#best restaurants in zagreb
Croatia Five Day Itinerary
Photo by Spencer Davis on Pexels.com Croatia offers a diverse and captivating travel experience that satisfies both the adventurous spirit and the taste buds. From the historic streets of Zagreb to the stunning Plitvice Lakes National Park, and the charming coastal towns like Zadar and Split, Croatia showcases a rich cultural heritage and breathtaking natural landscapes. One of the highlights of…
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martin-james2121 · 3 months
Embark on an Adventure off the typical tourist path and unlock Zagreb, Croatia’s best-kept secrets
Zagreb, located on the slopes of the Medvednica mountain along the Sava River is the capital city of Croatia, rich in history, culture, and charm. In this well-preserved old town lies a tapestry of history and charm that dates back to medieval times. Beyond its architecture and rich cultural heritage, it attracts budget-conscious travelers seeking authenticity without compromising on experience.
In Zagreb, laughter resonates through every corner, weaving a tapestry of unforgettable memories in this Croatian capital. Its cobblestone streets intertwine with buzzing trams, leading to a labyrinth of quirky museums and inviting coffee shops where each cup tells a story.
Check out this list of Zagreb’s best-kept secrets to explore on your visit to this beautiful city.
1. Mysterious Upper Town Alleyways
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While wandering through the winding cobblestone streets of Zagreb’s Upper Town, you’ll stumble upon a network of narrow alleyways that seem to lead to another era. These hidden passages are filled with quaint cafes, boutique shops, and colorful street art, offering a glimpse into the city’s vibrant local culture.One such alley is Tkalciceva Street, lined with charming cafes and restaurants where locals gather to socialize over coffee or a glass of Croatian wine. As you explore further, don’t be afraid to divert from the main path and discover the hidden corners that make this area so enchanting.
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lloydfamilyadventures · 7 months
2 weeks in Croatia has been a blast, much of it because of the amazing hospitality shown to us from Zeljka and Ivan. We began our time meeting up in Sibenik (Zeljka’s home town) where we stayed in the old town. Loved coming back to our apartment through the narrow cobbled alleys and all the restaurants found through the town. Enjoyed a wonderful sunset and gorgeous views of the city below from one of the 4 fortresses the city has. Day trips from there to Primosten (beautiful clear water and the water inflatable made Jonah a very happy boy and maybe the best fish meal of our trip) Krka Waterfalls, Makarska and Split. Split saw Matt doing some of his best narrow street driving of the trip as he deftly maneuvered us out of a very narrow street in our quest for a parking spot. Our brief stop in Split made us happy that we changed our base to the quieter town of Sibenik. From Sibenik we then spent 6 nights glamping at Zaton beach resort, which is a huge campground and still extremely busy. We managed a boat trip to Kornati National Park where we had fun cliff jumping into the deep blue water below. We really enjoyed the town of Nin nearby and enjoyed a couple of great meals there. We also enjoyed visiting Zadar. The figs are in season and abundant where ever we go so the kids and I have enjoyed searching for the ripest, sweetest fruit when ever we wander. As well as a lot of seafood we enjoyed a suckling pig for dinner one evening. From Zaton we spent a night near the entrance to Plitvice Lakes National Park. We traveled there via a bear sanctuary which was a quirky, enjoyable detour. For dinner we tried the local specialty of veal cooked under the bell, lamb and pork cooked on the spit and a grilled trout. We got up early the next day to see the lakes. The lakes were very beautiful in color and surrounded by gorgeous greenery. It was a nice walking path over and around the lakes, with a boat ride in the middle. We walked about 6 miles of the trails. To begin with we cleared a few tour busses of Chinese tourists but the real congestion of tourists came later in the day with the queue of tourists to see the largest waterfall (87m) reminiscent of the queue hiking up Diamond Head in Oahu. Regardless of the crowds the lakes and waterfalls are stunning and it was a great day spent. We now finish our trip again enjoying the wonderful hospitality of Zeljka and Ivan in Zagreb. Zagreb seems to be a very nice city. Clean, easy to walk around, lots of busy restaurants and bars and beautiful architecture. The food is good and cheap and we have enjoyed eating out. Last night we all had a lot of fun at the football and this afternoon we are excited to enjoy a meal with Zeljka and Ivan (she is making us squid her uncle caught) and after a few drinks in Ivan’s dads bar. Just a few as tomorrow we have an early bus to catch to Vienna.
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bonjouronourtour · 7 months
Kroatië, Bosnië-Herzegovina & Montenegro
9 september - 20 september
🇭🇷 Vanaf onze laatste stop in Slovenië rijden we de grens over en komen na een half uurtje in Zagreb aan. Hier wandelen we door deze (voor ons totaal nieuwe) stad die toch weer heel anders is dan Ljubljana. Ietsjes rauwer maar ook wel weer erg authentiek. We lopen door gezellige straatjes met cafeetjes en restaurants en doorkruisen pleinen en uitzichtpunten, we zien namelijk niet alleen het lagere maar ook het hogere gedeelte van deze stad. Verder zien we ook veel toeristen en voelen we enige noodzaak om ook op tijd weer bij onze achtergelaten Franky te zijn, een onderbuikgevoel.
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🏕️ Gelukkig is Franky nog altijd vast en veilig en brengt hij ons verder Kroatië in, in de richting van de Plitvice meren. Maar vanwege de belachelijke prijzen voor zowel toegang in dit park als de prijzen aan de kust voor campings of camper-plaatsen en de strenge controle op wildkamperen met gigantische boetes als gevolg, brengen we een kleine verandering aan in onze plannen. Wij gaan niet via de kust van Kroatië omlaag, maar steken de grens over met Bosnië-Herzegovina. Hier kunnen we weer ouderwets wildkamperen en zien we direct veel moois.
🕌 De natuur is weer rijkelijk aanwezig, net zoals het deel van Kroatië waar we vandaan kwamen, maar in tegenstelling tot Kroatië zien we hier al direct moskeeën en minaretten opdoemen aan de horizon. We rijden als eerst naar de stad Bihać. Hier scoren we een sim kaartje en wat contant geld in de lokale munteenheid (nu we buiten de EU zijn, wel zo handig) en maken voor het eerst kennis met het Bosnische straatbeeld. Een beetje verwarrend nog. Soms netjes en zelfs idyllisch, soms rommelig en verpaupert.
Wij overnachten in Una National Park, recht aan de helderblauwe rivier, genaamd Una. Het is hier muisstil (zijn helemaal alleen), heerlijk groen en we spotten al snel een uil in de boom aan de overkant van de rivier en zien we meerdere ijsvogels druk in de weer. Genieten! In dit park leven ook lynxen, beren en wolven, maar die zien we niet.
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🏞️ Wat we wel doen is op deze plek een enorm verfrissende duik nemen: wat geen overbodige luxe is met deze warme dagen van rond de 30 graden. Verfrissend is het zeker, ijskoud zelfs. En wij dachten dat we na zwemmen in zoveel rivieren, meren, zeeën en oceanen deze reis wel wat gewend waren geraakt. Gelukkig komt er die avond nog een Nederlands stel genaamd Jorik en Carina in hun camperbusje bij. We noemen even hun namen, want die zijn het onthouden waard voor later in deze blog. Die avond komt er ook nog laat een Duitse jongeman aan. Deze laatste staat er de volgende ochtend op om gezamenlijk een duik te nemen. Wij slaan over aangezien we ‘t al hebben beleefd en het echt niet normaal koud was. Ach deze mensen kennen het allemaal. Gezwommen in de koudste rivieren in Slovenië en blabla. Ze kunnen ons maar moeilijk geloven en met z’n drieën gaan ze voor onze neus erin. En eruit. Direct eruit. Koudste wat ze hebben meegemaakt! 7 graden is de conclusie, best koud toch?
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💦 Na Una National Park rijden we door naar de stad Jajce, waar de Pliva watervallen dwars door de stad stromen en waar zelfs vanaf gedoken wordt door de echte pro’s. Helaas niet in ons bijzijn, wat extra jammer is omdat de stad zelf verder een klein beetje tegenvalt.
🧨 We rijden dan ook snel weer door naar de hoofdstad Sarajevo. De wegen in dit land vallen ons alles mee, niet veel snelweg maar toch prima wegdek. En door het platteland, door dorpjes en stadjes. We zien enorm veel en dit land is echt geweldig mooi. Aan de rand van Sarajevo vinden we een hele fijne en vooral veilige camperplek voor een zachte prijs. Hier ontmoeten we opnieuw een leuk Nederlands stel genaamd Sam en Jalien uit Zeeland, met wie we die dag al even bij het dichtbij zijnde Tunnel of Hope museum kijken. Dit is de tunnel die in de oorlogsjaren ‘92-‘95 gebruikt werd om wapens, voedsel, medicijnen etc naar de belegerde stad te smokkelen. Erg indrukwekkend om te zien, met de sporen en gaten van kogels en mortiergranaten in het huis en rondom op de grond.
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🚃 De volgende dag stappen we samen met onze Zeeuwse reisgenoten een oude bus in en vervolgens een nog ouder trammetje in, op weg naar de stad. Deze verrast ons eigenlijk enorm. Aan de ene kant zien we continu sporen van de oorlog van de jaren ‘90. We zien opvallend veel gebouwen met kogelgaten nog in de muren (trouwens ook veel gezien buiten de stad), maar er zijn ook veel mooie gebouwen, bruggen en gezellige straatjes met ook de nodige toeristen.
We eten een lekker Bosnisch hapje en nemen de stad in ons op, wandelen heerlijk wat rond. We zijn verbaasd over de Ottomaanse invloeden hier en het voelt bijna een beetje alsof we in de medina’s van de Marokkaanse steden rondlopen: Veel smalle straatjes met winkeltjes vol met allerlei handgemaakt spul, terwijl de ambachtsmannen hun volgende creatie aan het polijsten zijn. We zien een mooie moskee, lopen langs een net zo grote synagoge en passeren een aantal mooie kathedralen, het gaat hier allemaal samen. Klein Jeruzalem wordt deze stad om die reden ook wel genoemd.
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🚐 Na deze dag rijden we alvast halverwege Mostar, de volgende stop.
We vinden op Park4night een plek bij een local, waar we niets hoeven te betalen maar wel wat kunnen consumeren en op die manier een bijdrage kunnen leveren.
Het laatste stuk is langs een rivier op een smal weggetje door twee hoge bergkammen. Tegemoetkomend verkeer is ons enige obstakel, vooral als we een kleine stoet leidend opeens een dikke BMW tegenkomen maar eigenlijk geen kant op kunnen. Gelukkig is achter de BMW een ruime verbreding van de weg maar mevrouw achter het stuur voelt zich even te goed om achteruit te rijden voor ons en de rest van de stoet. Helaas is er geen andere oplossing en na veel boze handgebaren en onnodig alternatieve oplossingen zoeken, besluit mevrouw dan toch maar de achteruit te proberen. We zien dan ook gelijk waarom dit voor haar geen oplossing was. Waarschijnlijk de eerste keer dat ze ‘m in de achteruit gebruikt. Maar met veel hulp en nog meer onvrede lukt het dan toch en kunnen we door! Dit was trouwens geen local, om jullie absoluut niet een verkeerd beeld te geven van de lokale bevolking hier!
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🐟 We komen aan bij Anis en zijn vader Nijaz. Ze hebben hun stuk land aan de rivier omgetoverd tot een soort picknick-plek 2.0. Je kan hier zelfs houtje touwtje douchen en gebruik maken van een ‘toilet’ (lees: gat in de grond 👍🏻), maar bovenal heerlijk vertoeven met zitjes langs de rivier en zelfs op de rivier gebouwd.
Ze hebben hier zelfs een forellenvijvertje aangelegd waar we zelf onze forellen uit mogen vissen. Daarna maakt Anis ze heel vakkundig en rap gereed voor op de barbecue. Even later zitten we aan de heerlijke verse visjes met een biertje uit de ‘Bosnian fridge’. Kratje in de rivier zeg maar. Het is eenvoudig maar ook rijkelijk. De gastvrijheid van deze mensen is aandoenlijk en sowieso merken we dat de bevolking erg warm en uitnodigend reageert, waar we ook zijn. Hier is het land nog niet overspoelt met campers en toeristen, wat natuurlijk ook helpt. Toch zien we meer toeristen en buitenlandse nummerborden dan we hadden verwacht.
🏰 Na deze tussenstop rijden we alweer een prachtige route door bergen en langs meren en rivieren, richting Mostar.
Deze stad blijkt verrassend toeristisch maar is ook wel erg kneuterig en gezellig. Wij parkeren op veilige afstand van de binnenstad, zodat we er op onze stalen rossen gemakkelijk en snel naartoe kunnen. Vanuit Mostar is het maar een kort ritje van zo’n 20 minuten naar Blagaj waar een prachtig 16de eeuws moslim-klooster is gebouwd bij de ingang van een rots aan de bron van de rivier, niet genaamd Una, maar in dit geval de Buna. Echt een plaatje!
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We sluiten de dag af in de buurt van de Kravica watervallen, op een rustig plekje in de natuur.
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🪵 We nemen hier de volgende dag weer een heerlijke duik in de helderblauwe rivier en bouwen gezellig kampvuur waar we ons eten op maken. Na het vele reizen in korte tijd is dit het moment voor een rustdagje.
🏖️ Maar rust is er niet voor lang! We vertrekken namelijk de volgende ochtend rond 07:30 zodat we rond 08:00 bij de Kravica watervallen zijn, voor de hordes toeristen aan, die vanuit andere delen van Bosnië-Herzegovina of zelfs vanuit Kroatië aankomen. Het werkt: wij zijn er bijna de enigen, met nog een lekkere ochtendkoelte en de rust van de natuur. Al is het wel meteen een doorn in het oog hoe het toerisme hier het beeld bepaalt. Aan de voet van de waterval, waar je trouwens in het water kan en mag zwemmen, is ook het volgebouwd met ligbedjes en eettentjes. Verder is het wel een mooie plek, maar zo’n € 10,-/20 Bosnische Mark p.p. vonden wij het misschien toch niet waard. Maar ons Bosnische geld is hiermee wel op, maar gelukkig kunnen we her en der toch gewoon met euro’s betalen, dus we gokken het erop.
⛰️ We rijden direct erna door naar het zuidoosten van het land, het Sutjeska National Park met daarin de laatste grote oerbossen van Europa!
