#bestie jessie
0shewrites0 · 10 months
Okay Rae, it’s my turn to ask questions— TOBY?????
What are our chances of a lil redemption fic where he makes the right choice and pies Amelia???
Look, I’ve seen people say it but I never wanted to believe it. Now, stupid me because they were right: MC is not the MC of this season. No, it’s stupid fricking Amelia and I’ll die on this hill URGH
The way her head gets turned by literally every new boy is so annoying. First she wanted Roberto because she knew he wanted us and she got him because I wasn’t into him. Then she got the ick and ran head first into the next wall (the wall = Marshall. Obviously). I CONSTANTLY told her I didn’t think he was trustworthy and whatnot and she never wanted to listen. Well, guess what? Turns out he’s the second dude to give her the ick and I’m so OVER it.
The worst part of it all is definitely how Toby was literally choking on his own saliva for her 🤢🤢🤢
At first I thought he was doing the same thing as Lucas when he took MC as the last person on a date because he wanted to save the best till last, ya know?
Yeah no. That was me hoping and getting outed as a clown straight away, yay. Karma is a bitch.
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I chose to make Lewie a bit jealous on my date with Toby and honestly? The things he said made my heart flutter a little. I DO NOT want to believe that he said what he said without it meaning anything. I REFUSE to believe that. Not to mention he’s literally my dream LI 😭😩
- his blue eyes 😩
- the fact that he thinks there’s nothing better than late night gym sessions 🥵 (please, that’s something I do so often and it’s srsly the best)
- his chest ugh, shoot me dead. Now. I’m such a sucker for a big ass chest idc
- he wants a big family I’m going to cry
- literally the only thing that’s missing is tatts (but like, those neck and throat and back of the head pattern-tattoos, chest tattoos and at least tattooed arms all the way down to the fingers)
This is literally my faceclaim for him:
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Fabien Tietjen
Anyway, Snog Marry Pie:
I mean, I’m flattered that quite a few of the islanders wanted to marry me (Lewie, Elliot, Bella) but WHERE WERE MY SNOGS??? Wtffff?? And again, Amelia Ratmelia got kissed by basically all of them, how unfair is that?
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When Toby snogged Amelia I was like, okay so maybe that means he’ll marry me 🥹👉🏼👈🏼 I basically died inside when he “cupped her face gently”, I’m telling you. It was absolutely, positively brutal. AND THEN HE HAS THE NERVE TO GET DOWN ON HIS KNEE IN FRONT OF AMELIA!!??? Are you fucking kidding me? He’s the only one who broke the rules and he chose to do so with Amelia? It sucks. No, it doesn’t just suck, it actually hurt me so bad.
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Also, the fact that I didn’t even have the chance to snog Toby OR marry him OR pie Roberto after the latter was a complete prick? No, I was forced to pay 17 gems to do so? Like hell I was going to pay those bahahaha what are they even thinking? I’m so pissed, I didn’t even want to finish the volume. And I’m not sure I’m going to play the last episode until I’ve calmed down a little.
But is there a chance I’ll whip out a little redemption/fix-Toby fic? FUCK YEAH. I’m not taking this lying down.
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kathonyy · 2 months
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nicollekidman · 1 year
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shadow & bone cast, behind the scenes of episode eight (via jessie mei li’s instagram)
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magdasabs · 4 months
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stargirlsfc · 4 months
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pernillecfcw · 7 months
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How cute 🥰
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monsamborabutterfly · 7 hours
I don't know how to explain this but I feel like being wrapped up in a big Bridgerton cast group hug would solve at least half of my problems and make life that much better. Not to be a simp but they all look like great huggers!!🥺
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lpa6zn · 1 year
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rustbeltjessie · 2 months
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March 29: Dressed up to go hang out with my bestie.
