#at least the colors of the houses match😅
nordsea-horizons · 10 months
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so a little update.. i messed up lol😌 the houses upgraded from tents!? i guess you really have to stay in the exact early days if you want to avoid that and i dont think i want to play without growing trees and flowers and such.. so new plans! imma make the houses work??🪴 i’m also considering getting the first version of nooks cranny since its so cute!
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glazedtrash721 · 1 year
I colored the medical sillies, as a treat :)
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I also decided to finally give Home a design!
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I'm not sure if I'm 100% sold on his current design, but this is what my brain came up with for now!
More info and fun stuff under the cut!
To start, here's Home's lil' description thing:
Though he is a man known by very few, Home still plays a vital part in the opperation of the Healthy Home Children's Hospital! This man is practically in charge of the place, making important decisions on the hospital's behalf and ensuring that everything is running smoothly! The only one known to have been in Home's office is Dr. Wally Darling himself! Home often relays news and messages through Wally if needed, and if not through him, than it's through a slightly ominous email! Home usually does not mean to be ominous, it is simply the way he is! In the end though, Home means well, and he and Wally are almost always able to see eye to eye on any potential issues regarding the hospital.
Now, here's some fun facts and headcannons! Hooray!
Everyone's heights and height order is a touch different from the original Welcome Home characters, so here is everyone's heights!:
Sally (5' 1"), Julie (5' 2"), Wally (5' 4"), Frank (5' 8"), Eddie (6' 0"), Home (6' 4"), Barnaby (6' 10"), Howdy (7' 2"), Poppy (7' 6")
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I imagine that all of the neighbors (except for Home) live in one big house in town! They're not in their own secluded town like they are in the original Welcome Home, since this house is pretty close to their work
Practically all of the neighbors have fun little pins that they have to express themselves with! If you look closely, some of them even have matching pins!
Eddie's bow tie may look a tad odd, but that's because it's supposed to look like a butterfly!
An apple a day does not keep Dr. Darling away! Actually, it might bring him closer and have him politely ask to share your apples with him! A part of him likes to surprise kids with this fact, their reactions are priceless!
This AU is a proud supporter of buff Howdy (he's at least pretty toned lol)
Home is a bit of a quirky fellow here, though I don't really think I want to make him too much of an antagonist in this AU
Ok, I think that's good for now! If you want to know anything more, feel free to send an ask! I'll figure out how to do those eventually 😅
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happyocelot · 1 year
The Same Sky and Moon and Stars
Happy Inukag Week!
I didn't realize it was InuKag week until now 😅
Not sure if this fits exactly with the prompts as it's more focused on Kagome's friends and family dealing with her returning to the past to be with Inuyasha, but I think it goes well with Day 1: Love Languages.
If it doesn't fit the prompts too well, please forgive me and ignore this 🙈 (Too nervous about tagging haha, what if it doesn't match the prompts well?)
I always wondered what Kagome's friends and family thought of her vanishing into the well, and how they dealt with her absence after years and years. This is my interpretation of how that might have been. I haven't seen more than a few clips of the sequel series yet and I am not too familiar with the storyline, but I saw a clip of Moroha hugging grandpa and maxing out Sota's credit card and I thought that was so cute. Please tell me what you think! :)
"His family had gotten on well enough, knowing that his sweet, beautiful granddaughter was safe and happy in her new home, but even so, he could detect longing and anguish for her phantom presence. He knew better, though. She hadn't gone anywhere. She was right there with him, under the same blue sky."
Kagome, and the world she left behind. Post-series.
Be sure to come to Wac's at noon! Eri had told Kagome, beaming brilliantly. Then we can go to the arcade, and then we can watch a movie.
After months and months of cram school and late nights studying, entrance exam torture and nervous breakdowns.
They'd graduated.
Yuka would move all the way down south to Kyushu for college in a few months, and Ayumi would go straight north, north, north, right into the depths of the snowiest mountains. Eri would remain in Tokyo.
Kagome still hadn't said what she was planning to do after high school, but as her grades had somehow drastically improved three years ago soon after starting high school, Eri was certain that Kagome, too, had gotten into a prestigious institution.
She hadn't said where that was, but Eri was sure that she would spill the beans after a couple of burgers and milkshakes.
