#bellamy is in deep here y'all
asroarke · 6 years
Before and After
A Soulmate AU where you can only see color when you're in close proximity to your soulmate, and Bellamy found his right when she was supposed to marry someone else.
A few more bridesmaids came in, and Bellamy heard from the couple behind them that their dresses were a pale blue. Bellamy wasn’t sure what that meant, though Octavia had tried to describe colors to him after she first met Lincoln. She had reassured him that one day he would get to see color too, but Bellamy wasn’t holding his breath. He wasn’t even sure if he believed in soulmates, or at least not for himself. He could see that what Octavia and Lincoln had was real. He knew that Gina wouldn’t just walk away from Bellamy if she didn’t see herself spending the rest of her life with her soulmate. But Bellamy… he just never had luck on his side, so he couldn’t imagine ever finding that person for himself.
There was a long break in the ceremony as everyone waited for the bride to enter, long enough that Finn actually looked nervous. “Runaway bride?” Bellamy whispered, and Miller shushed him. If she did run, he couldn’t blame her. He couldn’t imagine anyone agreeing to marry Finn Collins. Bellamy couldn’t imagine talking to him for more than five minutes, let alone agreeing to spend his life with him. If this girl was smart, she would run.
Bellamy kept facing forward, watching the bridesmaids exchange panicked looks. But slowly, something strange happened. Maybe it was a trick of the light, but the dresses the bridesmaids wore looked a bit less gray than before. He blinked a few times, trying to make sense of what was going on with his eyes. Blue, he realized. That is what blue must look like. It was beautiful.
When he dragged his eyes away from the dresses, he could see the differing shades of hair color of the bridesmaids. He could see bright, vibrant colors in their bouquets. Bellamy was so overwhelmed by just how much color surrounded him that he didn’t notice everyone was standing up until Miller started tugging at his jacket.
Bellamy stumbled to his feet, his mind reeling from the fact that his soulmate must be here. But it took him a beat too long to realize exactly who it had to be. There was only one person who just now walked into the room, and she was looking just as overwhelmed as Bellamy felt. She froze in place, her eyes scanning the room. When she finally looked in Bellamy’s general direction, he realized that her eyes were blue too. Her hair was bright, a similar color as one of the flowers in her bridesmaids’ bouquets.
She was too beautiful, his soulmate. Dressed all in white like some kind of angel, like something far too beautiful for this ugly world. Bellamy couldn’t stop looking at her.
It wasn’t until she resumed walking forward that Bellamy realized what this meant. He found his soulmate on the day she married someone else. It wasn’t like he could just call out to her and say that he’s her soulmate. She wouldn’t just abandon someone she promised to marry, even if Finn wasn’t her soulmate. Clearly, she didn’t hold soulmates to be that important, not if she agreed to marry Finn without finding hers. But the way that she kept looking around, looking for him… it told him that this girl never had hope that she would find him either.
“You okay?” Miller whispered, and Bellamy nodded quickly. He was fine. He just found his soulmate and she was about to marry someone else right in front of him. Bellamy should have known that the universe would be this cruel.
read the rest on ao3
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ahlis-xiv · 7 years
♛: If your muse had to die, how would they like to go? And if they could come back as a person or animal, what would it be?
Ahlis knows her occupation does not leave much room for choosing on how to die: in all likelihood it will happen on the battlefield…at least that’s how she’d like for it to go. Down in a blaze of glory protecting those she cares for, and for completing her purpose. But–reaching a nice, ripe old age would be quite nice and preferable. Even if her body is a mess from all the injuries she had accrued over the the years! 
As for coming back, it’s rather a moot point considering how the flow of aether comes and goes at will at the end of life and at the beginning of it. Ahlis wouldn’t care either way.
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slytherinbarnes · 3 years
Sorry to dump this here out of nowhere, I know you don’t know me but you seem like such a kind person and I thought you might have some advice for me considering you’ve been in what seems like such a beautiful long term relationship. I’ve been seeing a guy for over a month now and he’s honestly been everything I ever wanted and I’ve felt such a deep connection with him and I’ve fallen so hard for him :( he’s been going through some things with his family and his friend passed away, so for vday I thought I’d take him some dinner and flowers and we had such a good time together, but at the end he pretty much told me he isn’t in as deep as I am and that we have to be realistic about our cultural/family differences, which left me so confused bec it sounded like he wasn’t into us anymore. I asked him if he still wanted to try being together but he never gave me a clear answer and is busy at work atm so hasn’t been able to talk, but I cried myself to sleep last night and I’ve been crying all morning bec I’m so confused and don’t know what to do now :( I can’t even bring myself to read the Sub Rosa AU yet bec it hurts knowing I’ll never have a love like that :(
hi love 💗
you can definitely come to me whenever and send messages like this, bc I love getting to interact with y'all! before I move into advice, I just want to say that I'm in an incredibly loving relationship now with the man of my dreams, but I wasn't always in relationships like this. my ex before my current bf was abusive and we fought constantly and I was miserable for a while with him. I say that to say, there's hope for everyone to find their love! sometimes we just have to go through a few bad relationships before we find our good one 💗
as for your situation, do you think it's possible that his current situation with his family and his friend passing have changed his perspective? maybe his grief is making him struggle and he's having a hard time wanting to connect when he's experiencing some loss. also, I don't know what your cultural differences are, and you don't have to tell me if you aren't comfortable, but what do you think about them? do you think it's possible to still be together despite them?
