garfields-nutz · 1 year
I’m a Rainbow 6 Siege fan so here are my fave memes (i made the last 5)
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0688huul · 8 months
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phandomtaleweaver · 1 year
More Siege fun facts the average player might not know:
Bandit named his gadget (CED) after his brother Cedric
Glaz plays poker with the FBI SWAT
Bandit has his pilot’s license and Valkyrie is working to get hers
Glaz’s full name, Timur Glazkov, roughly translates to “eye of iron” or “iron sights”
Fuze was engaged for two years but eventually called the wedding off
Finka, Mute, Mira, and Doc all have phds
Zero knew Finka’s father and even met her when she was a child
Jäger references Star Trek in his “I’m an engineer, not a medic” line (reversal of Bones’ classic line)
Rook loves rock music and wanted to pursue a career in it at one point
Jackal is good at off road driving (idk how a man who doesn’t sleep drives but whatever)
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c4tb0yl3on · 9 months
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Chibi r6 dump :3 🧸
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smokedetected · 2 years
R6S Duolingo and language learning HCs
Stupid fluff/crack hcs for some of the r6s operators, inspired by a recent heated discussion in our research group about everyone’s Duolingo habits (lol).
Warnings/notes: none (unless you’re severely traumatized by the Duolingo owl, though if that’s the case, it’s probably already too late anyways) Slight romance and/or suggestiveness in some.
Sorted alphabetically under the cut—I wrote for everyone that popped into my mind at the time.
Ace: Will totally take the initial placement test for Norwegian, just for that cheap and easy XP-boost that will catapult him to the top of the leaderboard and allow him to flex his high score in front of the others. (Everyone knows what’s going on, but let’s let him have this.) Will be extra motivated should you decide to get the app as well and absolutely swoon over you should you decide to take up Norwegian (he still won’t take it well should you outcompete him on the leaderboard, though, so keep that in mind).
Bandit: Doesn’t really care for the app per se, but is more than happy to help expand your knowledge of German swear words and street slang should you decide to take it up, whether you want it or not. If you’re serious about learning the language, he will do his best to help you in earnest and make an effort to include you in the German banter between the GSG9 member (be careful, though, as he will absolutely take the opportunity to feed you wrong and/or offensive words every now and then so he can have a laugh when you cheerfully insult any of the other German operators, thinking you were merely throwing out some German slang). Will be more encouraged than ever to give you German pet names. He would also take the opportunity to introduce you to his favorite German bands and songs (just stay wary of the meaning of some of the lyrics you will inevitably pick up).
Blitz: This is his home turf—Elias doesn’t need to be convinced to download the app, he already has it (and every other language learning app out there) ready to go on his phone. He finds the questions and problems in Duolingo too easy to really challenge him, but he’ll use it to refresh his memory on grammar and vocabulary during breaks or look into the more exotic languages they offer just for fun. Gets very excited if you are interested in languages, too, and all the more so if the language you want to learn happens to be German! He will send you all kinds of materials and resources to help you study, from news articles to memes. When he sees you practicing using the app, he will come up to you and give you a kiss whenever you get an exercise right.
Doc: Gustave always encourages the people around him to try new things and stay flexible, physically and mentally, so he welcomes it when you introduce him to the app. Other operators might complain about the persistent reminders sent by the app, but Doc actually appreciates them—without them, he would quickly forget about the app again as he’s always caught up with work late into the night. Should you decide to learn French, he will gladly practice with you whenever you have a moment of time throughout the day, remaining patient and encouraging even as you torment him with the exhilarating questions about his name and profession that come with the early stages of learning a new language.
Dokkaebi: Will get super competitive and try to get as many of the other Rainbow members as possible into Duolingo as well. They don’t all have to learn the same language, but there will be an internal competition about who earns the most points every week. Will probably act casually about it, but then log into the app again at the last minute before the leaderboard closes, while her fellow operators are either already asleep or focused on something else and absolutely obliterate them and their scores. If you tell her that you want to learn Korean, she might be a bit surprised at first, but will quickly find it endearing when it becomes apparent that you’re serious about it. She loves it when you text her in Korean whenever you learned something new and will in turn send you Korean proverbs and other tidbits you might fight interesting.
Glaz: Not a huge fan of the app (maybe because he doesn’t think the interface is visually appealing?). Would maybe use it to gain a basic understanding of the language of a country he’s sent to on a mission + any themed lessons that catch his eye. If your native language isn’t English or Russian, he would use the app to check out the basics while he’s away from you, though he would much rather get the explanations directly from you. If you inform him that you’re trying to learn Russian, his heart will melt and he will shower you with sweet words of praise and encouragement to make you feel comfortable enough to speak to him in his native language. Will also buy you a premium subscription when you aren’t looking to make learning even more fun for you.
IQ: Monika is smart and a quick learner - you know it, I know it, it’s literally implied in her codename. Quickly uninstalls the app again because she finds the exercises too easy and doesn’t want to bother wasting time on having to unlock the few lessons she’d actually be interested in. If you or another operator were the ones getting her into the app, however, she’d keep it around just so she can keep doing the weekly challenges with you—she finds it cute when you get all competitive about it and it makes her happy that you want to participate in them with her. Her first reaction to you telling her that you want to learn German would be a blunt “Why?,” as she thinks you might get more use out of other languages. Tell her that you’re doing it for her and she becomes incredibly flustered (all the more so should you decide to call her by one or more German pet name(s)), yet happy at the same time.
Jäger: Marius quickly incorporated the app into his daily routine, usually getting his daily session in during breakfast or dinner. Will regularly remind his GSG9 colleagues to use the app by sharing his milestones to their group chat (*screenshot of perfect 2-week-streak* “Und bei euch so? 😏” (”what about you guys? 😏”) Will be very giddy should you decide to learn German—he’s very eager to practice with you and will constantly point out how certain things are called in German as well as give you additional info and expressions. He’ll probably get ahead of himself and it will be nearly impossible to remember everything he’s telling you, but he doesn’t expect you to and is glad to repeat it.
