#ayurvedic hair care products
akanshaherbalsblog · 28 days
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Thicker, Stronger Hair: My Experience with Gunja Ratti Hair Oil
For years, my hair has been a source of frustration. It was fine, prone to breakage, and seemed to lack any real volume. I experimented with various shampoos, conditioners, and even salon treatments, but nothing seemed to make a lasting difference. Then, I discovered Gunja Ratti Hair Oil, and it's safe to say it's been a game-changer for my hair health.
Embracing Natural Hair Care
Having used a lot of chemical-laden products in the past, I was drawn to Gunja Ratti Hair Oil's natural ingredients. The key ingredient, Gunja seeds (also known as Ratti), boasts a rich history in traditional medicine for promoting hair growth. The oil itself is also infused with cold-pressed sesame oil, known for its nourishing properties. This combination of natural elements felt like a breath of fresh air for my scalp and hair.
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A Simple Addition to My Routine
The beauty of Gunja Ratti Hair Oil lies in its ease of use. I incorporated it into my existing hair care routine seamlessly. A few nights a week, I would massage a generous amount of oil into my scalp, ensuring it reached the roots. The oil has a pleasant, slightly nutty scent, which I found quite relaxing. I would then leave it on for an hour or two before washing it out with a gentle shampoo.
Seeing Results Take Root
It's important to manage expectations with hair growth products. While I didn't see dramatic results overnight, I did notice a positive shift within a few weeks. My hair felt noticeably smoother and more manageable. The breakage I used to experience significantly reduced, and my hair seemed to have a newfound strength.
Healthy Hair Growth and Increased Volume
As I continued using Gunja Ratti Hair Oil consistently, the real magic began to happen. After a few months, I started seeing visible hair growth, particularly around my hairline, which had been a bit sparse previously. The increased density also translated into more volume. My hair no longer looked limp and flat, it had a natural bounce and lift that I hadn't experienced before.
A Hair Care Staple
Gunja Ratti Hair Oil has become an indispensable part of my hair care routine. It's not just about the visible results – it's about the overall health of my hair. My scalp feels less irritated, and my hair looks and feels healthier than ever before. While individual results may vary, I highly recommend Gunja Ratti Hair Oil to anyone seeking a natural solution for promoting hair growth and overall hair health.
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sppharma · 2 months
Get Beautiful Hair By Choosing The Goodness Of Nature
Discover natural radiance with Ayurvedic hair care! Nurture your locks with herbal shampoos and oils for lush, healthy growth. Shop our range now!
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ayuirvedic · 3 months
How Gold Merry Oil Promotes Hair Regrowth
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How Gold Merry Oil Promotes Hair Regrowth
Gold Merry Oil is renowned for its potent blend of natural ingredients that are specifically chosen for their ability to rejuvenate hair. The magic of this oil lies in its unique composition that deeply nourishes the scalp, ensuring that each hair root is fortified from within. By fostering a healthy scalp environment, it effectively stimulates the hair follicles, paving the way for robust hair growth. This oil's rich antioxidant content plays a critical role in combating oxidative stress, one of the key factors that can lead to hair weakening and loss. These antioxidants help protect the hair shafts from damage, thereby reducing breakage and encouraging the growth of stronger, healthier hair. Additionally, Gold Merry Oil's anti-inflammatory properties offer relief from scalp conditions like dandruff and irritation, which can hinder hair growth if left unaddressed. A standout feature of Gold Merry Oil is its ability to enhance blood circulation to the scalp. This is crucial because improved blood flow ensures that hair follicles are well-nourished with the vitamins and minerals necessary for hair regeneration. With consistent use, users can expect a marked decrease in hair fall, coupled with the emergence of new hair growth that is both thicker and more resilient. By addressing the root causes of hair fall and providing a multifaceted approach to scalp and hair health, Gold Merry Oil stands out as a formidable ally in the quest for hair regrowth. Its natural formulation not only promises to revitalize hair but does so while fostering overall scalp wellness, making it a key player in the pursuit of lush, vibrant hair.