also, have you met his family? is it possible that they have gotten into his head about your relationship and convinced him to pull away from you?
you seem incredibly kind and lovely, and I hate that you cried yourself to sleep over this 💗 I think my main takeaway would be: do you think this relationship is worth fighting for? I know it's early on, but deciding this now could potentially save you from some hurt later down the road. also, will this relationship hurt you more than it will help you? sometimes everything else can be perfect, but if you spend most of your time crying due to problems related to the relationship (even if it's like his family and not him), then it's important to remember to put yourself first and take care of yourself!
also, I know he's busy at work now, but I would try to sit down and talk to him and get a clear answer from him. it's not fair of him to string you along and not give you a clear answer on whether he wants to be together or not!
and in relation to the au and your last sentence, you can definitely have a love like that! bellamy and la lune had their struggles (and me and my bf had our struggles due to my past trauma), but it is possible to move past that and move forward and have a good, healthy relationship!
I love you, and I hope you know that I'm always here for you 💗 remember that your most important relationship/person to love is yourself!
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I get my laptop back in a few days!! Which means full fic post on Wattpad and ao3 for both fandoms and ships!
Because of that, here is another peek at the season 5 one shot for The 100. It's a really long fic so all these peeks still don't amount to the whole thing. Trust me.
(Also, disclaimer, some of the dialogue and plot is from the actual show. I don't own the rights to the characters and all that jazz. It's just fiction.)
The march through the desert wasn't so bad, at least not yet. Night had fallen and it was time to rest, eat, and plan.
"Omon gon oson" wonkru says as they all prepare to eat the first of their rations.
Clarke watches them from a distance as she sits next to Bellamy, they aren't part of wonkru, so they sit apart from them.
They may have lost nearly a third of their people, but they were strong and unified. It was impressive.
"So is surviving alone." Bellamy says glancing at her through the fire in front of them. Clarke looks up at him and he can faintly see a blush creep it's way to her cheek. "How'd you do it?"
"Well I wasn't alone. I had Madi and… and Augustus." She looks at the fire, their conversation now taking a formidable turn. "They gave me a purpose to survive. To live."
Bellamy goes silent at this, his expression unreadable. It was then that Madi's words echoed through his mind. She was pregnant during primfaya. Augustus ran to Bellamy and called him dad. He yelled and said his mom was right. Bellamy wasn't sure how he was supposed to take this. He had a son. Clarke had their son. Alone… Bellamy never knew she was pregnant and he left her alone in the death wave. How was he supposed to feel? What was he supposed to think? No matter what he couldn't stay without dying during the death wave. He wasn't a nightblood. And yet apart of him was screaming in agony at the fact Clarke was left to give birth and raise their son, and Madi, alone. He should have been there but he wasn't- he couldn't. What could he do now?
Sending the unease of the conversation and the deep thoughts running through Bellamy's head, Clarke stands and clears her throat.
"I'm tired." She says breaking through his thoughts. "You can have the rest of my rations."
She hands over her food and starts to walk away, but not before he takes her hand and gives it a light squeeze. Clarke smiles before heading to her tent.
They may have lost six years together, but in that moment it seems as if nothing had changed- no time had past- and to them that was all the pair needed. Comfort and peace, if only for a second.
I hope y'all are enjoying these peeks as much as I love writing them! Hopefully life isn't too much of a hassel this week and I can get some real big time writing done.
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Y'all here getting deep about the show and relationships, and I'm shallow and can't stop thinking about how hot s4 Bellamy was.
There is no season in which Bellamy Blake has not looked good. A god among men...
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themerrysous · 5 years
Comic-Con Preview Night Thoughts:
(yeah I’m like a week behind but seeing as Pennyworth debuts tonight, it seemed like a good time to chime in)
Batwoman (CW, airs in October, I think?): Wow. They went like...gay-gay. Not like gay, like gayyyyyy-gay. Here for it. Sadly that's about all I'm here for. Heavy-handed dialogue and establishment of character relationships (expositional dialogue is so 2000-never, please stop this travesty today), possibly some of the worst fight choreography and filming I have ever seen (hard to explain succinctly but fight choreography elements need exposition when new elements are added, and need a variety of wide shots, close ups, and specials/inserts, and this was ALL wide shots sans necessary establishing elements), and super angsty lesbian drama worthy of The L Word. It's like they knew they would get fans simply for having Ruby Rose and wlw content and didn't attempt anything more. A bit insulting, really.
If I watched this show, it would be purely to see Rachel Skarsten’s performance as Alice. In a role that could easily devolve into caricature or simply a regurgitation of any version of the Joker or the Riddler, Skarsten found a way to walk the line between “outright mad” and “playing at being mad because it’s her aesthetic”. Her Alice definitely has a wink-wink nudge-nudge air that keeps her lines (most notably the infamous “why is a raven like a writing desk?” riddle) from being too forced. She’s working deftly with what little she’s been given. Kudos, girl.
My genuine hope is that CW sees how badly Batwoman did at SDCC and reshoots a few scenes (god please reshoot the unbelievably creepy “rescue” scene because that was like...uncomfortable to watch. please don’t make batwoman a creeper.). I would love for this series to be good, right from the start. None of this Breaking Bad “oh you just have to get through the first three seasons and then it’s great” bullshit.
