#banda fly
heavenknowsffs · 2 years
Not as festas da terrinha porem uma banda heavy metal (they're great and my friends btw e vocês deviam ouvir) e logo a seguir O TONY CARREIRA SHLALAHAGA VELHINHOS GET READY
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Hi! I absolutely love your fics and since AiB S2 had just ended, I was hoping you would take a Chishiya fic request. I'm a sucker for the enemies to lovers trope and was thinking it could be incorporated in the Jack of Hearts game (basically reader and Chishiya have no choice but to trust each other despite their differences). Amidst their tension, since they need to trust each other, both Chishiya and reader get to understand the other over time. Maybe a bit of angsty fluff?
Merry Christmas (if you celebrate) and Happy Holidays! I hope you get to enjoy this season of festivities!
hi! merry (belated) christmas and happy new year! i hope you got to enjoy the holidays too! here's your request! ❤️ feedback is always welcome and encouraged! i didn't do a explicit lovers situation, i left it open (bc lowkey im thinking of a pt 2) but i hope you can enjoy it nonetheless!
First, you were transported to that godforsaken world.
Then, you were made to play to get days to live.
And after that, you landed on a game of hearts where a rat tried to sell you out to save himself.
And a few days later, a bunch of zeppelins with face cards started to fly around and to avoid being shot until you turned to puree, you had to go on a game inside a prison complex to participate in yet another hearts game with the same rat that tried to use you to survive.
Just great.
You thought you'd just avoid him at first. He must be so used to fucking people over he doesn't even remember me, it's what you thought at first, but then his eyes met yours and they shone with amusement. He remembered you and didn't even look remotely embarrassed or guilty, in fact, he looked quite smug. It made your blood boil.
You decided to make your way over after you saw Chishiya leaning to murmur something in another player's ear. After sizing the boy in the overalls that looked absolutely terrified, you came to the conclusion that there was no better way to end Chishiya than to prevent him to be able to manipulate people.
You placed yourself on the other side of the boy, leaning on the wall opposite to Chishiya. "Hey", you spoke lowly. "Don't listen to him. He lies", you said. Chishiya raised his eyebrows, surprised. You remembered him after all.
"Huh?", the boy looked frantically back and forth as you and Chishiya as you stared each other down. You, boiling in fury and him smug as always.
"Ah, don't be too quick to take her word for it. It's your word against mine, after all. The game barely even started and here you are, already trying to get ahead. By what we know, you may be the Jack after all", he said, and the boy took an wobbly step to stand next to him.
"As if I'm the Jack. For all purposes, it could be you too. Aren't you used to leading people astray to their deaths?", you said, and Chishiya's face fell a bit, making you feel triumphant. He tried to sold you and accused you of being the Jack? The audacity.
He was about to open his mouth when another thing caught both of yours attention. A girl, dressed cutely, seemingly collecting players.
She came to your direction, standing in front of the three of you. "Do you want to play with us?", she said. Her fake smile grinded your gears even more, but you did your best to reciprocate. "But of course!"
"I'll play with you too", said Chishiya.
"Can't get rid of you, can I?", you grit out as you followed the group downstairs.
"We shall see", he said in a flat tone.
The game was nearing the end.
Your only ally, a woman in a red cardigan was led astray by the girl with the fake smile and cutesy dress, that in turn was betrayed by her own group. And now the group was getting smaller and smaller. There was Banda and a skittish boy with a fringe, and a couple. And you and Chishiya.
You eyed them all suspiciously. The game wasn't over, which meant the Jack was still among you. While you were looking around, trying to pretend you weren't straining your ears to listen to their conversation, Chishiya approached you.
"Do you know what they were doing before the game started?", he said, amused. You shook your head, not wanting to give him the time of day, but still listening with attention.
"Having sex. Inside one of the cells. He has full control over her", he said nonchalantly. "They'll do anything for each other. And the one right there, Banda. A serial killer, I saw on the news. Must've been a relief for him, being sent here...", he talked to you like someone talked about the weather, like you weren't in a death trap of a game.
"What do you want? For me to believe you? As if that's possible", you stood up, talking to him as quietly as possible. After all, it was best if the others thought you had an ally still. Even though you'd rather eat glass than to trust him with your life. "What? Want me to be like her?", you subtly nodded in the direction of the woman, that was absolutely entranced and attentive to everything the man was saying as if it was gospel. But it was probably a bunch of bullshit. "To follow you around until I'm useful to be bait?", earlier you were fuming but now you were just tired. Tired of dealing with all of this, and tired of seeing his face. Before, you wanted to beat him to a pulp for doing what he did. Now, you just wanted a peaceful and hidden place with food and maybe some rain for you to shower with.
"You're still mad at me for that?", he said. The game consisted of basically convincing people not to kill you. Since it was your first game and you got there desperate, and Chishiya was the first person you saw, you had delayed to him your entire story. That you worked with children, that you loved what you did. That you couldn't wait to see them again. And then he took it and used it as his own. If it was only between the two of you, you'd have died that day.
"Of course I am! I could've died", you said.
"And on any other game after that. It's not even about me anymore, is it?", he said as you stormed off to get water.
"It's not even about me anymore, is it?"
The fact was that no, it wasn't. He played by the rules, and did what he was supposed to do at a hearts game. And if what he was supposed to do was be a huge traitor, well, that's on the game masters' account as well.
You were there grabbing a bottle of water behind one of the shelves when Chishiya tried to approach the woman. She, of course, bewitched by her affair, didn't even respond. Chishiya was good at seeming calm, but you could see that if he was outwardly asking for help then he sure was desperate.
He was right. It wasn't about him at all.
You had to kill people too. Had to trick people too. And for what? You had no one but your students. Would you be able to look them in the eye knowing you killed innocent people to get back? Chishiya tricked the person you were before you got into the games. You for sure weren't that person anymore.
You made your way around the shelf to approach him, him turning around with a smile on his lips but you could see that his friendly facade faltered when he looked at you. He didn't expect anything from you and that strangely hurt. For a moment, as you and Chishiya contemplated each other, it was like looking at a mirror. Alone, untrustworthy. You took a deep breath.
"You were right, Chishiya", his eyebrows rose yet again. You remembered his name. "It wasn't about you", you slowly approached him.
"Turn around", you said, softly. For the first time since you were a desperate mess in a hearts game, you weren't glaring daggers at him. You seemed tired, and oddly at peace. He appreciated the change.
"Thinking about lying to me?", he said, feigning amusement.
"Thought", you corrected him. "But not anymore. Turn", you said again and he eyed you for a second before turning around in his heels. He could feel you stare at him, and he jumped slightly when he felt your fingers on the back of his neck, brushing his hair aside to look at his symbol.
