pxzzlepieces-blog · 5 years
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     Oh, he was going to mind. Though Atem couldn’t say that he disliked being given attention normally, he wasn’t sure of what to make of the eyes that were currently settled upon him, watching as the former Pharaoh flipped through the pages of the book that had previously held his focus. He tried, unsuccessfully, to keep reading, to ignore that gaze - but eventually, a sigh of annoyance escaped him before he looked to the brunet, clapping the book shut.
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     “Is there something terribly interesting that I’m doing, or am I simply too radiant for you to look away?”
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wheeluh · 5 years
@austerre - one-line starter !
          “Would you believe me if I told you it was an accident?”
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He stares sheepishly at his poor car, crumpled and lodged determinedly into the front gate of Kaiba Mansion, smoking just a little. 
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the-nexus · 5 years
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     She never understood in obsession with Duel Monsters. Sure, the holograms made them more interesting, but surely it was overrated. But perhaps this was merely an excuse to hide her lack of knowledge of the game. 
     Not could she escape the chatter of the latest cards and upcoming tournaments. The children who flocked to The Andromeda often showed off their decks to friends, swapping cards, and having duels right on the floor. Though she found no interest in the game itself, perhaps she could raise business further by hosting tournaments within the arcade. A stage could easily be installed, but the holographic tech? Not so much.
     After days of internal debate, she had come to a decision. Fingers tapped against her silver phone screen before being placed to her ear. With any luck, she be patched to the man who had invented the holographic technology in the first place. Or arrange a meeting. After all, he was an elite duelist himself. There wasn’t a player alive who hadn’t heard the name Seto Kaiba.
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[texting :: kaiba] You’re a PUNK. 😜 [texting :: kaiba] Well you’ve never texted saying you needed anything. [texting :: kaiba] And I wanted to make sure you had the right number in your phone. [texting :: kaiba] There is such a thing as typos you know.
@austerre :: xx
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duelingdestiny · 5 years
Grave Accusations
Amethyst eyes flashed dangerously as he waited for the glass doors to Kaiba Corp to open. Atem took in his reflection. This was an awful idea. He knew it. His face was set in a scowl and if looks could kill...gods almighty. 
Still he pressed on. He thought perhaps he would have issue with security at the front desk. But he was greeted with a “Good morning Mr. Mutou.” Which made him cringe with guilt. He hadn’t even sought out Yuugi. He should, but...No, this needs to be handled before he can do anything else. 
Using Yugi’s credentials, Atem made his way to the elevator and entered. They told him the top floor would be unlocked for him. Not everyone could simply walk into Seto Kaiba’s office. Atem knew that, but looking like Yuugi had it’s perks it seemed. The elevator ride seemed both far too fast and excruciatingly slow for Atem’s taste. It was just long enough for his anger to build back up to a disharmonious crescendo as he stepped out of the elevator. 
It was easy to tell where the most powerful man’s office in this building and in the city lie, and Atem headed towards the double doors. Once inside, he stormed past the absolutely panicking secretary and simply let himself in. He strode to directly in front of Kaiba’s desk, eyes on fire now as he took in the CEO. When last he had seen him it had been on a different plane. Atem recalled his last words which were “See you soon.” And here he was, fulfilling the prophecy. It was enough to make his blood boil. Slamming his hands on the desk Atem growled. “Just what kind of damn game do you think you’re playing at here, Seto Kaiba?”
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ironbloodccd · 5 years
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Touch Starved Prompts
🤣 - tickles my muse
     Her monthly always put a damper on her mood. The cramps, the fatigue and the emotional drops that came with it were always enough to make Wynn draw back into herself. It didn’t help that her anxiety always seemed to spike during these times too, bringing up insecurities that she normally would have been able to ignore. Such was the case here, as she lay curled up in bed under the covers with her DS abandoned on the nightstand. Needless to say, motivation was at an all time low, and even having Seto close by wasn’t helping to bring the brunette out of her funk.
     Especially since her head was swirling with insecurities with hormonal insecurities that often accompanied her period. Did he really find her attractive? How could he? There were so many girls who were, well, better than she was, who were slimmer and more feminine in both appearance and personality. Those thoughts at her curling further into herself why her teeth found her bottom lip.