Pennyworth  (Epix, airs July 28): Oh my god. Oh. My. Gaaaawd. First, stellar opening credits (JauraProps and I have A Thing™ about credit sequences). Second, beautiful cinematography and a colorist who knows their stuff. Third, nice bit of wink-wink nudge-nudge foreshadowing in regards to Alfred Pennyworth’s future. Fourth, PALOMA FAITH IS KILLING IT, Y'ALL. I haven't really seen her stretch her legs, acting wise (granted I haven't seen her in anything else besides St. Trinian’s, but love her music!), but she's already proving delightfully deranged in her role. Fifth, I'mma be real here: I have less than pure levels of admiration for Dorothy Atkinson, particularly when she gets to be just a little bit vicious. I love her in Harlots, I adore her in Mum. I would probably watch this show just for her face. At the start, I was afraid she was going to be put in a flatter, quieter version of her turn as Jane in Call the Midwife, stuck playing a sighing and beleaguered housewife--but without spoiling too much, let’s just say she ends her part of the episode with a kick. Then entire ballroom erupted into cheers and laughter at her moment of victory. I can’t wait to see where her character goes in this series, as well as the rest.
All in all, this is a story that makes you lean in. Even secondary and tertiary characters have distinct voices and enough of a backstory to make you want to know more. Stellar crew, adept and well-matched cast with a Peaky Blinders vibe.
Prodigal Son (Fox, airs Sept 23): I’m gonna be a bit petty here: Tom Payne legit has one of the most unsettling faces I have ever seen. I was shocked to realize he played Paul “Jesus” Rovia on The Walking Dead--because in this role, he looks nothing like the laid back dude from the zombie apocalypse. He’s lost weight, his hair style is...not flattering, and the whole unshaven thing definitely gives credence to the idea of a character who’s coming unhinged from insomnia and debilitating nightmares. If he showed up at my police station to help find a serial killer, my first question would be: “yo, bro, you sure it ain’t you? because you look like someone who makes human skin lamps in your free time.”
The story follows a young man (Payne) who happens to be the child of a prolific serial killer (played by the incomparable Michael Sheen). In fact, the son was the one who found his father’s last victim and called the cops. For years, he met with his father in a high security asylum as they attempted to “crack the code” of psychopathy and serial killers. However, at this point, it’s been a decade since he’s seen his father--and now he’s a profiler for the FBI. His ability to think like a killer makes him a prime candidate for solving murders...and yet it’s also what has him living in fear of his self. 
Michael Sheen is the reason to watch. Who else could instill such genuine sweetness into a performance that actually has you looking at a horrific serial murderer and going “ah, he’s not so bad”?! And by sheer witchcraft, ineffable holy miracle talent, Sheen is able to give warm smiles that seem truly deep and genuine at a glance, while maintaining a cold calculating deadness in his eyes. He’s the kind of guy you want to believe, the guy you want to trust, even when you know that perhaps you shouldn’t. Every Sheen scene is a masterclass in acting. If nothing else, literally fast forward through everything else and simply watch his scenes.
My one issue: these bitches have freaking BELLAMY YOUNG playing Payne’s mother. Like she ain’t legit barely 13 years older than him. I’m assuming they’re going to address how youthful she looks eventually (at least give us a throwaway line about botox or something) because it literally kills the whole “suspended disbelief” vibe. Though Sheen is also only 14 yrs older than his “son”, at least he was able to grow out his beard, the added silvers giving a little more credence to a wider age gap, whilst Bellamy is looking dewy as always. Also that reminds me: note to self, stalk Bellamy Young’s skincare regimen. 
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takenbymyfandoms · 6 years
Flower shop/ Tattoo parlor AU
A/N: I’m loving me some Bellamy Blake right now and this is the first time that I’ve written his character. I hope y'all enjoy this! And thank you @sippingchai for the idea to write this (also if y’all haven’t read her Shawn Mendes Flower shop/ Tattoo parlor AU y’all are missing out on some good shit man).
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I’ve been working at this shop since it opened. I had been one of the first ones there throughout the struggles of opening the business. I had been drawing on the side of the streets just to get some income during college. When my, now, boss had come up to me one day on the street asking if I’d do a rough sketch of a tattoo he wanted and I had taken about thirty minutes, which I could have gotten a good bit of money from, and drew exactly what he wanted with only what little he told me. And on the spot he offered me a job as a tattoo artist apprenticeship and that he’d pay for my official licensing as an artist.
A few months after we opened another new shop showed up, a flower shop. You’d be surprised how many people would come to a little corner in the middle of a neighborhood in New York for tattoos of flowers. The girls who come in wanting flowers tattooed on them, and more often than not would use an arrangement that looks almost exactly like the ones in the window beside us.   
It’s the middle of the summer and right before we open there was a knock on the door. Looking up from the computer at the front desk and see the guy that’s worked at the flower shop next door since their opening.
I walk out from behind the counter and walk up to the door and open it, feeling the rain hitting my face and grab his arm to pull him inside the warm room.
“Hi! You work over at the flower shop right?” I ask him moving closer to the heater so he could warm up.
“Yeah, I work there. I’m Bellamy by the way.” He smiles down at me. His curly brown hair falling into his caramel colored eyes.