"Diamonds", you breathed and he turned around.
You sat down on the table directly next to you, drinking your water.
"What, you don't want me to do it to you?", he said, plopping himself next to you.
"Are you thinking about lying to me?", you gave him a weak chuckle and he reciprocated with a small smile of his own.
"Thought. But not anymore. Turn", he said, the smile still there. You turned your torso away from him and he leaned over to look at it. You could feel his breathing on your neck and it gave you goosebumps.
"Hearts", he said. You laughed.
"I can't believe it", you said, looking at him. "Ironic, huh?", you raised your eyebrow. You felt contempt but that underlying bitterness showed through. Not at Chishiya anymore but at all of this, at yourself and he could definitely notice this shift.
"I work with children. I love what I do", he said after a beat of silence. You looked at him, perplexed. He really did all of this to toy with you? That's what you get for trying to help.
"You're an asshole", you say through clenched teeth, going to stand up when you felt his hand around your wrist. He wasn't squeezing you, you could shake him off by any means. But the overwhelming warmth of his palms and his gaze where all consuming, keeping you where you stood. He stood up, once again in front of you. "I'm not a teacher", he said.
You scoffed. "Of course you're not-", you started but he cut you off once more.
"I'm a pediatric heart surgeon. I was in the middle of my residency when I got here", he said. "What I said... Wasn't necessarily true. I don't love those kids like they're my own, because they're not. And I can wait to see them again. In fact, when I tell one to go home I hope I don't ever see them again. I hate dealing with people and the never ending questions and the sobbing parents. But it wasn't a lie either", he said.
"I... I didn't know...", you felt your face grow hot. He was a surgeon for kids. You never once wondered what he did before all this, but you assumed it was something shameful, since he decided to basically copy and paste your life story. You never once stopped to consider that maybe he did just have a similar life to you, after all. You felt sick all of a sudden.
"Don't apologize, there was no way of you knowing", he said. "I did what I did because you had something I didn't. You... Had that fire, that... Love. You wanted to see them again so bad. I didn't have that. I had to pretend", he said. He seemed... soft. Genuine. Your heart ached.
"I don't have that anymore", you said softly, avoiding his gaze. Chishiya felt needle pricks all over his body.
"I think you do", you looked up. "You wouldn't have come so far to give up", he said.
"I...", he started, but looked up at the sound of your voice.
"You...", you both talked at the same time. But that would have to wait because soon enough it was time to go inside the cells once more.
The game was over. While two of the remaining four tried to extract information from the Jack, you grabbed as much as you could carry and was making your way to the exit.
"What now?", you heard behind you.
"I don't know, Chishiya. What now?", you said.
"I'm looking for... my friends", you were surprised. He always struck you as a loner type. You did get him all wrong. "You could come. We can help each other leave this place", he said. "You're smart enough. A good player".
"Are you saying we're friends?", you asked, one eyebrow raised. Chishiya froze. He didn't think it'd escalate this quickly. Friends? You were similar. But he looked at you in a different way than he did other people. As his eyes darted around, you made your way towards him. "Something different?", you whispered like you were telling him a secret. You didn't want to say "more". Not yet, at least.
"Different, yes", he said, extremely relieved at your choice of words.
"One condition", you said and he nodded.
"You tell me about you. About your job. I'd love to visit when this all ends", he gave you a wobbly relieved smile.
"And you too. Tell me about your students", he said, walking alongside you as you exited the prison complex.
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vumming · 1 year
alice in borderland — imagine dad vibes
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dads who in their free time watches YouTube tutorials on how to design different hairstyles for their children, whether it be cut, dye, or simply designing it. in the end, became responsible for doing their children's hair and he thoroughly enjoys it. “daddy, daddy!” they come running up to him and once he's finished, goes to you to show it off
chishiya, kurube, tatta, arisu, aguni, yaba, kuzuryu
sneezes so loud, and it's not just the nose that's talking, it's the mouth too. like he just goes "aCHOOBRRBSJUHUBAH!" which scares/concerns his kid(s), best expect that they'd be running at you with concern/scared expression plastered on their face. " daddy's doing it again!!" and you'd tell him but his response is just, "so what?! let them be terrified!"
kurube, niragi, hatter, kyuma, aguni, last boss
dad jokes. need i say more? they're the bane of their child(ren) lmao. like, they just talk at the most bizarre moments, like one time your family is in a restaurant and he saw a fly, "what do you call a fly with no wings?" and everyone immediately groans, awaiting the punchline "a walk." the another set of groan—over the time they learn to ignore or let out a chuckle of two. needless to say, he never lets go of that humor.
maki, chota, kurube, hatter, enji, banda
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louistomlinsoncouk · 25 days
British singer-songwriter Louis Tomlinson returned to the island again to captivate the Puerto Rican public during his masterful presentation on Sunday night at the José Miguel Agrelot Coliseum of Puerto Rico.
Her melodic voice, her closeness to the audience and her varied repertoire enhanced her performance in the show that took place within the framework of her “Faith In The Future” tour.
This presentation represented his second visit to the island, the “setlist” of the former member of the iconic band One Direction was aimed at pleasing with his musical experience and with lyrics inspired by the experiences of love. The excitement to dance to their songs marked the party atmosphere in the prestigious venue, which vibrated with the euphoria of the fans.
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As expected, nostalgia took over the night with hits from his former band such as “Night Changes”, “Angels Fly” and “Where do Brokens Hearts Go”.
“Puerto Rico, thank you all very much for coming! “Singing for you is my favorite part of this job ,” she expressed to the Puerto Rican fans, who returned her affection with shouts and loud applause.
Favorites like “Face the Music”, “Holding On To Heartache” and “Walls” unleashed a frenzy in the audience, who couldn't stop singing their songs or dancing to their moving songs. The poetic journey of the hits “High in California”, “Chicago” and “All This Time” strengthened with their musical magic an electrifying encounter, in which the famous performer's passionate delivery on stage prevailed.
With six square screens at the back of the stage, the already powerful synchronization of lights were part of the most outstanding elements of the presentation, which stood out for its impeccable sound quality that achieved the objective of immersing the audience in a captivating world.
(Translated from Spanish)
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kai-anderson-whore · 1 year
Hey! I was wondering if you could do a jimmy darling x reader with angst where she takes care of him after he loses his hands? Like changing his bandages, clothes, feeding him… basically everything out sweet lobster boy can’t do by himself? 🥺
Yes absolutely hope you enjoy 🥰
Just call me Florence (jimmy darling x reader)
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Warnings: mentions of being arrested and the body's in the museum, Jimmy's hands situation and maggie
•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•..•°˚˚°•.•¤❅¤•.•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•. .•°˚˚°
It all happened so fast when Jimmy was taking into police custody for allegedly commiting the horrific crime at a tupperware party you didn't understand it jimmy wouldnt hurt a fly touch a hair on anybodies head everybody knew that so why was he being wrongly accused.