Het is alleen wel een behoorlijk lange rit over wegen waar je praktisch niet harder dan 60 mag of kan. Na een tijdje wordt het wegdek dan ook erg slecht en beginnen we behoorlijk te klimmen. Het valt ons op dat de wegen in het Noorden van het land wat beter waren (of we hadden gewoon geluk), en het rijgedrag van onze mede verkeersdeelnemers daar ook iets relaxter was. Hier zit er wat meer ongeduld en temperament in en wordt er af en toe agressief heen en weer gewuifd naar ons. Dat we sneller moeten, dat we aan de kant moeten en dat soort ellende.
Het is dan ook een lange dag rijden in de Bosnische hitte en na een paar mooie tussenstops in dit prachtige gebied, besluiten we samen met Sam en Jalien, om een camping aan de grens met Montenegro te bezoeken zodat we hier ook nog wat wasjes kunnen draaien. Tenzij we een beter (gratis) plekje in de natuur vinden.
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💨 Net voor we bij de camping aankomen, pauzeren we even kort om een laatste overleg te plegen. We vinden onderweg geen leuke plekjes dus het wordt toch die camping. Met dat de knoop is doorgehakt begint er opeens, net als bij belangrijke keuzes in het Vaticaan, witte rook uit ons dashboard(kastje) te komen. We zetten snel de motor uit en proberen te kijken of er iets gevaarlijks aan de hand is, en dan komt er opeens als een engeltje uit een doosje een ander Nederlands camperbusje langs zeilen. Jorik en Carina dus! Die precies hetzelfde gammele bergweggetje aan het uitproberen zijn. Laat Jorik nou net een handige Harry zijn, vooral met elektronica die zelf ook met een oud Fiat Ducato camperbusje op pad is en die hij helemaal door en door kent van al het klussen aan dat ding. Hij doet direct wat checks terwijl we gestoord worden door vriendelijke Bosniërs die ons even laten weten dat ze Nederland kennen, en dat hij overmorgen in Hengelo en Emmen zal zijn (hoe dan?!). De file die deze smalltalk veroorzaakt deert de man weinig, maar hij rijdt uiteindelijk vol enthousiasme en al lachend weer door. Wij besluiten ook dat er geen acuut gevaar is en we rustig met z’n zessen die laatste paar kilometer kunnen afleggen in de hoop dat het goed gaat. En dat gaat het gelukkig. De colonne met de drie Nederlandse fiatjes komt aan bij de… tja ‘camping’.
🔩🔧 Dit blijkt niet helemaal de standaard camping te zijn die we misschien in gedachten hadden, maar we kunnen er prima staan, betalen in euro’s en inclusief die € 15,- per nacht elektriciteit aansluiten en oneindig veel wasjes draaien.
Vooral om dat laatste besluiten we om dan maar 2 nachten te blijven zodat we die gehele dag kunnen benutten met wasjes draaien en vooral met Jorik inzetten om eens de elektra in en rondom onze motor te checken. Dit doet hij met alle liefde en geduld en passie en hij checkt van alles en nog wat. Hij stuit daarbij op totaal ongerelateerde eigenaardigheden maar kan al met al wel uitsluiten dat er echt iets ‘mis’ zou zijn. Geen gevaar maar nog wel een klein raadsel wat dit veroorzaakt heeft. Een kwestie van goed in de gaten houden dus. Jorik en Carina vertrekken die middag wel alvast maar Sam en Jalien gaan met ons de volgende ochtend vroeg weer door.
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🏞️ We steken de grens met Montenegro over en komen direct in een fantastisch prachtig gebied. We zijn helemaal versteld van dit prachtige landschap en ook verrassend goede wegen. We scoren snel een sim kaart, 500 gb voor een tientje haha. Normaal lopen we te hannesen voor sim kaartjes met 30, 60, 80 of eens een 100 gb aan data, maar in dit land doen ze niet zo moeilijk. En we betalen hier ook weer in euro’s, ideaal!
🇲🇪 Daarna vervolgen we de route door het prachtige Durmitor National Park. We wanen ons het ene moment weer in de Franse Alpen, het andere moment in Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit-achtige landschappen, maar zijn toch echt gewoon in Europa, in de Dinarische Alpen. Het is hier wonderschoon en we eindigen de route net voorbij Zabljak.
📍 Het plan voor nu (altijd onderhevig aan veranderingen en geniale ingevingen) is om door het binnenland van Montenegro verder te rijden, en de kust te bewaren voor later. We gaan dan de grens over met Kosovo en via Noord-Macedonië naar Albanië, waarna we via de kust van dit land en die van Montenegro en Kroatië weer terug ‘omhoog’ zullen gaan.
De groeten uit de Balkan!
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hotty44-blog1 · 10 months
Kroatien Reisetipps: Sparen Sie Geld und genießen Sie Ihre Reise!
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Kroatien Reisetipps: Sparen Sie Geld und genießen Sie Ihre Reise!
Planen Sie eine Reise nach Kroatien? Möchten Sie Geld sparen und gleichzeitig all das Schöne genießen, was dieses wunderschöne Land zu bieten hat? Suchen Sie nicht weiter! In diesem Artikel geben wir Ihnen wertvolle Reisetipps, mit denen Sie das Beste aus Ihrer Reise herausholen können, ohne dabei Ihr Budget zu sprengen. Kroatien ist zu einem beliebten Reiseziel geworden, insbesondere nach der erfolgreichen Serie Game of Thrones. Das bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass Sie ein Vermögen ausgeben müssen, um die Wunder des Landes zu erleben. Mit durchschnittlichen täglichen Reisekosten von 75 Euro pro Person können Budgetreisende bereits mit 35 Euro pro Tag auskommen. Und wenn Sie so sind wie der Autor, der nur 53 Euro pro Tag ausgegeben hat, können Sie Kroatien ohne Sorgen um Ihr Portemonnaie genießen. Von günstigen Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten wie preiswerten Privatzimmern ab 25 Euro pro Nacht oder Hostelbetten ab 14 Euro pro Nacht bis hin zu budgetfreundlichen Restaurantmahlzeiten, die bereits ab 7 Euro für das Mittagessen und 10-15 Euro für das Abendessen erhältlich sind, gibt es viele Möglichkeiten, Geld zu sparen. Und wenn Sie bereit sind, etwas Recherche und Planung zu betreiben, können Sie noch mehr sparen. Denken Sie daran, öffentliche Verkehrsmittel zu nutzen, Flüge und Busse im Voraus zu buchen und Mietwagen online zu reservieren. Flixbus bietet günstige Busreiseoptionen in Kroatien an, mit Preisen von weniger als 30 Euro für die beliebte Strecke von Zagreb nach Dubrovnik. Und vergessen Sie nicht, etwas Bargeld für Trinkgeld und für den Fall mitzunehmen, dass einige Orte keine Karten akzeptieren. Um bei der Unterkunft zu sparen, versuchen Sie, außerhalb der Hauptsaison zu reisen, buchen Sie Ihre Unterkünfte im Voraus und erwägen Sie, außerhalb des Stadtzentrums zu übernachten. Diese Tipps können Ihnen helfen, tolle Angebote zu finden und die Kosten erheblich zu senken. In Bezug auf das Essen sollten Sie lokale Restaurants und Selbstverpflegungsmöglichkeiten wählen. Sie werden nicht nur die authentische kroatische Küche erleben, sondern auch im Vergleich zu touristischen Orten Geld sparen. Und vergessen Sie nicht, Leitungswasser zu trinken - es ist sicher und spart Ihnen den Kauf von Flaschenwasser. Die Preise für Attraktionen und Aktivitäten können variieren, daher sollten Sie sich vorher überlegen, ob sie den Preis wert sind, bevor Sie viel Geld ausgeben. Mit diesen Geldspar-Tipps im Hinterkopf können Sie nun ohne Sorgen um Ihr Budget Ihr kroatisches Abenteuer beginnen. Packen Sie Ihre Koffer, buchen Sie Ihre Tickets und machen Sie sich bereit, alles zu genießen, was Kroatien zu bieten hat!
In Kroatien unterwegs
Wenn Sie Geld sparen möchten, während Sie sich in Kroatien fortbewegen, sollten Sie in Betracht ziehen, öffentliche Verkehrsmittel zu nutzen und Ihre Flüge und Busse im Voraus zu buchen. Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel sind eine großartige Option für Budgetreisende, da sie erschwinglich und bequem sind. Sie können Städte und Orte problemlos mit Bussen, Straßenbahnen und Zügen erkunden. Flixbus bietet erschwingliche Busreiseoptionen in Kroatien an, mit Preisen von weniger als 30 € für eine Reise von Zagreb nach Dubrovnik. Eine andere Möglichkeit ist das Mieten eines Autos, aber beachten Sie, dass viele Autobahnen in Kroatien Mautgebühren haben, die sich summieren können. Sie können jedoch Geld sparen, indem Sie Mautautobahnen vermeiden und die malerischen Küstenstraßen nutzen. Wenn Sie sich für die Anmietung eines Autos entscheiden, wird empfohlen, es im Voraus online über Rentalcars zu buchen. Berücksichtigen Sie Ihr Budget und Ihre Reisepräferenzen bei der Auswahl zwischen öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln und Mietwagen. Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten Buchen Sie Ihre Unterkunft im Voraus, um eine größere Auswahl und bessere Angebote zu haben. Wenn es darum geht, Unterkünfte in Kroatien zu finden, stehen verschiedene Optionen zur Verfügung, die unterschiedlichen Budgets und Vorlieben gerecht werden. Die Preise für Unterkünfte können je nach Standort, Standard und Ausstattung variieren. Um Geld zu sparen, sollten Sie in der Nebensaison reisen, die die Monate April bis Juni, September und Oktober umfasst. In dieser Zeit finden Sie oft ermäßigte Preise und weniger Menschenmassen. Außerdem kann es eine günstigere und ruhigere Option sein, außerhalb des Stadtzentrums zu übernachten, besonders wenn Sie ein Auto haben. Vergessen Sie nicht, verschiedene Unterkünfte zu recherchieren und zu vergleichen, um die besten Angebote zu finden. Eine frühzeitige Buchung gibt Ihnen nicht nur Sicherheit, sondern ermöglicht es Ihnen auch, einen Ort zu sichern, der Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht. Essen und Trinken Um bei den Essensausgaben zu sparen, sollten Sie sich für lokale Restaurants und Konobas entscheiden, die ein gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis bieten. Kroatien ist für seine köstliche Küche bekannt und das Probieren lokaler Gerichte ist während Ihrer Reise ein Muss. Gönnen Sie sich traditionelle kroatische Gerichte wie Ćevapi, Peka und Burek, die nicht nur lecker, sondern auch budgetfreundlich sind. Besuchen Sie lokale Konobas, kleine Restaurants, die authentisches lokales Essen zu erschwinglichen Preisen servieren. Diese versteckten Juwelen sind eine großartige Möglichkeit, die Aromen Kroatiens zu erleben, ohne dabei Ihr Budget zu sprengen. Vergessen Sie nicht, Ihre Mahlzeit mit lokalen Getränken wie kroatischem Bier oder einem Glas lokalem Wein zu begleiten. Sie werden feststellen, dass lokale Biere in der Regel günstiger sind als importierte, so dass Sie ein erfrischendes Getränk genießen können, ohne ein Vermögen auszugeben. Also, begeben Sie sich abseits der ausgetretenen Pfade und erkunden Sie die lokale kulinarische Szene für ein wirklich authentisches und kostengünstiges Essenserlebnis.
Erkunden von Attraktionen
Das Entdecken der Attraktionen in Kroatien bietet eine Vielzahl einzigartiger Erlebnisse und kultureller Einblicke. Ob Sie ein Geschichtsliebhaber, Naturfreund oder Kunstenthusiast sind, für jeden ist etwas dabei. Eine Möglichkeit, Geld zu sparen, während Sie diese Attraktionen erkunden, besteht darin, von Studentenrabatten zu profitieren. Viele Museen und Attraktionen bieten ermäßigte Preise für Studenten an, also vergessen Sie nicht, Ihren Studentenausweis mitzubringen. Eine weitere Möglichkeit, Geld zu sparen, besteht darin, während der Nebensaison zu besuchen. Sie vermeiden nicht nur Menschenmassen, sondern genießen auch niedrigere Preise für Unterkünfte, Aktivitäten und sogar Flüge. Die Monate April-Juni, September und Oktober gelten als Nebensaison, und Sie können reduzierte Preise nutzen, während Sie die Schönheit Kroatiens erleben. Planen Sie also Ihre Reise entsprechend und machen Sie das Beste aus Ihrem kroatischen Abenteuer, während Sie dabei Geld sparen. Read the full article
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natache · 3 years
Ita Rina
First and Forgotten Yugoslav Film Star who provocated Gestapo
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Ita Rina was born on 7 July 1907 in the small town of Divača (then Austro-Hungarian Empire, later Yugoslavia, now Slovenia) as Italina Lida Kravanja. She was called Ida Kravanja for short. She was named after a journalist Finzi Haydée, Jewish family friend from Trieste. The first daughter of Jožef a railroad worker and Marija Kravanja, Rina had a younger sister Danica. Shortly after the outbreak of the World War I, the family moved to Ljubljana, where Rina matriculated in 1923. She was not a good student; she repeated the third grade of elementary school. However, her dream was to be an actress.
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In October 1926, Slovenski narod (Slovenian People) magazine organized a beauty pageant, and Rina entered the competition. She was crowned Miss Slovenia and was to travel to the final event for Miss Yugoslavia, which was supposed to be held on 20 December 1926 in Zagreb. However, her mother did not want to let her go to Zagreb. After a group visit from the Slovenian delegation, Marija Kravanja relented. Unfortunately, when Rina arrived in Zagreb, the jury was already choosing the most beautiful of three finalists. She was, however, noticed by Adolf Müller, the owner of Balkan Palace cinema in Zagreb. He immediately sent her photographs to German film producer Peter Ostermayer. As her mother did not want to let her go to Berlin, Rina ran away from home.
Her escape was enabled by a family friend, a painter Alojz Malota and his wife Hedvig Šarc. They invited her to come with them on a trip to Austria, and instead she went to Berlin. She has said that she felt very lonely and scared during the train ride and thought about returning home.
“That was my longest and hardest journey. I huddled myself in a corner of a coupe and looked around myself in fear. I only knew few words in German...”
Rina arrived in Berlin in 1927. Shortly after she had her first audition, following which she had classes in acting, diction, dancing.
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"They would shine a spotlight on me" she later said "cameras would buzz. There were cables everywhere. Some complete strangers would stare at me, whispering amongst themselves. They told me to scream, to laugh, wave and cry. I think I looked most natural in scenes where I was crying. All I had to do was remember how far away from home I've gone and how I've deceived my mother."
