#bergen school
vintage-tigre · 5 months
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Candice Bergen in The Day the Fish Came Out (1967)
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Salt-n-Pepa, Hilversum, Netherlands, 1 November 1988. 
L-R Deidra Roper (DJ Spinderella), Sandra Denton (Pepa), Cheryl James (Salt).
Photo by Paul Bergen.
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abilityscoolnj · 3 months
Heron Books and The Delphian School, an Oregon-based school, created the reading program used at Ability School Englewood NJ. This makes it one of the top preschool in New Jersey. 
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 5 months
Part 2 Trolls Headcanons/ Theories/ Thoughts/ Ideas
Part1 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8 Part9 Part10
Trolls - letting another troll touch your hair is a very huge sign of trust.
All the brothers definitely hold doors open for the ladies and then close it on John Dory.
Clay - receives special recognition alongside Viva for protecting the Putt Putt Trolls. (Knighthood? Trollstopia's official CFO?)
Clay - has a stupidly complicated coffee order
Clay - plans to move the Hole N Fun between Pop Village and Bergen Town. Imagine the business!
Bruce - absolutely gets into the trashiest reality TV shows. "If Alejandro doesn't confess his love in this episode I will flip this table"
Bruce - makes Troll cuisine for his kids
Bruce - there aren't any Troll sized clothing stores around so Bruce sometimes has to make his own clothes.
Bruce - has considered getting his kids hug time bracelets
Viva - does not knock on doors and absolutely will walk straight in when someone is changing clothes
Viva - snorts when she laughs too hard
John Dory - freaky level spice tolerance, looks people in their teary eyes as he bites a raw ghost pepper
John Dory - says "Gotta get home to the missus" when referring to Rhonda
John Dory - narrates himself "Against all odds, the brave and handsome Troll was able to tame the ferocious beast" he says as he's washing a purring Rhonda
John Dory - the Uncle that buys Bruce's kids toys that are either loud or that make a huge mess
John Dory - didn't finish school, made sure his brothers did
Floyd - absolutely judges you for your star sign
Floyd - knows exactly how to pop away that pain is someones back/shoulder/hips. Grabs JDs shoulder "Relax John. After three. One...two.." CRACK
Floyd - moves back to Pop Village for what JD calls 'early retirement' works in a sort of wellness center that has music therapy and yoga and stuff.
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alwaysbewoke · 7 months
“Sometime after [1956] I heard a news item about Israelis herding Palestinians into settlement camps. I just could not believe this. Weren’t the Israelis also Jews? Hadn’t we – they – just survived the greatest pogrom of our history? Weren’t [concentration] camps – often euphemistically called ‘settlement camps’ by the Nazis – the main feature of this pogrom? How could Jews in any measure do unto others what had been done to them? How could these Israeli Jews oppress and imprison other people? In my romantic imagination, the Jews in Israel were socialists and people who knew right from wrong. This was clearly incorrect. I felt let down, as if I was being robbed of a part of what I had thought was my heritage. …
I have to say to the Israeli government, which claims to speak in the name of all Jews, that it is not speaking in my name. I will not remain silent in the face of the attempted annihilation of the Palestinians; the sale of arms to repressive regimes around the world; the attempt to stifle criticism of Israel in the media worldwide; or the twisting of the knife labelled ‘guilt’ in order to gain economic concessions from Western countries. Of course, Israel’s geo-political position has a greater bearing on this, at the moment. I will not allow the confounding of the terms ‘anti-Semitic’ and ‘anti-Zionist’ to go unchallenged.”
Dr. Marika Sherwood, ‘How I became an anti-Israel Jew’, Middle East Monitor, 7/3/18. Marika Sherwood is a survivor of the Budapest ghetto.
“Israel, in order to survive, has to renounce the wish for domination and then it will be a much better place for Jews also. The immediate analogy which a lot of people are making in Israel is Germany. Not only the Germany of Hitler and the Nazis but even the former German Empire wanted to dominate Europe. What happened in Japan after the attack on China is that they wanted to dominate a huge area of Asia. When Germany and Japan renounced the wish for domination, they became much nicer societies for the Japanese and Germans themselves. In addition to all the Arab considerations, I would like to see Israel, by renouncing the desire for domination, including domination of the Palestinians, become a much nicer place for Israelis to live.”
Dr. Israel Shahak, Middle East Policy Journal, Summer 1989, no.29. Israel Shahak was a survivor of the Warsaw ghetto and Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.
“I am pained by the parallels I observe between my experiences in Germany prior to 1939 and those suffered by Palestinians today. I cannot help but hear echoes of the Nazi mythos of ‘blood and soil’ in the rhetoric of settler fundamentalism which claims a sacred right to all the lands of biblical Judea and Samaria. The various forms of collective punishment visited upon the Palestinian people – coerced ghettoization behind a ‘security wall’; the bulldozing of homes and destruction of fields; the bombing of schools, mosques, and government buildings; an economic blockade that deprives people of the water, food, medicine, education and the basic necessities for dignified survival – force me to recall the deprivations and humiliations that I experienced in my youth. This century-long process of oppression means unimaginable suffering for Palestinians.” 
Dr. Hajo Meyer, ‘An Ethical Tradition Betrayed’, Huffington Post, 27/1/10. Hajo Meyer was a survivor of Auschwitz.
“As a Jewish youngster growing up in Budapest, an infant survivor of the Nazi genocide, I was for years haunted by a question resounding in my brain with such force that sometimes my head would spin: ‘How was it possible? How could the world have let such horrors happen?’
 It was a naïve question, that of a child. I know better now: such is reality. Whether in Vietnam or Rwanda or Syria, humanity stands by either complicitly or unconsciously or helplessly, as it always does. In Gaza today we find ways of justifying the bombing of hospitals, the annihilation of families at dinner, the killing of pre-adolescents playing soccer on a beach. …
There is no understanding Gaza out of context – Hamas rockets or unjustifiable terrorist attacks on civilians – and that context is the longest ongoing ethnic cleansing operation in the recent and present centuries, the ongoing attempt to destroy Palestinian nationhood.
The Palestinians use tunnels? So did my heroes, the poorly armed fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto. Unlike Israel, Palestinians lack Apache helicopters, guided drones, jet fighters with bombs, laser-guided artillery. Out of impotent defiance, they fire inept rockets, causing terror for innocent Israelis but rarely physical harm. With such a gross imbalance of power, there is no equivalence of culpability. …
And what shall we do, we ordinary people? I pray we can listen to our hearts. My heart tells me that ‘never again’ is not a tribal slogan, that the murder of my grandparents in Auschwitz does not justify the ongoing dispossession of Palestinians, that justice, truth, peace are not tribal prerogatives. That Israel’s ‘right to defend itself,’ unarguable in principle, does not validate mass killing.
Dr. Gabor Mate, ‘Beautiful Dream of Israel has become a Nightmare’, Toronto Star, 22/7/14. Gabor Mate is a survivor of the Budapest ghetto.
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simplydannie · 8 days
During the times Veneer freed Floyd only for Floyd to run straight back to him, did Floyd find Veneer having a breakdown after receiving one too many beatings from one of the Mistress' goons?
Oh he definitely did! And this was right after the Bergens REALLY let Veneer have it.
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Floyd was set free… again.
The little Troll was half way out when a burning sensation tugged at his heart…Veneer. This was the third time, and always, Floyd managed to go back. He could leave them at the hands of that evil woman, he almost did once… he couldn’t do it again.
