#ballad of aldelis
balladofaldelis · 8 months
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Welcome to the Ballad of Aldelis, a dark fantasy series full of romance, political intrigue, monsters, and even a sprinkle of eldritch abominations.
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The Author
The Ballad of Aldelis is written by myself, the blog owner (awaiting a lightbulb moment for my pen name), and the creative process is assisted by my partner.
I'm a gay male (he/him or they/them), 19, a lover of dark fantasy and fantasy races, and a dungeons and dragons player and dungeon master. I also love a bit of horror, especially of the Lovecraftian or psychological kind! I draw and play instruments alongside my writing and work at a museum.
While my books revolve around more than romance and its LGBT+ characters, I do aspire to write LGBT+ stories that make people feel and see all the beautiful ways there are to live and love. Therefore, there are large LGBT+ casts in my work as well as plenty of other kinds of representation such as disability, chronic illness, and mental health rep.
I love tag games and ask games and the like so please feel free to tag me! You don't have to be a mutual or even a follower. :)
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Current Works
The Fires of Summer - After a tragedy on the night of his wedding, Haley Smit - a famous pirate - seeks out a friend for answers, only to get wrapped up in a plot of romance and regicide. A YA mlm dark fantasy.
The Raven King - Set after the events of The Fires of Summer: Axel goes on his final adventure with Haley, travelling to Hell, the Aether, and back to his Sanguis family while trying to repair his broken relationship and prepare for the birth of his child. A YA mlm dark fantasy.
The Frost Prince - Set after the events of The Fires of Summer and alongside The Raven King: The murder of the King sends Aldelis into a vicious war, where Prince Soren, heir to the throne, enlists the help of a deadly Archangel to help him win. A YA mlm dark fantasy.
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If you made it this far, thank you for reading. I hope that my books can appeal to you and give you something unique to enjoy in the fantasy genre. ;)
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dividers: by saradika
updated 24.1.2024
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deenomilk · 4 years
✶  “ Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music  they listen to! Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10  songs, and then tag 10 people! No skipping!” ✶  
 got tagged by @rcclouder
My taste in music is hella random so idk what this list is gonna look like XD
Can’t Hold Us by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
General Grievous Theme by Samuel Kim
Ensemble by Coeur de Pirate
Little Girl by Kira Isabella
The Ballad of Sara Berry by Lindsay Mendez
Somebody to Love by Queen
Evacuate the Dancefloor by Cascada
Bevravelsespolka by Kaizers Orchestra
Blind and Frozen by Beast in Black
Hard to be the Bard by Something Rotten (Musical)
double tagging @kvbelleza >:3, also tagging uh, @snowberry-pie, @yesiwasinthechessclub @julankaushibael @ald-ruhn @ride-the-bifrost @theangstyargonian @nukaworldnerd @we-need-a-nap @skyrimgf and @keleravna
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dunmeriis · 7 years
Original: [ghartokpadhome]
Copy and fill out with what your character’s dialogue would be if they were a Follower in the Elder Scrolls!
Lleryl Vier - The bard, the ash-mage, the spellsword, the vimer.
Initiating conversation:
“Welcome, Sera. Requesting a song?” - On first meeting in the Retching Netch
“Hello there, my friend.”
“Need something, sera?”
Exiting conversation:
“As you say.”
“Let us write a tale.” - When becoming an active follower
Asked to wait:
[Pulls out Lute] - If not in a dungeon
“Try to shout if you need me.”
“Try not to get lost, hmm?“
Spoken to whilst waiting:
“And the wayward hero returns in one piece. ...Mostly.” “Are we moving onwards?” - Initiating conversation.
“On to a new adventure, no doubt.” “You have my blade and my word.” - Asked to continue following.
“I’ll be here.” “No great ballads were written standing still, Sera.” - Conversation exited without being asked to follow.
Asked to move/interact:
“I’ll see to it.” “Let me see what I can do.” - Command given.
“That’s beyond my talents, I’m afraid.” “Not a chance.” “No, absolutely not.” - Command denied.
“Done!” “Ta-daaa.” - Command completed.