Truthfully, she was hoping that at least Kagome would stay in Tokyo with her. It would be lonely with Ayumi all the way in Aomori, and Yuka in Fukuoka. Notwithstanding her strange illnesses and absences back in the ninth grade, Kagome had been dependably the next desk over in class, sharing notes and lunches and smiles for years and years and years. Eri didn't want her to go too soon.
Noon became 12:15, and 12:15 became 12:25.
Eri ordered a heaping of fries, and Ayumi an extra-large milkshake.
Yuka had taken the liberty of ordering for Kagome the extra extra extra large burger that she liked, and tapped her foot impatiently. By 12:45, she had crinkled her brow in a blend of irritation and concern.
"You don't think she suddenly got sick again, do you?" Ayumi asked. "Hang on, I'll call her house."
She pulled out her brand-new Nokia flip that Ayumi's parents had gotten her as a graduation gift. (They would all color-coordinate their phones soon. Ayumi had insisted.)
"Yes, ojii-san, this is Ayumi. I'm calling to ask about...oh, really? He's back so suddenly? She's gone to meet him?...Well, tell her to come to Wac's soon, please, her burger is getting soggy."
She hung up, her face clearing, her brow smoothing, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
"It's her delinquent boyfriend again! He's back from that three-year trip and he's gone to meet Kagome!"
Their table erupted in squeals and applause.
"So Kagome isn't in a long-distance relationship anymore!"
"Ooooh, this is way more interesting than college plans!"
"Think he's still not as good a match as Hojo-kun?"
"You think she's gonna bring him here? We need to check him out!"
"She better!"
One o'clock came and went.
Kagome still didn't come.
They shrugged their shoulders, not all that concerned. She and her boyfriend were all lovey-dovey. She was constantly getting piggyback rides from him and all. They had probably lost track of time after three years in a long-distance relationship.
Eri wrapped up the burger and dropped it off at the Higurashi house with a friendly, teasing note that Kagome would never read.
Five years had passed since high school graduation, and honestly, Ayumi was still a bit miffed at Kagome.
You would think that Kagome's best friends would be invited to her wedding. You would think that they wouldn't suddenly elope out of nowhere right after the last day of high school. Really, what were they thinking?
She'd been meaning to call for years now, hoping to give Kagome a piece of her mind. Kagome's mother had given her a phone number, but whenever Ayumi rang, there would only ever be a beep and a polite, robotic voice, telling her that the number was invalid and to please dial again.
"Mama, who's that?" her daughter asked one evening, pointing to a gaggle of smiling schoolgirls in Yuka's old, yellowing photo album.
"Hmm? Those are Eri-san and Ayumi-san. They settled down in Tokyo last year. You met them at that party, dear."
"No, mama, I mean this person."
Yuka rubbed her aging eyes and blinked.
It had been decades, but something in her heart lurched even so.
"Well, that's Kagome-san. She was a good friend of mine in high school. Don't know what she's up to now. I haven't been in touch with her for years."
Every once in a while, she would call the Higurashi shrine and ask about Kagome, if she was busy, and if Eri and Ayumi were in town, if she might want to stop by at Wac's and take a selfie and a burger for nostalgia's sake.
Kagome never was home. Her mother would always sigh softly and say that Kagome was "abroad." Whichever country she was in now, the Higurashi family definitely didn't seem keen on telling her.
It was life, she supposed. You moved on.
Still, a part of her would close her eyes and drift back to sleepy, golden afternoons and biking back home, happy smiles, and rapid-fire discussions of Kagome's strange, delinquent boyfriend.
There used to be a girl he liked, back in high school. Higurashi, wasn't it?
She was quite beautiful, and though he had been happily married for thirty years now, her bright, smiling face crossed Hojo's mind sometimes.
She had fallen quite sick in the ninth grade. All sorts of strange illnesses. Economy class syndrome and swine flu and chicken pox and even a bite from a potentially rabid dog.
Yet through those bizarre and alarming-sounding ailments, Higurashi's face always seemed to glow. She certainly didn't have the look of a sick person. Hojo hoped that meant all the get-well cards and medicines he gave her had worked.
He'd gone to an all-boys school after that and didn't get to see her as much, but every few weeks, he would run into her on the street and she would always greet him with a nod and a smile. They'd even gone to the movies once or twice, but soon enough, Hojo could tell she never saw him as anything other than a classmate. He was dejected for a while, but soon enough recovered his good cheer, and was happy that she still enjoyed his friendship.
