#beef broganoff
mxihi · 2 months
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awhile ago I doodled my friends FFXIV character as GBF classes..?
beef (lalafel monk => harvin monk) & eryna (viera scholar => erune iatromantis) !
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steak-n-popotoes · 9 months
FFxivWrite '23 - 9
Beef placed the Brute Justice card dead center, triggering the Plus/Same rules thanks to the Garuda, Lakshmi, Leviathan and Yugiri cards, and flipped nearly every card on the board to blue at the last moment in a massive chain reaction.
"Well that simply isn't fair," said Cheatingway, "I don't think I like playing with this rule anymore."
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manasong · 2 years
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little guy that can unleash pain
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little guy that ends my life
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popola-sil-pola · 3 years
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puddimilk · 4 years
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Lala+Monk buddies! 
with @sagewindfeather​ & @steak-n-popotoes​
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foewreckem · 5 years
🌟 for Beef and either of the girls....................
🌟 Aoife’s dad was an U tribe Tia, and at some point he told his daughters about a Lalafell being adopted and given a tribe name. Aoife absolutely wrote it off as a tall tale at the time, but if she ever met Beef and learned that it was true, she’d probably almost pass out in indignation from her father being right about something.
(After which she’d buy Beef food to make up for her overdramatic reaction, because he’s small and must be protected.)
[ For each “⭐️” I get, I’ll write a headcanon about our muses. ]
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thecat-inthehat · 5 years
Helisent!⭐️ Hel tends to float a lot when she’s meditating. Sometimes Beef will climb into her lap because it’s wind and it feels like home. (Since they were both almost-tempered by Garuda) 
⭐️ Despite the size difference between a lallafell and a hyur, Helisent ends up learning how to really harness her wind powers with monk style fighting, something she’s been curious about. She’s never learned hand to hand, but Beef is probably the best kind of ‘mentor’ she could hope for. 
Shining!⭐️ Beef comes by a lot when she’s cooking. I think one time he came into Da Family’s house with a fresh kill, and the Sumerki’s weren’t around, so she took it off his hands and started cooking it. She ended up telling him a lot about her mothers’ cooking, and offhandedly mentioned one plant that she’d need to make a certain dish. The next time, he came by with another kill and a cutting of the plant. 
⭐️ Shining sings to him a lot. Rather, she sings in general, but she’s learned the kind of songs that Beef likes, and will happily sing for him. She also will perform any orchestrion rolls he brings back. 
Nive! ⭐️ Beef and Nive initially met via Gale and one of Nive’s Egis--specifically her Garuda Egi. The two did full on spiderman-meme and made Beef and Nive run into each other. 
⭐️ Nive and Beef bond over a love of hats. They just Do, that’s how it is. Hats galore. 
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dat-paw · 6 years
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da family + wolfpupy tweets
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wanderingmiqote · 6 years
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We ran into Beef Broganoff at the Gold Saucer and had a little dance party! 
(ft: @rosetti21 @steak-n-popotoes)
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lalagogo · 7 years
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@steak-n-popotoes it you.
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mxihi · 2 years
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thav set for men.... peace and love on earth
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steak-n-popotoes · 9 months
FFxivWrite '23 - 25
On nightly rituals - what each V&C member does before they call it day.
Beef and Eryna are nearly tied for the earliest to retire, while L'kozu and Caranar are usually awake late into the night.
Beef's routine is simple: After dinner, usually by the 20th bell, Beef returns to his bedchamber and begins inspecting his equipment for signs of wear and tear. It generally takes him a half bell, as he checks not only his knuckles, bow, arrows and quiver, but his satchel, various pouches, clothing, jewelry, and cooking utensils too. Once this nightly task is complete, he climbs into bed. During Moonfire season, the sun may not have fully set by this hour. He is usually quick to fall asleep, but Gale keeps vigil through the night, making him all but impossible to catch off-guard.
Eryna, being a highly methodical creature, follows a much more involved routine that - in truth - begins long before bedtime. Not one to suffer the evidence of adventuring, she draws a bath the moment she arrives at home and adds whichever scented oils suit her fancy - usually tart fruit and soft floral scents - and settles in to soak away her stresses. Afterward, she applies hair oils and tends to her skin and teeth as she waits to dry out. From then on, she is dedicated to unwinding, and she often takes dinner in a comfortable robe. After dinner she takes time to fill her journal, then lights a candle in her quarters and adds to one of her weaver projects until both she and the candle have burnt out.
Once all customers and employees have either left the premises or turned in for the night, L'kozu diligently tidies the V&C facilities until they sparkle, ensuring everything is in the proper place for the next day, and that the building itself is secure for the night. Once these responsibilities are dealt with, they more often than not choose to burn the midnight oil furthering their never-ending studies and commissions.
Earlier in his adventuring career, Caranar was more likely to forgo sleep entirely for as many nights as he could, spending the dark hours in pursuit of some personal purpose which haunted him. He would return home only when he was certain no one else would be awake to question his actions. Once he settled into a less tumultuous lifestyle, however, he began to spend his evenings sitting before the hearth in quiet introspection with only the embers and an ale for company. When Eryna finishes her routine and beds down for the night Caranar is not often long to join her, and their scents of perfume and woodsmoke mingle.
It's once everyone else has fallen asleep that Beef usually wakes up once more, perhaps from a nightmare or on some whim unknown to anyone, and rises to prepare a snack in the middle of the night. However, Beef has little regard for what constitutes a 'snack' and sees the sharing of surplus food as its own reward. Thus he will spend a notable duration of some nights preparing a dish that satisfies his craving without paying any sort of heed to trivial matters such as portioning or brevity. To reiterate with brevity in mind, his midnight snack is more of a midnight meal. This invariably leads to confusion among L'kozu and the other early risers, as Beef is also of a perceptive and tidy sort, and will leave no evidence of his activity save for a covered stew pot or the majority of a meat pie that was not present the evening before. What's more, he has no need of a light due to Gale's effects on his senses, so he forgoes using any candles or lamps out of consideration for those who are trying to rest.
On rare occasions, a few V&C employees have experienced harrowing late night encounters in which they have run afoul of a shape in the dark, brandishing cutlery with eyes aglint, and rushed back to bed fearing for their lives. This has led to a stubborn rumor among the V&C culinarians that their kitchen is patronized by a tonberry chef.
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manasong · 3 years
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popola-sil-pola · 3 years
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Siblings at rest
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puddimilk · 5 years
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✨Siblings of the Soul✨
Raised in the Springs by respective guardians, Beef and Popola enjoy a relaxing return to the sands.
Based on a comment @steak-n-popotoes said the other night that I simply adored 💕
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beefbroganoff · 4 years
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