The next morning Maggie ushered you and desiree to show you something you wondered what, only for a bigger horror to unfold, everyone you loved in glass tanks, salty, ma petite, Jimmy's hands you immediately broke down thinking the worst what if the police did to meap to jimmy your head rushed million miles.
You felt the anger coursing through your body, "you did this" you yelled at Maggie she couldn't help but cry to she loved jimmy but not as much as you, he was your best friend, "I'm so sorry y/n i-i didn't know Jimmy's hands would be here I swear" Maggie pleaded you weren't having it.
"That was the only reason why you were even at the freakshow to begin with" you scoffed leaving the building and going to see Jimmy's father, you knew dell was going to see jimmy but you needed to go there as well find out what on earth happened.
You and dell made it to the prison jimmy wasn't there you asked the officers where he was they told you at the hospital it settled your nerves to know he was alive but not fully, dell drove to the hospital your leg bounced in fear at what you will come across.
You rushed through the wards to find jimmy laying there in pain a tray of untouched food at the table beside him, his hands in bloody bandages that's when dell promised to get jimmy out of there.
*flashback over*
You never understood why jimmy put such trust in Stanley by literally betting his own two hands to get out of prison when it was all lies, you felt bad for him he was constantly kicking himself because of it you assured jimmy it wasn't his fault he needed to do what he had to do to get out of there.
You wished you had a magic wand and give jimmy his hands back or give your own, jimmy was now in a shed recovering elsa would try and get Maggie to fed him and change his bandages but he refused to let her touch him for good reason.
Elsa pleaded with you to try and help jimmy after all you are his best friend he trusts you with every bone in his body, you didn't need to be told twice you grabbed the food off Maggie's hand and went over to jimmy, he was asleep his bandages all soaked in blood desperately needing changed.
"Jimmy" you voice was soft as you went closer to him with the food in hand, "jimmy" he started to spir awake his eyes adjusting to the daylight seeping through the door, "y/n it's you" he weakly smiled he was glad to see you he needed his best friend right now.
"Can I dress your wounds and change the bandages?" You asked setting the food on the bedside table, jimmy let out a small chuckle "Yeah I'll let you no one else especially her" you let out a smile at least your getting somewhere, you took out the supplies you needed unwrapping the dirty bandages from his arm.
"This is going to hurt like a bitch" you said preparing him for the stinging of the wounds, you cleaned the wound with rubbing alcohol Jimmy's teeth gritted wincing with the pain, "I'm sorry" you grimced you hated hurting him even though it had to be done, "Hey it's okay not everyday you get treated by a beautiful nurse" jimmy smirked cheekily making you blush.
"Well just call me Florence" you joked along wrapping clean bandages on him, jimmy laughed along at your joke occasion wincing with the pain, "that's you all bandaged up now you need to eat jimmy you've not been eating elsa said" you scolded.
"I'm not eating or getting my bandages changed because Maggie keeps trying to do it and I don't want her near me not after everything" jimmy said his anger starting to raise by the thought of Maggie, "I know jimmy and I certainly don't blame you I'm beyond pissed at her but you do need to eat and get them changed jimmy" you paused before continuing again "tell you what I'll look after you from now on how does that sound" you smiled.
"Yeah that would be nice thanks y/n" Jimmy smiled as you forked some food up feeding jimmy you couldn't help but blush as he made eye contact with you as you fed him.
"I'll bring you clean pyjamas too these ones need washed" you said feeding jimmy his last bit of food, he chewed before speaking nodding, "Yeah thanks y/n would you mind changing me I'd rather you look after me" he asked wanting to make sure your comfortable with what he requested.
"Sure jimmy if that means your looked after I'm fine with it" you smiled leaving him to grab clean clothes, as you walked out you bumped into Maggie who was waiting on you "how is he?" She asked noticing her worry you let out a scoff shaking your head "why would you care if you hadn't cane here jimmy would still have his hands right now" you snapped budging past her.
"I'm sorry for everything y/n I'm going to make it right I swear" she promised you stopped dead in your tracks Turning around, "how can you make it right half of my family is dead because of you and Stanley if I were you I'd run as far away as possible" you stated Maggie had tears in her eyes pleading no.
"I'm not doing that I will make this right" you cried you just ignored her walking to Jimmy's trailer fetching clean pyjamas for him and other things he may need, before going back to him.
"Right these ones okay for you jimmy?" You asked holding up the clean pyjamas for him jimmy smiled nodding in approval, "what was that about?" He asked "what was what about?" You asked unsure, "with maggie".
"Oh yeah she said she's going to make it right and she's sorry for everything I told her if I were her I'd leave town" you summarised to jimmy who smirked at your forwardness to Maggie, "take it she's not taking the advise" he concluded.
"No I don't even want to talk about her right now just making me mad" you sighed assisting jimmy into clean pyjamas, once you were finished you went to leave again till Jimmy stopped you.
"Y/n wait" you turned around your eyes on Jimmy's brown ones, they were filled with nerves glassy, puffy and red from the pain, "stay a bit longer please I could use the company" jimmy asked you smiled and nodded sitting at the foot of the bed.
You and Jimmy talked about anything and everything you could just like old times it was nice but soon night creeped through the sky you departed from jimmy saying your goodbyes.
You slept that night with a smile knowing jimmy was getting help and you were the only one he'd let help him.
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pattylici0us · 3 months
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Final Girls The Last Lineage... / Since 2018;
"The bees in my garden, in the garden of my dreams, fly and cultivate of the green. The yellow of the sun and the "marelo" of my son-in-law cause me fever, mercury follows the routes of my veins, mercury in my veins, you know me better than I know myself, when will this become clear? The blue of our pupils is the same as the sky. Your life is incredible, your clothes are incredible, the fairies envy and sing the same old song while we dance in anticipation of a new summer:"
"It's the bees in the garden, and Patty and the bees..."
"It's the bees in the garden, and Gab and the bees..."
"It's the bees in the garden, and Patty and the bees..."
"It's the bees in the garden, and Gab and the bees..."