She'd vanished after that.
Just one day, out of the blue, he stopped seeing her around on the street. He supposed she had moved away for college and a job.
Was she doing all right now? Hojo hoped that, approaching late middle age as their generation was, that Higurashi was taking care of her fragile health.
He touched the missing button of his shirt and smiled.
It was true, he had been happily married for years and whatever romantic feelings he had for her had long since faded into the breeze. But he hoped that Higurashi would always have a bright, smiling face, wherever she was, enjoying good health long into old age.
She did say that they could be friends forever, and surely it wasn't wrong to wish his friend well.
Her scent faded from the house slowly and steadily.
First downstairs, then upstairs, from the kitchen and living room and eventually from the shrine grounds. Her room stopped smelling like her long, long ago.
She used to give him good ear scratches and let him lie on her chest. She filled his food bowl much more copiously than did her brother, and she was always ready with treats from the supermarket for him.
The memory of her face was fading at the edges. Buyo was getting on in years.
He'd never forget her scent, though. Fading though it was, it lingered at the well and at the foot of the huge, old tree.
Lately he would venture down there, down that well, hoping to catch a whiff of her distinctive scent. He'd always get stuck, and her brother would pull him out.
It didn't hurt when she wasn't at his high school graduation. It didn't even hurt when she wasn't at his wedding. Once she went into that well, she couldn't come back out.
He knew that. And he knew that nee-chan was happy over there with her new family and friends. He couldn't begrudge her happiness. It wasn't like she was walking home after school one day and vanished without a trace, in potential danger. He knew exactly where she was, on the other side of the well.
Sota knew that she loved him all the same, whether she was here in the present or in the Sengoku Jidai with his new brother-in-law.
But –
He turned to his left and caught a wrinkle on his mother's forehead, and he turned to the right and caught the slow shuffle of his grandfather's feet –
And suddenly his eyes blurred with crystal tears.
New family.
New friends.
They were all getting older and older, and she was already gone, new and ancient all at once, somewhere in the distant past, before any of them were even born.
The day she became a mother was the happiest day in her life.
The day she learned she was a grandmother was yet happier.
Her tears wet the earth and soaked into the roots of the Goshinboku, all the way to her daughter.
Thank you, Kagome.
Some of Kagome's friends were sad. Others were mad. His family had gotten on well enough, knowing that his sweet, beautiful granddaughter was safe and happy in her new home, but even so, he could detect longing and anguish for her phantom presence at the kitchen table, at the hospital, at the shrine entrance greeting visitors.
He knew better, though.
He rested his aching back against the tree and breathed deeply, sensing her peculiar power.
He wasn't worried. He didn't miss her. Why would he? She hadn't gone anywhere.
She was right there with him, under the same blue sky.
Kagome stilled, her palm against the tree.
A light night wind made the branches sway and rustle under the starry sky.
She could feel it.
Feel them.
Old family and new, all at once.
The tree always did have a special power.
She wrapped an arm around her sleeping husband and daughter and smiled.
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marshallpupfan · 2 years
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As promised, here it is! The entirety of my Marshall collection!
I started this whole thing in 2019, back when I bought one single figurine to place in front of my computer monitor. Over time, as I became a bigger fan of Marshall and realized just how absolutely crazy I am about him, I ended up buying a few more things until... well, until it eventually became what you see here!
Also, let me tell you one other thing; I never realized just how much I had until I started rearranging/reorganizing a bunch of it! 😅
I figured I’d briefly talk about each section. So, let’s get started!
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The majority of the plush dolls I own are on the right. They used to be located on the bottom of the big display case, but after I started to get so many more, I figured I’d transfer them to their own thing.
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Some of the larger plush dolls are on the bottom (with some tiny dolls included because I couldn’t find spots for them elsewhere), and above are the ones that often get released during each new sub-series. Hopefully I’ll get to add the Rescue Knights plush soon, whenever it shows up. I just hope I can find a spot for it! lol
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Though most of these are plush dolls, I reserved one shelf for miscellaneous items I couldn’t find spots for on the big display case.