“Y/N. Come with me. You look like you’re going to freeze to death Bellamy.” I hold his arm and bring him to the back of the parlor and grab some of the blankets that are sitting on the counter in the kitchen. “Here, wrap up in these, you need to warm up if you’re not going to get sick today.”
“Thank you, Y/N.” He smiles at me as he throws the blankets over himself as he sits in one of the comfy chairs that we have in the workroom. “You never did tell me what you came over here for. Is everything okay over there?” I sit next to him curling up in the chair.
“Yes, everything is okay. My boss just wanted to know if y’all would want some of our extra bouquets. It’s spring, you could bring some of it inside here if you wanted to. Hell, I bet that he’d let me make you one that fits the theme you’ve got going on here.”
I smile down at my hands, “Is that really the reason you came over here? You do realize that you could have come at a time where it isn’t raining so bad, right.” I look up at him through my eyelashes.
“I could have, but then I probably wouldn’t have gotten to talk to you. There are hundreds of people who come over to our store just to get flowers to show you. They all talk about how wonderful you are. How beautiful and sweet you are. And I can’t help but be jealous about the fact that they’ve gotten a chance to talk to you because I couldn’t get up the courage to talk to the beautiful flower tattooed beauty that I see walking into the store next to me every morning.” Bellamy looks down at his clasped hands, with a deep blush covering his cheeks.
“Bellamy, look up at me. You didn’t have to drench yourself just to talk to me. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to go over to the cute little flower shop next door with the boy who’s always here before me standing out in front fixing the arrangements. You have no clue how long I’d sit out front when I had no customers just to watch you smile while working with your flowers. Some of my favorite tattoos that I have were inspired by the flowers that were out front of your stores.” I shift to take off my sweater to show him my tattoo.
“I remember that one. I think that was when I first noticed you when you walked past and just stood there-” I cover his mouth with my hand
“Yeah… that was me being awkward. Let’s not mention that.” I was blushing so much my face looked more like a tomato.
“It was adorable.” he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. It takes me a minute to realize that I wasn’t dreaming, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me. We only break apart from each other to breathe, but still, we don’t break fully apart from one another.“I think I could get used to that.” I whisper, staring deeply into his eyes.“I definitely could.” he smiled and leaned back into me.
Tags: @stackthedeck @peterwithextrapickles @mostlybrains
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thefatlannister · 6 years
“If I’m on that list...”
Y'all I really still cannot mf believe we got that "if I'm on that list you're on that list" scene
Ok so like, it begins with Clarke lovingly gazing at Bellamy sleeping on the couch (which first of all, SLEEPING BELL IS SO SOFT and 2nd of all- im sorry but casually sleeping in the same room is some kinda intimate don't @ me). Then, clearly pondering how much Bellamy means to her, how /good/ and /essential/ she believes him to be, she puts his name on the list.
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Remember, this is the list Clarke KNOWS he doesn't want to be on, but it literally pains her too much to imagine a world without Bellamy - even a world she's not a part of - that she can't leave him off the list. She can't.
But then, with one space left on the list, and Bellamy's name right there, she's faced with the prospect of saving herself. Of writing herself into salvation. One of the things I love most about Clarke is that she WANTS to survive. She WANTS to save herself. It's only human. But after everything she's done, everything she's been through, she doesn't know if she deserves it.
But Bellamy does. In the same way she couldn't imagine a world without Bellamy, Bellamy can't imagine choosing to live without Clarke by his side. "If I'm on that list you're on that list." The inverse is "if you're not on that list I'm not on that list." Bellarke are, I think, teetering on the edge of a knife between these two options. That one will follow where the other goes is almost a foregone conclusion, but to me what makes Bellarke beautiful is that they push each other into choosing to LIVE. So many "couples" choose to die together, or imply they would die for each other, blah blah.
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But they gave Bellarke a scene where they tether each other to /life/, not just to each other. Their refusal to let the other person give up on themselves, to devalue themselves, to leave themselves off the literal and metaphorical list is just... *clenches fist* SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL
THEN, after the list, we ofc get the #Iconic line that could also serve as the thematic tag line of the show: “You still have hope?” “Are we still breathing?” Literally Bellarke (and the show) recognizing themselves as the ones who will get shit done at the end of the day, as the ones who will save their people, as the ones who keep hope alive is... everything. Not to mention the fact that this sets up the “I still have hope” in the finale. SIX YEARS LATER AND SHE CAN STILL HEAR HIS WORDS AND FEEL HIS HAND ON HER SHOULDER, AND SHE STILL HAS HOPE !
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And then, FINALLY, the icing on the cake is like, after hesitating for half a sec, Bellamy offers Clarke physical comfort in the form of his hand on her shoulder. Guys this is SO HUGE - Bellamy is not in the habit of offering Clarke physical affection, he’s more in the habit of being shocked and awed and thankful and #shook when SHE offers it to HIM. So him reaching out to her is acknowledgement that maybe somewhere deep inside Bellamy is starting to recognize what Jaha said as true - he does center her. And if he can offer her 1/10 of the comfort she’s offered him (and we know how much Clarke’s love and support has meant to Bell) he’ll do it.