Tudo começou em um verão qualquer, o verão de 2018, poderia ser esse o começo de uma linda história feliz, porém nada é feliz quando se trata de Amino e "faculdade". Mercury sequelava minhas veias, era agridoce, uma garota com olhos castanhos e cabelos macios feito nuvens no céu, escrita e cantada pela banda Queen, sua fala era espontânea e convincente, levemente envergonhada, porém altamente convidativa ao ponto de me irritar. Eu seria totalmente o oposto daquilo, cabelos loiros e a pele bronzeada com os olhares que me rondavam, a atenção e o prazer da popularidade incendiavam o meu ego ao ponto de acender o mais belo sorriso em meu rosto. Eu era um sonho adolescente, o que poderia amedrontar uma garota exemplar? A resposta era Mercury, apesar de nunca nos cruzarmos, ela tinha algo que eu não tinha, Mercury tinha amigos e a coragem de ser quem era, eu poderia julga-lá até o pescoço por ir sozinha em casamentos ou por não namorar ninguém, mas nada que eu fizesse seria comparado a coragem dela de fazer essas coisas sem medo do julgamento, ganhei o rainha do baile ao lado do garoto que eu amava, nem ele e nem ninguém se importam ou se lembram disso, enquanto Mercury sempre será lembrada e eternizada pelo seu carisma e personalidade real, não fabricada para vencer algum concurso idiota ultrapassado.
Anos se passam e eu era a mesma pessoa de sempre, uma ex-estrela de chats e uma redatora-chefe falida, e recém divorciada, esse é o último degrau de decadência que alguém poderia atingir, porém, o ego ainda gritava em minha alma. Fui me hospedar em um chat mansão, seria o último suspiro de elegância presente em minha vida, tive problemas com as locações, não queria um quarto convencional, queria simplesmente a SUÍTE MASTER, isso me rendeu desavenças com a funcionária de lá, carinhosamente com nome de planta, um ranço particular. Mas logo descubro que a dona daquela enorme hospedaria seria ninguém mais e ninguém menos que Bee, a antiga Mercury, parece que o pós-faculdade lhe fez muito bem, estava rica, jovial, popular e particularmente muito melhor que eu, isso me fez refletir sobre minhas escolhas de vida social e pessoal, Bee foi super carinhosa comigo, conversamos sobre a vida e sobre tudo que estava acontecendo no momento, ela estava no seu auge, era a garota do momento, todos queriam um pingo da beleza e da confiança de Bee, naquele momento sabia que ela seria a pessoa certa para me orientar e para me conectar. Passamos de tudo um pouco, vimos os mais lindos dos paraísos, como também vimos o mais lindo inferno, eu sofri muitas coisas ao lado de Bee, foi uma das únicas pessoas que não me abandonaram, os reflexos das minhas ações caíam sobre ela, mas ela nunca se quer me culpou ou se afastou de mim nesses momentos, sempre aceitou minhas loucuras e sempre me abraçou quando precisei, na Bee conheci o que eu nunca conheci na minha vida toda, o amor.
Logo fui conhecendo a Clara, uma das pessoas mais importantes na minha vida, ela é uma irmã para mim, esteve comigo nos melhores e nos piores momentos, por anos estivemos passando de grupos em grupos para sempre ficar só nós duas, no final das contas era isso, nós éramos as verdadeiras e únicas Final Girls. Tenho tanto orgulho da sua história e de tudo que construiu, rimos e choramos tanto ao longo desses anos, você agora está na melhor fase da sua vida, logo estará exercendo a profissão mais linda do mundo, a profissão das profissões, você é um exemplo de mulher e de amiga para mim, tudo que eu sou e tenho hoje foi graças a você, agradeço por tudo que vivi e passei ao seu lado, nunca me esquecerei das noites em que eu chorava pelos meus relacionamentos mal resolvidos, você estava lá, assim como eu sempre vou estar aqui para você, também me lembro da vez que você me apresentou a Mallu Magalhães, que logo se tornou uma das minhas cantoras favoritas, também quando você estava afim do "Marelo" e eu não tinha confiança sobre ele e agora eu até quero ser madrinha do casamento, e de quando nós fizemos a nossa primeira call e eu conheci o Gab, meu grande amor kkkk tudo foi tão único e especial com você amiga, espero que nada nesse mundo seja capaz de mudar esse sentimento tão lindo que a nossa amizade causa, deixando os micro momentos em algo tri legal. E agora, realmente estamos indo para a faculdade de verdade, vivendo nossas vidas de verdade e conquistando o mundo que sempre sonhamos, nós realmente ganhamos, seus alunos e meus pacientes terão muito orgulho da nossa história e da nossa amizade, mas principalmente de tudo que fizemos juntas, eu te amo e te amarei incondicionalmente, em todas suas fases você foi significativa.
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dragxnfxrced · 11 months
🐲☍☾ continued from here w/ @dragvnsovl ☽☍🐲
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🐲☍☾ "So you're telling me you didn't see that massive... thing fly by?? I find that hard to believe."
Banda crossed his arms as he squinted up at Goku. Whatever the Boshian had seen must've been huge if it should've been nigh impossible for the Saiyan to miss.
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barebones-hq · 1 year
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“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” ― Neil Gaiman, Coraline.
O mundo bruxo entende os fantasmas como espíritos de pessoas que tiveram medo da morte ou que criaram uma conexão profunda com o lugares que assombram, ficando presas nessa janela entre a vida e a morte pelo resto de sua existência. Acredita-se que trouxas não podem virar fantasmas, mas alguns possuem o dom de visualizá-los, embora de maneira não tão nítida quanto os bruxos: ora como vultos, ora como espectros de luz.
Mas a verdade é que, mesmo no mundo mágico, ninguém sabe exatamente o que acontece depois da morte. Mesmo para a comunidade bruxa, a morte é uma incógnita que perpetua assombrando gerações sem encontrar respostas. Embora seja evidente que aqueles dotados de magia possam possuir um certo grau a mais de conhecimento a respeito desse fenômeno em comparação aos trouxas, o que se sabe é realmente muito pouco diante da dimensão universal daquilo que se entende como submundo. 
O que não é novidade para os bruxos, no entanto, é que algumas pessoas que ficaram famosas no mundo trouxa eram, na verdade, parte da comunidade mágica. Uma delas foi Elvis Presley, o famoso bruxo nascido-trouxa que conquistou milhares de pessoas ao redor do planeta… sem sequer sair dos Estados Unidos.
Havia um boato - apenas um boato, até então - de que, após sua morte, em 1977, Elvis teria começado a assombrar palcos de lugares aos quais não tinha conseguido ir quando vivo: América do Sul, Europa, Ásia, África, Oceania…
Até então, tudo isso não passava de boatos alimentados por aparições de procedência questionável e tabloides sensacionalistas; afinal de contas, como se poderia assombrar um lugar em que nunca se esteve? Essa foi uma pergunta que permaneceu sem resposta até aquela noite de outono em Hogsmeade, no ano de 1978.