Kapkan: Hates it. Thinks the interface looks stupid, the sample conversations pointless, and was just about ready to ask Sledge to borrow his hammer to smash his phone and computer because he accidentally consented to receive all the reminders and push notifications and it’s driving him insane. If you’re using the app to learn a language and feel like its helping you, however, he is willing to put up with the eye sore that is the Duolingo owl and the noise pollution coming from the app, just for you (particularly if the language you are trying to learn is Russian—his adoration for your efforts outweighs any negative feelings he may have). If your native language is something different from Russian or English, he would make an effort to learn at least the basics in it when things start to get serious. While he’s a diligent student, he becomes surprisingly shy and easily flustered when attempting to speak to you in your native language, so stay patient and give him lots of encouragement.
Montagne: As his perceived lack of proficiency in foreign languages when compared to some of the other Rainbow operators is something that’s been bothering him on and off for some time, he was very happy and receptive when you introduced him to the app. He uses it to quietly practice by himself during moments of downtime as he goes about his day. I feel like he’d be the type of person to have a 500+ day streak that makes you go “damn! :0″ when you see it on their profile for the first time. Is over the moon when you reveal to him that you’ve been trying to learn some French for him and have nothing but praise for even your most awkward attempts at speaking to him in French. Naturally, he will want to repay the favor and take up your language in return, but it will take some verbal encouragement from you before he overcomes his shyness to actually talk to you in your native language.
Mute: would never resort to cheap exploits like raking in a massive number of points by acing the placement test in his native language (as others are rumored to have done), but would quickly figure out the little tricks, bonuses, and power-ups that allow him to continuously earn the highest score possible while learning. Finds the exercises too easy and doesn’t like how you have to unlock certain topics through progression, rather than being able to freely choose what you’re interested in learning right from the beginning. If your native language isn’t English, he will look for other better resources on it on his own. Even if English isn’t your first language, he doesn’t really see any concrete need for you to improve but will respect your desire to do so by providing you with recommendations for English books and movies, as well as the offer of discussing them with him once you’re done with them.
Smoke: While the gamification aspect does hold some appeal in his eyes, he doesn’t really feel the need to follow the path given by the app—he’s convinced that if you want to learn a new language, it should ideally come naturally to you by actively engaging with source materials in it (read: chemical safety data sheets, scientific papers, and online shitposts). Should his daughter discover her love for Duolingo-based language learning, however, you bet he would download and use the app, if only to keep her happy and connect with her (he would, however, be equally happy if you were to compete with her in the challenges in his stead—in fact, he would only adore you more for doing so). If your native language isn’t English, the first thing he would ask you to teach him are swearwords, if nothing else, so he can annoy his fellow operators even more effectively. If things get serious between the two of you, however, he will be more than eager to learn other things as well from you.
Tachanka: Would use the app to learn a few bits in your language as an icebreaker and to surprise you & show you how much he cares about you. Flirty and straightforward as he is, he would then quickly graduate to asking you for some one-on-one conversation training sessions, offering to teach you basic Russian (or flirting/swearwords, depending on how you roll). Should you decide to learn Russian, he will be all over you whenever you use your newly acquired, meager language skills on him — he will be incredibly happy and proud of you. In fact, he might get a little too excited and unintentionally embarrass you a little by boasting about your “skills” to his fellow Spetsnaz members, putting you on the spot when they subsequently demand a first-hand demonstration. He’s quick to pick up on the naughtiest, most suggestive expressions in your native language and will make good use of them behind closed doors with absolutely zero shame, causing your blood to flow to your face (as well as other places) whenever he does so.
Thatcher: Was most definitely pressured into getting the app by someone else on his team and only begrudgingly agreed to use it under the condition that that person would also set everything up for him. He will quickly get annoyed by it and delete it after Duo keeps counting typos he didn’t bother to correct as mistakes, subsequently providing you with ample opportunity to expand your vocabulary of British swearing. If English isn’t your native language, he would try to learn some phrases from your first language for you. He’s very serious about it and somehow selects rather lyrical source materials for this endeavor—on occasion he sounds like an old-timey gentleman plucked straight from a romance novel, causing a blush to appear on your cheeks every time he talks to you like that.
Thermite: Another one who would probably see Duolingo as a kind of dating app with extra steps. Would repeatedly come to you under the pretense of asking you how certain features of the app work, etc., just so he has an excuse to stay close to you. If you’re in an established relationship, he will ask you for a kiss for every exercise he gets right whenever he’s actually using it to practice. Will make an effort to remember the most random sample phrases to repeat them back to his fellow operators in their native language and think he’s hilarious for doing so. If you’re the type of person that gets discouraged whenever you accidentally miss a day, causing your streak to break (the type of person he is), he will briefly log into your account and do a quick and easy exercise just to keep your streak going when he sees you haven’t logged into the app after you’ve already gone to bed. Will also really work with the random, basic phrases he’s learned in your language so far to impress you or at least make you laugh.
thank you for reading! <3  these were very fun to do! If you are missing a specific operator, I didn’t spontaneously have a scenario of them pop into my mind, but you are free to request them.
Next post (in a few days) will be less shitpost-y (I hope, lol)~!
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ghostiex0 · 2 years
So for matchups thingy
My names Arzu i use he/him and they/them pronouns. I am A genderfluid Bisexual. a few of my hoobies are reading, Drums, Archery And my imtrest is watching documentarys about marine animals, genuinely anything thats to do with animals and or water.
In a relationship i want someone who cuddles with me, forhead kisses and cute stuff like that someone who understand me and doesn't pressure me into stuff. I want someone with the same love language as me(Quality time, Physical touch)
In a relationship dont want them to pressure me into sex, eating if im not hungry and someone who doesn't push they're intrest onto me. (Like force me to watch football with them for example).