Asked to trade items:
“Ask and you shall receive.“
“I fight best on light feet, you know.”
“And so a chapter draws to a close. I’ll return to Raven Rock.”
“Well, nothing lasts forever. If you need me, I’ll be home.”
After dismissal:
“Ah, sera! Come for a song, or have you need of my blade?”
“Come to tell takes of your adventures?”
“You’ve made friends, it looks, sera!” - Detected an enemy
“Come! Face your undoing!”
[Ald-Velothis shouting... Or cursing?]
“Daedra take you!”
“Where in Oblivion---” - On losing an enemy
“Not... Like this!” - On low health
Other Dialogue (Specific cities, locations, situations, etc.)
“Don’t worry about shelter, I’ve got us covered.” - Before an Ash Storm hits Solstheim
“Pop goes the- Oh. That was you. ...Are you alright?” - On Player getting hit by a trap
“I’d rather not stay here long.” “I wonder if Feth still lives here?” - Windhelm
[Attempting to mimic the humming-thrumming sound] -near a Netch
“Ash everywhere. I may re-pack my urn while we’re here.” - Solstheim
[Reciting idle verses of song] - Anywhere idle
[Surprised shriek] - On jumping into cold and frigid waters
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overthinkerobotic · 7 years
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Kalau ngomongin film ini tuh jadi berasa banget tuanya. Well, berawal dari nggak ada kerjaan, dan terinspirasi dari subuh-subuh tadi nontonin Ballads on the Cliche di youtube, eh malah jadi BM nonton film ini.
Bagi gue (based on my opinion yaa) film ini adalah salah satu obat penghilang rasa kangen zaman-zamannya sekolah. Masa-masa remadja, masa yang paling gemilang. Hasrat merekah berbinar tiada tandingan selalu~ (eh lah malah nyanyi). Yah pokoknya mah salah satu film karya Hanung Bramantyo yang gue suka.
Film yang dirilis tahun 2005 ini emang persis banget nyeritain kejadian masa SMA secara real. Menurut gue ini salah satu film paket lengkap. Selain jalan ceritanya yang menyenangkan, juga soundtracknya yang khas bikin kangen dan ngademin hati banget. Mulai dari The Sigit sampai Pure Saturday nggak mau kalah meramaikan film ini.
Bahkan, para castnya menurut gue sangat pas sama karakter Agni (Ramon Y Tungka), Alde (Marcell Chandrawinata), dan Arian (Vino G Bastian). Dengan celana cutbray klasik gaya keren SMA zaman itu dipadu padankan sama sepatu converse. Beuh oldschool abis.
Kalau ngomong tahun 2005, hm memang sih saat itu gue bukan anak SMA melainkan masih SD. Iya masih SD. WQ. Tapi kalau nggak salah, nonton film ini waktu SMP dengan minjem CD original sepupu yang kebetulan movie freak. Gue tau film ini pun dari dia. Maklum aja, gue bukan anak bioskop dan saat itu pun belum pernah sekalipun ngerasain nonton di bioskop.
Perdana gue nonton film ini sempet diwanti sama sepupu kalau gue nggak bakal ngerti sama jalan ceritanya karena saat itu gue aja baru masa peralihan dari SD ke SMP sedangkan film ini menggambarkan dunia SMA yang katanya masa-masa terindah waktu remaja. Gara-gara film ini, gue malah jadi kebelet pengen jadi anak SMA saat itu juga. Memaksakan diri menjadi dewasa sebelum umurnya. Boong deng, itu cuma pengen-pengenan doang, besoknya juga udah lupa lagi.
Karena film ini juga, demam bikin film dokumenter jadi merebak di sekolah-sekolah. Bahkan mungkin ini yang jadi tren kenangan-kenangan baru dari Buku Tahunan Sekolah ke film dokumenter sekolah yang kalau dipikir sih lebih irit budget juga. Apalagi teknologi makin canggih dengan banyaknya media sosial yang bisa ngeshare film dengan mudah. Sekali klik, seluruh dunia bisa ngeliat.
