered for the key regions such as Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America and Rest of the World. North America is the leading region across the world. Whereas, owing to rising no. of research activities in countries such as China, India, and Japan, Asia Pacific region is also expected to exhibit higher growth rate the forecast period 2021-2027. Highlights of the report:
A complete backdrop analysis, which includes an assessment of the parent market
Important changes in market dynamics
Market segmentation up to the second or third level
Historical, current, and projected size of the market from the standpoint of both value and volume
Reporting and evaluation of recent industry developments
Market shares and strategies of key players
Emerging niche segments and regional markets
An objective assessment of the trajectory of the market
Recommendations to companies for strengthening their foothold in the market
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global India Agricultural Biologicals Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the India Agricultural Biologicals market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the India Agricultural Biologicals Market.
Chapter 3: Displayingthe Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges & Opportunities of the India Agricultural Biologicals
Chapter 4: Presenting the India Agricultural Biologicals Market Factor Analysis, Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region/Country 2015-2020
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the India Agricultural Biologicals market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by Manufacturers/Company with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions (2023-2030)
Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source Finally, India Agricultural Biologicals Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies. Get More Information: https://marketresearchforecast.com/report/india-agricultural-biologicals-market-1144/checkout?type=corporate Key questions answered
Who are the Leading key players and what are their Key Business plans in the Global India Agricultural Biologicals market?
What are the key concerns of the five forces analysis of the Global India Agricultural Biologicals market?
What are different prospects and threats faced by the dealers in the Global India Agricultural Biologicals market?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors?
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workforcesolution · 1 month
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SAS is gaining prominence in healthcare: -
When the transformation of healthcare into the digital era moves forward, there are resources that play a vital role in promoting the study of the production of the new wave of data. Statistical analysis systems (SAS) are one of the devices that has far-reaching benefits for the healthcare sector, from insurers to physicians and, of course, the patients themselves.
After its founding in 1976, the SAS Institute, the maker of statistical analysis systems, has evolved considerably. It started as a project to evaluate agricultural research at North Carolina State University has grown into a business and software that is used by Big Data experts from banking to pharmaceuticals to government agencies operating in every sector.
Today, SAS is moving health careanalytics to new frontiers, optimizing results across the treatment continuum, from how health care providers assess success to clinical outcomes, and patient safety. SAS also plays a role in helping to recognize disease states and define approaches to commercialize drugs, according to the institute.
SAS unleashes predictive analytical capacity: -
Health companies can develop safer, more detailed and more accurate data through SAS programs. It also offers new methods for recording and displaying data.
To physicians, the ability to assess the efficacy of treatment and to build clinical profiles are some primary advantages of SAS services, which can provide information on the practice habits of a doctor and equate them with other doctors and industry standards.
The advantages of SAS systems are immense. This provides improved cost management and revenue creation, as well as allowing patients to investigate clinical outcomes and increasing the degree of patient care.
Another cloud analytics service called Viya was launched at the SAS Institute in early 2017 with a range of analytical tools aimed directly at healthcare providers.
Previous SAS products typically allowed the user to switch from one version to the next. However, according to an article in the Healthcare IT News, Viya uses current SAS technology technologies to provide new analytical insights, tools and techniques that can be used for deployment. The platform reads pictures as a type of data.
Mark Lambrecht, SAS Health and Lifesciences Global Practice's consultant said in Healthcare IT News: "The goal is to be able to incorporate analytical processes into the environment and to give you the right response at the right time.
Who Needs SAS Knowledge?
SAS technologies are used in a number of sectors but are increasingly omnipresent in healthcare. Jobs analysing health care, pharmacy, treatment, billing and government insurance data are proliferating and increasingly needed to understand SAS programming.
The SAS skills have reached 1 position with an average pay rise of 6.1% according to a report by the Money Magazine and the Payscale.com which outlined the skills that employers found the most important in 350 branches. Data mining and modelling were both highly useful competencies, both used in SAS operations.
The demand is rising fast for SAS accredited jobseekers. According to the SAS Institute, more than 80,000 businesses use SAS software, and the number of prospective employers using their tools would undoubtedly increase.