Little things that attract me are tattoos, from behind cuddles, a beard, babyface(absolutely adorable on men), ACCENT, Russian, spanish, German, french etc.
Im not very talkative but when i do start talking about something i will never stop, i switch topics fairly easy. I cant sit down and watch a movue without talking, i have to comment everything. If im bored i follow my friends/family around like a lost puppy and watch what they're doing. Im a total Motorcycle freak, i love them over anything. But cars are also cool. I hate hiking and i love the beach.
Romantic: Timur ‘Glaz’ Glazkov
By the end of the second paragraph, Glaz stood out for some reason as a good pick for you. And by the end of reading your submission, I’m pretty sure he fits really well. He’s always got his heart in the right place and he’s very good at reading people. He’d love to watch you practice your archery skills sometime! He’ll definitely sketch you as well, always saying things along the lines of, “How could I not? You look gorgeous with a bow.” Being someone with great patience, he’ll watch whatever documentaries you want, even if he has no interest in the topics they’re covering. There weren’t many beaches where he’s from, so whenever he can he likes to go to them, trips with you are the best of course. He likes to see you happy and will always encourage you to do the best things for yourself but he knows how to do this without pressuring you. <3
Platonic: Dominic ‘Bandit’ Brunsmeier
Hear me out, Dominic would be a great friend to someone! It takes him a while to open up to anyone, let alone become their friend, but starting a conversation about cars would probably get his attention. Maybe you’d get him to ramble a bit about them as well. He’s interested in hearing you play the drums and has a knack for rock music so if you play anything like that on the drums, he’s impressed. Hopefully, you’re okay with some dry or dirty humor because that’s one of his specialties!
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caveiiras · 3 months
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The Orbitron
The Orbitron is a custom car built by Ed Roth and feared lost until its rediscovery in Mexico in 2007
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A second generation to Roth's original Beatnik Bandit, which was built in 1960, the Beatnik Bandit II features a one-of-a-kind fiberglass body with PPG lemon meringue pie paint, stylized Rat Fink designs on the sides, and chrome by Metal Masters of Salt Lake City, UT. 
Beatnik Bandit II includes many unique design features, including an electronic console which operates the digital instrument panel and other features such as a digital readout of the car's latitude and longitude. 
The lack of a rearview mirror is not a problem on this car. A "TV mirror" video monitor is mounted on the console with the actual camera mounted in the rear panel. The bubble top is also lifted electronically. 
Beatnik Bandit II was built entirely by Roth, who credits "Revelations from Father in Heaven" for his achievement. The car has been shown in major U. S. cities, including Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago and Houston, as well as in Yokohama, Japan.
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The Beatnik Bandit
Ed 'Big Daddy' Roth was an artist, cartoonist, illustrator, pinstriper and custom car designer and builder who created the hot-rod icon Rat Fink and other characters. Roth was a key figure in Southern California's Kustom Kulture and hot-rod movement of the late 1950s and 1960s The Beatnik Bandit was one of his first creations from the early 1960s. It was built from a 1949 Oldsmobile, the chassis was shortened 5 feet, the Olds engine was given the classic hotrod look with GMC blower and twin carbys, everything was chromed except the blower belt. The white interior featured single joystick, that operated turning, throttle and braking. The bubble top was created using compressed air to inflate a sheet of plastic into a dome in a pizza oven. On display at the National Automobile Museum in Reno
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Ed Roth built the Mysterion in 1963, he got the idea from the multi engine dragsters he had seen at the dragstrips. He combined two Ford engines, two transmissions, plus two welded rear ends for the foundation. It featured an offset headlight and the typical Ed Roth bubble top. On display at Galpin Auto Sports.
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The Road Agent by Ed “Big Daddy” Roth.
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Custom builder and artist Ed "Big Daddy" Roth completed the Mysterion in 1963. The bubbletopped custom featured a completely original fiberglass body and twin Ford big-block engines. The weight of the engines was too much for the frame to bear, and the Mysterion fell apart. Tribute versions have been built, including this precise replica from Galpin Auto Sports.
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The Surfink
The Surfink, created by Mark Glaz as a tribute to Ed Roth and Ratfink, features a large Ratfink figure atop a surfboard complete with a blown V-8 engine.
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The Orbitron
Built in 1964, the vehicle was powered by a 1955 or 1956 Chevrolet V8 and was backed by a Powerglide automatic transmission. The body was hand-laid fiberglass, hiding Roth's extensive chrome work to the chassis. The cockpit, set at the extreme rear of the vehicle in the manner of a dragster, was lined with fake fur and featured an 11-inch General Electric "1-Touch" portable television inserted in the console. Topping the cockpit was a custom-made, hydraulically operated Plexiglas bubble top. One of a series of ordinary doorbell push-button switches atop the hood activated the top from the outside.
Other mechanical features included a 1956 Chevrolet rear end, dropped Ford front axle beam, Buickbrake drums and early Ford brakes. The frame was handmade of rectangular 2x4 inch steel tubing. The engine was a leftover from one of Roth's 1955 Chevrolets, having been removed to make way for a then-new Mark IV big-block given to him by General Motors. It was one of the very few completed cars Roth deemed to be a "mistake" because he felt the car did not show well since the heavily chromed engine and most of the chassis were hidden. The Orbitron was, in fact, one of his few customs to have a hood. Reportedly, the hydraulically operated hood did not fit well due to rushed fiberglass work.
The vehicle's most distinctive feature was its asymmetrical front end with red, green and blue tinted headlamps. It was thought that the three beams when combined would produce an intense white light; the idea came from the then-new medium of color television.
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By Jerry Thompson - originally posted to Flickr as 2C7O4069, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5973582
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By Jerry Thompson - originally posted to Flickr as 2C7O4066, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5973591
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The Baja Bandeeto
Custom car builder and renowned painter Fritz ‘Spritz By Fritz‘ Schenck recreated with his bubble top roadster; the Baja Bandeeto.