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So he squeezes her shoulder and CLARKE FUCKING LATCHES ONTO THE GESTURE LIKE A DROWNING WOMAN IN NEED OF AIR. Clarke wants and appreciates his physical comfort SO MUCH she literally leans into his touch like a cat. She doesn’t push him farther, but I love this moment SO MUCH because it’s so clear that Clarke leans into him because /she/ needs this, but her reaction is also meant to reassure Bellamy that, yes, this is okay, I want you here, I want you close. Clarke is always SO careful with Bellamy, she’s one of the only characters who makes sure to reciprocate his care and affection (important because of his sometimes traumatic & one-way relationship with O *eyes emoji*). And she /knows/ how in tune he is with other people, so she always knows when he’s being vulnerable or taking an emotional risk. It’s why she hugs him in 3x13 - he was being very emotionally vulnerable with her, and she wanted him to know he was safe and she understood and reciprocated (she reciprocates physically because at that moment she’s too fucked up to be super emotionally vulnerable in return). So this time, she grabs his hand and holds it to her face (im rl sobbing just thinking about it), but lets him walk out a moment later, eyes trailing after him.
Anyway, the music and CLarke’s face at the end of the scene let us know that Bellarke have both given each other some sense of calm and purpose in this episode that they desperately needed. They literally illustrate Jaha’s earlier observation: in the face of fear, of self-doubt, of terrible burdens, of EXTINCTION - bellarke center each other. 
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multifandom-gabi · 7 years
Sweetheart: John Murphy x Reader
A/N: I feel like this is trash, but this is my first imagine and some people wanted it, but cut me some slack if it’s not good or you didn’t like it, or it’s not long enough 😂 But anyways I’m excited about this so I hope y'all enjoy it
Prompt: Imagine getting into a heated argument with your favorite character. You raise your hand to slap them, but they grab your wrist. They back you up against the wall and lean down to your ear. In a low, husky voice they whisper, “Wanna try that again sweetheart.”
Words: 868
Warnings: idk some swearing
You and John Murphy had been ignoring each other for around two weeks now. Two weeks ago he kissed you, and Murphy doesn’t just kiss people, he’s not the “feelings” type guy. He’s more a “one night stand” guy. When you tried to become closer with him, he told you he was too dangerous for you, for you too stay away, and the next day he was back with other girls.
You hated the awkward eye contact from across camp, but he told you to stay away, and that’s exactly what you were doing.
His own words were turning against him when Bellamy said, “Y/N, you’re on watch with Murphy tonight.” You cursed under your breath, not ready to face Murphy again. “Something wrong Y/N?” Bellamy questioned, I’m guessing from the look on my face.
“N-nope not at all, I’ll be fine.” You stated walking over to grab a gun from in front of the drop ship, and turning to go behind it to where your placement for watch was.
You climbed up the ladder, no Murphy in sight when you reached the top. You rested your gun in front of you, and looked out at the dark woods. You brushed your hair out of your face and sighed.
You heard noise behind you, meaning Murphy was on his way up. Your heart pounded in your chest as you took a deep breath. You felt his presence beside you, and you looked over at him. He was looking forward, out into the woods, not moving a muscle.
“So am I gonna be the one to break the awkward silence?” You asked, as Murphy looked over at you. “Did you tell Bellamy to set this up?” He asked. “What, no?” You responded.
“Oh so this is just a coincidence?” Murphy asked. “Yes Murphy I can’t control Bellamy.” You told him, setting your gun at your feet. Let’s hope there are no grounders around, because if there were, you both sure aren’t paying attention.
“Thank the gods.” He said turning away from you, and looking back into the woods. “What is that supposed to mean?” You asked. “Nothing sweetheart.” Murphy said, letting out a small laugh. “Don’t call me that Murphy.” You said, crossing your arms. “I’ll call you whatever I want.” He said.
You sat in silence for a little bit before you broke it saying, “Murphy why do you have to be such an asshole?”
“Yea I’m the asshole.” Murphy replied, shaking his head. “You know you could’ve told me you weren’t interested in me, instead of telling me that you were too dangerous for me. You do realize I was like the only one here who didn’t hate you?” You said, leaving Murphy a little stunned.
“You don’t know me Y/N.” he said, putting his gun on his back, and starting to climb back down the ladder. “Where are you going Murphy?” You questioned, picking up your gun and putting it onto your back too.
“I’m going to you tent.” He said, jumping to the ground. “No you can’t.” You said, climbing down the latter behind him, before he could leave. “Dammit, you can’t just shut people out that care for you Murphy!” You said, talking your gun off and laying it on the ground, stepping closer to Murphy as he paced back and forth.
“You don’t care for me Y/N, you just look at me as the the broken boy who’s different then everyone just because they’re all scared of him, and you think your special because I warned you about me, well guess what you aren’t! You’re just like every other ass in this camp!” He exclaimed and stopped pacing to face you.
You didn’t know what to say anymore. You raised your hand to slap Murphy, but before you could he caught your arm. Still ahold of your arm he back you up until your back and head hit the backside of the dropship.
You took a deep breath as Murphy leaned down to your ear. “Wanna try that again sweetheart?” He asked and leaned back up to look at you.
At this point, you weren’t thinking anymore, you leaned in a kissed him. He dropped your arm and grabbed both sides of your face with his hands as your wrapped your arms around his neck. This felt right.
When you both finally pulled away, a grin spread onto your face. “Y/N.” Murphy said, looking strait into your eyes. “Yes?” You questioned.