With a heavy sigh, Floyd turned back around and headed back straight to Veneer.
Veneer had been beaten up before. It was nothing new. If it was bullies at school, it was the thugs of the under city that would completely pound him. They’d always assume he was weak, but he never fought back, especially now, because he knew his sisters life was on the line.
The Bergens left him on the floor, blood coming from his nose and mouth, his eye swelling up in pain. He looked towards the doorway as Velvet watched him, a frown on her face, crossed arms, she avoided his gaze.
“I had to let him go. It was the right thing to do.” He told her. She didn’t answer for a moment. “Please say something?”
“…. You ruined it…. You ruined it again.” Was all she said before walking away. Lump formed in his throat. Tears began to form but stung his bruised eyes. Veneer tried to stand and follow after her, but he was to weak this time. The Bergens really did a number. All he could do was crawl. Veneer crawled to the bathroom. Using the sink, he lifted himself to take a look in the mirror…. His face was bruised, his needles shut, blood staining his face… how could he keep on doing this?
The tears escaped him as he allowed himself to fall back to the ground, hugging his knees… he wanted somebody, he wanted Velvet, his parents, he wanted to Floyd… he wanted to be comforted. He just couldn’t take it anymore, his body couldn’t take it anymore, he physically and mentally couldn’t take it anymore. And it’s as if Velvet wasn’t even there. She let them beat him, she’d only stare with distant eyes, a pink hue always glowing….what happened to her? Sometimes he would look at her and it’s as if she wasn’t even there, as if something had replaced her. Was he like that sometimes? Is that what happened when he lost control that one day and captured Floyd? So many questions and thoughts swirled his head….He was just so tired. Veneer lay on the floor hugging himself tightly, he body shaking from the cold, pain, and tears that escaped him.
Floyd made his way through the vents of the facility. Perhaps he convince Veneer this time to leave with him, but it would be hard. He’d never leave without Velvet. Something changed in her…something eating from the inside out. He’d see it in Veneer sometimes, but he wasn’t to far gone….
He could hear screams and shouts through the air vents: The Mistress. She was angry, “Did you give him pain? Did you beat him senseless?” She shouted to her Bergens.
“Yes m’am.”
“Killed him. You should’ve just killed him! I am tired of this! He’s let the damn Troll out once to many times!” She sat her desk staring at the wall, “They ask me if it was a good idea bringing those two in. But so far, they’ve been the only ones to withstand the Troll poison and its effect…”
Floyd crept closer as he heard the mention of the twins, his ears perked up to catch every word.
“Other candidates are probably stronger Mistress.” Gruff commented.
“No..No the other’s have tested candidate after candidate. These two…they are definitely something. One is for them to survive so long alone in the under city. It’s proving effective. Veneer is resilient though. Somehow he’s strong enough to overcome the effects. That’s something definitely worth noting, but if he keeps screwing up, I’m afraid he wont see the end of day…”
Vennie, Floyd took off running in search of Veneer. He figured he’d probably be in the same room he had set Floyd free in, if the Bergens didn’t drag him away somewhere that is. Floyd ran to the room he thought he see Veneer in…He peeked through..empty.
“Where’s they drag you off too Vennie?” The little Troll was about to run off when he heard the cries coming from the bathroom. Using his hair, Floyd lowered himself to the ground. He waited a moment to make sure no distant sounds were coming, to make sure it was safe. After a moment, Floyd ran to the restroom…it was slightly opened. Peeking through, his heart shattered. Veneer was laying on the ground, hugging his knees, tears streaming down his face. His body shaking as he couldn’t control his sobs.
“Vennie?” Floyd approached the Rageon slowly, but Veneer didn’t hear. He continued to cry..
“….I want mom… I want dad….I want to go home” He heard him say in between his sobs. Floyd saw that Veneer couldn’t take it anymore… he was starting to see Under Rageous as home. That place wasn’t home, it was hell. Floyd walked to the Rageon and placed his small hand on Veneers arm. The Rageon felt the touch, and opened his one eye that wasn’t swollen.
“Oh Vennie. What did they do? Those monsters..” Floyd murmured.
“You need to go.” Veneer said.
“No. I can’t. Not like this. You need me here. I’m here for you. You got that.” Floyd said.
“But if they find you…”
“Let them. I’ll even walk back into the diamond willingly. Make it seemed that you changed your mind and caught me again.”
“But Floyd…”
“Stop it and just listen to me please.” Floyd stretched at his arms as far as he could. Embracing the top of the Rageons head, “just stay quiet for a while okay. I’m here.” Veneer squeezed his eyes shut, taking in the Trolls small touch. He began to cry again, but not because of hurt anymore, because relief and comfort… because Floyd was there, a familiarity. The anguish Veneer once felt suddenly washed away. He sighed in relief, allowing the stress to finally leave him. “That’s right. I’m right here. I’m not leaving you… not again.”
Floyd rested his little head on top of Veneers. The Rageons breathing slowed as he finally felt peaceful. Veneer allowed himself to close his eyes and slowly drift to sleep. He knew he had to face Mistress again. He knew they would be back in square one once Floyd was back in the diamond. But for now, Veneer allowed himself this moment to just rest and be in the comfort of someone he cared about… and who cared for him….
… everything else, they could figure out later.
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empressgeekt · 2 months
Trolls - An Accidental Knight and the Brotherhood of Idiots (Field of Forgetmenots AU Part 3)
Okay, ya'll here's movie three!
Construction for Trollstopia, has begun and as such a reform of the Forest Guard. For a month all the new innovations move slowly, but productively. Perfect time for a break, and that comes in the form of Bridget and Gristle's wedding. A week before the event Poppy, Branch and Keith move into the troll tree temporally...Branch's old pod is the only one available. The old royal one having been destroyed by the bergens years ago, an Keith has no idea where his dad used to live as a kid. It brings back a bunch of memories, for Branch. Keith wastes no time digging through the very dusty closet in what was once Branch's old room. He finds Kroco, and claims him, Branch doesn't mind. He's too old for a stuffy, and originally it was a hand-me-down, technically it was Keith's by brotherly right. Poppy thinks it's the cutest thing ever.
The Wedding is being preped for, Poppy taking her role of Maid of Honor very seriously, she helps with decorations, Bridget's dress (with the twins help of course), as well as her outfit and Keith's (he was made ring bearer, Bridget and Gristle got close to him When they and poppy were making the pop troll/Bergen peace treaty, as Poppy was taking care of Keith during Branch's hospital stay post first movie). Branch is in charge of security regarding wild life, so with them came a small crew of guards, and he would be wearing his usual uniform. Ironically, once a few decades ago, Trolls would be served as dinner during a royal wedding, now though they protect the meal from sneaks and bugs. He's also in charge of a handful of Bergen guards to ensure the safety of all troll guests
It's the morning before the ceremony, Poppy left the pod early early to double check everything. Branch was dressing Keith and getting himself ready when the trolling, stumbles upon the old Brozone records. Branch plays one, Keith isn't impressed, he just hugs Branch and says, "You're better than them." Que wedding medley.
The wedding starts. Keith is standing on the ring pillow. He's standing in the middle of the rings, their big enough that he can fit in them like a kid in a tire swing. So, he just stands in the center of them to keep them from rolling away. From where Poppy and Branch are standing it looked like the rings grew a little sprout of blue hair. They try very hard not to laugh at it.
"Stop the wedding!"
