junipernoon · 2 months
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Alright gay people who live in my phone.
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blithesrps · 2 months
Look at my children……they are beautiful…
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blithesharem · 1 month
cozy asks 6 and 13 plz (for any of yours)
Thankies uwu
Also accidentally reblogged this to my main soooo sorry not sorry everyone
6. What's your OC's idea of a cozy night in?
Ara (and Rat) both got really turned on to movie nights when staying at Ramshackle with Yuuri. It was a key part in sort of introducing them to culture outside of their lives as Hivechildren. So even now Ara is partial to a big cuddle pile, some snacks, and an interesting movie.
Falla and Asmina are both bookworms. They’re partial to curling up by a fire with some tea and a few volumes. Or Falla might listen to a podcast about botany while she does needlepoint. Company welcome but not required.
Olive is very into video games, so some sort of big mission or campaign that he’s been waiting to tackle maybe. Though tbh that’s just his normal night in…for cozy maybe curling up and watching streams or lets plays from something soothing.
13. What makes your OC feel safe and secure?
This is such a good question. For Ara it’s having someone at her back. Literally feeling the warmth of someone she trusts against her, knowing that nothing is going to catch her from behind that way. She also prefers smaller rooms with clear exits. It’s settles her. Later on her safest place is between Leona and Ruggie in bed.
Rat is the opposite he prefers wide open spaces. He wants to be able to see the threat coming and be able to eye out the best escape rout in a glance. When it comes to relationships I don’t know that Rat has ever felt fully secure. The honest answer is that he feels safest when he knows he’s serving some purpose for someone. He feels safe in the knowledge that as long as they need him he can stay. Not the healthiest approach but…
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cyanide-latte · 26 days
Omg those character friendship asks...i need to know every one about everyone...I'm going to be greedy sorry not sorry...
🫂 PDA, 💢Combat ❤️‍🩹Healing and 🌂Rain for Talesin and the twins and/or Asmina
🎁Gifts and 🐣 Upbringing for Ren and Idia or Chrys and Idia
🎤 Karaoke for all the sexy shroud men, Ilias, Chrys and Kit boom badda boom boom boom HAH
The prompt list in question if anyone wants it
Throwing this under a cut bc it's gonna be lengthy...
Q: 🫂 PDA — what are their opinions on public displays of affection? are they comfortable with touch, or is that a big 'no' in their friendship?
A: Talesin doesn't have the first qualm about physical shows of affection. Hugs, leaning on a friend, looping his arm with a friend so they're linked at the elbows, spontaneously dancing with a friend... whatever the case may be, he's very open with his affection and doesn't think twice about it! With the twins, that doesn't strike me as something they would want to keep private; they're so confident I can't see them being bothered by Talesin showing his affection like this. I imagine with Asmina, it's probably something she doesn't want seen as publicly, and if she tells Talesin such, then he'll refrain (as best as he can, at least,) in order to respect her boundaries.
Q: 💢Combat — for fighters, how do they work off each other to defeat a greater foe? would they have a "team attack" or tactics for attacking an enemy, or in a more realistic scenario, who would be most likely to pick a fight for the other's honor? for pacifists, is there anything that can push them to resorting to violence?
A: Talesin's never had much practical combat experience, though he's definitely willing to talk about figuring out team attacks with the twins? He can do some strategizing, thanks to instruction from his Dad (Copper) and from Uncle Jamil, though he's likely not as good as Tòn or Asmina. (Side thought, I'm curious to know if you think Talesin and Asmina would develop Duo Magic at some point! 👀) Typically speaking, Talesin is a pacifist at heart. His Baba (Kalim) insisted on raising him to try for peace first. But of course, if the lives of loved ones are truly threatened, Talesin does have those monstrous abilities he's only just now learning about...
Q: ❤️‍🩹Healing — when one of them is hurt or suffering, what little things does the other do to help them heal (physically, emotionally, etc)?