Film ini nggak cuma ngasih informasi ke penonton tentang keadaan di lingkungan SMA aja, tapi juga ngasih edukasi bagaimana proses sebuah film dokumenter dibuat yang dikemas dan disampaikan dengan mudah sesuai dengan sasaran penonton yaitu anak SMA.
Kalau ngomongin film ini juga, nggak bisa jauh dari lagu I Remember-nya Mocca. Lagu yang manis, penutup akhir dari film ini. Masih inget banget pertama kali liat videoklip ini di MTV Ampuh dimana Arina main piano di tengah lapangan dengan Joana Alexandra yang sibuk shoot sana sini pake kamera yang digunain Alde, Arian, sama Agni. Videoklipnya sederhana tapi sesuai sama judul lagu ini, bikin keingetan terus. Kiw~
Kalau orang taunya lagu I Remember yang mungkin orang beranggapan jadi lagu andalannya di Catatan Akhir Sekolah, tapi berbeda sama apa yang gue rasa. Kalau gue, gue lebih favorit sama lagu On the Night Like This-nya Mocca di film ini. Lagu sama adegannya bener-bener dapet banget pas Alina putus sama Rey setelah liat film dokumenter karya A3 dan dimana Alde ngasih lagu ke Ranti sekaligus nyatain perasaannya. Eh sama dimana Agni ngehibur Alina di balkon sekolah sambil ngeliat ke arah panggung.
Akhirnya romantis dan selalu bikin kangen sekolah.
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balladofaldelis · 5 months
i've only got one person on my taglist at the moment, so i'm wondering if anyone else is interested? i'm thinking about making some posts about some characters and world information soon so if anyone else is up for it i'd love to grow my list a little bit more!
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balladofaldelis · 5 months
hey hey, happy STS!! we all get self-indulgent with our stories at times (or maybe that's the entire story's point? :v). so, what's the most self-indulgent thing you've included in your current one? maybe a relationship you deeply want to have yourself, or a scene that just Hits for you personally, or a cool ability that doesn't have much of a purpose but you wanted to include anyway?
Thank you so much for the ask!
This is a great ask for book 3 because Corvus is sooo similar to me in so many ways, so honestly he's probably the most self-indulgent thing I've got apart from Axel who isn't massively present in B3. Corvus is just relatable to me and he's got a particular disorder that I have and want to represent through him, he's also just super fun to write and so entitled and it makes for some great moments.
I also think Axel's blood magic is pretty self-indulgent because it's just COOL. It's... somewhat got a purpose? But I think it leans more towards self-indulgence!
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balladofaldelis · 3 months
BoA: Haley Smit
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Haley Smit, otherwise known as Captain Undying, was one of the greatest pirates to sail the Drowned Sailor's Sea until the disaster on the night of his wedding that saw his fall from grace. Widely considered one of the greatest pirates of all time alongside the Pirate Lords, there is nobody in Riloris that hasn't heard of him.
Now, he accompanies his closest friend on a great journey to kill the King of Aldelis, Corvus Sanguis. Where this journey and Axel's allure can take him, only time can tell.
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Name: Haley Smit
Aliases: Captain Undying
Age: Unknown
Gender: Genderfluid - pronouns change with gender, male lean
Race: High elf (?)
-Autistic. A big fan of certain textures like horse manes and Axel's dragon tail.
-Always surrounded by ravens. They gravitate towards him and want his attention.
-Used to be a tailor and seamstress before he was a pirate.
-Has five pirate dads.
-Married to Ellamia Smit.
-The Protagonist (TM) of The Fires of Summer.
-Occasional drag queen. Loves fashion and drag and used to make his own outfits.
-Enjoys sketching in his free time. Very very good at it.
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Dividers by saradika
Art by @halfapinetree
Updated 01.02.2024
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balladofaldelis · 6 months
happy STS!! for the spookiest weekend - what role does horror play in your story/storytelling? do you like to include it or refuse to touch any kind? do you ever use horror elements to further the plot, flesh out characters, build atmosphere, and if so, when do you like to use it most?
Thank you for this ask!