“I don’t want you to stay away, I never did. I didn’t mean anything I said. You make me feel different Y/N, you change me. It might take me a little bit to commit to a real relationship, but I want to be with you.” He admitted and smiled at you. “Is that John Murphy actually smiling?” You joked, letting out a small giggle.
He shook his head at you and kissed you again, smiling into the kiss. You pulled away and looked at him. “What?” He questioned. “Wait aren’t we supposed to be on watch?” You asked.
“Who cares about that sweetheart?” He said, laughing and planting another kiss on your lips.
Some nice people who encouraged me to do this: @bloodmusthaveimagine @feministandall @tigerlillyx19 @iamthegoatmaster @pansexual-and-a-geek @haileyboo1210 @itswhoiamasaperson
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metastation · 7 years
Welcome back to Meta Station, where Claire's continued unspooling over how the hell she became THIS obsessed with Jaha meets Erin's analysis of liminal space and death/rebirth imagery in Octavia's storyline. Also, we pay a visit to Science Island, where the the ladies are badass and the drones are armed. We also take a deep dive into the troubling question of eugenics, find some surprising Monty/Roan parallels, are wrecked as human beings by Bellamy and Kane in that prison scene, and go to some REAL-ASS PLACES about ableism and disability representation.
Also, if you haven't had a chance to enjoy this episode's outtake, PLEASE DON'T DEPRIVE YOURSELF
And don't miss last week's interview with Executive Producer Jason Rothenberg!
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0:00 – Hello and Welcome and Hey We Talked to Jason Last Week and We’re Still Processing It 0:01 – What’s Your Game, Thelonious?: Listen, We’re As Surprised As You Are That This Section is 48 Minutes Long 0:49 – Good News: Jonty Pranks Are Back! Bad News: They’re Kiiiiiinda Fucked Up 0:56 – Jasper and Monty: The O.G. Clarke Supporters 1:09 – Game of Th-Roans (I STAND BY THIS PUN AND I’M NOT APOLOGIZING) 1:16 – Anyway Don’t Think About How Kane Is the Only Person Left Who Genuinely Values the Dual Sides of Octavia’s Nature and Now He Thinks He Killed Her 1:27 – Octavia LITERALLY Hits Rock Bottom (I’M SORRY, I HAD TO) 1:35 – This Is What It Looks Like When Echo Makes an Effort 1:42 – R.I.P. Nyko, Trikru’s #1 Abby Griffin Stan 1:49 - Let's Talk About Disability Representation Because This Episode NAILED IT 2:01 - That Raven/Luna Scene, Y'All 2:07 - Time For Some Becca/Cadogan Conspiracy Theories! 2:18 - Luna's Blood, Harper's Dad, and Cultural Narratives About Race: Let's Talk About Eugenics 2:42 - Bob Morley Deserves an Emmy But Also We Can Never Watch that Prison Scene Again 2:46 - See You Next Week for More Bellamy Angst Probably
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ecfandom · 7 years
Clexa Week 2017 - Tuesday - Roommates
Here’s mah thing. It’s short and sweet, hope you like it!
“We have a problem.”
“And the princess has arrived.”  Raven and Octavia are already smirking as Clarke announces her presence and waltzes into the registration room to meet them.
“Seriously. Code Red. Immanent threat. Apollo 13 to Houston. That kind of problem.” Clarke plops down into the empty chair behind the foldout table and unfurls the length of herself, beckoning as much cool air onto her skin as possible.  
“That’s a lot of problem for the first day of camp.” Octavia hands her a bottle of water and rolls her eyes at Raven as Clarke proceeds to dump half of it on her head. “Save some drama for three weeks in when we’re all questioning why we put ourselves through this hell every year.”
“Free room,” Raven states.
“Free board. And a salary?” Clarke offers.
“Still. Hundreds of dehydrated, whiney, hyper children…wait. Seriously, who signed us up for this shit?”
“And hot girls…” Clarke continues, unfazed by Octavia’s trepidation.
They turn to look at her with a mixture of deep concern and confusion. Raven coughs. “I’m gonna go ahead and make the leap that you did not in fact turn into a creep between now and the last time we saw you and ask you exactly where you plan on finding these hot girls.”
“That’s the problem,” Clarke sighs. She tosses her arm over her eyes and kicks back in her chair. “I don’t have to go finding them at all. The hottest girl to ever exist is currently sitting on my bed.”
“Raven—“ Octavia leads.
“Check her temperature.”
“Uh huh. Already on it.”
Clarke laughs and swats at her friends as they poke and prod her for signs of dehydration. “Stop. Stop, I’m serious. Seriously, stop!” She falls back onto all four of the chair legs and wraps her arms around herself, fending off their grabby hands. “Can you chill?”
Octavia and Raven surrender with shit-eating grins on their faces. “So…there’s a hot girl on your bed? You get into Monty’s weed again?”
“Okay, one. I never got into Monty’s weed. That was Bellamy and you know it. Two. I’m not high. Or dehydrated. This is what I was saying before. My problem—”
“Yeah, yeah. Code Red—“
“Immanent danger—“
“Apollo to Houston—“
“We remember.” Octavia and Raven high-five, all too proud of themselves.
Clarke glares. “Anyways. Back to me.”
