#author: laura hankin
haveyoureadthispoll · 26 days
A deliciously entertaining novel about the stars of a popular teen show from the early 2000s—and the reunion special, thirteen years after their scandalous flameout, that will either be their last chance at redemption, or destroy them all for good. Back in 2004, The Daydreams had it a cast of innocent-seeming teenagers acting and singing their hearts out, amazing ratings, and a will-they-or-won’t-they romance that steamed up fan fiction forums. Then, during the live season two finale, it all imploded, leaving everyone scrambling to understand why. Afterward, the four stars went down very different paths. Kat is now a lawyer in Washington, DC. Liana is the bored wife of a famous athlete. Noah, the show’s golden boy, emerged unscathed and is poised to become a household name. And Summer, the object of Noah’s fictional (and maybe real-life) affections, is the cautionary tale. But now the fans are demanding a reunion special. The stars all have private reasons to come forgiveness, revenge, a second chance with a first love. But as they tentatively rediscover the magic of the original show, old secrets threaten to resurface—including the real reason behind their downfall. Will this reunion be a chance to make things right? Or will it be the biggest mess the world has ever seen? No matter what, the ratings will be wild.
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mystlnewsonline · 11 months
Former Prison Transport Officer - Rogeric Hankins - Sentenced
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Former Private Prison Transport Officer, Rogeric Hankins, Sentenced to 9 Years in Prison (STL.News) A former private prisoner transport officer, Rogeric Hankins, was sentenced in federal court in the Western District of Missouri to nine years in federal prison to be followed by three years of supervised release for violating a female pretrial detainee's civil rights by sexually assaulting her. According to the plea agreement, at the time of the offense, Rogeric Hankins, 37, worked as a private prisoner transport officer for Inmate Services Corporation.  As a private prisoner transport officer, Hankins performed the government function of picking up individuals who were arrested on out-of-state warrants and transporting those individuals back to the jurisdictions that issued the warrants.  On March 31, 2020, Hankins picked up the victim, a female pretrial detainee, from jail in Olympia, Washington, to transport her to a jail in St. Paul, Minnesota. On April 3, 2020, before arriving in Minnesota, Hankins stopped the transport van at a rest stop in Joplin, Missouri.  Hankins brought the victim into the rest stop to use the bathroom.  After the victim used the women's bathroom, Hankins led her into the men's bathroom and told her to go into the stall furthest from the door.  Once inside the stall, Hankins began to try to pull the victim's shirt up.  The victim resisted and told Hankins to stop.  In response, Hankins told the victim to be quiet and made her perform a sexual act on him.  Hankins then bent the victim over a toilet seat and raped her. "The defendant sexually abused and violently assaulted a woman in his custody, exploiting his authority and depriving this survivor of her constitutional right to bodily integrity," said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division.  "This sentence sends a clear message that the Justice Department is committed to protecting victims of sexual violence carried out at the hands of any and all law enforcement officials.  The privatization of positions in law enforcement does not change the fact that these individuals can and must be held accountable when they violate our federal civil rights laws." "This former prisoner transport officer sexually assaulted a detainee who was in his custody while transporting her through Missouri," said U.S. Attorney Teresa Moore for the Western District of Missouri.  "Today, he is being held accountable for abusing his position of trust and authority.  The Department of Justice is committed to protecting the civil rights of all citizens, including those in custody." "Hankins abused his power and sexually assaulted the victim while she was extremely vulnerable," said Special Agent in Charge Alvin M. Winston Sr. of the FBI Minneapolis Field Office.  "Today's sentencing sends a clear message that those who abuse their position of power to sexually assault the very people they are sworn to protect will be held accountable.  The FBI is committed to protecting the Constitutional rights of all citizens and pursuing justice on behalf of the victims in cases like this." The FBI Minneapolis Field Office investigated this case with assistance from the Ramsey County Sheriff's Office. Trial Attorney Laura Gilson and former Special Litigation Counsel Fara Gold of the Civil Rights Division's Criminal Section prosecuted this case with assistance from the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Missouri. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Justice Read the full article
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coldtonki · 2 years
Imaginary world quip promo code
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Adult Coloring Books, Enchanting Designs, Animals, Pixies, Fairies, Fantasy, & Fictional Characters for Anxiety, for Stress Relief, for Grown-Ups, for Relaxation, to Improve Fine Motor Skills & Creativity.