I love this one, because horror is something that definitely shows up in my stories and at times takes the forefront. My favourite example of it is a scene in which we're finding out about Haley's past in The Raven King and he comes across prototypes of himself that stalk Axel and Haley through the crumbled halls of his god's old domain until they finally make their attack. I like to think it's quite a scary scene with these not-Haleys that are missing important features or have twisted limbs so on so forth physically haunting him as he reminisces about his past in the place and how everything went wrong.
I ABSOLUTELY love to use it to flesh out characters and it is mostly present within the backstories of the characters or moments in which these backstories are addressed. And, come to think of it, it appears in visions of their futures too!
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balladofaldelis · 6 months
heyy, happy STS!! continuing the spooky theme - how would your characters react in an environment which would invoke fear in them? would they freeze up in terror, would they try to stay calm and rationally work their way out, would they turn aggressive and attack anything that made sound, etc.?
Helloo thank you for this ask!! I'm late getting to it because of my absence but I'm gonna answer them all now and queue them >:)
I'm moving character topics on to Soren and Michael now as I'm currently working on The Frost Prince, which actually gets my mind working...
Soren is the type to absolutely crumble in panic. His anxiety doesn't cope well with any environment that scares him and he can't control his panic. If he's on his own he'd be hopeless, running in terror wherever he can get to in hopes that he'll find his way out, definitely getting lost.
Michael is the type to react rationally and with utmost calmness. He's so used to living in fear that the feeling rarely bothers him anymore, at least until it comes to his fear of vulnerability - then he doesn't know what to do with himself at all.
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balladofaldelis · 5 months
happy STS!! if you were to write a separate story centered around one of your secondary characters, who would it be and why? what kind of story would you want to tell about them?
Thank you for this ask!!
I loooove this question, I have so so so many side characters but if I had to pick it'd be about Blight. He's my absolute favourite side characters.
So, he's a leader of a religious group following the fallen angel Apollyon (the other followers don't know this) but he was formerly a husband and he has a son. He sacrificed his wife to Apollyon in return for his son's life being saved and the two formed an extremely strong, very toxic bond from there on out. Blight became this religious leader and in return would bring in followers to Apollyon, and sacrifices in order for them to draw power from via blood and death magic. I think they would make SUCH a good story together, and Blight is just really interesting in general.
I was so pleased to add in some more of his lore in my third draft of TFoS! He's only in it for a few chapters but I really hope he makes an impression on readers because I would love to dedicate a side book to some shorts and include him in them.
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balladofaldelis · 7 months
heyy, happy STS!! October being the spooky month, here's my spooky question for this week—what kind of environment would frighten/set your characters on edge the most? e.g. a haunted mansion, a thick forest in the middle of the night, a corn maze? where are they most likely to lose their cool and get freaked out?
Omg thank you for the question this is super exciting! I apologise that I'm late to STS, I was busy Sat and Sun, but I'm back on it now. Thank you again for sending in a question, it's the first of the blog so I am hyped for it
I think Haley would be most afraid somewhere open during a thunderstorm, somewhere where he can see it all happening and where he's at risk of being struck, perhaps in a high-up place like a cliff or a mountain. Thunderstorms terrify him, reminding him of his brother, and knowing it's surrounding him at all angles... That would be horrifying to him.
Axel feels most afraid in Gore Palace, around his family. He's on edge all the time, especially when he's not with Haley, constantly on watch for an attack from the others. He'd be most frightened if he was ever in Regus' tea room, but thankfully Regus keeps him at a significant distance. He'd probably react poorly if he was ever in that situation, perhaps a little more than just freaking out!
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balladofaldelis · 4 months
heyy, happy last STS of the year!! it's hard coming up with an original end-of-year ask, so I'm just gonna shoot off a bunch of questions, and you feel free to answer whichever you want/haven't already:D are you satisfied with where you're at right now in your writing journey? where do you hope to be at this time next year? do you have any Must-Accomplish 2024 writing goals? anything new you'd like to try in your writing (technique-wise, story-wise, scheduling-wise, structure-wise, etc.) next year? any stories you'd like to start? end?