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parragone · 1 year
Anyway, ops with more tattoos than they let on;
Kapkan - one of those people who has more ink than you'd think, and you never see it because he wears long sleeves and gloves all the damn time. Most of it comes from his undercover work, but certain pieces are newer. Beyond the tattoos on his hands and forearms from his undercover work, Kapkan has specialized tattoos designed by Glaz on his upper arms; the names of Kapkan's closest family are hidden in the designs, along with a few dates of importance. Most of the designs by Glaz are floral.
Tachanka - Look at his elite skin. Look at it. That's canon.
Smoke: this man has the EDGIEST back tattoo physically possible. He got it when he was sixteen and has zero regrets. There's skulls and bones and flames, and it's just God awful, but he loves it. Definitely needs touch ups.
Bandit - Look at his elite skin. Follow the Tachnka rule.
Jäger - you heard me. Most of his tattoos are little things that mean a lot to him that decorate his left upper arm/shoulder area, but he has a very well-lined fire poppy inked on his hip, right over the injury he got during Operation Outbreak. It's a good way to make something pretty out of a nasty scar.
Lion - most of his tattoos are things he's ashamed of and hides under clothing as best he can, as he believes he's sullied his body by getting them but doesn't trust tattoo removal will do the trick. Hilariously, not a single one of his tattoos is obscene, as he preferred solid geometric designs. However, after some thought, he did get Alexis' name tattooed on his forearm under where the EE-One-D control panel usually rests. Nobody else has to see it.
Thermite - Look me in the eyes and tell me Jordan Trace doesn't have a tramp stamp after a really stupid bet with his sister when he was 17. She said he had to get a tramp stamp with butterflies and completely forgot about it. He saved up for nearly two months, went to a parlor, came home, showed his sister, and she lost her mind laughing - she would later get a tattoo of a butterfly on her shoulder so that he didn't feel totally alone with stupid tattoos. It's a fond memory for him, even if it did contribute to his brief stint as a barracks bunny in the Marines.
Mute - He didn't have tattoos. Didn't. He came home after a brief period of leave in the second year of Rainbow and went straight to the showers after he got back. The first person to get an eyeful was Rook, who promptly stole his shirt so the team could see that he'd gone and inked himself over. Chest, back, upper arms, shoulders. He's covered in ink and may have fallen asleep in the chair. It's all got some significance to him, but it's encoded into designs and any lettering present is in cipher. It's all hidden even when he's in casual wear, but he's said that if he could get more without getting in trouble, he absolutely would.
Rook - Speaking of, the man has exactly one tattoo. It's a live laugh love tattoo that he got after he lost a bet with Twitch. It's on his left thigh and he will not discuss the bet he lost. [ He bet that he could throw a drone further than she could and promptly ate his words. He's still fucking baffled. ]
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shegetsburned · 1 year
for anyone who’s confused like me and need a better view of what’s going on with Rainbow, here’s every squad composition
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Nighthaven : Kali (leader), Ace, Osa, Wamai, Aruni, Ela, Smoke, Finka, IQ, Pulse, Grim
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Ghosteyes - Sneaky : Caveira (leader), Glaz, Valkyrie, Vigil, Zofia, Lesion, Nokk, Warden, Maverick, Mozzie, Iana, Zero, Flores, Solis
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Wolfguard - Humanitarian : Doc (leader), Twitch, Montagne, Lion, Castle, Bandit, Frost, Ying, Clash, Nomad, Melusi, Thunderbird, Sens
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Redhammer - Brute force : Thermite (leader), Fuze, Kapkan, Tachanka, Ash, Gridlock, Sledge, Goyo, Kaid, Thorn, Amaru, Oryx, Buck
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Viperstrike - Support : Hibana (leader), Mute, Tatcher, Rook, Blitz, Jaeger, Capitao, Echo, Jackal, Mira, Dokkaebi, Maestro, Alibi, Azami, Brava
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dantesunbreaker · 1 year
Smoke x Reader
I haven’t written for this fandom in a long while. That being said, I still probably won’t get back to regularly writing for the fandom. At this point there are only a few operators that I feel comfortable writing for so I may periodically do them(Glaz, Smoke, Kapkan, Bandit, Blitz). 
Reader is in an established relationship with James “Smoke” Porter and is trusted with the task of taking care of his daughter when he is away. But what happens when a terrorist attack happens and they are faced with protecting Smoke’s daughter?
It is late in the night, the sky a deep azure blue speckled with a sheet of a million brightly twinkling stars.  James “Smoke” Porter once again is away from home, away for some uncertain amount of time to assist his new employers. Back at home, Y/N walks beside Smoke’s teenage daughter, Olivia, as they make their way back from a late dinner and movie at the local theater. 
When Smoke had first gotten together with Y/N he remained incredibly tight lipped when it came to sharing details of his adopted daughter. Months passed before a level of trust was established. But as soon as it was there, Smoke took the very first opportunity to welcome them into his home, into his family. At Y/N’s and Olivia’s first introduction all possible worries melted away. Smoke knew he made the right choice. A connection between the two was nearly immediate, falling effortlessly into a pseudo step-parent-child relationship. Most of all was that Smoke could have peace of mind that someone would be looking out for his daughter whenever his work took him away from home.
After their movie ends, Olivia and Y/N stroll casually down the street, hands shoved deep into the pockets of their overcoats. Though such a sweet and innocent soul, Y/N still seems the same intense fire that they see burning within her father driving the young girl. Y/N is so proud of her, always encouraging her to do her best and take pride in her academic capabilities. Where Smoke never could succeed within the educational system, Olivia thrives and achieves greatness. Olivia is every bit as quick witted as Smoke.