A: This one is interesting, because in addition to never really getting sick as a result of how unusual he is, Talesin likely has an accelerated state of healing. So when he's injured, it heals too fast. When he was little, I expect the twins might have noticed but perhaps not remarked on it much? Whereas Asmina would have fussed, and Talesin likely thought she could heal any hurt he ever had, never realizing his body isn't normal. By contrast, I can see him constantly fretting if any of them got hurt. Talesin's the first to rush for help, and since he has to learn a few things about first aid anyway (both as a big brother when Dad and Baba adopt other kids, and in general if he's going to learn to sail with Dad,) he starts applying that when he can. Asmina is better at it than him, make no mistake, but at least he can check in on her and make sure she's resting, hydrating, getting what she needs. With the twins, he's in overdrive. Them getting injured distresses him, and the best thing he can do is focus on treating what he can, and staying with them and supporting them if he can't help their injuries otherwise.
Q: 🌂Rain — how do they usually spend a boring or rainy day together?
A: When he's little and it's a boring rainy day, Talesin wants to go exploring indoors. Asmina probably keeps him to the wings they're allowed to go in as best she can, but I don't doubt he gives her the slip if he finds an opening, to try to play hide and seek and get her to have more fun. This is amplified a thousandfold when the twins visit. Forbidden exploration is so much more fun when two of your friends are encouraging it! As he starts hitting his teen years though, he is also inclined to curl up, tell stories, talk about his hopes and dreams for the future, and nap in a cuddle puddle with them.
Q: 🎁Gifts — what would they get each other as a gift?
A: Ren would get Idia something practical, something to help accommodate him as much as possible, be it new noise-canceling headphones, a weighted blanket, blue light filters, comfy loungewear that doesn't have offensive textures, or safe foods he knows Idia will eat. By contrast, I can see Idia trying to get Ren either media he thinks Ren will like, or trying to gift him copies of games Idia loves in hopes maybe Ren will start playing with him. As for Chrys, Idia is never sure what to get his older cousin whereas Chrys is well aware of the things Idia is into and won't hesitate to get him plushies, manga, Premo merch, etc.
Q: 🐣 Upbringing— how do their childhoods compare, and what do they think of the families that raised them? have they always been together? do they share any common footing when it comes to how they grew up?
A: Ren and Idia met through school, and their childhoods couldn't be more different. Perhaps the only common footing they have in how they've grown up is that they've each endured the loss of an important family member at a young age and they were both tech prodigies at a young age as well (though Idia was still leaps and bounds ahead of Ren.) On the other side of the coin, Chrys's father and Idia's are brothers, and the two have grown up with their families being extremely close to the point Chrysanthos often feels more like an older brother than a cousin to Idia and Ortho. Despite having a lot of common ground however, they've clearly both grown up quite different. They're a study in contrasts to one another.
Q: 🎤 Karaoke — what's their go-to karaoke songs, for when they're taking turns singing and what duet do they choose when they're singing together?
A: For Ilias it's Southern Girl by Incubus, for Chrys it's Holding Out For A Hero by Adam Lambert, and dear sweet Kit, despite his extreme shyness about his choices, gravitates either towards I Think We're Alone Now by Tiffany or The Moment You're Mine by Cadenti. If the three of them are going to sing together (woof, three generational harmony,) it would be down between For Your Entertainment by Adam Lambert, Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic by Sleeping At Last, or In Joy And Sorrow by H.I.M., just depending on the mood and vibes at the time.
Thank you, I cried with joy seeing this in my askbox!
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Hello! I'm Asminae! I love games and want to make visual novel about monster girls, boys and anything between and beyond!
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asminahcasim · 4 months
“Moment in Motion: The Dance of My Everyday Lives”
A moment to remember, when my grandma and I were likely Tom and Jerry because of my mischief, she used to chase me around with a wooden stick, we wouldn’t stop chasing each other until she finally caught me up and hit me with the stick she had with her, so naughty me.