Incorporating Gold Merry Oil into Your Hair Care Routine To seamlessly integrate Gold Merry Oil into your daily hair care regimen, begin by gently heating the oil to enhance its penetration capabilities. Apply the warmed oil by massaging it into the scalp with circular motions, covering every area to ensure thorough absorption. This massage not only aids in the oil's effectiveness but also stimulates increased blood flow to the scalp, which is vital for nourishing hair follicles. Allow the oil to sit on your scalp for a minimum duration of one hour; however, for those seeking the best outcomes, leaving it on overnight is highly recommended. Following the treatment, cleanse your hair with a gentle, natural shampoo to remove the oil. Regular application of Gold Merry Oil two to three times per week is advised for optimal benefits. Incorporating this practice into your routine is not just about applying an oil; it's about embracing a holistic approach toward hair health that aligns with Ayurvedic principles. Coupling the use of Gold Merry Oil with a nutrient-rich diet and stress-reducing activities such as yoga can amplify its effects, offering a comprehensive strategy against hair fall and thinning. Adopting gentle hair care products that complement the oil's natural properties can further enhance its benefits, ensuring that your hair receives the best care possible, both from the inside out and the outside in. By making Gold Merry Oil a cornerstone of your hair care routine, you're not just nurturing your hair but also honoring the age-old wisdom of Ayurveda. The Gold Merry oil is available in goldmerry.in and the gold merry oil uses hair-growth, anti-dandruff, anti-hair fall, baldness treatment
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keshyog-herbal-oil · 8 months
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bindumatra · 8 months
Ayurvedic Hair Care Products
Bindumatra is your trusted destination for Ayurvedic hair care products that nurture and rejuvenate your locks naturally. Rooted in the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, our products are carefully crafted to provide holistic and effective solutions for your hair care needs.
Our extensive range of Ayurvedic hair care products includes hair oils, shampoos, conditioners, and treatments, all formulated with potent herbal ingredients known for their nourishing and revitalizing properties. We prioritize quality, ensuring that each product is free from harsh chemicals and artificial additives.
At Bindumatra, we believe in the power of nature to restore and maintain beautiful, healthy hair. By choosing our Ayurvedic hair care products, you're embracing a holistic approach to hair care that promotes not only external beauty but also inner balance and well-being.
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Experience the magic of Ayurveda for your hair with Bindumatra and enjoy the transformative benefits of natural and sustainable hair care solutions.
+91 7017 333 499
Oranz Advanced Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. Maharaja Agrasen Marg, Garden Galleria Mall, Plot A-2, Gautam Buddh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh 201301
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vedicaura · 11 months
Vedic Aura: Harnessing the Power of Ayurveda for Hair Care
In today's fast-paced world, where stress and pollution are rampant, it's essential to take care of our hair and give it the nourishment it deserves. Vedic Aura, a renowned brand specializing in hair, skin, and lip care, offers a range of Ayurvedic products that harness the power of nature to promote healthy, lustrous hair. In this blog post, we will guide you on how to apply oil to your hair effectively, using Vedic Aura's hair oils as an example.
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Why Oil Your Hair?
Nourishment and Moisture:
Hair oiling is an age-old practice rooted in Ayurveda that provides nourishment and moisture to the hair. Regular oiling helps to strengthen the hair follicles, preventing breakage and promoting growth. Vedic Aura's hair oils are formulated with potent Ayurvedic ingredients that penetrate the scalp, moisturizing the hair from within.
Scalp Health:
Description: A healthy scalp is crucial for maintaining beautiful hair. Vedic Aura's hair oils are infused with natural herbs and oils that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. When applied to the scalp, these oils help combat dandruff, dryness, and itchiness, promoting a healthy scalp environment.
How to Apply Oil to Your Hair?
Choose the Right Oil:
Vedic Aura offers a range of hair oils suitable for various hair types and concerns. Before applying oil, identify your hair type and select an oil accordingly. For example, if you have dry hair, Vedic Aura's Nourishing Hair Oil enriched with Bramhi, Amla and almond oil would be an ideal choice.
