#bathrobe. as it should be
bookshelfdreams · 5 months
yk when you see someone share a finished handmade item that they clearly spent a lot of time and money on and it's just. The absolute tackiest thing you have seen in your life. And then you ask yourself why someone would waste all those resources on such an eyesore.
(no, of course you can't relate to that because you're a much nicer person than me)
In any case.
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A wool coat!
The top fabric is handwoven and handspun, the whole thing is sewn by hand, too.
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Leftovers. Barely anything, all things considered, which is very satisfying.
This thing took me well over 3 years to make, on and off. And now I'm done.
Thank you for your attention.
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Hot Take
museums should label 19th-century women’s clothing primarily by formality (except in the case of garments with specific purposes, eg. “cycling costume” or “nightgown”), not by the 10,000 different terms they might be called at the time
my reasoning is that the current hodgepodge of terms, while technically accurate to the period:
1. reinforces the myth that middle- or upper-class women used to always change their dresses many times a day No Matter What, rather than what seems to me the primary-source-supported reality- that they changed situationally, as necessary
2. promotes unnecessary disconnect between the past and the present. we have varying degrees of clothing formality today, just without specific terms for each one. they had garments that could serve for multiple purposes and be dressed up or down with accessories back then. but because we don’t talk about an “afternoon dress” vs. a “ball gown” and they didn’t talk about the dress code for a party being “nice casual” vs. “dressy.” there’s this false idea that our systems of clothing changes/formality are Totally Different. which is really not the case, I think
3. even they couldn’t agree on what to call each individual outfit! I’ve seen fashion plates in magazines where the textual description and the label on the image give the same dress different names
this post brought to you by: Marzi Has Seen Too Many Gowns Labeled “Evening Gown” On Museum Websites Apparently For Their Formality When In Truth They Do Not Have The Single Factor That Usually Made A Dress Strictly For Evening At The Time (namely, revealing more skin about the chest and arms) And Therefore Would Have Stood Just As Well For Formal Daytime Events
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dragonomatopoeia · 9 months
earlier i was expressing my confusion to stella about how common it is in werewolf or shifter romances for characters to describe their nonhuman forms as separate from them like "my wolf" or "my dragon" etc and stella went well it's obvious isn't it.
and i flatly went "...uh... is it...?" and cocked my head. and knowing i was definitely barking up the wrong tree said "The fantasy of potentially positive representation for systems? Metaphorical DID?" and then admitted i was lost
and stella shook her head and went air. air. it's about the romantic fantasy of monstrous aspects being separate from you and having their own allure.
and again i stared blankly at her and went Wouldn't You Want to Be The Wolf Though. Like I would want to be the dragon. personally. i would not want the dragon to be a separate guy. unless i could both be a dragon and also have a dragon in my brain. OR be a dragon and have a wolf in my brain. or vice versa
"Well." stella replied. "That is another kind of fantasy, yes. But the idea of the monstrous being separate has its own allure. Like... you say 'there's a darkness growing within me' all the time"
and the thing is Oh Yeah I Absolutely Say That. but i don't think the darkness is necessarily separate from me. like if you think of the ocean and then think of a shark you CAN differentiate the shark from the ocean but that's a latter stage of distinction right. like they're tied together in your mind and you would think of the shark as Part of the ocean. My brain is in my body but is also part of my body. my less charitable urges and feelings are as much a part of me as any other aspect. darkness is a transitory state and the distinction between dark and light is fluid. it's all about how you externalize, categorize, or react in the end
anyway all this to say is that if i could turn into a wolf i would want to Be the wolf and not feel like i was taking a backseat. i want to be able to shapeshift not be in a body that is ontologically distinct from myself that can shapeshift. that sounds like a recipe for a completely new kind of dysphoria. which now that i say that could be an interesting metaphorical exploration of Gender through genre fiction. but i somehow don't think i'm gonna see an interesting exploration/ execution of that in your typical werewolf romance
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akkivee · 5 days
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR FAVOURITE BUNNY BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
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seveneyesoup · 11 months
me when i remember that the sequel to the batman (2022) isn’t going to be the secret good version that exists in my head
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motherstone · 1 year
It's actually awesome and really cool that you manage to make Trellis look nothing like the book but just like the book at the same time. You see it like 'Oh yeah, that's Trellis' but then put them side by side and they're two different people. Anyway, you're awesome and amazing and a really good artist!!!
