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maloofinance · 4 years
When it comes to investment, why do you need a financial planner?
Before we deep dive further to understand why do you need a financial planner, answer this question. While going on a flight or a train, did you ever go to the pilot or loco driver and said that you today you will be in the cockpit or run the train? It’s no point waiting for your answer. These are the specialist jobs & you aren’t trained for them. Similarly, when it comes to financial planning we all think that since we earn money, so we know how and where to park it for future use.
But, hold on, this is far from reality. Earning and managing money are two altogether different aspects. You need a specialist as it’s a complicated world and he is called a certified financial planner. Financial planning is not as simple as it seems. Sound financial planning and a certified financial planner are the same sides of a coin! So let’s understand how a financial advisor in jaipur helps you with financial planning?
Helps you in setting your financial goals
Depending on your financial income, age, and requirements; there are three types of financial goals-Short, Medium, and Long term. Similarly, the requirements can be of an individual or family. For instance, your vacation plan can be a short or medium-term goal, the education of your child is a long term plan. Financial Planner helps you in deciding your goals and also assist you in revising them according to your requirements.
Educate you on risks and rewards of various financial options
There are hosts of financial options available. To name a few are fixed deposits, stocks & bonds, Insurance products, and Mutual funds. For instance, a certified financial planner will always guide you to go for SIP as it is a wonderful tool for maximizing returns in the long term. He has read & analyzed the financial market and knows the importance of SIP and mutual funds.
A good financial advisor is well versed with all the options available. He understands that which financial products will suit your particular goal. With his knowledge, he does the financial planning and analysis of your portfolio
Helps you in selecting the right investment portfolio
The financial planner is adept in portfolio management service. In other words, he does asset allocation. Let’s understand this by an example. You have 10 years to get your daughter married & you are not clear whether to invest in equity or in debt. The intelligent financial advisor will always give you a solution that is in consonance with market conditions. He may advise you that up to 8 years, you park money in equity and for the next two years, in the debt.
Saves your time
This is the world of specialists and one becomes specialists with years of practicing. A financial planner saves a lot of your time.  He has put her number of years in learning financial markets and products that can give you higher returns. He has developed financial wisdom to share with others. Therefore, be wise; leave it to the financial advisor to decide on your behalf.
Monitors portfolio and interprets the performance
Your portfolio typically consists of following investment options- Real Estate, Precious Metals, Stocks, Bonds, Fixed Deposits, and Mutual Funds. Since the market is dynamic, so are these options and as a result, the returns vary.  Hence it becomes imperative that your portfolio is reviewed regularly. Financial Consultant’s prime objective is the portfolio management service in Jaipur. He keeps a tab on it and fiddles with it as per the need so that the risk is minimized, investment is diversified and returns are maximized.
Saves you from making emotional financial blunders
This can be understood from a very simple example. Let’s say you have invested through SIP an ‘X’ amount of money in the pension funds for your later years.  After two years, you realize that the market behaved badly and your net fund value has become negative than what was invested. Out of desperation, you would withdraw the entire amount and hope for a fixed return, you park the same in fixed deposit.
The financial advisor would stop you from making this decision as he knows that in fixed deposits the rate of interest would slide further and insist you keep investing in a pension fund or opt for some other financial products. Thus, he saves you from making such blunders and your money too.
The financial planner is your friend in a true sense as she makes you financially sound by taking care of your finances and investment & help you realize your financial goals. Whilst, you leave at her discretion to make a financial investment decision, you also learn the basic nuances of financial planning.
Learn to have patience, be willing to take a calculated risk, and believe that in life the purpose of money is not just earning but investing wisely spending prudently and enjoying it fully. Therefore friends, enjoy the flight or train journey and leave it for the pilot or loco driver to take you to your destination.