"You don't know how to walk!" a director was yelling. I've dedicated all my strength on walking as gracefully as possible, and I thought to myself "how's it possible that I, who have climbed Triglav thrice, all of sudden am incapable of walking." I must admit, first few steps on film were harder than any danger definitely mountaineering.
After several small film roles in 1927 and 1928, the critics finally noticed her in the 1928 film The Last Supper. The same year, Rina met at a Yugoslav embassy party, her future husband Miodrag Đorđević, a shy engineering student from Belgrade, son of a general director of the Royal Post Office.
He asked her out to dinner in a little more upscale restaurant. What he would find out later is that his students account was not enough to pay for the meal. He went to the phone in an attempted to call a friend who could lend him money. Ita figured out what was going on, and since she was already rich, secretly passed him a few bank notes, to spare him the embarrassment. She always liked him, and they understood each other well.
Around that time newspapers in Yugoslavia started to sensationalize her love life, as a counter she published an open letter.
Cenjeni g. urednik!
Vsikdar sem bila ljubeznjiva napram g. dopisniku Vašega lista. Želela sem na ta način izražati simpatije, ki sem jih gojila do “Vremena”. Toda nežentlementski dopis Vašega dopisnika od 15. t. m. je zlorabil to mojo ljubeznivost in me prisilil, da Vas naprošam zaradi istine za uvrstitev naslednjih vrstic: Prišla sem domov na oddih, da se pripravim za bodoče delo, ne pa da se zaljubljam kakor goska. Zaradi tega ne potrebujem nikakih senzacij, zlasti pa ne senzacij, ki gredo preko meja dopustnega. Čudim se prostosti, ki si jo jemlje g. Ambrož, da izmišlja kar imena mojih idealov. Prava senzacija bi bila šele, ko bi g. Ambrož nekoliko srečneje uganil moje ideale. Kar pa piše g. Ambrož, je bilo doslej meni in vsem mojim znancem docela neznano. Odpotovala bom tedaj, ko me pokliče novo delo. Senzacijonalni odhod avtomobilov itd. je prosta glupost. 
Da končam. Žal mi je, da se je edini g. O. Ambrož smatral za najpametnejšega od vseh tukajšnjih novinarjev in da je segel po tako nehvaležnem poslu. Naši javnosti je treba servirati resnico o mojem delu in moji osebi, ne pa glupih izmišljotin. Prejmite g. urednik izraze itd.
Ita Rina.
Her breakthrough into European stardom came after taking a role in a controversial film Erotikon by a Czechoslovakian director Gustav Mahaty. As soon as she read the script about a seduced and then abandoned daughter of a guard of a railroad station, she understood it as her big chance, and she was right.
Erotikon premiered in Prague. Czechoslovakian censors cut out the scene of her giving birth to a child, but the movie garnered great success with film critics and audiences across Europe. At the premiere in Paris in Moulin Rouge and the film goers carried her out of the theatre on their hands.
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The films success angered the puritans. Especially the french catholic theologian, abbot Betteleme who wrote: "... First, they lie next to each other, and then one to another ... It is true that the cover hides their figures, but it certainly does not hide their movements... The protagonists are shown in particularly long shots, especially Ita... A viewer can recognize her excitement, then her expression of anxiety mixed with longing, then the pain and at the end... I blush while describing the scenes". He went though streets of Paris tearing down the posters that were plastered all over. That only raised the popularity of the film.
In 1930, Rina acted in three films, most notable being the first talking Czechoslovakian film Tonka of the Gallows, which is often named her best role. Meanwhile, she married Miodrag Đorđević in 1931. Although she had announced her retirement from her film career, but she actually continued her acting until the outbreak of World War II. Her last prewar film was crime drama Zentrale Rio.
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The situation in Germany was getting tense, especially for anybody who was considered undesirable which included actors who were foreign. She left Germany on the insistence of the then ambassador of Yugoslavia Ivo Andrić. In 1939, very close to the start of WW2 every time she went to work or went home, there was a man who sat in the car. In the beginning he was very quiet and she thought he was an assistant of the producer and that he might represent some new custume, a way of saying thanks to the actors. And then he spoke. At first there were talks of the superiority of the German race, but later his changes because more apparent. "I argued with him in that car" she told to the operator in the studio and retold him the whole conversation. "How could you have dared, that man is from Gestapo." said the operator. The story was retold to Ivo Andrić, and he ordered her and her husband to urgently leave Germany. The taping of the film was mostly done. That night they packed all of their belongs. In the morning she taped a few leftover scenes and absconded for Belgrade that same day.
"Only on the road I understood what's going on. Tanks everywhere, soldiers."
They went to live in Belgrade. She didn't act as the war was starting to rage and had her first child Milan in 1940 and thee years later a daughter Tijana. Her in-laws disagreed with the marriage to a controversial actress at first. And they had a permanent table for themselves and their friends at the local tavern.
After the bombing of Belgrade they moved to Vrnjačka Banja. Life during wartime was hard and she laboured and sold all of her possessions to keep family fed. She even rescued her husband from jail where he landed after he, in a tavern proclaimed that Hitler will have the same fate Napoleon did in Russia.
They moved back to Belgrade after the end of World War II in 1945. Although she was promised several roles in Yugoslav films, all projects were cancelled and she was treated unfavorably. After receipt of a letter she had written to President Tito, Rina began working as a co–production advisor in Avala Film. But she soon left Avala Film and moved to Lovćen Film.
She returned to the silver screen once, in the 1960 film War, about nuclear war fallout, directed by Veljko Bulajić. This was her last role. She got her role not though a studio, but through her husband asking nicely.
“Before the shooting of the film War began, I was approached by a very likable gentleman, that was the husband of Mrs. Ita Rine Miodrag, and in a very discreet, shy way, asked if we can talk and during that conversation, suggested to cast Ita. Honestly speaking, I have already completely forgotten about her. There was war, and they she didn't work for a very long time. She wasn't listed anywhere in cinematography as an active actress. I remembered her from her films. I suggested we meet. So we met, I don't know where in Zagreb or Belgrade, I cannot remember, but she impressed me. She made a strong impression, of a smart woman, an actress who didn't want to be in a film for no other reason, but to be filmed. She wanted to know about her role. I really liked that, so we made a deal.” 
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As she suffered from asthma, Rina and her husband moved to Budva (then Yugoslavia, now Montenegro) in 1967. There, she took care of her husband, who was ill with sclerosis. Rina died on 10 May 1979 from an asthmatic attack during the great earthquake that leveled the capital of Montenegro. She was buried a few days later in Belgrade, in the presence of numerous film artists, admirers, friends and family. Her husband died next year.
Best source is in Slovene here:
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realmadridfamily · 3 years
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“I want everyone to know how brave a woman she is”
“It's true, we feel privileged - we have a good financial situation and I play for the most famous football club in the world and everyone knows me - but this doesn't change the most important thing: we are ordinary people. Like everyone else, we have better and worse days, difficult and beautiful moments, cares and joys. We are strong but also vulnerable. The fact that today we have three wonderful children is largely due to my wife Vanja. I want everyone to know how brave a woman she is. When I think about the situations she had to face, my field worries are meaningless.”
"... before my second season in Tottenham Hotspur Vanja and I started talking about getting married. We've been together for almost five years - over four years of which we've lived together. We both wanted to get married and legalize our relationship. During such discussions, we also established one important thing - we both wanted to have a child, or at least three children! One day Vanja was waiting for me at our favorite Italian restaurant in London. I didn't even wonder why she wanted so badly to go there. When I got inside, I noticed that she was nervous, which was unusual for her. I took my seat and Vanja said why she invited me here: "You're going to be a daddy!" It's hard to describe this moment with words. It was one of the best messages I have ever received! My beloved Vanja wanted to convey this to me in a special way. Even though she was tired of morning sickness, she tried to make this moment special. At home, I didn't even notice what was happening to her! She hid everything from me to make sure she was really pregnant. We really wanted our children to be born in Croatia ..." "... we returned to Zagreb on May 9, right after the Premier League ended. Vanja was resting, and I still had to fulfill two obligations with the Croatia NT. From May 24, I was free again and was able to be with my wife. These days were very warm, so I had the idea to go to Zadar and visit my family. Unfortunately, the doctor didn't want her to travel before the birth, so after the conversation we decided that I would go to my parents and sister alone. On the second night in Zadar, I heard my father. It was after five in the morning. Vanja called me but I didn't hear the phone! "Son, wake up! Vanja is going to the hospital!" In one second I woke up and was on my way to Zagreb! I felt bad about not accompanying her that night. Fortunately, her mother lived nearby ..." "... when I spoke to her on the phone I was very close to the hospital. "Vanja, I'll be right there! Please, wait if you can!" But she couldn't. Our first baby was born at 8:10 am and changed our lives forever. The moment when I saw my son for the first time and took him in my arms was one of the happiest in my life. I hugged Vanja and we promised each other that when she got pregnant again, we would definitely be together during the birth - and we kept our word! But then it was our first time, and we had no idea what was waiting for us - besides, Vanja was going to have a caesarean section. We couldn't have anticipated that it would all start three weeks earlier. Vanja and the baby had to stay a few more days at the clinic. I wanted to be part of everything that happened from then on, so I spent a couple of nights with them. For the first four days, the nurses would come to me every morning and ask : "Do we already have a name?" We couldn't make up our minds. Vanja was most concerned with the name Ivano. So I agreed. "Ivano! My little boy and great love ..." "... after two weeks, we were able to go home. Our families were very happy and I was enjoying the days when everything in my life was beautiful and had its place. One day Vanja said that something was wrong, she didn't feel well. At first I thought it was nothing serious and advised her to rest in the bedroom. After a while we heard the sound of a fall. I quickly ran to the second floor. I was shocked to realize that my wife couldn't breathe! We quickly took her to the hospital. Vanja felt a pain in her chest. The doctor admitted that he suspected a blood clot in the lungs and took care of it immediately. I calmed down a bit, but none of us could sleep that night. The blood clot was caused by the body's reaction to pregnancy. The situation was serious, but luckily everything ended well. How badly Vanja was, was evidenced by the fact that the next morning she forgot that she had a son! For the next month, I took her to the hospital every day, and she continued to take anticoagulants for another year and a half. Unfortunately, it wasn't over ..." "... a year has passed since the birth of Ivano. Vanja had migraines, and sometimes she had the feeling that the left side of her face was going numb. But she thought it would pass. One day in 2011, she told me concerned that she had stopped hearing in her left ear. She went for an MRI and there she was diagnosed with a tumor in her ear. At first, we were terrified, but the doctors explained that this was a problem to be solved. In the end, it was decided that gamma knife treatment would be the best option - but it turned out to wait ..."
"... we packed our own things that had to be taken to Madrid. Vanja took care of this in her second pregnancy. All the problems during the transfer negotiations, moving, adapting to work at Real Madrid and living in Madrid - all of these things we faced during her second pregnancy. I'm not sure Vanja wanted me to carry all these things myself. She didn't feel comfortable with being felt for her health problems ..." "... as you know, after Ivano was born, Vanja suffered a pulmonary embolism, so we were all very worried about her when she was in her second pregnancy. We moved to Madrid, where she was under constant medical supervision and took regular anticoagulant medicine ..." "... the day before the due date of delivery, we played in Dortmund. Coach Mourinho gave me a day off so I flew to Zagreb right after the match. The birth of our daughter was the second of our most beautiful experiences. Everything was fine and we dealt with the name quickly. We both liked short names, so Vanja made her decision - Ema! After a wonderful son, a beautiful daughter was born. The next day I had to go back to Madrid. I had my phone with me all the time! I was able to look at Ema every day until they joined me in the Spanish capital ..." "... in early 2014, my wife decided to fly to London for surgery. She was accompanied by her mother and cousin, because unfortunately I couldn't. It was terribly hard for me to concentrate on football, but I didn't want to talk about my problems. Our fight was our private fight. I didn't want to tell my wife anything because I knew that it’s difficult for her and she tries to hide her fear from me. I had to be strong for her and the kids. We faced everything with a positive attitude ..." "... after returning from London, Vanja had to stick to a special order of the day. I helped her in everything I could. The symptoms went away, which was a good sign. After six months of waiting, she went for her first checkup. The study showed that the tumor began to shrink - today it is four times smaller than it was when it was discovered. Vanja visits the doctor regularly and she feels very well ..."
"... after several years of full stabilization, we enjoyed our happiness with Ivano and Ema and the successful stage of my career. And then Vanja, in a moment of weakness, told me something that I believe had been on her mind for a long time: "Luka, I wish we had a third child!" She was fine and after Ema was born she had no complaints, but I didn't even want to hear about it at first. She always said she wanted three children. I had a similar dream: three or four children in a big and happy family. This, however, was before the new circumstances emerged. Vanja had risked her life twice already, and I didn't want this to happen again. She consulted doctors in London about the possible awakening of the tumor as a reaction to the pregnancy. They told her the chances were half and half. She also spoke to doctors in Zagreb, asked them how high the risk of a new blood clot was, but they only told her that despite the appropriate treatment, the risk was always there and only she could make the right decision. So in the end we heard what we already knew - that it could be okay, but it could also end very badly ..." "... but Vanja was determined, and I realized it when she confessed : "You know what, you give it the best in football and I'll give it the maximum for the family!" And so on October 2, 2017 Sofia was born! I came to the hospital in Zagreb from Rijeka, I was present at her birth and everything went well - both Vanja and our second princess felt great ..." "... but a year later, a new nerve arose in Madrid. Vanja was at home and at one point she noticed that her hand went numb and turned a dark blue color. She already knew it was a clot effect because she had learned to recognize the symptoms. She kept a cool head and called the doctor who lived in the neighborhood with whom she had a very good relations. The doctor confirmed her suspicions and immediately took her to the hospital. After all possible tests and studies, they concluded that Vanja should take adequate injections throughout her life ...” "... my wife's resolve in fighting for dreams of three children, despite the risks involved, showed her strength. She recently told me that her gynecologist, after Sofia was born, said: "Vanja, such courage is rare today. If I were you, I would not have decided to have a third child. You are really amazing!" The mother's gust of heart was stronger than anything else. I faced all these crisis situations and nerves, but I was not allowed to show weakness when she was so strong and brave. Thanks to her, today we feel happy and blessed with a wonderful family ..."
