#bastard silver fox my beloved i miss him so much
the-kipsabian · 29 days
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sitp-recs · 4 years
hi to my favourite tumblr! could you please recommend me the most romantic drarry fics you’ve ever read 🥰 tysm 🙈
Hi darling 💗 oof this was quite a challenge because most of what I read includes some level of angst. So I went for a few titles among my usual soft & comfort reads. I’m aware that “romantic” means different things to different people, so I hope these work for you!
A world just for us by nerakrose (2019, General, 2k)
Harry and Draco go flying and then…continue to go flying.
He Whose Hand and Eye Are Gentle by khalulu (2017, General, 5k)
Draco reads poems and sometimes writes them. Harry receives poems and sometimes reads them. Rutherford delivers poems via the scenic route. Wombat snores. Eventually, all comes together, with help from the foxes in red bibs and the sumo referee.
Ice Snakes, Glow-worms and Wolverine Stew by khalulu (2015, Mature, 8.4k)
Harry Potter apparently wants to talk to Draco about something, but odd events keep getting in the way of that conversation – and bringing them closer together. Featuring serpentine travels, misbehaving birds, dubious roofing projects, a gay beach, and an unexpected matchmaker.
Life goes not backward by @shealwaysreads (2020, Teen and Up, 9k) - est relationship magic
Harry still isn’t used to gifts, but this one is different. A story of coming home, finding safe ground, and the wild courage of putting down roots. Leaving one life behind isn’t always a sacrifice, and sometimes the greatest good comes from embracing the people you love.
Along Came Potter by @huldrejenta (2016, Teen and Up, 9k)
Potter shows up at Draco’s flat. Then he shows up again, and again, and again.
Little Talks by @femmequixotic and noeon (2012, Explicit, 11k) - est relationship domesticity
Draco's been shagging the Head Auror for months now, and he's sure it's just a fling. Until Harry asks him to a Quidditch match, that is, and things go horribly wrong.
Nobody by @dorthyanndrarry (2019, Teen and Up, 12k) - a bit angsty but soft!
Junior Auror Potter runs errands, takes witness interviews, does paperwork, and gets the coffee. Rarely, very rarely, he's sent out on the most routine calls, such as when Draco Malfoy misses a meeting with his parole officer. (Inspired by the song Nobody by Mitski)
Kill, Fuck, Marry by @lettersbyelise (2018, Explicit, 12k)
Malfoy leans toward him with a baleful look. “I do believe Pansy Parkinson, my best friend, paid you to spend the evening with me. It’s my birthday, Potter. So you’re going to get off your Gryffindor arse, and you’re going to dance with me. I want to dance. I want to win. I want that bloody trophy on my shelf before the end of the night.”
Harry and Draco unexpectedly meet again on Draco’s birthday, years after their last encounter.
Shining, Like a Present by @bixgirl1 (2017, Explicit, 13k) - a kinky romance 😏
The discovery of a small silver box at the site of a case opens up new possibilities.
It's Friday (I'm in Love) by @punk-rock-yuppie (2018, Explicit, 16k)
At first, Draco only hangs out with them on Fridays after work; then he starts shagging Potter after pub nights. Then all the rest of the gang tries to befriend Draco and even worse, Potter tries to date him. It’s an absolute disaster, if you ask Draco. Or, Draco and Harry fall in love over the course of several Fridays and some other days of the week.
The Courting by the Pureblood Who Only Has Five Milligrams of Romantic Intelligence and Thinks He’s Real Smooth by @cibeewastaken (2020, Teen and Up, 19k)
Draco could grab Potter and shove him into a stall before proceeding to suck his soul out of his dick, but secretly, deep down, in the part of Draco that he will never admit to anyone, he is (everyone pauses to shudder) a romantic. Potter is not someone Draco wants a one-off with. Potter is — Draco’s beloved! So Draco decides to boldly go where no one has gone before: to put himself through scrutiny; their friends’ teasing and pranks; unsound romantic advice from a house-elf; wearing pretty clothes; all to try and win Potter’s heart through courtship.
