witchblade · 8 months
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trollcafe · 1 year
o(-< <- born to write literary analyses of song lyrics in relation to my little ocs, forced to go to the fucking grocery store.
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dwter · 2 years
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mintedwitcher · 1 year
I really really fucking hate Christmas tbh.
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bloodpen-to-paper · 11 days
Qsmp Finale Moments That Take Me Back to the Start (And Other Things I Enjoyed)
-Pre-stream chatting between streamers and their chats. Friendly teasing, funny donos, and talk about what's gonna happen next
-Quackity and Pol chatting while Bagi tries to kill Mike in the background. Q and Vegetta talking about using the plane to go to Andorra while Foolish yells about having a bomb to Cellbit and Tina. The chaos of people doing something crazy while others have calm conversations on the side
-The feeling before an event stream, when you're waiting for the timer to count down as you listen to the cinematic music. You and the others in chat, holding hands
-The admins doing lore cinematics, the kind that you might've needed to get used to since its all in Minecraft but that in this community gets your blood pumping and your eyes bright
-Streamers doing lore cinematics to make some goofy ass plotline where they turn into a rat or an egg
-The voice of Cucurucho
-Vegetta and Foolish being obnoxiously flirtatious, especially in public
-Bagi and Tina running towards each other with no hesitation
-Baghera and Cellbit wearing gas masks. Bolas. Always.
-Quackity not being able to teleport on his own server cause he's eternally broke (and only realizing he has no money when he's at the teleporter. and having to ask the admins for tps)
-Tazercraft coming in with the gimmicks, Zombie Mike and Pacovo
-Various multilingual conversations happening at the same time
-Seeing all the BibleThump crying emojis in chat when something sad happens, and the kkkkkkk's and jajajaja's when its something funny
-The streamers taking asides to set up the real time translation, for all the languages
-the hug emote being used. group hugs
-Tina making high pitched noises to signal distress
-Funny screenshots from the translators above the cubitos heads and the in-game chat messages
-Reunions with the more inactive members when they finally log on again
-Everyone getting abruptly tp'd to spawn and immediately screaming
-Quackity being reminded about his lack of houses
-The buildings. The Wall. Fit's gym. Foolish's Titan. Baghera, Vegetta, Cellbit's houses. The train station. Spawn.
-People killing each other out of boredom waiting for the event to start
-Foolish revealing that Cellbit killed the Fed workers
-Pierre greeting people with "hola!"
-The special way Bad greets Pierre and Baghera, the french speakers
-Group visits to the museum
-People (Quackity) moaning over Vegetta in a suit
-Pierre whining for Maximus
-The part in the museum with the server's historical items. The memories every one of these items brings back. The reminder of how much this project meant to the admins who put it all together, and how much it meant to us
-Foolish and Pol laughing as soon as they see each other, and Fit being there to witness it all over again
-"Quackity pay the server"
-Quackity being obsessed with Fit's baldness
-Pierre being a furry
-Maximus being a furry
-At least one person having the rainbow jelly effect
-Lucky Ducks mention
-Vegetta freaking out over copyright music
-Cellbit revealing he stole the Gem of Fobo
-Cellbit throwing a tantrum cause he never got to kill Empanada, followed by Bagi critting him
-The sound of a chainsaw revving. Baghera laughing not long after
-People trying to break out of designated event areas to explore
-Everyone getting tp'd to an event location on the same block and immediately taking damage from entity cramming (and then screaming)
-My computer lagging the fuck out during streams. This isn't something I miss in fact its something that infuriates me to the point of violence but the prompt was "things that take me back to the start" so here it is
-Q, Pierre and Vegetta walking in on Pol shitting and refusing to leave
-Quackity hitting on random men
-The introduction of a new launcher. The feeling that shit's about to get real
-CCs immediately crashing after the introduction of a new launcher
-cine. cinema. the PopCorn emote
-That eerie, electrifying feeling when the CCs have been transported to an entirely new place, far from home...
-Foolish getting downed 2 seconds into the new location
-Bad running away from the group shouting "every man for himself!"