Y/N throws their head back with laughter at a comment made by Oliva about the film just before they happen to glance across the road. Their laughter is caught dead in their throat like a heavy fog. A stranger is staring right back at Y/N. Something is far too familiar. While it takes only mere seconds for Y/N to recall where they had seen the man, it feels like time has slowed and hours have passed. He was there. At the restaurant Y/N saw him sitting a few tables away. When entering the theater lobby they saw him standing at the edge of the concession stand. Immediately on high alert, Y/N turns back to look at Olivia, who none the wiser is still smiling happily as she enthusiastically remarks on details of the film. Looking back, the man is gone.
“Stay calm, Olivia, but I think -” Y/N puts a firm yet gentle hand round the young girl’s forearm in warning, but is abruptly cut off by the sound of glass shattering above them. A rainfall of glass shards fall down around them. Instantly Y/N is around Olivia, arms a cage around the girl as they attempt to use their body as a shield.
An initial scream at the sound of breaking glass is all that Olivia lets out before she collects herself, utilizing the breathing technique her father had taught to keep her calm when faced with dangerous situations. She matches Y/N’s sudden brisk pace as they try to escape whatever dangers lie behind them. But it isn’t fast enough. Gunfire surrounds them, bullets whistling past them at unbelievable speed. Y/N still positions themselves around Olivia as best as they are able to prevent her from being clipped by any bullets. In the heat of the moment, Y/N doesn’t even make a sound as they feel the burning of their flesh as a bullet glances off their arm.
Above them there is a loud and sudden explosion, followed by a ringing of Y/N’s ear and then deafening silence. Looking up, Y/N sees the stone wall of the building beside them rattle before it begins to crumble. As pieces begin to fall towards them, Y/N knows that there isn’t enough time to get out of the way. So, not seeing another way out, Y/N shoves Olivia down into a kneeling position as far from the building as they can get and throw themself over top of her.
“Y/N! No, please,” Olivia can’t help but let the tears escape as she looks up at her guardian as they brace themself above her. 
Rubble pelts Y/N’s back, ripping at their clothes and shredding the flesh of their back until they can no longer bear the weight. The air is cold and silent as Y/N drops, only just able to brace enough to keep their full weight from crashing down on Olivia. For what seems like an eternity, Olivia’s teary eyes stare into Y/N’s. Her lips are moving, words obviously flowing from her, but all that Y/N can hear is a faint ringing that echoes in their ears.
Y/N isn’t sure how much longer they can take before losing the battle. Debris surrounds them, piled on top of them and pinning them in place. But insistent hands are suddenly upon them. Releasing the last bit of energy Y/N has left, they let out a yell and attempt to take a swing at the unknown assailant. Yet, a firm grip at their wrists stops them midair. An unfamiliar man stands upon them.
“I am here to help you,” the stranger says, giving a firm tug at Y/N’s wrist in an attempt to coax them to move in his direction. His words fade in and out of Y/N’s coherence as they struggle to maintain consciousness. “-work with Mr. Porter-,” they miss his next few words. “-moving you and Ms. Porter to a secure location.”
Several other men are suddenly all around them. A few of them stand on sentry duty as two others begin pulling at the rubble to free Y/N and Olivia. Y/N glances back at Olivia, whose eyes are still filled with fresh tears. But she is scrambling to move as she is pulled free. All that Y/N can do is give an empty nod as they watch the young girl being shuffled into the backseat of a black car that pulls up alongside them. The man still gripping Y/N’s wrist stoops down and lifts them effortlessly into his arms. Before the world goes dark, the last thing Y/N remembers is the world spinning before hitting the leather seats of the same car they had just seen Olivia being ushered into.
An uncertain amount of time passes before Y/N groggily drifts back into the realm of consciousness. It feels as though a strange and heavy weight has settled down across their entire body. Taking a sharp inhale of breath, Y/N focuses on gathering the strength to open their eyes.
“-didn’t extract them sooner?” a faint and far away voice rich with anger echoes through Y/N’s ears, followed by the harsh slamming of a door. 
When Y/N’s eyelids finally decide to cooperate, their eyes are assaulted by a blurry white flood of light. Blinking, they try to clear up their vision. In the corner of their field of vision, Y/N sees a large black mass moving towards their bed. As the filter of haze fades Y/N recognizes a very familiar gas mask staring back at them. The figure stands at the foot of the bed, hands strangling the frame. Nothing is said for several long moments. Y/N then realizes the man in the mask is looking at their face, but rather staring down at their feet.
Opening their mouth, Y/N tries to speak. But all that comes is a faint wheezing cough that has them desperate for the cup of water they spy on the table beside them. It does the job though. Those masked eyes flick up to Y/N’s face at the sound.
“Yer awake!” Smoke breathes the words out like some unseen weight off of his shoulders is suddenly lifted off his shoulders. As Y/N gives another dry wheeze, Smoke moves to the side table and grabs the paper cup full of water. “Here, let me get that for ya.”
He doesn’t even wait to see if Y/N can lift their own arms to grab the cup themselves. Instead, he carefully slips a hand behind their head for support as he rests the cup against their lips. Tilting the cup, Smoke only allows Y/N to take small sips at a time. When the cup is about half empty he finally pulls back and places the cup back on the table.
“Ya gave me a bloody scare there, darling,” Smokes pulls the gas mask off his head and rests it on the foot of the bed as he drags a chair across the floor to sit beside the Y/N. He drops into the chair as if his limbs suddenly weighed a thousand pounds. 
A deep set tiredness seems to have worn its way into the features of his face. Yet not the type of tired you would expect from lack of sleep. Rather Smoke looked worn down, as if the emotional stress was just a few hairs shy of breaking his resolve. As if a single word of further bad news would shatter him.With a huff of breath, Smoke spreads his legs wide and leans back against the chair, arms above his head as he threads his fingers through his own hair.