Throughout the world the promise of health analytics is welcomed by developed nations due to the problems they face around medication costs. A by-product of health analytics is high quality, economical services, and the demand for platforms and analytical services will therefore expand on a global scale.
According to a study from TMR Research, the only barrier to growth in health analysis is privacy issues and the lack of qualified persons. The biggest challenge can be clearly finding SEA trained professionals capable of taking on the role of extracting the most from the health data on the market as there is an increasing range of roles in this health sector that require awareness of SAS systems.
About Rang Technologies: Headquartered in New Jersey, Rang Technologies has dedicated over a decade delivering innovative solutions and best talent to help businesses get the most out of the latest technologies in their digital transformation journey. Read More...
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fairfield-research · 1 month
Feed Phosphate Market Analysis, Dynamics, Forecast and Supply Demand 2031
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The global feed phosphate market is anticipated to witness substantial growth, reaching a valuation of US$2.5 billion by 2031, according to the latest market analysis. The market has experienced notable fluctuations over the past decade, with economic concerns and supply chain disruptions causing sluggishness in 2023. However, a forecasted Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 4.80% between 2024 and 2031 indicates a promising trajectory, propelled by key growth determinants and emerging opportunities.
For more information: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/feed-phosphate-market
Key Growth Determinants
Increasing Demand for Livestock Products: The rising global population and escalating income levels have spurred a heightened demand for livestock products, including meat, dairy, and eggs. This surge in demand necessitates enhanced livestock nutrition, thereby driving the utilization of feed phosphates to support animal health and productivity.
Expansion of Livestock Industry: Emerging economies, particularly in Asia and Latin America, are witnessing rapid industrialization in their livestock sectors. As these regions modernize farming practices and aim for higher yields, there is a corresponding increase in the utilization of feed additives like phosphates to optimize animal nutrition and improve feed conversion efficiency.
Focus on Animal Health and Performance: With increasing awareness of the impact of nutrition on animal health and performance, there is a growing emphasis on incorporating specialized feed additives, including phosphates, into animal diets. This trend contributes to improved feed efficiency and profitability for livestock producers, driving sustained demand for feed phosphates globally.
Major Growth Barriers
Regulatory Constraints: Stringent regulatory measures regarding permissible levels of phosphate content in animal feed pose challenges to market growth. Environmental regulations aimed at reducing phosphorus runoff and contamination further impact the usage of phosphate additives in feed formulations.
Environmental Concerns: Growing awareness of environmental sustainability and the adverse effects of phosphate runoff on aquatic ecosystems drive demand for eco-friendly alternatives in animal nutrition. This prompts feed phosphate producers to invest in research and development for phosphate-free or low-phosphate feed additives.
Health and Nutrition Trends: Evolving consumer preferences towards organic and natural food products influence livestock farming practices, leading to a shift away from conventional feed additives, including phosphates. This trend challenges feed phosphate manufacturers to adapt their product offerings accordingly.
Key Trends and Opportunities to Look at
Focus on Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility: Companies are increasingly adopting sustainable practices throughout their supply chains, including sourcing raw materials responsibly and minimizing waste. In the agricultural sector, there is growing interest in sustainable farming practices that minimize environmental harm while maintaining productivity.
Digital Transformation: Rapid advancements in technology, such as artificial intelligence and big data analytics, are revolutionizing industries worldwide. In agriculture, precision farming technologies enable farmers to optimize resource utilization and make data-driven decisions to improve yields.
Growing Demand for Livestock Feed: The increasing global population and rising incomes drive the expansion of the livestock industry, resulting in a growing demand for animal feed, including feed phosphates. Market players can capitalize on this opportunity by expanding production capacity and developing innovative formulations to meet diverse nutritional requirements.
Regional Frontrunners
Asia Pacific: Dominates the feed phosphate market due to its large population and significant livestock farming industry. Countries like China and India are major consumers of feed phosphate, driven by their booming agriculture sectors.
North America: Experiences steady growth, fueled by well-established livestock industries in the United States and Canada. High demand for quality meat products and a focus on animal health contribute to market stability.