(source of quotes - Book “Luka Modric - My Game”)
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jamiedc-they-them · 4 years
Proof Not Necessary (Platonic)
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Requested Imagine: “Could you possibly write an agents of shield x reader where reader is still younger then everybody but they were already an agent before daisy got on the team so during the TRACKS episode they’re with fitz and Skye so when they go to Quinn’s house they’re the one that goes to look for the briefcase and is the one that ends up being shot? I love your writing”
Skye hadn’t slept yet; Coulson, who was beside her, had just fallen into that state. She knew, logically, that she should. That she should rest after the few days she had been through. She couldn’t, though. Not while you rested.
Sure, they’d done what they’d done. But you still hadn’t opened your eyes yet. So, it wasn’t over yet.
Despite Simmons’ words of assurance. Despite how much she trusted her friend and how relieved she was to hear the words she said. It wasn’t enough. Despite how your hear rate continued to make the machine beep; despite how it calmed her to know her friend in the bed was still alive. It wasn’t enough.
So, she waited. She’d wait as long as she needed to for you to wake up. For you to be alive and proving that to the world. As, in her and the team’s eyes, that was all you needed to prove.
 You were young, one of the youngest agents in SHIELD history. Sure, some of the other agents teased you for it. But, for the most part, other agents and teachers found it kind of inspiring for someone as young as you were to become a fully fledged agent of SHIELD.
That was a while ago now, as now you sat on a plane that flew you from place to place. But it was more than that, it was a place that was like home to you; the place had beds and food whenever you wanted it. Ironically, it was more stable than your life before SHIELD.
Coulson had learned about your life; your uneasy dynamic with a shit family and how it snowballed into your need to be the best. To prove yourself even once proven. He saw it in the way you wanted Ward to teach you despite him already teaching Skye (not that she minded, of course. It was nice to have a friend to train with and talk shit about Ward with behind his back, even if in a joking way).
He saw it in the way you went and saw May after every mission and sat with her in the cockpit and asked about what the buttons did. You seemed genuinely interested in learning how to pilot. Sometimes, Skye would join you and just sit with you both, listening to her rattle off what everything did as you watched with a happy smile and interest in your gaze.
It was the way you tried to understand the words Fitzsimmons were saying. You actually tried to get it, to grasp it. He found that admirable, if not a little heart-breaking.
You seemed to want to dip your toes in everything and try and find a way to be good at it.
What he saw, though, was someone who was close to burnout. Someone who, if nothing was going to be done to stop on your accidental path of self-destruction, would end in something akin to that just on a larger scale. He knew it wouldn’t be pretty.
 “Y/N, thank you for coming,” Coulson said with a warm smile as you walked into his office. You carried yourself with nervousness, arms folded and eyes meeting his then darting around for a moment, “It’s alright, you aren’t in trouble.” He assured you as he gestured to the seat opposite him.
You took it, “What’s going on?” You asked him in a quiet voice.
“You seem more tired lately,” He said; you sighed at his words, knowing where this was likely going, “I know you’re up reading more of Fitzsimmons’ books. And that’s great that you’re interested. It’s just…I’m worried about you. You’re pushing yourself too hard. You’re a really good agent. I just don’t want you to burn yourself out trying to learn everything.” He said, gently warning you.
“I appreciate the concern, sir. But I’ll be ok, really. I’ll take it easier. But, I’m ok.” You told him. He desperately wanted to believe your words. But, part of him told him that you weren’t going to listen, “Besides, I might be good. But I’m not a great agent.” There it was.
As you left, he sighed. That was what he was afraid you were going to say.
 It had been a few days since then, and you ere going after Ian Quinn. His company was moving something by train. A train you were going to infiltrate by going undercover. You had only had one sting undercover, that being when you and Skye infiltrated a party that brought you face to face with the man himself.
“May and Ward, you’re front and centre. Once we locate the package, you’ll tag it with a tracker. Skye, Y/N, Fitz, you’ll be running communications. After the package is tagged, we’ll follow it to Quinn.” Coulson started to tell everyone their jobs, when you spoke up.
“Wait, what?” Everyone paused and looked at you, “Why am I going with them? I’m not a hacker or comms person, I trained at the academy like Ward,” you looked at your two friends, “No offense.” You added, worried that they would take it as such.
“It’s ok.” Skye said with a smile.
“None at all.” Fitz assured you. You then looked to Coulson.
“Look, Y/N, I know you don’t like it. But they need someone watching their backs. They aren’t as well trained as you are in combat.” Coulson told you his reasoning. With it, you felt a little embarrassed by your outburst.
“Think about it this way,” Skye said, nudging your shoulder with her arm as she saw your blush at your wrongdoing, “It’s a bonding exercise. We get to team up again, anyway.” You smiled at your friend; you had never really figured out how she managed to turn a negative of yours into a positive like that. But you were thankful either way.
“Ok.” You agreed.
After that, the plan was settled.
You had to get away from your family. It was a toxic environment, so you managed to get yourself into the academy. You had done quite well, had a spirit and a fight in you the teachers saw and used to keep you going when the going got tough.
“Whose that?” Coulson asked Maria Hill as he saw you kick another trainee’s ass. You were the one against the group, and you were holding yourself well. You weren’t perfect, some moves weren’t pulled off great and you got hit once or twice.
Other than that, though, you were doing well.
“That’s Y/N Y/L/N. Rough family, came here to be someone.” She answered, having recently reread your file.
“They’re good.” Coulson commented, his friend nodded at this words.
“They are.”
 You passed by a pissed off May and apathetic looking Ward as you and your two friends made your way to your seats. You sat down, Skye letting you get the window seat and her sitting next to you. Fitz sat opposite you.
“You nervous?” He asked you. Skye answered his question.
“Just ready for this all to be over. Ready to get Quinn” She said, looking up at the Scotsman.
“Me too,” Fitz said in agreement before he looked over his shoulder and then back to you both, “So, are we British or American?” Fitz asked.
“Does that matter?” Skye questioned.
“Well, we’re traveling together. We should at least be from the same country,” Fitz reasoned, “How’s your Scottish accent?”
“I don’t know. You tell me how great it is, laddie.” Skye said in an awful accent. Fitz sighed as he looked to you.
“How do you think?” You asked; his eyes widened a little at your pretty decent attempt at it.
“American, then. That’s a better idea.” Fitz said in an almost perfect spot on accent.
“Oh! That was really good.” Skye aid, impressed.
“I used to watch a lot of American TV growing up. Some of it’s quite good. Lots of nice teeth.” Fitz said, you smiled but shook your head at his words.
“Oh, here we go. Follow my lead.” Skye said as she pulled you up with her. She stood up and stopped the innocent staff member.
“Excuse me. Do you speak English?” She asked.
“Of course. How may I be of service?” He asked; he seemed nice and friendly. For once, it didn’t seem like he was just because of his job.
“Can you recommend a restaurant in downtown Zagreb?” Skye asked as Fitz stood up to sell the idea of them being a couple more.
“Someplace affordable. With big portions.” He said.
“You are looking for something romantic?” The staff member asked.
“Yes, please.” She pressed a kiss on the side of Fitz’s face, “We are celebrating our six-month anniversary with a whirlwind trip all over Europe. Brought my sibling with me so they could get the know each other.” The member looked at you both with what looked to be genuine happiness for the two.
“Well technically, we met six months ago, but he didn’t ask me out till last month. So, our official one-month anniversary isn’t until next Saturday. –”
“Sunday. Saturday.” Fitz said, quickly correcting his misstate.
Skye walked towards the member, “I think he found me intimidating.” She said as she stole the keys from him.
“Young love, so…confusing.” The member said, trying to find the right words.
“Is it?”
 Skye opened the door which Fitz held for you as you all entered a more secluded part of the train, “You go a little flustered back there.” Skye teased her friend as you all walked to a table.
“What, when you kissed my cheek like my grandmother? Good going. Really selling our relationship there,” Fitz said as he put his bag down, “U have a device that couldn’t done those things –”
“Kiss you on the cheek?” Skye laughed at your words while Fitz glared a you playfully, “No, broken the lock and al that.” He told you both.
“What? Why wouldn’t you tell us that?” Skye asked.
“I’m always the gadget guy. Maybe sometimes I wanna do things with my bare hands.”
“You make the gadgets with your bare hands.” Skye had a point.
“Just allow me these rare moments of self-pity, ok?” You both smiled at him, “You’re the least supportive girlfriend and supportive girlfriend’s siblings I’ve ever had.” Fitz told you both.
“We’ll try better next time.” You said, playfully.
“Comms are live. Coulson? Simmons? You in position?” Skye asked her two friends who were elsewhere in the train.
“Yes. Just waiting on May’s signal.” Coulson answered. To you, he sounded bored, almost.
Jemma and Coulson did their part of the job, that being spilling what looked to be ashes onto him. However, it most likely wasn’t. Whatever it was, it was enough for May to use goggles to detect and start making her on the rooftop of the train as she followed the footsteps.
“Great, we see what you see.” Skye said to May over the comms as you all watched her screen. Well, you did as Skye typed more on her keyboard.
“Alright May, Cybertek cases are usually lined with tungsten polymer to prevent scanning. It should appear black on your infrared.” Fitz told his team-mate.
She continued walking, until her glasses pinged, and she saw a black case. “Bingo.” Fitz said as he pointed to it, telling May where it was exactly.
 So far, nothing had come up. So, you were pretty much in the background as Fitz and Skye did what they did on their end.
“I wish we had more time to take in the scenery.” Fitz admitted as he looked out the dusty window that you had to try and do that with, “Three peaks of Lavaredo. They’re supposed to be stunning.” He told you both.
“Any chance what’s in there could be an 0-8-4?” Skye asked, looking at you both.
You and Fitz shared a look as you shrugged, “This? No. We may not know what it is, but we o know that it came from Cybertek.” Fitz answered for you both.
“Right. Unknown origin. The one we found in Peru was a machine, but they don’t always have to be that, right?” She continued to ask.
“No, it can be all sorts of things; weapons, spacecrafts, energy sources. Apart from unknown origin, they’re dangerous.” You answered your friend. She looked at you with a wide-eyed puppy look, but it seemed to hold some fear to it.
“Right….” She drifted off, looking away from you.
“Hey, whatever this package turns out to be, we’ll deal with it.” Fitz assured Skye.
“Just like always.” You added. “We’ve been through worse.” Skye smiled a little at your own assurance.
“Seems that you’ve got another skill.” She teased you for. You only rolled your eyes.
“Hey, have either of you ever heard of an 0-8-4 being a person?” Again, you and Fitz looked at each other and both shrugged.
“No. Although I suppose it’s possible. Hate to meet the guy.”
“Fitz.” You cocked your head to the side as you gave him a disappointed look. Despite you being the youngest of the team, you could muster up a disappointed sibling look when you wanted to.
It was then that all electronics went down. As you all got up to leave and warn the others, a Cybertek guard entered and fired at you all.
“GET DOWN!” You yelled, pushing your friends down behind some crates as you went behind another and sprung out at him. You attacked him, trying to disarm him, but got knocked to the ground.
Fitz fired at him as Skye pushed a create into him and punched him. They did what they could, but they too ended up on the floor. As Skye grabbed his gun, he pulled a grenade.
“We’ve been made!” Jemma yelled as she ran to you.
“Oh, bloody hell!” She cursed as she ran to the man and pulled him towards herself to take the explosive. They both fell down.
Skye ran over to her friend as Fitz helped you up, “Are you ok?” He asked. You only kept your eyes on your injured friend.
 “Y/N Y/L/N?” Agent Coulson asked as he approached you; after your last fight he’d seen you have; he’d made up his mind.
“Yes, sir. How can I help you sir?” You asked, gulping a bit at having a legendary SHIELD agent approach you.
“It’s alright, you’re not in trouble.” He gestured to an empty seat, you nodded. He sat in it, “Saw your last results, you’re doing well. The youngest agent we’ve had, I think.” You nodded to confirm the last bit.
He then looked around your room, a pretty boring room with not a lot of personality to it, “Got to admit though, thought you would’ve added something to  the place.” He admitted.
“Didn’t have many things to bring from home. So, what I have is here. Not many friends here either.” Both comments made himself sadden at them.
He turned to you with a smile, “I have a proposition for you,” You nodded, “I have a team I’m building, and I think you’d be great on it. But you’ll make your room there a little livelier.” You nodded instantly at the offer; shaking his hand enthusiastically.
Fitz realised that the thing that knocked them out was the same thing that was in the night-night gun. As you all moved Simmons to a more comfortable place. Fitz placed a spare night-night gun in her grasp as you put the man that had hurt her in a box and shot him a few more times for hurting your friend.
The train then stopped, “I’ve looked everywhere. May, Ward, and Coulson are gone.” Skye told you both.
“What about Cybertek?” Fitz asked, Skye shook her head. That meant one thing, you were the only ones left on the team to complete this mission now.
You heard trucks outside. You ran to the window, seeing Cybertek guards holding the package. They had it, and you were the only ones who could take if off them and stop them from whatever they wanted to do with it.  
“What do we do? We’re the only ones left.” Fitz said to you both with fear.
“Do you have an extra tracker?” Skye asked, plan already forming in her mind.
“Of course.” Fitz said, like it would be obvious.
“Then we follow them.” They heard a gun click; they saw you reloading yours. You looked to them as you inserted the clip and made sure the weapon was loaded before you spoke.
“We do this, I’m leading it. You do what I say, when I say it, got it?” Your older friends watched you, “Do you got it?” You repeated, they nodded silently.
“Good, then let’s go.”
 “Which way?” You asked Skye as you continued to lead your friends, they followed in a similar position to your own; a slight crouched one.
“Next left.” Skye told you, you nodded as you then paused by the end of the bush, the other two stopping as well.
“There it is.” You said as you fully crouched down as another vehicle arrived. The three of you snuck father into the compound, hiding behind another bush to get a view of who had arrived. As it turned out, it was the man you were looking for.
“Coulson was right. Cybertek led us to Quinn.” Fitz said as he got out of the car and looked around with his normal cocky look.
“Activate the tracker. Let them know we’re here.” Skye told Fitz. Fitz did just that, but he then saw her look.
“You want to go in?” Skye nodded at her friend’s observation. She then looked to you, but you checked your ICER one more time before shaking your head at her. Your intentions were clear.
“What? No –” She started to say.
“Skye, I get that you want to prove yourself, to show that the training has been worth it,” It was pretty hypocritical, “But, you both need to stay together on this.” You got up, but Skye pulled you back behind cover.
“What if it’s a trap?” She asked, worried for your fate if you went in alone.
“Then I’ll deal with it. Look, if it goes south, you and Fitz regroup with the others and run,” She looked at you like she wanted to argue, “Skye, do you trust me?” You asked her.