Prepping Your Hair:
Before applying oil, it's essential to prep your hair. Comb through it to remove any tangles or knots. This ensures that the oil spreads evenly across the scalp and hair strands, maximizing its benefits.
Warm the Oil:
To enhance the efficacy of the oil, warm it slightly. Place the required amount of oil in a bowl and heat it using the double-boiler method or by placing the bowl in warm water. Avoid overheating the oil, as it may cause damage to your hair.
Application Technique:
Section your hair and start applying the oil directly to your scalp using your fingertips. Massage the oil gently in circular motions to improve blood circulation and aid absorption. Gradually work the oil down to the hair ends, ensuring all strands are coated.
Leave it Overnight or Pre-Wash:
For deep nourishment, leave the oil on overnight. Cover your hair with a shower cap or wrap it in a towel to prevent staining your pillowcase. Alternatively, you can apply the oil a few hours before washing your hair, allowing it to work its magic before cleansing.
Incorporating hair oiling into your hair care routine can make a significant difference in the health and appearance of your looks. Buy Ayurvedic hair care products online from Vedic Aura, rejuvenate and nourish your hair with the perfect blend of natural ingredients. By following the proper application techniques outlined in this guide, you can unlock the full potential of Vedic Aura's hair oils and achieve beautiful, lustrous hair that radiates with Vedic Aura's holistic care.
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shopnirvasa · 1 year
Ayurvedic care has been a part of Indian culture for centuries, and its popularity has only been increasing over the years. With the growing trend of natural and organic products, it's no wonder that Ayurvedic hair care has become a buzzword in the beauty industry.
Ayurveda, which means "the science of life," is a holistic approach to wellness that emphasizes the balance of mind, body, and spirit. This ancient practice uses natural ingredients such as herbs, roots, and oils to nourish and heal the body from within. When it comes to hair care, Ayurveda offers a wide range of best hair care products that can help you achieve healthy, shiny, and luscious locks.
Why ayurvedic approach for hair care is popular today?
One of the reasons why Ayurvedic best hair care products are so trendy these days is that it offers a natural solution to hair problems such as hair fall, dandruff, and dullness. Unlike chemical-laden products that can damage your hair over time, Ayurvedic best hair care products remedies are gentle, nourishing, and effective. Ayurvedic approach always works by addressing the root cause of the hair issue, rather just masking the symptoms.
Another reason why Ayurvedic hair care is so popular is that it offers a personalized approach to hair care. Ayurveda recognizes that each person is unique, and therefore, their hair care needs will vary. By understanding your hair type, texture, and specific concerns, you can create a customized hair care routine that works for you. This personalized approach can help you achieve better results than a one-size-fits-all approach.
In addition to its effectiveness and personalization, Ayurvedic best hair care products are also sustainable and eco-friendly. Many of the ingredients used in Ayurvedic remedies are sourced from nature and are biodegradable. By choosing Ayurvedic hair care, you can not only improve the health of your hair but also reduce your impact on the environment.
Ayurvedic hair care methodology is a natural and holistic approach to best hair care products that has been practiced in India for spans. Here are some reasons why one should choose Ayurvedic hair care methodology:
Natural and Safe: Ayurvedic best hair care products use natural ingredients such as herbs, roots, and oils that are safe for hair and scalp. These natural ingredients have been used for centuries in Ayurveda and are free from harmful chemicals that can cause damage to hair and scalp.
Personalized Approach: Ayurvedic best hair care products take into account the individual’s hair type and scalp condition and provide personalized solutions. This customized approach helps to treat specific hair problems like hair fall, dandruff, and dryness.
Promotes Hair Growth: Ayurvedic best hair care products methodology uses natural ingredients like Bhringraj, Brahmi, Amla, and Hibiscus that are known to promote hair growth, reduce hair fall, and prevent premature greying.
Strengthens Hair: Ayurvedic best hair care products help to strengthen hair from the roots by providing essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins, and minerals that help to improve the texture and thickness of hair.
Nourishes Scalp: Ayurvedic best hair care products help to nourish and rejuvenate the scalp by improving blood circulation, reducing inflammation, and providing essential nutrients to hair follicles.