     Even when she felt hands on her and heard Seto murmur her name, Wynn did little more than glance back over her shoulder at. As their gazes met, the girl saw his brows furrow, an expression that she recognized as the one that he often wore when he was trying to decide the best course of action to take. She felt one of his hands shift then, slipping down to her side, and for a moment, the girl couldn’t help but feel self-conscious. Lips parted to perhaps ask a question, or maybe to tell Seto that she was fine - truthfully, she wasn’t really sure herself.
     Because the thought was lost as a gasp of surprise overtook her, followed by a startled laugh that soon wracked her body as a tickling sensation suddenly ran across her side, moving soon to her belly. Instinctively, Wynn found herself trying to wriggle away from his hands as gasping, breathless laughs left her writhing form. Was he-- was Seto-- ??
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     “Wh-Wha-- S-Set-t-to--” She could hardly get a word out, the sensation making it impossible to stop laughing. Attempts to move away her boyfriend’s hands were met with him simply drawing her closer, and it was clear that he wasn’t about to let her escape so easily.
     “Oh G-God-- m-mercy! S-Seto, m-merc-cy-!”
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blazingsourpuss · 5 years
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[ SMS Baby Boy Blue ]: Make sure I am buried with the utmost honors--and keep my grandfather away from my funeral.
[ SMS Baby Boy Blue ]: Its my death, he'll make it his moment.
[ SMS Baby Boy Blue ]: That being said, since you asked so nicely I guess I can stick around a bit longer---milk you for all you're worth. You know, a regular monday. @austerre cont. x
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hyaciiintho-a · 5 years
@austerre ♡’d the  S T A R T E R   C A L L (;;still accepting!!)  || ❀
     The last memory to ECHO through his mind had been striking, blossoming pain that had ignited every fibre in his being, and a feeling of SUFFOCATION that left his body stiffening from the shock. For a while, it had almost seemed as though he’d simply blacked out from the pain, one moment being awake and coherent, whilst the next, all had been darkness and vague dream-like shapes and voices beyond the shadowy haze. Despite his reaching, regardless of the effort and STRAIN he had willed his muscles into performing, there was nary a twitch of movement from the dead weight of his limbs, arms and legs feeling as though they were nothing more than sacks of sand.
     And then he had awoken suddenly, ‘neath BLINDING white lights and confined beyond glass with dozens upon dozens of gazes on him, and not a single sign of his foe in sight.
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     Link tentatively paced around the strange prison, fingers pressed upon cool glass as he paused every so often to eye the STRANGE technology about the room, or merely stand before one of the many strangers as they scribbled something down in watch of him. Without the weight of his weapons on his person, the arsenal having been laid out neatly on the opposing side of the large white room, he felt naked under their scrutiny, their muffled murmurs from beyond his boundaries DRIPPING with judgement.
     An ANIMAL-- he was an animal under their watch, captured and caged for whatever purpose they may have had.
     He continued to pace.
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pxzzlepieces-blog · 5 years
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Texting Meme
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text
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[txt to: Seto] Stop ignoring me on Discord! [txt to: Seto] You’re supposed to be ASLEEP, Seto >( [txt to: Seto] The doctor’s gonna give you an earful tomorrow when he sees how tired you are! Whatever you’re doing can wait until you’ve rested!
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multlfarlous · 5 years
attempts to bother @austerre a 100 years later for like 5 mins
. ———— χαℓℓєт
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     ♫. —— ❝ Sometimes it’s kinda fun how there’s all types of Duel Monster cards for everyone’s tastes! This one is really cute! ❞ She may not be the best nor most dedicated to the game but she really couldn’t help but find it interesting, even if art wasn’t her forte she held up some of the graphical cards for inspection turning them in the light from the fresh small pack she’d picked up of random cards from this morning.
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"I'm tired. I'm irritated, I don't feel well, and, quite frankly, I don't want to deal with this right now." He's even got his head on the desk to really sell the whole performance. Back to back meetings with less than competent business partners will do that to you. "What is it? If it's something that DOESN'T need to be addressed right this very minute, then save it."
Her lips frowned a scowl at his rudeness and she had a hard time holding her tongue. So what if he was sick? At least he didn’t have to deal with morning sickness everyday! He didn’t realize how hard it was to get work done when your head hurt all the time and you felt like you were gonna barf most mornings. 
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“Yeah? And my head feels like it was run into by a dump truck, but you don’t see me complaining.” That was her snarky reply.