Hi!!! by the way I am Asmina Casim, middle child of my parents, I’m just want to share my life story with you, for three days after I was born in this world, my grandparents took care of me, even though my parents are around, my grandpa decided to take me in and bring me home to Mindanao, but even though I’m in Mindanao, I always take a vacations here, before that I want to share with you what my parents work, They are both Businessmen, and that time I can say that our family is incredibly perfect and happy, We are so blessed with everything we have, Our parents do everything they can to provide us with the things we need. But suddenly our once very happy family faced a tough situation, my dad had another woman, and when my mother found out, she got stressed. Unfortunately, because of the stress, my mom couldn’t safely give birth to my sibling. When my sibling passed away, my sister and I really blamed our dad because it was truly his fault, we believe that what happened to our sibling was because of him.
Fast forward, my mother and us have moved on from the painful memories left by our father, guess what? He chose his new partner over us, it’s painful to think about, but it’s true. After those hardships, I returned to Mindanao to continue my studies there, my life back in Mindanao was extremely simple, I was a cheerful child who always played outside with my friends, during my elementary, I didn’t think about life’s problems because I was too young my interests revolved around playing outside, I found joy only in playing because I didn't have a happy family during those times. Despite that, I had friends who became a significant part of my life, bringing immense happiness to my days. They make my days extra special when I’m with them, and I always forgot those problem in my mind, our friendship is full of laughter, until now there is no changes between us, even I am now far from them, the closeness is still remaining, I can say that they are among the happy moments that happened in my childhood.
As the years passed, I entered high school, and that's where life changes began. I learned to think right about what's happening around me. And also that time I realized that I no longer had a happy family to return to, and I constantly suffered too much, I always begged God to bring back our happy family and return my dad to us. I’m consistently been the top student in our school since elementary until in my high school, but for me, all the awards I received feel useless because I never experienced my dad hanging my medals. I even dislike recognition days because instead of being happy and proud, I feel sad seeing others joyfully going up the stage with their dads, I never experienced too that my dad being proud of me or seeing that I’m worth it as his child. I have a huge resentment towards him, how I wish I could open up to him, but my shyness prevails, ever since my dad left us, the closeness disappeared, and I don’t have the courage to talk to him about the things that hurt me.
Now that I’m in my senior high school and can make decisions on my own, I want to choose to be happy despite of all tears that I thru before, I just realized that the past cannot be brought back, and I just want to focus on my studies instead and do my best to make my mom proud of me, I don’t know where life take me, but I got this and I always got this, I will continue as long as I have a strength to build a happy life again and forget everything that is already done…
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cherrismas · 1 year
Sims 4 — Not-So-Berry Challenge [2023]
generation one: mint
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info & stats
name: asmina price (maiden name “mint”)
gender: female
traits: materialistic, vegetarian, jealous, tormentor, mentor, waterproof, entrepreneurial, frugal, dastardly, sinister, lover
zodiac sign: pisces
likes: (music) pop, easy listening, romance; (hobbies & skills) fitness, video games, rocket science
dislikes: (hobbies & skills) handiness; (color) yellow
(husband) Marcel Price
(biological child) Roselyn Price
(step children) Gianni Price, Anton Silversweater-Price, Jayden Price, Savannah Price, Sidney Price
(grandchildren) Gialla Nishidake
most often slept (79 times)
most often passed out (4 times)
completed 73 whims
most often focused (452 times)
lifestyles: people person
reputation: bad
fame perks: noticeable
life summary
bought a home in oasis springs as a young adult. no family, just a new life. wanted to be closer to her work in a confidential science lab.
met a guy named hector at work. quickly became special friends and would have sex on breaks. just someone and something to fill the lonely gap.
hector’s significant other (who Asmina had no clue of) finds out about them. he gets angry and beats Asmina during a usual intimate time at work. their relationship ends. she invents the sim ray, freezing him in self defense one day as he approached her.