Swanson Vitamins also offers: Fast Delivery: 5.99 + 2.99 upgrade (1-4 business days) 2Day Air: 9.99. Swanson offers standard shipping (5.99), which takes 1-2 days to be processed and 4-6 business days to ship. Hankins Award-Winning Artist, Author, Sculptor, Painter, & Storyteller. Here’s everything you need to know about shipping at Swanson Vitamin. If you’re looking for a stylish, compact electric toothbrush, this is it. Welcome to the Imaginary World of Jane F. Before shopping online I hunt and peck for secret discount codes. I was worried about the battery dying before I got my next toothbrush head, but the people at Quip assured me it will last until my replacement arrives 3 months from now. 1 : We offered 4.8 million, and that's got to be the highest offer they had. The post-Berners-Lee world of 2009, if we could have imagined it forty years ago. The Quip is the ideal electric toothbrush for those who travel frequently, as the holder doubles as a travel cap. It looks infinitely better sitting on my bathroom sink compared to my Sonicare and its bulky charger. I hope these race discount codes for 2021 are helpful and that we soon get back to normal races Happy running Laura is a writer, runner, reader, runDisney addict, blogger, vlogger, wife to an amazing guy for 26 years, mom of two.
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Title: Happy & You Know It
Author: Laura Hankin
Series or standalone: standalone
Publication year: 2020
Genres: fiction, contemporary, mystery
Blurb: After her former band shot to superstardom without her, Claire reluctantly agrees to a gig as a playgroup musician for overprivileged infants on New York’s Park Avenue. Claire is surprised to discover that she is smitten with her new employers - a welcoming clique of wellness addicts with impossibly shiny hair who whirl from juice cleanse to overpriced miracle vitamins to spin class with limitless energy. There is perfect hostess Whitney, who is on the brink of social-media stardom and just needs to find a way to keep her perfect life from falling apart; caustically funny, recent stay-at-home mom Amara, who is struggling to embrace her new identity; and old money, veteran mom Gwen, who never misses an opportunity to dole out parenting advice...but as Claire grows closer to the cool women who pay her bills, she uncovers secrets and betrayals that no amount of activated charcoal can fix.
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thelivebookproject · 3 years
Talking Books With @vegetablepi!
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[What is this and how can I participate?]
Today we discuss octopuses, book blogs, and favourite authors.
Important note: I haven’t changed or edited any of the answers. I’ve only formatted the book titles so they were clearer, but nothing else. Because I’m incapable of shutting up, my comments are between brackets and in italics, so you can distinguish them clearly.
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[Image description: a square titled “Know the blogger”. Name & pronouns: Pi, she/her; country: United States; three adjectives to describe her: curious, spunky & determined /end]
1. What is a good non-fiction book on a highly specific topic you love?
I would have to recommend The Soul of an Octopus by Sy Montgomery. Octopuses have been my favorite animal since I was very little, and Montgomery affords them the awe they are due. Plus, it has lovely descriptions of the Boston Aquarium, which is an amazing place to visit if you get the chance 🥰
2. Last book that made you cry?
Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee. It kinda took me by surprise at a turning point in my life.
3. Do you plan your monthly reads or do you improvise?
I improvise. I have a whole shelf of TBR books that I stack by size, and I read whatever is on top. I do get Book of the Month, though, and I try to read whatever book I picked sometime that same month 😊
[Reading by size????? Not even looking at what you’ve chosen???? My list-making, carefully-planning soul is deeply offended right now]
4. Any book blogs you'd recommend?
Those are my faves!
5. How much do you read, on average?
I usually read like three books a week. 
Free space to say/add/recommend anything!
Ok, for my free space, here are my current favorite authors:
Helen Oyeyemi 
Raven Leilani
Laura Hankin
Erin Morgenstern
You can follow her at @vegetablepi​ or on her Instagram.
Thank you, Pi! This was nice.
Next interview: Wednesday, 9th of December.