With the shout of the intruder, Branch is looking to his soldiers. They look sheepish at accidently letting a stranger in. Branch pulls his mask down, hiding his face. Gristle nods to him to confront the stranger. Branch know who he is, but desperately hopes that John doesn't know who Branch is.
John is on edge in the middle of a bergen filled square, but schools his face into a relaxed one when he sees how at ease the other trolls present are. As he walks down the isle (yes, he's a drama queen), he's scanning the crowd looking for his little brother. Then a troll with dark blue hair and dressed in a bright green suit of armor approaches him. John can tell he's tense, so immediately raises his hands in a surrendering manner.
J: "Hey man"
B: Who are you? And can I ask you why you decided to interrupt a wedding? A royal wedding? A royal bergen wedding? As a troll? You're jeopardizing more then just your own safety here! Peace has just been achieved after decades of murder and cold conflict."
J: Whoa whoa, chill man. I'm not here to cause trouble.
B: then Identify yourself!
J: OKay! I'm John Dory, and Like I said I'm not here to cause trouble. I'm looking for my brothers. I need-
B: You can stop looking here then.
J: what?
B: I know all about you and your brothers John Dory, and you won't find any of them here. So, best be on you're way before you make an even bigger scene then you already have.
J: And how would you know that they aren't here? Who are you?
B: Forest Guardian. I protect every troll in this tribe, especially when they have no one to protect them. There's nothing for you here, John Dory.
John turns to leave. Dejected and scared, was his bitty B really dead all these years, how are they going to save Floyd without him? Then he sees a pink troll walking up to Forest Guardian, with a blue haired trolling in her arms. He figured it must be the knight's partner and child...until
"Branch is everything alright?"
John freezes everything at that line. He remembers the knight's blue hair, and the trolling's blue hair, connecting the dots. He screams branch's old nicked name as he wraps the younger adult in a unexpected hug. Branch struggles against the hold, and as John attempts to pick up his younger brother. Poppy and Keith jump right in to the fray, Poppy demanding that John release Branch and Keith biting the older brother on the leg. John shrieks and lets go. Branch wanders away, putting space between him and John while picking up a growling Keith. The trolling knows who the elder troll is.
Poppy recognizes John, and calls him old. The brother revelation is revealed, and surprising to Poppy Keith says he already knows about Brozone. It's a little upsetting at first, but she gets it, she and branch had only been together for a month, while Keith had been living with Branch for a while now. Of course the kid would know. John then tries to get close to whom he thinks is his Nephew, but Keith corrects John proudly calling himself Branch's brother, enjoying the color drain from the elder's face as he announces it. John goes into denial at that news because Mom and Dad were out the picture before Branch hatched and to that he's called an idiot for not considering Keith's adopted. John wants to say more, but he brushes it aside to explain why he's here. Poppy volunteers them for rescuing Floyd.
Keith ends up liking Rhonda, which makes John happy, even if he's a little conflicted about the kid. After all it did kind of feel like Branch had replaced all of them with this weird cross-eyed kid. Maybe even a little jealous, after all Keith is allow to hug and banter with Branch. While his bitty remains hostile to him. Poppy still gushes over Branch's baby photos, and John tries to show Keith but the kid is not interested, wanting to help Branch make a clue board.
Branch through out all this still wears his mask down, along with the armor and handmade weapons.
When they arrive on Vacay Island, Branch is more pissed at John for driving through the ocean, since Keith nearly drown. Both younger brothers do like John's machete though. John's worried at Keith's interest in a weapon but rights it off, and is a little more convinced that the kid won't bite him again.
During the forest trek, Poppy and Branch talk a little deeper about Branch's un ease about this whole situation. He asks her if she could leave Keith or Cooper (Making them adopted siblings in this au) for twenty years. Poppy immediately says she couldn't/wouldn't. Branch asks, if she did, would she'd think things would be exactly the same when she came back? She says no, understanding the situation a little better, then vowing to herself to protect Branch. Keith crawls into Branch's hair.
Bruce initially only recognizes John, however after seeing's branch's blue hair and the little nervous hand clenching that he's done since he was a baby, Bruce runs up to hug his baby brother...only to get shoved away and bitten on the arm by a trolling who launched himself out of Branch's hair. "You don't have the right to hug him," Keith growls. Bruce takes it in stride, especially seeing how attentive Branch was to the enraged trolling. He also mistakes Keith for Branch's son. Bruce introduces them to his family, well Brandi and a hand full of his spawn. There practice song goes oaky, Branch is a little stiff in his uniform, but he makes it work, Keith joins in on the dancing, but doesn't sing.
On the ride to find Clay, Bruce asks about the suit and Branch explains his role as Captain of the royal guard and he was on duty when John grabbed him. Keith claims one day held be in Branch's position, branch says only if he works for it. They are both offended when they don't get credit for the clueboard. After getting Rhonda to track Clay, John pulls an annoyed Keith to the dash board and points out the hustle button, he tells keith to press it. And Keith does not like the results.
Branch puts Keith in his hair, and pulls out his bow when they arrive at the putt putt course. Clay doesn't recognize Branch at first, only after Bruce points out him does Clay gets excited he tries to run up to his baby brother only for John to stop him, and point out the growling trolling sticking out of Branch's hair. Bruce shows Clay the bite mark. Clay is very confused about Keith, like when did this happen? However, their next step is escape so he doesn't have long to dwell on it.
During the dress rehearsal, Branch refuses to change his clothes, and Keith growls at John when he tries to push or asks if Keith could fill the role. When the fight breaks out, Branch pulls Keith behind him, and motions to Poppy to stop the van. Branch tries to step in to deescalate only to get worked up. He let's loose telling them that he can't believe he actually came on this mission if they were just going to abandon him again, and that he can't imagine leaving Keith behind like that and what did he do so wrong that made them hate him. Someone (probably either Clay or John) says that Keith isn't even Branch's real brother. Keith whimpers at that, and Branch looses it, "He's more my brother then any of you are!" The fight only escaltes from there, and Branch takes off his mask revealing his scar to his brothers, telling them everything that he had to got through alone, Grandma, Greyness, The chef, the Rockapocalyse with Keith being the only one who didn't leave.
Branch, Keith and Poppy leave. She's lost all respect for Brozone. She loves Keith almost as much as branch at this point and no one insults him in front of her. Still their not going to leave Floyd to die. Sneaking in is easy, and the find Floyd easily. The pink haired troll is too tired to really pay attention to the strangers only looking at the grown up version of his baby brother. Sadly they can't free floyd, and they see the other idiots got themselves captured.
Car chase ensues-and apparently Keith memorized the controls on Rhonda from watching John, so he can hold it steady while they try to use the gummy hand to free the others. Viva Bridget and Gristle show up like in canon. In the fight on the boat, Branch and Poppy use their bows to shoot at Veneer first, giving Viva the opportunity to free John and Bruce, Keith stay nestled in Branch's hair during this. They try the same tactic with Velvet plus John and Bruce attacking her feet, but they only succeed in freeing Clay.
Keith's the one who tells Branch to sing. And turning to his (former) Brothers, he tells them that if they don't want Floyd to die they have to try this, and that they can go back to despising each other after ward.