YEA Idk if it's some Berenstain bears phenomenon or maybe I just ended up getting used to it 😭😭 I know why Kazu's style is what it is and that's to meet a deadline as a comic artist vs me an illustrator that lets me have more freedom to polish a character design, so I took advantage of that and just. Went overboard.
There's a lot about Trellis has changed, but the "core" design of the character remained intact:
- long straight hair (Kazu's just looked more choppy)
- white/blue color scheme (but mostly blue)
- the overall "seriousness" of the character, which is indicated by his frowning expression and scar
It just so happens I brought all these details and refined them into an nth degree?? If that made sense?? Trellis is one of the few long haired elves so let's exaggerate it w longer straight hair so he'd stand out, let's give him a cleaner haircut to represent his "journey" of recovering from his troubled backstory, Trellis has a severe and clever side so let's give him sharp and half lidded eyes to make him look more serious, he always had a blue motif so let's use it more in his color palette (his skin and hair I picked in the bluer larts of the color wheel, if you compare it w Riva's she looks more purple bc I assigned purple as her color due to her dress in book 8), with the whites based on Kazu's discarded manuscript of book 5 and a foil to the Elf King's color (both being Kings), and lastly, Trellis is known for having an abusive past, so drive it home further, it's not just one stitched scar, it's four, travellingacross his cheek eyebrow and forehead, and worse, ir blinded his eye
Am I embarrassed I put so much thought in this???.... Yes. But that's actually a result of accumulation of years drawing Trellis and absorbing other stuff from other media that it's become an amalgamation of both that and Amulet. In summary, I enhanced and refined his core traits hence why I think he both looks like and do not look Kazu's Trellis
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sharkwing · 8 months
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feluka · 1 year
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i LOVE that her character room is jade peony and yuri in bathrobes. and a giant photo of dist. keterburg REPRESENT
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ghoul-haunted · 2 years
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the borgias s1e1, s3e1
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murcielagatito · 3 months
lexi using nells bathrobe.... shes wild for that
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i have never cared about the met gala in my life but i was going over the costumes with a friend of mine last night and they where just
bathrobe, literal victorian doll, i don’t want to see your bootie even if it’s silver, a child wearing his dads suit jacket, that pink dude in a suit dress, a weird looking sexy wedding dress with pearls instead of a skirt, another victorian doll, there is no way you can easily walk around with that on but vibes, a beautiful jellyfish, not one but three dresses that i would actually wear, an actual fursuit, goth queen, a part of a chandelier 
and last but not least another glorified bathrobe
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I would pay real money to hear Falstaff mutter “get a room” at least once after Poins shows up in scene 2 of 1 Henry IV.
Hal: Good morrow, Ned
Poins: Good morrow, sweet Hal-
Falstaff: For God’s sake. Get a room!
And it works so well because Poins immediately turns to Falstaff and harasses him for (seemingly) no reason.
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fireflyfish · 2 years
Thoughts on the Kenobi Series
2.) Qui-Gon should have absolutely survived that gut wound from Maul. Instead he peaced out like the responsibility-phobic destiny-obsessed hippie we all know and vaguely tolerate.
3.) I guess Lucasfilm has totally given up on that whole digital de-aging thing, huh?
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thiught i was hallucinating when i first read what this says
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blueberry-beanie · 11 months
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"Herzlich Willkommen zu unserem Programm 'Die Letzte Tour'. Viele haben uns gefragt: 'Bei dem Titel? Wollt ihr mit dem Programm Abschied nehmen?' Und die Antwort ist: Ja — wir wissen nur noch nicht, wovon."
Claus von Wagner mit Mathias Tretter und Philipp Weber in "Die Letzte Tour" | Erstes deutsches Zwangsensemble, 2011.
"Welcome to our program 'The Last Tour'. Many have asked us: 'With this title? Do you want to say goodbye with this program?' And the answer is: Yes — we just don't know from what yet."
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your user is so real and based btw <3
thank you, tumblr user wilbursoots-female-hysteria <3
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