augustphobic · 6 years
astrallion replied to your post “i lov how all my older mutuals collectively agree that yes, I Am Their...”
fuck you bih you're my legit son now hush up and eat your easter candy that i gave you a day early while your mother wasn't looking
Thank You Father
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boy-above · 6 years
what's up it's me here to provide some interaction. my day was pretty good!! i spent a lot of time listening to taz and playing minecraft because i've been stressed and needed a break. went to spanish class and learned some conjugations for verbs and stuff. came home and had a yummy snack and now i'm listening to more taz and doodling my gta character.
oo that does sound like a good day! i need to catch up on taz, i haven’t listened to the mini arcs yet. and minecraft is always fun, i go back and play it every now and again but i can never bring myself to play it without keep inventory on lmao
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redvsvblue · 6 years
hey but hybrid au where jeremy is a panther hybrid. a dangerous big cat that rumbles so happily when he gets pets. that curls up tightly on the couch next to whoever is laying on it. he's probably scared as hell about scratching or biting someone since his claws and fangs are deadlier than a house cat's. he tries to be as gentle as possible so he doesn't hurt anyone. he probably always feels bad whenever he does and licks their wounds and just clings to them and purrs to apologize.
NICE. Soft panther boy who likes getting scratched behind the ears and it’s hilarious to them how quickly they can make an apex predator purr for them but he loves them and he is a Warm Boy who flops on their laps or just on them and is very gentle and careful with his sharp claws. 
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samijen · 6 years
hey man thanks for boosting the discord posts n stuff. you artists are rad and i'm glad both of us now have spaces to share our stuff in the community. i hope the artists discord is going well and i hope the rest of your day is swell!!
same goes to you buddy! 👉😎👉
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sorcererinthestars · 7 years
oh man your posts about jeremavinwood reminded me i have a prompt for them in my inbox. but man just?? ryan being the one the lads run to when they need help the most. the lads protecting ryan fiercely while he does the same with them. all of them sharing a huge bed together and snuggling together as they sleep. ryan and jeremy teaming up to make breakfast for everyone while michael drags gavin out of bed. so many good ideas with them man.
I love this a lot.Yeah - I feel like the Lads love the other two gents (of course they do, they're all "thick as thieves" - if you don't mind the pun - and utterly devoted to one another. But they're a bit scared of going to Geoff or Jack if they have a problem they know they'll be in trouble for. It's kind of being scared to go to a parent.. But Ryan? Ryan's the perfect man to go to with a problem, especially a problem that can be solved with a good punch or a kick to the rear. He's ready and willing to kick the ass out of anyone who would hurt his boys. If a pistol bullet needs to go between someone's eyes, than so be it. He'll put it there with a grin. And the Lads will help Ryan too - they're his most stalwart defense force. They'll fight for him and they'll die for him, if needed. He always looks great with his boys hanging off his arm, too. And oh my godddddd. I love the idea of Jeremy and Ryan cooking breakfast, all peaceful and warm and cuddly. They tease each other and steal kisses over scrambled eggs, laughing as Gavin pouts and grumbles at being dragged out of bed. Then they kiss and cuddle and pet one another.Yessss, give me all the good jeremavinwood.
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fjorrd · 7 years
concept: michael sinning because of geoff and being thrown from heaven. geoff catching him and taking him to his little home either in hell or on the mortal plane. helps michael recover from losing his angel status and kisses over his hurt wings ( or if they were ripped out, over where they used to be. ) geoff loving michael regardless of his status and protecting him fiercely from demon and angel alike. :')
(’:::::::: geoff loves,,, him,, so damn much,,,
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shadeofazmeinya · 7 years
astrallion replied to your post: so uhhhhhh model! ryan au am i right?
how about photographer gavin and maybe like security guy/body guard jeremy? someone’s gotta make sure these two guys are kept safe and get to where they need to go. michael can also maybe be a fellow bodyguard too or like their personal driver or something. you don’t gotta use these but figured i’d share them!!
fuck body guard jeremy is so good too!!! they’re all so good what do i chose
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acevav · 7 years
comes out of the ocean to kiss you and remind you that i love you so much
Shit son I’ve just been kissed by the sweetest fish I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting I think I might give up my life on land to go live in water with him oh man
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jerevino · 7 years
what is the most underrated ship, in your opinion?
geoff/ryan honestly. i’m so so so here for their dynamic and i feel like the fanfic and fanart is severely lacking for them. jack/gavin is a close second, though
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beekid · 6 years
astrallion replied to your post “astrallion replied to your post “astrallion replied to your post ...”
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augustphobic · 7 years
Razzmatazz, Burnt Sienna, and Flax!
razzmatazz: favorite t.v. show?uhhhhhhhhhhhhh idfk uhhh i dont watch tv that much anymore?? i liked madoka magica, akame ga kill, bnha and one punch man if you want Other Shows i like
burnt sienna: favorite smell?incense is Nice..... the smell of pho is also good
flax: do you like going to the beach?not particularly?? i mean the ocean is nice and all but the sand Is Not
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boy-above · 7 years
my day was pretty good!! i did a lot of running around and got some important stuff done!! i talked to my counselor about my classes and got a yummy snack at the store. then i got to pet with a bunch of puppies at pet smart because they were doing that dog adoption day!! and then i had some yummy pizza for dinner and some caramel filled kisses to help me feel better since finals are coming up skjfdkj
yeaaa good job on a productive day!! good luck on finals!
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issdefiant · 6 years
astrallion a réagi à votre diaporama “decided to clean my cupboard out and uh. hi y’all, a chef lives here”
tony what the fuck
ray and i watched too much hell’s kitchen and kitchen nightmares 
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jeremichal-archive · 6 years
happy birthday my dude!!! hope it's a good one!
oh gosh, thank you!
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chocohvahva-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
"ya goof" im yelling yelling!!!
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fjorrd · 7 years
late at night, when geoff and michael are snuggling, geoff likes to trace patterns on his back around the scars. michael will whine and tell him to stop because they're still sensitive. and so geoff will roll michael onto his stomach and kiss and massage his back gently. rub some soothing cream he conjured up over the marks so they don't hurt or get too tight. humming softly and speaking in demonspeak to michael. michael always falls asleep without fail like that.
you’re gonna make me cry im so gay for this
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