(An unnamed ginger bastard can be heard yelling from afar: “This is actually a detailed guide on how not to court someone!”). But who cares about the opinions of redheads? Literally no one.
amid this warm and steady sweetness by warmfoothills (2019, Explicit, 21k) - period drama wooing! The best
Harry is not living in a period drama, no matter what his friends or his new house or Malfoy’s sudden affinity for horse-riding might suggest, and if one more person uses the word courting, he’s going to start hexing people.
With Great Yawns and Stretchings by sugar_screw (2016, Teen and Up, 22k) - coffee shop AU goodness
The coffee is very good. Really. And the cats are so cute. That's why Harry goes so often.
(You’re a) Revolution by @rockmarina (2019, Mature, 23k) - a bit angsty but soft!
Eight years after the end of the war, Draco Malfoy stumbles into Harry’s shop in the middle of a storm—no wand, no backstory; no signs of having lived in the country since the Battle of Hogwarts. During their first encounter, Harry promises Malfoy—and the words sound like an old mantra—that he'll figure out Draco's secrets eventually. And then he does. He does, except…it doesn't quite feel like a victory.
Against All Odds by momatu (2015, Explicit, 53k) - wooing by sightseeing!
Beauxbatons is hosting the first ever Quidditch Summer School for children from all over Europe, and Harry has promised to enroll Teddy as his birthday present. Meanwhile, Draco is stuck in his office, putting together the first ever Quidditch Summer School for children from all over Europe during, when he should be enjoying summer holidays.
Stately Homes of Wiltshire by waspabi (2016, Explicit, 57k) - magical houses romance
Malfoy Manor has mould, dry rot and an infestation of unusually historical poltergeists. Harry Potter is on the case.
Headlights in the Snow by Saras_Girl (2016, Mature, 70k) - odd jobs romance
What’s big and purple and smells like tea? Harry is about to find out.
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) by dustmouth and nerakrose (2018, Teen and Up, 96k)
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry. Features: Little League Quidditch, an abundance of bath bombs, happy endings, and gay robots in space.
Soup-pocalypse and The Great Curry Cataclysm by SquadOfCats (2018, Explicit, 104k) - wooing by cooking!
Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
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the-kipsabian · 3 days
if you could design a kip era, what would you do? :3
oh this is good
im going to assume just saying that i would bring the boxman back is cheating LMAO so im just. gonna elaborate on that. cause we never got that to its full potential, and ive always thought we could have gone so much more interesting and fucked up with it
because really, you cant redesign perfection, right? cause boxman had it all, an intriguing character, a really fucking good look (silver fox bastard my beloved), just the way he carried himself and talked and everything. like that was perfect. but we could redo that, make it even more unhinged and slightly scarier and hotter since hes beautifully buff now go figure lmao
i think the biggest thing redesign-wise would be the gear. ive grown fond of the sex idol gear tbh those pants are so tight dont look at me but since they were revealed ive just always thought they were missing something. like they arent as flashy or detail heavy as they deserve to be for him, so we could start by tweaking those. i do like the leopard print pattern but i feel like you could do better than that, especially compared to the previous gear. i dont know exactly what but please. gimme back my cool goth-vibe patterns. and also the long coat god i miss the long coat so badly
i wouldnt necessarily bring the box back i think, tho i do love that funky little fucker to death ngl, but i feel like he has said before, it has run its course. but that doesnt mean we couldnt do something with the rest of that character; keep the eerie sense of dread surrounding him, keep the constant mastermind aspect, let him talk in riddles again before i fucking explode. like he could be such a good fucking supervillain if they just let him ough
..and just for shits and giggles i need a fun colored hair back (he literally just recently said he has always wanted to try green hair like BOY WHY HAVENT YOU and also i want to see him in blue 💜) and the nail polish too. and then gimme more dangly earrings and worse eyeliner thank youuu
..i feel like this doesnt answer the question at all actually LMAO but heres some thoughts of just. generally aspects i would like i guess? cause i really dont know what i would like as a whole character cause like said in the very beginning, boxman was perfect and i would just want him back please and thank you 💜
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