#bakuguho christmas
katsukikitten · 4 years
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
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A/N I had so much fucking fun writing this and I hope you all enjoy it too!
Sleep seemed to be avoiding the ash blonde as he scrolled through his phone for a Christmas gift.
But nothing was screaming Bakugou Mitsuki.
He wanted it to be perfect.
Although his mom DID piss him off majority of the time she still pissed him off.
More scrolling just to come up empty handed had the ash blonde seeing red. He locked his phone, hoping that sleeping on it would help him decide.
But instead he rolls around restlessly before the sound of agitated pops fill his silent room.
He reaches for his phone until something catches his attention. He strains to hear, perking his ears to best get a note of the familiar melody that is softly playing. He stands in his bed, noticing that the sound is coming from the vent.
*"A pair of hop-a-long boots and a pistol that shoots Is the wish of Barney and Ben Dolls that'll talk and will go for a walk Is the hope of Janice and Jen And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again"*
"Is that fucking Christmas music?" Bakugou asks aloud as he gazes at the time.
He shoves a pair of shorts on before forcing himself into a shirt descending the steps two at a time.
He creaks open the door to the stair well slowly, guiding it shut so it won't slam.
He finds the music coming from the common room and what he spies sends a spiral of emotions twisting in his gut, he leans against the jamb as he watches, arms crossed.
There you were, climbing a ladder, singing the lyrics softly as you worked in shorts that were much too short.
And a tank top that said "Meowey Christmas!" that hung from your form.
Scarlet eyes rove over your figure, your shirt lifts up exposing your toned back as you struggle to reach the ceiling to hang a small green plant.
It is that much out of reach that you almost tip the ladder.
Somehow by the grace of Kamisama you attach the foliage to the ceiling successfully.
You look up at it with triumph, hands on wide hips as you admire your work, although there was still so much to be done.
"What are you doing?" A gruff voice pulls you from the wonder of the large living room that is now garnished in garland and glitter. You startle losing your footing, the ladder topples before you do, hitting the floor with a loud crash before bouncing a bit from the force.
At this rate you're sure to bust your tail bone at the very least considering you're falling from at a minimum of six feet.
You expect the worst with your clumsy self, wondering how you'll ever be a hero if you cannot even land on your feet.
Luck for you, you fall into strong arms, while a growl reverberates in the chiseled chest you're pressed agaisnt.
"Be fucking careful!" His eyes shine with rage and annoyance. You shrink away from him as best you can while trapped in those muscular arms.
"Why are you doing this by your fucking self? And at midnight?!"
"I...I just woke up and couldnt sleep. And Christmas is next week..." You say sheepishly, eyes looking everywhere but him as he makes no move to put you on your feet. And you cannot bare to admit that a dream drove you down those steps and into the basement of the dorm.
Something green catches your eye and a devilish smile begins to form on your lips as an idea formulates in your head. The mistletoe that you had just successfully hung stares down at you expectedly. Demanding to be obeyed and for once you are torn.
Should you obey a times old tradition or should you avoid angering someone who barely tolerates you? The green leaves adorned with white and red berries seem to wink in the glow of the white Christmas lights, urging you to make the write choice.
"Your shitty music is too God damn loud. And you're out here doing this in the dead of night for fucking what?!" He rants endlessly as your heart pounds in your chest while you make a decision that you hope you won't regret.
You press your feather soft lips to his smooth cheek and he is silenced instantly.
Completely still as if a frozen by Todoriki's ice, he stares down at you in your shirt that slips of your bare shoulders confirming what he already knows.
You are braless, in shorts that barely cover that muscular ass and now you've pressed your lips to his cheek?!
What the fuck?! Is what the hot head wants to yell and as if you read his mind you answer. He watches a slender finget point up and he follows. He spies some damn piece of bush tapped to the ceiling.
"Mistletoe. Dems the rules!" You laugh and he stares at you as if you're fucking crazy.