“Of course, I do,” She said without a beat, “But, wouldn’t you stand a better chance with backup in there.” She had a point.
“Maybe, but I can do this. Trust me.” You didn’t give them a chance as you ran towards the house, leaving the two friends to watch you with a worried look.
You shot the guard in front of the house and made your way in. You took a breath to try and calm your nerves as you continued into the house. You had keep in control, the others were counting on you. Ward had given you some tips on how to control your breathing. So, why wasn’t it working?
 “Y/N, this is Skye. She’s joining our team.” Coulson said as you entered the holo-com room and saw a new woman in the room along with your new team-mates. You had been excused with a family matter and returned soon after.
She gave you a small smile, one you returned. You then looked to Coulson and he saw the tears that started to threaten to fall, “Do you want to talk about it in private?” he asked you softly. You shook your head.
You looked down and talk a breath as the others watched. Skye, Fitz, and Jemma watched you with concern and pity. While Ward watched you with just pity. He knew all about having a shitty family.
“They revoked my last name. So, uh, yeah….could’ve gone better.” You said as you swallowed back the tears now.
The room fell into a silence as they digested what you had said. Despite having just met you, Skye felt a pull; maybe it was because you were younger than her, maybe because she too didn’t have a family and would feel as crushed as you probably felt at being told you had none anymore.
“Can I,” You cleared your throat to get rid of the tremble of it, “Can I go to my bunk, please?” Coulson nodded and let you go on your way. However, he then caught Skye’s look of plead.
“Ok.” He nodded; the woman left after you. Coulson then looked at the others, all who looked saddened at the news.
“Bastards.” Ward damned them.
“That’s awful.” Jemma said, hurt and thinking of what it would be like if it had happened to her.
“Who does that to their own child?” Fitz asked, thinking back to his own parental (father) issues. Jemma placed a hand over her best friend’s one in comfort. He squeezed hers to try and give her some as well.
 Skye knocked at your door, “Come in.” A small, but sniffling voice said. You sounded so innocent in that moment. Skye gulped as she opened the door.
“Hey.” She said, awkwardly playing with her fingers.
You looked up at her, “Hey.” You said, trying a smile but failing.
She pointed to your bed, you nodded She sat next to you, “I’m sorry your family did that to you.” She meant the words.
“It was bound to happen sooner or later.” You were brokenly honest.
“Still, you don’t deserve it.”
“Nothing was ever good enough for them. Whole reason why I joined them was to prove to them that I was.”
“Hey,” She turned your head, so you looked at her, “They weren’t enough for you. No one deserves that.”
“Why are you being so nice to me?” You asked, quietly. You had just met her after all.
“Because, I don’t have a last name. And if I found my family and found them to be like yours were, I’d want someone to help me through it.”
 You continued down, finding a basement. Entering it, you were greeted with a pod. Going to the pod, you saw an occupant inside.
Not just any occupant, though.
“Mike.” You breathed out in shock at him being stuck in there. You were glad he survived, just not that this had been what he had become in the process.
“Ah-ah.” You turned, only to then be pinned against the pod by one of Quinn’s people. The man stole your weapon and held it back at you.
“So much for being the best agent, right?” He asked, seemingly knowing how desperate you were for that to be true.
“Well, I’m sure you’re wondering what’s gonna happen here with your friend?” He asked, not waiting for your answer and only pulled Mike out of the pod. You watched silently, but fearfully.
He asked Mike about orders and gave him a robotic leg to replace the one he’d lost. The man himself looked like he didn’t want to comply with those orders but had no choice in the matter.
Quinn then pointed a gun at him, asking if whether or not Mike would hurt him if he tried to hurt the man. Mike denied it, telling him that those were the orders from the Clairvoyant.
“Mike,” He turned to you, “I have no idea what’s happening. But what I do know is that we need to get out of here. But I’ll need your help to do that, ok?”
Quinn, in response, placed the gun in his hand, “What if I told you to hurt them?” You sucked in a breath at the barrel staring at you. You had been in this situation before, but it never meant you weren’t scared of it.
“You know, to kill them, will you?” He asked, growing a devilish smile, “What would agent Coulson do if we hurt the agent, he grabbed the moment he could? The agent so young, yet so full of promise. What if he lost that person?” He taunted you, making eye contact with you.
“Those aren’t my orders.” Mike said, aiming the gun away from you and giving it back to Quinn, “They aren’t who I’m meant to kill.” He said, and only started to walk off the next moment.
“Mike, wait!” You would’ve been more careful had you not been relying on instinct and empathy. You weren’t relying on your training like usual.
As you went after him, Quinn grabbed you and pulled the trigger the next moment. You stood in shock, looking at him with such an expression as your voice trembled. No words came out, just unsteady breathes as you fully processed what had just happened.
He’d shot you. For once, though, he looked to have some pity for doing it. He approached you quickly, grabbing you and trying to shush you; whether for comfort or so the others didn’t hear you, you weren’t sure.
He fired again, a second shot entering your body and making you gasp. He slowly lowered you to the floor, gently resting your body on the ground, “I’m sorry it came to this, Y/N. But I had my orders too.” With that, he left you to what was sure to be your end.
 “Oh, thank god,” Skye said in relief when the others showed up; she quickly gave Jemma a hug, happy that her friend was ok.
“Where’s Y/N?” Coulson asked, noticing that you were missing from the group.
“They went inside.” Fitz said in stress, knowing it had been too long now for you to in there for.
“We’ll find them, Fitz.” Ward assured his friends, just hoping he could make good on his promise to his friend.
 Ward burst through the doors first, expertly shooting two guards with his ICERs. Skye was behind him, holding her own. She let her adrenaline drive her as she shot another guard coming down the stairs; his body rolled down the rest.
It was then that Coulson found Quinn, punching him and pressing him into the table, “Where are they? You sick son of a bitch!” He yelled, letting his anger fuel him in this moment.
“Pretty bad idea sending in your youngest, agent Coulson. Too bad they won’t be able to see how much you guys actually care.” Coulson looked to Skye, who nodded. She ran off to find you.
“Y/N? Y/N?!” She yelled, becoming desperate to find you now. She had been in almost every room. All except for one. This one was the last one she had to check. She just hoped you were behind it.
She opened the door, aiming her weapon to check for anyone; she paused, however, when she saw you on the floor, eyes closed and bleeding out.
“Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no.” She said as she ran over to you and hovered over your body, “COULSON!” She yelled out as she then crouched next to you. She wasn’t a doctor, but she could tell you’d already lost a lot of blood. You weren’t good, at all.
She placed her hand over one of your wounds, “Hey, Y/N. It’s Skye, can you hear me?” You didn’t give a response. Her breath picked up more as the seconds went by before Coulson burst into the room himself, followed by the others.
“Get them in the pod!” Jemma ordered; they all did without a second. As she pressed different buttons, your other friends all watched with bated breath as nothing happened for a moment. Then another. Then another.
They all let out a breath of relief as you let out your own breath, a gasp for air.
They knew they weren’t out of the woods yet, but this was something to keep their morale up. You were alive.
 “I did it.” Skye cheered as she managed to knock you on the floor and be victorious. You were both out of breath. Ward watched you both with an impressed look.
“Yeah, you did.” You said in your own breath and took the hand she had offered down to you. She lifted you up but saw your expression of one of annoyance.
“What is it?” She asked, cocking her head to the side.
“Nothing, I’m glad your getting better.” You meant your words. But she got the other part to them. The unspoken part.
“Hey, that means we’re getting to the same level. And that’s a pretty good level.” She said to try and give some comfort.
“There’s always going to be on above though. Another level to reach.” You know you sounded petty, but it was better to get it off your chest in that moment then keep it sealed up.
“There always will be.” Ward said, in light warning, “You just do what you can to improve. You find your own next level. You don’t look at someone else for it. If you do, though, look at friend. Their there to help you get better.”
 “What are you saying?” Coulson asked the nurse that had entered the room; she had just told them that they would need to decide on whether or not to let you go or put you on life support. In short, Quinn had pretty much killed you.
“I’m saying you need to contact their family.” At that, his heart broke more. He remembered what your blood family had done.
He looked back at the others, all seeing the same crestfallen expression on their faces. He then looked back at the nurse and said his next words with as much conviction as he possibly could.
“We’re their family.”
It might not be the best option, but it was the only option they had if they wanted to keep you alive. The option where it would mean you coming out the other side and being ok.
So, they all got ready to siege the place and find what they wanted, “You sure your ready for this?” Ward asked Skye as he passed her a pistol.
“Little nervous, but we have to do this for Y/N.” She answered; Ward nodded, satisfied with the answer.
“Alright, here we go.” Coulson said, leading the way to the base, “My name is Phil Coulson, I’m an agent of SHIELD. We have an agent in need of critical medical assistance.” He said, but he did not receive an answer. It was only the wind blowing that he got in return.
“Well, time to go say hello.” Garret said.
 They were in, walking through the entrance and going down an elevator only to then come across a door. The door required Fitz to open it. The engineer did what was needed. As soon as they entered, however, they were met with gunfire.
“Cover me!” Ward ordered Skye after Coulson tried o get them to calm down. She nodded, raising up from cover and firing her weapon as Ward flanked the enemy, he gunned down two of them as the third was bleeding, but managed to get away.
They followed after him and found him bleeding out. Skye knelt down, “We’re looking for a drug, GH-325. It’s for my friend. Do you know where it is?” She asked.
“No….but I know about the timer.” He answered; but there was no malice to his words. It was a warning.
There were bombs that had been triggered to stop intruders from finding what was down here. Skye and Coulson shared a look, “Alright, Fitz; you start trying to find a way to deactivate the bombs. Skye and I will try and find the serum.” Fitz nodded, running back to Garret and Ward.
Coulson then looked to Skye, who mirrored his determination, “Let’s go save Y/N.”
The two agents ran down the corridor, coming into a lab and desperately searching for what they needed. They knew time was very close to running out; either they’d explode and be buried in here, or they would get there too late and you’d have passed on.
They couldn’t let either of those options come to pass.
“Here!” She yelled, holding up the serum you needed to survive.
“Get it back to Y/N, now.” Coulson ordered; Skye went to argue, “I’ll catch up with you, just make sure they survive.” Skye nodded, knowing they didn’t have much time to argue or waste. She ran out of the room, holding onto the serum as tight as she could as she ran through the doors that had then been blown open by the other three.
“Where’s Phil?” Garret asked; Skye stopped her running to turn to him.
“He told me to go, I’ve got what we need to save Y/N.” She rushed through her words, desperate to get back to you.
Garret nodded, “Get going then, sweetheart. I’ll go get him.”
She didn’t wait a second longer.
 “Simmons!” She yelled to her friend, pretty much throwing her the serum. Luckily, Jemma had caught it and then grabbed a syringe, she filled it with the serum, and they followed her to you. This was it, the moment of truth.
 “Please work…” Jemma said quietly, desperately hoping it would; Skye put her fisted hand to her moth in nervousness.
Jemma stuck the syringe in and pressed down.
“No, don’t inject them with it!” Coulson screamed as he came into the room in a flash. Jemma, however, had a tear fall as she answered him mournfully.
“It was this or lose them sir, what’s the harm it can do?” Her question was asked with a shake in her voice. She couldn’t bare the thought that she may have just signed your death warrant.
Your vitals spiked; you arched your back as you gasped. There wasn’t anything the others could do other than watch their friend who was clearly in pain; Jemma kept patting your hair and trying to shush you in an attempt at comfort. But, at this point, she was openly crying.
Finally, you stopped, and your vitals went back to normal. Everyone held their breathes as Jemma turned to them, “They’re ok.”
 It was what had led to Skye having not slept. She just wanted you to open your eyes. To show to her that you were in fact alive. To show that, for once, she could have a happy ending.
They flickered for a moment, before fully opening and taking a moment to take the new environment in.
“Hey.” Skye said, drawing your eyes to meet her elated ones. She grabbed one of your hands in her to fully make herself believe that this wasn’t a dream.
Her friend was alive, and all was right with the world as of now.
“Hey.” You said in response, “I’m so sorry I did that. It was stupid of me.” You said, realising your error that led to you ending up in the bed.
“It was. But, you’re ok now. We can work on it.” She said, softly. You managed a smile, one she then returned.
You were alive, and now willing to stop looking for a new level to try and get to. Instead, you were going to do what you could with your friends to help save the world.
And try and make it right.
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offtoljubljana · 4 years
18. Is er geen ranja/limonade/siroop in dit land?
Ik zit weer eens op de uni, maar nu niet tijdens de les. Ik zit nu te wachten voor het lokaal. Ik ben vroeg, want ik was eerst even naar International Office gegaan. Eén van de vakken die ik wil toevoegen zit misschien vol. Bij de meeste vakken kan je zien of ze vol zijn of niet, maar bij deze niet. Danila zei dat ik het beste altijd kan proberen, want er is ook een kans dat mensen het vak ook weer laten vallen. Ook ben ik nog steeds in de war door de Confirmation of Stay. Radboud heeft die niet meegegeven, dus ik moet zo maar googlen hoe Radboud het hanteert. Ik heb het nodig voor mijn Erasmus beurs.
Voordat ik verder ga met mijn academische nieuws aan het thuisfront: vending machines!
Man, man, man, wat een gedoe. Ik wilde een simpele Bueno kopen uit een machine, maar ten eerste had het geen pin. Oké whatever, ik heb cash. Hier in Slovenië houden ze nog steeds van cash. Ten tweede, ik had geen idee waar de cash in moest. Het had zo'n rare schuif sleuf. Iemand van de koffiecorner heeft het me uitgelegd.
Dus ik tikte het nummer voor de Bueno in en ik stopte €1,10 in de machine en... niets? Er stond wel "kredit 1.10" op de machine, maar er gebeurde niets? Ik wilde koffiecorner dude niet weer lastigvallen, dus ik meldde bij de receptie dat de machine het niet deed. Zij vertelde me om het servicenummer te bellen, maar die deed het ook niet.
Dus ik weer terug gehobbeld naar de receptie en de receptioniste kwam mee en wat blijkt... in Slovenië moet je eerst geld invoeren en dan pas op het nummertje tikken. De machine deed het dus gewoon. We moesten wel allebei even lachen nadat ik uitlegde dat het thuis totaal het tegenovergestelde werkt.
Goed. Academisch nieuws van Radboud. Peer, mijn leraar Methoden A, vond dat ik het tentamen volgend jaar maar moest doen. Esther, de studieadviseur, stelde juist voor om het in Slovenië te doen, als het mogelijk zou zijn.