“Yes, back to you. What’s the problem?”
“My roommate. Or cabin-mate, whatever you wanna call her.”
“She’s fucking gor—“
“Hey, Clarke--”
Clarke snaps her mouth shut and turns, eyes wide. “You. Hey. Hey you. Lexa….you.” Clarke closes her eyes, nods at herself, and tries again. “Hi.”
Octavia snorts and Clarke nails her in the shin.
Lexa rounds the table and smiles at each of them, open and friendly and charming. “Hey. I’m Lexa—“ she extends her hand and Clarke has to remind herself not to take it. They’ve done this already. She slides her hands under her legs and tries not to notice how attractive Lexa's hand really is. Strong and tan and—
The hand starts to waver as no one takes it, so she elbows Octavia who in turn yelps and thrusts out her hand. She glares at Clarke out of the corner of her eye.
Clarke apologizes for her, eyes flitting up to Lexa’s pretty, green ones. “That’s Octavia. She’s shy.”
Octavia rolls her eyes as she shakes the hand. “I’m not shy. I just don’t like shaking hands with strangers in the summer.”
Lexa chuckles. “That’s oddly specific.”
“It’s a sweat thing,” Raven offers. “I’m Raven.”  
The introductions settle into a long, stagnant silence amplified by the overworked AC rattling away in the corner. She can feel Raven and Octavia fidgeting on either side of her, and there’s a part of her brain that knows she should say something—anything—to break the silence. But it’s hot and muggy, there’s very little energy to spare, and to be quite honest, she’s more than happy to just stare at the tall drink of water standing in front of her.
“So…” Raven drawls, looking around. She smiles awkwardly. “You at this station?”
“Uh, no.” Lexa checks her watch and sighs. “I just came to drop this off before I have to head down.” She fixes her gaze on Clarke. “You left it.” She sets the lanyard with the key to their cabin down on the table in front of Clarke and taps it with a smile. “I’m on greeter duty at the entrance, so I probably won’t be back up here til late. Didn’t want to strand you.”
Clarke beams. “You’re a peach.”
With an odd little chuckle Lexa takes her leave. Clarke leans her elbows onto the table and watches her go with a dramatic sigh. She all but salivates.  
“You’re disgusting, know that?” Raven shakes her head and pretends to wipe drool from Clarke chin.
Clarke shoots her a particularly unamused smile. “God, I just love it when you talk sexy to me.”
“You love it when Lexa talks sexy to you,” Octavia snorts. She gets another kick to the shin.
Clarke is literally wet to the touch by the time she peels herself out of the hard, plastic chair in the orange glow of the late evening. She can feel her hair sticking to her face and knows the back of her thighs must be bright red and looking like an etch-a-sketch.
“I feel disgusting.”
“You and me both,” Octavia groans, waddling beside her. “I think my cooch is sweating. I didn’t know your cooch could sweat.”
“I think that might be the dumbest thing you’ve ever said, Octavia.”
“Hey, don’t be mean. I’m hot and tired and starving.”
Raven jogs up behind them and they both moan when she bubbily jumps into step beside them. “Can you stop with all of that…energy, bullshit? Thanks.”
“Don’t hate the player, hate game, fellas. I’m in my element.”
“I didn’t know being covered in sweat and perpetually hungry could be anybody’s element.”
Clarke scoffs. “You’re talking to a personal trainer, Octavia.”
“Still. Sounds terrible.”
“You’re telling me.”
Raven laughs, and links their arms together to both of their grunted dismay. “We didn’t do anything but sit their sign kids in. Y'all are pathetic.”
“That’s the worst part,” Clarke moans. “I didn’t even anger the gods by attempting to workout and still they damned me.”
“You’re in a weird mood today, aren’t you?”
“It’s Lexa,” Octavia teases, “has her pretty little, blonde head all in a funk.”
“It’s heat exhaustion,” Clarke snaps. “If anything.”
“Yeah heat exhaustion because you think Lexa is H-O-T, hot.”
“You know what.” Clarke glares and stops in front of the cafeteria. “Eat dinner by yourselves. See if I care.”
Raven and Octavia share a knowing grin as Clarke starts to stomp away.
“Hey, Clarke!” Octavia calls. Clarke barely looks over her shoulder at her. “Say hi to Lexa for me!”
“So my roommate says hi.”
Lexa chuckles and takes the water bottle Clarke hands her, sipping from it greedily. Clarke gets a little too lost in the way Lexa wipes her lips with the back of her hand. “Which one? The cute one or the feisty one?”
Clarke takes an offended step back. “You think—wait. Which one do you think is the cute one?”
Lexa grins. “I was kidding. Just wanted to see if I could make you blush. But if you’re asking, I’d probably have to with—”
“I wasn’t and I’m not.”
“Not what?”
“Blushing. It's just hot.”
Lexa laughs.
“I’m not! It’s like hotter than hell’s kitchen out here!”
Lexa just chuckles and turns to collect the other greeters’ bright orange directional flags. Clarke uses the time to get a good look at her as Lexa jokes with a few of them and bids the others farewell for the night. Clarke decides she doesn’t like the way Lexa’s sweet smile and brow furrowed against the setting sun is so damn disarming.
She also decides dirt and sweat shouldn’t look so good on a person.
“You are. By the way.”