Europe: Faces challenges due to stringent regulations on phosphate usage and increasing demand for sustainable farming practices. However, countries like Germany, France, and Spain remain significant contributors to market growth.
Industry Leaders
The feed phosphate market is characterized by intense competition, with key players including The Mosaic Company, J.R. Simplot Company, Nutrien Ltd., PhosAgro, and OCP Group. These companies employ various growth strategies such as expanding product portfolios, strategic partnerships, and investments in production capacity expansions to maintain their competitive edge in the global market.
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Compostable Plastics Market Overview, Demand and Trends Forecast Report 2031
The most recent research study by The Insight Partners, “Compostable Plastics Market - Trends, Size, Share, and Growth to 2031,” offers a detailed market analysis covering market dynamics, growth opportunities, trends, and segmentation. Compostable Plastics Market predictions are presented in this report based on revenue size, CAGR, consumption, technologies, trends, and other critical information.
The report highlights market drivers, and restraints in this market while providing an analysis of recent developments and next trends. Comprehensive Compostable Plastics market report presents a dashboard of historical and present market performance. Analysis of key companies contributing to the growth of Compostable Plastics market share in the projected period.
The study also focuses on the current market scenario and the range of factors that can impact different region’s Compostable Plastics markets in the future. The detailed perspective on the competitive landscape and in-depth supply chain analysis under this report assist businesses in identifying shifting industry practices. This report evaluates the current state of the market and anticipated future growth. Furthermore, technological advancements and investment opportunities, financial data, and market economics are perks of this report.
This report further offers insights on drivers, restraints, current trends, and financial prospects to forecast the year. Precision and validity are key qualities of this research, making The Insight Partners a trusted market research company.
Knowing the state of rivals is a strategically right move to outperform them. This report is the right place to explore key strategies, developments, and recent launches by Compostable Plastics key market players. This report emphasizes an analysis of business strategies and expected growth opportunities for brands.
Why Buying this Report Could be Your next Strategic Move?
Learn detailed market information, competition, and SWOT analysis.
To ascertain Compostable Plastics market growth carefully by evaluating value, volume, and CAGR data at the national level.
To gain knowledge on market dynamics, unrealized growth opportunities, challenges, and main drivers of the market.
Review recent developments and strategic insights taking into consideration new launches, agreements, and mergers.
Know lucrative spaces to invest in the Compostable Plastics market globally and regionally.
The report attempts to offer answers on:
What’s the projected growth rate CAGR by the 2031?
How big is the Compostable Plastics market anticipated to be throughout the estimated period?
Who are the major market participants in the market?
What are the main restraints ahead of Compostable Plastics market players?
Which are the key segments in the market?
Report Attributes
Segmental Coverage
Starch Blends
Biodegradable Polyesters
Packaging And Bags
Consumer Goods
Agriculture And Horticulture
Regional and Country Coverage
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
South / South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South/South & Central America)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of MEA)
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles
Biome Bioplastics
Mitsubishi Chemical Holding Corporation
NatureWorks LLC
Novamont S.p.A
Plantic Technologies Limited
Toray Industries, Inc.
Total Corbion PLA
Cardia Bioplastics
Other key companies 
Need a Customized Market Research Report?
You can always share any specific requirements that you have, and our team will adjust the scope of research offerings as per your needs.
The following are some customizations our clients frequently ask for:
The Compostable Plastics market report can be customized based on specific regions/countries as per the intention of the business
The report production was facilitated as per the need and following the expected time frame
Insights and chapters tailored as per your requirements.
Depending on the preferences we may also accommodate changes in the current scope.
Key Questions Addressed in the Compostable Plastics Market Research Include:
What are present Compostable Plastics market values, and what can be expected in the upcoming decade?
What are the key segments in the Compostable Plastics market?
What is the regional distribution of the Compostable Plastics market report?
What are the key players and their recent strategies?
What are the key factors driving Compostable Plastics market growth?
What are regulatory concerns and requirements businesses have to compel?
About Us:
The Insight Partners is a one-stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We specialize in industries such as Semiconductor and Electronics, Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Transportation, Biotechnology, Healthcare IT, Manufacturing and Construction, Medical Devices, Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Chemicals and Materials.
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