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly: Ayurvedic best hair care products based on natural and sustainable practices that are eco-friendly and do not harm the environment. In conclusion, Ayurvedic best hair care products are trendy these days because it offers a natural, personalized, and sustainable approach to hair care.
Nirvasa hair and nail gummies: Get ready to nourish your hair and nails from within with Nirvasa Hair and Nail Gummies! Infused with the goodness of biotin, zinc, grape seed extract, and sesbania extract, these gummies are a great addition to your hair and nail care routine. These vegan gummies contain clinically proven ingredients that help to promote healthy hair growth, prevent hair fall, and improve nail strength and texture. So if you are looking to achieve lustrous, healthy locks and stronger, healthier nails, Nirvasa Hair and Nail Gummies are the perfect choice for you.
Nirvasa hair vitals DHT blocker tablets: Introducing Nirvasa Hair Care Tablets - the ultimate solution for all your hair care woes. Each tablet is packed with the goodness of clinically proven ingredients like biotin, pumpkin seed extract, stinging nettle root extract, green tea extract, and amla extract that work together to promote healthy hair growth, reduce hair fall, and improve hair texture. This advanced formulation is 100% vegetarian and cholesterol-free, making it a safe and effective choice for anyone looking to improve their hair health.
Nirvasa hair growth serum: Nirvasa Hair Growth Serum is a top-notch hair care product that is designed to promote healthy hair growth and prevent hair fall. It contains a powerful blend of natural ingredients like redensyl, procapil, anagain, and capilia longa that work together to provide complete hair care. Redensyl and procapil help to reduce hair fall and promote hair growth, while anagain and capilia longa provide essential nutrients to hair follicles, strengthen hair, and improve hair texture. This best hair care product is a non-greasy and lightweight formula that penetrates deep into the scalp, nourishing hair from within. With regular use of this serum, you can achieve healthy, thick, and lustrous hair that you have always dreamt of. Say hello to gorgeous hair with Nirvasa Hair Growth Serum, one of the best hair care products on the market.
Nirvasa anti hairfall shampoo: Nirvasa anti hairfall shampoo is one of the best hair care products that can help you deal with hair fall and promote healthy hair growth. This shampoo is a unique blend of natural ingredients like saw palmetto, biotin, argon oil, and caffeine that work together to provide complete hair care. Saw palmetto helps to reduce hair fall, biotin promotes hair growth and strengthens hair, argon oil nourishes and moisturizes hair, and caffeine stimulates hair follicles to promote hair growth. With regular use, this shampoo can help to prevent hair fall, promote healthy hair growth, and make your hair stronger and more manageable. Say goodbye to hair fall and hello to healthy, lustrous locks with Nirvasa anti hairfall shampoo.
So, if you're tired of dealing with dull, lifeless hair, and looking for a natural and effective way to revitalize your hair, then Ayurvedic hair care is the way to go. By incorporating the best hair care products online from Nirvasa, such as the Anti-Hairfall Shampoo, Hair Growth Serum, Hair Care Tablets, and Hair and Nail Gummies into your hair care routine, you can unlock the true potential of your hair and achieve healthy, shiny, and beautiful locks. So, what are you waiting for? Try out these amazing Ayurvedic hair care products today and give your hair the care it deserves!
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guduchiayurveda · 1 year
Organic Ayurvedic Skin & Face Care
Get Best Ayurvedic Skin & Face Care Products!
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Buy online Ayurvedic skincare, professionals, hair care, body care, beauty products. It is Pure, Chemical Free, and Ayurvedic.
Guduchi Ayurveda skincare can give you visible results.
Guduchi Ayurvedic skincare products are formulated with all potent natural ingredients that benefit your skin.
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manav-khadi-herbal · 2 years
Khadi is not merely a piece of cloth. It is a philosophy a way of life a symbol of empowerment of pride of history of a great man vision of the relevance of roots. A window to India, carriying the smell of the soil. Blending the wisdm of the old with the needs of the present offering a way to return to nature. Hand-spun Hand woven Refined Pure Elegance natured in the lap of the earth. An excellence beyond just mechanical perfection.