Mutual fund advisor in jaipur
Original Source: https://www.mftoday.com/when-it-comes-to-investment-why-do-you-need-a-financial-planner/
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maloofinance · 4 years
Investing For a Child Education is Better than Taking the Loan for the Same
Education is one of the best levers to make this world a better place. Famous entrepreneur and CEO of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs once said, “The best thing that could happen to me was that my parents had put me in a school.” From Thomas Elva Edison to Albert Einstein and from Mark Zuckerberg to Bill Gates, all of them had credited education for their success.
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In India, primary education is a fundamental right. It implies that the Government is bound by the constitution of the country to provide free education for the children of the age group of 6 to 14 years. Before the other Indian States catch up with the standards of New Delhi’s Primary education, you have to rely on private education. Similar is the scenario in Graduation & Higher education.
No doubt, every parent wants the best education for their children, but the costs are a major concern. The best school in your city may remain a dream. The same can be true about the graduation college, maybe your child has a dream to be a graduate from a foreign university and he qualifies for that too. What if you don’t have enough money to fund his/her education? This can destroy the entire career of your loved one. These are several milestones that you have to cross to shape your child’s future, and planning for their education in the best possible way is the one among them.
Here are a few steps that you can follow to plan your child's Education and Future. 
1. Remember the important milestone dates
2. Evaluate the current cost of education.
3. Decide the amount that you would like to spend.
4. Calculate the return you can get.
5. Calculate your monthly contribution.
Steps to Achieve Your Financial Goal
Buy an insurance policy
Only if you are healthy, you can work towards your child achieving her dreams. Therefore, first, think of yourself. You should buy a health insurance policy. There are two benefits of it; first, it keeps you fit for your family and second, it doesn't let you burn your savings.  Health insurance policies are tax saving options too.
Start Saving Early
No one can beat the early birds. The sooner you start saving for your kid(s), the better it is. The whole idea is to create sizeable equity as per the requirement calculated. Make sure the savings amount is in direct proportion to salary. Factor-in the inflation. It will ensure that when your child enters college education, you have the requisite funds.  
  Choose the right investment portfolio
it's not about savings; it's also about the parking of funds in the right investment matrix plan. Here are a few options that you can think of while saving money for your kids' education.
Mutual Funds
They are one of the best instruments to see your money multiplying. Often the investors think that investing in mutual funds is short term investment plans. No, it isn't the case. Mutual funds are long term investment options. Often investors assume that mutual funds are short term investment plans. No, it isn't the case. They are long term investment options. Child Education Planning In Jaipur is a very important part of your Financial Planning.
Unit Linked Insurance Policies (ULIPs) provide security cover and offer the potential for wealth creation. In ULIPs, a part of the premium is parked towards your Life Cover and the rest is invested in various market-linked equity schemes. The returns on your investments depend upon the performance of the funds opted. Through ULIPs, you can save substantial money for your kids' education. One should plan it in a manner that on important milestones in your kids' life, you get payback from them.
Term Insurance
Imagine the plight of a family that loses its earning member before he/she could fulfill the responsibilities like kids education, marriage, or taking care of spouse in the old age. In such cases, Term Insurance provides the much-needed support to the family of the policyholder as it receives the entire sum assured as opted by the policyholder. Opting for the term insurance at an early age has many benefits. The entire family gets an umbrella of financial security, & the premium is less. Therefore, Term insurance is one of the most advised solutions in case of any eventuality.
PPF for Your Child
Public provident fund (PPF) It is one of the time tested instruments to save money for your kids' education. PPF has a 15-years lock-in-period. However, you can also withdraw partially the amount after the sixth year from this account. One more benefit of this plan is that when your child becomes adult they can also contribute to the same account. One can opt for it from a post office or any bank. It enables you to create tax-free savings for your kid’s future.
The part of life's uncertainty can be met with a solid action plan. Let money not pose any hindrance to your child's education. Whichever investment matrix you choose, just on having a regular look on it. Keep watching the fund’s performance; take the advice of your financial planner in Jaipur, he is the best guy suited for it. Often people advise taking bank loans for children's higher education. This can be another option. However, it should be the last resort. Plan to use your own funds & for that, save regularly. It is like seeing the seed turning into the tree. 
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