Em homenagem ao aniversário de um ano de morte de Elvis, os membros da banda Foo Flyers, a última banda a se apresentar no encerramento do festival de três dias, pediram para que o público cantasse junto a eles um trecho de uma das mais famosas músicas de Presley para que pudessem encerrar o show. A escolha da música não foi aleatória e combinava perfeitamente com os anseios e esperanças do público diante da instabilidade política que vinha vagarosamente se instaurando.
“There must be lights burning brighter somewhere  | Got to be birds flying higher in a sky more blue | If I can dream of a better land | Where all my brothers walk hand in hand”
O sorriso no rosto do vocalista, Dave Growl, ia de orelha a orelha no momento em que o instrumental entrou. Pequenas fadinhas se organizavam lado a lado, soprando através de seus instrumentos uma música de uma potência inacreditável. A música começou e a multidão, anestesiada com adrenalina, vibrou. 
Foi quando algo mágico, mágico o bastante para surpreender até mesmo uma plateia habituada a feitiçaria, aconteceu. Um espectro que oscilava aos poucos no ar foi surgindo no palco e finalmente tomou forma na figura de Elvis Presley.
“Tell me why, oh why, oh why can't my dream come true?”
A plateia vibrou, encantada, quase no limite da loucura. O êxtase e a sensação de euforia foram tão grandes que as pessoas mal perceberam quando algumas varinhas se ergueram no céu, fazendo um desenho nebuloso surgir meio ao breu do céu estrelado. O clima de esperança, paz e amor era tamanho que ninguém chegou a cogitar que a imagem que se formava no céu não fazia parte do espetáculo. Impactadas pela imagem de Elvis, foram poucas as pessoas que ousaram olhar para cima para ver o desenho que se formava ali, rastejando até formar um símbolo inconfundível no céu que então provocou um clarão quase capaz de cegar. 
Foi quando a música se interrompeu abruptamente e a plateia caiu sob a mais pura escuridão, onde tudo que se podia ver era o desenho de uma enorme caveira envolvida por uma cobra brilhando no céu acima. Antes do festival se acender em chamas e Hogsmeade cair em puro caos, a única coisa que se pôde ouvir foi um longo e agudo grito de pavor. 
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musicshooterspt · 1 year
Depois da quota obrigatória de 30% de música portuguesa nas rádios ser abandonada pelo ministro da Cultura, surge o movimento #QueroMaisMusicaPortuguesa. Este movimento conta com uma petição com mais de 2,000 assinaturas e o apoio de inúmeros artistas portugueses como Rui Veloso, Luísa Sobral, Luís Represas, entre outros.
Podem perceber melhor sobre este movimento com este vídeo do Expresso:
Alegando que “não há produção suficiente de música portuguesa para assegurar estes valores”, o presidente da Associação Portuguesa de Radiodifusão também se apresentou contra o aumento da quota.
Hoje deixamos algumas sugestões de música portuguesa, provando que existe muita e boa música no nosso país, que pode satisfazer todos os gostos.
Para fãs de thrash metal apresentamos os promissores Warout com a recente Addicted to Violence, uma bomba ao vivo! (Data de lançamento: 6 de Janeiro, 2023)
Os transmontanos Whales Don’t Fly, no género do Metal, iniciaram em 2018 e lançaram o primeiro álbum em 2022. Uma viagem que vale a pena fazer, do início ao fim (Data de Lançamento: 6 de Fevereiro, 2022)
Também de raízes transmontanas, os Soul Despair são uma banda promissora no MetalCore. (Data de Lançamento: 14 de Abril, 2023)
Outras bandas dentro do género que vale a pena ouvir: Seventh Storm, Jarda, Toxikull, Ledderplain, Moonspell, Tara Perdida, Apotheus
Vamos dar uma voltinha até ao rock, com os mirandelenses Dan’s Revival, que remetem para o rock dos anos 60. (Ano de Lançamento: 2019)
No folk rock temos os brigantinos Yvette Band com o novo álbum Co[N]tradição.
(Desculpem, isto está a tornar-se uma ode a Trás-os-Montes)
Os Diabo na Cruz, que continuam a deixar saudade.
No indie rock não podemos deixar de mencionar os já conhecidos Capitão Fausto e Ornatos Violeta
No pop rock/ punk rock os Baleia Baleia Baleia continuam a dar cartas com o álbum Suicídio Comercial lançado em 2022, considerado um dos melhores do ano.
No rock alternativo, Persona 77 lançaram o mais recente EP em 2022.
Paraguaii, First Breath After Coma, The Miami Flu, The Poppers, Fugly, Grandfathers House, Bed Legs tudo nomes de bom rock indie português
Os portuenses Jupiter lançaram hoje (14 de abril, 2023), Diamante em Bruto, um estilo funk/groovy “à moda do Porto”
No campo instrumental, já conhecemos Homem em Catarse
Os tops nacionais não mentem com vários artistas portugueses na lista, demonstrando que o público português gosta da música que por cá se faz:
Bárbara Bandeira, Carolina Deslandes, Diogo Piçarra, Slow J, Bárbara Tinoco, D.A.M.A., Miguel Araújo, António Zambujo, são apenas alguns nomes que estão uma e outra vez entre os mais ouvidos no nosso país
Lo-fi beats? Também temos
Com raízes no R&B, Lo-fi e rock, os vimaranenses The Midnight Spot surgiram há alguns anos e finalmente lançaram dois singles em 2021. Fica aqui um deles.
Chegamos finalmente ao rap e hip hop, com nomes como Sam the Kid, Plutónio, Wet Bed Gang, Boss AC, Da Weasel que são já parte do nosso vocabulário.
Bezegol, que dispensa apresentações e rótulos (esta com Rui Veloso, que dispensa ainda menos de apresentações) - Aqui
Não esquecendo a música popular, que não é só pimba, deixamos algumas sugestões engraçadas para fazer um bailarico à moda portuguesa.
Canedo // Galandum Galundaina
Quem nunca dançou esta música de braço com um amigo que atire a primeira pedra.
Ainda há muitos portugueses que acreditam não gostar de música nacional porque “não gosto de pimba”. Temos que deixar umas palavras de agradecimento ao pimba, mesmo assim, por todas as festas da terrinha, todos os finos derramados, os sorrisos rasgados e a certeza de que cada verão português vai deixar saudade até ao próximo.