The harmony succeeds and even Keith Joins in, singing while in Branch's hair. Floyd is freed, but he's horribly weak and the twins are arrested. They decide to got straight back to Pop village after ward, because it's the only place that has a doctor for floyd and a not pinkeye infested house. Branch ends up driving most of the way home, everyone takes a nap that first day. John, Bruce and Clay's first order of business is to apologize and make up with Branch and Keith. Both of them have been really cold since they left mount ragous. Branch eventually gives in and give them one more chance, but they have to understand he and keith are a package deal and he has no problem cutting them all off if it means protecting the trolling. After that is settled, focus is back on Floyd who hasn't regained full consciousness since they left.
Floyd is in for a long hospital stay when they arrive at the village. He's dehydrated, malnourished, and they aren't really sure what the remaining crystallization is doing, but his limbs remained cold and discolored, even when feverish. One brother always stays by Floyd's side during the hospital stay. They all move in to the bunker when this happens, further working through their problems and bonding again. The older three even start to get to know Keith, the kid is staying and if they want Branch as a brother they had to accept the trolling as one as well. Bruce lets keith help him in the kitchen, John bonds with the trolling over survivalist tips, and while Clay has trouble at first, they click very well over story books, and Clay loves Keith more morbid style of writing. Though they all have to deal with Keith watching them sleep at one point...
Changes are also prepared for during this time. Poppy talks with Viva and Clay about moving the Puttputts and reuniting the families who were separated during the escape. Branch says he'll get a team together to escort them through the forest, ensuring thier safety. VIva agrees and also asks if Branch had any openings in the military, she knows a lot of the puttputts would be interest in Joining the guard. Poppy also askes clay to help organize the finances for Trollstopia, he happily agrees.
Floyd comes home after a few weeks. Bruce sadly isn't there he had to go home but this point, but he promises to visit after the month was over. And it's a major adjustment for everyone. Floyd can't walk and no one really knows the long-term effects that the bottle had on him. He's scared, frustrated, and in pain. He tries to down play it, hopefully not making anyone worry. Then the crystalization on his limbs hardens and it hurts. His body is both freezing and burning, he can't breath, or think. It's his first flare up, of many. The doctors recommend, keeping him warm, and physical therapy to regain motion, but even they are out of ideas as to what was happening. This mentally wreaks Floyd, he thinks he's never going to get better. During the middle of a night where Floyd can't sleep due to nausea, Branch opens up about his recovery after the Chef blinded him, trying to comfort Floyd with it. It just makes Floyd break down, and beg Branch for forgiveness after everything. Crying makes Floyd throw up, and that makes him cry more, branch pulls him into a hug to break this vicious cycle. Floyd just keeps apologizing, Branch finally just gives in as his brother seems determined to have this convo right now. He asks why Floyd never came back,Floyd explains that he tried but the tree was empty, he thought Branch was dead. Keith has been silently watching from the door way, at that the trolling wanders in and joins the hug. All three of them share Floyd's bed that night.
Keith starts to do the same thing he did when ever Branch had a depressive day, for Floyd. Distracting him with his stories, underneath the guise of asking Floyd to help him edit. Clay joins on this too, when he isn't busy with other work for the move of the Puttputts. Floyd doesn't realise this, and is just happy that Branch's adoptive brother doesn't hate him anymore, and grows increasingly attached.
At the end of the au, Clay and Floyd have moved into the bunker permanently with Keith and Branch. Floyd becasue he can't live alone with his condition. And Clay because he has no where else to go. Bruce visits, and John wanders, but stays close. Viva and a bunch of the Puttputts join the guard and Clay now works as official CPA for trollstopia.
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rocksibblingsau · 2 days
I’m making a headcannon that cloud guy would go after classical trolls and country trolls the most. Because A: classical is very refined, no funny business type of trolls who freak out over small things like poor manners, and B country trolls are very hardworking trolls who don’t play around till a jobs done.
(To me) Cloud Guy is all about messing with people (who to him) “can’t take a joke” and goes after those who are more serious and less playful. Makings country and classical, perfect targets.
I feel like he would leave techno Branch alone since he’s more happier and because techno trolls are like pop trolls (who I’m pretty sure cloud Guy leaves alone except for branch) but this is mostly just some headcannon stuff, since cloud Guy sucks and doesn’t care who he messes with.
Cloud Guy does for the most part seem to target people who don't care for pranks or have an attitude of someone he thinks 'can't take a joke'. 3 of his victims (Branch, Laguna, Dante) are serious types as well as introverts and one step further they all three honestly seem to be autistic coded to me.
This is in part one of my biggest gripes with TTBGO/Trollstopia Cloud Guy. A lot of his bullying sort of perfectly aligns with the kind of bullying that neurodivergent people face, particularly in schools. I've talked about my own experiences but it's very frustrating when someone's saying something to you and people are laughing and you don't even fully get why it's so funny, you just know they're picking on you.
Cloud Guy especially seems to pick on them in ways where they can't even fully understand or verbalize the issue. Like the one hug event. Branch isolated himself for 20 years and the Snack Pack is constantly jumping to the assumption that Branch has 0 idea what any holidays are but Poppy explains the 'clouds don't count' as if it's obvious. This bit is also another thing that clues me in to Branch being autistic: Literal and Black and White thinking. He takes things at face value and often times extracts the wrong message from a sentence. The word 'Troll' is used interchangeably with 'Person', so 'One troll' could be reasonably interpreted to him as 'One person' unless followed by 'other species not included'. She didn't specify that Clouds, Bergens, etc etc were exceptions so Branch would not have assumed that.
While Techno Branch is way more fun loving, he shares a lot of traits with Laguna, another victim of Cloud Guys. I could see Cloud Guy messing with the both of them.
Side note: Do you think Synth could launch him into the sky? He has water powers, clouds are water...
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amethyst-halo · 2 months
decided i want to work on everything stays au so post time stop oh my god why is this so LONG
when the bros start fighting after failing the family harmony, grandma rosiepuff steps in and stops john from leaving. when they try to point blame, she puts her foot down and tells them to stop and apologize to each other. all of the older boys are too stubborn to, but baby branch feels guilty and takes the blame for everything going wrong. floyd, spruce, and clay all go to comfort him, and john realizes what he's doing is ruining the band for them. he apologizes to all of them, recognizing he'd pushed too hard and set too high a bar.
they decide to take a break from the band and focus on just being brothers instead. everything is okay for a while; they goof off and mess with each other, help their grandma with chores, etc. as brothers will do. branch is a happy little thing, though pretty anxious, and while his brothers still fight with each other, things are good. but rosiepuff gets taken the next trollstice, leaving the boys on their own.
the boys are devastated, of course, and things are pretty rough for a while. john and spruce share the brunt of rosiepuff's role as the parental figures, doing their best to comfort the youngest three and keep the pod running. branch is struggling the most with comprehending what happened, as he hadn't lost anyone before, and doesn't fully grasp for a while that rosiepuff isn't coming back. things are okay eventually, but it's a hard time for a while.
john is still keeping everyone on track of their chores and such, but mostly likes to let them goof around. he still writes music in his off time, and likes to help branch plan his bunker hideout. he prefers being outside most of the time, and likes to find weird bugs and plants to show his brothers and teach them about them.
spruce leans way back, no longer feeling pressured to keep up his heartthrob persona. he takes up the cooking and gets super good at it, and overall is very relaxed. he likes to climb high into the tree to bergen-watch at the top of the cage, and sometimes talks one of his younger brothers into going up with him.