One hand griped at a few files, whilst the other was cradling her stomach. An over-sized, button up, white blouse with short sleeves covered the top half of her body. Whilst, the bottom half adorned a pair of comfortable jeans and some gray slip on sneakers.
“I was told to bring you some paperwork.” Annaleigh made her way over to his desk and held out the small stack of manila folders to him. The company was working on finding new people to hire for a  project Mr.Kaiba was working on and she’d been informed to bring all the paperwork to him when she was finished looking at the applicants.
“The papers don’t need to be looked at right now, but I decided I should bring them to you before lunch hour hits.”she added. The brunette was going to attempt to eat something for lunch when it was that time. This morning the only thing she’d been able to hold down was saltine crackers and ginger ale. Anything else she’d attempted to eat came right back up.
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blu3yes · 5 years
💀 an urgent text.
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       To: Definitely Not Pickled Rick
[text]: HELP.[text]: SEND HELP.[text]: STUCK IN MACHINE.
       Thankfully, he’s really in no trouble. Even if someone were to turn the damn thing on he’d be fine, if just a little startled. But that’s not going to stop him from continuing with the litany of over dramatic all-caps texts to this version of himself he’s scarcely spoken to. 
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sagexftime · 5 years
👾 - multitasking headcanon
send me a symbol for a headcanon
👾 - multitasking headcanon
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She doesn’t do it all the time, but she knows how to multitask. She’ll read a book and bake a pie at the same time, and still do both of them as though she were working on one at a time. It especially comes in handy when she’s doing paperwork, because she can do more than one page at a time. She makes use of that to try and finish her paperwork early, so she can do something fun, like going for a walk.
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condomglitter · 5 years
A whine. A poke of his lip. "Baby..." He feels so bad, oh gosh. Even if it was just a simulation, the results were... horrific. "I'm sorry."
    She’d had PLANS. Grand ones, you see – to use this ( in a playful way ) to get what she wanted. A day off, of pampering. Shared bubble baths and him washing her hair, lounging in his lap as he played the latest strategy game. Wearing nothing but his shirt, or perhaps even less – Mokuba would be at school, after all, so who was there to catch her in the living room, like that? They could send the staff away, and make crepes for one another, filling them up with absurd toppings – 
    But this face. His voice, that lip ???    She couldn’t take it. How did he handle this, all the time?
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    “Oh… Hey, it’s okay– ” She looped her arms loosely around his neck, nuzzling her cheek against his. “I know you didn’t mean it, daddy. You’d never hurt me, not like that. Don’t be sad. I forgive you, sir. I promise.”
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ironbloodccd · 5 years
I'm more InuKik myself but you can do one for Inu and Kagome. Maybe Wynn and Kaiba too?
send me a 🚼 and a ship I’ll use a doll-maker to design what I think a child between our two muses would look like
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     This is Toshiro, and I’m basing him off my ship with @kvlpa‘s Kikyo, our verse being based off of the concept that Inuyasha makes a wish on the jewel and becomes human to free Kikyo from her duties as its guardian. As such, any children that they have would be 100% human. Toshiro’s their oldest, so I have him in Inu’s kimono, as I imagine he’d inherit it as the oldest son.
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     I don’t have an official Kagome that I ship with, so this is mostly just based off of my modern verse for Inuyasha. Hoshiko would be his and Kagome’s oldest child, and takes quite a bit after her yokai heritage.
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     And last but not least, in my ship with @austerre, Seto and Wynn eventually end up having a set of twin girls, Emiko and Heidi respectively. Emiko takes more after Seto, and will likely go on to eventually take over the company after her father and uncle. We’re not really sure who Heidi takes after, exactly, because she’s a lot more social than both of her parents. She did pick up Seto’s passion for dueling though, so there’s something to be said for that.
     Heidi also eventually goes on to date Yugi & Anzu Mutou’s daughter, and Seto is L I V I D.
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"Is there something you have never told anyone?"
It was rare that he allowed himself to get drunk, and yet right now, he was well and truly soused. Sighing heavily at the question asked, Set gave a heavy shrug as he contemplated the question. Not that it took very long, for he knew the secret that weighed on him quite frequently. “No one knows how much I have to fight myself not to use the power that I can feel is just at the edge of my reach…I know why it’s dangerous, Chaos Magic is nothing to take lightly. And yet, part of me is sure I could handle it, that I could do anything if I just gave in and used that power.”
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