#at long last...............a new pinocchio version to taint with my silly little writer's hands
naivesilver · 8 months
hmmm I'll give you a lot of options with this one and say anything of your choosing off the 'questions starters' for lies of p? 😊
Listen. There are SO many characters I love in LoP - the boi himself, Romeo etc. But do you know who I will ALWAYS go to bat for? That's right, it's Eugénie 💞💞💞 this is inspired by my absolutely batshit first run of the game AND its "Free from the Puppet String" ending, thanks
Question Starters
"Do you feel alright?"
Eugénie doesn't expect the boy to come look for her because, frankly, she doesn't expect to be the person he needs, right now.
Not that there are many people left, honestly. Sophia is gone. Geppetto is gone. Antonia is wasting away to nothingness, and Polendina is an ever vigilant shadow by her side, as helpful and devoted as he always was. If there weren't a thousand and one things Eugénie can and must do to keep herself busy, she wagers she'd be going insane at the moment, what with the world falling to pieces as she speaks.
Still, fixing things is her job and her vocation. Perhaps taking a hammer and some boards to the walls of Hotel Krat might be a slight misuse of it, but weapons and machinery - that she can still do blindfolded, so when the boy comes and wordlessly holds out his legion arm for her to inspect, she accepts it without question, clearing some space on her cluttered worktable and turning on the nearest lamp. She might not be Mr. Venigni, but that doesn't mean she's useless, thank you very much.
He remains silent as Eugénie pokes and prods at him, but that doesn't faze her - he's a quiet one, this guy, always has been. She's plenty used to having to fill the silence herself, and heavens, does she need to, presently, with the doom and gloom still hovering over their heads. "It's not doing too bad- you took good care of it, you know? I just need to replace a couple springs in here."
No answer, which is just typical. What's not typical, however, is the way he seems to freeze at the words - Eugénie lifts her head from her work, pushing her glasses up to squint at him, and finds him staring vacuously ahead, all tense and curled up on himself, the other arm tucked in the folds of his coat. "Do you- are you feeling alright?"
It wouldn't be unheard of for him, to be hiding some sort of injury or- or mechanical damage, she guesses. He seems the type to avoid drawing too much attention to himself, especially at a time like this, with their generous host dying a painful death and after what Geppetto tried to make him do. Eugénie is quite ready to bully him into getting a check up, personally, but before she can conjure up a good scolding he pulls his hand out, dropping something on the table between them.
It's not blood, or grease, or, God forbid, a metal plate from his chest. Instead it's a pair of leather gloves, wonkily stitched but brand new, clearly never worn before. Eugénie chokes out a gasp, despite her best intention - she recognizes those gloves, because of course she does. She made them, after all. She made them for Alidoro, long before he...before they...
"Where did you get these?" She asks, breathlessly. "Why do you have them?"
Once again, she gets no reply. What she gets, instead, is the legion arm pulled out of her weak grasp, almost guiltily and still half-opened, and a weak, low voice whispering: "I'm sorry."
"I don't understand. Why- what happened?"
"I lied to you. Alidoro never...he said they were rubbish, but I knew it would make you upset, so I didn't tell you. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."
"Oh. I see." Eugénie glances down at the gloves again, feeling a small shiver run through her like a drop of icy water. She is a solid, practical woman, she's always thought, but these things look as dark as a bad omen, right now - the betrayal is a sharp stab in her chest, but then again she should have gotten used to it by now, shouldn't she?
"I guess I should have seen it coming," she hears herself say, distantly, forcedly light, as though it came from someone else's mouth. "He was never as nice as I'd remembered him, once he got here."
"That's because he wasn't the real Alidoro." He hasn't raised his voice even a smidge, damn him. Eugénie has to strain to hear him, and yet she feels as if paralyzed, hypnotized by what he has to say. "The real Alidoro is dead. That man killed him for- for gold. He'd been lying to everyone about his identity, for months."
"How- how do you know that? When did he tell you?"
"After the Alchemists' attack, I- I wasn't looking for him, but he was in the path, and he was cowering, and- and then I killed him."
Where earlier he was as still as a slab of stone, now he's shaking like a leaf, a full-body tremble that goes from his hair to the tip of his shoes. His face is crumpling into something that might be fury, or shame, or even just realization of all that's fallen on their shoulders; if he was capable of crying, Eugénie thinks he would be, by this point.
"He called you a stupid girl," he continues, and he's never sounded as hoarse as he does now, nor as emotional, far from any other puppet she's met before.
"He lied to you and- and he said you were the reason why he told the Alchemists about the hotel, and I know he was just a coward, but he- He did all that for money, and he couldn't even be nice to you. And he used me. I- I shouldn't have done that, but I'd seen the hotel and I was so angry-"
He won't meet her gaze, but Eugénie simply stares at him as he trails off all the same, hands folded in her lap. There is a cynical, logical part of her that tells her that she should be angry, horrified, even, at all these lies and tall tales, at a friend of hers killing a man out of pure frustration, like a rabid dog. This is what she would have done, no doubt, before Hotel Krat was destroyed.
But Hotel Krat is in shatters around her, and all she can think of is this boy, this angry, fragile thing that isn't fully human and yet isn't a real puppet anymore, who's had to watch his father die after being forced to make many a terrible choice and still wanted to come clean about what he did in the name of caring for her, as though that was the worst mistake of his life. As though it had been the last straw who managed to break his back, even after Simon Manus did his worst to get the same result.
She could be giving him any of her usual witticisms, right now. Instead, she gets up, slowly and without a word, and steps around the table to get closer to the boy, wrapping her arms around him.
He startles in her grasp, stunned, but Eugénie doesn't let go. He smells of gasoline and decay, and this is hardly her preferred method of comfort, but all of it only makes her hold him tighter, and for a split second she almost forgets who's actually holding who upright, in truth.
"Thank you for telling me the truth," she whispers, low enough that it doesn't echo, even in the hotel's cavernous, suddenly too empty arched galleries.
"And- thank you for trying to spare me, earlier. I know you only wanted to make me happy. It's not your fault that any of this happened. You were just trying to do the right thing."
There is a lull of silence, one that seems to stretch for decades. Then, haltingly, the boy lifts his arms and clings to her, the motion feeling nearly desperate, like a child begging for company after a long, dark nightmare even if the chandeliers above them are still burning sun-bright. He doesn't stop shaking, but it seems more focused, almost, true relief instead of simple rage.
And all throughout that Eugénie holds him, waiting for the moment to pass, watching those small, blasted, handmade gloves just lay there, innocently, mockingly, amongst her beloved tools.
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