“Ol-oliva?” The girl’s name is the thing that Y/N manages to croak out of their aching throat. At the sound of their voice, Smoke leans forward and takes their hand into his own. “How is sh-? Is she sa-safe?” Speaking makes the dull ache in their throat throb, but their mind races at the thought of what could have happened to the young girl. Memory of the time between being stuffed into the back of a car and waking up in a medical bed is filled with nothing other than a void of black.
“Oh hush, love,” a small half smirk forms on his lips as he squeezes Y/N’s hand, thumb stroking the back of their palm. “Not a scratch on that lovely head of hers thanks to what ya did for her. Just a bit of scare. Yer the one that ya should worry about.” Smoke lifts Y/N’s hand to rest against the scarred side of his face.
“It’s kind of hard to hear,” Y/N hums, relaxing as the familiar texture against their hand. They have long since memorized every detail and texture of Smoke’s face. “Sort of muffled on my right side. Am I dying?” While said wistfully with a hint of humor, there is a hidden thread of fear laced in their tone.
“The doc said ya might have some hearing loss,” as he speaks, Smoke leans further into Y/N’s touch. “Lucky ya made it out without any spinal damage. Worst of it is a cracked shoulder blade, but otherwise yer just cut up and black and blue all over. So no, yer not dying, love. Ya just might feel like it.”
Boy is Smoke right. Y/N definitely feels as if they have been drug through the mud and wrung out like a wet towel. The aching pain in their back seeps bone deep. All things considered though, things could have turned out far worse. Y/N feels lucky to even be alive.
“Y/N, ya always have done right by me and Olivia,” Smoke moves to now hold Y/N’s hand in both of his own, pulling it towards his lips. Y/N is surprised by the sudden serious tone in his voice. It isn’t often to hear him like that. “Ya put yer own life at risk to protect my girl, even when ya had no obligation to do so. Has me thinking about a lot of things, and has me feeling absolutely gutted. If it weren’t for me ya wouldn’t have been put in this position.”
“James, you can’t blame yourself,” Y/N frowns, wincing as they try to sit themselves further up in the bed. “Olivia may not be my own daughter, but I more than think of her that way. Of course I would do anything to keep her safe. She is important to you, and anything that is important to you is important to me.”
“This new group I’m with, well I know they have enemies,” it's hard hearing the pain that barely flows through Smoke’s voice. “I could have done more. Should have taken steps sooner to make sure both of ya were protected and taken care of. There is also something I should have done for ya a while ago.”
There is a long moment of silence as Smoke lifts his head and stares deep into Y/N’s eyes. A mischievous grin creeps onto his lips while there is a certain glint that reaches his eyes. What could be going through that mind of his?
“I’d like ya to marry me,” Smoke doesn’t skip and beat and seems so calm as he says the words, as if he wasn’t mentioning something that could be life altering. Though, the man is always known for being cool and collected in the face of stress. “Olivia would be just as much yer daughter as she is mine. Wouldn’t have to feel like yer risking yer life for a family that’s not yers. I’d also be able to move ya both somewhere else, somewhere safer.”
Y/N’s mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water, absolutely stunned for words. Sure, they have always hoped and suspected their relationship would evolve over time into marriage. Just they...weren’t expecting it to be so sudden? So nonchalant?
“I know, yer absolutely gobsmacked at the thought of being married to this handsome mug,” Smoke teases after nearly a minute has passed without Y/N uttering a single sound. But they can hear the faintest of nerves creeping up into his voice. He is just itching for an answer. “Cat got your tongue, love?”
“Yes! Of course I’ll marry you, James,” Y/N snaps out of their daze. “Honestly, I was beginning to think you would never ask. You both are already my family, marriage just makes it official on paper.”
Excited, Smoke nearly leaps up as he leans over to press a kiss onto Y/N’s lips, only drawing back with a sheepish look when they wince.
“Sorry, love, got a bit too excited,” Smoke sits back in his chair, resting back with a look of beaming pride across his handsome features. “Ya make me one happy bastard.”
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weaponwiki · 7 months
arknights r6s collab thoughts and predictions
really hyped for the new collab. they've revealed fuze and i assume he's going to be the free event operator, which is fine by me since i am a simpleton.
i think they're going to most likely add three new characters, rerun the previous banner and event, add one new event operator (fuze?) and two new gacha operators, one 6-star and one 5-star. unless they're going to go for the same split as the first collab, of two women and two men, one defender and attacker each.
assuming they'll only pick one attacker that's a man, i didn't predict anyone who falls to that category.
predictions / defenders
makes sense: smoke, ela, caveira, doc
popular but hard to apply: jäger, vigil, azami, mozzie
predictions / attackers
makes sense: zofia, nøkk
popular but hard to apply: iana, dokkaebi, hibana, iq
easiest to adapt for the game:
- almost any trapper, ela, lesion, gridlock, fenrir, nomad etc etc. so many options i can't list them all
- capitão / sniper (any subclass)
- thunderbird / supporter - artificer
- glaz / sniper - deadeye
- smoke / supporter - hexer or sniper - spreadshooter
- montagne / defender - protector
- mute / supporter - hexer
my faves that i'll [REDACTED] over if they're added: wamai, aruni, bandit, gridlock, nøkk, goyo, kaid
waifu picks: iq, dokkaebi, ela, iana
waifu picks but i'm not mad: hibana, twitch, caveira, azami
worshiping hypergryph if they're playable: clash, wamai, ying, kapkan, sens, lion, castle, flores, brava
cursing hypergryph if they're playable: thatcher, blackbeard
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solari-writes-things · 5 months
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If you wish to put in a request, feel free to inbox me here! Be sure to read the rules before sending anything in, and I hope you enjoy what I've come up with! // masterlist.