O fado, é obviamente, um dos géneros mais característico do nosso país, apesar de não ser o favorito de toda a gente. Mesmo assim vale a pena ir a uma casa de fados e apoiar a nossa economia local, ou ir à Monumental Serenata em Coimbra chorar com os amigos.
Povo que lavas no rio // Amália Rodrigues
Canção do Mar // Dulce Pontes
Além de vários outros artistas aqui não mencionados (tentámos dar palco aos menos conhecidos, não querendo esquecer os nomes de renome no país), se esta lista ainda não te foi suficiente para despertar a curiosidade (esperamos que não), podes ouvir mais música portuguesa aqui:
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weirdesplinder · 5 months
Cosa c'è di più adatto, visto che si avvicina il cenone di capodanno, di una lista di romance con protagonisti chef, cuochi e pasticceri?
- Tentazioni deliziose, di Sherry Thomas
Link: https://amzn.to/3TqeLyD
Trama: Famosa a Parigi per i suoi piatti indimenticabili, Verity Durant è altrettanto impopolare a Londra per la sua scandalosa vita privata. Ma questa è l’ultima delle sorprese che attendono il suo nuovo datore di lavoro... Per Stuart Somerset – astro nascente della politica londinese –, l’affascinante Verity non è altro che una donna come tante, esattamente come il cibo è nient’altro che cibo, almeno finché non assaggia uno dei suoi piatti. C’è stata solo un’occasione in cui ha provato una sensazione così dirompente: la notte in ci ha incontrato una splendida sconosciuta che gli ha lasciato solo il ricordo di un’incredibile passione, per poi sfumare nel nulla. Da allora sono passati dieci anni, e quando Stuart incontra Verity, capisce che c’è solo una cosa che potrà finalmente saziare il suo appetito. Si tratterà solo di desiderio, di sete di vendetta, o anche del più delicato dei sentimenti? Il passato di Verity cela segreti che potrebbero separarli per sempre, proprio mentre loro cercano di assaporare il frutto delizioso dell’amore.
- Il segreto di un gentiluomo, di Laura Lee Guhrke​
Link: https://amzn.to/3tfNtjL
Trama: Coronando il sogno di una vita, Maria Martingale vuole aprire a Mayfair una pasticceria con elegante sala da tè annessa. Tutto sembra filare liscio, ma l'altezzoso Phillip Hawthorne, marchese di Kayne, che abita lì accanto, cerca di metterle i bastoni fra le ruote. Così come aveva fatto dodici anni prima, impedendo che il proprio fratello minore avesse una storia d'amore con lei, figlia di un cuoco. Ora Phillip teme che la giovane cerchi di mandare a monte il matrimonio del fratello con una ricca ereditiera americana. Però le cose non stanno affatto come sembrano, e Maria non è più disposta a subire le interferenze di quell'uomo. Al quale, peraltro, sente di non essere affatto indifferente.
- Cannella e polvere da sparo, di Eli Brown
Link: https://amzn.to/3tiD0nD
Trama: Owen Wedgwood è un bravissimo cuoco, che lavora per il ricchissimo e potentissimo Lord Ramsey. Un giorno, siamo nel 1819, fa irruzione nel palazzo una banda di pirati, comandati dalla rossa Hannah Mabbot, che uccide Ramsey e tutti i suoi ospiti e rapisce il cuoco Wedgwood. Hannah, che tutti ritengono pazza e che proprio per questo ha un enorme ascendente sui suoi uomini, poche ore dopo gli propone/impone il patto: ogni domenica preparerà per lei un pranzo delizioso, in cambio resterà vivo. Owen accetta e resta quindi a bordo della Flying Rose. Accanto a lui, lo sguattero Joshua, a cui insegna a leggere e a scrivere, il gigantesco Apples, comandante in seconda e due gemelli cinesi. Mentre lotta per ricavare qualcosa di speciale dai miseri ingredienti della dispensa e dal pesce casualmente pescato dai marinai, Wedgwood impara che Hannah non è solo una spietata piratessa, capace di far divorare vivo un traditore dai gabbiani, ma una vittima dell'ipocrisia: è infatti rimasta orfana da bambina, a dieci anni è finita in un bordello, è fuggita per fare la ladra, è stata catturata e "salvata" da Ramsey, che l'ha utilizzata come concubina e le ha fatto fare un figlio. Hannah è dunque un'anticolonialista ante litteram, impegnata nella lotta contro i mercanti di oppio e di schiavi...
- A Taste of Honey, di Rose Lerner
Link: https://amzn.to/4asLU2v
Trama:  Robert Moon ha rischiato tutto, compresa l'eredità conquistata a fatica da suo padre, per aprire la sua amata pasticceria Honey Moon nella strada più trafficata di Lively St. Lemeston. Ora rischia la bancarotta e la prigione per debitori. Quando arriva un grosso ordine di catering, accetta di chiudere la pasticceria per una settimana per soddisfarlo. C'è solo un problema: il suo apprendista è fuori città, quindi la sua bellissima commessa Betsy Piper deve aiutare Robert in cucina. Betsy ha trascorso l'ultimo anno cercando di convincere il suo determinato capo ad alzare lo sguardo dai suoi pasticcini e a notare che lei sarebbe una moglie perfetta. Ora i due sono soli in una cucina piena di dolci. Con solo una settimana per farlo innamorare di lei, sarebbe meglio che iniziasse questa seduzione...
- At the Sign of the Golden Pineapple, di Marion Chesney (alias M.C. Beaton)
Link: https://amzn.to/3H6N72l
Trama: Gli amici più intimi della signorina Henrietta Bascombe rimangono sconvolti nel sentire che una signora bene educata come lei intende entrare nel commercio. Ma Henrietta è determinata a trasformare la sua miseria eredità in una fortuna aprendo un negozio di dolciumi a Londra per rivaleggiare con il famoso Gunther! E sembra riuscirci quando l'intero ton sembra accorrere al suo negozio diventato subito di moda. Ma poi a metterle i bastoni tra le ruote arriva l'orgoglioso conte di Carrisdowne che non vuole che suo fratello minore e il suo migliore amico passino i pomeriggi a osservare le commesse carine dietro il bancone di Bascombe.
- Miss Delectable, di Grace Burrowes
Link: https://amzn.to/3RuPT6c
Trama: La signorina Ann Pearson ha passato anni ad apprendere la difficile arte della cuoca professionista e a proteggere gelosamente la sua posizione nella cucina dell'elegante Coventry Club. Quando il colonnello Sir Orion Goddard le chiede di assumere un giovane apprendista, Ann preferisce rifiutare. Ma Orion è rispettoso, burbero e affascinante e si prende cura di una ragazza che gli altri hanno trascurato, e questa è una combinazione a cui Ann non può resistere.