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saleintothe90s · 4 years
407. Two Donahue Hoaxes
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My first memory of television talk show host Phil Donanue was around the time I started Kindergarten in 1988. My teacher, Ms. Walker was absolutely shocked that I could read. Which I guess it was rare for Kindergarteners to read in 1988? Someone help. Anyway, she asked my mom to watch an episode of Donahue about Child Geniuses, maybe? I don’t remember, I just remember bringing home a post it for mom to watch Donahue.  I don’t remember her watching it. A few weeks later we began to learn math, and my genius days were over with.
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Donahue looked like what I remember my dentist, Dr. Stall looking like when I was five. I still see Dr. Stall today and he still kinda looks like old Phil, sans glasses.
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Oh, and the closing logo and jingle with the little “m” for “Multimedia”.  I remember that from when I was little.
Later on, in middle school in 1994 or 1995, my sixth grade teacher Mr. Hankins who was mean as dirt would made us do busy work all morning long, including reading these incredibly dated readers from the 1980s, where we had to read an essay and answer questions about it.  
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The only essay I remember is one about how religious fanatics were passing out flyers that stated that someone from Proctor & Gamble came onto the Phil Donahue show in the early 1980s to announce that profits from the company went to the Church of Satan. 1 Also that the Proctor & Gamble “moon man” logo was a symbol for Satanism, and that the curls in the man’s beard were “666”’s. Below is an example of the flyer that was passed around:
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Thing is, nobody from Proctor & Gamble has ever been on Donahue.  1. The flyers flew around again in 1985, and P&G finally decided to give in an change the moon man logo in 1991. 2 6.  I found one instance where Amway salespeople passed the flyers around (in 1995!) to convince buyers to buy their products instead. 3 4 A Washington Post article posted in 1991 mentioned morons people who still roamed the aisles of grocery stores, careful to not buy products from Proctor & Gamble.
The Rev. Jay Hurley walked down Aisle 12 of Food Lion in Hagerstown, Md., last week and reached for Cottonelle toilet paper instead of his usual brand. Buying White Cloud, he believed, would involve him in Devil worship.
"I didn't buy Folger's coffee either; I'm going to replace that brand with Nestle's," said Hurley, pastor of the Greenbrier Baptist Church in Boonsboro.
Hurley is one of thousands of Americans who continue to boycott Procter & Gamble products, convinced, beyond any measure of logic, that the corporation's president is in league with the Devil. Currently, fliers are circulating in rural Maryland, among other places, listing the allegedly damnable P&G products.
Hurley said an Army chaplain friend gave him a copy of the flier several weeks ago. He distributed copies to his 70-member congregation. A copy hangs on the church bulletin board just inside the door.
The flier, headlined "The Phil Donahue Show," states that on March 1, 1991, P&G's president appeared on "Donahue" and announced that he was "coming out of the closet" about his financial support for the Church of Satan. "He stated that a large portion of the profits from Proctor {sic} & Gamble products goes to the support of the church," the flier says. Then Donahue, it continues, asked the P&G president whether his ties with Satanism would hurt business.
"There are not enough Christians in the U.S. to make a difference," he's quoted as telling a nationwide television audience.
On March 1, 1991, no one representing P&G, let alone its president, appeared on "Donahue."
So many calls have flooded "Donahue" headquarters in New York that staffers set up a voice-mail answering system that advises, "If you are calling about Procter & Gamble, press 6 now. ... The president of Procter & Gamble has never ever appeared on the 'Donahue' show. If your family and friends say they've seen it, they are quite mistaken."So many calls have flooded "Donahue" headquarters in New York that staffers set up a voice-mail answering system that advises, "If you are calling about Procter & Gamble, press 6 now. ... The president of Procter & Gamble has never ever appeared on the 'Donahue' show. If your family and friends say they've seen it, they are quite mistaken." 5
In 2013, the moonman with a much sleeker beard reappeared quietly on Proctor & Gamble products. 6.
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In January of 1985, Phil Donahue moved his show to 30 Rockefeller Plaza in New York City so he could be closer to his wife, actress Marlo Thomas. 8 On January 21, 1985, weeks after the move, several people in the audience fainted while he show was being filmed.  