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ratanslily · 1 year
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clubbing Leo SUNday and Murphy Monday together! wooo *fans self*
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thewingedwolf · 7 months
i remember three things about bb10 prior to rewatch (the last watch being literally while it was airing and i was about 12) really vividly:
keesha’s birthday
chicken george conning april out of a win she desperately needed for a thousand bucks
i couldn’t describe a scene but i have really vivid memories of googling “dan and keesha big brother live feed clips” several times a week lmaoooooo
can you tell who my favorite was lmao
what i’ve been most enjoying is definitely how hardcore these girls are, and how much the edit highlights that. they were really throwing themselves into these physical comps, showing out for the booth comps, starting fights with literally everyone in the house & egging on fights between the guys, giving great DRs, really using good social strategies, getting crazy HOHitis, those men KNEW they couldn’t take a woman to f3 or she’d wipe the fucking FLOOR with them so they had to get rid of them before finale!!!!
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jfkisonthemoon · 18 days
im taking you to court for slander
good luck trying to prove intent 😎 i know the law baby
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todayisafridaynight · 1 month
Have you seen the second The Fable movie that has Sawashiro's actor in it? I... did not expect them to give him a steamy scene hccfvgbhnjmk
calling it a 'steamy scene' is outta hand but i also cant say its incorrect entirely by unfortunate technicality but also Top Ten Worst Scenes To Watch With Your Best Friend Who Had Yet To See A Tsutsumi Movie
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mango-nectars · 2 months
Phoebe Bridgers is not in the album credits despite the album allegedly being shade to PM on top of JA 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡
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heymrspatel · 2 years
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FULL VERSION ON AO3 - “cinematic” chapter 6 by @metalheadmickey
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adelaidedrubman · 2 years
what a fucking wednesday
i was tagged to post a wip today by @direwombat and over the past since i last shared for wip games of some form by @indorilnerevarine @marivenah @chickenparm @multiverse-of-themind my beloveds. fresh tags out to everyone above with new stuff and to @florbelles @unholymilf @henbased (:3) @belorage @heroofpenamstan @ishwaris @poetikat @shallow-gravy @confidentandgood @euaveri @derelictheretic @schoute @dihardys @strafethesesinners @strangefable @jackiesarch aaaaand anyone else looking to share today pls tag me
we remain on wildfire chapter 16 lockdown here is a very rough excerpt from that. jestiny is making new friends all over the place.
She instinctively turned to press her nose against fleece and inhale in search of those familiar, comforting scents — only to find the dull baking soda and bar soap of the makeshift detergent Tammy had washed her clothing with while she lay passed out. (With complaints that she’d just stopped doing laundry for Wheaty and wasn’t about to start doing it for someone who shouldn’t even be there anyways, and this was just to get her out of the Wolf’s Den as soon as possible. Fine by her, Jestiny had snapped as she snatched the jacket, and she’d had no right to strip her and go through her fucking clothes anyways, she added as she hurried to shove the watch laying in the pile of carefully removed items back into her pocket.) 
It got the death smell out, she’d give it that, but it wasn’t as pleasant as —
She grunted aloud, tearing herself from the fabric and looking forward in time to see a body falling from the deer stand with an arrow piercing his chest. 
“Fuckers go down easy.” 
‘...We no longer hunt for our food, search for our water, or make fire…’ 
“Listen to this shit. You think someone told Jacob a lie they got rid of the fucking girl scouts or something and his ass was dumb enough to believe it?” the archer complained as she stood to rip the wires from the metal box affixed to the trunk of the tree, killing the low hum of the speakers. “Everyone around here goes hunting. Whole fucking population of this county probably built a fucking campfire within the past week. Most of us just ain’t roasting innocent folks alive on ’em.”
“Huh? Sorry,” Jestiny coughed, shooting up to stand. “I wasn’t listening to that shit,” she laughed, flashing a grin to the woman beside her. At least one of the very few highlights of her time in the Whitetails had been meeting Jess Black — not half bad as company, and more than great as combat backup. “Real fuckin’ easy to tune out, if you ask me. Like a fucking talk radio rant.” 
It was easy to tune out, she’d let most of the man’s speeches fade in the background of her awareness since she’d been there, barely fuzzy memories, certainly easier to tune out than —
She shook her head, reinstituting the mental don’t think about him, because you’re never going back there policy for herself for the umpteenth time that day. 
She returned her attention to the present, nodding in the direction of smoke clouding the horizon. “Speaking of fire, though,” she whispered to Jess. “Think I see more of their fuckin’ party over there.” 
“The fuck we waiting around here talking for, then?” she rasped in reply, crouching down to move through the grass. “Time to end those fuckers.” 
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