Asmina begins hooking up with a neighbor named marcel. he is married, but she is lonely and he fills the gaps. her previous lover began to stalk and harass her and he keeps her safe.
eventually, she found out and they divorced and he remarried asmina. there was a cheating and drug issue for a while, but after the birth of their daughter, roselyn, he came clean to asmina and they worked things out.
now, asmina lives with her husband, her step-son sidney, her daughter roselyn, their dog peachy, and their bunny honky. with the support of her family, she specialized in skills such as logic and mischief, and even accomplished her dreams.
in her late 40’s, asmina finally completed her simiotic table of elements collection by individually isolating elements from crystals and metals. she also was abducted by aliens and due to have a set of extraterrestrial twins. however, she lost the children in a miscarriage.
she decided to raise rosie’s daughter as her own due to rosie’s desire to not be a parent and her own longing for her babies. she taught gialla to be an avid science lover and adore space like no other.
at 50, she won a nobel prize and reached the highest level of her scientist career. she became a world famous scientist known for inventing many revolutionary technologies and improving the scientific world.
at 55, asmina was finally able to travel to the distant planet Sixam. she fell in love with the planet and it’s people, and often times found herself longing to be there when at home. some say this is what inspired her granddaughter, Gialla, to become infatuated with the planet.
Asmina lived out a full life. Upon her passing, the science lab she worked at was renamed the “Asmina P. Science Center”. Asmina was buried in the family cemetery and missed by many. she truly had a huge impact on the lives of her family members.
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🧡 Asmina 🧡
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gangabarretooficial · 4 years
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Sabe o que combina com uma legenda de boa na areia? Esta legenda! 😆💋 Hoje a tarde tem supresa! 👊🤩 #sabadou #sabadomusical #supresa #recifepe #liveganga #livesurpresa #musicallives #musicaemcasa #musicaretro #hits #cantoras #cantorasdobrasil #éhoje #aovivoeacores #parcerias #anunciar #mulheresnamusica #lgbtbrasil #asminas #asmanas #asmonas #quarentena #FicaEmCasa #EmCasa #livehoje #chamageral #chama #chamatodomundo #GangaBarreto #gangabarretooficial (em Em Casa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_-ETrzHY7S/?igshid=y7alcyfsoxzl
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Amanhã pelo Campeonato Gaúcho Feminino Adulto, terá mais um jogo das Minas de Candiota (A. E. João Emílio), contra a equipe do S. C. Oriente, às 15 horas no Estádio Tarumã, em Candiota. Força gurias! #federacaogauchadefutebol #AEJoaoEmilio #AsMinas #éasguria #SCOriente #futebolfemininonarede https://www.instagram.com/p/B4FPi-FnivE/?igshid=129q1u5tlx4b2
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gratidao95 · 5 years
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Não tenha medo, tenha fé LUCAS 8.50 ⚽️🙌🍀Excelente semana pra nós #RespeitaAsMinas #RR95 #ASMINAS (em Ginásio de Esportes do Cruzeiro) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1EPQ68ANjE/?igshid=1oa5brm2xa2dt
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noodlesarecheese · 2 years
I think about native fruit trees a normal amount.
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blithesrps · 1 month
For any OCs you feel like answering these for!
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
I feel like answering for the next gen kiddos today so here we go!
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
Of the kiddos, Falla and Olive mask the least. They're both pretty honest about how they feel and what they think. Olive is a cosplayer and enjoys modeling for her own camera but she doesn't feel like she's putting on a persona or anything. And despite some people who think Falla's apathy is hiding more intense emotions she really is just pretty chill and focused on her tasks at hand. Gigi has such serious siblings, she kind of has unconsciously taken it upon herself to be the bright, happy, fun member of the group. She has a hard time admitting even to herself when she's struggling with negative emotions like anger or hurt, so her mask is definitely one of the carefree lackadaisical variety. Asmina has this desperate need to be in control at all times, and that includes of her own composure. Even if deep down she's a little too passionate to always pull it off, Asmina strives to always seem as cool and collected as her father. Of course, Kana and Ton probably mask the most. What are they hiding exactly? I'm not sure even I know. Kana takes care to always present the image of herself that will accomplish her goals at the time, alternating between friendly and gregarious and stern and focused as the situation needs. Ton's main goal is to pass under the radar so he tries to put forward an unassuming and unthreatening face at all times. He always plays the role of 'good cop' to Kana's occasional 'bad cop'. Even their very best friend and absolute center of their world, Talesin, has only seen their masks drop a handful of times, usually late at night and often when they've pushed themselves to the point of exhaustion and can't manage to keep up the act any longer. They're often quite embarrassed the next morning at having let such weakness show...