-The puzzles. Enigmas. The CCs having to work together however chaotically in order to solve them
-Quackity panicking and going "we're fucked" over and over as soon as they're given an objective
-Foolish, Cellbit and Quackity screaming at each other over the radios (sometimes in fear, sometimes just because they can)
-At least one person suggesting cannibalism upon realizing they've been left to the wolves
-Cellbit locking in and working through the enigmas
-Bad and YD chatting, being in their own little bubble
-People getting the radios and immediately messing around with them and using them to insult each other
-Pierre asking "how does this thing work?" and Quackity excitedly explaining the transceiver before a beat of awkward silence and Pierre going "I MEANT THE MAP"
-Foolish's 10/10 voice acting making the horror event feel genuinely tense
-Fit using the transceiver to say "buttcheeks" and Cellbit going "what the fuck is wrong with you" in that way he does
-Cellbit bringing up who he'd eat first if they run out of food
-The admins getting one last opportunity to jumpscare the players with scary soundbites
-Fit saying "calma" when Pac starts freaking out
-Those special conversations that happen when the CCs are having to travel long distances
-Bagi traveling with a blue bird and calling it Jaiden
-Quackity seeing a crow and calling it Philza
-Seeing skeletons and scattered codes on the floor
-Dungeons. Code fights.
-Quackity explaining the Federation lore to YD. YD being the last newbie to get The Talk from an existing member who's dealt with the Federation first hand. Carrying on the tradition.
-The realization that the Federation were the ones that brought the August batch to the island. That the Feds were the ones who encased them in ice all those months ago. We might've known, but now they know
-Pac and Mike figuring out how to exploit game mechanics
-Maxo talking about atomic bombs
-Maxo immediately interrogating YD on her Federation allegiances
-The sight of an egg running around. The ghost of what once was
-Players getting downed either to stupidity or op mobs and having to wait around for revives
-Tina speaking spanish with Maxo, and them speaking korean with YD. Fit speaking portuguese around Pac, Foolish speaking spanish with Vegetta, and Vegetta speaking english with Foolish
-Quackity hitting on Badboyhalo
-Pierre and Maxo being the way that they are (the way they haven't been able to be in so long)
-Tina finally telling people she's a demon. Tina telling Bagi, who already knew. Who stills loves her.
-CCs crashing and having to wait for the server to start back up
-Autotune Quackity
-The Bad x Cucurucho allegations
-Baghera distributing random items she definitely should not have
-Cellbit antagonizing Tina on principle and her clapping back that she's marrying his sister
-Maxo getting bombs and having them stolen by the admins
-Quackity telling Baghera and Cellbit to throw up in his mouth and Baghera being 100% down no questions asked and doing it (while Cellbit runs away from these freaks)
-LGBTQsmp jokes
-Pierre's incredibly horny type of humor
-Cellbit telling Tina he'll be at the wedding
-Bad stealing all the couches
-The players being utterly unable to find the elevator they need and deciding to just destroy the entire house
-The admins having to replay a cinematic because it didn't play the whole way through the first time
-Bad admitting to stealing all the couches. All of them.
-Old Ordo and Resistance members getting together for theory meetings. Pac telling everyone about the Codes in the basements. Everyone communicating their way through building the escape plane like a well-oiled machine. The familiarity of it.
-It happening amidst Maxo singing the Halo theme with reverb right next to their ear
-The sky turning red
-The Codes being enemies
-Bad getting absolutely swarmed by mobs as Foolish comically screams in the background
-SOFIA. Her and Maxo. Maxo's final moment in the spotlight.
-Running through the old Federation hallways. The last rush to find the exit. To freedom.
-The final cinematics. Getting kicked from the server.
-"Thank you for participating :)"
-Elena's montage of all the old bases and moments. Her saying the hell she went through was worth it for the beauty of what she saw and experienced with the players. The Qsmp's message to us.
-Vodwatching lore you missed cause you slept through it
-Scrolling through the Qsmp tag to find all the details of streamer POVs you missed
-Liking fanart, seeing people's reactions, memes, clips. Laughing together, crying together, theorizing and taking in every last little detail. Seeing people make the most cursed comments under Cucurucho thirst art. Seeing people cry over images of the eggs. In all languages. On the Qsmp.
-Being part of a community. Being Here. Juntos.
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blockgamepirate · 9 months
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Fit: It's like every week it's something different, eggs being kidnapped, people losing their memories...
Baghera: Yeah...
Chatter: I went to check Fit's stream, he's sitting with the classic emote, in the light, while Baghs is sitting with her knees against her chest, in the shadow BibleThump
^ just wanted to shout out this chatter who pointed out the visual here
Somebody who is not me should draw fanart of this moment
(This is Baghera telling Fit about growing up on the island and being scared to tell the others about it and being worried that even if they escape the Feds will just bring them back and also that she might have been the reason the plane crashed and therefore the reason why the French are now also stuck on the island.)
(The stream is Sept 21st, titled QSMP - SI TOUT FONCTIONNE, around 2h30min)
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l3m-ntwo · 3 months
Just realized. No matter how frustrated Badboyhallow gets at the baby grubs, he can never-not free them because if he doesn't, he would be keeping the baby's away from their father.
Which is the exact same thing that has happened to him from every single guardian figure in his life. PLEASE. Biblethump.
