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HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! This seemed so fitting after looking into these characters, and your god like skills in this cookie game is admirable so I had to combine the two. 
To: @asktheshamansleuth
From: @askboompom
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💰 (from asktheshamansleuth!!)
Due to Bartholomew getting a little overwhelmed in the casino, he decided it would be nice to sit and relax a bit in the lounge area. Thankfully there were a couple chairs that would accommodate his size.
He noticed someone who looked rather strange sprawling out on a couch. Rather than staring, he decided it would be best to mind his own business. He sat down a short ways away from the person and gave a small sigh.
He started to reach for his cigarette tin when he realized it might be rude to smoke in here without asking. “Um..” He started, looking over at the interesting person. “Would you mind if I smoked?”
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ask-lilith-blog1 · 7 years
After having purchased a large pumpkin, along with some eggs, butter, cheese, and milk, Baxter was feeling rather satisfied with how the night had proceeded thus far. Not only had they been able to escape out to this quiet little farm for the evening, but it was very out of range. She had been thinking about taking on the mystery box game (rather confident in her ability to win) when she had spotted them, standing in their usual straight-backed manner by themselves near the edge of the pathway, their long cape sweeping the floor and swirling a wine glass full of what she could correctly deduce as not-wine. She stopped in her tracks, staring at them for a few seconds before letting out a snicker. She swung herself around, making her way behind them undetected, and placed her pumpkin down on the ground next to her before slowly and deftly sliding her fingers onto the bot’s shoulders.“Fancy seein’ YOU here, Scratch. I didn’t think this was your type o’ shindig.”
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ask-a-bumpty · 7 years
Jillian clutched onto the straps of her brown backpack as she made her way through the crowd, mostly keeping her eyes to the ground. However, during the split second she decided to look up, she saw a pink pair of.....fairy wings??? Was that a fairy?!? Without hesitation, she ran as fast as she could (in a big fluffy dress) over to the wings and reached out to touch one, letting out an excited gasp. 
“Your wings are so pretty!! Are you a fairy?? they’re pink, Jus’ like m’dress!!!” 
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Official Hiatus
So I hate to say it, but it was really a long time coming with my inactivity! It’s time to put this blog and @asktheshamansleuth on hiatus officially. ;_;
I still love my OCs and want to tell their stories, but my creative drive? Has been completely elsewhere since September (anyone who knows me well enough knows why). And it’s likely going to stay that way for a bit, I’m sorry to say. Plus, I’m having my first artist’s alley table in the Summer and I have to refocus everything to prepare for that!
I’ll still pop by every now and then if I draw my OCs or something I like but for now it’s time to go on a big break. I’ll see everyone here later and thanks all for your support thus far! 💖
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HOO BOY.... I have not been ‘round here in a while. I know I have apologized for it a million times, but I’m so sorry for neglecting this blog ;; I’ve been particularly invested in my Mario OC ask blogs ( @mushroomcityapartments and @asktheshamansleuth which u should follow if you like my art+sense of humor) bc I’ve been working on lots of plot for those so I’m excited to get things moving along there.
I’ve had no inspiration for plot here unfortunately (though there is a high chance that doopliss WILL get involved with the plot over at mushroom city at some point), but I was looking through it and missing writing for the little brat. So, I think I’m gonna do some blog and inbox cleaning and try to get back to it?? Slowly but surely.
Thanks for sticking around you guys!! It means a lot!
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MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I was SO excited to do this, I had a lot of fun drawing these two, so I’m really glad I got the chance to do yours. 🥺 Their relationship is cute…
To: @asktheluma​
From: @asktheshamansleuth​ [Full Quality Pic]
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Audrey and Tower’s new refs are done!! When you compare them to the old ones, they’ve come so far ;;
Next up is Mercy and Merlilac for my other blog, @asktheshamansleuth ;0c
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y’all... if ur not, u should be following @asktheshamansleuth bc the plot there will intertwine with the plot here eventually so eyes emoji
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