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Right in the middle is my TV, with a Ready Race Rescue poster above it. I also have some figurines here of various pups, though I’m hoping to add all of them some day (and perhaps others, like Claw). If you’re curious, my laptop is connected to my TV, and the image you’re seeing is my desktop wallpaper. 
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I put that wooden wall art on this wall, along with the badges that came with some of the figurines. Things were a bit bare, so I printed off some of my favorite screenshots/pics of Marshall to go along with them! The one with the lucky collar is my favorite, since that smile he has there is simply the greatest thing ever. 😁
Now, onto the big display case.
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The bottom two shelves house all of the vehicles I’ve collected. To make them appear nicer, I placed their respective figurines next to them. Some of the smaller ones, such as the True Metal vehicles, reside right below them.
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The shelf above the vehicles has most of the figurines that’s released over the years. Can you believe Marshall’s worn so many different outfits? Fireman, EMT, Air Patrol, Mighty Pups, Dino Rescue, Pup-Fu, Moto Pups, Ultimate Rescues... the list just keeps growing!
Above that are other items I’ve managed to find, such as a snow globe, Christmas ornaments, ceramic piggy (puppy?) banks, an alarm clock, bobbleheads, a big color-changing lightbulb (that large head in the back-right), candy dispensers, bubble makers, shampoo bottles, among many other things!
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And now, the last two shelves of the display case. 
The bottom one here has other misc. items I’ve collected, including lunch pails, a few Marshall-focused DVDs, Good2Grow Bottle Top heads (still missing one), more Christmas ornaments, coffee mugs, among other things. The thing in the middle is a light-up talking coin bank, which I actually imported from the UK (the first overseas item I added to my collection).
The very top houses some of the bigger plush dolls I couldn’t find room for on the right side. I included some others up there, just to fill up the empty space. There’s a few other jumbo plush dolls I hope to add here, whenever I can find them for a good price.
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And last, but not least; this singular plush. It’s one of my favorites, so I like keeping him next to my bed. I suppose you could say I consider him a companion of sorts.
Well, there you have it! Pretty crazy collection, huh? There are still a few more things I’d like to do to spruce up the whole thing a bit, like make some better shelves (the one holding the figurines is starting to bend), and perhaps paint them so they’ll all match. For now, I’m quite happy with it, and I hope you guys enjoyed seeing it!
So yeah, needless to say, I wasn’t kidding when I said I’m totally crazy about Marshall! He really is my #1 favorite animated character of all time, and I feel this collection is a testament to not only that, but just how absolutely awesome/amazing I think he is! 😉
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hungrydolphin91 · 2 years
Hey, since I gave you such a *surprisingly accurate* summary of one of ur most beloved series, including like the entire plot of Turnabout Goodbyes as I found out it’s called, can you please do another ✨ dash osmosis test ✨ for me on Shadow’s behalf? But this time on Fire Emblem 3 Houses :3. Use their blog and tell me what you think that one is about ^^
YEAH NO PRESSURE OR ANYTHING I'LL JUST TRY TO MATCH YOUR PERFECT SUMMARY OF DESCRIBING A SERIES I'VE NEVER PLAYED (joking, joking, this kind of ask is too fun to pass up on thanks for sending another) So before checking @theblackbutterfly02 blog I know uhhhh there's people. Royalty? I think the name Dmitri shows up with the fe3h tag. Some people wear blue. That's probably the color of one of the houses. They are all probably primary colors like Pokemon Go teams and I think you get to choose which house you're in and maybe marry people. There's war, probably. Is this a 3DS game or am I thinking of Awakening? Checking blog.. yeah that guy with the blond and the eye patch that's him, Dmitri Three House. He doesn't always have the eyepatch when did he get that does something bad happen to him. The lions are blue. Byleth is also blue? Didn't people want Byleth in Smash or are they already in Smash? Some of these people are probably not alive anymore and I bet that's upsetting. It looks like there's a Claude person too. What are the other two houses. Are they actual houses or no that'd be weird they're like families? Countries?? Waaait I found a red bird icon and like a yellow stag I think but I don't know who belongs to them. Is Byleth the player character it seems they come in at least 2 genders. I'm seeing the names Felix and Yuri a bit more too one of these people HAS to belong to another house it's not called Fire Emblem One House. What are they fighting for???? Everyone has to go to war why??? This is too sad 😧 oo is that art by moldy-mold This is a noncomprehensive mess compared to your in-depth chronologically correct analysis Pav but I'm trying my best 😅 I'll play Fire Emblem one of these days I swear and maybe then I'll understand why these pretty people have to murder people even though they're in love.