clay indulges in his interest in learning and graduates super early; he's the first to graduate troll school (which im just basing on the us school system bc thats what i know aksjdhjk), with john having dropped out when rosiepuff was taken and spruce still in his last couple of years. while he still likes to goof off with his brothers, he takes on a more serious persona with other trolls and likes to keep up with his sad book club. he becomes pretty good friends with the older princess, viva.
floyd still wants to go solo, and ends up doing little gigs and such around the tree in his spare time. he doesn't want to leave his brothers, so he never gets huge, but he manages to set himself a name. he's fairly quiet and struggling a bit with the always-happy-ness of pop trolls, but he does his best to keep it to himself, at least around branch.
branch himself is a fairly happy kid. he's got a paranoid streak, though, and struggles a lot with being alone, so he's usually stuck to one of his brothers. he's fairly shy with other kids and doesn't seem keen on making friends, but he gets coaxed out of his shell sometimes. he loves to plan his hideout and share his ideas with his brothers, who are all getting a little concerned about how much he wants to hide.
a couple of years after the band's hiatus, branch and spruce are doing laundry up on one of the higher branches of the tree. branch is enjoying himself, singing a song john had taught him while spruce works. he doesn't notice the approach of a bergen until spruce shouts, and the next thing he knows, he's falling out of the tree as spruce is grabbed in his place.
branch is sure if he hadn't been singing, this wouldn't have happened. he had brought the bergen to them by singing, and now his brother was gone.
clay and floyd find him at the base of the tree, and they know something is wrong. branch blurts that it's all his fault and spruce is gone, and they try to tell him it isn't his fault. they take him back up to the pod to john, who won't believe that spruce is gone. john goes to look for him and clay has to follow, leaving floyd to comfort an increasingly distraught branch. john initially thinks its a bad prank by spruce and clay, but clay gets through to him that spruce was really taken.
when they get back to the pod, floyd is all but freaking out, and branch is silent and gray.
things are more subdued after that; john and clay get more serious with their younger two brothers, floyd loses a lot of his energy for things and mostly just tries to make sure branch is sleeping and fed, and branch... he's a shell of his former self. he refuses to speak, let alone sing, convinced he'd only get his other brothers taken. he pours all of his focus on planning his hideout bunker, refusing to try and play with other kids or go along with his brothers' activities.
it gets a little better over time, as the initial grief fades. branch is still gray and refusing to speak, but he is slowly talked into acting like a kid every once in a while. his brothers also get better over time, john and clay's fun sides and floyd's energy slowly returning. john pushes himself to be better faster, determined to be there for his brothers, but it does lead to clay and him getting into more arguments, and floyd sees right through his facade most of the time. but it gets better, and branch's old colors even begin to return, albeit slightly.
with spruce, he gets taken to the bergen castle, where he manages to escape the bergen's hold. he has a little cat and mouse chase, but he squeezes into a hole in the walls and gets away. in the chase, though, he lost his pathway out, and all of the bergens are looking for him, so he can't escape right away. he's forced to hunker down and wait, so he starts exploring to find a way out.
his main hiding space ends up down in the basement, close to bridget's room. he doesn't dare let her know about him, but he does listen in on her struggles with her work and emotions.
he makes a few attempts to escape over the next while, but each time ends up with him being chased back into the wall. he manages to figure out his escape path, at least, but all of his attempts are squashed one way or another. one of his attempts to escape nearly goes wrong as chef catches him and almost kills him with her knife, but he manages to move away so all she catches is his tail, causing him to lose most of it.
a couple of years after spruce is taken, the escape tunnels are finished. john does his best to keep all of them together, but when they get out on the other side, clay is missing. john tries to go back in to find him, but the tunnels start to collapse and he's pulled out of there without clay. they wait, and wait, until king peppy begins to leave, meaning there aren't any more trolls to save.
the brothers are devastated; john blames himself for losing track of clay and basically shuts off, and branch loses any color he'd gotten back. with john near unresponsive, floyd takes charge of keeping them with the group and such, distracting himself from his grief.
spruce hears about the trolls disappearing from his place in the wall, and while he's glad they seem to have escaped, it seriously deters him from trying to escape himself, as he's not sure he could find them. he loses hope, which means he loses his colors.
clay, meanwhile, managed to escape the tunnels with viva. he wants to go back to find his brothers, unsure of if they made it out, but viva stops him. he's forced to hope for the best, as he and viva find the other trolls who were separated, forming the group that becomes the putt-putt trolls.
everything is... hard, for the first few years. branch's anxiety and paranoia only gets worse, and john dory is zoned out most of the time, so floyd is forced to be the one in charge, making sure his brothers are taken care of and doing whatever he can to help with setting up the new village. floyd eventually gets sick of it and encourages john and branch to build branch's bunker, figuring it'll keep them busy. it works, and john slowly comes back to himself while helping branch dig and plan.
spruce is pretty lost back in the castle; he knows the place like the back of his hand now, but he kind of resents it because he just wants to be back with his brothers. he's spent a lot of time near bridget by proxy, and one night when she's despairing over her feelings and workload, he accidentally gives himself away. to his surprise, she isn't as eager to catch him as every other bergen, and is more curious about how he'd escaped for so long. the two end up talking more; spruce finds himself worrying about her like an older brother, and she makes a point of sneaking him more food and other things he needs where she can in return for his company.
at some point, spruce nearly gets caught again, getting cornered by one of the cooks- the chef is exiled by this point- who nearly kills him again. the side of his face and his ear get caught and injured pretty badly before he can get away, and he manages to get to bridget's room before collapsing. bridget is wildly alarmed and does her best to patch him up, but the injury scars and his hearing is damaged on the one side. still, he's incredibly touched by her care for him, and while he's not as bright as he used to be, his colors do come back.
back in the village, john and branch build most of the bunker together, floyd pitching in where he can while also working on his music and running errands and such. when branch is older and more independent, john decides to start making trips back to the tunnels in an attempt to find clay. floyd isn't thrilled, worried that john is still stuck in the past and not letting himself heal, but he can't really stop him. john doesn't have much luck anyways.
floyd himself is struggling a lot of the time under the pressure of taking care of branch and john while also maintaining a social status and dealing with his own grief, and his colors dull slowly over the next several years. it's gradual, to the point it's hard to notice, so john isn't super perceptive to it. eventually, though, floyd gets sick of john ditching them all the time to dig in the tunnels and they argue, and floyd finally blurts all of his struggles in the heat of the argument. he crumbles, the last of his color fading, and john feels awful. he does his best to apologize and comfort him, and promises he's going to take care of them properly and stop going back to the tunnels, stop being stuck in the past when the present needs him.
i don't have much planned between that and the start of the first movie tbh. branch stays gray and silent, john does his best to care for his brothers, floyd does gain dull colors again at some point and keeps up with his solo career and is probably the most social of the three of them. spruce is kinda just surviving in the castle walls. clay's doing hot girl putt putt shit. etc
movie 1 is fairly the same to start. the party lures the chef in and trolls are captured, but it includes floyd, who attended the party to be polite, and john, who tried to go save him. branch and poppy go after them and branch is even less inclined to put up with her shenanigans along the way. im not gonna lie i haven't managed to figure out much of any of the movies from there.
i know that spruce reunites with his bros while they're trying to rescue the snack pack and such, and is a major advocate for trolls and bergens not being as different as they think.
between movies 1 and 2, about a month before 2 starts, floyd sets off for a gig at mount rageous for his solo career stuff, which :) is fine :)
i don't have much else figured out yet for some reason it is eluding me way more than any other au has so. i'll figure it out aksdjhjkhdjfh
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lizzy-redheart · 4 months
True Colors Au Headcanon(1) :
Branch was one year old when they left the original trolls tree in bergans town.