[ 🔑 ] [rq] requested :|: [hc] headcanons :|: [os] one shot :|: [mb] moodboard :|: 💔 angst :|: 🌶️ NSFW :|: 🎃 halloween :|: 🎄 christmas
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⇨ D O M I N I C B R U N S M E I E R || bandit
[hc] alphabet [rq]
[os] reunion [rq]
⇨ S É B A S T I E N C Ô T É || buck
[hc] alphabet [rq]
⇨ G U S T A V E K A T E B || doc
[os - 💔] outbreak [rq] - male reader
⇨ E M I L S V E N S S O N || fenrir
[hc] dating [rq]
[hc - 🌶️] alphabet A-G [rq]
⇨ S H U H R A T K E S S I K B A Y E V || fuze
[hc] sweet thoughts [rq]
[os] company [rq] - female oc
⇨ T I M U R G L A Z K O V || glaz
[hc - 🌶️] alphabet [rq]
[hc] alphabet [rq]
[hc] dating [rq]
[os - 🎃] paint [rq]
[os] artist's touch [rq]
⇨ M A R I U S S T R E I C H E R || jäger
[hc] alphabet [rq]
⇨ M A X I M B A S U D A || kapkan
[hc - 🌶️] alphabet [rq]
[hc] dating [rq]
[os] inquiry [rq]
[os] shock [rq]
⇨ O L I V I E R F L A M E N T || lion
[hc - 🌶️] alphabet [rq]
[hc] alphabet [rq]
⇨ E R I K T H O R N E || maverick
[os] happenstance [rq]
⇨ M A R K C H A N D A R || mute
[hc] alphabet [rq]
[hc - 🌶️] alphabet [rq]
⇨ A L E X S A N D R S E N A V I E V || tachanka
[hc] alphabet [rq]
[hc - 🌶️] spicy thoughts [rq]
[os] welcome surprises [rq] - nsfw-ish?
[os] visitation [rq] - reader insert
[os - 🎃] costume change [rq]
⇨ J O R D A N T R A C E || thermite
[hc - 🌶️] alphabet [rq]
[hc] alphabet [rq]
[hc] asking for a date [rq] - recruit reader
[os] acceptance [rq]
[os] emotions [rq]
⇨ C H U L K Y U N G H W A || vigil
[hc - 💔] compromised [rq] - male reader
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1morey · 1 year
Every known Rainbow operator past and present (and NIGHTHAVEN operators)
Adriano “Maestro” Martello (2018-Present)
Antonio Maldini (1999-2012)
Aria “Alibi” de Luca (2018-Present)
Alain DuBarry (1999-2012)
Emmanuelle “Twitch” Pichon (2015-Present)
Gilles “Montagne” Touré (2015-Present)
Gustav “Doc” Kateb (2015-Present)
Julian “Rook” Nizan (2015-Present)
Olivier “Lion” Flament (2018-Present)
1º Batalhão de Forças Especiais
Alejandro Noronha (1999-2012)
Spetzgruppa “A”
Aleksandr “Tachanka” Senaviev (2015-Present)
Genedy Filatov (1999-2012)
Lera “Finka” Melnikova (2018-2022 (defected to NIGHTHAVEN), rejoined in or before 2025)
Maxim “Kapkan” Basuda (2015-Present)
Shuhrat “Fuze” Kessikbayev (2015-Present)
Timur “Glaz” Glazkov (2015-Present)
Ana “Solis” Valentina Díaz (2022-Present) 
Special Air Service
Andrew Burke (1999-2012)
Eddie Price (1999-2012)
Geoff Bates (1999-2012)
James “Smoke” Porter (2015-2022) (Defected to NIGHTHAVEN)
Mark R. “Mute” Chandar (2015-Present)
Michael Walter (2008-2012)
Mike “Thatcher” Baker (2015-Present)
Paddy Connelly (1999-2012)
Peter Covington (1999-2012)
Scotty McTyler (1999-2012)
Seamus “Sledge” Cowden (2015-Present)
Steve Lincoln (1999-2012)
National Task Force
Annika Lofquist (1999-2012) (Under ONI)
Anja Katarina “Osa” Janković (2021-2022)
Apha “Aruni” Tawanroong (2020-2022)
Charlie Tho Keng “Grim” Boon (2022-Present) (NIGHTHAVEN only)
Håvard “Ace” Haugland (2020-2022)
Jaimini Kalimohan “Kali” Shah (2019-2022)
Ngũgĩ Muchoki “Wamai” Furaha (2019-Present)
Belarusian Ground Forces
Arkadi Novikov (2001-2012)
Ayana Yacoby (1999-2012)
David Peled (1999-2012)
Sharon Judd (2010-2012)
Azucena Rocío “Amaru” Quispe (2019-Present)
United States Army Rangers
“Bishop” (Unknown-2012)
United States Navy SEALs
Brian Armstrong (Unknown-2012)
Craig “Blackbeard” Jensen (2016-Present)
Meghan J. “Valkyrie” Castellano (2016-Present)
Miguel “Mike” Chin (1999-2012)
Garda Emergency Response Unit
Brianna “Thorn” Skehan (2021-Present)
César Ruiz “Goyo” Hernández (2019-Present)
707th Special Mission Group
Choi Byoung-Ryang (2003-2012)
Choi Jae-Hoon (2003-2012)
Choi Youn-Suk (2003-2012)
Chul “Vigil” Kyung Hwa (2017-Present)
Grace “Dokkaebi” Nam (2017-Present)
Hong Min-Hyun (2003-2012)
Jung Park (2009-2012)
Jung Sang-Yub (2003-2012)
Kim Jae-Ho (2003-2012)
Kim Sung-Gun (2003-2012)
Kim Yu-Jin (2003-2012)
Lee Won-Ho (2003-2012)
Lee Youn-Jung (2003-2012)
Pak Suo-Won (2001-2012)
Seo Young-Lan (2003-2012)
United States Secret Service
Collinn “Warden” McKinley (2019-Present)
FBI Hostage Rescue Team
Daniel Bogart (1999-2012)
United States Marine Corps
Daniel "Bear" Malloy (1999-2012)
Dieter Weber (2001-2012)
Dominic “Bandit” Brunsmeier (2015-Present)
Elias “Blitz” Kötz (2015-Present)
Jorg Walther (1999-2012)
Marius “Jäger” Streicher (2015-Present)
Monika “IQ” Weiss (2015-2022) (Defected to NIGHTHAVEN)
Domingo “Ding” Chavez (1999-2012)
John Clark (1999-2000 (as operator))
Einar Petersen (2001-2012)
Elena María “Mira” Álvarez (2017-Present)