I am SO sorry it took me so long to get to this! I took a big break because of some stress about upcoming surgery and also because the festive season is nottt my time of the year, but it's nice to return to a nice question like this from you!
I am beyond satisfied, to be honest! I got so much done last year and I'm so proud of where I'm at. I hope by this time next year I might even have a deal with a publisher for TFoS, I would be truly excited and this year will be the year of queries for me I think. I absolutely want to work on and finish TFoS this year, that's a MUST, as well as hopefully finishing the first draft of Book 3 and finally getting the darn thing a name! I want to start drafting Book 4 as well.
Exciting news this year also comes in the form of a physical version of my almost-final TFoS draft, which I got today. It's amazing to hold it in my hands. I'm hoping that having it in physical will help me to edit (I struggle to turn off the writer brain when I'm reading it on a screen) but nobody tells you quite how nice it is to have your book in your hands, even if only a draft with an unfinished cover, too-large text, and forgotten page numbers.
Thank you for this question Cee, I hope you're doing well!
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balladofaldelis · 6 months
OCs vs. a Cockroach Tag
Thank you @blind-the-winds for the tag! I'm excited to do this one, it's such an amusing topic. I'll be using my currently written main couples for this one - I think they'll make for some entertaining options.
I have no idea who to tag (I need to make a tag list) so this is an open-ended post in that regard but if you see my post and decide to participate please tag me so I can see your characters' responses!! I'd love to read them
Axel: 10/10
Axel 100% has had to deal with cockroaches many times before on behalf of his family and he's gotten it down to a perfect strategy. He'd have one of those demon roach traps from the early 1900s and he'd have some method of using his blood magic to drain them and kill them without expending too much of his energy.
Haley: 5/10
Haley would freak out, but he wouldn't totally lose it - he'd trap the roach and then he'd start losing it, because should he kill it? Should he release it into the wild? At some point he'd decide that he can't decide and leave that to Axel, and we already know what he'd do.
Michael: 11/10
Sure, you're not supposed to be able to kill a cockroach by stepping on it, right? Not with Michael. No, Michael would step on that thing and it would be crushed and dead, its soul would've gone on to cockroach heaven never to return. Like that thing has a survival rate of ZERO when it comes to Michael. That man is formidable to both humanoids and insects alike. Do not even try to enter Michael's home as a roach.
Soren: 1/10
Soren is running and screaming and crying. He's getting to the highest possible location in the room and standing on top of it with his eyes glued on the last spot that he saw the roach, probably trying to use his ice magic to kill it, and not succeeding, probably freezing over the room in the process. He'd scream and cry until a guard or Michael hears and comes running to his assistance.
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balladofaldelis · 6 months
happy STS!! let's talk about character dynamics - which characters that get along in your story wouldn't under different circumstances? which would? whose relationships are affected the most by circumstance, and how?
Thank you so much for the ask and happy late STS!
This is a really interesting question because I play HEAVILY into soulmates in my work, so it's hard to say, at least for my main couples, that there would be situations they don't get along.
Having said that, I think Axel and Haley are a pair of characters with a curious dynamic. Despite being quite literally made for each other by a deity, there are multiple scenarios in which they would not get along - I've toyed around with my co-author with the idea of 'what if Axel was never abandoned by his family' and similar divergences from canon that could result in a totally different dynamic where Haley would absolutely NOT get along with Axel at all.
As for characters that dislike each other, I think V'kai and Regus are my favourite example. Father and son, they would've been an unstoppable force if not for a single event within their history that sent Regus into his deep, spiralling (and justified) hatred. If not for that they would be one of, if not THE, most terrifying pair of characters present in Aldelis with the ability to challenge even the highest beings in the entire series of canons that I have with my partner.
This is such an interesting question, thank you so much for the brain exercise! I was really thinking long and hard about this one in the best of ways
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balladofaldelis · 7 months
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Because Trevor slipping into a cold bath is hilarious to me
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Trevor sinks down into the freezing cold bath that is definitely too small for a man of his stature. When he sees the blood on his filthy body dissipating into the water he frowns.