Poppy is younger than branch in this au but they're the same age branch was Born at the beginning of the year Poppy was at the end of it .
Branch brothers still left the same way as the movie nothing changes there .
Rosiepuff owns a puzzle factory due to her love for puzzles & is a business partner and a best friend to my oc Mirra .
The one who came up with the true colors potion was an oc of mine I named fuzzpop he was a gray troll centuries ago & accidentally found a way to restore his true colors temporarily.
Branch & Rosiepuff lived in a tree far away from trolls village due to both of them wanting to live in a spacious place because their place was cramped in the original trolls tree & due to branch past as a former member of two famous boy bands they didn't want to draw fans attention .
The second band branch was in the kemist I think that's what people call it broke up but not due to fighting or arguing like brozone it's just they formed the band so everyone can have fun they broke up due to all of them wanting a different goal in their life they're still friends .
The kemist formed when branch was a year & few months old he was known by the name' B Comet ' because he didn't want anyone to recognize him from brozone the band disbanded when he was three & a half .
Miss Mirra is in her forties she was married but lost her husband due to trollstice a few years ago Rosiepuff helped her through the loss of her husband .
The trolls really don't know what the Bergens were doing with the trolls they take each year but they assumed it was no good since no troll ever came back after they were taken they don't know that the Bergens eat them .
Branch is going to build a bunker in this au near his grandma house but he's not going to live in it he just use for storing supplies & emergency.
Branch is going to be the wired shy kind of trolls he always delince hugs going to parties nicely & he always makes an excuse so he doesn't sing with other trolls except with miss mirra in private that makes poppy suspicious of him .
Miss Mirra & her husband always wanted kids but they couldn't have any of their own before miss Mirra husband died so she secretly thinks of branch as the son they never got to have .
Branch will be busy running his grandma puzzles factory since he always loved them & wanted to be in the puzzles business when grow up the name of the puzzles factory was branch's idea .
Branch will be drinking from the true colors potion two times a day since it wears off after 12 hours miss Mirra discovers his secret by accident she promised to not tell anyone about it .
Branch & poppy will be starting at trolls school next year when it's opened .
Rosiepuff put miss Mirra to be branch legal Guardian if something ever happens to her & she made Mirra promise her to take care of him if something ever did .
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And The Finalists Are...
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The following are the 2023 Irondad Creator Awards Finalists for the fic-based  awards.
THE MULTI-CHAPTER YOU COULDN’T PUT DOWN All Good Things Come in Threes by Bergen Broken Mirrors and Fragile Things by EvieNyx but only hope and sorrows end by iron_spider Catch and Keep by Bergen For We Are Bound By Symmetry by kingdomfaraway From My Weakness I Drew Strength by Mendeia Identity Crisis by KitCat992 Not Broken, Just Bent by Cheerios_me_lovely So Many Things to Say by happyaspie The Chasm Between by TheSleepingOwl The Long Game by Niniblack THE ONE-SHOT THAT THAT HAD YOU HOOKED A different kind of heat by KatinaMoon Buried Deep by inkinmyheartandonthepage Dead in There, You're Dead in There by iron_spider From Strangers to Siblings by for_the_night How to Fire Your Intern Sixteen Times in Three Days by Bergen Pain Relief by Sara (Ctrsara) Pickle Starburst by Bergen The Little Things by crowkag You Game? Cake Time? by iron_spider You Talk of the Pain like it's All Alright by SpaceCowboysFromMars THE BEST THINGS COME IN SMALL PACKAGES A Misunderstanding by woamx Ashes by Winterturtle Drowning In The Whispers by Winterturtle Every Spider has its Day (Prompt 5: Every Whumpee's Needs) by itsapugthing Koala Care by happaspie Peter Stark by ilove_klance Should I Go Into the Light? by happyaspie The Guest Room by Niniblack This Feels Right, So Stay A Sec by ErrorinLoading Tony Stark Doesn't Do Naps by lillylemonbee THE ONE THAT MADE YOU GASP A Peter Parker Problem by spagbol99 All Good Things Come in Threes by Bergen Can't Part the Sea, Can't Reach the Shore by forensicleaf For We Are Bound By Symmetry by kingdomfaraway Hold Me Close, If You Dare by Peters12&3bros Oh Sweet Child, The Things I'd Do For You by TonyStarkissist Only Suckers Wear Scarves by Bergen Savoir-vivre, or Whatever You Call It by Bergen The Chasm Between by The SleepingOwl The Ghost at the Back of Your Closet by Niniblack Through the Multiverse and what Peter Found There by unctrlablyalt THE BIODAD THAT TOUCHED YOUR HEART A Little Late On the Blood Work by Pixiemage One Single Thread of Gold by TonyStarkTrash Picture Day by iron_spider Savoir-vivre, or Whatever You Call It by Bergen The Long Game by Niniblack The Simple Life by Niniback The Ties That Bind Us by Winterturtle Uncle Obie May Have Lied (and Other Lessons to be Learned) by theskeptileptic We'll Make Butterflies by iron_spider You're My (Spider) Baby by for_the_night THE ONE WHERE WORLDS COLLIDE Emergency Contacts by Sara (ctrsara) it's a secret to everybody by snapdragon_in_the_snow Put it on Speaker by OnlyForward Quaranteens by Blueh Setting Things Straight by Sara (ctrsara) Sick Day Shouldas by Sara (ctrsara) The Person on the Other End of the Line by imgoingtocrash Ultimate School Pick up by coconutknightshade Undercover Chaperone by happyaspie What Makes a Hero by patrochillies_trash THE ONE WITH ALL THE OWIES At the Bottom by living_is_easy_with_eyes_closed Broken Mirrors and Fragile Things by EvieNyx but only hope and sorrows end by iron_spider Couch Cuddles by happaspie Four times Peter Cheated Death and One Time He Didn’t by iron_spider Grief Has No Timeline by Sara (ctrsara) He’s Just a Kid by for_the_night My Teen Angst Bullshit Has a Body Count by imgoingtocrash Not Broken, Just Bent by Cheerios_me_lovely The Long Game by Niniblack Through the Multiverse and what Peter Found There by unctrlablyalt THE ONE WITHOUT A HOME TO GO TO Broken Mirrors and Fragile Things by EvieNyx Distracted by a Dime by happyaspie Gaslighting for Breakfast by Anonymous Hold Me Close, If You Dare by i'd_rather_be_reading_3 I Am Not Known (If I'm Not Seen or Heard) by Madje_Knotts Iron Dad: Coming Home by JAWorley No Ulterior Motive by ob_liv_ious_writer So this is Christmas… by Cheerios_me_lovely The Morning Will Come (and the dream stealing your sleep will end) by Winterturtle Through the Multiverse and what Peter Found There by unctrlablyalt THE SECOND CHANCE AT HOME   Home by patrochilles_trash Home is Wherever I'm With You by Maicaly I Promise by MARVELously3000 My Friends Are Ghosts by