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I think Ulysses (Fallout: New Vegas - Lonesome Road) is a really good villain but a lot of people don't seem to accept that he's THE VILLAIN.
Yes, he has a good reason to be mad. A very good reason. But his anger is misplaced. The courier isn't responsible for the contents of their package. And even if they were, Ulysses' plan is... Slaughter thousands of innocent people out of spite.
YES you can talk him down, make him see reason, the same way you can make Joshua Graham see reason. Graham doesn't have to slaughter the Whitelegs, Ulysses doesn't have to nuke the Mojave.
And yet ... From what I've seen, a lot of people think Joshua Graham is a senseless biblethumping bastard man and Ulysses is a paragon of virtue who wants you to confront your actions.
And don't forget, both were members of the legion, both were complicit if not guilty in the unspeakable acts committed by Caesar and his followers.
These men are both complex characters, who are capable of atrocities and capable of redemption. I'm not gonna take away anyone's right to a Problematic Fav (I was a Homestuck, I was a Vriska Stan, I get it) but there's a certain point where you need to recognize that you're rewriting the character to redeem them.
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dtupdates-archive · 10 months
♡—DREAM was active on Dream__Fanart! He liked:
emotions ✧⁠*⁠。
So high like I'm on Everest I ain't ever coming down I ain't ever coming down 🎶
my honest reaction
Everest!! ✨dreamteam forever!!🩵
1hr doodle art for EVEREST🏔️ I ain't ever coming down, I ain't ever coming down!
Remember what you came from (dream doodle)
Dear Dream, It's easy to love you🩷
and I did it . This lil fairy wants nothing to do with pirates or fighting, he's only interested in taking naps, long naps..
Three angels
doodles since i got rusty 😩
There's nothing else but right here, right now 💚🧡🩵
Game night!! 🎮
Howdy 🤠🤯
For the discord summer icon competition thingy! I just wanted to enter once, vote me if you like :))
“To who ever wants to hear”
Afternoon chess with the dream team
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SYLVEE !! 🎉🤍 it’s sylvee day everyone :DD
Dream and his...buddies🤭
to whoever wants to hear;
Baby grge is tired‼️
dream team FOREVER !!
warmup sketch ⛅️
some musicians chillin :P
they're pocket sized
I’m sorry for the person I’ll become when drEP releases 👍
just wanted to draw dream in these hats again cus he’s so cute
am ready for drep
together... to the end... biblethump
just totally normal shower bonding time between bros, nothing to see here 👍
trying to doodle in train is definitely something
Howdy, partner! 🤠
Tiny dream! What will he do?
strawberry boba 🍓
doodle :^)
does anybody know where is he looking at
some dre doodles
POV you find your roommate very casually chilling on the couch on his phone while also wearing ur shorts
Dream and patches vs sapnap ♟
pookie loves pizza 🍕
biblically accurate height 🤏
when @Dream_Fanart is active when ur at school (i promise ill make actual fanart when im at home)
friends + their adventures!
the mask returns...
I had to do it, okay
baby pink and baby blue:D✨
To whoever wants to hear... "So high like I'm on Everest"
dreams been cooking in the studio again
EVEREST !!! 🏔️(i'm so excited )
He stays winning
necesitaba dibujarlo AWHWHWHWH <3<3
they're at the beach
dream has another announcement guys???
hes confused...
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q-nihachu · 8 months
watching wilbur's offline chat switch from DinoDance to BibleThump over the past few hours has been a better tragedy than i've ever written
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wheatlev · 1 month
wikipedia claims that 'biblethumping' is a gaming term and has something to do with Binding of Isaac. pretty sure that is not it
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artcommunityvent · 2 months
when you find a biblethumper screaming about certain art on an art site. It is soo tempting too tell them "sir/mam this is an art site NOT a church"
Don't like nudity, sexual content within site rules,swearing and being "progressive"? Then get the hell of DeviantArt.
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dwter · 2 years
preetty sure the pet war is where ctommy and cdream work together and burn down some building to piss off cbbh and csapnap idunno
yess i slightly rmr that which is bittersweet to think abt there cprime are now 😢
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quackitytheduck · 8 months
bro im biblethumping so hard rn :'))) that last animatic was so fucking good awwwuuuuggghh
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postsforposting · 7 months
satan rebelled against god
satan, rebeller in chief, when his chief lackey continually ruins his plans, misdelivers the antichrist, shacks up with an angel, and them plus his antichrist offspring rebel to the point of cancelling the apocalypse
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insert "you reap what you sow".biblethumping
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witchblade · 8 months
also starting greece in 867 and being like why am i in the middle of so much conflict biblethump
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