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
Gigi: Despite being an ace Spelldrive player and wanting to go pro...she's terrified of heights. She's definitely missed a shot because she dropped her gaze from the disk to look down... Olivine: She secretly really really wants to inherit her father's company holdings...she's nowhere near as clever, cut throat or savvy as he is though, so she doesn't think she should really make a shot of it because she'd only disappoint him (and herself). Asmina: She secretly...deep down...very deep down...likes girls. (It's not a secret literally everyone has known for years but her) Kana and Ton absolutely won't spill and Falla spent 15 minutes trying to think of a secret and failed. She's like, "Idk man my brain is too full of lab records and plant breeding schedules to have secrets..." EDIT: Okay actually Falla does have a secret, it's that she was named after her Uncle Falena. Though that's really more of her father's secret since Leona would be mortified if people know he actually did that like UGH...
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tmmay013 · 6 years
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cyanide-latte · 1 month
∅ GOD so many delicious choices it’s hard to pic. I would love the Wei duo’s thoughts on Ara since I don’t know that we’ve actually discussed it?
Also Chrys for any of the next gen kiddos he wants to read to filth 👀
Oho! 👀 Fascinating choice here~.
Wei Renqiao- Ren's got a lot of respect for Ara. He sits somewhere in the middle in terms of how much he relates to her versus how much he relates to Rat, but in a few crucial ways he's closer to Ara in terms of similarities. I do think there's also a potential for them to be foils in different ways eventually, as Ara doesn't realize she's giving up one cage for another when she becomes leader of her STYX strike team but that's what she's doing, whereas Ren doesn't see his decision to join STYX as imprisoning himself. There's a potential seed there for them to have a very interesting discussion in the future.
Wei Xinyi- This is a very interesting one. Xinyi struggles a lot with their perception of self for a long time between the role they're expected to fill for their people, the roles they try to fill in their family, the person they are inside and want to be able to outwardly express, and especially how they're seen by others. Because of a lot of their past trauma, A-Xin doesn't exactly tend to get close to others, no matter how kindly they treat them. But I do think they'd see a similar struggle in Ara, and would want to offer solidarity to her as a result. They don't necessarily see themself as a teacher or mentor, but sometimes it helps more to have someone who can relate, even if it's just on a broader scale, to your inner turmoil and personal conflict.
Oh boy, Chrys roasting the nextgens. There's a need to hold back (he's probably known and looked after some of these kiddos) but also, that's not going to help them sort their shit if he does.
"Falla Kingscholar and Asmina Viper could both do with living a little. The former because she needs to do it for the sake of testing the waters, and also because she doesn't need to pick up her paternal lethargy. Of course, if she did get Leona's suspected depression, that's going to need a lot more work. The latter just needs to break out of whatever strict confines she's got herself in. Doesn't matter how she was raised; at this point, she is self-enforcing the behaviors that cause her loneliness and isolation. Sooner or later, between that and the rigidity, she's likely to snap and crumble if she doesn't learn to shake it up.
"Don't get me started on the Kingscholar twins. They've never been challenged and had their mettle tested. They're too comfortable. Sooner or later, something is going to crack the foundations of their world and they can either be tested or they can stay in denial trying in vain to repair those cracks. Smart as whips, I'll give them that, but they've got a lot of growing and emotional maturing to do. Brains can only help you so far there.
"...you know what, Gigi's actually okay, just get that kid a little help for her points of anxiety, she's going to do just fine."
(there is a long, long pause as Chrys looks slowly at Olivine Ashengrotto, and he is yoinked offstage and magically silenced before he can open that one up with any remarks made about "so let me tell you about your dad when he was attending NRC-")
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paporetoliliane · 5 years
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♀⚢Tem promoção link na bio. Respeita #asmina https://www.instagram.com/p/B5myPFlnIJc/?igshid=1uodytolynhbe
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