firecracker121 Not Broken, Just Bent by Cheerios_ me_lovely Peter's Hitchhiking Guide To The Time Heist by Randomsketchez So Many Things to Say by happyaspie The Seventh Escape by Bergen To Melt An Iron Heart by retro_memo Unexpected Brother at Daycare by Yeeter_Parker THE FIXER-UPPER (Meet Me In) The Afterglow by pro_fangirl Blue Memento by Bergen Broken Mirrors and Fragile Things by EvieNyx Count my Heartbeats by KatinaMoon Hold On To All My Son by for_the_night How to Fire Your Intern Sixteen Times in Three Days by Bergen Long Story Short (It Was A Bad Time) Or AIs Don't Forget by peacockgirl One in a Million by inkonmyheartandonthepage The Other Side by memoriaeterna Through the Multiverse and what Peter Found There by unctrlablyalt Whatever it Takes, Spiderling by lethewren THE MAGIC NUMBERS 5 Times Peter Accidentally Stuck to Something by call_me_coley 5 Times Peter Leaves Before The Ambulance Arrives (And 1 Time He Can't) by lillylemonbee 5 Times Peter Scared the Crap Out of Tony + 1 Time He Scared Everyone Else by Sara (ctrsara) 5 Times Peter’s Metabolism Screwed Him Over by for_the_night 5 Times Someone Loved the Paparazzi more than Tony + 1 time someone didn't by KatinaMoon 5 times Tony joked about Peter being part spider by KatinaMoon 5 Times Tony Reminded Peter He Was Human by KatinaMoon Five Times Tony Stark's Fabled Intern Just Showed Up + One Time He Was Invited by kingdomfarway Mishaps at Midtown by OnlyForward So this is Christmas… by Cheerios_me_lovely With Great Power by polariod15 THE RIPPING OFF THE MASK ONE All Good Things Come in Threes by Bergen Intern Override by Sara (ctrsara) Lost and Found by Pogokitten Peter Is Worthy (and so done) by Anonymous Rhodes Well Traveled by Grumperella So Many Things to Say by happyaspie The Kid Behind The Mask by inkinmyheartandonthepage The Same Soul by KatinaMoon Through the Multiverse and what Peter Found There by unctrlablyalt You Better Let Somebody Love You (Before It’s Too Late) by ambivalentangst THE NAME YOUR RANSOM ONE but only hope and sorrows end by iron_spider Count my Heartbeats by KatinaMoon Did We Come Close To Having It All by for_the_night Extraction by Niniblack man in a can by jinxquickfoot Order Fulfillment by Sara (ctrsara) Return to me, the one I love so endlessly by SuperHeroTiger The Same Soul by KatinaMoon Very normal totally regular human intern by Winterturtle Worst Summer Vacation by mystercyclone THE SOMETIMES-HAPPY FAMILY ONE Are we out of the woods yet? by bluesweatshirt Happy Endings are Complicated by  MazeEternal Happy Hibernation Day by for_the_night i know that there’s a place for us by Madelinedear Ice Ice, Baby by OllieCollie Magic Makers by Sara (ctrsara) One in a Million by inkinmyheartandonthepage Post-Surgery Sleepover by Sara (ctrsara) The Best Thanksgiving Ever by Niniblack Try, Try Again by mak5258 THE ONE THAT MADE YOU LOL Am I A Dying Man? by Odd_l Better Than I Was by Sara (ctrsara) Buttering Me Up by iron_spider Far Out by Bergen Hey Grandpa by iron_spider Instant Kill Mode by itsnt_it_pretty_to_think_so Papa-paparazzi by Niniblack The Grey Area by Lansfics7 Tony Stark, Doctor (Prompt 21: Famous Last Words) by ItsaPugThing Wrong Place, Wrong Time by Winterturtle THE WILD CARD STORY A Place to Call Home by for_the_night Can't Part the Sea, Can't Reach the Shore by forensicleaf Catch and Keep by Bergen How to Fire Your Intern Sixteen Times in Three Days by Bergen Men of Iron by spdrmain Mother May I by battybatzgirl Secret Identity? You Mean a Private Twitter Account? by villain_klaus Sirens in My Mind by OllieCollie The Cycle of Shame by Cheerios_me_lovely Through the Multiverse and what Peter Found There by unctrlablyalt Under The Advent Of Stars by GigiDoyle Whatever it Takes by RonnielByrne THE ONE THAT’S A WHOLE NEW WORLD A Pirate's Life For Us by Lbigreyhound13 Dear Fellow Traveler by SuperHeroTiger Do I Deserve This? by Peters12&3bros Golden Threads by Winterturtle Home is Where the Heart Is by SuperHeroTiger If These Wings Could Fly by For_The_Night So Many Things to Say by happyaspie Prince of the Forest by Tess_Moon The Silver Prince by Marialf2001 The Truth Is (Everyone Is Confused By Quantum Physics) by EvieFuller THE SERIES THAT SWEPT YOU AWAY Dear Fellow Traveler by SuperHeroTiger Fostering Hope by happyaspie From the Same Star Series by Sara (ctrsara) Heir Peter fics by OnlyForward Peter is a Precious Chickpea by Bergen Strands in the Rope by Sara (ctrsara) The Meaning of Inevitable by Mendeia The One Where Bucky Kidnapped Peter Stark as a Toddler by Niniblack These Words Written on my Wrist by KatinaMoon Wake up and smell the coffee by Bergen THE ONE THAT GAVE YOU ALL THE LOVE 5 times Tony Dealt With a Loopy Peter by for_the_night Do You Remember Forgetting? by Silverstar1 From My Weakness I Drew Strength by Mendeia I Know How Much You Love Surprises  by opal_earrings Not Your Peter Parker by Peters12&3bros Only Suckers Wear Scarves by Bergen Through the Multiverse and what Peter Found There by unctrlablyalt Tony Stark Finds Himself a Family (That Doesn't Suck) by youcancallmearrow Where There's Smoke by juiceontherocks Worst Summer Vacation by mysterycyclone THE ALL-TIME FAVORITE He Looks on Tempest by iron_spider Heir Peter fics by OnlyForward Identity Theft by KitCat992 More Peril in Thine Eye by iron_spider Prince of the Forest by Tess_Moon Roo-niverse (IronDad AU) by juiceontherocks Sins of the Fathers by geekymoviemom The Chasm Between by TheSleepingOwl The Ties That Bind Us by Winterturtle Turn Back the Clock (and I'll try again in the morning) by madasthesea Visiting Hours by Sara (ctrsara) Who Says You Can't Go Home by peacockgirl THE 2021/2022 FAVORITE A different kind of heat by KatinaMoon but only hope and sorrows end by iron_spider Grief Has No Timeline by Sara (ctrsara) Long Story Short (It Was A Bad Time) Or AIs Don't Forget by peacockgirl Men of Iron by spdrman One of Those Weeks by juiceontherocks Peter Parker's home for wayward people and animals by Bergen Prince of the Forest by Tess_Moon Survivor's Guide to the Galaxy by fanfic1892 The Long Game by Niniblack These Webs We Weave by SpaceCowboysFromMars Through the Multiverse and what Peter Found There by unctrlablyalt
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abilityscoolnj · 7 months
At Ability School, they believe that learning is not only fun but a purposeful endeavor that goes beyond mere play. Their commitment is to provide an environment where students not only gain essential life skills but are also celebrated and respected as unique individuals. From a young age, they cultivate a genuine love for learning in a joyful and productive setting. This makes them the best pre-schools in NJ. 
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 4 months
Part 3 Trolls Headcanons/ Theories/ Thoughts/ Ideas
Part1 Part2 Part4 Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8 Part9 Part10
Floyd - in a desperate last resort he once mentioned he was part of Brozone to be noticed by a music producer. It's one of his biggest regrets.