A gift for today from the treasury of the past a gist from India. Herbal Villages Products : Thousand of years ago india’s greatest sage established ayurveda, or the knowledge of life. They saw all illness and all health as part of an interlocking whole-the mind, body and sprit-that must be treated as one.Each ayurvedic formula was designed with specific constituents for different healing purpose and cures.
For their ingredients they looked to the natural world around them, using herbal extracts used by forest tribes since the beginning of history. The set of face and body products has been made in keeping with the principles of ayurveda.
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akanshaherbalsblog · 1 month
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Know some of the top Akansha Herbals Ayurvedic hair care products and ingredients you can use to fix postpartum hair loss.
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divya1234 · 2 months
Amla Powder: Nature's Potent Antioxidant and Vitamin C Source
In the realm of natural health and wellness, few substances boast the impressive array of benefits found in Amla powder. Derived from the Indian Gooseberry, this potent powder is revered for its rich concentration of phenolic antioxidants and unparalleled levels of Vitamin C, making it a standout in the plant kingdom.
Carefully crafted to optimize the bioavailability of its complex compounds, Vinayak’s Amla Powder stands as a testament to the dedication to quality and efficacy. Its formulation ensures that consumers can reap the full spectrum of benefits offered by this ancient superfood.
Across generations, Amla powder has been an integral component of Indian cuisine, imparting its unique sour-bitter-pungent flavor profile to countless dishes. Yet, its value transcends mere culinary delight. With roots deeply embedded in Ayurvedic tradition, Amla powder has been utilized for centuries for its myriad medicinal properties.
Today, as scientific research continues to unveil the depth of its nutritional profile, Amla powder finds itself in the spotlight of the nutraceutical and dietary supplement industries. Its status as a powerhouse antioxidant makes it a sought-after ingredient in formulations aimed at bolstering overall health and wellness.
From bolstering immune function to promoting healthy digestion and radiant skin, the benefits of Amla powder are as diverse as they are impressive. Furthermore, its adaptogenic properties equip the body to better cope with stressors, fostering a sense of balance and vitality.
In an era marked by a growing emphasis on holistic well-being, Amla powder emerges as a beacon of natural vitality. Whether incorporated into daily cuisine or consumed as a supplement, its profound impact on health makes it a cornerstone of any wellness regimen. So, as you seek to enhance your health naturally, consider embracing the power of Amla powder – nature's potent antioxidant and Vitamin C source.
For more information visit us:
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sppharma · 3 months
The Best Ayurvedic Hair Care Products for Strong, Healthy Hair
Discover the power of Ayurvedic hair care with our selection of natural and effective products. From oils to shampoos and serums, our top picks will help you achieve strong, healthy hair. Shop now.
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ayuirvedic · 4 months
The Ayurvedic Miracle for Impressive Hair Growth For Gold Merry Oil
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In the pursuit of a robust and beautiful mane, many people have turned to various solutions, only to end up disappointed. If you're searching for a remedy that promises to give your hair a radiant and healthy look, you've landed on the right page. We're introducing Gold Merry Oil, a fantastic Ayurvedic hair growth solution that will make all the difference. Understanding the Root of Hair Loss Problems The quandary of hair loss has been a constant companion of mankind, tracing its roots back to ancient times. This persistent problem can be triggered by an array of factors. Hormonal fluctuations, a subpar diet, chronic stress, and even the genetic cards you've been dealt can all contribute to the thinning of your once-luscious locks. While contemporary medical treatments have taken leaps and bounds in addressing hair loss, they often come saddled with undesirable side effects and may fail to deliver the comprehensive results you're seeking. This is where age-old solutions like Ayurveda enter the picture, presenting natural, all-inclusive, and proven strategies to tackle hair loss and promote growth. What Makes Gold Merry Oil Unique? You may wonder, amidst the sea of hair care products, what sets Gold Merry Oil apart? It's the heart of the matter - its unique formulation. This distinct blend is no random mixture but a thoughtfully crafted ensemble of rich Ayurvedic ingredients that have withstood the test of time. These ingredients have been traditionally used to foster hair health, making