Ryad Ramírez “Jackal” Al-Hassar (2017-Present)
Eliza “Ash” Cohen (2015-Present)
Jack “Pulse” Estrada (2015-2022) (Defected to NIGHTHAVEN)
Jordan “Thermite” Trace (2015-Present)
Miles “Castle” Campbell (2015-Present)
Elżbieta "Ela" Bosak (2017-2022)  (Defected to NIGHTHAVEN)
Kazimiera Rakuzanka (1999-2012)
Zofia Bosak (2017-Present)
Delta Force
Erik “Maverick” Thorn (2018-Present)
George Tomlison (1999-2012)
Hank Patterson (1999-2012)
Homer Johnston (1999-2012)
Julio “Oso” Vega (1999-2012)
Logan Keller (2005-2012)
Mike Pierce (1999-2012)
Renee Raymond (1999-2012)
United States Army
Fred “Freddy” Franklin (1999-2012)
Mortimer “Sam” Houston (1999-2012)
Royal New Zealand Air Force
Gary Kenyon (2010-2012)
BATF International Response Team
Gerald Morris (1999-2012)
1st Special Operations Wing
Harrison (1999-2012)
Royal Air Force
Jack Nance (1999-2012)
Jalal “Kaid” El Fassi (2018-Present)
Sanaa “Nomad” El Maktoub (2018-Present)
Unit 777
Jamal Murad (2001-2012)
Joanna Torres (2010-2012)
Jaeger Corps
Karina “Nøkk” Gaarddhøje (2019-Present)
EKO Cobra
Karl Haider (1999-2012) (under GEK Cobra)
Kevin Sweeney (1999-2012)
Kure Galanos (2001-2012)
Pyrotechno GmbH
Lars Breckenbauer (1999-2012)
Special Duties Unit
Liu “Lesion” Tze Long (2017-Present)
Siu “Ying” Mei Ling (2017-Present)
Louis Loiselle (2001-2012)
Special Assault Team
Masaru “Echo” Enatsu (2016-Present)
Yumiko “Hibana” Imagawa (2016-Present)
STAR-NET Aviation
Mina “Thunderbird” Sky (2021-Present)
Metropolitan Police Service
Morowa “Clash” Evans (2018-Present)
Nayara “Brava” Cardoso (2023-Present)
Neinke Meijer (2020-Present)
Special Forces Group (Belgium)
Néon “Sens” Ngoma Mutombo (2022-Present)
Joint Task Force 2
Roger McAllen (1999-2012)
Sébastien “Buck” Côté (2016-Present)
Tina “Frost” Lin Tsang (2016-Present)
Sam Bennett (1999-2012)
Fourth Echelon
Samuel Leo “Sam” Fisher (2020-Present)
Santiago Arnavisca (1999-2012)
40 Commando
Shawn Rivers (2010) (KIA)
Taina “Caveira” Pereira (2016-Present)
Vicente “Capitão” Souza (2016-Present)
Inkaba Task Force
Thandiwe “Melusi” Ndlovu (2020-Present)
Tim Noonan (1999-2012)
Paul Bellow (1999-2012)
Max “Mozzie” Goose (2019-Present)
Timothy Hanley (1999-2012)
Tori Tallyo “Gridlock” Fairous (2019-Present)
Tracy Woo (1999-2012)
William “Billy” Tawney (1999-2012)
Kana “Azami” Fujiwara (2022-Present)
Saif “Oryx” Al Hadid (2020-Present)
Santiago Miguel “Flores” Lucero (2021-Present)
Brody Lukin (2010-2012)
“Deimos” (Unknown-On or Before 2012)
Emilio Narino (2001-2012)
Gabriel Nowak (2005-2010) (Defected/KIA)
Harry (1999-2012)
Kan Akahashi (2010) (KIA)
Monroe (2005) (KIA)
John Clark (1999-2010)
Domingo “Ding” Chavez (2010-2012)
Aurelia Arnot (2015-2019)
Harishva “Harry” Pandey (2019-2023) (KIA)
Unknown (2023-)
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r6shippingdelivery · 1 month
I put some of the R6 sims in a haunted and abandoned house for my amusement, with the rule that I can only control one of them and try to have everyone survive (wheel decided landed on Doc, so he's my playable character for this). Also, I have to agree to any autonomous wicked whims actions
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Bandit and Jäger immediately went inside to clean the kitchen, how helpful of them! Apparently they think it's full of trash... yeah, they're not wrong 😂
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A few of them were chatting outside, but when Fuze appeared, Kapkan didn't like it and tried to drown himself, I guess?
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Fuze takes out his anger and/or fear on a creepy dollhouse upstairs, while Glaz and Kapkan chat in the garden, aww!
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Lights suddenly went out after dinner, and Glaz wasn't feeling very reassured by the noises coming from outside... whatever could be making that racket in the greenhouse?
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In the dark house, Doc has an encounter with a ghost, becomes terrified, and dediced the only acceptable course of action was to fuck Lion. Huh.
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Jäger wtf? No you cannot join! But I guess they couldn't stop him from watching 😂😂
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Late at night, neither Fuze nor Glaz can sleep so they sit on the couch and chat, yet Glaz has the feeling Fuze is talking to someone else aside from him don't turn around now Glaz!
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goldenlaquer · 1 year
🍃 circle gang
smoke, bandit, blitz, glaz, kapkan, thermite
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