Floyd - has volunteered at homeless shelters and performed at benefit concerts.
Bruce - the restaurants kitchen is set up like in Ratatouille (ladders, ramps, bridges, pulley systems) for Bruce to navigate.
Bruce - keeps every one of his kids drawings, their refrigerator is absolutely covered in them.
Bruce - his go-to excuse is "I can't, I've got 13 college tuitions to save for."
Bruce - has given 'love coupons' to Brandy before
Clay - refers to Viva as his 'Work Wife'
Clay - knows how to use a stenograph
Clay - absolutely did not roll around the putt-putt course like the others.
Clay - everything must be neat and organized, after living with four brothers he values cleanliness so I imagine he would haaaaate glitter.
Clay - studied hard at math to set himself apart from his brothers.
John Dory - has not kept track of his age and is in denial when people remind him.
John Dory - met Rhonda when she eats him. He just walks right out the door confused.
Rhonda - you know in Frozen, how Sven really wants to eat Olafs nose the whole movie? Imagine that but Rhonda has picked a particular Troll in the village that she wants to eat but never quite manages it. Maybe like Biggie or Guy Diamond?
BroZone - the five brothers eggs all came from their father; General Sequoia. He was a 'military' man so wasn't at home much. He had so many children because he didn't want them to be alone, he wanted them to have each other. (Bodyguard to Poppy's mother?)
Sugar Gals - SPICE GIRLS TROLLS! I absolutely can picture young JD being so frustrated if BroZone was overtaken on the charts by a rival group
Teenage Trolls - wear eachothers hug time bracelets when they're dating. Like wearing their boyfriend's school pin or their jacket.
Crimp - goes to work for King Gristle and Queen Bridget after TBT.
Grandma Rosiepuff - taken for the Bergen Queens last meal before she died.
Brandy - has swaddled Bruce before. By accident or on purpose, she will never tell.
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trollex-is-gay · 6 months
I had an interesting conversation earlier with a friend about the movie, because they didn't understand why I was so intrigued by velvets character "when she's obviously just a villain"
Because that isn't how these movies work and both of the green noodles are stressed out TEENAGERS.
And I love Veneer, he's a sweet heart, but he was also part in using Floyd's essence to make his job easier.
There is obivous issues from home coming in to play with the twins (?wasn't clear) plans to further their career.
And based on their suits..... I wouldn't be surprised if what they where doing was COMMON among musicians of their people.
Because trolls aren't considered a major anything in their universe, listening to their arrest charges, it made it sound like they got arrest for PET abuse and substance violations
Oh no yeah I was thinking abt that a lot, literally in the middle of writing a post about them for the au as we speak lol. I am CONSTANTLY thinking about how the bergens treated trolls as nothing but little animals for god knows how long, EATING THEM every year, keeping them trapped there...and those guys made peace with the trolls. The trolls LOVE the bergens now! And it hasn't even been that long! But Velvet and Veener have the hammer dropped on them SO hard for doing something very similar to one troll. Sure, they were frauds, and sure, they hurt Floyd and what they did WAS incredibly wrong...but the same time they're teenagers. Like. 16 at the oldest. And their parents are NOWHERE to be seen in current day. If they're alive, they clearly don't give a shit about their kids. It wasn't even jail they got sent to, it was prison, which is much harsher in comparison. Veneer is a sweet guy, a very soft-hearted kid who is a very good character as well. But like you said, he participated. SOMETHING had to be up with their upbringing. Veneer hardly spoke and looked panicked when Velvet flipped the table...and Velvet, who was probably what, 10? 9 maybe considering how small they looked? She flipped an ENTIRE TABLE with THINGS ON IT by herself. There had to be so many events leading up to that even at such a young age to cause her to have that massive of a reaction to a question as simple as "how was school today?" Like no way they had good parents when Veneer is obviously afraid of speaking out and Velvet has a whole airport full of emotional baggage that turned her into the person she is now. And they're not even 18 yet! What the fuck! Someone help these poor kids!
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simplydannie · 2 months
Under Rageous
Pictures found on Pinterest for concept on the under city and woods that surround it.
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Read here for Under Rageous Backstory
Under Rageous is the city below the cloud line of Mount Rageous, they are known as the working districts.
Rageouns that live in Under Rageous differ in look than that of the Rageouns in the upper atmosphere. It began with the isolation of those “defected”. Unfortunately, as time went by, those in Under Rageous are in arms way when it comes to the toxic waste released by Mount Rageous…and of their own doing. It has cause mutations to the people of Under Rageous as generations go by. Read here Under Rageouns.
Mount Rageous is already deprived of natural light as it’s hidden in the clouds. The under city hardly has any light as the upper atmosphere blocks out or absorbs what ever little light can come through. Most of the under city is dependent on artificial light, giving it a cybernetic feel.
Like the upper atmosphere, they are heavily reliant on technology. Though they are not equipped with the newest or most updated (it all gets sent to Mount Rageous) they make do with what they got.
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Being the working district’s, everything is manufactured in the under city. It is the source of Mount Rageous’ most valuable resources of jewels and elements. The under city doesn’t see a dime of these resources, yet its inhabitants work day and night. They are able to scrap what leftovers they can get, but it’s hardly enough. Instead of school, work is taught as a trait at a young age. Many children are off on their own by 17 since their families can hardly afford to be keeping them in the house. Many at the age (rather any age) seek extra work in what is called The Pit. Bounties are placed here in which dangerous jobs pay handsomely. These jobs can come from within Under Rageous or sent by someone desperate from the upper city. Many of these jobs take the people out to the dangerous Rageous Woods to collect resources.
A black market runs in the under city that illegally collect valuable items to see in amount Rageous. One of these valuable resources is Troll. Under Rageous are know to absorb their essence, a trait that some of the upper atmosphere want. Those in the under city sell Trolls at a handsomely large price… it’s the one resource the upper city cannot get full control of.
Read here Under Rageous Trolls
The law here is as shifting and uncertain as its people. Many follow the “defend your own motto” causing its people to form some sort of factions to protect themselves from one another. Most of the time these factions can coexist peacefully, distributing and dividing work that is essential and fitting, but there are times where the heads of the factions bicker, causing turf wars here and there.
Sounds of Under Rageous
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Rageous Woods
The Rageous Woods are a perfect example of abused nature. The woodlands surrounding Rageous have been deprived of natural resources as those in Under Rageous salvage and salvage. Meanwhile, the upper atmosphere tends to dispose of its toxic waste unruly, causing a sort of mutation in the woods and its creatures.
As time went by, the Rageous Woods has been deemed as one of the most dangerous in the lands. Its creatures there are nothing like anyone has seen, nothing compared to the colorful creatures that surrounded the Troll world, or the gloomy creatures of the Bergen world. The creatures are vicious. It’s unknowing if it is in their nature or something mutated in them by the toxic waste.
It has been deprived of its beauty. As generations went by, Rageouns have lost the sight of what nature is, being born and raised in an artificial world. It has become a topic of myth.
The Rageous woods is where Floyd had first ended up when he ventured out alone. He eventually made it to the gates of Under Rageous where he would then be found by Velvet and Veneer.
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43 notes · View notes
15prime8 · 4 months
have a messy sad John Dory sketch I did in school😶
“I heard John Dory became the new leader at the age of 13 ever since his parents died at the hands of the bergens. It must have been devastating..”
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