Ik heb het met Esther besproken, want ik twijfelde. Natuurlijk wil ik alle kansen aangrijpen, maar ik voelde de druk al. Ik wilde niet dat iedereen de moeite ging doen voor mij en dat ik het dan weer niet zou halen. De eerste (of vierde) kans was ik ook al heel erg gestrest. Esther heeft het toen met Peer besproken en Peer heeft ingestemd dat ik het tentamen bij terugkomst, voor het begin van het nieuwe academische jaar, kan maken.
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Ik ben dus net ook even naar Danila gegaan om te vragen hoe het zit met het rooster hier. Er staat namelijk ook een "Fall examination period" gepland van augustus en september, maar dat is blijkbaar voor Sloveense studenten. Nu heb ik eindelijk ook beter beeld over mijn terugkomst. Ik weet dat Sanne terug vliegt op 11 juli.
Dus ik ga dadelijk Peer en Esther weer mailen. I shall keep you updated.
Al dit gedoe voor Methoden van Onderzoek A.
We zijn inmiddels 1 uur en 3 kwartier verder en het is pauze. Ik heb het nodig. De lezing is wel zeer interessant en tot nu toe is dit de beste lezing die ik in mijn korte Sloveense academische carrière gehad heb.
Ik was dit blog post kwijtgeraakt, want ik had het perrongeluk opgeslagen in de “drafts” van mijn andere blog, namelijk mijn Sims 4 CC blog. Dit krijg je als je 12 blogs op één account zet. 
Ik zit nu de Bueno van mijn vending machine adventure te eten en het was het waard. Het is hier zo stil. Het is een relatieve kleiner groep mensen, maar niemand praat met elkaar. Ma, voordat je gaat zeggen dat ik de moeite moet nemen om met mensen te praten: ik zit een beetje in een los hoekje en ik denk dat degene voor me aan het slapen is. Deze studente zit altijd in college te luisteren zonder notities te maken. Hoe doet ze dat? Ik schrijf me rot om alles bij te houden, want deze lerares geeft meeste stof in een gesproken vorm, niet op de PowerPoint.
Oh wacht, er is leven en degene voor me ligt niet te slapen. Ze zit op haar telefoon.
Where are the Irish?
We zijn nu weer terug naar het ontleden van de literatuur. Ik weet niet helemaal of ik dit interessant vind. Het is handig, want ik snap niet altijd alle zeer diepgaande literatuur (en daar zijn goede memes over), maar het is ook zeer saai.
Er zijn wel interessante dingen. Ik heb net geleerd dat mijn favoriete kunststuk The Fountain van Michael Duchamp gestolen was van een vrouw. (Een student: “Wow, surprise!”). Het idee. Niet het echte kunststuk. Klik op de link en dan snap je wat ik bedoel. Er is blijkbaar ook een Museum of Broken Relationships (objecten die achter zijn gebleven nadat een relatie uit elkaar gaat) en dat leidde me tot een Museum of Failure (objecten die geflopt zijn op de markt).
Serieus, kijk op de site van Broken Relationships, want dit museum is dus ook deels online. Moet je dit lezen. Oh wacht, ik moet even opletten.
Inmiddels is het 18:50 en heb wat kaas nachos gegeten. Mam, je zou ze haten. Mijn glee playlist is voorbij, dus de nieuwe muziek is P!ATD Faves, oftewel alle goede nummers van Panic! At The Disco. Jullie kennen deze band vast. Anders kennen jullie het nummer High Hopes wel. (Behind The Sea klinkt als een nummers van de Beatles.)
Ik ben thuis gekomen, heb nog meer Broken Relationships gelezen, heb de laatste twee afleveringen van Brooklyn Nine-Nine gekeken (Jimmy Jab games waren terug na 6 seizoenen!) en ik heb even wat boodschappen gedaan samen met Ed the Cat. Ik blijf het maar zeggen, maar sommige dingen hier zijn zo goedkoop. Een 1,5L fles Fuse tea ice tea is minder dan een euro. Thuis is een flesje van 0,2L al €1,20 of zo. Een Bueno voor 70 cent? 
(Miss Jackson, ft. LOLO! Heck yeah. En LOLO is Lauren Pritchard, een actrice van de musical Spring Awakening!)
Een maaltijdsalade is €1,05 - €1,70, terwijl ze in Nederland zo €4 kosten. Zelfs zeer gevulde maaltijdsalades met kidney beans, maïs, linzen, andere soort groenten dat ik eerlijk gezegd niet ken en paprika is €1,39??? Helaas zijn de koekjes uit Italië iets duurder, maar ik kan me niet meer herinneren hoe duur ze in Italië zijn.
Ik vond geen ranja (of hoe je het ook noemt), dus dat is een tegenvaller.
Op weg naar de Spar zie je de bergen met sneeuw en vandaag scheen de zon er mooi op. Ik heb een foto gemaakt, het ziet er veel beter uit in het echt.
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Verder heb ik het vak toegevoegd en heb ik Peer en Esther terug gemaild. Nu ga ik denk ik gamen. Mijn Switch moet opladen, want Caroline en ik hebben gisteren Mario Kart 8D gespeeld, maar ik heb nog altijd mijn Sims.
(Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time heeft zo’n rare videoclip. Alle videoclips van P!ATD zijn raar.) (The Piano Knows Something I Don’t Know is weer totaal anders. Deze band heeft de neiging om een andere muziekgenre per album te hanteren. Zo kan je in deze playlist van punk pop rock naar Beatles-inspired naar Broadway baroque gaan.)
Ik denk dat ik morgen misschien naar BTC City ga. Dat was het grote winkelcentrum. Het duurt 30 minuten met de bus. Ik hoef niet echt iets te kopen, maar ik heb gewoon zin om morgen ergens naar toe te gaan en het is niet al te ver weg. Ik kan namelijk ook voor €7,50 (!!!) naar Zagreb ik Kroatië, maar dat is me nu iets te veel, ook al ligt daar het Museum of Broken Relationships.
(I Write Sins Not Tragedies was hun bekendste nummer voor jaren. Toen kwam High Hopes. Ha ha ha, “hun”. Deze band staat ook bekend als de band die leden verliest. Nu is het een one-man show.)
Verder zoek ik nog steeds een fiets. Ik heb Ana en Tadeja nog niet gesproken, oops my bad, maar ik zag wel een link naar een fietsenzaak die specialiseert in tweedehands fietsen. Daar kan ik ook mijn fiets weer verkopen als ik vertrek. Het is wel 45 minuten met de bus, dus ik ga vragen of Sanne misschien mee wilt. Zij wilt ook nog een fiets.
(Normaal ben ik niet de grootste fan van langzame ballads, maar The End Of All Things is zo emotioneel. Waarschijnlijk omdat dit nummer een muziekversie is van de huwelijksrede (wedding vows?) die hij had geschreven voor zijn vrouw. Live is het beter, want dan is er een mega lange hoge noot.)
Ik ga ook nog alle gratis plekken voor Boni opzoeken. Caroline heeft een lijst doorgestuurd met plekken waar je voor nul hele euro’s een maaltijd kan krijgen, dus daar ben ik in geïnteresseerd. Veel restaurants liggen natuurlijk in het centrum, maar er is hier ook een Korean bistro om de hoek en dat houdt me bezig sinds mijn aankomst in dit land. Ik heb Koreaans gegeten in Londen met Merel en dat is inmiddels bijna 2 jaar geleden.
(Ah, nog een ballad, namelijk Northern Downpour. Een enigsinds controversieel nummer, want Brendon Urie weigert om dit nummer te spelen, dus er zijn heel veel consparicy theories. De meest bekende is dat Ryan Ross, die dit nummer heeft geschreven, zijn ex-vriend is. Ryan heeft toevallig dit nummer voor de eerste keer in een decennium of zo gezongen tijdens zijn tour. Ik weet dat jullie niet mijn blog lezen voor consparicy theories rondom Panic! At The Disco, maar nadat een fan me ooit alles heeft uitgelegd, houdt het me wakker.)
Eerst ga ik shoppen voor mijn sims.
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hoe-for-vrsaljkoo · 5 years
rakidric for the otp questions
1- Who offers their jacket when the other is cold?
Ivan. Luka doesn’t even have to ask for it, Ivan just knows by looking at him.
2- Who giggles uncontrollably when the other playfully picks them up?
Luka does and Ivan finds it cute that’s why he does it so often.
3- Who compliments the other in front of everyone?
They’re both really lowkey on the PDA but usually Ivan, especially when it comes to praising Luka about football, he won’t stop saying how amazing he played and how he’s the best and so on. It makes Luka blush.
4- Who is more likely to tell the other a pun and what is the other’s reaction to the pun?
Puns aren’t really their thing, Luka has more of a sarcastic sense of humour and Ivan just likes to tease him a lot by joking around. But one time Ivan said one and it made Luka cringe for days.
5- When one of them has a bad day, what does the other do to help cheer them up?
They throw on some sweatpants and hoodies and get takeout and just cuddle in front of a movie.
6- If they got to pick what one another wears for a day, what would one another wear?“
Luka would want Ivan to wear those fit jeans he has that “make his tooshie look nice” and a white t-shirt because Ivan’s arms are Luka’s favorite part of him.
Ivan would always try to get Luka to wear his barcelona jersey, which he always strongly refused to do, except for that one time when he lost a bet.
7- Who introduces their partner to their family first? How does it go?
Luka, although it wasn’t planned. His parents just showed up at his apartment in Zagreb when Ivan had spent the night over. They were surprised at first because they already knew Ivan but didn’t know that this was going on. So of course, knowing how close they were and how much Ivan cared about Luka, they were very happy for their son.
8- In a coffee shop AU, who would be the coffee shop employee and who would be the customer?
Ivan is the cheesy barista that writes down his number on Luka’s coffee.
9- When they sit side by side, do they touch one another? For example, does one person has their arm around the other, do they sit holding hands, or linked arms, ECT.
Always all up in each other’s personal spaces. When standing next to each other Ivan puts his arm around Luka’s shoulders. When they’re sitting, Luka rests his head on Ivan’s shoulder or puts his legs on him, sometimes he’ll even fall asleep with his head in his lap. When they sleep, they become a tangled mess of limbs.
10- What is a small thing that one another does to make their partner happy?
Ivan’s gonna come home with snacks that Luka loves like Kiki and Bananko.
Luka neatly folds up Ivan’s laundry and prepares both of their lunches and bags for practice.
11- What would they do to celebrate their one year anniversary?
They fly to Croatia and have dinner in Luka’s favorite restaurant. They spend the night together before they have to go back to Madrid and Barcelona where they won’t be able to see each other for a few days.
12- When did they know that loved each other, and when did they first tell each other that they loved one another?
Ivan knew first but Luka said it first. 
It was back when Ivan first joined the national team. He had played for Croatia for a couple of months and this was their first big victory. The team went out to a bar to celebrate and everyone, as they tend to do, got pretty drunk. They were up on tables, signing and dancing and hugging. By the end of the night the two of them were part of the few remaining in the bar and as they were dancing together, Ivan looked at Luka and he just knew. 
It was a few months after that, the team reunited in Zagreb for a game. They were sharing a room and because they hadn’t seen each other for some time, they spent all night talking. At some point Ivan said something that made Luka die of laughter and as his giggles quieted down, he let it slip out. Those three accidental words also lead to their first kiss.
13- Who likes to give the other hugs from behind followed by a kiss?
Luka does it all the time because he’s soft and cuddly and constantly seeking Ivan’s affection. When Ivan is cooking or when they wake up or even in training. Any opportunity he gets, really. He likes to just sneak up behind him and wrap his arms around his taller partner who usually answers the hug with a kiss on Luka’s forehead or lips.
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mariomandzho · 5 years
dejan lovren x reader friends to lovers drabble
description: you are just one of the boys to dejan lovren, until he develops feelings for you and spirals into madness /  feel free to request more here word count: 3,550  featuring: dejan lovren x reader, luka modrić, šime vrsaljko 
warnings: none. 
please like & reblog!
You were always one of the boys. 
You met Dejan at a party when you were in college and he was playing for Lyon. Your friend introduced him to you, and though you’d never admit it now, you harbored a little crush on him that night, until he drunkenly spilled his drink on your dress and you made a pact to remain friends. “You probably don’t want to go out with me now after that, do you?” He asked, and you shook your head. 
“And you don’t want to make out with a girl who smells like vodka, do you?” You asked, and he shook his head. For eight years after that, you were best friends – practically inseparable. This was the beginning of the end. 
He wasn’t afraid to make gross jokes around you, make passes at other women in front of you, curse, smoke, drink like a fish, and engage in locker room talk when you were around. You were just one of the guys, and when he asked you if you thought so-and-so had a nice ass, you’d answer. Yeah, but not my type. “She’s got great rack, doesn’t she?” Sure, if you’re into the ‘botched’ look, Dejan. He had other guy friends, but no one like you – he told you once, drunkenly, you were the only person on Earth who’d never lie to him. You told him he was the only person in the world you’d never want to lie to, but he didn’t remember the next morning and you never brought it up again. 
He had girlfriends throughout the years and even proposed to someone, although it amounted to nothing, but you remained single and if you did hook up with someone, you kept it private. Dejan would always joke about setting you up with someone, but you’d wave away the suggestion. You wanted to find ‘the one,’ you told him, someone who would change your life forever. Dejan never understood; he went through girlfriends like candy, and slept with whoever he wanted. 
“What do you even know about setting girls up with other guys?” You asked him. 
“All girls are the same. You want someone who brings the flowers and opens the car doors. It’s all smoke and mirrors.”
You felt your heart tighten; did true love mean nothing to him? 
You get asked all the time if you’re secretly dating or sleeping together. When his brother gets married and he asks you to be his plus-one, his family bombards you and pesters you with questions. Do you like him? Does he like you? Have you screwed yet? You both flagged down questions left and right, but you could feel your cheeks heating up as he drew you onto the dance floor and suavely pulled you into his arms. You never knew he could dance, and as he swept you along the edge of the ballroom you felt yourself swallowing a bitter pill of truth. You promised you’d never fall in love with him, but tonight... you almost could. 
“Are you mad at me? Did I fuck this up, too?” This is what he asks you, standing outside your door and soaking wet in the rain, after two weeks of you ignoring him. Purposefully dodging his calls. Deleting his texts. God, he’d even attempted to contact you via e-mail and on his Xbox account. In your eight years of friendship, you’d never gone longer than a week of not talking to him – of purposefully ignoring him – but after the wedding you found that you couldn’t look at him without intrusive, unwanted thoughts creeping into your brain. You loved him. It hurt not talking to him, but it hurt worse to see him. 