Shame paints your cheeks, your cute idea down the drain despite not being brave enough to actually kiss him.
Suddenly his cheeks burn up into the tips of his ears before he sets you down on your feet roughly.
"So a fucking dried up plant makes the rules?!" You watch his jaw work as he grinds his teeth, flushed to all hell.
"Ah yes..." You say softly and he just stares at you before letting go the breath he didn't realize he was holding.
"Just stay off the ladder." He turns on his heel before you grab onto his shirt without thought.
You cannot bare the idea of decorating another year alone. He stills before looking over his shoulder, eyes turned into frozen hot embers.
"I...I." Your normally boisterous voice dies in your throat. Scarlet drinks in your features, your eyes rimmed with unspoken tears. Katsuki's heart sinks as if it were wearing concrete shoes
He sucks his teeth before turning, shoving you back towards the decorations, this time careful to avoid that damned plant. Deft eyes spy more than on sprig lurking above unknowing victims.
"What do you want me to do?" He growls, crimson watches your lovely features slowly light up as you realize what he has said. You begin to jump on the balls of your feet as you pull him to dusty boxes. You place a Santa hat on his head and he stares at you with glowing embers. He pulls at the stupid fucking hat and throws it over his shoulder holding eye contact. You figure you shouldn't push your luck too much as you pull another box in front of him.
"We need 21 stockings make sure everyone knows which one is theirs!" Bakugou instantly regrets agreeing to this little charade, he is about to tell you never mind but his eyes catch you smiling again. Humming along to the next Christmas song as you wrap the pillars with glittering snow dusted garland.
It's that same smile that allows you to order him around for the better half of the night before you pull him to the project you were working on.
The most important project of the night!
The tree.
A tree it seems you pulled from the Earth yourself, spending majority of the night trimming the branches to be sure it looked perfect. The thick trunk was secured tightly by a black stand, hidden beneath a fuax white fur skirt. Lights twisted around the tree all the way to its 7 foot top.
"Help with the oranaments!" You pull on his wrist, guiding him to a box filled with many different glass orbs. Your palm and fingers seem to sear into his skin.
"I trust your judgment. Put up what you calls to you." You smile wide at him, wide enough that your eyes seem to smile too.
His heart skips a beat before you turn your back to lift a long string of fruit.
"Oi is that why the whole damn dorm smelt like oranges and grapefruits?" His eyes follow circles of oranges and pinks, dehydrated from an agonizingly slow bake.
"Yes. I used to makes these with my grandmother." You smile at the memory, tears threaten to fall but you do not allow them.
This was the first Christmas since her passing that you had felt even an inkling of the magic again.
Before, it all felt bleak, meaningless and the holidays were just another reminder that the spirit of the season had died with her.
Normally your feeling of dread would have started long before Thanksgiving and you would have been holed in your room debating whether any of this was worth it or not while lying prone for the fifth day in a row.
Hiding beneath your heavy comforter in your overly neglected room.
But you don't feel like that now.
So why were you dwelling on it?
Clearly your grandmother was here, guiding you, *reminding* you to enjoy the holiday.
That her memory would be honored as long as you spread the joy, even if it was something as small as listening to a few Christmas songs that you had actively avoided for years.
So God Damn it you were going to enjoy it while it lasted.
If for whatever reason the magic faded again then you'd cross that bridge when you got there, for now you were decorating with your grandmother and an unusual guest.
That very same guest whose eyes go wholly unnoticed by you as he watches.
Watches you fight whatever it is that goes on in that gorgeously smart head of yours.
Suddenly you move, delicately wraping what feels like miles of dried citrus around the deep green needles that seem to reach out for your loving touch.
Bakugou breaks the spell by finally picking up some glass orbs and dotting them all over the tree. The smell of pine, citrus and your signature shampoo tickle his nose here and there as he works. He even catches himself humming along to the songs that float in from the radio, enjoying the sound of your slightly off key notes.