- A Taste for Love, di Donna Bell
Link: https://amzn.to/3NKJAdu
Trama: Dopo essersi diplomata alla Fannie Farmer's School of Cookery nel 1910, Charlotte Gregory è pronta a dare una svolta alla sua vita. È entusiasta di avere l'opportunità di viaggiare, tenere conferenze e dare dimostrazioni di cucina sull'ultima rivoluzione culinaria: i fornelli a gas, e di certo non le importa che la compagnia del gas abbia assunto il bel Lewis Mathis per esibirsi alle sue lezioni. Lewis incoraggia il suo lavoro, in particolare la sua crociata per introdurre cibo fresco, appetitoso e nutriente per coloro che sono in convalescenza negli ospedali. Ma il giovane sovrintendente dell'ospedale, il dottor Joel Brooks, non è convinto che si debbano apportare dei cambiamenti. Quando Charlotte e Joel saranno costretti a organizzare un gala per la raccolta fondi per l'ospedale, questa coppia infiammabile esploderà?
 L'irreprensibile Biddy Leigh, sottocuoca nella severa Mawton Hall, non vede l'ora di sistemarsi con il suo innamorato e di aprire la sua taverna. Ma quando il suo anziano padrone sposa la giovane ed enigmatica Lady Carinna, Biddy viene involontariamente trascinata in un mondo di intrighi, segreti e bugie. Costretta ad accompagnare la sua nuova padrona in Italia, Biddy porta con sé un vecchio libro di ricette di casa, The Cook's Jewel, in cui registra le sue osservazioni. Quando si ritrova coinvolta in una cospirazione omicida, Biddy si rende conto che i segreti che custodisce potrebbero essere la chiave per la sua sopravvivenza... o per la sua rovina.
#lauraleeguhrke #romance #listadilibri
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Tal día como hoy 5 de octubre ...
2021: La compañía Microsoft lanza Windows 11, la última versión de su popular sistema operativo.
2014: Una avería en el suministro de oxígeno en el hospital Robert Reid Cabral de la ciudad de Santo Domingo (República Dominicana) provoca la muerte a once niños.
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2013: Un vehículo de ruedas gigantes, conocidos como 'Monster Jam' pierde el control en un espectáculo Extremo Aero Show en el parque El Rejón, de la ciudad de Chihuahua (México), arrollando a gran cantidad de espectadores. Mueren nueve personas, de las que cuatro eran niños.
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1991: Linus Torvalds anuncia por primera vez, en el sitio comp.os.minix, el sistema operativo Linux, que él mismo había desarrollado.
1988: Se celebran votaciones en Chile en las que pueblo rechaza la continuidad y permanencia en el poder de Augusto Pinochet hasta 1997.
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1969: Se emite el primer capítulo de la serie de televisión "Monty Python’s Flying Circus", en la cadena BBC, de Reino Unido. Serie cargada de crítica social, creada y protagonizada por el grupo humorístico inglés 'Monty Python'.
1962: Se publica el primer sencillo de la banda británica de rock The Beatles, de título 'Love me do'. El cual será el punto de partida para el ascenso imparable del grupo.
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1933: El Partido Nazi establece el control absoluto de la prensa, en Alemania.
1793: El Gobierno de Francia establece de manera oficial la abolición del cristianismo.
1789: Una multitud de ciudadanos de París y alrededores marchan hasta el Palacio de Versalles para protestar ante el rey por la falta de alimentos.
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sleepyowlwrites · 11 months
Okay, so let's do this
Dawid Podsiadło - Trójkąty i Kwadraty (Triangles and Rectangles, it's a bit abstract, fun song; I'm pretty sure it has an English translation somewhere)
Kwiat Jabłoni - Wzięli Zamknęli Mi Klub (They Did Close My Club, it's exactly about that)
Dawid Podsiadło - Trofea (Trophies, one of those songs about being tired of fame but kinda enjoying it at the same time)
Kwiat Jabłoni - Mogło Być Nic (There Could Have Been Nothing, song about being in awe of the simplest things)
Sanah - Nic Dwa Razy (Nothing Twice, the lyrics is a poem written by Wisława Szymborska, Polish Noble Prize winner and a very popular writer, it's a bit nostalgic; I'm pretty sure you could find a translation of that one too)
Those were newer Polish songs, let me now share some classics (from like 1980-2005) (those few that aren't rock lol)
Lady Pank - Zostawcie Titanica (Leave the Titanic, the song is exactly about that)
Bajm - Co Mi Panie Dasz (Lord, What Will You Give Me, it's not a religious song at all, it's an upbeat song about how nothing makes sense and drinking vodka)
Wanda i Banda - Hi-Fi (...well, Hi-Fi, about being on a party but like, not in a happy way)
Kombi - Słodkiego Miłego Życia ([wishing you] Sweet Nice Life, one of really really known Polish songs, has cynic lyrics about winning your life by kissing ass and stabbing people in the back)
And now maybe some meme songs? What do you think about that?
Myslowitz - Długość Dźwięku Samotności (Length of the Sound of Solitude, it's about being lonely and struggling to be yourself, I'm not quite sure how it ended up as a meme. on yt you can find Dio Brando singing this, highly recommended)
Mako - Bardzo Mała Żaba (A Very Small Frog, a new song form a rising star Mako, they're making mostly innocent funny songs; this one is about a small frog suddenly appearing in a home)
Wilki - Bohema (bohema is a word describing a community of eccentric artists, not respecting social standards and often partying; anyways, it's about freedom and being brave about your dreams; it gained meme status because of its chorus which goes like
I could talk forever about that... So maybe I'll stop here. If you need some translations, explaining, recs etc, hit me up! I know more of those older songs, because most of them are rock and I like rock vibes. They're usually cynical which also, very Polish vibe
Ye, that's all
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babyhazza · 10 months
Restart voltou, banda fly vai voltar
Bora 1D só falta vocês !!!!!
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julio-viernes · 1 year
A principios de 1971 el trío Crac íntegro pasó a formar parte de la versión remozada jazz rock de Màquina! Algo muy similar a lo que pasó con Franklin, que fueron devorados al completo por Canarios. Hasta finales de 1972 fueron desfilando por la banda de Enric Herrera y Jordi Batiste, primero Baleriola, Benavent y Font, y después la cantante Arta Abelle, el cantante Teddy Raster, y toda una serie de músicos de viento de entre los que destaca el saxofonista Peter Rohr. Publicaron el doble "Máquina! En Directo" (Diábolo 1972) y varios singles, uno de ellos acreditado a Rohr. "I Can Fly But Very Well", cerró el doble directo, un tema de Baleriola grabado en estudio con miras a un nuevo LP.