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milkastudies · 6 years
Tag Game
Thanks for tagging me, @tiedtonguesandflashcards !☺️💗
drink? Wodka Energy
phone call? My mother
text message? “Was haben wir in Mathe auf?” (What’s our homework in math?)
song you listened to? Candy Girl - Riverdale Cast
time you cried? Last week, because a necklace very dear to me broke
Have You:
dated someone twice? No
kissed someone and regretted it? Not completely regretting it
been cheated on? No
lost someone special? Sadly, yes
been depressed? Jup
gotten drunk and thrown up? Yes, but only once, and hopefully never again😅
Three Favorite Colors:
Every shade of blue, pastel pink, and red
In the Last Year, Have You:
fallen out of love? Not as much as I hoped to
laughed until you cried? Yes
found out someone was talking about you? Nope
met someone who changed you? Thankfully yes:)
kissed someone on your Facebook list? I have
how many of your Facebook friends do you know irl? I think everyone or at least most of them
do you want to change your name? No I’m quite happy with it
what did you do for your last birthday? Since my birthday was only yesterday,  we got together with my family at a restaurant. But I’m also throwing a house party on Saturday for my friends, which I’m still looking forward to.🙈
what time do you wake up? On weekdays 6am because of school, and 7 on weekends (got used to being an early riser)
what were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping😴
something you can’t wait for? The New Year
last time you saw your mom? At lunch
what is one thing you wish you could change in your life? There are quite some thing I want to change, but instead of wishing I did something the other way around, I try to do it otherwise in the future🙈
what are you listening to right now? My study music
have you every talked to a person named tom? Yes, though I think I only now one person named like that
something that is getting on your nerves? That I’m only allowed to drive alone on Jan 1st because before that I don’t have insurance. 
most visited websites? Tumblr, randaris-anime.net, youtube, Netflix
Other Info:
mole/s? yes all over my body
marks? Some scars
childhood dream? Wanted to be a princess, who would travel to the moon
hair color? brown
long or short hair? Used to be really long, but cut it last week so now more like  midlenght
do you have a crush? Yes
what do you like about yourself? I’m honest
piercings? Just single lobe piercings
blood type? Don’t know
nickname? Mel, Meme, Meliza, Mimi
relationship? Not right now, but maybe, if my crush liked me back😅🙈
zodiac? Sagittarius
pronouns? She/her
favorite TV show? Good morning call
tattoos? Not yet, but maybe a small one in the future
right or left handed? Right
surgery? got a birthmark removed
dyed hair? No
sport? I play volleyball once a week since about 1,5 years
vacation? To Japan please
sneakers? All day, every day unless I’m wearing heels 
More General:
Eating? Just ate sausages for dinner
drinking? Water
waiting for? Going to university
want: Adventure/freedom, travel, time
get married? Yes, I want to
career? Housemom, who does translating jobs and works in a shop, which sells lingerie 
hugs or kisses? From one specific person please
lips or eyes? Eyes
shorter or taller? Taller
older or younger? Older preferred, but guess that didn’t work out as planned
nice arms or nice stomach? Arms
sensitive or loud? Loud
hook up or relationship? Relationship
troublemaker or hesitant? Troublemaker
Have You Ever:
kissed a stranger? Once
drank hard liquor? Yes
lost glasses? Nope! I don’t have ones to begin with.
turned someone down? I have
sex on the first date? Nope
broken someone’s heart? Yes
had your heart broken? Twice
been arrested? Nope
cried when someone died? Yes
fallen for a friend? Yes, for the first time rn and oh lord is it hard
Do You Believe In:
yourself? Try to
miracles? yes
love at first sight? No, though I think you can like someone at the first glance
santa claus? As a kid
kiss on the first date? Sure, if we match
current best friend? Noelle
eye color? Green-brown
favorite movie? Easy A as well as High school musical
I tag @the-miraculous-polyglot, @cactii-studies, @littlelinguaphile, @bashful-berry, @leplusgrandlivredumonde and @lets-learn-this! As well as anyone who wants to do it☺️
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