Gold Merry Oil a cherished Ayurvedic secret. However, this is not just a one-trick pony. Gold Merry Oil is a multi-talented solution that steps up to the plate in more ways than one. Besides promoting hair growth, it pampers your scalp, provides an effective dandruff solution, and halts the advance of premature greying. All of this while giving your hair a lustrous shine that's hard to miss. Gold Merry Oil is the full package, offering a plethora of benefits that leave you with healthier, happier hair. A myriad of hair growth solutions may vie for your attention, but the holistic approach and multifaceted benefits of Gold Merry Oil undoubtedly place it a cut above the rest. The Science Behind Gold Merry Oil Delving into the scientific crux of Gold Merry Oil, we find that its power emanates from the potent blend of Ayurvedic elements it boasts. Ingredients like Bhringraj, Amla, and Brahmi, well-known powerhouses in the Ayurvedic realm, are central to the formulation. These components are acclaimed for their properties that enhance hair strength and vitality. They synergistically work their magic by rejuvenating your scalp, ameliorating blood circulation, and sparking hair follicles into action, paving the path for vigorous hair growth. Apart from stimulating growth, the antioxidants and nourishing nutrients infused in the oil are diligent repairmen, mending the damage your hair has sustained and forming a protective shield against further harm. Hence, the science of Gold Merry Oil lies in its potent Ayurvedic composition, working in harmony to restore your hair's health and beauty. Ayurveda Gold Merry hair oil is used for hair growth, anti-hair fall, and baldness, and is available in goldmerry.in
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vedantamskincare01 · 2 months
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Embark on a journey of well-being with Vedantam Ayurveda, your haven for authentic Ayurvedic products. Discover a meticulously curated collection designed to harmonize mind, body, and spirit. Our online sanctuary offers a diverse array of premium wellness solutions, from traditional herbs to revitalizing oils, rooted in the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. Immerse yourself in natural healing, as each product is a testament to our commitment to holistic living. Experience the transformative power of Vedantam Ayurveda, where age-old traditions meet modern wellness. Elevate your vitality and embrace the balance that nature has to offer, enriching your journey to inner radiance
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pavswrites · 3 months
What Causes Skin Itchiness And How To Avoid Them In Children
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While every playtime brings joy and happiness it also brings along the possibility of itchy skin.
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The carefree and innocent nature of children does not have any space for the worries of rashy and itchy skin. They enjoy their childhood to the fullest with their friends. Sadly, being exposed to an external environment all day also means being exposed to dirt, dust, germs, and bacteria. They stick onto the skin and cause irritation leading to itchy skin.
While bacterias can cause itchiness, natural ayurvedic ingredients can cure itchiness. Ayurveda has been used since the ancient ages and has no side effects whatsoever. In today's time, it is hard to find ayurvedic care as most brands mix harmful chemicals to make their products appealing. However, brands like ShuShu Babies use completely natural ayurvedic ingredients to provide the goodness of nature to every kid.
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To heal itchy skin you first need to understand the cause of itchiness. Here you shall find the most common causes of itchy skin and effective ways to cure it. If you’re a parent looking to put an end to your child’s itchy skin, you have come to the right place. Without any delay, read further.
Causes Of Skin Itchiness
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Skin itchiness is very common in toddlers. They spend all their time outside and are exposed to multiple harmful bacteria that make a permanent stay on the skin. This leads to some serious illnesses in them.
There are a number of factors that can lead to itchy skin.
Irritation from soap and body wash
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Several harmful chemicals are added in kid’s products to increase the shelf life. These chemicals include sulphates, parabens and many more. They are extremely harmful to a kid’s sensitive skin and lead to itchiness.
      2. External Bacterias
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Bacterias are the leading cause of eczema in kids. Fungal infections, rashes, rabbies are some of the itchy diseases caused by external bacterias. Unsafe food, dirty hands and sweat invites bacterias for dry and itchy skin. ReadMore
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