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persefreepress · 1 year
Gibson se asocia con Kirk Hammett, guitarrista de Metallica, para recrear su Gibson Flying V de 1979
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Por más de 100 años, Gibson ha dado forma a los sonidos de generaciones de músicos de todos los géneros, con lo cual se ha convertido en la marca de guitarras más destacada, tocada y amada del mundo. Gibson se enorgullece de presentar el siguiente lanzamiento mundial en su asociación con Kirk Hammett, el legendario guitarrista de Metallica, la banda ganadora del premio GRAMMY® y con ventas multiplatino. Por primera vez, Gibson ha colaborado con Kirk para recrear una de las guitarras de heavy metal más importantes de todos los tiempos, su amada Gibson Flying V de 1979. La versión Gibson Custom Shop de la Gibson Flying V de 1979 de Kirk Hammett ya está disponible en todo el mundo a través de los distribuidores premium de Gibson y en su sitio web.
Los fanáticos de Metallica en todo el mundo están familiarizados con la Flying V de 1979 de Kirk Hammett. Fue la primera Gibson de Kirk y la que estableció su pasión por las guitarras Gibson. Su decisión de comprarla se debió a los famosos músicos que tocaban una Flying V y que Kirk admiraba, y porque buscaba un sonido más completo. ¡Y qué sonido! Kirk todavía toca la guitarra original hasta el día de hoy, y la usó en todos los primeros álbumes de Metallica, incluidos Kill 'Em All, Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets, … And Justice for All y The Black Album, convirtiéndola en una de las guitarras de heavy metal más importantes de todos los tiempos. Solo 200 unidades fueron hechas a mano por los expertos artesanos de Gibson Custom Shop en Nashville, TN. A la versión Gibson Custom Shop de la Gibson Flying V de 1979 de Kirk Hammett se le aplicó un proceso de envejecimiento artificial para en el Murphy Lab, para que se asemeje aún más a la legendaria guitarra en la cual fue inspirada. Además de una caja de regalos especial desarrollada en colaboración con Kirk, está disponible el estuche SKV Flying V con cinta adhesiva y etiquetas del museo de Metallica que coinciden con el original de Kirk, junto con una foto del Certificado de Autenticidad firmada a mano por el propio Kirk Hammett.
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parfumieren · 1 year
1828: Jules Verne (Histoires de Parfums)
The tallship has just crossed the equator. A junior sailor, newly initiated into the Court of Neptune, descends into the cargo hold. His line-crossing ceremony took place only this morning; his skin is still salty from repeated baptismal drenchings with ocean water. Just for tonight -- as officers and crew celebrate with glasses of port and tankards of rum in their respective mess halls -- he has the run of the place and can go where he likes. Here is where he likes to go.
In the darkness below deck loom crates of lemons, limes, and oranges, barrels of rum and aqua vitae, bundles of Virginia tobacco, and cedar caskets full of spices. The wood -- already fragrant on its own accord -- has been permeated by the scent of nutmeg and black pepper, producing a wholly new and curious fragrance which lifts the sailor's heart. His apprenticeship before the mast has been toilsome and often doubtful. Years from now, skin calloused by work, heart hardened by defeat and sorrow, he may well become as jaded as the toothless, wizened old-timers who barked in laughter at his initiation. But tonight, he belongs to this ship, and it belongs to him. Everything about it -- its crew and cargo, the wide sea upon which it sails -- is beautiful. Curled up in a coil of rope in the full-laden hold, at peace with life's vagaries, he closes his eyes. It comes to him, seconds before sleep descends, that he has never known pure happiness until now. Let the wind and waves rise...
Perfume, like any art form, is a form of storytelling. Every vial of fragrance contains layers upon layers of narrative to be guessed at by the wearer. Sometimes the perfumer's brief provides clues to the plot; other times, it's left to the imagination to interpret all.
1828 is dedicated to the French author Jules Verne, whose fascination with technology and mechanical innovation paved the way for modern science fiction writers such as Philip K. Dick and William Gibson, and has been a primary influence on the steampunk movement. Transportation is a particular fetish of Verne's; submarines (20,000 Leagues Under the Sea), transatlantic steamships and cross-continental trains (Around the World in 80 Days), cannon-propelled spaceships (From the Earth to the Moon), and lighter-than-air craft (The Mysterious Island) all symbolize the quickened pace and boundary-breaking spirit of 19th century life.
Oddly, the perfume named in Jules Verne's honor is neither sleek, fast, nor futuristic. Rather, it is a nostalgia piece, an evocation of an era predating that of the great author: the age of tallships, of Horatio Lord Nelson and the Napoleonic Wars.
Up until 1810, Myristica fragrans -- the tree from which nutmeg and its sister spice mace are derived -- grew nowhere else on earth but Banda, a tiny volcanic island chain east of Indonesia. For nearly 200 years, the Dutch occupied Banda, maintaining a complete monopoly of the nutmeg trade worldwide. But once the British Royal Navy managed to wrest control of the island from the Netherlands, transplanted nutmeg trees began to dot the globe.
To the modern-day nose, the scent of nutmeg still evokes quaint colonial comforts. It's a resolutely anachronistic smell -- and although it would seem to have little to do with the ocean, a nutmeg accord properly embedded in a marine composition will "read" like a Patrick O'Brian Aubrey/Maturin novel.
But where is Jules Verne's place in all this? It's in the clockworks, the gears, the mechanical accoutrements that set 1828 to humming. The trick that this perfume pulls off -- superbly -- is to place a wonderful piece of old-timey scrimshaw in a spare, minimalist, and thoroughly modern setting so that one can no longer tell what century (the 18th? the 26th?) it hails from.
A breezy citrus top note greets the nose first, paired with the smallest touch of eucalyptus to make it fly. A strong middle section of straightforward wood notes lulls you into thinking that perhaps the liveliest moments are over, but at last a radiant nutmeg accord sets in-- rich, cool, weighty, and smooth. This is a scent both Horatio Hornblower and Captain Nemo could wear. (Heck, throw in Morpheus from The Matrix while you're at it. What is the Nebuchadnezzar, anyway, except a supermodern Nautilus adrift in dystopia?)
When a perfume has the power to set all sorts of mental plotlines into motion, you might as well make yourself the hero: steely-eyed, soft-hearted, and guaranteed a new adventure at every latitude.
First, though, you must hear the call of wind and wave.
Scent Elements: Grapefruit, citrus, mandarin, eucalyptus, pepper, nutmeg, cedar, incense, vetiver, pine
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