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At first, it was speculated that people standing in line in sub zero temps and then entering a 70º studio made people pass out. (Just the thought of that makes me get a headache, I’m that jerk who runs her ac in the car during the winter because I’m ~sensitive~)  After 40 minutes, Phil decided to ask the audience to leave, and he interviewed his guests (gay senior citizens) in an empty studio. 7.
About a month later, an actress, Deborah Harmon came to the New York media and said that the fainting was a hoax, created by master Hoaxer Alan Abel. 9 I had to look up who Abel was. Abel who died in 2018, created such hoaxes such as the Society for Indecency to Naked Animals, Citizens Against Breastfeeding, and a company that sold jars of Jenny McCarthy’s urine. 10 11 Abel orchestrated the hoax because he was protesting sensationalist tv. 12.
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1. Belkin, Lisa. “Procter & Gamble Fights Satan Story.” The New York Times, April 18, 1985, sec. Home & Garden. https://www.nytimes.com/1985/04/18/garden/procter-gamble-fights-satan-story.html.
2. Hendon, Donald W. Classic Failures in Product Marketing: Marketing Principles Violations and How to Avoid Them. New York: Quorum Books, 1989.  86-87.
3. DiFonzo, Nicholas. The Watercooler Effect: An Indispensable Guide to Understanding and Harnessing the Power of Rumors. New York: Avery, 2009. 168-169
4. “Procter & Gamble Wins $19 Million in Satanism Suit.” The New York Times, March 20, 2007, sec. Business. https://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/20/business/worldbusiness/20iht-satan.4966053.html.
5, Blumenfeld, Laura. “PROCTER GAMBLE’S DEVIL OF A PROBLEM.” Washington Post, July 15, 1991. https://archive.is/9pbBt
6. Stampler, Laura. “In Spite Of Old, False Satanist Accusations, P&G Put A Moon Back Into Its New Logo.” Business Insider. Accessed February 27, 2020. https://www.businessinsider.com/pg-puts-moon-in-new-logo-despite-satanist-accusations-2013-5.
7. Los Angeles Times. “7 in Audience of Donahue Show Faint--1 On-Camera,” January 21, 1985. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1985-01-21-mn-14194-story.html.
8. AP NEWS. “Phil Donahue Does First Show from New New York City Home.” Accessed February 27, 2020. https://apnews.com/c817c27eee2417e681eb1f0f048a9fe1
9. International, United Press. “DONAHUE SHOW HOAX DESCRIBED.” chicagotribune.com. Accessed February 27, 2020. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1985-02-02-8501070060-story.html.
10. Fox, Margalit. “Alan Abel, Hoaxer Extraordinaire, Is (on Good Authority) Dead at 94.” The New York Times, September 17, 2018, sec. Obituaries. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/17/obituaries/alan-abel-dies.html.
11. E! Online. “Famous Hoaxster Gets Jenny McCarthy PO’d,” November 10, 1997. https://www.eonline.com/news/35474/famous-hoaxster-gets-jenny-mccarthy-po-d.
12. Hendley, Nate. The Big Con: Great Hoaxes, Frauds, Grifts, and Swindles in American History. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2016.