They’re halfway up the hill when Lexa breaks the silence, draining the last sip of the water bottle Clarke had brought her.
“I’m gonna run to the caf before heading in. Sure you don’t want anything?”
Clarke shakes her head and grimaces. “Too hot for food.”
“Whatever you say.” Lexa grins at her again and for a second Clarke just wants to smack it right off her face. Or something.
“See you back at the cabin?���
“Yep. I’ll be there.”
“Kay. See ya in a minute.”
“Hey, wait.”
Lexa stops and turns.
“What were you saying? I am, what?”
“Oh.” Lexa chuckles. “The cute one. You’re the cute one. For the record.”
“So. You banged yet?”
“Octavia.” Clarke’s eyes bulge out and she flicks her gaze to the small children jumping the length of the rope they swing between them.
“What? They don’t know what that means.”
“I’m just asking. It’s a legitimate question.”
“Too hot,” Clarke pants, crawling up Lexa’s body and out from under the covers.
“You’re the one who wanted to cuddle.”
“You didn’t tell me you’re a furnace.”
“Wasn’t expecting you to jump my bones when I suggested a movie.”
Clarke glares and situates herself back on top of Lexa, this time, outside of the blanket. “You’re just comfy. That’s all. And the bed’s too small to watch side by side.”
Lexa chuckles and gives her hair a quick, tentative stroke. “I didn’t say I disliked it,” she murmurs.
Clarke puts on a show of huffing triumphantly, but on the inside, her heart goes erratic.
“So Octavia has this theory that everyone breaks three weeks in.”
Lexa sips on her beer with an amused smile and leans her long body back into the bar. “Is that so?”
Their nights off are few and far between, but the bar down the road always seems to do the trick, and Clarke loves to watch the fluid way Lexa seems to unwind. Clarke drinks her in, still not quite used to Lexa in her pedestrian clothes. The camp counselor uniform was nice. The red polo looked good on her tan skin and the kaki shorts showed off her legs-for-days. But this look was…something else. The jeans and the loose fitted t-shirt—it suited Lexa.
The gold, triangle necklace sitting on her exposed collarbones had been a nice touch too. She toys with it as she tries to ignore Lexa’s amused smile.
“Three weeks you say?”
Clarke nods, still distracted by the metal between her fingers.  “Mhm. She says everyone has a whiney kid threshold. No matter how much you love them.”
“Well, she’s not wrong. I’m exhausted.”
Clarke finally drops the necklace and looks up at her. “Do you want kids?”
Lexa snorts beer out of her nose and grabs for a napkin as Clarke chuckles. “Moving a little fast there, Griffin, don’t you think?” She wipes at her mouth and glares when Clarke continues to laugh. “Besides, we should probably kiss first before the kids talk.”
Clarke grins and smacks her on the arm. “Shut up. That’s not what I meant.”
“I don’t know, sounds like that’s what you meant.”
“We’re…I was…we were chatting. I’m trying to get to know you.” Clarke rolls her eyes when Lexa cocks her brow at her and smirks. “Don’t make it weird.”
“Is this weird?” Lexa’s warm breath tickles the underside of her jaw as she kisses the place where Clarke’s heart is beating wildly. She shakes her head and pulls Lexa closer by the hips, biting back a moan when Lexa slips a hand into her underwear.
“So you and Lexa?”
“Leave it alone,” Clarke grumbles into her scrambled eggs. Raven and Octavia grin.
“This is a bad idea,” Octavia whispers behind her, one hand propped on Clarke’s lower back as they crouch in the bushes.
“It’s fine. We’re fine. Stop panicking.”
“What’s taking them so long?”
Clarke pulls out her phone and checks the time. “Give ‘em another minute.”
The boys come tumbling out of their cabin three minutes later, holding up the booze triumphantly.
“I can’t believe we have to sneak around like school girls just to fraternize with the opposite sex,” Octavia groans, still recovering from their near capture by the camp supervisors. “I’m twenty-five-years old for god’s sake.”
“Maybe if they gave us more days off, we wouldn’t have to sneak.”
“Or they could just pull the sticks out of their asses and let us hang out after dark.”
“Or you could just deal with it…” Lexa intones, smirking at them through the rearview mirror of the jeep. She gets a chorus of groans and scoffs in return.
“You don’t get a say when you’re literally living with your eye candy.”
From the passenger seat, Clarke chuckles and pulls Lexa’s hand into her lap.
It takes ten minutes to get to the lake and Lexa drives the jeep straight up to the shore and leaves the headlights on, illuminating their path into the water.
As soon as it's in park, the gang stumbles out of the car and begins stripping out of their layers, laughing and tripping and generally having a good time. Clarke is about to join them in their race to the water when Lexa catches her by the wrist and pulls her behind a tree. Ever so gently, she gets pushed back into it and kissed until her head spins.
“Hey,” Lexa whispers when she pulls back.
Clarke can’t help the automatic smile it puts on her face. “Hey you.”
Their foreheads meet and Lexa lets out a long, sigh. “I’m glad we’re roommates.”
Clarke slides her hands into Lexa’s jean pockets and squeezes, pulling her closer. “Me too.” She kisses her until Lexa grabs her by the hips and tosses her over her shoulder, a squealing sack of potatoes.
“Last one in’s a rotten egg,” she hollers.
Though of course, they’re the only ones left on the shore.
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