#because i value my sanity
mothwingedmyths · 1 year
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I'm gonna put each type all on one canvas but here's an early winter Sawsbuck
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astragatwo · 6 months
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Even more slugs that I had doodled up for a bit ft. Effie, Saude & Kromer scugs
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monarchisms · 5 months
dogbark, in both concept and execution, is just so interesting to me. i think the trailer they uploaded before they started making content regularly was a bad way to showcase their ideas of what they wanted to make for the channel, precisely because those ideas weren't solidified yet. and honestly, i believe the trailer becomes a bit worse the more the crew finds their footing in more recent content
personally, the trailer generally represents dogbark (and parts of achievement hunter before it ended, rip) with its weaker qualities. overly edited with jumpcuts and some louder, goofy-ass sound effects sprinkled in that makes it harder to focus on the video itself. outside that video, everything else on the channel that has someone saying a curse word is inexplicably bleeped out on their site and youtube. with the channel being newer, i don't know if they have a specific target audience in mind, since those that came from AH have long adapted to their crude humor, but they may not vibe with what dogbark does because it feels more childish in comparison. it's like watching someone go through an identity crisis with how the group don't know what they want to be lol
i stuck around beyond the initial video because i know these guys are funny, having watched AH for almost 9 years up until everything with matt went down. i think their chemistry is strongest with live action videos that have little to nothing to do with improv sketch comedy. i'm more than happy that they're seemingly focusing on that more in the last month. the gameplay videos also get better over time, but that's a given, seeing that that's what their previous jobs were. the dogbark boys aren't strangers to improv, with or without video games as a jumping off point. the problem is that they seem to be so inexperienced with this type of comedy they spent so much of the channel trailer focusing on
like, the improv content is the one thing that's stayed more or less the same since day 1, imo. the green screen improv videos i have found myself enjoying thoroughly are the ones that aren't exclusively michael, trevor, alfredo, and/or joe, weirdly enough. any other friend/rt employee with any combination of the dogbark boys feels more natural to me since they can explore more unique scenarios and have some new, fun dynamics to explore. with just the db crew themselves, it has the same energy as a high school improv group who just started taking classes. it's most likely fun to be a part of, but not necessarily fun to watch at a consistent rate
i wish i had more positive things to say about their other content that i do enjoy for a fairer opinion. however, the stuff i want to see more of like their podcast beyond episode 1 is first-exclusive (why???), which is bizarre for a new channel, but there's nothing i can do about it. that's why i come here to complain <3
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battle-subway-ghost · 2 months
I suppose knowledge can also cause cracks, then?
it depends
but Sometimes.
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abba-enthusiast · 4 months
Taking the bus in the morning is one of the bravest thing a girl can do
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yrn-te-ao · 5 months
I think part of the reason that we're seeing a backslide irt people misattributing clear acts of things like misogynist or transmisogynist violence to literally anything else but those things, to the point of conceiving of misandry as a thing that exists in any serious form is down to people having a completely inverted conception of systemic violence; they see these things when they happen as
"X was attacked by Y due to Z identity that X has"
rather than
"violence toward Z is systemic, socially reinforced & normalised, as such, Y conceives of violence toward X as acceptable"
the problem of the former statement is that the violence is categorised based on the explicit identity of the person receiving the violence, rather than the systemic violence that is being conducted and reified by the actions of the person doing the violence.
This leads to a very flimsy criticism of terms like TMA/TME I've witnessed on occasion that usually go along the lines of "how would someone be exempt from transmisogyny if the person who's getting called [slur associated with trans fems] is actually a cis woman?" or in the case of another post, people categorising men being called girly or feminine being miscategorised as "misandry" because the person on the receiving end is a guy, rather than it correctly being misogynist because the person who said these things to him see being feminine as a bad thing
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the-one-who-lambs · 6 months
I just realized that this past month has given me so many people I need to credit in my thesis
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tls123 · 8 months
deleted that "nuance + gray areas" post because something's going on in the notes of it that i don't want to dive in to figure out, i'll let the iceberg pass me by instead of steering into it
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noodles-07 · 7 months
fighting the autistic urge to rank every starkid song
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paradoxlemonade · 2 years
Gideon Gleeful is extremely similar in motivations, mannerisms, and position in the story to Bling Bling Boy from Johnny Test
You are now cursed with this knowledge
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space--butterflies · 1 year
they should have just let him melt
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good-to-drive · 1 year
Help I need a new waifu I'm starting to slip into despair
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kylermalloy · 2 years
I do, truly, unironically enjoy klaroline!
…on TVD only.
See, they have chemistry. They really do. Klaus is charismatic, Caroline could have chemistry with a freaking tree—they’re fun to watch! Especially when the writers have them in such intimate situations as him feeding her blood from his wrist, or rescuing her from an Even Eviler Vampire by putting his hand over her mouth and Holding Her Very Gently. I am not made of stone!
But it was never a *serious* thing to me. Like most ships on TVD, it felt like a fling. The two met, had some friction at first, but there was definitely a spark there. But times changed, and they changed, and the two moved on without ever going further than “sex one time in the woods.”
Y’know. A high school fling.
What I don’t like is their continuation in TO. It just feels so…unnecessary. There are other ships for both characters that I find more compelling—why imply that these two are each others’ end all be all? (Could be because they’re some of the only characters left alive, I guess.)
Tl;dr—I enjoyed them while they lasted, but I’m glad they weren’t endgame.
Send me a ship and I’ll give my (brutally) honest opinion about it
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raspberryfemme · 1 year
okay I just talked it out with my mom and I’m no longer panicking (as much) about this project like I got this guys
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i feel like taking a metaphorical pointy stick to a fandom nest of hornets
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emofaggotry · 2 months
Nobody wins!
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