It's far from comfortable, but it's also far from his choice. Heating water isn't something he can do easily with a lack of magic and the bathtub is in the only surviving bathroom, away from the fireplace.
Regardless of how tightly-packed he is into the bath nor how cold it is he takes his hands and starts to wash his skin free of gore and all the muck that's gotten on him through his day hunting. As always, he managed to find himself on the track of Jho, and as always neither of them came out dead, though Trevor came out notably victorious.
His body aches despite its practised form, battered from the fight. His wounds, since tended to, send frustration prickling through him every time he sees them. As far as he's concerned, they never should've happened at all; he needs to improve his aim, perfect it to strike Jho precisely, to make the killing blow.
Even just filling the bath from the well had sent pain shooting through his body. He groans as he washes the injuries next, the water already turning red.
When he's done he slips out, not bothering to cover his body with a towel, and he takes his metal arm through to the living room where he places himself before the lit fire to dry off. He's pristine now, all the blood washed out of his hair and the mud from his body, but he wants nothing more than to race out there again, ignoring the protests of his injured form to pursue Jho at his weakest, to track him down and slice open his throat.
But instead he resigns to his weakness, letting the warm fire soothe his muscles, allowing himself time to heal and recover. If Jho were to come upon him like this, after all, that battle might end sooner than it ought to.
Regardless, Jho lingers endlessly in his mind, ever-present. He sees those red eyes, dripping jaws widening to reveal clusters of teeth, that jagged tongue tasting the air. And one day he will see them for the last time when he takes his shotgun and splatters it all across the ground.
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dividers: by saradika
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balladofaldelis · 7 months
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Something lighter than the past few!
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Michael watches the way that Soren's lip quivers in his sleep as though afraid.
He finds himself leaning over the Prince's small body from the side, broad shoulders boxing him in protectively. He's a little tired, sure, but ever since his injury... it would be a failure to lose him in his sleep, and then all would be for naught. He's taken to watching him until he can't anymore, but tonight in particular he noticed the little things that Soren does, small and unique, unlike anything Michael has seen before.
Of course, Michael is hardly well-versed in the nature of mortals to begin with, so for all he knows this could be a regular behaviour that he's staring at, but something tells him that this is not something everyone does. Soren is so pitiful, so afraid all the time, that the quiver of a lip seems like almost habitual behaviour more than anything.
Sometimes, seeing him like this, Michael wonders why he decided to join his side at all. Yes, they are winning, and yes, Soren has proved himself in battle, but the way he cries when he has to kill and the way he curls into Michael like he's going to break is not the making of a warrior. His little heart trembles at even the slightest sign of terror and when he panics he does not stop, his world crumbling around him.
He didn't complain when Michael dragged him to the floor to sleep. No, he waited, then eventually told Michael that the bed was fine too. He didn't fight back when Michael's mind returned to its programming, not making any effort to preserve his life. Whether it is trust or foolishness he cannot know, but Michael cannot fathom it either way. How can one person be so useless to survive in a world as brutal as Aldelis?
But then, he thinks as he stares down at that resting face, perhaps Soren is made for other things. His hand is gentle when he reaches in to touch, hesitant but kind, and his tone is always soft. He speaks soothingly and never raises his voice. He is, in every possible way, gentle.
What is it that he once said? That he would teach Michael to be gentle?
Michael thinks it silly. Gentleness and kindness does not win a war. But lying here beside him, watching over him, is that not being gentle?
Michael sighs, returning to his place on the bed beside him, staring up at the ceiling. He has always been so frosted over, his eyes frostbite, his exterior icy. But along came a man so pathetic that an enemy wouldn't think him any sort of threat, heating it into water, the warmth of his touch like a fire spreading throughout Michael.
Melting, Michael thinks, I'm melting for him.
He is smarter than to deny it but prouder than to admit it, that this man has had any kind of effect on him. It is only weakness, he decides. Yet he succumbs to weakness just a little as he rolls over, summoning his wings only to envelop Soren in them protectively, ensuring that nothing can harm him again.
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dividers: by saradika
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