“You didn’t do anything. I’ve just been busy.” You spoke through the peephole. 
“Can I come in?” He hoisted up a brown bag of take-out, “I’ve got Chinese. Your favourite.”
“You hate Chinese,” you countered. 
“I know, it’s disgusting, but it’s your favorite and damn it, [Y/N], I’m balls deep in rainwater out here. Whatd’ya say, can I come in?”
You breathed in deeply and cracked open the door.
Things fall back into routine once Dejan starts dating again, giving you the space you need to sort your... dilemma... out. He invites you out one night for drinks to meet her. She’s blonde, perky, and a recent college-grad. Probably too young for him, but you try not to dwell on it. Dejan goes on and on about how you’re his eldest friend, and you smile tightly, drink your Club Soda, and pray that the ground opens up and swallows you whole as he recounts the time you two vacationed in Cancún and had to go to the hospital because sand fleas bit you on your ass.
It’s better this way, you tell yourself, because you should be happy for Dejan, and the more time he spends with her, the less time you spend gazing dazedly into his eyes. Slowly, but surely, the deeper in love he falls with her, the less in love you are with him. He sends you postcards from a holiday in Costa Rica, her smiling face tucked into the crook of his neck, and it doesn’t even sting. It doesn’t even hurt. (As long as you don’t think about the scent of his cologne). Finally. It isn’t long before you can tell him you’re happy for him and really mean it; it isn’t long before you can finally move on with your life. 
He calls you one night at two in the morning. The rain is pounding on your roof, the moon shines ominously through the curtains. Your lights flicker on as you answer the call, “h–hello? Dejan?” 
“Yeah, it’s me.” His voice is breathless and lost, aimless and empty. 
“What’s wrong? Where are you? It’s two thirty in the morning.”
“She–she fucking cheated, [Y/N].” 
“Who did?” 
“It doesn’t fucking matter. None of it matters. You’re the only one who wouldn’t lie to me. The only fucking one–God damn it!” Your heart caved in on itself. All this time, he remembered? You heard him smash something in the background, like a glass vase crashing against marble floors. He was practically screaming into the phone. “I was going to do it. Really do it this time. A nice ring, Zagreb, like we promised. It’s all over.”
You thought the bray of your heart beating could be heard over the phone. “Dejan. Where are you? I’m coming to get you. You shouldn’t be by yourself tonight.” 
Dejan’s heart is broken for the first time in his life, and it’s hard to watch him, but you help him shoulder the burden and within a few months you have your best friend back. Not your best friend searching listlessly for engagement rings, not your best friend nearly killing himself trying to make his girlfriend happier, trying to make his enemies proud, but Dejan: the boy you met at a party eight years ago. This version of Dejan still asks you about other girl’s asses, but he holds the door for you when you go to a restaurant, and brings you flowers on your birthday. You drag him to boutiques so you can get his ‘expert’ advice on dresses; you call him before dates to ask whether guys preferred the ‘natural or pushed up bra look’, and he doesn’t even flinch. You have dinner together, and watch disgustingly cute rom-coms, and throw popcorn at each other when the main characters kiss. 
If things could get any better, you didn’t know how. 
You, Dejan and Luka head out for beers in the city one night. Dejan is wearing a leather jacket and his hair is gelled back, and if you didn’t know any better you’d think he was dressing to impress. Only, the reality is much worse: he’s effortlessly handsome. Luka slips away to the bathroom and you’re left to survey the bar; your eyes, smoked out with black liner, dart from guy to guy. Gay, married, ugly, old. No one seemed the least bit suitable.
“What the hell are you doing?” His voice was hoarse and raspy from the shot he’d just thrown back. “You look like a predator.” 
“Shut up.” You punched his shoulder. “Look, I don’t want to get into details, but you need to find me someone. My mother won’t stop pestering me about my eggs drying out and I need a plus one for her sixtieth birthday, and she knows we’re not together so it can’t be you.”
“So, your only other alternative is some guy you met in a crap bar?” You nodded, chewing your bottom lip, “alright, fine. What about that guy? I think he’d be a good lay.”
“No. I can barely see his upper lip under that squirrel mustache he’s sporting.”
“That would be Šime. What about that one, ten o’clock?” 
“Hmm... oh, God, no. Combovers are still a thing?”
“Okay, Miss Picky, what about that guy? Blonde dude to your left.”
Luka sidled up to the bar and pulled up a stool next to Dejan, ordering another round of shots for the table. “Where did [Y/N] go? She’s going to miss the best part.”
“She’s flirting with some guy,” Dejan cocked his head toward where you were, “wants to get laid apparently.”
“And you’re just going to let him talk to your girlfriend?” Luka chuckled, drowning in another pint of beer.
Dejan uttered the words he’d said a thousand times over, “she’s not my girlfr–.” But the look Luka sent him made him stop short and knit his brows together. “What?”
“Hey, you’re the one that stopped.” Luka held his hands up. When Dejan wouldn’t stop glaring at him, he continued, “Don’t give me that crap. I don’t expect you to lie, but you can’t look me in the eyes and tell me it doesn’t bother you the least bit that she’s going to go home with another guy tonight. When’s the last time that happened?” 
Dejan sent another glance in your direction and felt his fingertips tighten around his beer. “I can’t remember.”
The look the guy was giving you ticked him, got under his skin, and not for the first time in his life he wondered if things would be different if he went home with you that night at the party, instead of acting like a dick and screwing some meaningless girl.
Three weeks later, you are convinced that there must be an alien invading your best friend. This is the only explanation for why he’s suddenly stuttering, blushing, and pretending that he doesn’t know the directions to your apartment. This is the only reason why he could possibly feign offense when you ask him if he thinks another girl is hot, or if he’d actually bang Megan Fox. “I just don’t want to talk about things like that anymore,” he says, leaving you in stunted silence. 
“Jeez, what are you on your period?”
“Shut up, [Y/N].” 
He gets injured later that month. Something in his hamstrings. The doctor says it won’t take long to heal but that he should prop the leg up and remain on bedrest for at least a week. Because you know Dejan, and you know that he can’t stay motionless for more than half a second, you show up at his door with Chinese food, chick flicks, and beer. “Don’t worry about getting up to answer the door,” you call out to him through the walls, “I have a key.”
“What the fuck? [Y/N]!” He throws a pillow at the door that manages to bounce off you when you walk in. Burrowing into a blanket, all you can see is the tips of his hair. He doesn’t want you to see him – doesn’t want anyone to see him this way – but what you don’t know is that he doesn’t want you, specifically, to see him.
“Oh, so you did get my calls? I’ve come bearing gifts and to make sure you, mister, don’t move a muscle. What should we watch first, 27 Dresses or A Walk to Remember?” 
“Neither. I’d rather suffocate.” 
“27 Dresses it is.” You sit on the couch next to him and place a hand on his shoulder. He flinches, but doesn’t try to swat your touch away. “Dejan, I’m here for you. I’m not going to let you hurt yourself and jeopardize your career, it’s too important to you, and you’re important to me.”
He pulls down the blankets an inch.
“And I brought beer.”
“Finally, you’re useful for something.” 
He leans on you and you help guide him to his bedroom. He’s doing everything he can not to bear weight on his bad leg, and hobbles over to the bathroom before he climbs into bed. It’s so pitiful you nearly laugh, for which he turns around and shoots you the bird. Once he’s in bed, you pull the covers up and over his body, tuck it under his arms and legs (like his mother used to do), make sure the pillows are comfortable and that his leg isn’t being touched by anything. You leave a glass of water and ibuprofen tablets on his bedside table and kiss his forehead before turning out the lights. He grasps your wrist before you can leave. “Thank you for coming tonight,” he says sincerely. 
“Of course.”
The moonlight shines in his dark eyes as they gaze at you devotedly. “I’m sorry I was an ass.”
“Tonight or the past eight years?”
“Next month will be nine years.”
Your twenty-ninth birthday rolls around on a Saturday and your girl best friend, the one that introduced you to your guy best friend, plans you an elaborate birthday bash. There’s a barbecue in the backyard and a dance party in the living room, and you count all twenty-nine years as blessings, although you’ve secretly resolved yourself to start telling people you’re twenty-five. You’re swearing that a new wrinkle has sprouted on your face when Dejan arrives, and he sets down an armful of gifts to wrap you in his arms and spin you around. “Happy birthday, grandma,” he whispers in your ear.
“You’re older than me, grandpa,” you shoot back, squeezing him as hard as humanely possible. “Thank you for coming.”
“I wouldn’t miss it. I brought Luka, hope that’s alright.”
“Of course it is. The more the merrier.”
Luka ends up being a saving grace – a blessing in disguise – because, shortly after you kiss your boyfriend on the stroke of midnight, Dejan makes the decision to get hammered. He’s sloppy and intolerant, draping himself across furniture and falling on top of your family members, apparently blathering to your guests about how he’d think you’d be a good shag. Ironically, he ends up throwing up on you, and he says, “I didn’t think I could ever love a girl covered in throw-up.”
“Dejan, you’re drunk.” You look around. Everyone’s eyes are glued to you, and the mess on your white dress, but only Luka dares to meet your gaze. Help me, you mouth. “You should go home.”
“I don’t wanna. I’m–I’m tired of going home. You know?”
“No, I don’t. You’re talking nonsense.” You cross your arms over your chest, “why are you doing this?”
“Because you shouldn’t be with him.”
“C’mon, Dejan, let’s go.” Luka wraps an arm around his friend and attempts to haul the taller man away, “we’ll get you home before you say something you’ll really regret.”
“Stop.” He swats Luka away, “[Y/N], listen to me, because I’ve got ten minutes before I’m going to pass out, but it shouldn’t have been this way. We did it all wrong. You shouldn’t date some blonde, good-for-nothing, plastic Barbie doll–” (“Hey!”) “you, you should date..”
“Who should I date, Dejan?”
“For God’s sake, [Y/N], me. I love you.” 
You don’t talk to him. How could you possibly talk to him after he threw up on you, embarrassed you in front of everyone you knew, insulted the only guy you’ve cared about (other than him, of course) in years, and declared his love for you publicly? It didn’t matter that he sent cards, texted you constantly and left weekly voicemails. You couldn’t bring yourself to even contemplate forgiving him.  
You meet with Luka for lunch one afternoon, and he tells you exactly what you’re expecting him to say. Dejan is a mess. He’s sorry. He misses you. He’s an asshole. “I know,” you say, digging your fork into your food, and as if sensing your discomfort Luka expertly swerves the conversation Dejan Lovren. Finally. 
It finally feels like the end. 
You stand with your hands on your hips, looking out at the view of your new office. It is the first time in your life that you have your own office, instead of a cubicle, and you feel an itch bubbling underneath your skin. You want to tell him–so badly. Maybe he’d make a joke about it, but at the end of the day no one would be prouder of you than Dejan. He’d spin you around in his arms and promise to take you to an expensive restaurant. He’d toast to your promotion with champagne and a box of chocolates. He’d be so happy for you. It makes your heart hurt. Damn him for making what was supposed to be a joyous occasion hurt. 
You gather your things in a cardboard box and bound down the stairwell to the lobby. Greeting the receptionist as you breeze by her, the automatic doors pry open and the summer air greets you, enveloping your body in an uncomfortably humid hug. 
His voice hits you like to the slap to the face, and you can still feel the sting of your skin as you turn around to face him. He’s thinner, the circles around his eyes darker, but still effortlessly and classically handsome; his dark hair windswept, a white dress shirt hugging the muscular contours of his broad chest, black slacks clutching onto his thighs and calves. “Dejan, what are you doing here? How did you kno–.”
“Don’t talk. I know that’s hard for you – but please, until I finish, don’t talk. I need to get something off my chest if it’s the last time we ever speak.” You open your mouth to argue, but he holds up a finger, indicating for you to stay quiet. Your shoulders droop out of curiosity you decide to let him speak. “I am sorry. Hell, [Y/N], for the past nine years. I’m sorry for all of it and I’m sorry I didn’t understand anything about what I felt for you before now.”
“What you felt for me?”
“Feel. I still love you, and I probably have for a long time.”
“I want–need to know if you feel the same. Or if there’s any possibility you ever could. You put up with me for this long. You can hate me for the rest of your life; you can never forgive me because I don’t expect you to. But it breaks my heart, because you’ve changed me, and... I love you. I couldn’t say it before but I can say it right now. And I also want to say that I’m sorry about your party.”
You could scarcely fathom a response, but the words you’ve been itching to say tumbled out of your mouth. “I got promoted today. At work. I’m not someone’s assistant anymore. I can’t go back to being your groupie.” 
“You got promoted?” You nodded. “[Y/N,] that’s fantastic.”
“I missed you.” 
“You did?” 
“And you’re not completely to blame, you know. I knew I had feelings for you, too.”
“You did? Since when?”
You glanced upward, wishing the ground would swallow you whole, “since your brother’s wedding.”
“My brother’s wedding? Four years ago?” 
“And those feelings... have they changed?” 
You glanced at him, then, feeling like you were once again drowning in his dark eyes. Suddenly, you were twenty-five again, and he was sweeping you onto the dance-floor while Ella Fitzgerald crooned over the radio. It was just you and Dejan, and while you knew your heart was going to be broken then, things are different now. You are both older, maybe not wiser, but definitely more experienced. 
You clamped your eyes closed and shook your head. Within an instance, he crossed the distance between you two and took your shoulders in his hands. “You’re not going to get down on one knee, are you? Because nine years is a little too soon for me,” you groaned.
“Shut up. Let me kiss you, you brat.” 
You took the initiative and placed your hand on his jaw, feeling the bristles of stubble underneath your fingertips. Lifting onto your heels, you graced your mouth against his, and in one swift movement his broad shoulders lean down and your lips are met by the warmness of his own. He deftly pries apart your jaw and his tongue runs along the edge of your teeth, coaxing you into submission, as his hands pull you nearer to his chest. 
When you – at last – draw apart, you breathe in deeply, inhaling the musky undertones of his cologne. “Why did we never do that before?”
“I was a stupid, stupid man.”
“Promise me we won’t stop?” 
He sealed your new pact with another kiss. 
@vatreniworld @living-lovren @why-wonder-if-theres-amore @marilyn-mandzukic
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grgop · 5 years
Evening in Sali and visiting the cliffs near Fort Grpašćak
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What’s that? Scoll and read! :)
The evening came and so did Mirel's call. He picked me up and we drove off to Sali.