The two work in otherwise silence before you begin to bump into one another as you near closer to the top, earning yourself a glare followed by a snarl.
"Oi! Watch it!"
Somehow you smile everytime he says it, confusing him further before the two of you step back to admire your work.
A few moments pass by before two sets of eyes fixated on the illuminated tree with scrutinizing eyes.
It looks amazing, perfectly balanced in color, light and decoration but it seems off...
And the answer sits on the tips of your tongues.
"Ah the star!" You exclaim, rooting through box after box before finally producing a large golden star.
It catches the light of the room, pulling scarlet eyes to the reflective surface. He watches the Christmas lights dance along the gold, fighting to shine as brightly as you.
You make your way to the ladder before he grabs onto your wrist, snatching the star with a snarl.
"I'll put it up, you'll probably just fall again." You notice the blush on his cheeks as he climbs a few rungs, "Is that good?"
He instantly regrets his question as his blush turns into agitated flush as you tell him to position it this way and that.
Small explosions pop over his hands hinting at what he is about to do when you tell him to move it "just a hair to the left" for the sixth time in a row. He takes in a sharp breath to yell before you beat him to the punch.
"PERFECT!" You exclaim, bouncing on the balls of your feet again as if you were a child basking in the presence of the tree after Santa came.
He comes down from the ladder standing beside you once more looking over the work the two of you have done. His heart beats faster and with excitement, the music encouraging the feeling of the scene melding together into a cohesive piece. For a moment he is taken somewhere else.
To a memory long forgotten of him barreling down the stairs, his mom and dad sitting on the couch with tea and coffee. Mysterious gifts nestled beneath the tree. He had gotten an All Might figure that year.
Warmth pulls him back to the present, your arm wrapped around his as you lie your tired head on his shoulder. Sparkling, wonderous eyes glistening with tears.
*Happy* tears.
He remembers what you were not like this last year. He remembers how you looked. Hated how your normally bright shining eyes had become dulled. How your sunshine seemed to bleed from your smile.
He loathed the idea of you, the brightest thing he could think of, seeing the world in drab boring greys like you did last year.
But this year must have been filled with vibrant colors.
And he had helped with that with something as simple as hanging a fucking ball on a tree.
He silently vowed to help you see that the holiday shined as brightly as you did all year round, even if it meant being woken up in the middle of the night because you just felt like it.
His eyes stray from the tree to you before looking over the room once more. Suddenly he realizes y'all's orientation of the room and he looks up.
Spying the green foliage with poisonous berries with deadly intentions.
A devilish smile forms on his face.
He pulls your chin to him, to be met with a furrowed brow. He leans closer, breath ebbing between touching noses before he tilts his head just so, crashing his lips to yours. Fully kissing you, tongue sliding over your lips to tease but you open your mouth to his surprise.
He snakes his tongue in for just a moment before pulling it out to guide your lips with his own into a passionate kiss.
Passionate enough that you lean further into him for support, you stare up at him in a daze with burning cheeks.
He smirks with reddened lips as one deadly finger points up.
"Mistletoe." He breathes darkly.
The sun floods into the common room in hues of reds and pinks as Kirishima yawns heading for the kitchen.
Voices carry in from the living room detailing the ruby haired boy from breakfast for just a moment. . The TV is Eji's guess as he makes his way to investigate why someone would be either up so late or so early.
Kirishima crosses the threshold, ready to erupt with an overly cheerful goodmorning when it dies in his throat. He looks over the back of the couch to see Bakugou lying in his back arm protectively wrapped around you, as you lie between his legs. The two of you sleeping snuggly beneath a cat Christmas blanket as the TV plays a classic movie.
Ruby eyes notice the decorations, the tree, all of the stockings over a lit fire that were not there the night before. He smiles a wide toothed smile looking down at the two of you with faint smiles painted on your lips.
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