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knowledgeebookfull · 3 years
EBook A Special Place for Women [PDF EPuB AudioBook Ebook]
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Download/Read A Special Place for Women Ebook
information book:
Author : Laura Hankin
Pages : 363
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Release Date :--
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It's a club like no other. Only the most important women receive an invitation. But one daring young reporter is about to infiltrate this female-run secret society, whose beguiling members are caught up in a dark and treacherous business.For years, rumors have swirled about an exclusive, women-only social club where the elite tastemakers of NYC meet. People in the know whisper all sorts of claims: Membership dues cost $1,000 a month. Last time Rihanna was in town, she stopped by and got her aura read. The women even handpicked the city's first female mayor. But no one knows for sure.That is, until journalist Jillian Beckley decides she's going to break into the club. With her career in freefall, Jillian needs a juicy scoop, and she has a personal interest in bringing these women down. But the deeper she gets into this new world--where billionaire
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deadlinecom · 3 years
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winx33 · 4 years
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Look who’s on time for her June wrap up!⠀ So not a lot of books this month finished- but I’m reading about 4/5 at the same time right now I just haven’t completed them all- plus I had the excerpts for @bbnyaofficial this month as well 🤍⠀⠀ And I was listening to the first two Daevabad books again 😂 and started the final one yesterday!! ♡ ♡ ♡⠀ ⠀ So with some chats around book ratings I’m going to stop using them for a bit. Will still be available on my blog reviews and goodreads but I wanna chat about them and not let a number ranking deter anyone if that make sense.⠀ ⠀ How was your reading in June?⠀ ⠀ • Happy & You Know It by Laura Hankin - our @letsreadrantrepeat Book Club pick. We have our book chats and author Q&A live on the page now ⠀ • White Fragility by Robin Diangelo - first in anti racism reads for this month and buddy reads with @gluttonousshelf !!! We still have one group that just started this is you are interested in joining ! ⠀ • Dear Martin by Nic Stone. Holy cow, this is an amazing story and I’ve watched a lot of live chats hosted by Stone this past month and really enjoyed her discussions ⠀ • The Yield by Tara June Winch - passed on my copy I really loved that one so much!!!! Indigenous Aussie author and characters #Auslit ⠀ • All Boys Aren’t Blue by George M Johnson - an amazing coming of age/our memoir/manifesto #prideread & @librofm pick this month ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ #bookstack #wrapupstack #readwithwine #amreading #bookstagram #junewrapup #bookblogger #readersofinsta #vscobooks #vscobookstack #instabook #bookishfeed #bookphoto #igbook #bookstoread #newbooks #allboysarentblue #dearmartin #happyandyouknowit #theyield #whitefragility #bookclub #buddyread (at Live Oak, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCG-HWbApSy/?igshid=1t3fc06grfoij
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lzteach · 4 years
Linda's Book Obsession Reviews "Happy & You Know It" by Laura Hankin, Berkley, May 19, 2020
Linda’s Book Obsession Reviews “Happy & You Know It” by Laura Hankin, Berkley, May 19, 2020
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@Linda’s Book Obsession Reviews “Happy & You Know It”  by Laura Hankin, Berkley, May 19, 2020
Laura Hankin, Author of “Happy and You Know It” has written a unique, entertaining, and witty novel. The genres for this novel are Literary Fiction and Women’s Fiction. The timeline for this story is set in the present in New York City and goes to the past when it pertains to the characters or events.…
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fangirlishsite · 4 years
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Guest Post: Laura Hankin, author of 'HAPPY AND YOU KNOW IT' https://bit.ly/2zS60GR
Guest Post: Laura Hankin, author of 'HAPPY AND YOU KNOW IT'
At my friend’s wedding, I had to walk down the aisle with a man who’d given my book one star on Goodreads. How did I know he’d assigned my book the worst possible rating? That he’d flipped through my heart and soul and then told the internet it sucked? Simple:Read More →
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londontheatre · 7 years
Punts, Theatre503 – Christopher Adams and Florence Roberts (courtesy of Claudia Marinaro)
Parents always want what is best for their offspring. That’s a pretty fundamental fact of life really. For most parents, it’s fairly simple. Keep the sprog safe and warm, send them to school and provide a safe haven for them as they learn life’s various lessons before they are ready to stretch their wings and fly the nest. However, things are different as Jack has a learning disability. In these cases, Parents not only need to do everything above but will also try and provide as normal a life as possible for their youngster, even if this means doing things they themselves are not entirely happy with. This idea forms the backdrop to Sarah Page’s one-act play Punts at Theatre503.
In a very nice West London house, a young lad is getting ready for an important night. Jack (Christopher Adams), a young man with learning difficulties, is getting dressed with the assistance of his mum Antonia (Clare Lawrence-Moody) and the two of them are discussing the evening’s plans. Antonia goes over the arrangements with Jack again to make sure he fully understands what is going to happen. For tonight, Jack is going to become a man. Antonia and Jack’s father, Alastair (Graham O’Mara), have arranged for a sex worker to come to the house and introduce Jack to the world of lovemaking. Jack is sort of looking forward to it – with the same nervousness men all over the world have the first time – after all, he will now be able to join in the sexually charged banter with his rugby friends. Alastair has some misgivings about the enterprise but when she arrives, Julia (Florence Roberts) turns out to be nothing like his image of a prostitute. She is attractive, intelligent, and articulate and has a real understanding of the job she has been employed to do this evening. After the awkwardness of handing over the money has taken place, Julia goes upstairs to meet Jack and everybody’s life changes from then on.