Evening at Sali
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Since I took no photos in Sali the first evening, only tasted food, here’s a morning photo of the port...more photos in the upcoming post.
It took us  less than 10 minutes to get to Sali. The biggest town on the island located in the south-eastern part of Dugi otok with around 800 or more people. it's also the administrative centre of Dugi otok. Sali have a thousand years old tradition of fishing mentioned in the documents as early as the 10th century and are also known for the olive orchards in the fields that were important in the agriculture of the settlement. The town has a developed tourism based on excursions, sailing and sports. Being the largest town on the island they have a hospital, post and ATMs. Sali also have a notable library with books in several world languages but also a location where many interesting events take place.
Unfortunately, plans changed and I didn't spend much time around Sali so I can tell you only a few things of the personal experience. For instance, Sali and the island got their first night club which was opened maybe 2 months prior to my arrival. As you can guess the first thing that came to my mind was “Let’s do some salsa & bachata here!”...but didn't have time to go there...and the circumstances didn’t allow it (next post explains). The same goes for the library. Well, next time.
Back to our trip. The road goes in many curves up and down the hills where you need to be careful. As Sali is mostly in the bay the road goes down the hill to the town. The plan was to get to one restaurant in the centre of the bay for a pizza. To get down right next to the sea it might be tricky if you are not from there. You leave the main road close to this famous fish factory - Mardešić. Again, the road on this part is wide enough for one car so you have watch for the potential vehicles from the opposite direction around the corners. The fish factory Mardešić is right next to the sea and there we are - the promenade. Here you have a nice view over the bay and the port of Sali. 
The centre of the bay has several bars and restaurants. One can also find the store Tommy, the only one on the island, which offers groceries and other stuff such as Konzum, Spar etc. and the prices were similar to the ones in Zagreb, if not cheaper. I might have mentioned that it's a suicide for your wallet if you choose to buy food or anything at the small local private stores where the prices can be double or even three times higher than the average ones. The restaurant we wanted was full so Mirel took me to the bar of his friend. There we sat on the terrace and he ordered for us cheese and pršut (smoked ham) with spilled olive oil. The best thing to eat here and there, tasty and keeps your stomach full. As it was a bit windy and I didn't bring a jacket, this food helped keep my ass warm. After some time we decided to check other places. I will add more of Sali and Saljani (people) in the upcoming post to follow the timeline of the events chronologically. 
Night at the cliffs of Telašćica and the military base of Grpašćak
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Military base Grpašćak to the left and the cliffs of Dugi otok. There is nothing to the right except for the open sea...and afterwards Italy. This was taken around 10pm in the evening - thank the full moon for no stars.
The next destination Mirel wanted me to see were the famous cliffs of Telašćica on the western part of the island. I visited them once 10 years ago but it's always a great experience. The night fell and we drove away from Sali. 
On our way to the cliffs. What it looks like going via local roads through the fields at night
After 15 minutes of going through some local macadam roads you wouldn't usually find, up and down through the olive orchards and fields with stone walls on each side, passing by the sea bay and... we came close to the military base and viewpoint of Grpašćak. 
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Again the cliffs and the sea. Photo taken during the full moon night
The furthest you can go is till one small heliodrom above the cliffs. There we stopped and I was happy to get some night sky photos too. Didn't work though thanks to the full moon those few evenings. The edge of the cliffs of the viewpoint is protected with the wooden fence. Mirel took the stone and told me "You know how high this platform is?" and threw the stone down into the sea. You couldn't hear it. Apart from the waves though it was a relatively still night and the sea, the height we stood at was about 80m above the sea level.
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Here you have two photos back from the 2009. The cliffs of Telašćica park and the Salt lake Mir (visible on the first picture). I never though I’d stand here again yet there we are.The second photo depicts even higher standpoint..as if this one was not high enough. Mirel and I were standing maybe 2-3 km to the north looking down at these place
After some time we left back for Zaglav. Well, more about the bay of Telašćica the next time we actually spend our time there. It was a good day with many activities and we made a deal for the upcoming morning. The deal was to wake up early and make a trip to the northern part of the island - exploring the area and finding locals in Soline, Dragove, Božava and Veli Rat. Before meeting the monks I went for a few more shots of the nature around the monastery. The monks welcomed me with the dinner they left for me and after exchanging the news each of us went to sleep. 
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The still night at the monastery. Looking for more night sky photography? Check some photos of the night sky near Vodice and Tribunj
Back in the room - making sure to transfer videos, audio and photos to my laptop. Charging the batteries and off to bed. Coming up next are...Božava, Soline and Veli Rat. PS Sorry for the crappy photo resolution. I believe it hurts your eyes as much as mine...soon switching to new web but until then have to endure this bad tumblr theme.. Grgo
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Where we stayed: 
Cool Studio Saraga (Airbnb)
Pros: The room was super clean, looked good and had a pretty well stocked kitchen. The location is great and the hosts are lovely and really helpful.
Cons: It’s on the 3rd floor and without lifts and we found the bed a bit too soft for our liking. There was no washing machine (though it wasn’t a problem for us as it was our first stop)
Where we ate:
Mc Donald’s Yup, our first meal was at a Mc Donald’s! It was 11pm by the time we could step out for food and it was the only thing open. Wasn’t too bad though.
Mlinar The pizzas and sandwiches are pretty decent for the price and we could eat them while on the move so this was convenience food. Pro tip: There was a woman selling strawberries on the opposite corner which were the best I’ve ever had!
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Le Bistro Esplanade This was our first proper meal and we just bumped into it while walking out of the botanical gardens. It’s a 2019 Michellin Star restaurant. The food was amazing (menu changes often so you may not find what we had). It’s famous for its štrukli though we didn’t love it as much as their other food.
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Submarine Burger The best thing ever! We ate here two days in a row and it was great both times. get the one with three types of mini burgers or order the classic.
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Vincek Slastičarnica (Gelatario) Their Jaffa (dark chocolate and orange) flavour is mind blowing although the Wild Berries was also delicious.
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Where we went:
Day 1: We went to the Nikola Tesla Museum and the Botanical Garden (do look for a plant called Black Pearl, it pops it’s seeds into the air and makes little popping sounds) after which we just roamed around the streets near our airbnb.
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Day 2: We walked by the Funicular and up to the Lotrščak Tower and then on to St Mark’s Church (you can’t go in). The Museum of Broken Relationships was also close by but we decided to skip it. We then headed towards the Stone Gate (it was nothing special) on our way to the Zagreb Cathedral (which was really beautiful). 
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Day 3: We went to Dolac market and bought some souvenirs, fruits and cured meats and cheeses to make a salad.
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passagesstuff · 2 years
What are the best places to visit in Europe?
Europe is the paradise for backpackers, whether you’re looking for an adventurous trip, a relaxing trip, or a romantic one. This continent is packed with gems of the places that’ll leave you in awe of their mesmerizing beauty, rich culture, and intriguing history. Fasten up your belts as we go on exploring the best places to visit in Europe for you.
1.Rome, Italy : Found on the shores of river Tiber, Rome is regarded as one of the world's most photogenic cities with its romantic blend of culture and history that attracts tourists from all over the globe. The capital of Italy is the UNESCO Heritage city. Here, you can absorb yourself in vibrant streets and nightlife. Get captivated by the iconic ruins of the Colosseum, the Vatican Museums, the Roman Forum, and St. Peter's Cathedral. Walk down the history lanes to admire Roman culture and heritage.
Places to Visit : The Colosseum, Piazza Navona, Vatican Museums, Galleria Borghese, The Appian Way
2.London, England : The confluence of old and new London makes it a popular tourist destination in Europe that houses numerous attractions from marvelous architecture to heritage. Situated on the River Thames, this city is made from two ancient cities: the City of London and the City of Westminster. Get spellbound by the historic Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, St. Paul’s Cathedral, National Gallery, British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, and Hyde Park. You may discover places where iconic Bollywood films were shot. Additionally, London offers the best art, culture, entertainment, shopping, dining, and history in the world, making it one of the world's most diverse and happening cities.
Places to Visit : London Eye, Tower Bridge, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace
3.Paris, France : Bonjour! Explore the City of Light: Paris, which is synonymous with art, culture, food, fashion, and enchanting architecture. Experience enchanting nightlife in Paris by exploring the Eiffel Tower, a wrought-iron spire towering above the ethereal skyline of Paris, the Arc de Triomphe guarding the mesmerizing Champs Elysees, Notre Dame cathedral, lamp-lit bridges traversing the Seine, and art nouveau cafes spilling over onto terraces lined with wicker chairs. Go shopping in the fashion city of the world. You'll come across chic designer boutiques, vintage shops, flagship haute couture stores, and flea markets to revamp your style.
Places to visit : Eiffel Tower, The Louvre, Notre Dame, Sacre-Coeur, Arc-de-triomphe, Montmartre
4.Croatia, Europe : Have you watched Tamasha? If yes, you can recall mesmerizing and heart-melting views of Croatia in Imtiaz Ali's movie. This coastal country located in Eastern Europe has a history laced with architecture, great swimming, Balkan wines, and some of the best seafood. The most popular cities are Dubrovnik and Zagreb. The country has idyllic islands that are breathtakingly beautiful, making it one of the best places to visit in Europe for a great and happening vacation.
Places to visit : Dubrovnik, Zagreb, Zadar, Plitvice Lakes National Park, Hvar Town, Mljet
5.Vienna, Austria : One of the most visited cities in Europe, Vienna is a city that boasts architectural wonders, a thriving culture, pulsating music, and streets lined with stunning restaurants and cafes. Vienna, nestled along the eastern bank of the Danube, was once the capital of the sprawling Habsburg Empire. It is the largest commercial and cultural center in Austria, featuring notable historical sites, museums, concerts, and other live events.
Places to visit : Opera House, Hofburg Palace, Schonbrunn Palace, Museum of Fine Arts, St Stephen’s Cathedral, House of Music, Belvedere Complex, Wiener Rathaus, Burggarten, Ringstrasse, Hundertwasserhaus.. Book now…..
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traveltocroatia · 2 years
Croatia, A Place For All!
Croatia has one of Europe's most beautiful coastlines. This stunning area is home to small villages of stone homes, evergreen pine tresses and oak forests. It has one of the most beautiful coastlines in the Mediterranean. Tourists from all over the world visit Croatia's many famous sites. There are many hotels in Croatia that can be booked according to tourist needs.
There are many great hotels in Croatia. The Regent Esplanade in Zagreb, Radisson BLU Resort & Spa, Villa Annette, and Hotel Zora are the best hotels in Croatia. Tourists have many options to choose from luxury hotels in Croatia or cheap hotels in Croatia.
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The reputation of the Regent in Zagreb is based on its high standard of service. It is centrally located in Zagreb, making it easy for tourists to access. Tourists can enjoy a comfortable stay in this hotel close to the main sights of this historic city. Adventures Croatia
Radisson BLU Resort & Spa is a 5 star hotel in Croatia that is well-known for its stunning range of rooms, apartments and suites. This room offers breathtaking views of the ocean and features high-class finishes. You can choose the hotel that suits your budget. There are many popular 4-star hotels in Croatia, including Bluesun Hotels, Horizont Hotel and Quercus Hotel. You can choose from many Croatian 4 star hotels. There are many hotels in Croatia to choose from, including Hotel Adriatic and Hotel Orphee as well as Hotel Dalmacija, Hotel Dalmacija, Hotel Dalmacija, and Villas Plat. These hotels offer services such as swimming pools, restaurants, bars, terraces, and balconies. These rooms can be used by singles, couples, or small groups.
Three important locations along the Adriatic Coast are home to small luxury hotels. Many traditional seaside villas can be found on the outskirts, and some have been converted into small boutique hotels in Croatia. Hotel Kazbek and The Pucic Palace are just a few of the three-star hotels in Croatia. There are many amenities available, including swimming pool, outdoor restaurant and laundry, car parking, reception, air conditioning and safe-deposit.
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jessefien · 3 years
Dag 36: zagen in Zagreb
We keken de hele nacht naar de lichtjes van Zagreb door ons raampje naast ons bed. Zo mooi!
Wist je dat er tijdens de overgang van 2020 naar 2021 een grote aardbeving in Zagreb was? We dachten ok dat gebeurt helaas, maar toen we in de stad aankwamen, stonden we versteld van de schade die je nog overal kon zien. We begonnen op de extreem grote, oude en mooie begraafplaats van de stad. Jesse en ik gaan graag naar kerkhoven in een ander land. Het geeft een mooi en sereen beeld van de cultuur en bovendien lezen we graag de typische namen van een verloren generatie. De omheining van het kerkhof was bijzonder mooi. De torentjes volledig begroeid met klimop, maar dus overal schade. Barsten en overal brokstukken. Stuttingen en stellingen stonden overal om de oude muren te beschermen. Best vreemde sfeer. En dit was zo in de rest van Zagreb ook. De spits van 1 van de twee torens van de kathedraal in de stellingen en overal bijzondere oude en vervallen grandeur gebouwen vol klimop. Mooi maar voor 1 of andere reden waren Jesse en ik niet zo verliefd op Zagreb. Er waren twee straten vol maar echt bomvol cafés en restaurants maar het was een soort Ibiza feestoord. Vol Irish pubs en goedkope vleesgerechten. En vlees hebben we gezien, mannekes! We hadden honger en bestelden een plat traditionele streekgerechten voor 2 personen. Hahah toen de plateau arriveerde vielen Wolfje z'n ogen bijna uit hun kassen. Wolfje z'n hele gewicht aan vlees, lag precies op die plank, alleen vlees. Kleine inschattingsfout van mijnentwege want met 4 kregen we het vlees niet op en bovendien kon je ons rollen als we van tafel gingen. Vetrollen! We besloten trappen te doen om wat te bekomen en zagen een of andere kerk met een mooi dakje. De St Marc of iets in die aard. Opnieuw afgezet voor instortingsgevaar van de aardbeving. En zo ging het in de rest van de stad ook. Mooi, vervallen, instortingsgevaar en een beetje vantzelfde. Hahah! En Wolfje ondertussen maar zagen dat hij niet wou stappen. Zagen in Zagreb! 's Avonds een stevig fietstocht naar de buitenwijken van de stad waar ik een leuke pop-upbar had gezien en net wanneer we tussen de bedrijfsterreinen het wilden opgeven, doemde er een heerlijk lichtjesspektakel van tussen de bomen op. Rougermarinpark maakte het hele Zagrebavontuur wel echt geslaagd.
Maar toch, Ljubljana- Zagreb 1-0!
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