Wow, this is a good play. Punts author Sarah page has interviewed several sex workers and the play is a result of those conversations. This really shows through the honesty and believability of the story and the characters themselves. The narrative itself is full of humour and moments of really moving emotion as the eighty-five minutes running time shoots past. All four characters are extremely well written and easily identified. The hen-pecked, slightly repressed husband to the professional housewife who wants to be, and in fact is, in control of everything. The mother willing to do anything to support and protect her son, whatever it takes. The worldly-wise prostitute, able to assume any role and fully aware of the way that men can be seduced. And the boy, who wants to be a man and wants to live a normal life but who recognises his own limits and the way he is viewed by the world around him. This is writing at its absolute finest.
Put the writing together with this cast and you have a production that should be winning awards hands down. Christopher Adams is just knock out as Jack. This was character acting at its best as Christopher made Jack a lively young fellow with a real personality that shone through in his time with both his mother Julia. And speaking of Julia, Florence Roberts plays her heart out in this role. Julia is, I suppose, a consummate actress – being whoever her clients want her to be – but making every part she plays seem very real and Florence pulls this off beautifully. There is a wonderful chemistry between Julia and Jack that leaves you wondering if Julia really does have some form of feelings for Jack or whether this is part of a role she is playing for him. Switching to the parent, Claire and Graham are really the ultimate middle-class married couple as Antonia and Alastair. There is a lovely line that Alastair says to Julia when discussing his relationship with Antonia “we skipped the fun years and fast-forwarded to middle-aged” a wonderful sentence that sums up Alastair’s life and the situation he is in. As with Julia, Jack has a lovely chemistry with his parents both separately and together. Overall, this is such a highly talented group of actors that seem to really inhabit their characters superbly.
Jessica Edwards’ direction feels nicely naturalistic and Amelia Jane Hankin’s quite minimalistic set works extremely well as the bedroom and kitchen. I also loved the scene transitions with the outline window frame and the square around the top and bottom of the stage lighting up in what felt like a subtle metaphor of the characters each being trapped in their own box.
So, as you may have guessed reading the above, I absolutely loved Punts. This was a show that tackled a horrendously difficult subject but did so with style and panache. All the elements – writing, production and acting – were perfectly aligned to produce a great piece of theatre that I thoroughly enjoyed and would happily recommend to everyone I know.
Review by Terry Eastham
Jack, a young man with a learning disability, lives at home, cared for by his devoted parents. Like most men in their twenties, he has needs – his mates at the rugby club talk about nothing but getting laid, whilst Jack’s most erotic experience to date is the time he was winked at by the pretty cashier in Lloyds. Desperate for their son to not feel left out, his parents Alastair and Antonia decide that they should to bring in a professional. But Julia, the prostitute they hire, has a far more profound impact on the whole family than they could ever have imagined.
Cast Christopher Adams Clare Lawrence-Moody Graham O’Mara Florence Roberts
Creatives Writer: Sarah Page Director: Jessica Edwards Producers: Holly Hooper & Stuart Slade Designer: Amelia Jane Hankin Sound Designer: Owen Crouch Lighting Designer: Dan Saggars Production Manager: Will Herman Stage Manager: Annabell Arndt Production Assistant: Laura Sedgwick
Kuleshov Theatre and Theatre503 present Punts by Sarah Page Directed by Jessica Edwards Supported by the Unity Theatre Trust https://theatre503.com/
http://ift.tt/2rQoyBj LondonTheatre1.com
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lzteach · 4 years
Linda's Book Obsession Reviews "Happy & You Know It" by Laura Hankin, Berkley, May 19, 2020
Linda’s Book Obsession Reviews “Happy & You Know It” by Laura Hankin, Berkley, May 19, 2020
@Linda’s Book Obsession Reviews “Happy & You Know It”  by Laura Hankin, Berkley, May 19, 2020
Laura Hankin, Author of “Happy and You Know It” has written a unique, entertaining, and witty novel. The genres for this novel are Literary Fiction and Women’s Fiction. The timeline for this story is set in the present in New York City and goes to the past when it pertains to the characters or events.…
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